Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1908, Image 3

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Residence Telephones $1.00 Per Month
Business Telephones $2.00 Per Month
The Railroad Commissioners have stopped us from giving new subscribers free trial service.
We have ordered equipment to care for additional 6,000 telephones. WHAT'S TO BE DONE?
JUST THIS: We are going to start January the First to charge old and new subscribers $2.00 per
month for business telephones, and $1.00 per month for residence telephones. When we have 6,000
telephones installed the rate will be raised 25c per month on residence telephones and 50c on busi
ness telephones. When we have 7,000 telephones, and until we have 10,000, the residence rate will be
raised 25c and the business 50c.
All you need to do to get these rates is to pay your telephone bill at our office before the 10th of
each month, If you don't, we will charge each residence telephone an additional 25c and each busi
ness telephone 50c.
We know that you will approve these rates because they are fair, and you only pay for what you get.
Residence Telephones $1.00 Per Month. Business Telephones $2.00 Per Month
1L i ) L J 1 i 1 Jul My A N JJL
Likely to Be Asked to Contribute
Toward Inauguration Pond.
Mate Kali war (.iialHlai if.rTn
Hair. Filed fc? the ladeweadeat
Liacoln Office Omaha Bee
518 Little Building
Auto 7417. Bell A-2598
G. N. Porter, Manafer.
appropriations mads by the state legisla
tures. Amont other things the statement nyi:
There are three building, which the stale
fair management cannot hope to erect on
the slate fair ground, without legislative
j ney are
ital stock of $10,00 and Its headquarters
Is at Fairbury. The Incorporators are
Allen Q. Campbell. Virgil Campbell, Ed
ward Campbell and Fred Hatfield.
& M. Melick and Mrs. Melick entertained
the members of the "Richest Girl" com-
j pany yesterday at dinner In honor of their
I son. Harry Melick, who is a member of
the company. The younger Melick. was
given an ovation at the theater last night
by his former school mates and friends.
The state railway commission has sent
out notices to all the telephone companies
of the state to send a representative to a
meeting to be held In the office of the
commission on January 16. The railway
commission has many subjects about which
( from a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 'JB. (Sjieclal.r-Governor-rleil
henVnberger's new colonels will haye
an opportunity to do- a patriotic act the
first tall to arms. There is no appropria
tion to pay for any frills at the Inaugura
tion of the new governor, so it lias about
been dot-idea to levy an assessment on the
low colonel.. If there are thirty colonels,
110 each would do the business, as It is 11c
ured It will cost not more than 100 to put
all frill necessary Into the blowout, In
cluding flowers an J pjneh. Adjutant Gen
eral Sihwars and to-be-Adjutant
S-tartlg-en are slewed up in their arrange
ments for, Hie inaugural ball by reason or
a scsrii.'y of state finances. Bo It has just
about been decided to levy am assessment
u the .new colon, la. which It is said la a
r.lce favor to the olnels
. Kiasa Fair's
Seuralary W. R. Meilor of the Stat Board
of AgiVtflUtrr has mailed out to memhers
elact of the legislature a statement of the
needs of the state board and also what has
been accomplished during the last few years
at the State fair grounds In the way of
armanoht Improvement., together with the
hem. They are a live stock saviltlon such
as olher states enjoy; a steel and reinforced lit desires the telephone people to furnish
runcmn granasuuia 10 seal ju.uw people, infnrmiirlnn
and a machinery hall. It is possible for ""unl- .
the management to permanently erect, out Governor Sheldon has commuted the sen-
of Ha profits from tlnia to time, an agricul- j tence of J. I). Adkins of Omaha from five
tursi nan. nomcuuurai nail, iaaies art
Suooeslions for
Creamed Grapes.
Creamed Brazil Nuts.
Creamed Strawberries.
5 Crmed MInU, any color.
Baby Curia and Orra Sticks.
Baited Almonds and Pecans.
Chocolate Covered Maraschino
. . Cberrie.
Spearmint Wafers, natural mint.
Glace Nun or Krulta.
Almond or French Macaroons.
An eel Cake Snowballs.
Tipsy Cakes, in rases.
fiouchaa Dea Da meg
Btlduff a Frurt Cake.
Marsh maTlow Ctace. any color.
Lnm order the day before and
wa rUl make up your favorite Ice
Cream, lu little barrels, to be
called lor, or delivered by messenger.
textile and domestic products building,
dairy, poultry, bee and honey building.,
barns and such smaller structures which
can be ere ted with leas than Sau.two to Ho.KK)
each, but It is entirely out of the question
for the management to ever hope to secure
a surplus of liui.ttai, which amount will be
necessary to erect any one of the first three
mentioned structures.
The appropriation to the State Board of
years to three years six months and
eighteen days, which releases him IH-em-ber
31. Adkins was sentenced for statu
tory assault. He is 64 years old. The dis
trict Judge and county attorney recom
mended the commutation.
John Wall of Arcadia came down to
Lincoln this aiteruoon Justl o look on
Aariculiureie but. I-.ouO per annum and the I during the organization of the legislature.
fiimm in u.iajw itiwiu, niiuui oi wnira I vi , Wall has hen chief clerk lorn
aie distributed at our farmers Institutes. Mr' w " tt" Deen tmeI UerK " lonK ne
sent out by money furnished by the Btate could not resist the temptation to see
txiara oi Agriculture, -j hi. board, out of f someone else do the organizing. Mr.
Its lunds. has also furnished practically all
the money for promotion and premiums at
our various state corn shows, and contrib
uted the first AotiO to the Nebraska corn
commission, wnlch was the funds used for
all the early Nebraska promotion of ttie
National Corn exposition at Omaha. This
hoard ha. for years been an advertising
e;on y for the promotion of the agricultural
interests of Nebraska and In such cBjmclty
gives Infoi inutinn to thousand, outside as
well as iiiHMie the state. It has in t limed.
losLered and proposed nearly every meri
torious agricultural law on our statute
nooks and Its influence as a factor for Ne
Vail said he was out of politics and had
no interest save curiosity regarding the
Deaartae.t Omriala Diacaaa Gaud
Raads aa d Aajriealtare.
TECTJM6EH, Neb., Dec. . (Special
Telerram.) An agriculture and good roads
btaaka s public upbuilding has been with- meeting of great import was held at the
court house m Tecumseh this afternoon.
out a peer.
4aaaa Rates Appeared.
The Independent Telephone company of
Omaha bas filed with the State Railway
commission Its schedule of rate, and the
schedule has been approved to become ef
fectfve January 1. The c nipany at this
time has less than C.OtKi telephones and
until that Dumber is reached I tie charges
will be:
the attendance being good. The meetings,
which are being held !n each ccunty of the
First district, are under the auspices of
Congressman E. M. Pollard, who has done
a great work for the farming Interests of
his constituents in the national congress
George T. Coolcy of the National Good
Road congress spoke irtellieei.tly upon the
) subject of good roads and made some
business lelplione. $;.a a month, less I pertinent suggestions. George Zooke of the
0 cents if paid by the tenth of tu- montu; National Arricultural deiiartroent snoke In
S1&-20 famam
residence inmiieB, tl.Jb. less Si cents it paid
liy the ten in.
Wnen the cum puny has COW and less
than 7.0UM leleptiones the rale, w II lie:
liuKineas. VU. less an cems if iaid by the
teutti; resioeuce, al.sti, leas 2& cents if paid
by the tenth.
Vt lien the company has 7. CO telephones
the rale will be: Husinens, M a month,
lea. at ce.nt If pi!d by tue tenth; residence,
$17:,. lt-ss i cents If paid by the tenth.
When H'.dOfl phones have been plucd the
rale will be a month for business, and
L' a month for risdence with no dis
count. At this time the Nebraska Telephone
company, according to its schedule of rates
filed with the commissi. in. has 16.UK tele
phones; at the rate of 17 a month for
business and $4 a month for resilience, or
S3 if paid by the t. nth. This company also
has a party line rate, and graduated call
rata on file. The company has announced
that It will shortly file a new schedule
Of rates.
Heat las a FrrlBt C'laaalsWiatlaa.
January 14 is the data set for the hearing
of protons against the putting into effect
vt the western uaaificatlon of freight
rates. No. . by the stats railway com
mission. The bearing on this matter has
bsii several times postponed for one
reason and another, but it is finally sched
uled far the irih without any further iu-tlea.
a alia I Briela.
Campbell Bros, cirrus filed Its articles of
lncorporat inn wltk the secretary of state
tkis Burning. Xltt aaaociatioo baa a cap-
an Interesting and knc.ming way upon the
subject of the improvement of Brains.
Soma valuable advice was riven the scrl
culturlsts. CongTesBman Polia'd outlined work along
the lines suggested aa advanced by the
Naticnal U'partmetit of Agriculture. He
Informed his auditors that he had made ar
ret fement. for the coming Into this district
in the future of two expert plant men from
Washington to work In connection with the
local farmers in the improvements of
grains. This without any expense to the
county. He also said the department
would send expert road engineers Into
counties, where they desired them, to work
in harmony with hx-al road men in further
ing that work. The congressman said t
was the desire of the national o fleers tr
get in very close touch with the individual
farmers and It would be greatly to the ad
vantage of the latter when the harmony
is ompleted.
The work of Congressman Pollard has
been of great benefit to the farmers and
orchardista especially of this district.
probably hurting him Internally. He was
carried to J. C. Piersol's home in an un
conscious condition and give medical attendance.
Lad Is Taa Qalrlt aad Whips I
Harae aad Eaeaaes.
GIBBON. Neb.. Iec! 29 tSpccial Tele
gram.) Two men driving a fagged-out
team to a buggy tried to hold up William
Ltnebacks boy about 0 yards from the
house this afternoon. The boy was driv
ing a horse hitched to a buggy. They or
dered him to slop, but he whipped the
horse to get away. One of the men fired at
him, but he got away to his father, who
was -working a short distance awa and
saw the whole performance. The men then
whipped their horses Into a run, going
south towards Gibbon, but turned west on
the first road running east and west past
a C. Bassett's farm.
Mr. Lineback lives two and one-half
miles straight north of the Gibbon stock
yards. Mrs. Llneback taw the holdup from
the house also. Two automobiles loaded
with men took their trail, but at 4:30 had
not caught them.
bMkrik.ri Baaker Hart.
GOTHENBL'KG. Neb.. I. 3. (bpcla1 )
E. L Bursen. president of the Gothen
burg National bank, started to drive to
Kariuun today. When about half way bis
team raa away and threw hira out of the
buggy and as he had the lint -a over his
shoulders, pulled him about 100 yards,
badly bruising his face and shoulders and
Nebraska News A ales,
LLATR1CE The farmers' Institute will
be held ul Virginia, January 1 and
BEATRlCIi In a close and exciting bowl
ing contest last evening the Dempster team
defeated the Nursery team, by the score
of LUils to ;..'7.
and wife were in Lincoln Monday and
rented a dwelling at -J.tu R street and ex
pect to remove there next month.
PLATTSMOl'TH Ttiomas Burrell of
Otoe county and Miss Edna Miller of this
county were united in marriage in Council
Llufls, unknown to their relatives.
CENTRAL CITY The second concert ol
the Central City band under the direction
of Prof. Fritz W. A. Paul will lie given
at the Urund Opera bouse in this city Now
Years night.
PONCA The Board of Eduratlnn met
tills evening and elected Miss Ida Pultner
to fill the pljce vacated by Miss Mamie
Knox as leucher of the fifth grade iu the
potica schools.
BEATRICE Mrs. Mina Armstrong, wife
of George Armstrong, uied esiertiay morn
ing afier an Illness of three weeks of
typhoid pneumonia, aged 3 year.. Sue
leaves a husband and five chfidren.
P.EATR1CK Joseph Catlin yesterday at
Wymore pleaded guilty to ttie chaig of
stealing a suit of ciothes from Iianicl Mor
ton, a resiui-nt of that city, and was sen
1end to sixtv days in tiie county jail by
Judye ( lia lord.
PLATTPMOCTH Rnmurl J. Pitman, a I
sucessful hardware merchant in Murray, i
and Mias Marie Terrace liennitigs were
joined in wedlock In the home of the
bride s mother iu this city Tuesday even
ing. Rev. J. H. Balabury officiating.
1ICKENSM. Malmie. a farmer living
aiiout eight miles northwest of here, was
tiirn.n from m fractious horse tins morn
ing and sustained a fracture M 1 lie right J
inn at the eihow, also a badly sprained
left wrist. Iiesides other minor bruises.
FA1J.S CITY Miss Anr.a Poteet. tlaugli
ter of Ben Poteet of this city, and Louis
Foltz mere married l trie home t the
h.r.M'a l'iu.up A . Pi.rrun .n f t i i at m w M 1
evenlnc. Jodee Gagnon officiating. The
happy couple will make their home iu tins :
city. j
ACBl'RN Maxwell M lying of Tarkio.
Mo., and Mis. Mary' Jane Harris were
united in marristre in the home of the
mother of the bride In. this city Monday I
evening. After a reception Mr. and Mrs.
Long departed for an extended wedclhg
PLATTBMf'CTH-Mias Mary E. Foster,
county superintendent of public instruc
tion after receiving a vote by the test-hers
of fKi for atid A against. Iims oeclded to
boM the rut Cass County Teacher' In
stitute In Klin wood, in cm nectinn with the
PEA TRH'E Funeral servlees over the
hodv of J. B IJnmger. who died at (imlia
Kundsy morning, acre held ldv st 10
o clock from the family home in Wymore.
I Tiiere was s Isrsre attendance, a numlier
I of Mawuis from Bes trice and other to-ns
i in tiwr county being present.
BEATRICE Local Barbers' union. No.
2u9, met laBt evening and elected the fol
lowing officers: Henry Rodgers, president;
Edward Hackney, vice president; Ralph
Sherwood, secretary; Charles Avey, treas
urer; S. W. Johnson, guardian; George
West, guide; Frank Chipman, recorder.
VALLEY The patrons of rural route No.
1. out or Valley, as a token of respect
and appreciation, presented to John L.
Yeager, who has been carrier ever since
it was established eight years ago, as a
Christmas preBeit.. seventy bushels of
com, ten bushels of oits and la cash.
COOK Marcus Chamberlain, one of the
earnest sealer. In tins ne.ghhorhood, die a
at his home in Cook today, aed 67 years.
He, with his wile, homesteaoed two miles
east of Cook in lSot, where they residua
until a few years ago, when they moved
to town. He is survived by his wife ami
five children.
BEATRICE Judge Pemberton yesterday
held a short session of the district court
and ordered the clerk to discharge
jury for the November term. A jury term
will be called February' 1. for which an
entirely new Jury will be drawn. After
confirming a number of tax sales court
adjourned to Jianuary 4.
PONCA-Mes-rs Elmer Kingsbury of
Betid, 8. V ; Ralph Bachman of Henry,
Colo., and H. Kanti of Henry, Colo., are
here for the holiday season. They are
holding down claims in their respective
p. aces. Mrs. Bachman is editing the
louder for her brother, Mr. Kingsbury,
w hile he proves up on his claim.
I'ONCA A few days ago Joseph Grittner
drew a check lor $Ji and sitmed fhe name
of Peter Burns, a well-to-do tanner near
1'oln'U. When he was arraigned liefote
Judge Brown of the county court he
pleaded guilty to the charge of forgery
and will tie sent to Penoer this week to
receive sentence from Judge Graves.
BEATRICE At a recent meeting of the
Hariieston Telephone company these offi
cers were elected: Delmar Strewn, presi
dent: Wil.iam Towt.s nd, seeietar; A- '.
Khiien, treasure! ; J. A. Anderson and John
(ierdes. directors. The secreLary's report
showed that there was JiUK) In the treasury
and no indebtedness against the company.
BEATRICE The Beatrice Commercial
club has decided to assist the Jonz AuLu
company in the sale of IHi.mKi worth of
stocK. The promoters now have aboul
tii.inKi tied up in the industry, and local
capitalists will tie asked to subscribe for
slock by those or the Commercial club w ho
are anxious to see this Infant industry
AI NE WORTH J.ihn Onn rmar, from a
ranch south or Johnstown, teas iii kin
tins afternoon to get some medicine lor
his horses. He says there is s disie
among ihe horses in his neighborhood re
sembling swamp fever, which is a puzzle
to all. A horse will be walking along ai
parentlv all right, and shortly, the ears
will commence lo droop and in a few hours
the horse will ie dead.
BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rey
nolds, who located In Gage county forty
years ago yesterday celebrated their fif
tieth wtddir.g anniversary at their home
in this c:tv in the presence of tnelr chil
dren and grandchildren. They were mar
ried In riullivan county. N. Y.. fifty years
ago and have lived in Beatrice and vi
cinity since coming west.
HASTINGS-Over 16.00 has been raised
In the JK.UiiU fund for the purchase ol an
abandoned convent property hare for a
girls' academy, which the Dominican sis
ters pr.pose to establish If the p operty is
deeded to them. Half of the money thus
tar subscribed bus been tailed in the lot al
Catholic memoeiship. Ttie original cost of
the property was upwards of JliiO.UWi.
OSCEOLA These are the officers ot
J V. Remolds post. Grand Army of the
Republic for tisce. la for the ensuing year:
Thomas K lossy, commander: Chnstoprtrt
Tiinm. senior vice: William Mf Beth. Junioi
vice: M. J. Brown tiuarierniaaier ; Rv.
William Crisp, chaplain: Fred Timm, sur
e.ion: J. Locke, of; iter of the day; Charles
Hiirkliaidl. officer of the guard; H. r.
' Bense, dt legale to the encampment at Fre
HARVARK-John Townssnd and M.- A.
Sneer hae purchased from Jerry lelahey
the Harvard flmir mills and tskeu poe
seasion loaay. The intention of the new
firm :s to keep this mill In ttie best of
condition and push the flour business to
utmost caimctty of the mill. Mr. I w-
lanev has tuit decided what his future
business will be. but will remain in Har
vard -lor some months at least, closing up
other business raat'.ers.
tIC1XLA These are ttie officers thst
will look sfter ttie Interests of the old
soldiers for the ensuing year tn ttie
W unuii Relief Corps; President, Mra j
Mary Bense; senior vice president, Anna
Locke; Junior vice president, Emma Van
hoosen; chaplain, Ida Vanhoosen; secre
tary'. Lou H. Myers; treasurer. Estella
Gregg; guard. Emely Howland; assistant
guard, Ella IKavis; conductor, Mary E.
Wilson; assistant guard, Leila Mense.
HASTINGS The annual banquet of the
Adams County Bar association Wednesday
nigut promises to be one of the most in
teresting affairs of its nature held for a
number of years. Former Judge Adams of
this district will be here from Minden to
address the attorneys. Other Fpeukers will
be District Judge H. S. Dungan, County
Judge Button, C E. Bruckman. County
Attorney Snyder. J. E. Willttu, Walter M.
Crow, H. F. Favlnger and J. A. Gardiner.
PLATTSMOITH While out hunting
about one mile njrth ol this city W. L).
Messersmlth heard the report of a gun and
soon after saw a large gray wolf, which
one of the other hunters had partially
filled with shot. Jump the fence and make
a straight ltn for him. "Posy" fired and
the wild animal fell dead. It is believed
that tins is the animal that has been kill
ing so much poultry and other small stock
in that vicinity and several called it a
"mountain lion."
VALLEY Valley camp No. JU66, Modern
Woodmen of America, held Its annual
meeting Monday evening. December 2s,
electing the following officers: W. T.
Miller, V. C: John Monahin, W. A.: John
Mehl. B. ; Joe Anderson. C: N. L. Thorp.
E. : John Domlna. W.: J. A. Sullivan, S.;
B. F. Hmitli, manager for three years. The
tor me
Opponents of Gomes Eeiiit Small
Landing- Party.
OPEN FIRE UPOH GUOOAT Are Reported Killed la Kb
araaeaaeat that Fallawa i C.t
eraaseat Forces Are Ra
alaed wlta L
, n. l rt n lui rf 1 1 a mMl nr
coming year in the Weekly Hall, which I the officials at Macuro.
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad. rac. .
There has been fighting st Macuro, en the
Venezuelan coast, between adherents ct
President Castro and the crew of a gunb s
working In the Interests of the new presi
dent, Juan Vicente Gomez About twenty
men were Jellied and some fifty wounded.
The Gomez party was obliged te withdraw
temporarily, but later returned to resume
the engagement.
This news waa brought in r-.era by the
gunboat Miranda, which left LaOuait.t
with men who were to take the places of
Tiie Miranda a:-
has just lieen enlarged aad remodeled. At
the next meeting a banquet will be given
tn connection with the installation of officers.
BEATRICE Bemuse Mrs. Charlotte
rived off Macuro yesterday morning. Gen
eral Torres meanwhile had gotten together
about fino men and was prepared to resist
a landing. The Miranda cleared and wenl
Giles, widow of the Isle James Giles of j Into action. Under cover of Its bs.ftery
the men on tioard tried unsuccessfully lo
land. The fighting lasted about four hours.
When the captain of the Miranda saw
the situation was Impossible he withdrew
and came to Port of Spain. The Miranda
then took on coal. As soon as this news
became known here the office of ttie
Venezuelan consul waa besieged by men
anxious to return to Macuro and fight.
A number were accepted and went on
board the gunboat, which started back for
Macuro, where the engagement will be
Wvmore. was unl'.ed tn marriage on De
cember 1 at St. Joseph, Mo., to a Mr.
Pyle of Lincoln. M. L. Rawllngs, her
brother and bondsman, has filed an appli
cation In county court asking that her ap
pointment as administratrix of the estate
of her deceased husband he rescinded.
James Giles died last March, leaving an
estate valued st jKi.Otm His widow has
since ronnaged his llverv business at Wy
more. Her second marriage has not met
with the approval of her relatives.
CENTRAL CITY Ncw-s comes from
Hepner, re., tf the death there vester
day of Carl Vierecc, formerly of this
place. The deceased wan a young mn
about Si years of age, and was born end
raised here. He was a son of James
Vieregg, 'for thtrtv years proprietor of the
t'entral Oily Roller mills, and wns a
brother o' J. W. Vlcrecg. esshier of the
Farmers State bank. He went from here
to Oregon about a vear ago in farm a
piece of land which he purchased and was
taken ill last spring and grew rraduall
worse until the end came yesterday.
HASTINGS City Clerk Brstton and City
Attorney Button are preparing a measur.
for submission to the legislature provid
ing for registration of v iters In Hasting,
and other 'itits of from 7,ihi to i.0i popu
lation after 1he manner of that now pro
vided for Lincoln and Omahn. t'nder the
present laws applying to Hastings snd
other cities In the class named, only those
voters who have moved from one ward to
another, first voters and new voters are
reoulred to register. Once registered a
person need psy no further sttention 1 1
registering unless he movs Into another
ward. As a result of this Inadequate
method of registration the brinks contain
about 2.bu0 names while ttie largest vote
ever cast In Hastings was. SPP'ox:malely
;,(. The proposed measure will be pro
vided for annual registratl m of all voters
More people are taking iey's Kidney
Remedy every year. It is considered to be
the most effective remedy for kidney and
bladder troubles that medical "seienoa caa
devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy con-acts
Irregularities, builds up worn-out tissues
and restores lost vitality. It will snake yo
feol well and look well. At all druggists'.
Has table Dies traas Marpalaa.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Dec. . (Euacial
Telegram. r-Frank R Huxtabla, who swal
lowed aa overdose of morphine yesl.rd.y
morning with suicidal Intent died from the
effects last night being worked with by
physicians continually for ten hours. Hux
tabla left three letters ta bis former wlfa
and one lo J. W. Bcott, an uncle, all point
ing toward suicide. Ha was about S7 years
of age. Disappointment over dottiest ic af
fairs Is supposed to have prompted him lo
kill himself. Coroner Cols has decided that
an inquest Is unnecessary.
Thcro la Only Ono
"Bromo Qulnmo"
That la
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Always re me tuber the full
Iter this sifaatura m ever