T TO TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1003. n STATE DAUGHTERS OF 1812 Tfebrtuka Society it Formed with Mrs. H. E. Gates President. TWELVE . CHASTER MEMBERS Tot, Mra. Ellsabetk "-teams mmd Mm, (arntlae Maager refers,. Are raa'gtirre ef Veterans la That War. A soalsl function of more than ordinary interest was held Monday morning; at the Horn hoUt. In the organisation of the Ne braska Boclety of tha United States Daughters of 11!. tha first organisation of stats society under the auspices of the rational society of this order, and of which Mrs. Herbert Kllsworth Gates is tha stale president. Tha charter members of the state so ciety are Mrs. Herbert K. Gates. Mrs. Elisabeth Stearns, Mrs. F. C. Btlmson, Mrs. Charles Oliver Norton, Mrs. J. J. cKubbs, Mrs. Caroline Mauger Peters, Miss Agnes Tabor. Miss Isabel Tabor, Mrs. A. K. Oault. Mrs. John F. Flack. Mrs. Wil liam Archibald Smith and Miss Alice B. Mills. Tha organisation was effected by the election of Mrs. Herbert EH Gates as presi dent; Mrs. Charles Oliver Norton, first vies ' president; Mrs. William Archibald Smith, recording secretary; Mrs. F. C. Htlmson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. -John F. Flack, treasurer; Miss Agnes Tabor, historian; Mrs. Elizabeth Steams, chaplain; Ml" Alice Mills, registrar; board ot directors, Mrs. J. J. Stubba, Mrs. A. K. Oault and Mrs. C. M. Peters. . Twt Ileal Daughters. Two of those constituting- the charter membership were real Daughters of the War of 'lxll They are Mrs. Elisabeth Btearni, daughter of Assistant Surgeon Cook of that period, and Mrs. Caroline Msuger Paters, daughter of Frederick Msuger, member of the Pennsylvania volunteers, who, with James Buchanan, afterwards president of the United States, a member of the same company, was pres ent, at the battle of Fort McHenry, Md., near Baltimore. In, which engagement Francis Scott Key received the Inspiration for writing 'The Stat Spangled Banner." Tha other ten charter members were granddaughters and great-granddaughters of tha War of 1812. The constitution and by-laws of the Ne braska society were read and accepted and tha new organisation wsa formai:y launched with tha officers named. Following the organisation Mrs. Herbert E. Gates formally presented the society, with a handsome ebony gavel, around which was a silver tand with tha Inscription: "National Society of the United States Daughters of 181J of the State of Nebraska, Presented by Nellie Collins Gates, President." Tat of Thanks to Mrs. Gatea. On motion of Mrs. Steams, a vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Gates for the presentation of the gavel, as well as of the seal of the Nebraska organisation, which was made to Mrs. Gates' order, by the' Jewelry firm of J. E., Caldwell & Co. of Philadelphia. The seal represents a vessel of the old time at sea, of a hundred years ago and suggests the "Right of Search," one of the main causes of the War of 1812. Sur rounding this are thirty-seven stars, In commemoration of Nebraska being tha thirty-seventh state admitted to the Ameri can Union. The motto of tha society, "Fra ternity." Is on the face of the seal and surrounding the whole Is the Inscription: "National Society of United states Daugh ter of 1811, State of Nebraska." Mrs. Gates also presented the society, with a complete set of books Inscribed with the name of the society in gilt on the outer binding. I.aacheon la Served. At 13:80 luncheon was served In the ladles dining 'room. Invited guests to the number of, fifty were present , with Mrs. Gates as hostess.' ' The decorations were white carnations, the offlcisl flower of the society, and ferns. Tha napkins were arranged in the form of boats, suggestive of the occasion. The twelve charter members were sested at the east end of, the dining room, special cards besring the Insignia of the society with the five pointed star of Faith, resting on a golden anchor of Hope, the whole laid on a background of blue. Those present at guests of the society and Mrs. Gatea were: Mrs. Henry W. Yates Mrs. Robert Gilmore Mrs. Jno A. ItorDacn Airs. w. Hwiisier Mrs. J no. G. Mourke Mrs. K. Wakelcy Mrs. John C. Cowin Mrs. Arthur C. Mrs. Jno. I Webster Wakeley Mrs. Dundy and Mrs. Mrs. Meicalf and Kdward Wallace house guests Je of New York Mra. Harold Glfford Mrs. A. K. Oault and Mrs. Jno. J. Stubbs her guests Mrs. Mills of Unculn Mrs. cox ana Mrs. miss Alice Mills Buell Mrs. K. C. bilnson Mrs. Carter, wife of Mrs. Carrie Manger the nw command- Ptters ant of the Depart- Mrs. Wm. Archibald ment of the Mis- Hmith sourl Mrs. Stearns Mrs. Irvine Mrs. John V. Flack Mrs. Hsskell of Fort Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick Omaha - Mrs. lo. H. Lake Mrs. Nesmlth of Fort Mrs. Wsggener Omaha Mrs. Karnest Hart Mrs. M. T. Barlow of Council Bluffs Mrs. Barkalow . Mrs. Robt. E. Mont Mrs. H. Kountie Knmery. daimhter Mre. Jno. C. French of Gen. O. M. Dodge Mrs. Fred Davis Mrs. lifeline and Mrs. McKenna Mrs. Himlinell. also Mrs. Mysrs of Wash- of Council Bluffs tngton, D. C. Mrs. Geo. Beecher Mrs. Geo. U Miller Mrs. Martha Hetli PAST-CHRISTMAS RUSH IS ON Baalmasa Is Basilar la the Retail tores and Big Jobbing; Districts. Omaha business men caught their breath Sunday after the Christmas rush and went down to business with minds full of the necessity of taking Inventory and figuring tip profits. It Is doubtful, however. It many made a real start at this, for In re tall stores snd shops there were crowds equal in sise to those of Christmas week, Wholesalers found their mall full of orders and. rxcept among the grain men, there was a general hum and bustle. Same con dltkr.a prevailed Saturday. In a retail way, the svason of big clear ing sals is at hand, while wholesalers and factories will be rushed to get out spring orders, which ar already far ahead o last year, according to declarations of many jobber and manufacturers. It Is plainly evident that the big sales of - ' r -fa- i Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth, and Purifies the breath A superior dentifrice for people of refinement Established U 1866 by Cut Flow. era for . . Holldaj I)ro ration. Molly Wreath In Cut Dept. To Reduce Slock Before Invoicing WE OFFER (FOR TUESDAY ONLY) TIIESE EXTRA SPECIALS 50c All-Over Laces, for 15c Fine 18-inch allover laces in imitation Irish Crochet, Filet and Cluny effects also Point de Paris and Plat Val. laces and fancy English allovers for waists, yokes, etc. white, cream, ecru and black have been shown in our window worth up to 50c a yard at, per yard 15c 15c Embroideries at 7ic yd. Very fine embroidery edgings, in medium widths neat, new designs in swisS, nainsook and cambric also insertions and galloon headings worth up to 15c a yard, at, per, yard 7ic $1.50 Dress Goods for 49c yd. 60-inch 6uitings in a wide range of patterns in neat checks, Pekin stripes, mixed patterns, Herringbone gy stripes, etc., actually worth up to $1.50 ,$L U O a yard, at, per yard- tfr f 75c and $1 Silks at 39c and 49c yd. Here are the choicest dress taffetas, fancy silk suitings plaid silks, stripe and check silks, black peau de QQa AAa soic and taffetas, worth up to $1 a yard, at. . . .wwL"Tvi Women's $25 Coats at $12.50 Several hundred fine black broadcloth and mixture cloaks in winter's best styles worth $25.00, and I') PA piJKM $30.00 each, at Women s $15 Winter Clocks at $6.98 Your choice of hundreds of those smart black and $ S 98 colored cloaks we have been selling up to $15, each. . . O HALF PRICE on all our NEW YEAR S CALENDARS New Year's Cards The prettitit and most complete lirte in Omaha Many novelties not shown before BRANDEIS TP TrmTTTTTil7Ttt7Is7 0 KM i n I V M PKE-IVTXWTOBT BA.BOA1WS Xa svsry depart ment all this week. Don't forget Wednesday Is Bed Letter Day. Great 3-Day Pro-Inventory Sale CLOTHING 7 CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK FINEST HIGH-GRADE GARMENTS MPlW'fi QTITTC Qrl and OVERCOATS Unquestionably the finest clothing. Newest, dressiest, genteel styles ever offered at $22.60, $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00. It's a great stock-reducing movement before inventory. Thousands of dollars' worth must be sold by Thursday night. This Clothing is the product of America's most famous makers of high-grade apparel for men. We offer you now choice of our Immense stock, any Suit or Overcoat without a single exception, at a marvelous reduction. h Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday OVERCOATS Are plain and fancy in dress, Chesterfield and protector collar styles. THE SUITS Are in black, blues and all the new shades and patterns. 17! r TUXEDO SUITS Silk lined. sizes 34 and 36 only, best $20 Kults made reduced fi- f to clou IAV V J ruz.i. SUM SUITS edos, si IK lined, sizes 36, 36 and to clOBe. . , IUITS and Tux- Lj , all J35 values, I P 'V- S15 December In all lines were not sudden ! spurt, which was to end with Christmas day. but that a long period of business activity Is at hand. . POISON INSTEAD OF WHISKY Drlak from Bottle Labeled "Pare Bye" Kills James Doyle I Fonr Hoars. James Doyle, who was assisting In the decorations of Chambers' dancing acad- my. at Twenty-fifth and Famam streets. for a dance Monday evening, took a drink from a bottle marked "Pure Rye but which in fact, contained some antiseptic solution. He drank the liquid at 11 o'clock Monday morning, but a doctor was not called until 1:15, when Dr. Fltzglbbon was summoned nd ordered Mr. Doyle removed to the Omaha General hospital. The colored porters around the dance hall told Doyle that he had taken somo poison, but he said he thought they were "kidding'' him and paid no attention to It until he became violently sick. He died at 3 o'clock at the Omaha General hospital. Prof. Chambers, owner of Chambers' Dancing academy, said that the contents of the bottle which Doyle drank and which killed him was an antiseptic solution which Is used In the toilet room. He said the solution was bought by him In 'bulk and that the janitors then took out what they wanted for use In whatever bottle was handy, and that this bottle was one marked "pure rye." Doyle was working around town for quite a while and was helping out at the Chambers academy during tha holiday rush. BUNCH OF STRAW BOND CASES Tnrenty-Flva of Tfcesa Salts Will Be Before Jadae Sears of Dis trict Coart.' Some twenty-five appeal cases from police court have been cttid for trial before Judge Bears In district court Tuesday, tha first of the so-called "straw bond" cases which have come up for hearing In the upper court for nearly a year. Herbert S. Daniel, city prosecutor, says ha has been unable to call them before for the reason that the criminal docket has been filled with more Important cases, the appeals from police court being minor offenses for disorderly conduct and the like. He has a string of these appeals a yard long, but hopes to clean them all up at this term. The fines collectod In police court go to the schools. BEER BOTTLE LOVE'S WEAPON Beaediet It Another's Atteatloa to His Bride with This Sort of Clab. A beer bottle wss the weapon used by Willie Henry, a young married man, living at 1154 North 8nteenth street, when he undertook to resent another men'a atten tions to his wife. As result, Fred Keep appeared against Henry lu police court Mondsy morning with a nice, large bump en his forrhsad. A fin of 116 and costs was Imposed on Henry. The trouble be tween the two occurred at a dance gatur dsy night and Henry was chsrged with assault. ROADS FIGHT FOR RATES Ask Permanent Injunction Ag-ainst Cutting: Dry Goods Tariffs. C0UBT NAMES SPECIAL EXAMINER J. L. Bennett of Chicago Will Take Evidence la This Case, I a voir, lag Mlssoarl Valley Wholesalers. The Missouri valley rate case In which the dry goods jobbers' of the Missouri val ley are trying to force a reduction of the rates between the Mississippi river and the Missouri- river of through shipments Is again In the limelight with the railroads still fighting. ' The Interstate Commerce commission has ordered a reduction, but the railroads still fight. The United States circuit court of ap peals has appointed J. I Bennett of Chi cago as special examiner to take evidence In the case in which the railroads are ask ing for a permanent Injunction against a reduction In rates. These rates are now suspended by a temporary Injunction. The court has also allowed all the Job bers who were a party In the orlginat suit to intervene In the suit between the rail roads and the commission, so that the lub bers are now lined up with the Interstate commerce commission and the commlukin does not have to fight the railroads single- handed. John L. Webster haa been hamllinar tha case for the Missouri valley jobbers and showed to the satisfaction of the Interstate Commerce commission that the rates were entirely too high to Omaha, Kansas City and St. Joseph In comparison with the rates to St. Louis and St. Paul. It was shown that tha Jobbers at St. Paul and St. Louis bad an advantage over the Missouri valley jobbers In the very terrttorv .i. Jacent to these Missouri valley towns. HOME FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT Hick Residence Presented to Mrs. DeBoy Aastla by Her Father, A. Gaather. Mrs. DeRoy Austin probably received the moat costly Christmas gift of any young woman In Omaha. It was not a necklace of pearls nor diamonds, but one of the most desirable residences In Omaha. Alexander Gunther of 3870 Famam street bought the George N. Hicks home at 219 South Thirty-eighth avenue of the Hicks Realty company for S12.C00 and presented It to Mrs. Austin, his daughter, as a Christmas gift. WONDERFUL BARGAINS WOMEN'S WEAR 250 new winter styles Long Coats, all colors and black, posl- gr m sat tlvely most fashionable coats worn this season, worth to Jh I $25, for...''. VpJaaJr ANY SUIT, regardless of cost, that has been marked upward to fl f $75, on sale bow at vpD Any Evening Wrap In Stock o'fl Any Evening Gown or Costume Off AX. I. TUBS. Reductions on every piece In stock. Select any mink, Jap mink, fox, wolf, etc., Scarf or Muff all go at VsOFF. CXIXaSKXlTS COATS. Choice of several hundred Bf OBT that were 17.50 for pO.JJ All others Off. Broadcloth Coats. 2 to 6 years, that were Is, for ?..S5 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 lbs Bennett's Best Coffee, 1 lb Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack Teas, assorted, pound Capitol Extracts, bottle Capitol Baking Powder Kulslns for Cooking, also Cleaned Capitol Pancake or Wheat AJlen s Brown iireaa r lour Tomatoes, Best We Have brand, 1 Walker a Chile t.on earns, z cans Capitol Mincemeat, 3 pkgs Diamond C Soap. 10 bars Polk's Tomato Houp, 3 cans Beauty Asparagus, can Burnham's Clam Chowder Tea Garden Preserves, jar Franco-American Soups Diamond Crystal Table Salt 91.00 And 100 35o And 30 SI. SO And 60 480 And 40 180 And 20 84o And 20 Currants, lb llo And 10 15o And 20 6c cans for llo. Dozen cans. 300 And 10 860 And 10 . ..SSo And 10 ...86o And 20 . . . SOo And , . ,30c And , . .360 And 60 ...100 And 10 20 20 Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stumps . . . . lOo Stamps Stamps . . S1.30 Stamps Stamps S&O Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps in Moat M .aerial Heallaaj, After suffering many years with a sore, Amos King. Port Byron. N. T.. was cured by Bucklcn'a Arnica Salve, t&c fur sale by Beaton Drug Co. , - GOAL Nice and fresh Just came in from the mines 30 cars of all kinds. Call us for prices. We can save you from 50c to $1.50 per ton and guarantee 2,000 lbs. to the ton. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PIUCK COAL CO. 1223 Nicholas St. Both Phones. THE niRSCOORNS TYROLEAN SINGERS a t liiiori NEW YEAR'S EVE and every night for six weeks Bariaalag Bear Tsar's Bva aad ovary algkt for sla weeks, tae fan oas troupe of Tyroloaa stagera aad AlBlas atertalaero wlU slag at Blaasoa's Cafe every CTsalsg. Gold Sliver andNickle Is marls tars. X0 Cash Begtatera, Brass Bads, Oaa fixtures and Table 'Tare. Beplated as Hew. ft All Kinds of Repairing bl'lAHAlpLATiN&COl Established ISSS. laao Barney Street Telephones Douglas 86361 Auto. A-8S36, FLORIDA RESORTS. DRY FEET MEANS No Doctor Bills I tp r ikfMA Aa, I 'HATfl ONCI Dritnu E. a h,C" . St. Ausuatine T" AtAKCA pain, Bech AttON WCV. 83 mOaa south of Miami. has bean aatabliahad an ideal BahiOaT ' camp, with avary comfort. I IT Mill NtAMia CUB. eemptatedtoKsJvhUay.eonitm-with istasuusaips fur'iUvsna and KsyWest.' Tor information relativs to tickets, haul raaarvatioa. sleeptnc and parlor oars, srfnimndmiis on siaamara, apply to FLORIDA CAST COAST ss ! T. SS irTM sve CHicaeo , toss I or. awauariMs. sia. This season we bought heav ily In storm shoes for men, an ticipating the needs of our men customers for the winter. These shoes are made )n two heights, the regular and the ten-inch uppers. Every pair made on foot form lasts, which means comfort first of all. They are made in box calf and grain calf, blucher or bals style, and are Just what a man should have from now on. We can fit any man that comes in, with a pair of these shoes,, and we want you to at least come in and look them over. ' PRICES It A KG K ItpK"''' 84.00 lo-.wh $5.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnam Street Grand Pre-Inventory Clearance Sales Offer Romarkoblo Dargaln Opportunities Many thousand dollar's worth of merchandise must be closed before Jan. 1st. pill THB RILIABLB STORK Special bargain offerings , for quick stock re duction in all departments. $150,000 Worth of Women's and Children's Outer Garments Assortments never equaled before in half price sale. Your choice of any woman's cloth coat in the house at Half Price. Your choice of any misses or children's coat in the house at Half Price. Your choice of an immense line of Silk Underskirts, Half Price. One great table of women's dress and walking skirts, on sale at Half Price. , Choice of any $15 cloth coat in the house $6.50 75 dozen women's wrappers, val ues to $2, on sale at .... .69c Choice of any Electric Seal, Near Seal, Astrakhan, Itussian Colt or Seal Skin Coat, at Just Half Price. Children's Coats One great table for selection, 6izes 6 to 12 years, values to $5, choice... $1 Many Lots of Laces and Embroideries to be Closed Regardless of Actual Worth. Embroideries, worth to 25c- 2c, 3V4c, 70 15c Zion City Laces worth to 25c 5c and 10c Heavy torchon laces -worth to 25c 5c and 10c Don't fail to see these marvelous bargains Tuesday. Ilayden's Buy the First Prize Apples FROM THE NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL CONGRESS AND SOUTHWEST ERN IOWA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. These apples are all firBt prize winners In competition with all states of the union and are packed In one bushel boxes. Among them are the follow ing noted varieties: Wlnesap, Hoover, Greenings, Black Twig, Roman Beauty, Northern Spy, Arkansas, Black Gano, White Winter, Pnarmaln, York Imperial, New York Baldwin, Champion, Senator, etc. These are all the finest selected apples from all states of the union. There is nothing finer grown. If you want a box of extra fancy apples, don't fail to attend this sale. Tuesday we will place these on sale, any kind you want, at, per box 82.155 DON'T FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT ? PAYO T Th snjoytnsnt of a prosperous NEW YEAR will depend upon the circumstances that you can control. 6ne of these Is your standard af health. Your health can't be tha best If teeth are not doing effective, thorough work. The. quick changes that teeth, good or bad, often make Is really surprising. Little decays grow Into the larger kind, and increase the risk of total loss. One evidence of satisfaction that my patients enjoy they have a greater Interest In their teeth that have been restored than the foe it has taken to make them so. Let us have a pleasant chat about your teeth. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS There are no vacant offices, but: If you have been looking for such rooms, no doubt you have found desirable Epace is a rare thing. From time to time changes are made by tenants which would make available just the kind of office rooms which you THE BEE BUILDING Is occupied from top to bottom, but for reasons above stated we keep a waiting list and would be pleased to have you call and look through the building. By giving us an Idea of your requirements would place us la a position to fulfill your wants along this 11ns at soma future time. Leave your name and address with R. W. BAKER. Supt, Room 501 DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST Painless Extracting Ma Crowns, up from.. 91.50 Partial Plates, up from KllUnss. ud from Porcelain fillings, up from SI -50 -lL I Y Y f r 10 FAJIJBJAm ITIltT. 17 VI same office. 'Caonai S. 1766. Bridge Work, per tooth, up from S3. SO Nerves removed with. out pain. AX.TSOI.Am WOBI A SrOIAX,TT. Work guaraulesd tas years. MORPHINE era other drag habits era posltlTsly car) ti BsBITINA. For hjpodermlo or internal saa. Sam pi a Mnl to may Arng hahltne br Stall. Rrulr prloa to-M par bottle a A rce Soar anuria or bjr mall la iaJa wrapper. Mail Order Filled Er HA YUEN BROS. OftLliLi. SEB. The Twentieth Century Farmer Tfca Paper that r94mm Res alts for AgTartlaera. HOTELS. Broadway, Fifth Avenue and 27th St., NEW YORKj In ttis Ctntrt of the Shopping District. A Meters, Tint Class Balsl. Caaplar Im aS Hi .aaoarti K.U 1-UfafrMaM a4 A uraHnat aaar.1V aw throughout. Popular ta fc41c .uMtaf Si. tlir .rtufe aut .kutuj bkauN K ka anaialihaaaa coar. Is Walklcf BlaUses a &kae ss4 lhaatrea. Na cak ana tacrlf4. MS raoata- DM fuaiaa WHS Uik. Hot aa4 co!4 wum aaa taMbo. ia avarv aaaaaaHas, Aftsnitimv Rooms 11.50 per day and upward. SUNOS' CAN FLAN. tjtORGC W. SWCCNCY, Psm-wct , Angus Gordon, Late Mgr. of King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Can At Half V i V