TITF, OMAHA DAILY DIX: TUESDAY. DECEMHKII S3. 190?. BRIEF CITY NEWS ' Jlavs aoet m It. Aadolpk r. Swetoea, lwU Aoeona-a. t llBtkart, photographer, llth Famanv 117 X. 1, Douglas sboe, $. atonrk tr holiday cand.es and tl-1 . Vim. II B. inn. a rieetrteat wtrtna- aa repairs Burgees- Granden Co. 1S11 Howard. X.nitaI UK rollcles. sight drafu at maturity. If. I. Neelv. manag-er. Omaha. Llgfct Btlll sThlne TT decorative lights on Uio county court house will be -ntslned th remainder of tho week, "-liid waa ordered Monday by the county r.rr.misloners. nVHOIT umSYOCUaa o mwmmw rwrnrnvm' - H Iter. Cbarlea W. ftavldgs haa been ap pointed cuatodlan of Cordelia Vld. ad judged Insane. The county comrnlaeloneTi amide the appointment. Const? l-lnn-ber ttn a Bala The ecuntr coromls-kTi-ra hsv rained the eal- 4i y of John Linen, iu county piurawr, from XJ to fii a month, the Increaae to f tecome effective January L Keep year saonoT aa4 valaealea in Safe deposit box la tb American Bate De posit Vaulla In Tb Be building, which la absolutely burglar ana ftreproet- Box tent for only II a year ar 1 Quarter. I W Blralflcaae la the Mora The Wi- ,h and the Chicago Great Western are tnlling their city office In Council Bluff. Thla more 1 aid to be simply to a j.-nse and ba no further significance. ' rerasal laansrt TeraMci Coronar Haa- ft y a Jury sitting la th case of J. K. D. I Rohlfiug. th painter, who waa found dead ?ln bed at a lodging bouse last wee, re. turned a verdict Monday morning to the effect that death waa due to chronlo hart disease. The body will be taken to Ackley, la., for burial. ' Spaalak Asaartcaa Teteraaa "aeanlon The Spanish-American war veterans, old and prospective, wUl bold a reunion in Fra- ternlty hall Monday evening. January 4. I The principal feature of the evening will 3 be the Installation of officer for th t new year, which wll be followed with a smoker anJ a good time generally. ' Tea Dollar lor Sack aad Crooso For Stealing a duck and a goose from I .era hard l a barn. -iv bourn ortiein .treet. early Saturday morning, Jamea Hennecaey wa fined $10 and coal in -vine court Monday morning. It 1 aald .e attempted to steal Bernhardt' pony. which he had saddled, but could not get t out of the barn, a the door was. locked. f i Tlfteea Says for Disturbance For hav- I Ing created a disturbance In a place of I burtness owned by a man who had ad vanced tools ana supplies wnn wnicn ne rould work, Charles Collins of 1ST Xorth Twenty-fourth street ws sentenced to serve fifteen days In the county Jail. He was srrested on complaint of Abe Abllne. 1X3 Xorth Twenty-fourth street, who tes tified against Collins. grabbed A-aU far Jury ernes V. G. Llndgren, who served ten weeks as a member of the last grand Jury, was sum moned again Monday to serve as a petit juror In the trial of the criminal charge against Henry Maholeck. accused of cut tins Der.t.ts McLaln with Intent ta do great bodily harm. The case la being tried be fore Judge Sutton In district court, who la a Jnrin nwiea nf thei ertmtnal bench this week. Oaos Mora for Mrs. Ho-rak Following a raid on an alleged disorderly house Sat urday night by th police and th arrest ,of the keeper and five Inmates, the three S n In the case were riven flnea or short ,411 eemem ee iu (kiih r jmyi t muuusj nu the two female Inmates and the woman who conducted the place, Mrs. Novak, are being held to be tried later. The house Is situated at 1008 Capitol avenue and haa been concerned in a number of police raids and court case. aaoers for Badses If DealreO Mogy Bernstein and his assistant probation of ficers may have saucers for badges If they want. The chief probation officer asked the county commissioners for larger badges the coming year, saying that those now in use aro so small aa not to Impress the wayward with the Importance of the wearer. The request was granted by the board in lis Monday morning session and Mogy given permission to buy badges as t Urge as lie wishes. ' Oomrt -Wrangle Ova Milk Bottle The court of Justice Cockrell rang ail day Monday with arguments aver the owner ship of half a hundred milk not lie wnicn two dairymen named f wareneon and Ped- ersun bad com into custody of, having bought them, they claimed, from people . along th line. The Alamito Dairy com-1 paay's same Is blown la the bottles and replevin suits were Instituted last week. prions o rompraniN or ncouiKini un stamped bottles for the marked ones failed ef success. Tsa Says for Char Is s rails Ten day In jail was th sentence given Charles Felix, one of th negroes arrested Chri et as afternoon la connection with the as- Tiu!t. with knives against William D. Alex ander, ?o colored. Felix claimed that be bad only thrown rocks at Alexander In fclf-dileuM and ao was given a light sen tence. M. A. Moore, alias Murray Hicks, the other negro held by the police, will be tried later In the week. It la said that he used the knif that cut Alexander. The conii4a.ln.lns" tineas has left the bospttal and appeared in police court to testify againal the men Monday morning. Promises Vet ta Abas Wife Charged with abusing his wife for tb last few months. Frank Freihag of Third and Spring streets, was arraigned In police court Monday morning and will be allowed to go without a fine or jail sentence on conditio that he does not a buss Mrs. Freihag sny more. Tb latter appeared against him In court and aald that he waa abusive only when Intoxicated, and that she wished to have aomeUilng dona about the matter, as they bav three children anj her condition la delicate. Judge Craw- For Malting and Tally 111 J A pure, fine-flavored syrup that makes the finest kind of candy. 1st la, ts, mm Matt M mum JIUolafcosUBf aa? I'll' MMf Ire M reaacit li X, ( I I I ford said be would punish tre man If be ever repeated the offense, and told Mm. Freihag to r-rcmptlr report ber husband to the police the next time he gets to drinking. Ttr rtlr Are Too lUir Two pairs of trousers g August rVlander of South rimftKa trttA (rmiM f&ntiieriuv and h had , .. ., . .. til M,)rij.T mnrnlrf, when the matter was explained to Judge Crawford in police court and Belander waa discharged. lie was wearing a pair of work pints over his regular trousers, he told the Judge, and had some money In a pocket of the under pair. However, when he came to pay far a meal he bad ordered at a Harney street restaurant, hi forg-t he had any money In one pair of trousers and could not find any In th other, so was arrested on com plaint of the proprietor of the place. Se lander promised to pay for his meal If the Judge would discharge him, so the latter did so. TWO REPLEVINS OVER RINGS Cress Ceantera Brsstkt ky Tw an t "era re Pnseessloa f Dtaaaand. In the filing of a replevin su-lt, late Saturday afternoon, against Colonel B. C Brojk field, John M. Macfarland, attorney for Mrs. Frances Sherwood . hope to recover fiv disrhond rings his client lost In April. Three other rings believed to be the property of Mrs. Sherwood are now In charge of the police, though I plevined by Mrs. Rains at whose house at Jilt Dodge street. Mrs. Bljerwood boarded at the time the diamonds were lost. The dlsmonds and other Jewelry Mrs. Sherwood claims to have lost three years ago were valued at from W" to tdOD. The loss was reported to the ponce st the time. but nothing was found of them until the department two weeks ago recovered from a Jewelry store three of the supposed diamonds, lurs. Rains claims the diamonds belong to her and secured a writ of re plevin which was served on Sergeant Marshall. Pending Identification of the property, th sergeant refused to deliver it. About the same time me three diamonds were found in the Jewelry store, the police found that Mrs. Rains had sold a diamond to a Miss Little, who formerly lived at her house. Miss Little said she sold the ring to Calonel Brookfield. who In turn, told the police that he bought the diamond from Miss Little end had it reset with other stones. The recovery of this diamond In the possession of Colonel Brookfleld Is sought by m?ans of the replevin suit filed. The Brookfleld replevin suit will be heard In county court, Thursday and the replevin suit brought by Mrs. Rains against the polio sergeant will be beard Monday. The latter will be resisted by Mrs. Sherwood who claims possession of the properly. MORTON MAY GO TO ORIENT Farsaer Department of tke Mlssoarl Cosaananaer Likely to Be eat to Ike Pklllsplnea. An Intimation has been received from Washington that Brigadier General Charles Morton, Just retired from the command of the Department of the Missouri, may be aaslgned to the Philippines for duty, in stead of to the Department of the Columbia. Among other general officers who may go to the Philippines are Brigadier General Earl D. Thomas, now In command of the Department of Colorado . and Brigadier General Ramsay D. Potts, now In command of the Department of the Gulf. The orders Indicating - the transfer of these general officers to the Philippines have not yet been Issued, but the indi cations come from a high otfteiaJ source that such orders will shortly be Issued. Leave of absence for thirteen days has been granted First Lieutensnt Charles G. Harvey of tb Second cavalry. Fort Des Molnts. Mrs. M. Grsy Zalinskl. wife cf Major M. Grey Zalinskl, formerly chief quarter master of the Department of the Missouri, wss the guest of honor of one of the brilliant social functions In Washington last week. The guests included a number of the diplomatic corps mat many of the leading officers of the army ststloned at Washington. SEAMAN WAREHOUSE IS SOLD Ballalaa- at Slstoentk Xrar Pawl Boaakt ky M. C. Peter for Twenty Tkonaann Dollar. Tb Seasnsn warehouse on Sixteenth street near Paul waa sold Monday after noon to M. C. Peters by the Xorthwestern Mutusl Life Insurance company for Oo.uno, the deal being consummated through the Byron Reed company. Mr. Peters will use the building as an uptown depository for alfalfa seed and meat The building fronts on Sixteenth street and Is three stories in height st that end and five at the rear, where the Belt line runs. The Immediate proximity of trackage is another reason why the warehouse la a desirable one. The building was put up In 1SS7 by W T. Seaman, who bought the land for K.JfiO ana spent sto.imi n tne Duiiaing. it was used for some time as a carriage reposi tory and after passing into possession of the Northwestern Life was let by thst company to Harry Onunseman and A. H. Henninga, former city treasurer. At the latter's death the partnership was dia solved. but the building has continued to be used as a storage warehouse for private renters. It is stated that the Peters company. In addition to enlarging its Omaha facilities, contemplates the building of a factory and mill In Colorado. Lifelong; Hosaast to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kldnry troubles Is needless. Electric Bitters is th guaranteed remedy. For aale by Peaton Drug Co. Fudge flct m AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Child Diet of Ptomaine Poison, tit Eeiult of Eating Ojstert. SISTER IS MADE SLIGHTLY ILL riaaeer Illstorlral foelety ta Meet Tweaday Jtvrataa; far the Ele Ilea af O Bare re far the Tear. Llleen Wolff died Sunday morning of ptomaine poisoning. She was a little girl of years. The parents llvs St Kt V street. Dr. W. J. McOsnn was called and ordered the child bathed In hot water to relieve the convulsions, which were very severe when he arrived. He thought the child dying then, but ordered the only thing possible. He went on to attend an other talL Almost Immediately after bis departure the child died In continued spasms The parents are working people. They ssld the only thing which the chl'd hsd esten which could hsve resulted so fstally was a quantity of oysters. These were eaten Saturday. It Is said another child who at of the oysters wss sick, but not seriously enough to srtrsct much atten lion. Symptoms of poisoning began to de velop about twelve hour after eating th oysters. The parents are satisfied that the death was due to natural causes, ss the result of spoiled or tainted condition of tb hell-fish. It 1 likely therefore thst no Inquest will be held nor post-mortem ex animation. The funeral is set for this afternoon from the residence to St. Mary's ceme tery. Historical Society Election. The annua election of the Pioneer His torical society of South Omaha will be held at Library hall Tuesday evening st " JO o'clock. The reports of standing commit tees will Include a report on bylaws and on the membership roster. This Is the first yesr of the organisation and has been on of great Interest to th members. Many profitable sessions hsve been held. The history of the city has been collected by the researches of a number of the pioneers. Each paper furnished at any of the spe cisl programs is filed In the archives of the association. In this manner it is hoped to secure. In time, a complete history by way of reminiscence. An interesting program has bean prepared for Tuesday night which will follow the election of officers. Rev. D. W. Morlarty the pioneer priest of South Omaha, will deliver an address on early days. The Pioneer Glee club will furnish special musical numbera. Miss Thlelkes will ren der piano selections. Every one Is re quested to be present at this meeting. Walker-Rawley. A pretty wedding oeremony was cele brsled Saturday evening st th residence of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, Twelfth and I streets. Louis J. Walker of Tank ton, S. D.. aiid Miss Hannah E. Raw ley of this city were married by Dr. R. L. Wheeler. Mrs. Edith Dennis Heldgren sang, a solo, accompanied by Arthur Miller, while little Ruth Berlin did the honors of ring bearer. Miss JuUa WiHard and Mr. Watson of Yankton, 8. D.. were the brides maid and groomsman. Amid pretty deco rations, music and congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Waiker left on an early train lor their future hem at Tankton 8. D. Maale City Goaalg- Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of the city. Teiepnon jso. s. W. C. Eronson hss gon to Colorado for a visit with friends. COAL! Try Howland's celebrated Silver Creek. Office, 4M N. 24th 8U TeL Souuh 7. Paul Xoyes Sutton, son of Juflg and Mrs. A. L. (Sutton, spent Christmas with his grandparents st vaterioo. Mr. and Mra. Harry Coombs hsve been entertaining Lr. and Mrs. Hobson of Blair during the Christmas vacation. Special services sre announced at the First Presbyterian church to Introduce "Weeks of Prayer" on Sabbath. January , li. Mrs. D. Oakley, who baa been ill and undergoing treatment In the Omaha Gen eral hospital, was a tile lo return r yesterday. The city council will meet this evenln In adjourned session. It is possible that tue Nebraska i'ower company will urge passage of their ordinance. . It ts reported that Howard and Fred King will leave South Omaha during the present week lor ttuuyier. wnere tney ex pect to engage in i arming. The mass meeting of the dissenters ssainst the regularly appointed charter revision committee met yesterday after noon at the city hall. P. C. Caldwell was chosen chairman and Charles Offerman secretary There waa no opposition to tne deliberations of the body. n A. Touna has returned from a boll day visit with his family at Denver and resumed his labors as secretary oi Young Men'a Christian association. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wells have re turned from Lance Creek. 8. It. They ex pect to M here for the winter and may be here permanently. NEIGHBORS PREVENT ROBBERY Police Xetlaew of Attempt ana Ysisg Man I Taken Into tost oay. Charles Overmeyer, 20 years old. who lives at 1KB Francis street, went to the Orpheum theater last night but did not re main until the performance wa over. He left, not because be was displeased with th performance, but. according to the po lice, he saw thst Henry Hayman and his wife, who live at ltU South Sixteenth street, were also at th theater end h realised that their home waa deserted. It is claimed thst he then left the theater and went to the Haymen residence and attempted to get Into the house. It Is said that he waa unsuccessful and went away, but returned to make a second attempt. He was seen by neighbora. how fver, who notified Detective Murphy at the Jail Murphy arrested him and b, was tsken to the police station, where he was booked as a suspicious char acter. The Haymans did not know of the al leged attempt to enter their homo until after their return from th theater. Mr. Hay man declared that th two families are acquainted and that young Overmeyer waa aware of their custom of going to the theater Sunday nights. Overmeyer had been in the house and waa familiar with the location of th rooms. Monday morning In polios court Judge Crawford decided to bav a talk with Overmeyer before passing judgment on the case, so ths young man went back to Jail and was seen later by the judge. Over meyer'e father was In court with him. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mrs. Rome Miller will leave the middle of next month for a trip to San Francisco. They will go south from there and spend several weeks in old Mexico be fore returning to Omaha. W. J. Burgess of the Burgess Wood ward Theatrical company ts expected homo from Chicago Tuewtny. where 1 Las Uxi conferring with architects relstive to tue aew theater whk-k th Rrandelses will erect, and be is ei peeled is make aa an nouncement concerning details ii th plaas for the new opera house. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cook of D Moines, have been visiting daring the hoiidaa with Mra. Cook s sister. Mr. W. 1. Kierstead. Mr. Cook is well kaoma In Omaha anMd.( the railroad niea as he is the uldest con ductor on the Rock Island In point of aer vice having brea wits tne hock Island for lu last fotty-lao years, At the Theaters Mlrelo ICCro at tke Bora. "Mlrele Fffros.-' a ilmmt by Jacob Oordln. presented In Yiddish. The cast: Mlrele Effros, the Jewish Queen Ler... Madame Urrti Joaeph, her s. n Mr. SV-hoerio!, sniri. ner son Jar. pimrnwns Srhslmen, h r bookkeeper Mr. Hirsch ssscniey. rer aerrani Maosnve nm Nuchemre Chana Ln-ore Mr. pVhoenholi Chana I'vore Mr. Ftnkeltein Fchendele. their daughter. Miss Schoenhnls Her little boy Miss J. Ooldstetn Tlddlsh is one of the many languages which the ordinary theatergoer does not speak, but illitersry in this tongue Is net diAQnaliflcatlon to the enjoyment of th acting of Madame Kenny Liprln. who. with her company, presented "Mlrele Ef fro"' last evening. The drama bear th sub-title of "The Jewish Queen Lesr." a caption which would lead to the correct supposition thst the drama, which Is by Jacob Oordln, ts a study In fUlal revolt and Ingratitude. There la, cf course, a change from the Shakespearean tragedy named. In the sex of the principal char acter and likewise the Gonertl and Regnn of the Gordln play are sons Instead of daughters. There Is one other fairly Im portant divergence from the old tragcdyi for the ending cf "Mlrele Effros" is happy. It la hardly too much to ssy that just as one need cot be proficient In French to get an evening's pleasure when Bernhardt holds th boards, or In Italian when Dues plays "La Toeca," so similarly the acting of Madame Llpsln has an universal ap peal. During her first scene, when she rules the home, imperious, dominant, al most regal; during another scene, when her sons rebel and clamor for a division of th estate left by their father, the mother now at ence affronted and grieved; sgaln when she recites how the father really left nothing but debts and bow she trcrght the estate to affluence all the varying emotions she felt could easily bs read upon a mobile countenance, what was passing in her mind was made clear through gesture, Intcnatlon and accent. It must not be thought thtt the author who wrote th drama lrnown a "The Kreutxer Sonata" has really copied the Shakespearean plot, for except In the gen eral way indicated there Is a wide diverg ence. The discord In the home begin whn Joseph, the elder son. has Introduced his bride there and also her good-for-noth ing father. It la tb daughter-in-law, Schendele, P'-ayed by Miss Schoenhols, who proves to be the serpent in Eden. Once the money is secured. Xochemse Chan Dvore, the father-in-law, proceeds to make ducks and drakes of it, the daughter stirring up all the trouble she can, and Daniel, the other son, helping things along by becoming thoroughly dissolute. Wbst really forced the harrassed mother to leave the bom was, however, sn accusation of dishonesty against Schalman (Mr. Hirsch) for thirty years her bookkeeper and confidential as sociate In business. After a nerve-racking scene in which time. Lipiin rsn the gamut of anger, sorrow snd heart-deep grief, she goes away to find a refuge In Schalman's home. With him she re-engages In busi ness, snd thus by th Um her sons hsve lost all their money she is once more In opulent circumstances. The medium of reconciliation is a grand child. Mlrele Effros dwells Brain where formerly she hsd swsy. snd with a firm command of the domestic exchequer and her sons chsstened by the not very sweet oses of adversity, the prospects when the last curtain comes down are that serenity will continue for some time-In the house hold. ..i . Mme. Lipsin In physique, temperament and method reminds one thurTf of Modjeska, as the great Polish womatf was when in ner prime. Her support Is good, but ss much Inferior to her ss were-the plsyers with whom Modjeska was surrounded, Mme. Lipxin will be seen this evening in a totally different role, playing a 16-year-old girl In "The Orphan." another product of Gordin's pen. Vaadevllle at tke Orphean. Bo tense and gripping is the sketch. "The Operator," at the Orpheum this week, that when sn engine's whistle signified that the feared horrible wreck had not happened, an audible sigh went up from the audi ence. A fine-spun debate might be held as to whether or not the sketch Is melo dramatic. At any rate, for ninety-nine out of every hundred spectators it is far more thrilling than any "Dip of Death,' or "Slide for Life" could possibly be. Ly ter Chambers plays the telegrsph operator, who. at the end of a seventy-hour con tmuous trick lets two trains come near smashing head-on. Clara Knott is Sally, th operator's wife. The situation Is tense enough with a col lision imminent, but Just to mske It thor oughly harrowing Charles Kenyon, the author, causes his hero to resolve to shoot bis wife, bsby and himself If, when the clock strikes eleven, the whistle does not signify that the catastrophe has been averted. As the cIocS strikes, the half- erased man raises his revolver tnechanl ca:iy and as the hour is tolled off the sit uation becomes almost unbearably taut strung. It is a tribute to the acting of the man and woman that the climax li thus so convincing thst the sound of th whistle is a veritable relief. The sketch Is admirably staged and ths simulation of the sounds of an approaching and depart- HOW COLDS ARE CONTRACTED ALWAYS RESULT OP UNDUE EXPOSURE. Eapid Cooling- of the Surface of the Bodj Brings About the Common Ailments of Mankind. An acute catarrh, that is a eold, is alwavg la rcaun of undue exposure to low temper at urea. Toe rapid cooling of the guruvo when not balanced by Droner reaction, cro- duoen eonrasuoa and inflammation of tb nasal and bronchial roembranev Obviously auch an ailment is not oommunicable, in th ordinary sens front on individual to an other. As th slightest "cold" p red u, pose th individual ta attacks of tb most vra and dangerous catarrhal affections, tb ne cessity for quick ear need not be enforced. These facta emphasise the naosssity of extra precauUoaarr sneaaures against the ordinary cold. Esaryoon cannot cbane bis climax at will but ansy soaks tb Boost of what b nas as aorna, vul, lat mamberiaio Uoocn Bossedy as toon as th Srst indication of th cold appears. It not onlvcarsasoold ouicklv but counteracts any teoxioavry of th eold to result in pneiMBouia. This fart ba bora fully proven during tb epidemics of eold and grip of tb past few years. No ems of aitber of tboss disss baring resulted in proomonia when tbi retnedv was need baa ear been reported to til manufacturers, and thousands of bottle of it are sold everv ay, wbicb sbows emeiiarively that it is not only the boat and eukaart core foreulda, bat osrtaia rveou,a mi tkat VproB dat- awsa, fvuniitia Ing train Is dr behind It scenes with ! phonographic sccurscy. Mme. Theresa F.ens hss arrived f r net equestrienne act after some weeks of her alding, and ber act, which Is the top-V.nr of the week, waa awaited with considerable expectancy. It is a circus turn brought onto the stage of a theater and is alto gether effective. Mme. Rent In addition to managing wrth consummate skiU two j bautiful horses, presents a striking plot- ! ure as she scurries round snd round the stsge on a horse, now dancing, now strld- 1 Ing on two legs or proceeding In less un conventional s-alt. Comedy is contributed to th bill by Warren and fclanchard. the former of whom is particularly amusing in a number of the conversation and song kind, and by the monkeys, spes snd baboons. listed as "Bei: Hsthswsy's Simian Flaymstea." There are no less than seventeen of these nimals with prehensile eitremltles In th j troupe, Including the monkey wslter. ho is genuinely funny aad "the only plate-catching baboon In the world." The bill opena with Will Campbell and tb Stock sisters In a novel Juggling act which merits the adjective "dainty." The setting for this ss well as th other acts of the week deserves mention. Another num ber on the bill Is thst of the Jupiter broth ers, two Oklahoma com bo) s who have abandoned the aaddls for a seat In a cabi net of mysteries. The act resembles some what the performance conducted by de votee of spiritualism or "splrtUam. as It mors property called. Th performara. however, scorn th suggestion thst they re ceive aid from departed souls. Carter and Buford appear la character songs, with appropriate setting for each. They were most successful with their last offering, which was an Indian affair, and achieved a good measure of applause when the curtain was rung down. The Prince Chap" at tho Bwrwoow. The Burwood Stock company In "The Prince Chap," a comedy in three acts and five scenes, by Edwin Peple. The cast: William Peyton, an American sculptor.. Mr. Grew Jsck Rodney, earl of Huntington Mr. connor Marcus Runlon, Peyton's "man" Mr. Cllshee Balllnrton Mr. Todd Zadder , Mr. lngraham Frits Mr. Bacon Truckman Mr. Donlan Claudia (at i years! Mercedes flpong L iaunia (at K years) Celia Mararulls Claudia (at 18 years) M.as tl.iolt Mrs. Allington, Claudia s mother Miss Downln Phoebe Puckers, a maid of all work . Jane Jsffery Alice Travers, "Princess Alice" Miss Stearns Thla is Mr. Grew's week at the Bur- wood, and he is making much of It. "The Prince Chap" Is a pretty story of how a man gave up much for others, and did It with no thought save to help them, snd in the end It all came home to him, Just aa It was prophesied of bresd cast on the waters. And another beauty of the play is that It Is without a villain, or any bad person In any wsy, shape or form. It hasn't a pang In It Several places might cause a tear to flow, but they will be tears cf Joy, not of sorrow. And It hss the richest of good natured comedy In It, so that it is in all ways enjoyable. Mr. Grew is presenting the role of a young American sculptor who went to London, leaving In New Tork a girl who hsd pledged her heart to him. He struggles with fortune, keeping his heart true and his hand open to every one. A woman comes to his studio dying, and begs him to care for her baby girl. He promises, and before he has time to regret the woman dies. Th little one easily finds her wsy into his heart, but after three years the girl he left In New Tork calls on him to demand that he make his choice between them. He declines to send the little one away, and she charges him with being fall hi ess and leaves him to wed snother. Ten years later shreturns a widow and seeks to win blra back, but he discovers that ward, grown to be a woman, hss be come more than a ward, and the play end both logically and happily. It requires of Mr. Grew that he be simple and natural, and h- is. easy and accurate in his work and making his points with great cer tainty and without apparent effort. It is pitched in a minor key, and is very well rendered. Incidentally, he proves thst he Is not altogether unfamiliar with ths wsys of little folks snd It Is not sll the lines of the plsy that leads little Claudls In the first act to call him a "mother In trousers." He prepsres the tot for bed with all the easy skill of a paterfamlliaa of experience Other little touches add much to the ex cellence of the characterisation. To make Claudia properly it will be light to treat her in an ascending scale, even as did tha author. LllUe Mercedes Spong. who is a cousin once removed of Hilda Spong ahows traces of the ability of her better known cousin. Shs was a tremendous sue cess last night, prattling ber lines with tb artless ease of a genuine Infant rather than making the stilted declamation of "prodigy." And Cecilia Margulta, who Is trifle more familiar with play acting. was very charming as the -year-oil Claudia. Her preparations as well as her aspirations for the coming of Ssnta Claus and her solicitude for "Daddy" and Puck ers and all the rest evinced a natural sp tltula for sssumlng a part. To say Miss Ellott gives to the 18-year-old Claudia the graces snd girlish sttrsctlveness of the age tells It mildly. She is still the artless girl at ber entrance, but suddenly developes Into a woman under the impulse of a love that la not discovered until snother asks her to marry. Then aha realises that she is no longer a child. The closing scenes of the plsy are between Miss Eliott and Mr. Connor and Mr. Grew, and are delightful. To change from th role of Camille to that of Claudia is a complete reversal, and to do it as well aa Miss Ellott has dons speaks much for the adaptability. Ths comedy Is furnished by the other members of the company. Mr. Connor is very good in the role of Jack Rodney, otherwise the earl of Canterbury; Mr. Clls bee makes a bully good serving man and general factotum around the studio; Miss Jeffery hss a character that gives her fine chsnce for her bent for comedy, aad Messrs lngraham, Todd snd Bacon are a trio of happy-go-lucky artist chsps who help the prince chsp to lesd a merry life la the studio building. Miss Btesrn ha th only thankless role In th Wll, that of tb girl who Jilts the prince chap, but she does her part welL Miss Downln has the role of Claudia'a mother and ker short scene is effectively done. Two very l&r-ge aud le-nces assembled st the Burwood yesterday and gavs enthus iastic i pre salon of the approval of the play. It will run all week, with the regular matinees and an extra matinee on New Tear's afternoon. The Convict aad th Girl" at th K rag There is plenty of red firs, gun play, melodramatic heroism and dastard villain Um In 'Ths Convict and the Girl." a new plsy. which opened a four nights' engage ment st th Krug Bundsy. At each of Ui many thrilling scenes during the presenta tion of the plsy before almost capacity audiences yesterday, the "upper" part of the house and even those in th parquet showed by their vigorous applause that sensational melodrama Is by no means un popular. Th story of tho phty afford ample opportunity for thrills and they are all used to good advantage, a burning fuse at tha door of a powder bouse, tne ex plosion of a steamboat engine at sea and a live-savins' scene wtth realistic waves, alarm btlls and (asolla launch, beicg tL Every $15 ft fi .. is sure to be within the means of everyone, consequently, we look for an opportunity to fit you perfectly in one of these up-to-date Overcoats. OMAHA'S LEADING CLOTHIERS. most sensational Th lov of a convict and a sheriff for th same girl, and the sheriffs determined running down of a trio of counterfeiters, one of whom Is also a murderer and the third ltrver of the girl In the case, provides the theme of the story. The heavy parts of the pro duction are handled by players of satisfy ing ability, and several comedy roles offer lighter entertainment that balances the rest of the play. Several specialties ar introduced and were well received Sunday. The engagement terminates wtth matinee and evening performances on Wednesday. BROTHER OPPOSES BROTHER One Asks for Calvert aad Other Got IaJaactloa to Reatrain Ita Contraction. Th cqunty commlssldners. County Sur veyor Herbert Heal, Road Overseer Eggert Otto have been temporally restrained from constructing a culvert kn a grade on road which passes the property of he petitioner, Henry Neubnus. A brother of Mr. Neuhsus appeared be fore the board and asked that the culvert be constructed, the brother owning prop erty on the west side of th road. Th next day Henry, who own the southwest qusrter of the northwest quarter of section It. township 11 north of range IX protested against the building of it for th re son thst the rosd at present acta as a dam which would be done away with by the construction of the culvert. The grade be tween the holdings of the two brothers is two feet high snd Henry Neuhsus claims that If the culvert was built, wster from his brother's land would flood his lsnd and destroy his crops. NATAL DAY OF TAY TRAGEDY Twrslr-Matk Anniversary at Eatn hwrgh Express Disaster Recalled ky Omaha Scots. Many Omaha Scotchmen remembered Monday, that it was the twenty-ninth annl verssry of the terrible socident on the river Tsy, when the Edinburgh express fell into the stream and ninety persons were drowned. The spsn which collapsed wai then, snd Is today, the longest In the world. The night was one described by Scots ss one of "euroclydon," when all the elements were at their worst. The only living thing which survived the disaster waa a Collie dog, and when the animal died In Dundee several years later he was given a public funeral. Lesmoa Pedals. One lemon sliced thin, one cup of sugar one-half pint boiling water. Moisten three tablespoons of corartirch with a little milk and stir it in. Let it com to a boil then simmer for flv minutes. Slice two orarges and lay In a dish. Scatter on a little sugar. Tour over corn starch when cold, and whip white of two eggs: sdd sugar. Bella-lag reraalts. Hastings A Heyden. VZ North Forty-first, frxme daelllng. M.0G0; Anna Robinson. Thirty-fourth and Pppleton avenue, J3.4iiO; Anna M. Martin. 3340 Taylor, frame dwell ing. 11,700. (staMHs' If) Aa Inkalatiea far Whooplnq-Cough, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Crssslsws ss a to Asthssoslo. Does it sot stars sflccttiva t hrwllM Is a rsaudy tor tmi oi u braoUuaf Uu w lt us roauadr lot tb snior.a l lsoleae earn kooaaos tae air. rs stroaaii aauorsue. Is eorrtoa oeor too surtaos on U oory kroaie, gl't'S preipas la Is laoalualuo to sua ataa ofcuaroa. rsr irrtaw throat thera i D.iii.Jr hmiPt ti aa CrooMsi a nlloriil is T afoot Tal'ieta. bob ge is pastas par auut'l timia. ALL ORUOaiSTS. Soo toootoj tos sartpu iv ZSuosisk Vaoo'reoo'ewe Co iok falwa t 'ipM. Do It Klow Toaurrow A. M. too late. Take CASCARET at bed time; get up in the morning feeling fine and dandy. No need (at ticknets from ooer-eating and drink ing. They surely work while yoa sleep and hr' nature help you. Miiliora take them and keep wefl. eaaCAkrrTS lor a box for a week M trcatsaeat. all drsrriste. suggest seitei la U world. Miumm boaca a asoaia. TT V -A-W-F SS Tbor la a bettor sr tat a souaa. sere throat at a trouble teas owzix's . Ajrrx- ra wt Try a s-etri. il and , sTO-wnaiu, rav oo wvrm ftr SMSSoral f man in Omaha should have Auto Coats not only because they afford the best possible protection to the throat and lungs, but also on account of their su perior warmth and the fa;t that these nobby Overcoats are quite the "rage" among all the best dressed men in the city. We'd like to show you the very evident high quality of these garments, the late style, the new colors, and the popular new striped patterns; glanco at the fine lining, the careful stitching and every little detail so perfect in "Nebraska" hand-tailored garments. Then this moderate price of $15.00 That Extra Pair of Trousers IS WHAT kec-p a man looking .creased and comfortable all tba time. We will Include an extra pair of Trouaer with jronr ault order thla week for the price of a suit alone. Suit and Extra Trousers $25 ti $45 MCOLL'S SPECIAL Full Black or Blue Cheviot. Thibet or Worsted Suit with extra t"f C Trousers of game or Striped g W material. ir pi ttllXLOt JERKEMS' SOXB, 200-11 booth 15th St, HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH , It make ti e toilet ometh;nf to b ea Joyed. It removes all stains and roufhncja, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, soft, healthy In th ma it brings a glow and exhilaration wbicb "o common soap can equal, Impartlrs; th if or and lift sensation of a mild Tstklsh aih- K. G,ocis a to Drxrocim PILES CURED rVJHIMstBhrwsVn H WW PVfwl r Ba TaT " AR octal Dlsaooo Trwotool rooHtvo tow too. Mho Mot! no owooo tfcewcei fcOMOMrViMADVAMCa. - AMIKATIOM FftlC Mrrrto tor ftooh on a octal CMsaooae TssWsiislats. fl ga.Ta,ftWV,?2 Bo hKg?Oinoho, Schbols aid Oollg Aro You Ready ? It waats men aed wV. wesnea. Bo It waats tnera eqarpped. trained a in Diuiaose ways, Cap able of baa&tng butt hess affairs without serving sppreertrwsrirDa, 1 he prises are all ti ti wai quaJiaod. Wa Fit Ta Foe Tha High talari) Paattlewa At Tba LINCOLN DUSITiEGO COLLEGE . of wioimiooi mtm ton of mootA af Oiw laMuiMjo. te 9iitmmv a ouamoio - logViaov. oo.iU. sunkaaa aaa 1 n-mn, rnMnu, Cu. L?T"i,,,M-1'-''-- naii., fc.a Ok. aro oirk h S-O.IXOI aadaro o..lt t4 Mora Of Mjr r.u a4 wufboo im a n immm uto tfcMi ka otZ ooa auoaroa iti.ila.s toat jom. BUSINESS HOUSES is ouaiooaa ways, Caa j ARC LOOKIMO TO US Snaols. W. aolo kmt.,4. of I SS imiM Um a-ii'lrn yoMroH at M , LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLCSK ISA N. lot atroot LEARII AUCTIONEERING And sunk from 1 to 5 per da. H e each ruu Aaeueaeertna in (our weeks Um aoou tan step st ouo into one of Ui best paying ccuiia tlot.s ia the lna, abd tbat without capital. We only roqulr one-lisif of tuition do u. trie tttlier after you bare become a suocsaful a art! o set. Aotaai practtoa gives. kg gos and Jkosi. Call..ar free Winter term op- a Jan tin. Ipf. atiaaoua.1 avotto aostoot. W. at. Carwoatos. afro. w m, TrsaVoa. at.