THE OJIAHA DALLY BEE: TUESDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1D0. Tte Omaha Daily Bee! FOl'NDED BT EDWARD ROSBWATER. Victor robewater, editor. Krrtered at Omaha postofflce aa second cla matter. ' TERMS OK BLH3 T.irriON. railr Bee (without Hunriay). one year. MOO Dellg Bea and Sunday. one year (w ., DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dairy Ree (Including Mundy, per week..1Sc Hally Fee (without Sunday), per week. .10c Evening Bee (without Hunday). por week Evening Bee (with Sunday). per Sunday Bee. on year Saturday Bee, ona year f0 Addreaa all complaint of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation department OFFICES. Omaha The Be Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Conned Bluff-Is Scott Street. t.lnroln US Uttle Building. Chicago IMS Marquette Building New Yjrs-Room 1101-1102 No. $ Wait Thirty-third Street. Wasntngton-725 Fourteenth Street. N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to tiawa and edl torlaj rr attar should ba addressed: Omna Boa, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order Payable to Tha Baa Publishing Company. Only. 2-rent atampa received In payment or mall accounta. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eaatarn exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CTRCTTtiATION. grate of Nebraska, Douglas County ss (leer B. Tiachuck. treaaurer of The Baa Publishing eompany, being duly worn, aaiyi that tha actual number ot full and rompleta .copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of November, 10. waa ai follow: ... 44,000 n rr.o I ...M.100 IT 3T.10 t ..46.88 II WW 4 ,,..64.MQ . 1 W0 t 49.00 20 M.aao . SI "0?? t njM ii rum 17,400 II 17,010 t....,.....40 , t4 ".wo 1 0710 II 37,070 II..... ST.780 ! .40 II 07JW0 17 10 It 7.t0 II M.B00 14 1740 II 14,700 II S4SO0 10 TIM0 Total X.141,170 Lass unsold and returned coplea. 11147 Nat total 'lM,iS Dally average 0.3 . QBORQB B. TZSCHUCK. Traaaurar. Subacrlbed In my presence and sworn to before ma inls lit day of December. l0s. (Seal) M. P WALKER, Notary Fubllo. WHEN OUT OF tOWH. abeertker leaving tho eltr ta aorarlly skoal kavo Tha Baa nulled te thera. Address wUl aaaa-ed as oftca aa requested. Pittsburg should be ashamed to look la the mirror. It Is not too early to begin practic ing writing it 1909. . Tho coming year should please the bane ball fans. It has two 9's of Its own. I The Ice man will have to get In his worjc with, tho weatherman a little later. i "The Futuro of Prohibition" is the title ot a new book. It is probably dry reading. Mr. Bryan says he has no regrets over the results of the recent cam paign. That makes it unanimous. People who failed to do their Christmas shopping , .either , early or late may yet repent and make good. Andrew Carnegie got lost in Washington the other night, but he was never lost in the steel business. With an Income of $15,000,000 a year. Mr. . Carnegie naturally feels that he does not need any protection. The Los Angeles Times says It Is unlucky to, gut hit with an axe on Friday. It is unlucky to get hit with an axe any day. Colonel A. Bogey of Georgia is looking for some federal job. As a golf expert. Mr. Taft will naturally try to beat. Bogey. "Does the Ananias club expire by limitation at midnight on December 31?" asks the Chicago Tribune. No. The date Is noon, March 4. A San Francisco heiress has mar ried the head waiter In a big hotel. Probably she wanted a husband who was accustomed to wearing a dress suit.1 ' The south Is protesting against the destruction of Its forests. Unless the ravage is stopped there threatens to be a shortage of frees for lynching bees.' ' . . Take note thut none of the demo cratic solons are. proposing to repeal sny of the reform measures put on the Nebraska statute books by the last re publican legislature. The Grand Duke Alexis of Russia left 1800,000 to a Paris chorus girl, but not a cent to charity. The grand duke waa famous for his liberality toward his ladlfrens. It Is reported that Carrie Nation will go on the stage in London. She should have a smashing time and her humor is just about slow enough to appeal to Londoners. ,Mr. Carnegie says that Mr. Gary's steel figures were not correct and Mr. Gary simply retorts, "I told the truth," Thst's a pleasing substitute for the short and uglier word. Mr. P.euterdabl is now trying to tell who ran the navy during the Spanish-American war, but the coun try .will refuse, to ,have the Sampson Schley controversy reopened at this time. . I . ... ".Flngy" Conners has returned from Europe with the statement that be likes Berlin bet'or than any city he bas visited, There will be uo objec tion. If be decides to make bis perma uent home there. PARTISANSHIP AXD PATRIOTISM. ' The democratic World-Herald as sumes to tell the republican minority what they should do In the coming Ne braska legislature. If The Bee should undertake to tell the members of the democratic majority what they should do we have no doubt the World-Herald would Intimate that it was an uncalled-for Impertinence. The local democratic organ wants the repub licans in the legislature to fall in with the democrats and help the democrats ! put on the statute boom all the vari ous and variegated experimental laws desired to make Nebraska an object lesson of Bryanlte vagaries and cure- alls. It Is safe to say that the republican minority will follow no. such advice, but that they will stand for republican principles and republican measures. On any proposition which promises real reform In government or makes for more economical administration of state Institutions members of the re publican minority will be found voting with members of the democratic ma jority, but on propositions on which the republicans took distinct issue with the democrats in the campaign the minority members will do well to uphold their party's position and let the democratic majority have full re sponsibility for questionable legisla tion. That is what the republican mi norify Is there for to constitute a healthy opposition against hasty and ill-considered law-making. On sub jects on which there Is a decided division of public opinion the mem-. bers of the republican minority may, we believe, be depended on to draw the line betwen partisanship and pa triotism at the right place. MR. HEARST EXPLAINS. The founder, manager and press agent of the national independence party has offered a belated explanation of the light vote cast for his person ally conducted party in tho last presi dential campaign. Mr. Hearst is con vinced that the Independence party is a little too far in advance of the time, and he Is equally confident that the American voters will finally become aroused to the point of accepting his platform and marching to victory over the remains of the democratic party and the crippled hosts of republican ism. The explanation is neither new nor original, being revamped from the pop- lists when the Ocala and Omaha plat forms missed out. The same explana tion has been urged by Mr. Bryan for the failure of a majority of tho votars to accept Bryanism. It Is the natural plea of, the rejected man who believes that he is superior to those who have cast him off. In the Hearst case, his candidate for the presidency, a man capable and honest, received but 83, 186 votes throughout the country, In dicating that the party was either a long way ahead of the time or a long distance behind it. The Independence party was organ ized on the rather violent presumption that the republican and democratic parties were wrong and were going to pieces. The platform Included an in dictment of the Intelligence of prac tically all the voters of the nation, and the figures show that a greater pro portion than usual of the voters ad hered to one or the other of the old parties, proving that they are in no mood to respond to a hurry call for the organization of a new political party. The nation's history shows that new parties get support only when they espouse some great commanding na-. tional issue, like slavery, which gave the republican party Ha birth and early vigor. The Hearst party presented nothing new or appealing. Its declar ation was only an exaggerated copy of the Bryan platform, with a few pop ullstlc and socialistic trimmings added. It appealed to no legitimate demand, offered no pressing issue and promised nothing tangible should victory be achieved. It catered to the ultra-radical at a time when the country was surfeited with radicalism, and its fail ure was logical and Inevitable. A TAX OX COFFEE. There will be no popular approval of the proposition now being considered by the ways and means committee at Washington to Impose a tax of 5 cents a pound on coffee, as one of the fea tures of the new tarff bill. The argu ment in support of the proposition Is that this tax would yield a revenue of about $45,000,000 a year and would thus offset the loss that would result from lowering the duties on sugar, tobacco, hides. Iron, steel and wood. So far as the consumer is concerned, this argument is of a piece with the street vendor's statement that what he made on peanuts he lost on bananas. This shitting ot the tariff duties would simply cause the consumer to use the savings in one pocket to pay the losses in the other. Advocates of the proposition have another argument in support of it that holds a promise ot future benefits. They contend that a coffee duty would encourage the development ot coffee growing in Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippines to the point where the American demand could be supplied by our iusular possessions., The further arguiuentl offered that the duty would enable the United States to make more advantageous reciprocal trade relations with Brail!, which sells tha- United States about $100,000,000 worth of goods, chiefly coffee, annually, and buys but $19,000,000 of American products in return. With a duty on coffee, it Is argued, Brazil would And It profitable to make trade concessions on American manufactured products and give America a share of the Ura rillan trade which now goes to Europe. Of course the ways and means com mittee, in planning a revision of the tariff schedules, will have to keep the question of revenues constantly In mind, and the condition of the treas ury will have to be taken Into account In the estimates of expected losses and gains. The treasury deficit now aggro gates $62,000,000, and Secretary Cor telyou estimates the deficit at the close of the fiscal year June 80 next at $114,000,000. Receipts from both cus toms and Internal revenue have sharply declined during the last year, while expenses have continued to in crease. The working balance of the treasury is at about its lowest safe amount and the funds on deposit In the national banks, about $130,000,000, can not last more than another year, if disbursements are not curtailed or revenues Increased. The revenue prob lem Is the most serious that will con front the incoming administration, but to solve it by placing a duty on coffee will hardly be satisfactory to the peo ple. INTERNA TIOSAL CUXSER VA TIOX. President Roosevelt has taken the initial step toward a conference of rep resentatives of the governments of the United States, Canada and Mexico looking toward co-operative action for the conservation of the natural re sources of the North American conti nent. This is the first official recogni tion of the' fact that the movement for the conservation of natural resources must be International and world-wide to accomplish its full purpose, because the saving of the natural resources of one country at the expense of those of another country would be of the same order as the- little boy's demand to eat his sister's apple first. In an Interview published in the New Tork Herald nearly a month ago the editor of The Bee called attention to this feature in response to a ques tion as to whether Canada would not impose an export duty on wood pulp in case we put wood pulp on the free list as follows: If the Canadians thought our demand for paper would ruin their forests they certainly would Impose auch a duty. This question is not a purely American question, anyhow. It la a part of the great problem of the conservation of natural resources and is bound to become a matter for international agreement. , The preservation and renewal ot the forests by more intelligent use of the timber constitutes only one item. It Is almost as Important to us that the coal deposits and minerals of other countries be carefully conserved as that our own be protected from waste ful consumption. Along with the de velopment of our own waterways, It would be equally stimulating to our trade and commerce to have the water ways of other countries likewise de veloped. Of course, the movement for the conservation of natural resources can not become world-wide over night. The truth Is that we are behind the older countries of Europe in this work. The enlistment of Canada'and Mexico will add material strength to it and lead later to still further terri torial expansion. BETTER BUSINESS. Reports of the clearing houses and the commercial agencies for the last week, including comparisons with last year's record, indicate marked im provement in general business through out the country. The only exception to the rule is found in railway earn ings, which, after a sharp recovery in September and October, slightly de creased for November, the number of idle cars having Increased, for the first time since last April. This Is explained, however, by the fact that the grain movement In September and October was abnormally large and that Novem ber and December are normally dull months in the movement of merchan dise from the manufacturing centers to the interior. The most encouraging sign of im provement Is found In the report of business failures for November, com pared with the corresponding month ot last year. After the panic ot 1907 there was an alarming number of fail ures all over the country for several months. Early last summer the num ber began to decrease, and this de crease has continued until now the showing Is quite satisfactory, indicat ing a steady tendency to more stable business conditions. For the month of November there were 1,120 failures in the United States, with liabilities ot $12,600,000, compared with 1,180 fail ures In November. 1907, with liabili ties aggregating $17,638,000. In bank ing there were ten failures, for $863,- 181. compared with thirty failures, in. volving $9,144,226 in November of last year. In both the manufacturing and retail lines there was a marked de crease In the number ot failures and in the amount involved. The statistics are highly encourag ing, particularly In view of other evi dence that the limit of the depression has been reached and that improved conditions are existing in all channels of trade, making the outlook for a highly prosperous year in 1909, from a commercial standpoint, very promis ing. There are some shrewd financiers over in Europe, too. Turkey has agreed to accept $20,000,000 from Austria for two nominal Turkish prov inces that are under Austrian denomi nation and Austria promptly makes the payment in $20,000,000 worth of Turkish bonds which the old sultan had never dreamed of redeeming. The net earnings of the American railways for the ten months ending with October were only $451,868,658. Tbe railroads have been met more than half-way by prosperity. One of the candidates for speaker of the toulDg Nebraska legislature li quoted as saying that be will continue In the race "until I find a better man who stands for the things I do." A candidate In that state ot mind will be persuaded with difficulty that anyone else Is better than he is.' Inasmuch as the supreme court commissioners holding over, notwith standing the constitutional amend ment increasing the number of su preme judges, are all republicans, it is reasonable to expect that the demo cratic legislature will not tempt them to remain longer by renewing their salary appropriation. The extra session, beginning- immediately after March 4, next year, will give the new congreasmen chance to feel that they are really earning their salaries from tha atart. Congressman Hitchcock's World-Herald. The only democratic congressman from Nebraska may feel that he is really earning his salary, but what has he done to make anyone else feel the same way? Mr. Bryan says it was a "combina tion of financial, industrial and com mercial" Interests of the country that elected Mr. Taft. Still, there are 7,637,676 male citizens of lawful age who believe they had something to do with the case. The Japanese government has dropped 684 railroad officials, thereby saving about $260,000 a year. That Indicates thst a railroad official In Japan gets about $400 a year, or about tbe .same aB an American mes senger boy. Chambers of commerce in England are asking for a lowering of the Amer ican tariff schedules. Most foreigners would like to see the American tariff schedules abolished, which Is one good reason why they will not be. The payment of only $45,000 to sixty Pittsburg councilmen indicates that the Pittsburg councilman is work ing below the scale established by their brethren In St. Louis and San Francisco. The Interstate Commerce commis sion threatens to investigate the serv ice on railway dining cars. We hope the threat will not be carried out. What we don't know 1b not apt to hurt us. Omaha's building outlook for next year already promises to be a record- breaker. Omaha mechanics in tbe building trades may count on steady work without going away from home. Blsras of the Awakening. Washington Post. The fact that China proposea making a big bond issue 4s all the evidence needed to prove that American Idea are at last making a dent on the old empire. Aa Inspiring Saggestloa. Pittsburg Dispatch. Senator Bournela, bill to give the presi dent a salary ef (100.000 seems Inspired by a determination to. mako the presidency of this nation measure up pecuniarily with the presidency of a trust. A Lamlnona Translation. Philadelphia Record. Tho canniest of Scots on either side of tha ocean aaya E. II. Gary is a "pawky chlel." That is to say, in the vernacular that he la "a sly, insinuating, cunning fellow," who ne'er betrays hla real thought. Whtrs Doctors rail Down. Pittsburg Dispatch. There is one malady which has defied the skill of all tha physicians in the world. They can alleviate it In aome cases, but they cannot claim to cure It or to prevent It. This is the common cold In the head, which afflicts millions of us annually. A Qaeatloa that May Bother. Cleveland leader. When congress gets through with plans for punishing the president for hla com ments upon the law which restricted the use of the secret service men to the single field of counterfeiting possibly it may oc cur to the senate and the house that he country would like to know Just why such limits were fixed. Peraonal Compliment Politic. Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat. By a email majority the democrats car ried Nebraaka at tha recent election and now it seems that there are two kinda of democrats in the new legialature, one kind considering the party platform too radical on the atate guarantee of bank deposits. Nebraska would be better off if It had not turned its election Into a peraonal compliment. ELIOT ON LAWLESSNESS, Real Remedy (or Preseat Day Inefficiency. Brooklyn Eagle. The address ot President Eliot before the Civic Forum on lawlessness did not mince words. No one will question the truthful ness of hla dlscrlptlon of the lawlessness of high finance, although hla statement that we need a atate police with a military or ganisation to cope with our crimes of vio lence may surprise people who have grown sccustomed to taking newspaper reports of such Incidents as a matter of course and dismissing them from consideration. But there ia no doubt that auch crimes are In creasing, not merely In sections where they are stimulated by race antagonism, but in cltiea where police inefficiency ii a superin ducing cause. Man rob and kill because it is safe, and unless city governments are able to protect life and property we may have to try the state constabulary system, although there la a well founded distrust of its efficiency. But tha real remedy for Inefficient gov ernment ia an arouaal ot public opinion. We have aeen auch an arousal during re cent years in regard to Crimea of cunning, and such are being shackled and will be ahackled further. A few years ago Presi dent Eliot's blunt talk about financial Crimea would have been sensational. Now that the remedy is in course ot application it attracts only Casual notice. We need a further and stronger awakening in regard to the protection of human life, not merely from assassins, but from the greed of busi ness which sacrifices lives to cheapen the cost of production. Not merely are the death and accident rates on our railroads greatly in exceaa of those in Europe, but tli machines in our factories are far too little guarded, and we are only just begin ning to grow sensitive to the seer I flee of the health of women and children by tin dl'ly long houia of labor and by unhealthful working condition. On these mattera more plain apeaking like President Eliot's is Uglily desirable. The commandment, "Thou shalt not kill.' ett ill rereivea far too lim ited and lechnlcf I an application. FEDRRtTlflV COTICMPT CAR. Kdlterlal Views en Conviction at La bor Lender. St. Ixiuli Republic (dem ). Acknowledging the correctness of tli. decision In Its conclusions and even ap proving the justice of the sentence carrl.-s no compulsion to approve th emasculation of logic or award approval to a course of reasoning which assaults the simple, Anglo-Saxon sense of Justice. And the man who wrote all the fallacious piffle is named tVright. A Jadlclal Stmt. Minneapolis Journal (rep.). Judge Wright, In sentencing Messrs. Gompers. Mitchell and Morrison to actual imprisonment. Instead of fining them, seems to strut rather grandiosely across the public stage. It Is true that the Judg ment Is that of a unanimous court, but we believe It falls to take Into account the sincerity cf the offenders, and their representative character. It falls to take Into account the comparative novelty of the question raised, and the first offense" character of the contempt. It falls to take Into account the fact that a very large body of cltisens does not yet recognise that the secondary boycott li Illegal. Offensive Deflance. St. Louis Times (Ind.). An orderly mind will not fall to ace that Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and Sec retary Morrison might have proceeded less offensively while the case at issue waa yet before a court. Their misdoing admit tedly was the violation of an express In junction which in no sense prejudiced the actual case at Issue. On the other hand the same orderly mind will frame a thought of regret that two men so popu lar as Gompera and Mitchell, to say noth ing of Morrison, should be made to suffer humiliation because they did that which they believed to be right In behalf of a cause. Penalising- Falae Leader. Baltimore American (rep.). The verdict means that labor shall no longer suffer the falae leading of men Tho confuse self-aggrandisement with constitutional rights. It means that hereafter the Intelligent labor forces may work out their Interest in harmony with the general weal of the country. It means that hereafter the law shall be accorded full recognition. It means that the dangerous trend toward utter confusion and class antagonism shall be checked. The atmosphere has been cleared and much of vagueness has been dissipated by the decision against the men whom. Judge Wright called boastful and persistent violators of the law. Coort Had No Alternative. Kansas City Star (ind.). In this particular contempt case the evi dence, so far as it is understood by the general public, seems to have been so ex plicit that the court had no alternative from conviction and sentence. It a way could have bocn found to acquit the ac cused no doubt the country would have been well satisfied. But no such way seems to have been left open. Even now there Is left the privilege Of appealing to a still higher court or to the president for pardon or clemency; but whatever Is to be done, must be done within the law, not in defiance of tho law, which. It is sub mitted, leaves as large latitude as may be safely allowed for the correction of error. Raiaea Acute Question. Washington Herald (Ind.), Judge Wright's action, however conclu sive It may be as to the law in this par ticular case, raises a number of acute ques tions that will have to be settled In the forum of public opinion or by legislation. One relates o the scope of the injunctive process as applied to labor disputes and another to the amendment of the Sherman antt-trust law so aa to exclude labor or ganisations from its operation. Probably tbe most Important immediate effect of the sentences will be to invigorate the agi tation for the rather radical legislation de manded by the Federation of Labor on these topics. From this paint of view the severity ot the punishment Imposed may be regretted as adding fuel to the flames of a propaganda that was in a fair way ot extinction. Spirit of the Accused. Springfield (Mass.) Republican (ind.). Mr. Oompers seems even to anticipate the jail experience with a positive relish, liko an English suffragette, in the expec tation ot being a martyr and Increasing the agitation over the injunction issue. Mr. Mitchell showed by hla attitude yes terday In court that he is In full sympathy with Mr. Gompers. Our courts have not encountered hitherto such a spirit In this matter, and how they will meet it Is a question. At first thought the program of these labor leaders would seem to be clev erly conceived for purposes of agitation; and so long as Jail life for contempt of court In labor cases Involves no social ligma for Mr. Mitchell would be Invited to the White House just as often by Mr. Roosevelt, no doubt the leaders would make no very terrible sacrifice In their fight against Judicial authority In behalf of the abominable boycott, which In theory and practice is a twin sister of the abomi nable strike. Courts Open to All. Baltimore Sun (dem.). If the labor organizations or any labor lng men have suffered wrong at the hands of the Buck Stove and Range company the coutts are open to them, and that Is the arena where the Issue should be settled. But the Idea that the courts are to be Ignored and causes are to be settled by violence, or by each man doing thctt which aeema right in his own eyes, is intolerable. As Judge Wright defines It, the question at issue in the matter he has just decided is, which tribunal shall be supreme the tribunal of the whole people, as repre sented in the courts of the land, or the tribunal of a class, as represented In tha councils of the Federation of Labor? One or tli other must succumb. The ac cusation of Judge Wright against the labor leaders is not only that they have violated the Injunction of the court, hut that they have brought about the breach of the stove company's contracts with others, have de prived the plaintiff of Its property right In the good will ot others and hav restrained trade among the several stetes. Taking the Risk. New York. Sun irep.). We Infer front these portions of the opinion of Justice Wright which hove been publiahed that Messrs. Gompers and Mit chell have taken the ground from the be ginning that there was no constitutional power on the part of the court which granted tha injunction in question to make sny such order, snd that for this ressjn they announced their Intention from the first to' pay no attention to its commands. This was a perfectly safe and correct course of eonduct If they were right in their assumption aa to Ilia power of the court. If tha Injunction waa granted In violation, and therefore without any Juris diction It waa absolutely null and void, snd it had no more force or rffxct in the view of the law than a i-li-ca of blan twrer But the defendants in eaunilng this posi tion luuk the riik of iia btring cirrU gtaiJI JSSSlJli-ii JiMBf i!l t Is desired by all ot us. whether it be in the matter ot money, valuables or ourselves. It It is a Question of money, can you do better than jour money in a bank of the known strength and stability of the First National Hank of Omaha? If It Is a question of your valuable?, why not use th Safety Deposit VAULTS of this bank? Three hundred new boxes have Just been added to the, already large equipment. 100 of them rent for u year each. Larger ones In proportion. First National Bank of Omaha Thirteenth and Farnam St. Entrance to Safety Dapoalt faults is on Hth street. If they proved to be wrong In that respect their violation of the order constituted a clear contempt of court and they cannot reasonably complain because they are compelled to suffer the consequences of their own action. An Vafortanate Decision. New York World. Next to actual maintaining of the su premacy of law and of the courts, nothing Is of more Importance than keeping public sentiment in sympathy with such suprem acy. However fair and Impartial Justice Wright endeavored to be in dealing with the defendants, however correct hla con clusions, however just the sentence, the fact remains that labor leaders will be able to cite a hundred words and expres sions from his decision with which to per suade their followers that the court waa prejudiced against all labor unionsi To say that thla is unfortunate, and doubly un fortunate at a time when organised effort is made to cripple the power of the courts, Is to state it mildly. THE AMERICAN FIGHTING MAN. General Bell's Remark on the SI en in Radiator Soldier. St. Louia Republic. During his service in Washington Major General Bell, chief of the army staff, has evidently acquired false notlona about the resourcefulness, self-reliance and fighting qualities of the present-day American man. It is doubtless true that among tho de partment clerks and cushion warmers at the national capltol there are too many who do not know how to shoot or to taks care of themselves away from the coddling warmth of a steam radiator. But even these fellows learn readily enough to shoot and they are not Americans 1f they cannot learn to sleep comfortably under a blanket on the ground when responding to the call of military duty. In the men of no other nation is the personal Initiative stronger than In the American. If the atandlng army of a country like Germany could Invade the United Slates by marching across an Imaginary line our trained army and frontier fortifications would be far from sufficient. But the periodic cry that we are In danger of In vasion from Europe or Japan takea no account of the natural defense provided by several thousands of miles of salt water. If any foreign power should accept Gen eral Bell's estimate of the weakness of the American army and the unfitness of the American civilian for prompt service In war. It might be 4ed into ruinous mistakes. A combination of all Europe, using all the ships It could get Into service, could not land men along our Atlantic coast faster than they would be killed or captured by the men who would Jump forward from the farms, workshops and counting rooms to oppose them. The nucleus of an army we need and will always keep. Coast fortifications are neces sary at the aea entrances of our principal seacoaat cities, more to warn away foreign Insult than as a protection against serious menace to the country. Any hostile force which should land here would. In order to get away alive, have to retreat to Its ships as hastily as did General Ross after burning the capital at Washington In 1814. The United States need not and will not depart from their traditional policy of lighting their wars with the valor of the volunteer soldier. PERSONAL NOTES. One of the current magazines has an article proving that Poe really wasn't so much of a writer, while another demon strates that he was a genlua without peer. Happily this preserves the average. California courts have for the second time within a week sentenced a bomb thrower to life Imprisonment, and no su perior court has Interposed a word of ob jection. Evidently the moral uplift out that way Is the real thing. President Roosevelt has promised to at tend the dinner to be given "Representative Sherman on January 23 in Washington. The dinner is to be given by the members of the New York delegation of this and the next congress and others. Mr. Heinle Indignantly denies the cor rectness of the story about his dinner with 11(H) bills for dinner cards, but his chosen lady friends are leas close mouthed about the entertainment. It la their enthusiastic opinion that F. Augustus ia a very nice man and truly hospitable. It will soon be pertinent to remark that "as the dsys begin to lengthen the cold begins to strengthen." From the loth to the 20th of January la statistically the cold est part of the year, although these dates sometimes include the January thaw the name given to any warm spell in that month. Ous Helnxe, the copper-lined millionaire of Montana, manages to forget occasion ally those annoying New York Indictments. While in the big town last week ha threw anxiety about the future to the winds and some money to the birds. 8ix of tha lat ter, with stage wings were given a Heinz luncheon, costing 1100 a plate. The many admirers of the New York gun's answer to little Virginia O. Iranian's question, "Is there a Santa Claus?" will be Interested In knowing that It was flrat published In, the Pan of September 21. U has become a classic of the Christmas spirit snd waa more widely reprinted this season than ever before. It was reprlnt-d In the Bun last Friday, with thla note re vealing the author: "Complying with many requests and In sffectlonata remembrance of Its author. Francis Pharcellua Church, we reprint an editorial whUU will never be old r without It strong appeal to every generoua spirit, to all. who reverence the fair buinaniiiti of the Imagination." ESfCSoSSSSBBw '.. ( I.OVES AND LEMON PEEL KAIL. Shnkrrionn for Men Who t'onldn't Hide Smell of Itnoae. Emporia (Kan.) Guzcttc. A few days ago many railroad employes In a Nebraska town stepped up to'tho cap tain's office to get their pay, for the la borer s worthy of his hire lit that stale, as elsewhere. The merry Christmas time being at hand, the pay envelopes were doubly welcome, but there were thirty of the men whose faces became sail and drawn when they opened their envelopes, for they found therein notification thut their services were no Inniscr required. If they felt as though the bottom had fallen out of everything, the emotions of their wives probably were m.ue harrow ing; for It is a cruel thing to be deprive! of one's livelihood when the Joy bells are ringing all over the world. The poet auys thut men must work, ami women must weep;-but tlu truth Is Hint when the men work, tho women lutve little to weep about; It is when husbands hHVi nothing for their hands to do, and the flo:ir In the bin Is low, and the savings arc dwindling away that the weeping begins, and no wonder. Well, these thirty men rnuhln't figure out why they had been fired. Of' tliey pre tended that they couldn't; down In their hearts they probably knew all tilmut It. To save their faces they wrtit to (lie su perintendent and asked wllh a great show of manly Indignation, why they hurl i,rr cast Into outer darknepK. Ila.l they not labored diligently? Ilitd they not been prompt In their comings and goitiKB? Mail they not wroiiRht as bct they knew how? And the superintendent lifted up his Voice and spake unto them, saying: "Som-i months ago orders rami! from the Main Squeeze to the effect that all drinking men ehould be dropped fnun the pay-mli; tie Main 8queeze irmde tin fine llnlincllnns; It was a tilunaet order, tlmt covered all forms and methods of boozcflgliting; It Include I tho man who visits saloona: the our- re ceiving auspicious packages hy ores, tbe one who takes strong- liniment tor .1 hypothetical bellyuche.' You have .ill l.ccu diligent as you say. Your breaths Imvu given you away on divers times and :ca Klona, and even the copious use nf cloves couldn't protect you from the wrath to come." There may be men reading this t i whom the warning will be useful. The man who drinks is eut of tho game in Ulnae. HtirrliiK times, and the working man who lias a home, and really Invea it, and tlinsn who live in It and watch for Ills homecomiiiK, will have none but legitimate buslm-vs it L the drugstore, and will use cloves and lemon peel only for culinary purposes. SMILING RKMARK". "Can a woman keep a secret 7" "Of courae she can. I knew a girl at a Seaside resort who kept her engagement a secret for two season, and then married another man." Cleveland rinln Dealer. Mr. Highbrow It was Michelet, I be lieve, who obaerved that "woman in the salt of man's life." Miss Keen Quite true! Young men aren't half so fresh after they get married. Bos ton Transcript. "Do you enjoy the holidays?" "In some respects. They cimstitute the only season of the year when I Hm aura of being able to find a calendar aa soon as I need one." Washington Htar. The young man with the ciikmkIiik hiiiIIh was offering his assistance In preparing Inn dainties that were to be sold at the church j social. - "In making these popcorn balls." he asked, "what is the first thing to do?" "Wash your hands." . said the practical young woman who waa overseeing the Jwl. Chicago Tribune. "When Blinks, poor fellow, wanted e get married, he certainly had J haul time." "Why?" "Because first he had to pop the question, and then he had to Question the pop." Washington Star. " 1 "My wife will never buy any -more cigars f for me." f. "Why not?" f "I insisted upon smoking1 nil of the last , lot in the house. Koine nf the rooms Mill V reek with thern." Cleveland Plain Dealer. I Parson Coleman Whad, Slstah Cook! All dem fine cloe'a an' only fi' cents foil de I.awd in de plate las' Hunduy! SiBtah Cook Yas, person. An' letnmi tell yo' dat de Lawd am mighty lucky f git mah fi' cents, seem' rz how An tins f pay a dollah down an' a dollah a week foil deae same togs. Puck. "So your .wife, always l"t you havij the last word In an aigiimenl?" "Certainly." answered .Mr. Meckton. "It is neceaaary for mu 10 have .the asl word, in order to show that I agree wllh her perfectly." Washington Shir. Boss When you told that new clerk he'i have to hump himself if lie expected to hld his Job how did he take It? Department Manager He got his back uy right away. Chicago Trtbuaa,. "A case of love at first sty'it. eh!" "No second sihi, The first lime he m her he didn't know she was an heiress.' boston Transcript. NKHKAKKA'tl SKIL'tt. Fairer skies no land possessed. How e'er fall- those bkles may Than arch o'er Nebraska s prliU-s. L.iae a radiant canopy. Thnre's a glory In the sunshine. That o'er spreads Ncbraska'a plains Which awaken In (lie lieart-ali lugs, Grateful, glad, inspiring strains. Af'er-gleHius of golden beauty. Kru:u the earth to heaven ai ise. When tho Riorum of the sun-set Ljglit Nebraska s wetlerii ckn-s. Stars that stud the Syrian heaven. Never gave forth lays mope blight. Than are those which fall so richly From Nubra'ka's goma of main'. All this beauty of the lieavns, , Hhinrs upon Nebraska's field m. Till they luuuh 111 boujite..,i Kiuiin At Urn meaiiu ninth Nut irv j i !. Ouiaha. i. W. L'UVI,li .1 1' t , ) I i t f f t i ; i 4 i ( l