Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1908, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVII INO. 16G. OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY MOUSING, DECEMBER 30, 1908 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. JUDGING ;T1IE CLUCKS Close of Second Day Sees Officii Buiy with tlx Aw " - PATRONAGE IS PROVING vv -, Arrangement of. the Exhibits Better Than Last Year. POULTRY RUNNING IN - v Gires the Entire Affair a Much More Natural Look. DOG SHOW A GREAT ATTRACTION Finest Exhibit Er Made r aa Omaha Kmart Clab, Kmbrarla .Pntl of Almost Brfry Variety. Th closes of the second day of the Trans mlaslss.ppl Poultry how saw the Judges deep In their work of scoring the bird and the public giving the box office a gen erous patronage. Show birds are now an In place and the opportunity to see them la better than at previous ahowa. The arrangement thla year confines the concession to a narrow bit rif floor space and all the 80,000 square fe'et In the Auditorium and stage la given ever to the ahow. One new feature makea It possible to see many of the blrda a they would look In a yard. Wire fencing has been pressed Into service, and In neat pens along one side of the big ahow- house the big geese and l.ttla ducks may be een at such close range that It would be no difficult matter to "pick a fight" with a gander. The ducka and geese, like the ahow doga, are becoming so accustomed to the public that they moke friends easily, and two of the geese started over the fence after a woman who had been particularly friendly with them, while one of the ahow doga made a jump for a woman whose diamond spangled ftngera had been run through his hair once or twice, with the result that there waa a small white bunch of angora hair hanging by the neck with a chain and yelling for help. From all ' Indication the ahow will at tract a big crowd thla week. The dog show feature Is much talked about, and It la probably the finest ahow ever given by a kennel club In Omaha, the doga ranging from the canary bird also to the big St. Bernards. Water Fowl Promlaeat. The water fowl exhibit at the poultry ahow l attracting Ita share of attention. The c tease are numerous and well filled and aome of the apeotmens ajre wonders In their line. The Toulouae white and browa China geese, the Pokln, Rouen, Muscovy and In dian Runner ducks, the African geese and numerous others make the exhibit of high class. Jt Is said that (he exhibit of water fowl new on display at the Auditorium, la one of the largest ever made In the coun try, both In the number of birds and also J In the number of classes ahown. Chickens will not be given away thla . year at the ahow as they were laat year, ' the change .being made from a humanitar ian point of view. "I will not give away chicks as I did last year, because I do not believe It hu mane to da so," said George II. Lee, maker of Incubators. "The children who secure them do not properly car for them and most of them die. These chicks are from my best prise-winning stock and I don't want to have them Improperly t treated. The chicks will be sold this year at 25 cents each and the proceeds donated to the association. At the next ahow I will give a prise of 126 In gold for the best bird raised from those hatched In the show room thla season. A home-made brooder, costlrj only a few oente and capable of successfully raising a half-dozen chicks la exhibited In the Incubator section." Hags Braadela' Balldogr. The dog which Tueaday morning at traded most attention waa the 11,000 brindle English bull which la ahown by Hugo Brandels, If that dog waa really half aa fierce as he looks It would be well for visitors to keep their distance. Many or the doga did not arrive until Tuesday morning but tbey are now lined up In their wire cage on the bench and attract nearly aa much attention aa do the blrda below. The doga are on the atage. The St, Barnard and toy doga will be judged by Judge Newlyn Tueaday night and Wednesday afternoon he will judge the collies, the pit bull terrier and the bull terriers. The all-round special will be judged Wednesday evening. Those exhibiting dog In the kenne de partment are: C. R. Jewell. Omaha; H. Hugo Brandels, Mrs. C. Vincent, John Oiler, William Mil ler, Mr. Morse, Mis Moore. Elenor Mc Gllton. Adam Jamison, Henry Rechter, J. E. Fulner, J. P. Kepler. Morris Milder, Mrs. Charlea Cox. W. Schneckenberger, Victor Nlles, Ouy Hamln. W. & Parker. B. K. Bartholomew, EL P. Dutton, Edwin N. Greevy, C. E. Welmer. Elmer Button. W. T. Bprlngmeyer, Leon Her. Ira Knight. N. Btorer, William Robinson. H. T. Flint, E. L. Potter. L. W. Trenlca, E, Frahn, W. R. Harris, J. EL Gorman, Henry Russell, George Pyder, P. 8. Orraond, Arthur Plck rcl. John Lowe, Charles Casey. Fred Heyn W. O. Carpenter Max R. Whippet, Con rad Young, John Buck, E. B. Day. LONG LIST OP EXHIBITORS Nearly 1TB CJ rawer af Faaey Pool try Ara There. Nearly ITS grower of fancy poultry are exhibiting at the show and the bird have come from all aectlon of the country and are exhibited by. those' who make a busi ness of raising high class chicken aa well aa tho who have but a few of the higher standards. The list show that the number In this section Interested In the Improvement of the standard of the bird I on th Increase: Jay Adams. Eagle, Neb.; Rev. A. B. Adams, Hamburg, Is,; Frank A. Aguew. South Omaha; F. C. Ahlqulat, Omaha; W. H. Ahlqulst, Omaha: J. W. Alden. Papllllon; Mr. and Mr a. E. R. Alexander, Omaha; Mr. Katie Allen, Florence; N. Anderson, Omaha; Anderaoo V Comb, Pactflo Junc tion, la.; John H- Atktnaon, Pruman, Minn.; Ay Bros.. Blair; A. H. Bark. Analey, Nab. ; J. . W. Bartholomew, Ten nant, la.; W. D. Barrett, Shelton, Neb.; W. Ueahm, Omaha: Robert F. Bentel. Buck Grove, la.; Blxby at Blxby. Council Bluffs; Mr. P. C. Black. Nebraaka City; Rich BobUItt, Thuraian. la.; Jack Brackey, Chtlltcothe. Mo ; B. F. Bradley. Norway, la.; C. W. Brehm, Harvard. Neb.; P. A. Brehnt, Harvard. Neb.; Bally Brengle. Omaha; Bonnie Broderaea, Denlaon, la.; John Burth. Mtynard. N. Y.; O. V. Byer Continued en Baooad Page.) SUMMARY OF TliE DEE Wednesday, Qrrrmkrr 80, 100". 1903 '-December 1908 8X my tzz. fa 7ms fff. sst -? - 1 2 3 4o5 QrZ 8 own 12 W 14 15 16 1Z 18 19 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 ,.; to 6is ou oi - . TIE WXATJEEB. FOR OMAHA. COl'NCIL ULt'FFS AND VICINITY Fair and collier Wednesday. FOK NEBRASKA Fair and colder W"dncaday. FOR IOWA Ralr or snow Wednesday; coIiKt Wednesday. Temiwatnr." at Omaha yesterday: Hour. ueg. 6 a. m.... 4 a. m.... 7 a. m.... 8 a. in.... 9 a. m.... 10 h. m.... 11 a. m.... 12 m 1 p. in.... 2 p. m.... 3 p. m.... 4 p. m.... 5 p. n ( p. m.... ? p. m.... 8 p. m.... p. m.... 4- 1 DOMESTIC. A number of prominent engineers have been Invited to accompany President elect Taft to Panama. 'age 1 The county treasurer of Sanborn county. South Dakota, was held up and robbed of $3,000 of the county money. rage 1 C. Burdette Bell killed C. C. Dury, whom he found with hi wife In Lfenver rag 1 The right to call out federal troops has been raised In the proceeding against the striking miner In Kentucky. rag 1 General Bell has issued new order gov erning the punishment for desertion from the army. rag 1 rouioH. Miss Szponder, who was abducted at Winnipeg with a priest, ha returned. rag 1 The Atlantic fleet ha entered the Red Sea. rage 1 A band of supporter of President Cas tro and adherants of Gome had a battle on the coast of Venezuela, In which the adherants of Gomes were defeated. rage 1 The loss of life from the earthquake In Italy and Sicily will reach the appallng number of 70,000, and the property losa cannot yet be estimated. rag 1 ITXBKABKA. Experts from Department of Agriculture address Johnson county farmers on road building and agriculture. Pag 3 Two unldentlfed men try to hold up a boy near Gibbon, but the youth whip up hi horse and escape In spite of shots fired at him. rag a X.OCA&. Combination of plow firms mean or ganisation of big company in Omaha. rage 10 Arthur D. Brandels sell residence to Senator J. II. Millard for 185,000. rag 10 Fruit contract made by II. D. Foye In ure that Omaha will be greatest center of distribution In the United States. rag 7 comaiouL ajtd htdustsiiai.. Live atock market. rag t Grain markets. rage Stock and bonds. rag s MOTXMXNTS Ok- OCSAJT TXAMSsTXPS, Port. Arrived. 8IUlt. NEWYORK ZmUikS NEWYORK Hlaronl BOSTON Csooplo Ibrla. GENOA Cratlo .. OKNOA .Resin d'ltalla... LIVERPOOL. Coralean t LIVERPOOL, OHIO 4 OLASOOW glbrlD Cerinthlin. ANTWERP Finland Kmlni1. CHERBOURG St. Louli. MOV1LLB Columbia STATE BUYS ALL THE BONDS Nebraaka 1 Awarded . the Kntlre Million Dollar Coart Haaae laaae. The county commissioner Tuesday after noon awarded the entire Issue of court house bonds In the sum of 1,000.000 to the slate of Nebraska on It bid of par, the county to have the privilege to Issue the bonds and collect money on them as netted. Four other bids were presented for the entire Issue, all by Chicago firms. These bidder offered premiums, but the term of the contract offered made It manda tory on the county to Issue bonds on de mand of the company buying. Should the bonds be Issued when the county did not need the money, money would be lost through Interest payments. The commis sioners therefore figured that the bid of the state waa the beat' The commleslonera also hope to get a still lower bid from the state. WNTHR0P SUCCEEDS BACON Secretary of State-to-Bo Ask ehasett Man lata HI N Office. Ma WASHINGTON, Deo. 2.-Beekman Wln throp of Masaachuaetta, assistant secretary of the treasury, today waa offered and ac cepted the office of flrat aaatatant aecre- tary of atate under the Incoming admtnia t ration, succeed lug Robert Bacon of New York, who in January next I expected to temporarily auoceed Kllhu Root upon the latter' ertlrement. The tender today was made with the conaent of Prealdent-elect Taft by Senator Knox, whose selection as aecretary of atate waa announced several daya ago. PETER MARQUARDT KILLED Fraaalarat Odd Fellow la Raa Dowa by Swltra Eaeriaa at Madlaoa, oath, Dakat. MADISON, 8. D.. Dec. 3 -Peter Mar quardt, paat grand master of th Grand Lodge of Odd Fellow of South Dakota, wa run over by a switch engine and killed In the railroad yard today. Wllaaa Takea ta Pealteatlary. HURON. B. D., Dec . 8peclal -Mon-day morning. Sheriff Young went to Bloux Fall with Otorge Wilson, convicted In circuit court here of forgery and sentenced by Judge Taylor to six months In the peni tentiary at Bloux Fall. A stay of Judg ment ha been granttd In the Reach caa. Th sentence of the court wa that Raach be confined In the penltentary at Sioux Fall for a period of seven year seven month for rape, but he will not be re moved to the penitentiary until a later date. AMERICAN CONSUL MISSING Arthur F. Cheney Probably Victim of Earthquake. RELIEF SUBSCRIPTIONS OPENED Amerlcaa Real Crow at Once Trader Ita Service- Itallaa Officer la Ktw York Isaac Appeal for Panda. WASHINGTON, Dec. 29 Arthur F. Cheney, American consul at Messina, end his wife are supposed to have been killed by the earthquake, according to a dis patch received by the State department tonight from Vice Conaul Stuart Lupton. News of the devastation wrought by earthquake in Italy was received here with profound interest. The tremors were recorded on the seismograph Instrument of both the weather bureau and the coast and geodetic survey, and the weather bu reau officials had figured out almost with mathematical precision the section of the globe where the great force of the shock was felt, but there wa nothing to Indi cate the tremendous volume of the dis aster, as brought out by later pres re ports, showing the enormous loss of life and property damage. The State depart ment and Italian embassy enxlously await advices regarding the catastrophe. The American National Red Cross today sent out telegraphic requests to all of Ita Lranches for relief fur.ds, to be applied to the sufferers from the earthquake In southern Italy. The Italian Red Cross so ciety being so fully organised, It will not be necessary for the American society to do more than to send money contributions, which will be done as promptly, as possl lle. Following Is the text of the president's message to the king of Italy: His Majesty, Vlttorlo Emmanuel, Rome: With all my countrymen I am ap palled by the dreadful calamity which has befallen your country. I offer my slncerest sympathy. Amer ican National Red Cross has Issued ap peals for contributions for the sufferer and notified me that they will Immedi ately communicate with the Italian Red Cros. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. The American National Rod Cross today sent a telegram over the signature of Its president, William H. Taft, to the Italian Red Croaa at Rome, In the following lan guage: The American Red Cross desires to ten der to the Italian Red Cross Its profound sympathy because of the terrible earth quake In Italy and Calabarla. An appeal has been Issued to the American Red cross for contributions for the benefit of the sufferers." The Rod Cross society also requested the State department to extend to me American ambarsador expreaalons of sym pathy from the American society to the Italian Red Cro and to Inquire to wnat extent relief measures will be necessary. On the occasion of the eruption of Ve suvius $12,000 wa sent to Italy Dy me American society. There are no American war vessels in the vlolnlty of southern Italy. The Scor pion, a converted yacht, which is at Con stantinople, Is nearer th scene of the dis aster than any tjther American naval Tea sel. Subscription Opened In New York. NEW YORK, Deo. 29. The news of the earthquake In southern Italy wun us appalling loss of life was receivea in several Italian colonies this evening with every evidence of distress. Of the 600,000 or more Italians here, tuny zw.uw are ironi the stricken district. Thousands upon thousands have families, relatives and friends In Calabria and Sicily. Many hastened to the offices of the Italian con sul general or the various Italian news papers, only to have their worst fears confirmed. New York City ha two ex tensive quarters given over to Italians almost exclusively, besides many Bmaller ones. The conaul general after a confer ence with leading- Italians, Issued a call for subscriptions In the following state ment: Subscriptions for the relief of the vic tims of the earthquake in Sicily and Calabria are officially opened at the con sulate general of Italy, 228 Ifayette street, New York City, at the Italian Chamber of Commerce. 203 Broadway, and at the office of the delegate of the Italian Red Croaa, 68 Wall atreet. The amount of these subsorlptlone will be Bent at once to the Calabria Red Cross In Rome, whose efficient relief work In past calamities haa been universally recopnlre Count Masslglia in speaking of the call for relief, said he would do all he could to succor the work. "I shall be glad," he said, "to receive contributions from any one who may wish to aid the victims of the disaster. At the time of the big earth quake a relief organisation was founded under the direction of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, the Italian Red Cross and other Italian organisations In New York City and throughout the country, and a similar plan will doubtless now be fol lowed." The Italian Chamber of Commerce met late this afternoon under the chairman ship of Its president, Lulgl Folarl, to con sider plans for raising money for the suf ferers. Hard Blow to Trade. President Folarl. In an address, said that of the 150.000,000 of Import received here from Italy. 10,000,000 came from the af fected earthquake district. The disaster would be a hard blow to trade. Slgnor Folarl also said there waa considerable Immigration from Calabria and Sicily In 1905, following the earthquake of that year. He said he expected a new exodus of the frightened people now, but on a much larger scale. Two Italian newspapers, the Ballettlto Delia Sera and the rPogressk), each headed a subscription list started in their columns by subscribing (500 each. Two other Ital ian newapapera, L'l'aaldo and Telegraso, advised their readers to send contribution direct to the Red Cross, explaining that the money would reach Its destination much quicker In that way. All of the Italian newspapers Issued extra edition today, giving translation of the cable dispatches brought to this country to describe th horror. The American National Red Cross, of which President-elect Taft is the head, has offered it services In co-operating with the Italian Red Cross. Th New Turk state branch baa already Issued a call for aid. Mayor De Planches, the Italian ambas sador to th United States, Is expected to reach this city late tonight from Mon treal. Though the regular Mediterranean tour ist season bad not yet started there doubt less were hundreds of Americans In Cala bria and &iclly, and there are grave fears for their safety. Captain Charles C. Fen mer, formerly in the federal service here, and his wife have been traveling In Italy and ten daya ago word waa received from them that they were about to leave Rums for Regul. When From the Washington Herald. SPRECKELS WILL IS FILE, Late Sugar King Leaves Life Interer in Property to Widow. ESTATE WORTH FIFTY MILLIONS. At Death of Mrs. Spreckels It Is to Be Divided Am on or Clans A. and Rndolph Sprerkela and Mrs. John Ferrla. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2S.-The will of tho late Claus &preckels. which was exe cuted In New York May 11, 1908, was filed today with the county clerk. Under i terms the widow, Anna Christina Spreek els. Is given a life Interest In the estate which, after her death, la to be divide, i.mong her three children, Claus A. Spreck' els, Rudolph' Spreckols and Mrs. John Fer ris of Klngswood, England, formerly Mis;' Emma Spreckela. The testament recites thai tho other two sona, "John D. and Adolph, have been ' liberally provided " for during the Ufa of the testator. The value of the estate Is not given, but it has been estimated as high as $!i0,000,000. . Mrs. Anna Spreckels, who Is now 7S years old, will receive the net Income of the properties while she lives, aftir which the three legatees will share alike, except for the provisions that Mrs. Ferris' por tion is to revert to the estate in case she dies without children before the death of her mother. In the event of ' Claus A. or Rudolph Spreckels dying before their mother, his share of the deceased Is to bd equally divided among the surviving chil dren. Claus A. preckds and Rudolph H. Spreckels are appointed executors of the estate without bond and trustees with ab solute power to make such disposition of the properties as they see fit without bclns uaDie ior any losses mat may be sus tained. The witnesses to the will are William W. Cook, a prominent lawyer of New York; Thomas B. Jones and Richard T. Thomp son, the latter two cf Brooklyn. The will was filed for probate by Rudolph Spreck els and Charlea A. Wheeler, hla attorney, tegtther with a petition for probate. HUSBAND KILLS HIS FRIEND C. Bardete Bell Shoota C. C. Dory, Jr., In Denver for Entlolna" Hla Wife. DENVER, Dec. 29. Burdette Edward Bell shot and killed C. Cuvlcr Dury. a vaude ville artist, here today for enticing his wife away from her home while he was working at I aramle. Bell spent some time locating the couple and entered their apartmenta with the purpose of committing the deed. CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 29. Charles Cu vler Dury, Jr..' who was shot and killed by C. Burdette Bell In Denver yesterday, waa the son of Prof. Charles Dury of this city, an ornithologist, who has a national repu tation. Prof. Dury is taxidermist of the Smithsonian Institute of the University of Cincinnati and has written many booka on bird lore. Charlea Cuvler Dury waa 28 yeara old and before leaving thla city waa regarded aa an amateur actor of sblllty. He was married four yeara ago and left with his wife for Denver two years later. Bell, who Is charged with the ahoottng of Dury, waa married In Cincinnati two yeara ago. He had a responsible position with a laundry while In this city. FOURTEEN YEARS FOR RUEF Heatraee oa Coavlrtrd Grafter at Baa Francisco Is Pronoaaoed by Jadse Lanier, SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 29.-Abraham Ruef, former political boss of San Fran cisco, was today sentenced to fourteen years In the state penitentiary at Ban Quentln. Sentence was pronounced by Judge William P. Lawler, who presided over Ruef s trial on the charge of brib ing a member of the Schmrta Board of Supervisors In the award of an overhead trolley franchise to the United Railroads. The trial, which ended with a conviction on December 10, was one of the most cele brated In the history of the city. MISS SZP0NDERC0MES BACK Soath Omaha tilrl Takea Away by Priest Retaras to IVuma ta Win a I pear. WINNIPEG. Man.. Dec. 29-Mles Sen phin Szponder, who. It ia claimed, went away with a Polish priest, haa been brought back to this city and ia now In the care of the Young Women's Christian association. The print haa also returned. Congress Again Convenes OUNTY TREASURER HELD UP like Meier of Woonaocket Compelled to Hand Over 3fOOO of Coanty Faada. MITCHELL. 8. D., Dec. it. (Special .'elegram.) Mike Meier, the county reasurer of Sanborn county, was held ,ip at Woonsocket last night and robbed f over $3,000 of the county's money, ate In the evening Mr. Meier went to hi office in the court house and opened the vault doors. He waa followed by two men who wore masks. Each pre sented a revolver at the person of Meter and demanded that he give all the cash he had on hand. They went Into the vault with him and he was forced to turn over $3,000. The men left Meter In the vault and closed the door on him and they were able to get quite a start on possible pur- --is. auk uuur waa not locked on Meier and he was able finally to open It. Raising a window, he shouted for help. The men are described as being one tall and the other short. Mr. Meier has been the treasurer of th county for the last four years and hi term- of office expired with the closing' of th year. , The county commissioners of Sanborn county will meet tomorrow to take some action with reference to offering a reward for the robbers who held up County Treas urer Meier last night for $4,500. Mr. Meier stated that he did not believe the money to be unsafe In the county safe, which waa burglar proof, and the county money waa Insured against robbers. Reports were rife on the streets of Woon socket today that the robbery was a fake and that there was something wrong with the county's money, and that the scheme was concocted Just as the treasurer was retiring from his position at the closs of his term of office. There Is not the slight est foundation for the statements that are made. Mr. Meier la regarded by the business men of the city aa an honest and reliable man, and It Is known that his books have balanced at the various settlement. Tho. business men place the utmost reliance In his Integrity and honor. That the robbery was a legitimate one Is ahown by the robbers locking Mr. Meier In the vault. A window In the vault enabled him to secure assistance from the outside. There was no one in the building at the time of the rob bery. PUNISHMENT JJMIT CHANGED General Bell laaae Order Fills Three Year for Simple Deser tloa from Army. WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 29. General Bell, chief of staff, has issued general or ders to the army promulgating an executive order establishing limits of punishments prescribed for desertion varied according to whether the soldier surrenders or was ap prehended, hla length of service and du ration of desertion. The limit of punish ment now fixed for simple desertion Is three years with Increased limits for pre vious convictions and when In execution of a conspiracy or In the presence of hostile Indians or unlawful assemblage. Increased punishment Is prescribed for sellings or losing clothing, accoutrements, etc., and also for absence without leave. Slight modifications are made In the requirements In the matter of previous convictions to Justify dishonorable discharge for minor offenses. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL N'amber of Appointments Aaaeaaeed la the Hallway Mall Service. WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. Special Tele gram.) Paul L. Aunbrlght of Columbus Junction, Charlea Seaaler of Washington, Kmil R. Jesse of Readlyn, Frank E. Mc Gulgan of Kalona, Fred O. Weiae of Otal lasa. Ia., William L. Murphy of Chey enne. Wye., F. L. Murphy of Davla Ranch and Alonxo R. Elliott of Cheyenne, Wyo., have been appointed railway rrut.ll clerks. Mis Nurma Waddell of Lincoln ha been appointed laboratory aid 1n connection with the Agricultural department, located at Lincoln. FRANCE EXPRESSES SYMPATHY Prcsldrat Falllere Seada Mui to Itallaa Premier oa Great Calamity. PARIS, Dec. . President Fallleres has sent a telegram of condolence on the catastrophe that ha visited southern Italy to King Vk-tor Emmanuel, premier Clemenceau has Sunt a similar message to the Italian premier, while M. Fiction, the Fremh foreign minister, haa commu nicated hi sympathy to th Italian min ister of foreign affaire, Slgnor Ttt'.onL LEGISLATORS ARE COMING IN Those on Hand at Present Principally Candidates for Speaker.' ASPIRANTS FOR CLERKSHIP HERE Some of th Democrat Propose to Make Bryan Show HI Hand and Draft the Platform BUI. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec 29.-(Speclol.)-The leg islative season Is at hand and tho early birds are on the ground. Though they are few In number they are widely scattered, there being a candidate for speaker at the Lincoln, the Capitol and the Royal hotels and two candidates for chief clerk at the Llndell. The disinterested members are not yet on the ground. Taylor from Hitchcock and Taylor from Ouster are two of the same name after the speakership; Henry at Holt 1 another who came in last night and Kelley of Fur nas Is here doing a stunt all his own. He Is a candidate for. speaker and cares more about having platform pledges kept than he docs about presiding over the house. "I am here to see that every platform pledge Is kept," said Mr. Kelley. We went before the people with specific promises and woe to the man who dares sidestep that platform." The early birds are here simply that they may catch onto the legislators aa they come Into town. None claims a cinch on tho Job and each is talking about the domocratlo plutform and other platitudes without getting down to anything very specific. Henry of Holt Is prepared to tell the peo ple that as speaker he will not use his influence to throttle any legislation or to pass a.iy bills, meaning particularly the county option bill. If one is Introduced. He will refer that bil lto the committee of the whole and let crowd settle it without handing It over to any smaller committee. Taylor from Custer county has a reput tlon as an organiser and he expects to rally considerable strength from the members In the oust end of the state at least. Taylor from Hitchcock expects to do the samo thing. ; But the only definite thing there is known about the situation is that the house has forty-four farmers, or men who are en gaged In the business of agriculture, anl It Is possible a movement may be started to organise these farmers In order to control the organization of the house. Those candidates for , speaker who are hore realize that "the nine vi.tes from Doug las would help out a great deal In selecting a speaker, but not one seems to be counting on any from the big county, though It is talkr-d that Clark of Richardson cannot get all of them. Trenmore Cone of Saunders and Henry Richmond uro both on the ground and both ara working hard for the place as hlef clerk. Cone ha had the advantage of hav ing been out. In the state in advance of Richmond; or before Richmond got Into the game, but Richmond Insists that he will be able to tako care of himself at the caucus. Both are quartered at the Llndell. Bryaa Mast Show Hla Hand. Mr. Bryan must show his hand. From generalities he must come down to details In other words, he ta going to be asked to draft some of the Important measures which he talked about during the cam paign. That la settled. Especially wllhu be asked to write the draft of the bill providing for the physical valuation of rail roads and other public utility corpora tions. All of which grew out of the fact that Mr. Bryan recently called a meeting of prominent democrats at Falrvlew and read the riot act to them about what the legis lature must do and must not do. He told these den ocrats that every plutform pKdg must be kept. Including the enactment of a law providing for the guarantee of bank deposits and "Immediate" payment to de positors In case of a bank failure. He gave no chance for argument on the part of his underlings. His own d-claion In the matter settled It. On thla proposition Mr. Bryan and some of the leaders In hi party will split. Dr. P. I. Hill will not stand for the "Immedi ate" payment of loss and hla position la that "prompt" payment should be suff el ect So republicans who lost out In the recent election will. have the pleasure of watching a scrap between Mr. Bryan on the one aide and Dr. Ha4U leading othe other unless Mr. Bryan decides ta surrender. And then Mr. Bryan will be asked to fix up that physical valuation bill and to lake the responsibility of Its enactment (Continued on Second Pag.) APPALLING LOSS OF LIFE Over Sixty Thousand Persons Killed by Earthquake in Italy. THREE PROVINCES DEVASTATED Buildings in Many Towns of Calabria Crumble from Shock. HIGH AND LOW DIE IN RUINS Prefect of Reggio Crushed by Palling" . Stones of His Palace. HOMELESS POPULACE IS CRAZED Men and Women Wander Helplessly Into Unknown Dangers, MOUNT AETNA BECOMES ACTIVE Detonations from Volcano Add to Terrors of the People. KING AND QTJLEN HASTEK SOUTH Ml irtlal Law Declared and Harried to Jreae Pope Gives I.arsje Sam for Relief. Troopa Plaa niLI.KTI.M9. ROME, Dec. 29. The minister of murine. at S o'clock this afternoon Tocelved a wire less dispatch estimating the dead at Mes senl at 60,000. No news ' ha yet been re ceived from Regglo. Reports have Just been received from two other towns in Calabria, Cassano and Cosensa. Cassano is said to have suffered 1,000 dead, while the wounded number 500. At Cosenza 600 dead people already have been taken from the ruins Caasano has 6,700 people, while Cosenia. Is tho center of a community with a popu lation of 25,000. ROME, Dec. 29. South Italy and th Island of Sicily have been visited by an appalling calamity, the extent of which cannot yet be grasped. An earthquake yesterday morning wrecked city after city and obliterated smaller town and villages without number. Then a tidal wave swept across the strait of Messina and added to tii hor ror, drowning th people In their help lessness and panic. Fir came to ci m plete the work of destruction. Flame broke out In the devastated cltle and countless number of wounded men, women and children were burned to death. Any adequate estimate of the totnl unsualtles Is as yet quite Impossible, but the Rome Trlbuna places the num ber at between 60,000 and 70,000. City of Messina Wrecked. ROM E, Dec. 29. The disaster In the pro vince of Calabria and the Island of Sicily ha today assumed staggering proportions. Each successive report received from the stricken region makes It more apparent than the flrat stories of the widespread destruction were little, If any exaggerated. Messina alone reports 12,000 victims, but It Is feared that this Is only a partial list of the dead and wounded. Report are coming In from other towns giving esti mates of dead therein from 600 up to sev eral thousand. Kegglo still remains In its tragic isolation. It 1 Impossible to get word from the stricken city, and the silence give rise to the most fearful apprehensions. News lias come from Messina, eight miles north of Regglo, but no reliable estimate vt the dead there ha been made. Vandalism of the worst kind ha broken put and the government had adopted tho moat energetic and severe measures for its repression. Robbers and looter are hot on sight. Th prison at Messina collapsed. Some of the prisoners were killed, but th sur vivors made their escape and gifted th Hooligans who were sacking th city. Such confusion reigned that the robber met with no resistance. The local chief of po lice lies dead In the rooms of his office. Commander of Troops Killed. The barracks at Messina were demol ished. The commander of the troops waa killed outright and there are many victim among the enlisted men. The government last night sent General Flera Dl Cussatto, an army corps commander, to take full charge of the troops in the devested ter ritory. One of the first measure will be to declare martial law. The robber pillaged the ruin pf shat tered buildings, and even stole clothing and valuables from the corpse of the victims. They were not deterred by th flames that broke out In several section of th city, but took advantage of the light for their vandalism. The night In Messina wa on of horror, indescribable ftre, 'robbery, dead and dying onevery elde, the city In the ut most confusion, and the people panlo stricken and under a spell of terror. Troops began to pour into Messina laat night and thla morning a number t ateamers arrived from peninsula with uiuicsv vti uuitb x w tits were hi uncu organised and effort mad to bring order into the situation. Bands of cltlsena were formed and helped heroically In the work of rescue. Many courageous acta were per formed by soldiers and cltlsena alike, and in aome cases the rescuers themselves lost their I ves In tiylng to help others. Order Partially Kstabllsked. Toward - morning several of th worst fire had been extinguished, the loot nj wa under partial control, and compara tively order ha been established. Every thing possible Is bring idone ta succor the wounded, but the relief measure ara still utterly Inadequuta owing to tbe Immensity of th disaster. The finest po lures, churchra and thcatera of Measina are heapa of ruins. Countless dead bidies are scattered through th wreckage, and their dUpo.-U.on will doubt less bring pent. lent to add to th horrors of the situation. Tbe devaatatlon over the entlr district were more or lea complete. No part ot the province of Beggto Da Calabria es caped. The disturbance was most sever