Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Champion it Unable to Get Butiian
to, Wreitle.-
EaftlUk Paper ReSeeta . Faet that
Britisher Are OraaaaUr Awtk
ealna; ta tke Yellow Streak
la Hack.
"Prank Ootch,' the world's champion
wrestler, bu sent to a friend on The Bee
stsff, a opy of the Sheffield Rrenlng Mall
of Tuesday, December IT. containing over a
rolunra oa the matter ot tba Ootch-Hack-
Tt' seems' that when Ootch landed loml
weeks ago In England Hack began to
make llg nolaea. Then Ootch Indicated a
perfect willingness to- meet Hack. Hack
' said come' on.J.Gptch came, but Hack
backed down and Ootch haa chaaed him all
over the lata. Three meetings have been
arranged and each tlma when Ootch ar
rived Hack was somewhere elae. Finally
Ootch i lent letter containing untlmate
terma. Hack wired him ha had handed
the letter to Ills manager, a Mr. R. Blever
of Sheffield. Ootch wrote to Mr. Slever
and reserved no reply, sent a messenger
and the messenger was told Mr. Slever
waa out Of town and left Instruction! to
conceal his whereabouti.
' ' .A late meat of tke Case.
Here la an excarpt from the Sheffield
Mall: v ' "
gpdrUmen . ahpear' to be understanding
Ootch s attitude. He will probably never
endear hlmsAlr ta the British people as
Harkenschmidt . haa done, but when his
position gMs belter known he will receive
fair pixy, which la always a characteristic
of British' poopl. . ' . . .
The pr'sept wrangling match Is making
Ootch long for. fits people's farm in Iowa.
Hai kehftchmldt, too. says he Is sick of the
discussion;.' and only Uvea to meet the
American, on the' Tnat. There the matter
stands.- Hackenachnildt refusing to meet
Ootch to' orange details. The letter sent
by Ootch, 'to Mr. It.' Slever, Hacken
srhmidTs agent, last Monday, asking for
a meeting, remains unanswered. Ootch has
not eveti received an acknowledgement, all
Ilia InthhriBMon comtna through the Dress.
mi Hpnii I in in. nuwrri, una uciiiiim.
stated flint he will accept Gotch's challenge
Issued gir&ugh 1 the Sheffield Kvening
Mall." to go fo.' America and wrestle on
the .undiystaridlng that he receives 2.401),
win. lose, or "draw.
lla;KehBCtimiU has told Mm that he
would like the money paid Into an Eng
lish bank before be leaves Enalnnd. Ootch
thinks unreasonable to hand ov r the
tnoiuv: without ' Hackenschmlflt clearly
shows that he means business. Mefore ever
lis elaDS on to the mat In America, Ootch
slatea that Hackenschmldt will receive
1.400. Ootch, has sacured a definite offer
from tha Missouri Athletic club, and if
there is an offer anythlnsr like approochlne
It whltfl he -is tn England, the match will
take plane- here. .
Ootch aa slated by . us last night) ha;
now signed articles at the Sheffield
"Evening Mail-; afilce. and askes for i.t0
If the watch takss place In F.ngland. He
will st,UI give Hack 2.400 to go to America.
joteSt' Wrestles Dlaale.
England ha seen Ootch in real action
once, thoufb -not with the wind-Jamming
Russian Uoa.:' Getch met a Sheffield man
tiaih'Wd George Dlnnle In Sheffield, Decem
benij f-nd. the Evening Mall says. "Tossed
Dlnnla about like a plaything." The Em
pire, theater,, where the match took plaoe,
waa . Jammed and thousands of people
stood optalde, so the Mall says.
Ootch' was to throw Dlnnle twice In
thirty minutes, or forfeit the sum of fifteen
pound to the'Brlton,' The Englishman suc
ceeded in-staying one minutes and fifteen
secendK ' In the first tall and fifty seconds
In .tha. iatter. Wrinlo .had stayed eight
minutes'. and -forty seconds against Jlacken
schf!i)dt and sixteen mlnotes against
Zbyico.Y'He "was a mere toy In the hands
ortho-American. Ootch playfully clamped
his' famous toe-hold on the Britisher for
the second fall, Just to let England see
and one... Englishman, feel what a real
American twist was like. The Briton said
after the match, "If I hadn't given up on
the , toerhold, Ootch would have broken
my foot."
. rat ablest Matrh Ever.
Tha Evening Mall Bays:
All the time Ootch' waa attacking, Dln
nle waa using his skill that had resisted
so many world-renowned wrestlers. But
It waa m use. Ho waa twirled about, and
nn riven a. SMotid In which to recover
from aay position. It waa certainly the
Btrstghtewl wreeue tnat ever loua pmce
In Sheffield.- '.....
Dlnnle was perfectly satisfied. He had
not- been prepared for the American's cy
ckinlo taoties.
At the end of the bout the men shook
hands -and Dlnnle r'td Ootch on the
The first fall, which was a reversed back
lock, waa very envious to all, but the sec
ond fall, which was a curious combination
of the clutch and halt Nelson, did not
give the audience 'tiuj same satisfaction.
However, they were not in the same posi
tion to See na the referee and those on
the stage. When the toe hold waa put
on Dlnnle Immediately counted himself out.
Ootch was anxious that aa English audi
ence should have a chance of seeing it,
there being a good deal ot apprehension as
to what It Waa. Dlnnle appeared perfectly
satisfied- that .everything was sportsman
. , i i
Cklcaaro, Mllwaakea at t. Pant
Chicago A Colo. Special. 7:25 nm all:W pm
Cel. A Oregon Kiprtss a ( pm a 1:26 pm
Overland Limited a :U pin a s.30 am
Terry Local ,..b 6:16 pm bll:C6 am
t'kleasja A ftortkweatern
Chicago Daylight. .a 7:25 am all
:48 pm
J) pm
:2a pro
twin City .xprea......a 7: am aW
ntcago ical all:Wara at
Woux Clur Local a tS pm all
Chl.-agii Local ....a 4 Jo pm a $
Chicago Special a :uu pm a
:& pm
23 am
Mi am
-iiinnesnia-Uakota tx...a . pm a
VtMalt., al
Twin City Limited a .) pm a 8
Los Angulee Limited.... a t uO pm aU
Overland Limited slo w pm a I
:36 pm
:o am
36 Dm
.JJ am
rteoraaxa -ase . Wyoming 1J1
Notfolk-Bonetiteek a 7:tO
am a 6
:20 pm
Lincoln-Long fine a T:40 am alO
Wad wood-Lincoln a S:(W pm a 6
Casper-Lander g? a l:W pm a 6
Fremobt-Albidh .........b 6 SO pm b 1
Hastings-Superior b $:u0 pin b t
:ia ana
: pin
:20 pm
M nm
:- pm
Illinois 4lral "
Chicago Express.,, a 7.1 am a i:t pm
CIHc-Abo l.htrtod. ..a ) pm a . am
Mlnn.-et. ru' Expeas .t I li am .......
Minn. -St. Paul Limited.. a .i pm a I So am
WtBAtia-Ft. Dydgn Local. a 4.15 pm a U.o am
Ballaaion- '
IVhVs Jk California... ..a 4.10 pm
Nurthwtsi special a 4 10 pra
Biack. Hills ...a 4:10 pm
Northwest- Express. v.. all. li am
Nebraska points a am
a l.ii pm
a i .ia pm
a 6:10 pm
a :US am
a 4 10 pm
all 11 tini
Lincoln rast Mall b 1 M uia
Nebraska Express
IJixeiita liuil ...
. 1:16 am a
S.-10 nm
b w am
Lincoln Local .'.
hnyler-Plattsmouth .b I io pm
ltellevue-Platlsniouth...a t.U pm
Plattsmouth-Iowa b $ 18 am
BWievue-Plaltsmouth . 0 1 $6 pm
1 wrrver Limited ..a 4:10 pm
CltWgo Hpevlal i.a T:36 am
Chicago Express .a 4:3) pm
Chicago Flyer ..a I K pm
I"a JesJ a i 16 am
Bt.. Louis Express. .... ..a 4.40 pin
a coo pm
bl0:.v am
a 8 .60 pm
b 1:06 pra
O 1:40 pm
a 7: am
all 46 pm
a $ 66 pm
a I so am
all am
all 30 am
a ti w am
a 4 10 pm
Kansas City sV St. Jo..al0 pm
Kansas City A S. Joe. .a 1.16 am
Kansas yUy at St.. Joe. a 4.40 pm
thleaga, . Faal, Minneapolis 4
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger.. .t so am b SO pm
gloux City Passenger.. .k I t pm bll 64 am
RIOHXSty Local.. .e 6.46 am c 1:11 pa
Emerson Local ,.vb I s6 pm b t.10 am
M laeonst. , PaoJ flaw
Auburn Local .kl Upn kll:25 am
f Daily.- b fa11y eaeept fhindsy. a Sun.
aar only. A. Daily except Bitutday.
like and legitimate or he would not hare
taken Ootch so heartily by the hand and
patted bis shoulder.
There wss an extraordinary scene siter
the final bout. Ootch came to the front
and was received with boilng, yells and
cheers. One well drel roan in the stalls
made himself very silly by waving his
arms and putting his finger to trts nose at
In another story the same paper quotes
eluding Its reporters and the referee.
Dlnnle as saying ha didn't think Ootch had
mads both his shoulders touch the mat and
the paper adds that everybody else, In
cluldng Its reporters and the referee,
thought there was no question about all
parts of Mr. Dlnnle touching the mat.
Big rarse Will Be Hans; ts If He
Will Meet Johnson.
SYDNEY, N. 8. W Dec. 28. Almost
the sole topic of conversation here now
Is the Johnson-Burns fight and the trob
ability of getting James J. Jeffries to
emerge from retirement and fight the
new champion for the laurels tne Call
fornlan once held. Whether It will be
possible to arrange a battle to take place
at Ruchcutters bay between Johnson and
Jeffries Is not known, but certainly every
effort to do so will be made by 11ur.ii
Mcintosh, the fight promoter, -ado an
nouncea that he will leave for the United
States by way of England, January 2,
and offer a purse of SaO.OoO In an en
deavor to entice Jeffries across the seas
to meet Johnson.
That Mcintosh can afford to offer an
enormous purse for another championship
"go" Is shown by tha fact that the re
ceipts from the Johnson-Burns tlgnt ag
gregated J160.000. This amount. It Is be
lieved here, is the greatest ever taken
in for a single prize fight. Of this sum
Burns received $3,000 and Johnson $7,600,
Including 1.1,600 for his traveling and
training expenses.
Thus far 'Bill" 8qulres, the local
heavyweight, who thrice has been van
quished by Burns. Is the only man who has
lHsued a defl to Johnson, and tne big
Texan haa signified his willingness to
meet Squires for $10,000 a side. It Is
unlikely. In view of the Impression John
son has made here as a fighter, that
Squires will be able to find a backer.
Johnson Is In perfect condition and
shows no marks of the battle with Burns.
While his end of the purse for defeating
the champion waa small In comparison
with the amount received by Burns,
Johnson now Is enabled to rick up a con
siderable sum of money on the vaudeville
stage. He has been engaged by a Sydney
music ball for a term of five weeka for
an act consisting of bag punching and
the methods employed by him in train
ing. For the work he will receive $1,750
ier week. In February Johnaon will sail
or London, where he expects to fight
Ham I.angford, the American colored
heavyweight, on Derby day, before the
National sporting ciuo.
Burns also Is fn good condition except
for discoloratlons about the eyes and a
badly swollen Jaw. At first It wa
thought that the negro's heavy swings
had broken the white man's Jaw, but It
now turns out that It was only badly
bruised. The French-Canadian adheres
to the decision he made prior to meet
ing Johnson that It would be his last
flicht despite the result. He says he has
nuide during his fighting career $200,
000 and that this Is enough to Keep him
from want.
When Mcintosh sails for London next
week he will take with him the moving
pictures of the Johnson-Burns light.
Pa Goes to Chicago to Confer with
"W. A. Rourke, president of the Omaha
Western league base ball club, left Sun
day night for Chicago for a ahort trip and
took with him his draft of the Western
league schedule for 1D09. Tha schedule
committee consists of Kourke, liiggins
owner of the Des Moines team, and Hoi'
land, one of the owners of the Wichita
team. The meeting of the schedule com
mittee will not be held until February,
but Mr. Rourke thought he would like to
go over the schedule with Mr. Wiggins,
who lives In Chicago.
To make a schedule for the Western
league and to give all the teams a square
deal Is quite a complicated problem, in
some states base ball may not be played
on Decoration day and In some It is not
permitted on Sunday. These breaks in
playing dates upset the regular run of the
schedule, as all teams must be given a
chance on these "holidays and these special
occasions must be evenly divided.
It is a nrobable Omaha will open away
from home and in the south and will close
at home. While tWs Is not certain It seems
probable because of the more souinern
location ot lopeaa ana wicima.
Dean of Mat Will Move to Omaha
and Wrestle on the "Ixtk.
Farmer Burns, the dean of the mat, has
written to the sporting editor of The Bee
that his moving day Is set for January 4.
He will transfer his residence from Big
Bock, la., to Omaha that day ana win
viTMila at the Auditorium January 6.
The old man had Intended meeting
Amerlcus on that date, but Manager Ulllan
of the Auditorium haa failed thua far to
come to terms with the Baltimore wrestler,
and the match may be between Burns and
Jess Westergard. the big Iowan whom
Burns believes some day will succeed Ootch
as the worlds champion. Or, If Wester
gard cannot come, then Charley Hacken
achmidt, who gave Burns such a tussle at
Mm Auditorium two years ago, may meet
k'-ph,. Warmer Intends to educate his chll
dren In Omaha and open a wrestling acad
emy. He will buy a home here later, but
rimt wants to rent. He may have en
countered some troubles during his career
of thirty-odd years aa a wreetier, dui ne
is Just now facing a worse one. He says:
"I would like to meet soms man with a
six or seven-room, mouern nouse 10 rent.
Bnrna Xot Rated Hlgk as Resnlt of
the "Boot. '
LONDON. Dec. 28. The sporting critics
of the London duilies pay the fullest tribute
to Burns' game exhibition of pluck In his
rignt with Johnson at eyaney. wnue iney
indulge In comical remarks about his boast
ful attitude nlor to the match. Practically
ail reuorts concede that Johnson waa su
perior to his opponent in every particular,
even in reuartee.
The Dally Mail, In an editorial, say.; "In
Intelligence, not to mention manners, jonn
son seemed a full match for the white man
The flaht Is hurdly likely to figure among
thu heroic ones of boxing history and (he
conclusion probably win be tnat Hums
obtained the championship In a period ot
decadence and hardly deserved his high
Car Tarns Over Tkree Times, kat
Driver Only Slightly Hart.
LOS ANGELES. Cel., Dec. 27. One of the
most spectacular accidents ever occurring
In an American automobile race happened
at Ascot Park yesterday when the tire of a
racer broke on a curve while Qui Seyfrtod
of San Francisco was driving at more than
a mile a minute, the car turned three
complete somersaults In the air, a blaaing
ball of flame, and landing a broken wreck
In the center of the track, where It wus
iiractically consumed by the flames. Sey
fried was thrown out with terrific force,
landing clear of his machine and sustaining
only minor cuts ana Drulses.
The principal racing feature of the day
was the winning of a twentv-f ive-mile event
by O. Snules. lowering the world s record
for stocg cars, in the last time of aj:V
Ontlaws ta Stay Oat.
CHICAGO. Dec. 3 President H. B
Johnson of the America Base Ball league
arrived nere today from the Pacific o ast
where he and President Harry Pulllam
of the National league had a conference
with the California state organisation
with a view of bringing it Into the recou
nt sed class. Mr. Johnson said there was
no chance to bring the "outlaws" Into
line. . aa they refused to meet the re
quests ot the national commission.
No Troohle at Ball Meeting;.
CHICAGO. Deo. .-"If talk of the In
rttlon of major league territory by minor
organisations la not dead, it will ch a
natural death, said J. U. O Brlen. tirea!
dent of the American Aasociatlon ot Base
Ball Clubs, upon his arrival here today
from Milwaukee. Mr. O'Brien expressed
the opinion that the matter would not
come up at the annual meeting of the asso
ciation In this aty tomorrow.
Fstal Flay for Ckamaleaakln,
The first of a series of games for tha
city poc-l championship will be played to
night at the tierling pool ball between
Reynolds and Wilelds the two aspirants
for the honor. Reynolds waa the winner
of the Royal tournament and Shlelda car
ried off first honors at the Sterling con
test, so that soms good games ars promised
ta this scriss.
Could Not Bt Induced to Meet Joan
ion or Anyone Else.
Has Takea mm Mark Fiean ana
Friends Doabt it He Coald Get
lata Ceaaltloa Even If
He Trie.
LOS A NO ELKS. Dec. 28. "There will be
r.o fight between Jack Johnson and my
self. They are not talking to me," said
the former heavyweight champion. James
J. Jeffries, to a representative of the As
sociated Press tonight when he was told
that Hugh Mcintosh, the Australian pro
moter, was going to offer $50,000 for a fight
between himself and the new champion.
I don't want the money," he aald. "I
am out of the game and the public might
as well understand It. I fought my last
fight some time ago and no amount of
mcney nor any Inducement anybody can
hold o"Jt would get rue into the ring again."
There was no equivocation about Mr.
Jeffries' answers to the questions put to
htm. Ho said that he was annoyed by tha
pet sit tent attempts to get him to agree to
fight, and that he would like to have It
made positive that there Is no way In
which he can be Induced to fight Johnson,
or anybody else.
Jeffries Is very fat and entirely out of
cctiditlon and It is thought by those of his
assoclatea In this city who ought to know
that he never could be gotten Into condi
tion to enter the ring even If he had the
inclination to do so.
Goes to Los Angeles to Stay Until
Tins ta Join Naps.
George Perrtng. who hold down the third
sack for Pa so creditably and then went
to Toledo, and then to Cleveland, was In
Omaha Monday, enroute from his home at
Beloit, Wis., to Los Angeles, wnere ne
will remain until time to report to the
Nidi in the anrlna. Porrlng says that
while hi has not signed a contract for
next year he is expecting It along abou-.
the first of the year. Perring has made a
good record, but has had few chances at
his ravorlte spot, tnira nase, oecause or
the brilliant work of Bradley, who is
recognised as one of the beet in the coun
try at that corner of the diamond.
Raclnsr at Havana.
HAVANA Dec 28. Racing results at Al-
tnendarea Park:
First race, five furlongs: carragua won.
Bonlte second. Fresh third. Time: 1:02,
Second race, four and a half furlongs:
Emily Allowance won. Ramble second, John
Munroe tnira. rime: o:m-.
Third race, seven furlongs: KoseDoro won.
Ben Double second, Halifax third. Time:
Fourth race, six luriongs: i-ticnmona uuKe
won. Miss Pagen second. Reticent third.
Time: 1:164-
Fifth race, six furlongs: Momentum won.
Rexall second. Bitter Hand third. Time:
Sixth race, six furlongs: Enlist won,
Moher second, Merrigo third. Time: 1:17.
AII-Anserlrsa Ball Teasa Loses.
MNILA. Dec. 28. The all-Amerlcan
base ball team, which Is making a tour of
the orient, waa defeated today by Lleuten
ant Johnson's ricked army team by a
score of 4 to 3. This Is the only defeat
of the sll-Amerlcsns during the entire tour,
Diamond Dnst.
Oklahoma City wants to get Into faster
company than the western association.
Pitcher From, who was on the extra list
of the Tigers last year, has signed with
Bioux city.
Denver Is still looking for a manager
Irwin evidently is out of It. Jack Ryan
of Buffalo haa been slated, but Is nailed
down In Buffalo.
When George Slalllngs refuses to let
Jimmy Austin go back to Pa Rourke for
$3,ouo It must mean tnat ueorge lias had
his weatner eye at work.
Joe Dolan haa at last reached that haopy
state in the life of a bnse ball player
a free agent. Of course It's not so happy
alter tne roDins Degin 10 come.
Thirty-five men will go with Georae
Stalllngs to Georgia early In February to
begin the weedlng-out process preliminary
to making a base ball team for the New
York Americana
Comlsfcey has refused to take Jones seri
ously and sent him a contract for 1909.
Com my very naturally says: "If Jones Is
going to retire why doesn't he tell me In
stead of the public? He Is a most careful
and thoughtful man.
The Chicago Cubs sre golnr to present
Covelskl and Dooln of Philadelphia - with
substantial testimonials at the opening g m
lietween tnese two teams, tor tho work
these Quakers did In taking those three
straights from tne uiants.
Cr Young will be lost without Lou Crlaer
to estch him next year. The year Lou was
off was Cy's worst. The old pitcher trusted
implicitly in uie 01a catener s juagment.
They were battery pals and personal chums.
Think of them playing Hgalnxt each other
after an those years together!
Yes. this may be worth considering; If
Cy Young deteriorates as a pitcher becauso
of the loss of Lou Criger, it is only reason
able to suppose that Mathewson may go
down because of Hresnahan's less. But
the argument Is defective. Matty and Bres
nahan have not been the Inseparable bat
tery pals that Cy and Lnu have. Bowerman
had a great deal more to do with Christy's
development than Bresnahan.
The Wichita Western league team Is of
fering prises for the most suitable name
for tho team. How would Wlchltaa do? The
club has always been known as Jobbers,
but since It Is coming Into company with
Omaha, of course, the management real
ises that name would be a mlsnumer. In
this It shows more sense then does the
Sioux City management which Insists on
alluding to that team aa the Packers, with
Omaha out packing it about 'steen times.
Berlin Press Sees Deslgrn ta Cheek
tho Progress mt Aastrla to
tka Soath.
BERLIN, Dec 2. The Berlin news
pers, all of which appear this morning
for the first time since Friday, comment
at length on the speech of M. Iswolsky,
the Russian foreign minister. The gen
eral opinion Is that It was a clear ex
position of Russia's viewpoint, while Its
peaceful character makes a most favor
able Impression. The Post, however,
"Whoever understands how to read be
tween the lines can gather that It la
Russia's strong determination, or at lekst
Its firm expression of Intention, not to
be pushed out from a leading position
with regard to the Balkans. The pro
posal to unite the Slavic states, Monte
negro, Servla and Bulgaria, under the
same flag Is Intended eventually to en
force Turkey's support and thus form a
powerful counterpoise against Austria's
Km York Unions Flaa a Moaster
Protest Against Gosapers
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Planning a demon
stration of 200,000 labor men next Sunday
In protest against the Jail sentences im
posed upon Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell
and Frank Morrison, the Central Federated
union todsy appointed a committee to
make arrangements and adopted resolu
tions of which a copy was sent to Presi
dent Roosevelt.
Tha executive committee said It had sent
a telegram to the defendants, assuring them
that every legal means would be utilised
to prevent their Imprisonment. It waa
also decided that action by any labor
t '
Don't Try to Run Away
from the influence of the Want Ad. No form of advertising in recent years has been more pro
ductive of definite results.
Why? Because the public has come to realize the full value of time and mcney.
It used to be when one had anything to exchange, a whole day or perhaps weeks were spent
hunting somebody who wanted to "swap."
It used to be that you had to ask everyone in your employ if they knew where you could find
additional employes.
And when you had a house, farm or lot to sell the news was circulated by word of mouth.
The old-fashioned method took time. ;
It's different now. With the enormous circulation of The Bee the news of whatever you may
want will reach one hundred times as many people in one day as you used to reach in two weeks.
And. it takes only ten minutes of
the classified columns.
Results? Yes, and" quickly the next day.
A glance at the Want Ads in The Bee will show that others are already deriving much benefit
From Want Ad Results
union looking to pardon for the men
sentenced should be discouraged, the feder
ated union taking the position that no
crime had been committed and It would
not be proper to seek pardon.
Lore for Girl Causes Hint to 'Desert
from tse-NsTT and Convic
tion Follows.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 2S.-Helr to
half a million dollars and entitled to a
position In Baltimore society, William Jef
ferson Powell hss been sentenced to serve
180 days In the workhouse In this city on a
vagrancy charge. ' '
Powell Is handsome, refined and well
educated, and says he will come Into pos
session of his fortune at the age of 25
years. He will reach t&at.age three months
after he is released from the workhouse.
Powell's parents are .dyad and he ran away
from his guardian ln 1803, enlisting in the
Eighteenth battery field artillery and was
sent to the Philippines. Iater he was sent
to Vancouver barracks, Washington.
When he finally secured his discharge
from the army, Powell enlisted in the navy.
He was assigned to the United States ship
Philadelphia and was stationed at Bre
merton navy yard. His love for a girl in
San Diego caused him to desert and go
there, for which he waa arrested and sen
tenced to pay a fine of 1100.
After being arrested several times in Los
Angeles, Powell was finally tried on the
vagrancy charga.
AH Saints' Parish House Proves to Be
Too Warm a Place for Yoatkfnl
A brief but effective course In the phys
ics of heat, a noble purpose come to a sad
end, and much moisture of apparel were
the unprogrammed events which befell
Frank Lelser, a small newsboy, while a
guest of O. W. Wattles at All Saints' par
ish house ChriBtmas eve.'
The boy, like all other newsies present,
reached the Ice cream and cake course
with a fairly well appeased appetite. This
and a thoughtful regard for a little sister
at home led to his undoing Tne Ice cream
came tied up In neat tissue paper pack
ages. After supper the boys were conducted
upstairs, where there wss a Christmas
tree. Severel score Juvenile faces were
shortly beaming with pleasure, but there
was one discordant note. Frank Leiser's
brow was furrowed, his Hps were clinched
and he wore a general air of pertrubatlon
and alarm. At his feet there was a pool
of melted Ice cresm.
"WIsh't I d eaten It," quoth Frank.
Ta Be of Simple Character,
Accordance with tke Wishes
of tka Family.
BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. . The funeral
of Claus Bpreckels, the multi-millionaire
sugar king, who died at his heme in this
city 'yesterday of pneumonia, will be held
from the family residence tomorrow after
noon. The body, reposing in a massive
bronse casket, which was placed upon a
silken shrouded bier, lay In state In one
of the large rooms of the mansion today
and many persons called at the house to
pay last honors to the dead man. The
funeral will be exceedingly simple, by the
wish of the family.
The honorary pallbearers, aa given out
today, will be the following: D. N. Earl,
E. W. Hapklns, Robert Oxnard, W. O.
Irwin, John Scott Wilson, Captain H. L.
E. Meyer, Dr. L. L. Dorr and Charles
The Interment will take place In Cypress
Large Body of Troops Said to Be
Massed mm the Servlaa
LONDON, Dec 18. A dispatch from
Vienna to the Dally Express says that
Austria-Hungary has a fores of 85,000
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, ready to In
vade Servla at a moment's notice.
The Dally Mall's Belgrade correspond
ence, says typhus has broken out among
the Austrian troops in Bosnia and that
the troops are suffering greatly from
the cold and exposure. Many deaths have
A dispatch from CettlnJe, Montenegro,
announces tha departure of the war min
ister aad general ataff on a tour of In
spection of the Uerxcfovlnlaa frontier.
your time to prepare the ad and
Peter Elsasser Wants Everyone to
Pay Money for a
Hereafter barbers will not be required
to pay the city license of l each to work
In Omaha.
Such was the agreement made by the
city council In committee of the- whole
Monday afternoon. Several of the boss
barbers of the city were present at the
meeting to urge the continuance of the
ordinance levying .the tax as a matter of
protection to tho trade. Councilman Peter
Elsasser made an earnest plea for the
continuance of the tax, but the ordinance
repealing sections 1 to 11 of the barber
ordinance was recommitted for passage
over Mr. Elsasser's protest.
An "amendment was also passed to the
automobile ordinance at the request of
the Automobile club of Omaha, limiting
the age of automobile drivers to 1 years
and over, as against the old ordinance
fixing the minimum at 18 years. The
speed limit was also Increased from eight to
ten miles per hour In the business districts
and from twelve to fifteen miles per hour
In the residence districts. Oould Diets and
W. R. McKeen, Jr., of the Automobile
club were present to press the measure In
the interests of the automoblllsts of
A motion to rescind the recent action ot
the report of the appraisers on the opening
of Ninenteenth avenue was voted down
and tho report of the committee as first
rendered will stand.
A resolution prevailed authorizing the
purchase of a new typewriter for the office
of the city boiler Inspector.
A protest relative to changing the grade
on Forty-eighth street was received and
placed on file. The committee considering
the matter will meet again In three weeks
to hear further protests.
Deadly Fright
possesses sufferers from lung trouble till
they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will
help them. 6c and $100. For sale by
Ueulon Drug Co.
Cholera In St. Petersbnrsj.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 28.-St. Peters
burg still continues to suffer from the
Asiatic cholera. There were eighteen new and five deaths fiom the disoase
yesterday. This has been the dally aver
age for the last month.
l Beat the yolki of lix eggs and a half pound j
of sugar together until it ii a froth. Add
Bottled in Bond
Then add the whites of
to a stiff froth. Next
of whipped cream. Then
friend for there ii a treat in
The rich distinctive flavor of
Old Guckenheimer gives the
that cannot be described.
K. Claussealoa Co., S5 Dearborn SU,
a few cents for its insertion in
Roy Tovrl Gets Contract for Making;
Detailed Sketck of Proposed
A 8400 contract for a complete topograph
ical survey of all land and soundings of all
lake embraced within the boundaries of
Levi Carter park was let Monday after
noon to Engineer Roy N. Towl by the
Board of Park Commissioners. The work
Is to be completed by March 1 and will In
elude all Information and details necessary
for the board to have In connection with
Omaha's proposed lakeside resort around
Cut-Off lake.
By a vote of tha commissioners, which
met In regular session at the city hall at
3 o'clock, a corner of Crelghton's first ad
ditlon, at tha Intersection of Arbor street
and the boulevard, south of Hanscom park.
was given back ta the parties who otlg
Inally donated It for park and boulevard
purposes, as It Is not needed by tho park
The thanks of NorthOmaha skaters who
have been enjoying the fine skating at
Cut-Off lake, afforded by the recent lm
provements made for the purpose by the
board, were received 1n a letter signed by
a number ot the young people. They ex
pressed deep appreciation of tha skaters'
retreat, the lights snd tho warm stove
and of the placing of a competent attend
ant to look out for the Interests ot the
skaters at the lake.
No action was taken on the question of
what should be done wtlh the house and
boat concession at Cut-Off lake owned by
John Larson. The members of the board
Will visit the lake and look over the ground
again before deciding what to do In the
Welbes-St ranter.
Catherine Stromer became the bride of
John Weibes at the People's church Mon
day morning. The ceremony, which took
place at 10 o'clock, was performed by the
pastor, . Rev. Charles W. Bavldge.' Both
Mr. and Mrs. Weibes are residents of
Miss Myrtle M. Benson of Albla. Ia.t and
Carl O. KUllon of Moulton, la., were mar
rled at the home of Mr. Orrln Harmon,
liXig North Twenty-ninth street, Saturday
at 2 p. m. by Rev. Charles W. Bavldge.
the eggs, beaten
add three inti
invite in your
store for them.
purity in Good
egg-nog a charm
-va.s"i .r- a es... ;bbp"'-
North German Lloyd
74 Days $350 Upwards
rrm New Ycrk, rcb. 11, li
Me extras except tide tripe. Passengers
BOTuawa we sjf t aarge at saca port
of call. Wriu tor Mm
OBUUCKs) a CO,Oea1 Acta,
- Mew York Clay
Chicago. CI. or the local agent U year eity,
Where to Find
The Bee When
You Travel
Arnold's Park, low.- -
t OUa rarks. '
Atlanta, Oa. ...:,.
lToria sTsws Cs. ,, .- . .
Atlantlo City, N. J. T - "
Jena A. Majaaa, ! eeawtU A
y-saa Slews Oa.
they Bros., Mil TUlm Art.
Bemidji, Minn.
a . WTeitUa. .
Boston, Mass. ,
Teatoass SxetaL
T eaag's JKetel " BtaasV
Buffalo; N; Y.
Cteneaae srorat Krws tnaaA. . .
Bt st el Sreqaols Stews fMaae.
tftasaasl Oak a, IBS BUleetl '
Chicago, 111.
Aaaltsrlam Srsws BtaaA.
aalterlnat Aaaea Stewe Sttaw.
sea. Sleroa. Mews , s'aeaaea sW
Great Stortaera Ke4et STsws gtaat.
Vest Offlea Stews Btaaa. ire ekeia,
Oraad raelfla Vet Sfewa . ,
raises xease Jlewa sTtaaa. ,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Teas STswe Oa.
Clereland, Ohio.
Colorado Springs, Oelo,
antlers Hotel sTeww BtaasV. '
Oslo. Waolesals sTswspapw .
f. SC. Blley, 9tn St. CllKml Sr4
: .... . ?
Denver, Colo.
. , i .
xeaertok oak aa4 ana. Oa, MB IT
St. . scan saa. v . .
Brewa Valaoe Kstd.
laba Stews Oa. . . ' ' "
X S. Bossmaa, ITtft mmA Wtta,
Wsssara Slews Ofc, 1009 ITaa Bt.
Des Moines, Iowa.
Meses Jaoesa, SO St 8. '
Tree Osla, 647 W. ft aVTBt
Detroit, Mich.
Clae zaas STewa 0. .
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
SI. T. AsUby, 101 W. Srea4wf.
Bisk Cls t eager.
Hot Springs, Ark.
T. r. Starts, J S3 Oaaferal A. .
SCrs. Kate Waliaoe, 1 Central At.
!. B. wyatt, eae Osatral AT
O. SL. Weaves O.
Hot Springs, S. D.
BsaU Xa-rffsaa.
Kansas City, Mo. .
Toss STsws Co ta aaa stats,
SUck seek Cigar Oe etk aaa sralJrs
auckseeker Cigar Oo , Utk as ValaoA
Balttsaec Xotel slew Staaa.
Memphis, Term. 4 .
TtM STsws Oa. '
Manitou, Colo.
at. J. Bess.
Mexico City, Mex.
rorter-s State -
Milwaukee, Wis.
stotei rusts stsw BtaaA.
rraak Si oik era, Braaa AVW aat SM ,
St. -
Minneapolis, Minn.
Oeatarr Vsws Oa, aVBtw St.
SC. g. aTavaaaaga, 44 g. gja
BlooUstt Hotel a? Xewg frtsssa
Mt. Clements, Mioh. . 7
X. St- Soaktla- O.
New York City, N. Y .
Broaawaj Tnseter STsws BsmA.
Imperial Hotel Metre sMaaB,
Kalokerhecker Hotel Hews CtSSA
Hot (man Honso Hsw BtaaA
Oraaa Ualea Hotel Hews Btaaa, '
HoUaaa Hons Bear StamA. .
at array B.1U Mews ataa.
Bsltnoat Betel Hews BtaaA
"Walaert-Astoria Mows BtaaA.
Ssaaaattaa total Msws BtaaA.
Astot Haas, Haw BtaaA.
Harry J. avians, A, M. Oe. tTDj a
Ogden, Utah.
H. J. Mickey. S4 llta BV , ' v'
B. X. Boyle. 110 SSi at,
Oray Bows Oe, Basel Mew
X.ewo area- 114 Sota St
Hasroy ft Osaaai. -
Peoria, HI
Oss. Hartxaas, stain ana
Philadelphia, Pa.
Hews Oo,
Bellevae stretfers Betel Hsw
A. r. Hewals, srM "Uaae sates; At.
Pittsburg, Pa.
St tntt Hotel Hrww VtaatL
Portland, Ore.'
CeaM oie-tr Btoee, m nets
Bowman Mews Oa.
Osegea Bows Oa, 14T StBl at.
Hose City Mews
Werla Msws Oa. 1
Bt. Joseph, Mo. . ;
. Berts, lis B
WerU Mows ,
BetesA at.
St. Louis, Mo.
Hotel Joffersea Hsw BtsatsV. ..
H, T. Jstt
fit. Paul Minn. ,J ' '.
ST. Bt. start.
Bw. . ritxpairUlc. as waUi
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Hotel SLaatstara Haws sTssAA.
Ban FrandswCal. .
5 ,?r?,"t"T V ' BtaaA '
H1."? "" Agents, 11U B(Uy.
. Hotel St. rraaala Mw.
Seattle, Wash. .
B. Wllaaa, ST JHkw BtL ;
Oka. H. oraaaa. . ' " . -
Sioux Citj, Itrwa.-
Vsri Tbbl W a..-.
Msadaaala ketst aewo Staaa.'
Oerald Sritagikbsa Mews VSTbA
Spokane, Wash.
'Am W. Bvakasa.
Stockton, Cal.
Toarlst Hews Oa.
Washington, D. 0.'
S-a.. Baaa.
w wuum Hatal Heww s0aaa
ow Baloxa-k MmiZ ZZZZ 177 ,
Hs fie