V 8 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. DECEMHEI. 2fl. 1WN. Want - ads llnrtUnanll tae ae vraat as Imh will aa takeat aatll ISM. fa tae eeealasr ealtlera aa4 til . sa. far ae aeralasT u lu7 aaltlaae. Cask a est imapur all erreere fa raat.a-ee aaa aa ae1eleaeeat tll e steeeftaei far Use xaaa 10 aaa la far first laeertlea. Rata avaaly- ta eltker Tka Dallf av tmmmr baa. Always eaejaf el rara fa llaa. Ceaaelaatlaae at laltlele ar aasaaare aaaat aa aaa wars!. CAKH R4TICI FOR WANT AM. nrofjLAR mmncATio" laeertlea, llaa, 1 eaaie. Twa at mora eaaaaetalva taeerllaae, per llaa, n reals. Baeh laeeetlea ays, 1 aaata a llaa. . llaa per asaatki e-aepttaej tkat rCRKIIHCD ROOM ADS. Ira acansstaM ky eaasx, tka rata will kai Oaa leereilere. 4 aaata llaai .are aa sis aaewaailee laeer tleae, a aeaie Bar llaa aak laaartlaal tra ar vara aaaeeeailee laeertleae, a raata par Uaa aaea Isaertlaal to vaata as llaa ar aaaatk. Waat aaa far Tka Baa asay ' at Uf af tka fallawlaa; aragr stares -aaa la raar "eararr JratNglet" aer ara all krakrk afflees far Tka Bee aaa raar a4 will ha laeertea Jast aa areas stir aaa aa tka sasse rates aa at do aula afaea la Tb Brt Ballalaa;, keveateeata aa4 raraaai etreelsi Albsch. W. C. Mh and Farnam. Heranek. 8. A.. 1403 8. lth St. Hecht Pharmacy. a. mm Hensnn Pharmacy, Benson, Nek. BemlsVarB Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 20 Sherman Ava. Coughlln. C. K., th and Pierce Sts. CnftVn ! Illll Fhermaey. 3213 Military Ave. Conte,' J. B., list Ave. and rT,am Chrissey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Bl" irnuk, Emll. ia-t-6 th St. Khlers. B. H.. 2)2 Leayeorth 8t' Pouter A: Arnoldl. 213 N. th 8C Freytag. John J.. 181 N. 24th St Florence Drug- Co, Florence, Net). Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and lUk Bta. llreenough, U. A., '."6 ft. Oreenough, O. A.. 1624 8. loth St. llayden. William C. 2920 Firntm St. Hanecom Park Pharmacy. 1401 8. 2lh St. Hoist, John. 634 N. lath 8t. Hurt, A. L 2924 Leavenworth Bt. Kins. R. 8., 2Wt Farnam St. Kountie Place Pharmacy, 2601 N. J4tn Bt. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th Bt. lthrop. Charlea E.. 1324 N. " J Peyton, L. E-. 24th and Leavenworth Bta. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th Bt. and Amea A8chaefer's Cut Price Drus; Co., 16th and Chicago Bts. 8rhaefer, August. SOU N. lh Bt. Schmidt, J. H.. 34th d Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta. Worth, O. H., ith and Hamilton 8te. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marrlaga Ucenaee hava been laaued: Name and Residence. Age. Csrl H. Brandt, Seattle. M ajth Aimerva Vaudever, Washla, la -4 Clement Hack, Bloux Falla Prl Johna, Stuart, la Carl A. Horenaon, Florence. 26 Cora Simpson, Florence Joseph Paupa. Chicago Louise Meyer, Chicago " Theodore ' Uavatt, Omaha 24 AUce Sllngerland, Omaha 1 Theodore Lux, Julian 23 Ruby Uhuram, Omaha 21 J .ester 8. Popa. Omaha 23 Mabel C. Long. Omaha 1 John Welbea, Omaha 35 Catherine Stromer, Omaha iX Fmll V.. Yost. . Omaha 41 Julia M. Henderson, Omaha a i:arl -C. PUIey, Bralnard.. 22 Marlon Bowea, Omahu. -0 Fred Lorenian, Bennington 25 Ida Frisian, lrvtngton 22 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births F. L. Armstrong, 2214 North Twsnty-flrot, girl; K. U. KoDerts, 4247 tr auma, boy; Edward Bogob, tun South Twen: ty-aecond, Doy; jasper Jensen, out rrnrr bov: Fred Bheuard. Omaha General hos pital, boy; Walter Horton, 4644 North Fortieth, boy: Cicero Oarrell, 34J Hickory, boy; Harry lsard, 2t32 Decatur, boy. Dea4.be Del mar Dunltt. Fortieth and Pop- piston avenue.-41; Frank H. Seymour, UoO Urlstol. 6; EUlsn Hennessy, Jbll South Thirty-first, 4; Ivan Jdencay, Thlrteentn and Pierce, 6u; Joseph Kl'iuk, MethodiBt hoaDltal. 68: Mrs. Mabelle D. Peterson. U2 Haraloga. ' 23; Mrs. Minerva Conner. 2413 Caldwell, W:' Anna Olmstead, Twenty-seventh and "Hrtjwn. 63; Jacob U. Linliiger, 3612 Lincoln boulevard, 78; Frank Delor, 11:6 North Twentieth, 3t; Floyd J. Wilson, 4vU Nicholas, a. CARD Or THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our frlenda and neighbors; also to the Krlcklayers' union. No. 1 of Nebraska. St. Peter's 'court. No. 6. W. C U. F., and jiaarmann uros. employes lor their kind nesa and aympavhy during the sickness and death of our father. Mr. and Mrs. David OKecffe. Mary A. O Keeffe. Nora E. O'Keeffe, Edward P. O Keeffe. ANNOUNCEMENTS TKB CITY O ARMAGH CO., Office 4th and Leavenworth aireeia. in. iouglaa Ijs; (1)-7J ION PAINTING a. H. Cole. U02 Douglas. l) 740 AUTOMOBILES DER1QIIT Automobile Company let Farnam Si Stoddard Da Ua Touring car. lLaaa lmv ,u,ini - Rea Touring ear, loud Keo Touring car, u. Ford, model N. (ibo. Ford, model R, tsvO. Ford, 8 roadater. almost new. Uu Ford. R. (few. Bal. k Kuaabout. almost new, uok Hulok Touring car, (sua bt evens Durea. WOu. Uiagon touring car, 11,069. Waverly Electric, (360 Up. All the above guaranteed u gooa Write for full deacrtpUoo. anapa 6tate agenta 8toeMrd Dayton and Ford care. The beat automobile values la the oild. etoddard Dayton, (I, too, (tOOO, t'lon Tha aeiisatloual Ford U60 tourlngTir liood live agsnta wanted. Open and closed care for rent day or night Special attention given to theater garta Tel. Doug. IB. Uy-Ul&i NINE Ramblers, second-head, at your own pricea. Rambler Auto Co.. 1044 Farnam. UU-M270 De. 31 RAMHLKR; -cllnder, latest model, almost new; will sacrifice If sold at once. Ao oress O 3-0. B.e. (2) M70 29 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In the au tomobile field; technical Instructions on both steani and gas engines; student ' paid for repair work. Addresa Omaha bchool ef Automobile Engineering. 1411 Leavenworth bt. tt) U741 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FARMS. town properly. merchandise. stringer t Child. Paxton Blk., Omaha, (S)-M0a BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET IN or out of buelness call oa l.NGEbTAD. Room to. Bee Bldg. viA V " 1 HIGH-GRADE cigars, low prices. 9hennaa MuConaell Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co. t4 MJ64 lescj! FOR SALE cheep. goo4 drsr line la Bros peroaa town of L0 Inhabitants. Address v line uray una, rerry, la. to M s.1 Zjx At'TIVB pastner .wanted; now snanufao luring venea. Address N art. rare Pee. .W" (4j Jisal -a BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) DRUO stores for aula sranrwhara. KnVest, New York Ufa Bid '4-"4S BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cklraaa41at. DR. ROT. R. 1 ISO Farnam St. Doug. 47. (6J-74 Craaasarlea. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. S-Ttt Water Plltara. 1210 HOWARD ST.. Missouri filter; U dvf trial. a-im Cklaa Palatlas. CHINA elacoratlng; order work a specialty. Lesson Tuesday, Thuteday and Hatur day. tiring dally. Leather crafi, stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungata, M Brandela Bldg. -Tel. Red I486, ()! Dreaaaaakla(. IN FAMILIES. Ktaa Sturdy, Tel. Doug. 4220. (& 74J McDowell Dressmaking school. 1K3 Kafnam. . ta 748 TERRT Ladles' Tailoring; and Dressmaking ai.hool. taught In English or Uerman flora a. m. to I p. m. 20th and Farnam g. (6) M2H6 Janl R4aeatloaal. orilXS MONDAY, JAN. 4, 100J MID-WINTER TF1RM. COLLKGK Courses In liuslnefis. telegraphy, stencg- raphv. bookkeeping, KriKllon; nigni anu d.y 'scssloim; free illuntrtited caialoguc. Write to H. H. Hoy Ira, Ptosl;lent. Off" la I Training School of Telegraphy for Union Pacllic R. 1U (o M200 Deatleta. BAILET t MACH, Jd floor Paxton. D. 10SI FERCTVL. 8d floor Barker block. Tel. Doug, lis, feneci oeniisiry i ro ami able prices. (6) 137 Janl4x Florists. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St U HENDERSON. 151 Farnam. Tel. D. 1241 J. H. BATH. 13 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3W00. riaaaelal. MONEY TO L O A N-L O W RATE. In sums to suit, 310 Bes Bldg. 'Fhone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (51-75J Oeteapatkr. JOHNSON IKS., 1 N. Y. U Tel. D. 1S64. (5) -757 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. BUS N. T. L. Bldg. (6) lb rrlBtlagr. EXPONENTS' of good printing. Prompt and first-class worn guarantees ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 112 8. Uth St. Tela. Doug. 6J63, Ind. A-2632. oi jans Safes, fkattara, Kto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a apeciauy or tire escapes, iiiuuci., uwwn and safes. G. Andreen. Prop.. 102 8. loth. 15J 7&i Hevlsg aafl terlas;. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office 214 N. ith St., warehouse ZJQi-i izara tn. 15) -76 tkorthaad Reporter aa4 Natarr. F. J. SUTCLIFFE Depositions. 128 Bee Bldg. TeL Douglas la. lu isi Skee Repalrlaej. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. Flrst-clssj work. 16lV4 Capitol Ave. -pnone uea set. (6)-7tU 6HOES repaired right, called for and de livered tree. Htanuara tnoe riepair v.u.. 1MH Farnam Bt Tel. Douglas 7j6i. 6)-764 HELP WANTED FEMALE Kactery sat Trades. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Ap ply between 10 and U a. m. Omaha Print. log (jo., ' rarnaro. n m WANTED Marker and assorter., also gtfii eral laundry help, llinchey Laundry, J6th and N, South uinana. .!) MjiB jo Heaaekeepere and Dooaeatlce. COOK wanted; apply 3548 Harney. (7)-M93J WANTED At ones, an experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson Si. (7J-.M1UI COMPETENT girl for general hotiM ivm k. Mrs. VV. H. Rhodes, corner Htith and Lin coln boulevard, 1004. Tel. Harney imu. tu A16)l WANTED Girl for general housework. 3109 Cal. St. Phone llatn y 1.65. (1) M724 2J GIRL for general housework. 2sl9 Wool worth Ave. Tel. Harney IJtl. 7 772 29x Allscellaaeuue. LAUNDRESS for Institutional work. 125 per month; room and board. Reference required. Address A 2U0, care Bee. (7)-778 WANTED Practical nurse for several months, capable of taking entire charge of young ha by; state age, expertencu and salary expected: must come well recom mended. Address P. O. Box t'35. Omaha, Neb. (7) M77 31 HELP WANTED MALE Asjeate, So) lei tore aad salesaiea. AGENTS wanted tor the most complete oil gas burner in the world; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fine gas; It Ills any cook stove or range; bottling like II; one-third cheaper tuau coel 01 wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dept. (. cw and U9 N. Y. Lite mug.. Omaha, Neb. tin : AN EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY sales man wanted who la capaole ol earning 11. (wO to t3.uuU a year selling the Standard Line of Live Stock preparations to the ru tail trade. Salary or commission. Most at tractive proposition eves ottered to deal ers. We can use only a high grade, auc ceasful salesman. Give full particulars In first letter. Standard Stock Food company, Omaha. Neb. (9 A15J0 Jano WANTED Oood, competent. traveling salesmen to handle a nigh grade line of roofing and building paints; exceptional opportunity for proper parties. Apply Garland Refining Co., Cleveland. O. t)-M71 31 GOOD live agents wanted; article needed In every home. Call at once. 212 Mc Cague Bldg. t9( M610 1 WANTED Traveling man, by local firm; position permanent; experience not neces sary. Address D 327. Bee office. l)-M732 WANTED Solicitor and collector to travel through country; jninn permanent; good income. Address E J;. Bee office li") MT31 WANTED Mi n with ability 10 sell mining stock of merit; slock that will sell. lib eral commission. Treasury Hill Mlniug Co., 303 Lindelle Blk., 8ukane. Wash. (9I-MS72 lx SIX weeks instructions In salesmanship; position as traveling salesman with re sponsible firm guaranteed. Addresa Bradstreet System. Rochester. N. Y. (9I-M871 2x Clerical Office. . WANTED A thoroughly competent real estate stenographer. W. -J. Kadchff. a -wood, Kan. t)-M.UJa f "BEE want ads" are tho only salesmen you can employ HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aa4 Utiles 3 TRAVELING aalesmcn, Jan. 1, 1100 or better. Ilkpr. and ateno., live stock commission firm. 1100. Kteno., atipt. r. r., $r. Retail shuo clrrk. 1,5. 2 Invoice clerk., lot. 2 nhlpplng clerks. !. Young man. is to JO yin., to assist In office and occasionally make sales In the city, excellent chance for promotion. Call or write for a complete list. We furnish bonds of all kinds. WESTERN RBK. & BOND ASN.. INC., Suite 721 N. Y. Life Bldg. (HI-779 28 DRl'Q CLERK'S position. Lifa Bldg. Knlest. N. T. 9 7S Factory aaa Tradee. DO YOU WANT to berome a competent automobile operator. The Northweatern Automobile and Oaa Enxlne achool can put you In this class, better Investigate Omaha Commercial collets oulidlng, ltli iiid amain. WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks required, best paying work within the reach uf poor man; can have shop with small capital; wages from 112 to I'M weekly, wonderful demand for barbers, catalogue free. Moler Barber College, llo 8. 14lh St. 19-M87 31x WANTED Marker and assorter; one cap able to supervise preferred. llinchey Laundry, 2Slh and N, South Omaha. (9 M577 30 Mlaeellaaeoaa. BOYLES TELEGRAPH SCHOOL. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb.; oificlal training school U. P. R. K. ; positions guaranteed; booklet free. (9)-7 FREE Employment Dept., Bualness Men'a Assn; no lees. Call bJ N. x. Life Bldg. t;-77( U. 8. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wiue-awaae. young Americans, 17 to a years old; men with special trades ac cepted up to 36 years. Must be American citizens. Excellent opportunity for edu cation. Tay from $17.60 to over 177 a month. Visit or addresa U. 8. Navy Re cruiting Station, Omaha, Nsb. Postoffice Building. (ID- WANTED Railway mall clerks; customs employes; clerks at Washington; com mencement salary, $S0O; many spring ex aminations; candidates prepared free; write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3i5. Rochester, N. Y. (D-M777 Jllx WANTED Man to train and handle blond hounds; permanent Job to right man; ref erences required. Address Djval, Allan tic, Iowa. (9) M'iOJ LOST AND FOUND LOST Bull terrier, aeven months old, brindle and white, white tip on tail and hip; tag 2827. Reward. Chas. W. Penrsall, Tel. Harney 2551. (12) M771 30 LOST Monday morning, somewhere east of 2Mh and leaven worth, 1 kit automobile tools and bag. Finder please phone Doug las 109, Llnluger Implement Co. (12) M8X4 31 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Grays Nerve Food Pills;-' 11 a box, postpaid. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (131771 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sla. ; special attention paid 10 confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug laa 1167. Calia auswered day or night. I (13)-123 ANY poor girl In need of a friend caLV at write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 1824 N. 24tu B.maha.Neb. 13)-M58 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities, 'i'olinan, Room 613 New York Life tildg. (141771 lUHOmt YOU WANT MONET (UiUIBd WW DON'T PAY HIGH RATES tUfet) lUti SEE US FIRST. UM It We loan you any amount on w 14 furniture, pianos, etc.; or. If you It have ateady employment, on your ( t$ plain note at the cheapest ratea In ( H tho city. Open until 6;30 p. m. Phone M W Douglas 2U36. U U OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. u ,tWl It. (01. B.own Blk.. ItUi Ultltt Opp. Brandela Him, )X.Wt Uth St. Entrance. U1UW.J (14) 354 BORROW CHRISTMA8 MONET NOW and take advantage of our apeclal HOL IDAY ratea. Your firs, payment will not fall due until February, There will be no extra charges for this, either. You can get it by telephoning Douglas 2295. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade. 161b 01. Entrance. (H)-773 OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding; aad Rooms. FURNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly mode) a; firsl-cless neighborhood, ut a reasonable price. Is23 Will St. Ui 77 CLOSE IN,' nice large room, suitable for two; references requited. 114 S. 19th St Phone Red 4033. U6)-MS74 1818 CAPITAL AVE. Beautiful well fur nished room, with excellent board. Steam heat, Btrlctly first-class. Reasonable. 'Phone Red-5u37. (15)- -M559 Jan3x DESIRABLE room, fine location, walking distance; excellent board. 218 80. 2oth Hi. (15) M770 3x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15 776 Varalske4 Roosas. ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. Uth Bt. (16) 777 FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In ( All parts of the cltjr. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costa you nothing. P. O. NIELirJN A. CU. KENiAL A GTS., lot N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. iJ)4. U5-77 ONE large front room, nicely furnished. 37ol Woulwonh Ave., near park. (15)-MU1 SUITE of furnished rooms for gentlemen, by the month only. Hamilton Cafe. 24th nd Farnam Sis. (151627 &x FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, plenty of hot water. 316 N. luth St. Oil M595 1 FOR RENT Modern front room; hot water heat; walking distance. 24' 6 Harney. (16) M616 lr NEWLY furnished modern room, prlvata family, gentlemen. Call Ainday or even ings. 2MX Capitol Ave. 416) M619 lx FURNISHED room near depota. 1211 8. lltli ft. (15)-M38 1 118 N. 19TH BT., room desirable for vrnng men. (15) M72lx DESIRABLE) reouis. 218 N. mh. (Ui)-M728 J2Ix WILL RENT a beautiful room to gentle man in new home of young couple: hot running water, electric lights, piano player, etc Walking dUstaiiee, choice neighborhood. Few doors oM Farnam. References exchanged. Fulton. 318 80. 27th Ave. (15) 72 9x FOR RENT ! large rooma and alcove, s n le or en suite! sunny and very pleasant. 2W7 Capitol Ave. (Ii)-Mj74 who will keep everlastingly at it. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished lloosii-tnntlnnrd. FT'RNISHED rooms for respectable colored gentlemen. 1913 liard St. tlst) 776 . Apartmrata and Flats. FOR RENT 3.102 Sherman Ave., lower flat, absolutely modern, fine lawn, rlcganl laundry In basement. 1J5.00 to rlgnt partv. Address W. E. Rogers. l(U2 Lothrop Si. Phons Webster 3o67. (lu) Wi8 CENTRAI- 4 rooma and bath, all outalde; corner iiai; steam Heat. ZM No. iuo. (16 M5S1 1- r., flat, Scargo, 61H N. 24th St., South Omaha, Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Red ". (16) M230 A VERY choice apartment at 33d and Far nam St., will be vacated soon by party leaving the elty; Inquire of Wm. K. Hot ter, 301 Brown Blk. (15) 3U7 Hoaeekeeplaa; Rooms. TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for nouseaeeping. i none in nouse. riar ney St. (16) 171 PARIX5R. Dining room and kitchen. 514 8. 22d St. (15 M563 3lx F1TRN1SHED housekeeping rooms. 112 and 15. South 27th St. (16) MfiJO lx FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; modern In every way. 2306 Grant. (16) M748 1 FOUR elegant furnished front rooms, main floor, with piano, complete for house. keeping. 2018 uavi venport. (15) 755 lx FOUR unfurnished strictly modern llirht housekeeping rooms. 2809 Wool worth Ave., or Tel. Doug. 3217. (15) MS79 31 Knrnlshrd Houses. NEW 8-room modern Mouse. Just finished, located 3016 South 20th St.; furnished throughout; to rljrht parties we can rent this for 142.50. Phona Beinls. I'm ton block. (15) M54J COTTAGE, modern ex. furnace, furnished; reasonable, to right parties; permanent. Call 3318 S. 20th St. (15)-M743 lx FURNISHED HOUSE. Owner of this new house will rent It fur nished to right parties; more particular about care of home than rent; will ac cept 136 per month. 3016 South 20th. Bemls. Paxton block. U6)-MS75 Hoaaea aad Cottagee. FOR RENT 3304 Sherman Ave., gas and electric light, strictly modern and up-to-date except furnace. Privilege of laundry In basement, 120.00. Addresa W. E. Rogers, 1612 Lothrop St. 'Phone Webster 3567. (15) M57 OMAHA Van and Btorage Co. pack, move, store II. II. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 1UU9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16) 703 MAGOARD VAN A STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1498. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. oods. (16) 7S4 GLOVER Realty Syndicate, N. Y. 1. D-3933. (15) Mi8 Jani FOR RENT New (-room cottage one block from Sherman Ave. car; fine lawn and trees; asphalt paved street, cement walks and basemunt; very choice location. Kent VO. Owner pays water rent and cares for lawn. Telephone Webster 3310 Wil liam I. Kleratead. . (15) 200 A BARGAIN la rent. I rooms, modern ex. cept furnace, near In, three block from Farnam Ht. car line; very low tu good tenant. Apply at 007 N. lath St. in - (15X-M613 l-ROOM. modern brick flat, 3007 Vaclflo. For information 'phone Harney 12ei. 116) 7& 124 LOOK at this: 6-T. mod., walking dig., one mo. free to good ptrty. Inquire Peters Trust Co. Douglas l98. (15)-M591 29x HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expiessmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. tl6)-78i LIST your vacant houses with Walter Krn Co.. N. Y. Lira Bids. 4151 .iB DESIRABLE 8-room modern furnished house. Rlngwalt Bros. (16) M222 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. (16) 791 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. (15) 788 -ROOM house, 2564 Pratt St., all modern; hot water heat, full cement basement. Phoae Webster 748. (15) M386 7-ROOM, all modern house, gas stove, gas water heater, shades, furnace. 1612 Sprue St. The Chatham., H. I. Plumb. (1W-M927 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. it. if. L. Bldg. (16)-796 ITflTTSTTS 1" H parte of the city. UUU&iliO .crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. (15) 792 2571 DODGE St.. 8 rooms, modern: laundry basement; walking distance; handy three car liner. Hiiaretn 437 ttrandeis Bhig, Tel. Harney 4311. (16) 170 3116 Chicago, 7 rooms, modern, (30. 2961 Farnam, 9 rooms, modern, (15 WM. DICKEY REED, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15I-M739 29 BRICK house, conveniently located, plenty of light and air; modem. 2913 Mason St. Apply 823 So. 28tl bt. (15) M,19 30x FOR RENT 4 nice rooms, first floor, city water, gas, toilet, i.oO per month. C. M. iiacnmann. Agt. (15) 7i6 FOii SALE Oil KENT VAir li r-rftnm limisp with hulliMtAm r.llu burn, pice lawn, concrete walks,' piivxd street; lurmice 11 required. -t;i ciilcago bt See owner at 2513 Chicago St. (15)-M885 29 OOtaee. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on tne busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Cull at Hee office, 8. O. branch, 24lh and N. new address. (.15) M577 OFFERED FOR SALE Fa rait are. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; beeti used a short time and will sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. 116) 143 COMPLETE bedroom set; Iron bed, beau tiful dresser, washstand, table, chair and rocker. 34I8 Jones St. (16) M86 Six Traevrrlters sat ttelag Machines. TYPEWRITERS ALL HAKES ALL WilCES For sale, for lent. Slightly used and genuine rebuilt machines, good aa new. at hk to W mfrs. prices. If rented, rent t will be applied. Large stock of 26 differ ent roaaes to select irom. can or write today for large bargain list and receive our offer. We ship on approval anywhere without a deposit. U. F. SWAKSON CO., INC. (Established Five Years) 1620 Fsrnam St., Omaha. Nab. (tii 8. lath at. alter December 20.) (1)-M2ss Janl TYPEWRITERS, any make, all pricea. for sele, for rent; rent applied If bought. Call or ask for our bargain Hat. B. F. bwanson Co., Inc. (eat. 6 yre.). 1620 Far. nam St., Omaha. tl. M Jfi) Janl Mlereltaaeaae. BEND us your mall order for drugs; freight paid on !lv lota Myers-Dillon Du Co . Omaha. U I UUt'&Sf J cfEMPJi0-R-iALE M lcellaneo on tinned. DRUGS st cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman McConncll Drug Co., O'oaiia, Neb. l lb I 02 TWO cash rcRlsters, cue gas arc lamp. 401 S. 15th St. tl-448 TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ALLl'MCES genuine rebuilt machiiuif, tiooil as new. at I'lir-iuui in ii, I'lir'HKii iiim ii u mi i u I ei a briers. If rented, lent will be applied. Largo stork of 2,1 different makes to select from. Call or write loilay rnr larse bsr sititi llt nnii receive mil' orf.t V p aliill on approval nn w here without a deposit. li ,F. SWANiSON CO., INC. (KtahliHhed Five Veins.) 417 South FUtcchlh St., Omaha. Neb. U6i-MisS Janl Wire Cable for Sale We have tnres pieces of -lnch cable. 160 to 2o0 rc-t each, lor sale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer, Hee Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck'Balke Coilender, 407 S. 10th 8u (16) 803 COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Kosenuiatt a coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department clean nut coal, 6 bushels 'or 11. (U) 764 1,000 KINDS perfumes and sachet powders. Mierman & ftlcconneii urug Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 10th and Harney. (16)-M262 Dec. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, butcher's 6x 10 Ice box. tn good condition. Ueo. W. llartman. 203 Cuming 8t. (161 M126 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number or these bar. lels which we will sel, at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or asncs. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 CHRISTMAS candles, sealed boxes. Sher man i McConnell Drug. Co., Owl Drug Co. U) M253 Dec31 FOR SALE 20 cars of hard wood saw dust, also nnk cord wood. Send your order to J. W. Carter, Carlow, Mo. (16) Mfioo Six FOR SALE Set abstract books; good busi ness. Address Y j2, care Hee. (lfil fiofi 30x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red 7117. (17) b08 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three boola for lnvestora mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey. rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., -Washington. D. C. Estab lished 1869 (17) 807 PERSONAL A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where mothers tinol care for them. Mother Lee, 4u2 LJncroft St. "Phcr. Douglas 1921. (18) 8ul Jan27x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff CIOIIUIIK, Hi I.I-I, ...i.is, uu Ul UUI need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Hth St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 78s HALL'S safes. new,2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18) 609 Al AVCCAnT. Electric vibratory, 120 8. J.UAOOJ1UL ,8tn ft0om 808. fourth floor old Boston Store. (18) M299J1 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. TeL Webater 3559. (18) 811 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha at strangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms. 1514 Farnam St , where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 f A nNPYTTP treatment and bath. Mme. IVLA.I.I CJ.LAVy8rnllt, ug N uthi 2d floor. (18-627 LIEBEN, costumer. 1410 Howard. Open Eva. (18) M708 MASSAGE treatment, 17H9 Dodfie St.. base ment. Mrs. Jordan. (18) 648 30x OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18)-813 BYRINGE8, rubber goods by msll: rut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 810 FOR ADOPTION. 6-month-old boy baby, Swedish parents. Address L-2KJ. care Bee. (18) 3u6 ELECTRIC vibratory treatments, alcohol rtihbliiK magnetic masHHge; hew jmilor; lady operator. Room 2, 173 Dodge St. (18) Mva 31 x REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO., Eat. 1856; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam Bt. (19) 813 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President. (19) Mr63 PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. (19)-81( GEORGE At CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 751 (19)-81i BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandela Bldg. (19)-814 CITY PROPERTY FUR SALE. SOME IKS. IF Field club district suits you, and IF you want a new house, but IF you don't care to puy more than an old house costs ami IF a brand new aiiunrn house with three largv bedrooms, larire bath and four closets upstairs and IF the first floor bus a large parlor with elegant reception hall, colonnade opening and grand siairway, and IF it has full cellar, best furnace, gas. electric light, and IF It's finished In birch, all modern, and IF located on one of the best lots on 8. 38th Ave., and IF the price is only $.1,730. easv terms, WOULDN'T Vm; HE INTERESTED? IF so, look at 1034 8. S8th Ave. Keys at Utt! 8. 3Mh Ave. . C. 5. CARLRKRO, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-777 29 West 4Farnam Two of the finest residence lots near the West Farnam car line, this week for $2,875 each. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. Tel. Douglas 1 l'.a. :19 Hoard i f Trade. tlU) M773 29X AN eastern owner has two houses In Hans com Pla e rented for $70 a month; every, thing modern; paved street; esat front: will aell at a bargain; one block north of Hanscom Park. THOMAS BREWNAN, Room 1. New York Life Building. l Uf FOR BALE Account leaving city, 6-room cottage, 222 Ohio St.. 11.750. including furniture. $.I0 cash, liulamu 115. Uo pvr month. Apply on premises. (19)-M883 SIX LIST your property with Chris. Boyer, 1-4 and Cuming Bta, (19tli VVO0 CASH, and balance monthly, will buy a brand new. ftrst-clams seven-roora house. up-to-dHte In every requirement and ready to move Into, at 2560 Fowler Ava Came and ee lu (lj 76 f REAL ESTATE CITY rHOi'K.HTI tun (Continued ) Cheap Vacant Lots H.W-F.rsklno street, east of Forty-fifth, first west of house No. 4T.1! F.rsklne St; water, sewer and gas and cement walk, abstract and -nil taxes paid-lot 6 block 12. Clifton Hill. $l!50 N". E. rorner Wth and Decatur 8t. (Sox 127; easy term. $3WV-Flrt east of corner of Sfith and Pat rick Ave., north front; easy terms. $3."i0 West front on 2stli St.. W ft., north of Fort St.; easy terms. $;.250-East front on 24th St.. 77 foet and 120; 30 ft. south of southwest corner 24th nnd Franklin; good for stores and flats. Above property to Ih closed out nt once, so get busv. N. T. lOrKJE & CO.. 1714 Farnam St. (UO-MSS1 31 L'0); SPKXCKU ST. New. extra fine, seven rooms, with all modern appointments. Price, low nnd terms very chsv. See owner for key. INSTALLMENT PLAN. Two cottages, five rooms, well located, to be built nt once. See owner for plans and specifications. Price reasonable, one-tenth cash, balance like rent. TEN ACRES. On West Dodge street; choice tract' of fruit nnd clover; very reasonable for suhtirbun home. THAT FLAT. Close In. nearly new, choice tenants, shows fine Income. Ruv It for home or for Investment. Three blocks from post office. C. 8 RHF.PARD, Owner. Tel. Webster 2612. (I9)-M873 29 ELEGANT HOME North or Hsnscom Park district, half block to Park line, paved street, lot Wxlto. House has been completely and handsomely decorated. Hest of hardwood finish, now 011k floors down stairs. First floor has ,"1 rooms, hall and lavatory. Above are 5 bed rooms. liHth and extra lavatory. Maid's room on third floor. Double, funnier. Larg.. porch. Hood shade, owner must sell and offers for less than cost of house. llO.Ouo. O'KEKFK KKATj ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas or A:i52. (I9I-M887 29 WEBSTER STREET Has been opened from 3nth St. to 32d Bt. The street will be graded and Improved In the soring. 1 have 110 feet facing north on Webster Bt., the first vacant lots west or antn Ht.. which I will subdivide Into three lots ami sell at $20 per front foot, on easy terms, or will sell the cntlro piece for $2,000 cash. These jots are luo feet deep and, when street Is Improved, will be very desirable building lots. Here Is an opportunity to secure close Inproperty at a very low price. W. II. AHMANSON. 1218 Farnam St., Second Floor. (191-M758 WANTED To buy or rent for one year; neat 8 to 10-r. house best bank refer ences. Address M 318, care Bee. (19) 688 29 W. W. MITCHELL, REAL ESTATE, 322 Hoard of Trade BldR If you have city property, farms, ranch lands or stocks of merchandise that you want to sell or trade, list them with me. It Is my business to sell and It costs you nothing unless I effect a sale. W. W. MITCHELL. Telephone Douglas 1364. (19)-MW9 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Colorado. FARM ANI r-KUIT LAND Denver-Greeley district. . unaer irrigation: sugar bee's, aiiana, general iarnung ana fruit raising: low price, easy payments. National Investment Co.. 6S2 Brandela Bldg.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6691. (2O)-820 Montana. FINE RANCH FOR SALE. 2,000 acres of Montana wheat hind, 500 acres in cultivation, good water right end an excellent opportunity for a good farmer; threshing machine, gang plows and other machinery to go with tha ranch. Price, $15 an ecre; cue-half cash, the balance five years at 6 per cent. He cuiity State Bank. Havre, Mont. (20) Mini Jan21 Nebraska. CHEAP FARMING LAND. S20 acres In western Nebraska. Largo por tion fine plowable land, good soil, for $2,950. Only 1450 cash; balance one to five years st 6 per cent. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. OMAHA. l2'l)-774 28x 640 ACRES In Kimball enmity, Nebraska, 3 miles from main line of U. P. It. R. Pr.ce li.2." per acre. Incumbrance $2.2co. Must have two cash. Owner will tako good automobile as part payment. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Phones Douglas or A21S2. (201 M 886 29 A FINK Improved stock ranch of 1,500 acres with plenty of hay and alfalfa, In Boyd county. Neb.; quick sulc. Prlca $25 per acre. Address L. Crocker, Beatrice.. Nebraska. (20) M880 29 REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN-Payns Investment Co. (Z2 82) WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith At Co., 132ti Faruam 8'. PAYNE. '.OSTW1CK & CO.. N. Y. Llfa Privet muuey; tuou to 15.UU0; low rate. i22)-24 FIVE PER CENT money to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS HRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. (22)-21 PR1VATB MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 16u4 FARNAls. ()-83: SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. Apply Room 218 First National Bank Blo. Bell 'phona Douglas 2318. (22) 735 PRIVATE money to loan. J. li. Sherwood, 616 Brandela Bldg. (22)-8J8 LOWEST RATES Bemla. Paxton block. (22) XM $100 TO $10,009 made promptly. F. D. Weao, Wead Hldg.. 18tn and Farnam. (221833 MONEY TO BUILD. $500 to $200,000 at current ratea. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat. Bank BMg. (22)-82t WANTED CITY loans. Peters Trust C (22-S2 $5o9 TO $.'i.0fO on homes In Omshs. O'Keefe Keal Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152: (22) 8.1 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST pricea for Id-hand furniture, car pets, clothes and shots. Tel. Doug. 3971 (25)-M RIGHT prices paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. HJ 64UL (26 834 WE WILL buy land sny place the liters are rutting. Omaha Current Deflect.. Co., 214 8. Uth St. (25) 673 J8 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Iesk room with re-al estate msn who handles local real estate only. Address R. E. Holmes, care Merchants hotel. (26) M) M WANTED SITUATIONS YOU NO man desires place to work foe board while attending achool. Boylts College. Both 'puouet (27) Mil WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued. i WANTED Work bv the dav: Washing. Ironing or housework. Tel. Douglas sino. (27) MKR1 2 STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam snd hot water repair; Thermostats and other heat realater; new turnacea and hot water comblnatloa beating. Omaha 8tove Repair Works, 1A-I2u8 Douiilae St. 'Phones; lnd. A-9-U. Bell. Douglas u. i LEGAL NOTICES To the Stockholders of The Conservative Savings anu Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska; As provided In section I of article I of tha byiaws ot said association you ara hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders of said The Conservative 8av lugs and loiaii Association of Omatia, Neb., will be held January 11. ISoV, at tuo office of said association. Ii4 Harney street, Omaha, Neb., lor the purpose of electing one dliector lor a term 01 two ycara and throe directors for a term of five years, to receive tho reports of the officers and directors and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come ae foie the meeting. The polls will ur open for the reception of ballots for the election of directors from 3 o clock to 6 o clock of said day, and the business meeting ot the stockholder ewlll Immediately follow the ilsing of the polls. , Hoard of Directors of The Conservative savings and Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska. Hy GEORGE F. GILMORE, President. Attest: PAUL W. Kuhns, Secretary. D-2Sd-6t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Le-Glass-Andreeen Hardwar Company, Omaha, Nebraaka, Decembef 12, lo Notice is hereby given to tQe Mock holders of the Lee-Ulass-Andreesen Haru ware Company that the annual meeting uX the stockholders of the company will be held al the offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in tne city of omaiia. lu the alate of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 12, A. D UOt, at t o'clock p. 111., for the purpose of electing a board ot directors for the company tv serve during the ensuing year, and ta transact such other business as may be presented at such meeting. Attest: W. M. Glass, secretary; H. J. Lee, president. DUD3M NOTICE Stockholders' meeting of the I'nlon latnd company. Notice la hereby rclviii that the annual meeting of ths stockholders of the Union Land company for the election of five directors snd the transaction of such other business ss may legally come before the meeting will be held Rt the office of the general solicitor. Union Pacific Headquarters Building, 9tlt and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the Uth day of January, 19t. at 10 o'clock a. in. The stock transfer books will be closed ten days previous tu the meeting. ALEX MILLER, f4ecrWry. New York City. N. Y., Dec. 11, 1908. D2Dd20t GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster. Fort Omaha, Neb., De cember 12, 1908. Sealed proposels. In tripli cate, suhjnet ot the usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. ni., cen tral standard time, December 29. 1908, for construction of a steam healing plant In the quartermaster's and subsistence store house at Fort Omaha, Neb. Full In formation furnished on application. United States reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing proposals to bo marked "Proposals for Stesm Heat ing," and addressed to Captain C. DeF. Chandler, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Omaha, Neb. D14-16-16-17-38-29 v. OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Crook, Nebraska, Dec. 28. lo8. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock, a. m., January 4, 1909. and then opened, for Installation of plumbing In one double set of N. C O. quarters for civilian employes at Fort Crook, Nebraska. A guarantee for 10 per cent of amount of propoaal must ac company each bid. Plans and specifica tions may be seen by Intending bidders at tiio office of The Chief Quartermaster, . Department uf the Missouri, Omaha, Ne braska, and at this office. Necessary blank forms and full Information furnished upon application here. The United States re serves the right to reject any or all blda. Envelopes containing proposals must be In dorsed "Proposals for Plumbing, to be opened January 4. 19u9," and addressed: to CAPTAIN JOSEPH F. OOHN, Construct ing Quartermaster. D29-30-31-J1-I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 14 B. Allen and wlfo to Henry B. Imere, sw1 of sw4 of sei,4 of 91-15-13 f 16G Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company to Milton C. Peters, part lots 21 and 22, Horbach'a 1st addi tion 20,000 John J. Kline and wife to Henry B. Imere, nw4 of w ot ae of .Ki-15-13 1,600 Patrick 11. Lane and wife to Frank Hongardt, block 98. Benson 2,000 Robert A. McEachron and wife to Stephen K. Wall, lot 22, block 4, Bedford Plnea 200 John A. MeShane and wife to Mary 1-e McHhaue Hosford. s70 feet of nl 75 fret of lot 2, and s76 feet of W25 feet of nl75 feet of lot 1, block 1, West Omaha 1 Augustus Dolland nnd wire to Jennie K. Brown, lot 5, Dolls' Place 70 Edward Cassldy and wife to Henry . Martin, lot 3, block 1, Missouri Ave nue Park 600 Caroline Rasmtissen to Peter Laux, n of tax lot 9, Redfield'a sub 2,160 County treasurer to Prudential Real Kstato company, lots 11 and 12, block 3, A. S. Patrick s addition Same to same, lot lu, block 17, Central I 'ark Same to I). C. Putterson, trustee, lots II and 12, block 4, Comer subdivision Same to same, lot 1, block 4, Patter- . , sun Park Joanah Markwood to Charles J. Rowe, t lot 7, Yates Ai Reed's sub , 71 Jennie M. Markwood to Joanah Mark- ' wood, lot 7, Yates or Reed's sub ' I South OmHha Lind company to George Bchrah, lot 3, block 303, South Omaha &! Hattie I.. Prii e and husband to Hen Jtimln Edholm, lot 11, Elllstone Park , Place 360 Sidney Maddock, executor, to Wilson T. Graham, lot 8, block 1, Denman Place 150 E. E. Halch and wife to Abraham L. Reed, sub lot 6. tax lot 12, 11-16-13.... f County treasurer to E. E. Halch, sub lots 6 and 6, lot 12, section 21-16-13 Elizabeth M. Bhuhan to Louisa B. Stegner, n(2 feet ot sK4 feet of elT7.82 feet of lot 106, Glses' sddlt.on Total $33,17$ RAILWAY TIME CARD l.MU.N BTATIOJV IOTH AMD MASON , I'aloa Pacllic I.SSVC. a 8:60 am .a 1:60 pm Arrive, a 9:40 pm a too pm ' al0:U aat a $:() ptn a 9:1S pm a 46 pes a 1:60 pm a 4:46 pm a 7:(n am b 1:40 pra Overland Limited Colorado Express Atlantic Express 1 lr...,..,, fc'vn r . 4:10 nm Los Ankeles Limited.. . ...11 ,.al2:56 pm . 9:30 am China and Japan Mall.. a 4:09 pm North Platte Iah al. .....a 7:43 am Colo.-Chlrago Special. . ,al2:i0 am It.-itrlce & Btromsburg local bll:30 pm i bleaao (ireel Westera Bt. Paul-Minneapolis Bt. paul-Mlnueapolls ( loi ago Limited .... Chicago Express .... Chicago Express .... Missouri Paelfle 1:30 pin . 7:30 am 7:10 am II 86 pm - 1:27 am ll;i pm 06 pm 7:80 am 1 30 pm ju pm i K. C. at St. L. Express. .a 9:00 am K. C. Ac St. L. Express.. all :16 pm (hleaao, Rock Islaael st Pari EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:10 am Iowa Ixm hI a 7:u0 am Kocky Mountain Ltd. . .a 1:00 am Des Moines a: Eastern.. a 700 am Des Moines Passenger. .a 4 00 pm Iowa Im sI bll :00 am Chicago (Eastern Ex.) a 4:40 pm Chicago Fiver a t.'.t pm W EST. Rocky Mountain Ltd . ...al 1 : 15 pm Colo. A Cal. Express. ..a 1:20 pm Okl. ti Texas Expresses 4:40 pm Wabash St. iouls Express a 1:10 pm Hi. Louis l-ocal (from Council Bluffs) a 1 60 gni 8 tan berry I .oca I (from Council Iiluf(s) tM pra . - a t ii mm 640 pm all :e pm a 4 30 pm all :06 pm a 4:80 pin 12 m ptn b 9:5 pm a 1 :10 pm a 1:36 am a 2:60 pm a 1:30 pia a l it pm a ftf am aJ40e pm blO U ass V SB