J. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1003. Want - ads Adeertlaesneat far th wan relaaan will a taken aatll a aetata 4l(Ua ! aatll . for the asaralagr !r adltlaae. Cash canst evasananr all ardern fa era at ads aa adrartiaesneat ni he ar rented tar laaa thaa 10 ate far first taeertlaa. II tee mplr llher Tha Dallr Bandar baa. Alain rant aim war a ta Ha. raashlaatlaaa af laltleU ar aamaara aaat aa aaa wr4. rrnannrn MOOM AD V -1.4 B.V 1MB. th ' at Will a I Oa laartla. 4 at. Ha tarn ar l eaaatl tloa. a at ner llaa rack lartla eeea ar -or oa.eantle lartloa, eat ner llaa aach, l ata par llaa par naaUa. Want ad far Ta Bra " b ,'M t any ! th follela dragr alar aaa 1 year 'Toratf drng;lt" F ra all braark office for Th aad yaar will aa laarrted la.t a proaaptlr aaa aa tha aama rax a at th mala offloa In Tb Dalldln, grrenteeath aad Farnaa atrcctai Albach. W. C. 60th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A . 14' B. u Recht Fharmaoy. 7 8. ltb Bt Benson Pharmacy, Benson, "' . K.mla Park Pharmacy, 3d and Curing. lil.k. i pharmacy. 2826 Bherman Ave. Coughlln. C. R., Mb M '"'1 . Cllftun Hill Pharmacy. 221J Military av. Com. J. li.. list Ave. and rn Chrlssey Pharmacy. 24th and Lak Bt. Cermak, Emll. ia4- B. 13th BU Ehlere. B. 11., 2M Leavenworth BU Foaicr & ArnoldU US N. th i Bt. Kreytug. John J.. WM N. KUh Ht. Klorrn.e Urug Co , Florence, N-b. tloUlman Pharmacy, '.'nth and Iake Bta. Urvenough, U. A.. m:'6 lth Uiwimuuli. U. A., lt4 B. lth Bt. llaydea, William C. 292D Farnam Bt llunacom Park Pharmacy 1401 H. .th Bt. HtilKt, John. M4 N. 16lh Bt. Huff, A. L... Ai4 bravenworth Bt. Kin. H. 8.. 2aM Parnam Bt Kouiitxe l'lace Pharmacy, M1 N. Mth Bt. Patrick Uiuu; Co., im N. 21th Bt. Lathrou. Cliarlea K.. 1324 N. 4th Bt. . . ... ..,..1 I uuv.nwnrtn nta. Buiuto.a Drug Co., illlh BU and Auiea B'hacffra Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and " Sclmefer, Auguat, 2031 N. lth Bt. i 1.1. a. J QJtl. Bn r'umlflaT Hti. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta. Worth. O. II., loth and Hamilton Bta. DEATH AN O h'Uti KRAL NOTICES. vtAII.I'.Yilporart Robert. Infant son of Mr, and Mra. Uuy It. lialley, Ml Bouirvard airvel. l' Uiuiul Tueaday, December 29, 1:30 p. m Intvriitfiit Holy orpulcnra. cviutlriy. ROHI.K1NU Johann Krncat I)., aged "4 year. Hvmalna will bo bpiI Monday evening to Akley, la., for Intrrtnrnu I I Will ill ll-Ti- ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE COH Office 4th and lvaDWorin atraeia. ill. ijougtaa (l)-7St B1QN PAINTING S. II. Cole. 1303 Douglaa D 740 MJTOMOBILES DEKIQIIT Automobile Company ltfl4 Farnam BL BtodJard Da ton 'l uuilng car. Il.roa Keo Touring oar, loju. Reo Tuurtng oar, .uu. H-o Touring car. 1-too. pord. model N. Hfrl Kurd, model 1U toad. Ford, B roadaier. ulinoat new, i&M. Poid, K. liiuu. Bati k Runabout, almoat new, ISOO, liulok Touilxg car, loou. hteveaa LurJ. UiM. Inagoli louring car, 11.060. Waveriy Kleitrio. ui. All tha above guaranteed In good ahapa Write for full di i rliitlon. Biate agnta Btoddard Dayton and Ford rata. Tlie brat automobile valuee la the world. Btoddard Daton, S1.E0O. U.fW, looa The aenaaiionui rum ouv souring car Good live agenta wanted. -- Open and cloaed cara for rent day or Higni. ofcJwi,M tumuuH given to theater pruea. Tel. Doug. 163. J)-U16i NINE Runiblera, aecond-hand. at your o pricva. naniuier auio t o., z44 Parnam. (ilk M.'TO Uec. 1 RAMBLER, 1 cylln !er. latcat m.xl. l, almxt Tirw-, win aurriiK'ti u aula at once. Ad' areaa u a. v. a e. (S M70S 2S AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE Lk litU.ni own In ihm an toiuoolla Held; technical instructions on uoiu aivaiit una gaa enginea; student paid lor repair work. Address Uuiana Bcnooi oi u.uiiiutiilt engineering, Zii Leavenworth Bu ) M741 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FARMS. town property. merchandise. Btrlnger 4k Child. Paxlua B.k.. Omaha. S) Mj BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET IN or out of buatness call on OANIiUllAU, Koom 40. Ue Bldg. l-742 HliJir-URADB cigars, low prices. Hliermaa MCamiall l)ruc Cu. mil Ltwl hru. , t Mi,4 Decl KOR BALE eheaD. food dray line in oros- iiou town of i.i0 Inhabitants. Address While Drey line. Perry, la. i4 M iil Sax DRUG stores for sale everywhere. Knios r.w xork uiie iiiag i vi BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chlrrdut. DR. ROT. R. t, 160s arnam 8L Doug. 4S CASH Ft ATFi FOR WAST ADI. KKOl'LAH Cl.AMIFICATIOlt taeertlaa, pa llaa, lO aaata. Trs a aaara eaaas-ctnlsn laarrtlan, r aaat. Kara Insertion ade aa day, 10 ala llaa ar sath eala that l'raaarla. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (S 744 Water Filter. " " 1310 HOWARD 8T ilUaourl filter; 15 dsyr utai. ti-lw Cklaa Palatlag. CHINA decorating; onler work a areclalty 1 aaaona Tu.aday. ThuteJay and Saiur- day. f iring daily. Leather crafc. ataiaa. leather and Oea'.sna atra c u. ltuogai k4 braadei told. TsU Red lib. tD-4-1 Oraaaaaaktaa. IN FAMILIES. Uta Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 421a. McXKwell Dresa making acbooL Id Farnam, TXRRT Ladies' Tailoring and Droasmakiog cbooA. taught la Euglian or Uerntau trout 6 a. m. lo 6 p. u. uU and Faroaui K. tt ai.ne jaai Kdacattaaal. OPIIN'S MONDAY, JAN. 4, 190J MID-WINTER TERM. BOVLKS COl.l.h(JE Couras la buaius. telegraphy, stanoar raphy. bookaepliig. Ejigluth; i.lght and c.y aeaatuua; fiee lliuatrated caalogu Writ ta II. B. BoW. PiealJent. Off lal Training School of Telegraptiy for L'n on BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued I Dewtleta. BAILET MACH. Id floor Paxton. TX Ifl tl 7W PERCTVAI M floor Barker block. Tal. Doug, Perfect ocnilsiry ai reason able price. 16) 17 Jnl4x darts ta. HE89 SWOBODA, MIS Farnam f4 V t w l HENDERSON, ttl Farnam. Tal. D. IKX. H. BATH, isa Harnex. TeL Doug. SnotX 4b 7M riaaarlal. MONEYS TO IO A N-L O W In sums to 110 Bes Bldg. Doualas 2o4 UNION LOAN COMPANY. (6)-751 Oatcapatky. JOHNSON INS., N. T. U Tel. D. lt Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa. tot N. T. U Bldg. vu turn Prlntlag. EXPONENTS of good printing. PTOtmrt and Ilral-rlaaa worn guarantMO. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 113 8. lath SU Tela. Doug. 6663. lnd. A -KM. t wj j ana afa, Skattara, Kt. OMAHA Baf and Iron Work makes a apeclalty oi lira eacape, nutters, aoor and eat. Q. Andrean. Prop., lul B. loth. tSj-766 Marias aad tarlagr. EIXPRESBMEN'8 Dllvry Co.. office U4 N. lata BU, warenoua xn-u uara bu (U-7U kortkaad Reporter aad Ratarr. . J. BUTCLtrFEDeposlUona, 628 Bee Bldg. TeL Douglas llue, tl 1 kaa Repalrlac RAPID BHOB REPAIR CO. Flrst-clsss work, lalsa capllol av. 'pnon Ked k (5)-7i SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered tree. Blanuara unoe xtepair -o., 1MH Farnam 81 Tel. Douglas 7367. 5)-764 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory mm Trad. WANTED Ex perlsnced bindery girls. Ap- Lg Co.. i Farnam. (7)- lloaaesveepere aad Domestic. COOK wanted; apply 3641 Harney. tJ 33 WANTED At once, an experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, Salt Jackson or. (7)-M164 WANTED Girl for general housework, or aood nurse gin. .viw weDster at. t7) M678 2Sx COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. W. 11. Klioaos, corner awn ana nn coln boulevard, lu4. Tel. Harney 17. l7) M5m WANTED Girl for general housework, 3401 ChL Bt. Phone llarnoy i.ea. () MiM as GOOD experienced girl for general house work; good wages. A'lione iiarney izvi. (7) 647 2x M lscellaneooa. WANTED Marker and assorter,, also gen eral lHundrv help, iilnchey Launary, juiu urdN ,Boiit hOmaha. t7h.ML".6U HELP WANTED MALE Ageata, Solloltera aad aalaaaa. SALARY and commission to experienced ept'Ciaity salesman; oo to .w per week wlioleaallng only pump equalisers to can v.iasers and farmers In Nebraska, Kan t.ai. Iowa and Dt:kota; your pay first; outfit furnished; referencta and bond re unlied. Equaliser Mfg. Co., 640 Bee Bldg., umalit. . (H-MW7 lux SALESMEN WANTED We have some good territory open in lowa, xseDrasaa and Missouri; either salary and expenses or good commission. Address Clarinda Block Powder Co., Clarinda. la. ()-M4SI 28 AGENTS wanted for trie most complete oil gas burner in tne worm; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fin gas; It fits any cook stove or range; nothing like It; one-third cheaper thaa coal or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dept ft. Sue and Utf N. x. uite mag., vmana. iseo. (-; AN EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY sales man wanted who la capable or earning ll.SOO to 13.0U0 a year selling the Standard Une of Live Stock preparations to the re tail trade. Salary or commission. Most at tractive proposition ever offered to deal ers. We can use only a high grade, suc cessful salesman. Give full particulars In first letter. Standard Stock Food company, Omaha. Neb. (9) M530 JanS WANTED Good. competent. traveling salesmen to handle a high grade line of roofing and building paints; exceptional opportunity for proper parties. Apply Garland Refining Co., Cleveland, O. t)-M719 31 WANTED Experienced shoe salesman to represent a Minnesota factory In Ne bravk and Iowa; men' fin welts. I2.A0 up; heavy Goodyear welta In high cuts; a liberal prnpoaiuon to tne rtgnt party Address Y 61. care Bee. ( M71S 28 GOOD live agenta wanted; article needed In every home. Call at once, 212 Mc- Cague Bldg. (9I-M610 1 WANTED Traveling man, by local firm; position permanent; experience not neces sary. Address D 327. Bee office. tsi-jrra WANTED Solicitor and collector to travel through country: position permanent; good Income. Address E 3.Y. Bee or rice till M731 Clerical aad Offlea. DRVO CLERK'S position. Lif Bldg. Knlest. N. Y. 19)-74a WANTED A thoroughly competent real estate stenographer. W. J. Radcllff. At- wood. Kan. ( M713 J2x Factory aaa Tradeo. DO YOU WANT to become a competent automobile operator. The Northwestern Automobile and Uaa Engine school can rut you' In tin class. Better tnvesiuraie. Omaha Commercial vullegs Building. im and Farnam. t MkJ WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeka required, beat paying work within the reach of poor man; can have ehoo with aruall capital; wage from 111 to Uiu weekly, wonderful demand for barbers, catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Kill Bt. d)-M.7 31 X at laeIlaaa. BOTLES TELEGRAPH SCHOOU Bnylea Building, umaiia. Neb.; official training school U. P. R. K. ; poaitlon guaranteed; booklet free. () 7fl FREE Employment Dept., Business Men' Am a; no feea Call 26 N. Y. Life Bldg. t J7 WANTED Marker and assorter; one cap able to supervise preti rred. Hinchey Laundry, 25ih and N, South Omaha. ( M577 30 WANTED Railway mall clerks; custom employes; clerks at Washington; com mencement salary, 1M; many spring ex amtnariona; candidates prepared free; write for schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. bo, Rochester, N. Y (9-MT77 Jllx WANTED Men to train and handle blovl bounds; permanent job to rlgi.t man; reN ereu ee required. Address D'Va., A Man tle, loa: () Al.tM LOST AND FOUND LbT White Angora cat; reward for re turn to 1337 So. ilh 6U iU-M57 S For "Melp wanted The IBEE has no LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) LOST December 1. I'nlon depot, ludv a W'altham open-faced sold watch; InlttHia on back. Llleral reward. Return Sin'.' Wirt street, or write R. E. Crandell, fhnpman. Neb. (121 Mi'4 AX LOST Bull terrier, seven months old, brtndle snd white, while Hp on h11 and hip; tag 2S.7. Reward. Chas. W. Penranll. Tel. Harney 2," (12) M771 30 MEDICAL BKST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," 11 a box, postpaid. Sherman e McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 771 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at CrelKhton Medical College, 14ih and Davenport Bis.; special attention paid to confinement cases; sll treatment super Vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1147. Calls answered day or night. (13) -123 ANT poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3KI4 N. 24th Bt.. Omaha. Neb. U3)-MU MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. MONET loaned salaried people and other without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, Room 611 New York Life Bldg. (14) 771 nmUMtl YOU WA.NT MONET lllWtMM $Wtt DON'T PAY HIGH RATES , HIM BEE US FIRST. USU t We loan you any amount on U J furniture, pianos, etc.; or, It you ! II have steady employmenU on your il It plain note at the cheapest rates In M 8 the city. Open until 6.30 p. m. Phone u Douglas tl U OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 1J tf!1t R- Wl. R'own Blk.. imi tUlW Opp. Brsndels' UUiU VH444Ut Wth BU Entrance. tt-4tst t!4 3t4 BORROW CHRISTMAS MONET NOW and take advantage or. our special HOL IDAY ratea. Your flrsi payment will not fail due until February. There will be no extra charges for this, either. You can get It by telephoning Douglas 2286. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade. 16th Su Entrance. tl4)-771 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Rooata. FURNISHED room and board; everything new ana siricuj moaem; nrst-cisss neighborhood, at a reasonable price, lid Wirt BU 106) 776 CLOSE IN, nice large room, suitable for two; references requited. 114 8. 19th 6L 'Phou Red 4033. (16) M474 1818 CAPITAL AVE. Beautiful well fur nished room, with excellent board. Steam heat, strictly first-class. Reasonable, 'i'lione Red-o37. (16)- -M.V9 Jaitfx DESIRABLE room, fine locstlon, walking distance; excellent board. 218 8o. 25th it. (16) M770 3x DEWET European Hotel, ISth and Farnam. u- .,D Faralaked Rooms. ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or . W Tk..S-tt.A.- IIAO -1. I Cf. KUUlllll. A lie uaiuaui. iiv 0. um ou (15W7T7 FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for room do not fail to get our lis;. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELikJN A CU. RENi'AL AOT8., 70 N. x. Lixe Bldg. 'Phone Doug. :;v4. (16) 77 ONE large front room, nicely furnished. ioi n goiwgrm Ave., near uara. (U)-MUl SUITE of furnished rooms for gentlemen. by the month only. Hamilton Cafe, 21th end Farnam Bts. U5 627 2Px FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern. plenty of hot water. 216 N. 19th St. (la M596 1 FOR RENT Modern front room; hot water neat; walking distance. 2406 Harney. tl5) M616 lx NEWLY furnished modern room, private family, gentlemen. Call t.inday or even ings. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) M619 lx FURNISHED room near depots. 1213 S. IIIH Bl. UO( .MiJS i FURNISHED room, all modern; etilctly private family: breakfast given If da sired. 424 N. 2Sth Ave. (16) M7J5 29x n N. 19TH ST., room desirable for yung men. (15) MTJlUx DESIRABLE rooms. US N. 19th. (16)-M72S J27x WILL RENT a beautiful room to gentle man In new home of young couple; hot running water, electric lights, piano player, etc Walking distance, choice neighborhood. Few doors off Farn.im. References exchanged. Fulton, 318 So, 17th Av. 1 151-762 Six Apartsaaat asMt Flat. FOR RENT-1301 Sherman Ave., lower flat, absolutely modern, fine lawn, elegant laundry In basement. 1X.00 to rlgnl party. Addreas W. E. Rogers, 1611 Loihrop St. 'Phone Webster 36o7. (16) MU 1-6 r., flat. Scargo. 61H N. 24th St.. South Omaha. Hall, 4J3 Rainge Bldg. Red 74o6. (15) M2J0 CENTRA Is rooms and bath, all outside; corner iiai, steam neat. M no. im. 416)-M581 A VERY choice apartment at 33d and Far nam St., will be vacated nun by party leaving the city; Inquire of Win. K. Pot ter. Jul Brown Blk. (15) 3b7 LARGE front room, clean, light and stric tly modern. 627 So. Itlh Ave. 'Phone Red 1400. Reference. tl6) M50J THE SHERMAN. Elegant t-room apartment. Call Harney Ind. A 1792. (15I-M74D Six FOR KENT--room flat, brand new. Hans corn Park district, 174S B. 27th Bt. 'Phone Harney Shj. (15-M767 2x Haasekeealaa Rssai. TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. Phon In house, ti.74 Hat- nty Bl. (16) 171 PARLOR. Dining room and kitchen. 614 B. 22d St. (15) MCkKI Six ONE UNFURNISHED upper room and front parlor with kitchen prlvileuea: strictly modern. 627 iSo. 24tli Ave. 'Phone Red 1400. References. (16) Mios FURNISHED houaekeeplng rooms. 112 and 116. 909 South 27th BU (16i MdJO lx U-UkK at this: -r. mod., walking dla.. on mo. free to good piny. Inquire Peters Trust Co. IHiuglas Ksx. t!5)-M591 x FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms for light houaekeeplng; modern In every way. 24 Grant. (16 M74a 1 FOUR elegant furnlahed front rooms, main floor, with piano, complete for houae keeplng. It'll Davenport. (15) 756 lx Faralaked Heaaea. NEW g-room modern douse. Just finish.! located I'l South 3th St.. furnished throughout: to tight parties we can rent this for fc 0t Phone Bemls, llilo i block. U M54) MY cinrletlr furnished bm. all modem. In nice neighborhoo d; pi tee reasonable. 211 Bo. :9ib Ave. (15 liiws 2sx COTTAGE, modern ex. furnace, furnished; reasonable, to right parlies; permanent. Call IsU 8. h Bu (15)-M7U lx OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Hoaaea aad Cottage. FOR RENT 3304 Sherman Ave., gas ahd electric light, strictly modem snd up-to-data except furniice. Ptvll-ge of lnun iry In basemctiL 120.00. Address W. E. Rogers, loll Lvthrop SU 'Piion Stbst. r 3067. (15) Mi7 HOUSE of rooms at 112 8. 44th St.. on Dundee line. Apply 4412 Douglas or Tel. Harney 33fil. (16 M6SH 2Sx OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack. move, stcre H. H. goods, storchousr 1120-24 N. lth. office 1'ju Farnam. Tel. Doug. lj.M). (161 i3 MAOGARD VAN A 6TORAGE CO. Tel. D. 2496. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. S coda (16) 784 GLOVEK Realty Syndicate, N. Y. U D-3S33. tlo) M6SS Janj FOR RENT New 8-room ecttage one block from Sherman Ave. car; fine lawn and trees; asphalt paved street, cement walks and basement; very choice location. Rent 1J). Owner pays water rent and cares for lawn. Telephone. Webster 2310 Wil liam I. Klersusad. (16)-J00 A BARGAIN ta rent. 1 rooms, modern ex. cepl furnace, near In, three bloeks from Farnam Bt. car line; very low to good tenant. Apply at W7 N. lth SU (16)-M6il t-ROOM, modern brick flat, 30U7 Paclflo. For Information phone Harney (16)-7S6 FOR RENT Eight-room' house with laun dry; modern, healed with hot water; IW a month. 2920 Poppleton Ave. (16)-M690 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. Stei. 1161786 LIST your vacant houses with Walter fcireen co.. in. i. lui mag. woi is DESIRABLE 8-room modern furnished house. Kingwall Bro. (li) lis HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros.. 1C04 Farnam. (1B)-.1 HOUSES, Insuranc. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. Uo) TM i-ROOM house, 2554 Pratt St.. all modern; hot wtter heat, full cement basemenU Pho.ie Webster 71s. (lo) M3S J-ROOM, all modern house, gas stove, gas water neater, snsaes, turn ace. inn spruce SU Tha Chatham., H. L Plumb. (16)-M927 HOUSE-Peters Trust Co., . L. Bldg. (U)-7W ITnTTtSTPQ 'n all parts of the city. UUUOIiO Crelgh Son A Co.. Bee Bldg. 2571 DODGE St.. 8 rooms, modern: laundry basement; walking distance; handy three car liner. Hlidreth 437 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Harney 4311. (16) 170 BRAND new, thoroughly modern l4-story house, 5 rooms besides reception hall and bath. In splendid neighborhood, every thing first-class. 126 per month: locuted 1705 Laird Ft. Call Webster IMl. 15-Mijl3 9 ROOMS all modern house, 4907 Webster, Dundee, near car, perfect repair, 120. 'Phone Harney 2266. 116) M717 2Sx 31 111 Chicago, 7 rooms, modern, 130. 2961 Farnam. 9 rooms, modern. 115 WM. DICKEY REED, 421 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15-M739 29 I'.ITICK house, convenleatly lo-atod. plenty of llJ.t and air- modem.' 2913 Muson Bt. Apply f23 So. 2Sth Bt. (15) M.I9 3x OB DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N St., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O. branch, 24th and N, new address. (15) M377 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltar. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; beeu used a short time and will sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (16) 143 Plaaoa aad Otker Maaloal lastrnmeat I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL ISO INNER F1.AYKR PIANO MY SAMPLE. USED TO SHOW THE DEALERS OUR PHOU I'l'Ttf THAT I WILL SELL AT A BAR GAIN CAN BE SEEN AT 1112 CALI FORNIA STREET AFTER CHRISTMAS. TERMS IF DESIRED. HARNEY CAR. (16) 641 Jix. Typewriters aad Sewing Macblaes, TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ALL PRICES For sale, for renU Slightly used and genuine rebuilt machine, good as new, at to Vs intra, prices. If rented, rent will be applied. Large stock of 26 differ ent makes to aelect from. Call or write today for large bargain list and receive our offer. We ship on approval anywhere without a deposit. 15. F. SWANSON CO., INC (Established Five Years.) 1620 Farnam Bt., Omaha. Neb. (41 b. lint bu alter December 20.) (!) MJal Janl TYPEWRITERS, any make, all prices, for se.le, fur rent; rent applied if bought. vail or ask for our baigain lisL B. F. Bwanson Co.. Inc. tesu a yra). 1620 Far nam Bt., Omaha. Uo.' Mls Janl Allsrellaaeoa. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all lid orders; catalogue free. Sherman 4k alcCoiineli Drug Co., O'naua. Neb. ll-H02 l.OH) KINDS perfume and sschet powder. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., ISth and iJvdge; Owl Drug Co.. ltitn and Harney. (10-M263 Decs. TWO cash registers, en gas arc lamp. 401 8. 15th bl. (.!) 44 TYPEWRITERS ALLilAliLS ALLI'UIC'ES Fur Bute For Uent Bllgiitly used and ginuine rebuilt maciunee, tooil aa new, at one-fourth lo one-tialf manulacturera' luicea. If rented, lent will be applied. Laigu stork of 2a different makes to aeltict fiom. Call or write today for large bai ai.ni Hat unit rac.lv uLr nffr. W uliin I,iii aniimviil mil .livr. .iHimil M .ti.iHlf. li ,F. SWANSON CO., INC. (Ebtabllslied rlit Years) 417 South Fltieenlh Bu, Omaiia. Neb. (Iti-MJH) Janl I ' Wire Cable for Sale W have '.ore piecea of -lnch cable. 1541 to 250 feet eacn, for aale at a reasonable price. Call on engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE New and aerond-hand billiard and pool tables. e lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy pay mama. Bruuawtck-Balke Cullender, 407 B. lulu St. Ut-fc4 COAL All klnda. free delivered, asm day aa )ou order. Rosenblatt a coal yard, lei. Douglaa 412. Retail department clean D'at coal. 6 bualiala (or 1U tU) 74 ' EKM) us your mall orden for druga; I freight paid on 110 lota Myers-Dillon i I-tv. Co.. umiM. (1( ul FOR SALE Cheap for cash, butcher's x 10 les box. In gixid condition Geo. W. Hartman. Kl Cuming SU Uil-MU 99 ads j ecjjualj OFFERED FOR SALE BIIcellaneoiit on tinned. INK BARRELS We have on band a number of these bar rels which we will sel. at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (18) 277 CHRISTMAS candles, sea!d boxes Sher man 4k McConnell Drug. Co.. Owl Drug Co. CO M2i3 UmcJl FOR SALE 20 cars of hard wood saw dust, also onk curd wood. Send your order to J. W. Carter, Carlow. Mo. (Itil MOJO SIX FOR SALE Set abstract books; good busi ness. Address 02, care Bee. (lii) 30x PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red T117. (17) SOS PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three boots for Investors manea on receipt or oc post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey. rooms 29-3 Psctflc Rldg.. Washington. D. C. Estsb- llshed 1ia (17) W7 PERSONAL A HOME for women during confinement We find home for table where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 4oJ Bancroft BU 'Phon Douglas 1921. IW) 601 Jan27x THE SALVATION ARMY solicit eaatoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 1J4 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phon Douglas 4135 and wagon will tall. (W)-7t HALL'S safes, new,2d-hand. 1811 Farnam. (18i 80 MAviAHP Electric rlbratory, 120 S JUAOOilUD 16th Room fourth floor old Boston Store. (18) M299 Jl PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. king, 1324 N. 2Uti. Tel. Webster 3569. (16)-U YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms. 1518 Farnam Bt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18)-2t f A flMITTTP treatment and bath. Mme. aLZVUiXaAl8mJltil1igNiljtni21 no,T (18-627 LIE BEN. costumer. 1410 Howard. Open Era (18) M7U6 MASSAGE treatment, 1709 Dodge St.. base ment. Mi. Jordan. (18) 5(8 3ox OMAHA Stammerer' In.. Ramge Bldg. (181-612 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut prices. Send fur free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. flD 8J9 FOR ADOPTION, -month-old boy baby, Swedish parents. Address L-2S3, care Bee. (18) 2o5 ELECTRIC vibratory treatments, alcohol robbing, tiagnetlc massage; new parlor; lady opwatur. Koom 2, liU3 Dodge St. (18) M036 Ssx REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO.. EsU 1S3: prompt service; get our prlcea. 1710 Farnam Bt. tl) tM HEAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST COl. CHAS. E- WILLIAMSON. Presldenu U) Mtl PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. (19) sit GEORGE 4k CO., 101 Farnam. Tel. Douglas TSg. 119) tli BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. (19)-814 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. AN enstern owner ha two bouses In Hans Cjim I'laca rented for 170 a month; every thing modern; psved street; east front: will aril at a bargain; on block north of lianscom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Lit Building. 119) at wp:bsteu street Has been opened from 30th St. to 32d St. The street will be graded and Improved In the spring. I have 110 feet facing north on Webster St.. the first vacant lots west of loth Bt., which I will subdivide Into three lots and sell at 120 per front foot, on easy terms, or. will sell the entire piece for t2.ou0 cash. These lots sre lud feet deep and, when street Is Improved, will be very deslrsble building lots. Here is an opportunity to secure close inproperty at a very low price. W. H. AHMANSON. 1218 Farnam Bl., Second Floor. (19)-M758 W. W. MITCHELL, REAL ESTATE, 322 Board of Trade Bldg. If you have city proerly, fnrms, ranch lands or stocks of merchandise that you want to sell or trade, list them with me. It Is my business to sell and It costs you nothing unlens I effect a sale. W. W. MITCHELL. Telephone Douglua 13tl4. (li)-M6S9 WANTED To buy or rent for one year; neat 1 to 10-r. house best bank refer ences. Address M 318, care Bee. (19I-6S8 29 4-STORY brick, full lot. near city hall, 1115. Harrison & Norton. (19) 643 LIST your property with Chris. Bover. 2:d snd Cuming 6!s (19)-UJ 1500 CASH, and balance monthly, will boy a brand new, first-clam seven-room house, up-to-date In every requirement and ready to move lnt, at 2680 Fowler Ave. Come and e It. (19) TSU FOR SALE New modern house. West Farnam district: Just what you want. to.iKO buvs It from owner. Address 1317, car Bee. (W)-MRSl 28 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.NCH LAND FOR SALE Colorado, IliKlC.ATED LAND TO EXCHAN(iE. 19D acres cloae to Denver; best sorll and Irrigation In state; produces sugar beets, potatoes and grain In abundance; flno al falfa land; will rent for llo an acre. To exchange for residence or Income prop erty. National Investment Co. 682 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neh. ) M 28 Montana. FINE RANCH FOR SALE. I.ftt) acrea of Montana wheat bind. 500 sites in cultivation, good wster right and an exc lb nt oigwrtunlly for a 1 od farmer: threshing machine, gang plow and other iiihi blnery to go with the ranch. Price. 116 an acre; one-half cash, the balance five yeara .it 6 per ccnL Be cuilty Blale Bank, Havre Mont. IJu) M4K1 Jan21 frearnaaa. 14A.ACRE homestesds. after cheap relin quishment. J. Btialna. Wltman. NrU. (3JJ-M114 DecZag FARM AND ritUIT LAND Denver-Greeli y d strict, under Irrigation; sugar bei'i. alfalfa, general farming and fruit raising: low price, easy pevinents. National Inveatment Co., 6s! Brandels Lldg.. omaha. Tel. Douglas 91. :o)-s: REAL ESTATE FARM AM) lit Mil l.(M) FOR "AIR Nfhranka- i'onttaaed. FOR SALE-! I er sere, section VI-ls-3. Keith count v. Ni-brHKka: 14 per nrre si c ln n 1 7-;tr. Mi Pliers n county. Rest sec tions In the north hills. Pell tng.-tiier or repnratelv. lln b.uk on each perl Ion; balance cash. R. It. contract: $;'.) on each section aiininllv beginning November 21, ItliS. T-409 Paxton block. (20) M5t3 21 AT A FACR1FICB. 300 acres of land at Valley, NeK. worth 176 per acre, for 9.A atid lt. 16.000 down. balance lime; acres 1n tamo hny, 2X) nens under rultlvatlnn. For psrllculnrs write W-323, care Bee. or Tel. II irney 4H. (20) M614 2ex Texas. RARrjAINS IN NEBRASKA LNDS In H. inner county. If taken mil. kl.. can olfcr bi si biua iln in the r tal , ti 0 per S valley mid upliin.t. lavs n't e, s II goo i. some fine cm 11. whe t and Hlfal.a land. 1'iIikJI prr acie; 11,(00 cas.i, biilaiue eight years. la choc nu irti r sectimi cr oenu tin. rcli, 1 Ice Hlng hindr, onlv 4 miles f.om It. R. in Keith Co. No b t er narlculi in al liindK cnii be found f r tlie money. Pr'ie, ;5.5l per Hire. Ait n( on e. The.-e arc gen u 1 in- haigans niui will not 1 si lotiu. All ceed' it. WIN auy I- p r ncie. 2. acres fh e val rv and tnble lend in Custer Co., Iiiipl oven : sonic fine alftilf a.'nd otlur ciois; will s. ll nn I d.v de to s I. j uicliHs-r. l'riic, from 19 to 1 2 er ac c. 1 erms. DELL GREGORY, Coumtl Bluff'. Iowa. (30) Mit J REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY lO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (aa)-U; WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Faruam Smith 4k Co.. 1320 Farnam 6'. (ia)-aJ PAYNE. 7-OSTW1CK & CO., N. Y. Ufa PrivaP' nioue) ; 1mm to lo.uou; low rat. (22) 424 FIVE PER CENT money tv loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS IfRENNAN. Room L Nsw York Lite Bldg. (la)-a PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN PROS., lUo4 1'ARNAa. (B)-fcll SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. Apply Room 218 First National Bang Blcg. iteii phone Douglas 1318. (22) 736 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood. 616 Brandels Bldg. (22) 12 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton block. (X2)-M 1100 TO 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wea, Wead Bldg.. 18lh and Farnam. 2U U MONEY TO BUILD. 1500 to 1200.000 at current rate. W. H. THOMAS. 601 First NaU Bank Bldg. (S)-12 WANTED CITY loan. Peter Trust Col (22-2 1000 TO IS.oro on homes In Oma1). O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Pl N. T. LI . Do ig or A -2152. (22) 83 WANTEDTO BORROW WANT moderate loan at fair Interest on large Irrigated Wyrm:n? rtock ranch, worth tiOu.ouO. AddreMi Y car Bee offl-e. ?4)-M4-4 y WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST pricas for 2d-hand rorniture, car pets, clothe and shoes. Tel. Doug. 2171. (25)-M RIGHT prices paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. TeL Red 640L J6 4al WE WILL buy land any place the rt-ri are cutting. Omaha Current De1rur Co.. 214 S. Uth SU OS. Tl H WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG rxan e.tr ru wrr pre board while a ; l ck eicluwA fu'is) College t h j.i. j'rv-kk STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, ateam and hot wattr revai'J, Thermoatat and elber heal reara.atvsc new lurnacea and hot water ennMni'.' s beating. Omaha Btov ttepair Wea.a.t I2e 12i Dougiae BU I'honee. lad A iu Itell. ii-la Miv UL 1 LEGAL NOTICES To the Stockholders of The Conservative Savltius and loan Association of vMuslia. Nebraska: Aa pro mod In section 1 of article 1 of l' byiHwa of said asaH'latioii ) oil are hereby lion tied thill the annual meeting of the stockholders of said The Conservative Sav ings and laan Association of Omaha. Neb , will be held January 11. J. at the Ulc-e of said association, ltitl Harney at reel. Otmihu. Neb., for Ihe purt'e of ebH'ling one director for a term oi two year and three directors for a term of m years, to receive the reports of the officer and directors and for tlie transaction of such other business aa may properly come be foie the meeting. The polia will o open for the reception of ballots for the election of directors from 3 o'clock to 6 o clock of said day, and the business meeting of the stockholders cv.ll liuiiiedlutt ly follow the closing of the polls. Board of Directors of The Conservative Savings and Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska. By GEORGE F. GILMORE. President. Attest; PAUL W. Kuhns, Secretary. D-26d-6t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of L. e-Glaaa-Andreeaen Hardwar Company, Omaha, Nebraska, Imcembef 12, li Notice la hereby glveu to tbe etock holders of the Lee-iilas-Anuieeen Hard ware Company t.iat liie annual meeting nt the stockholders of the con pany wl.l be held at the offices of ttie said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in trie city of Omaha, in the staie of Nibrasku. on Tuesday, January 12, A. D., 1U09, at i o'clock p. 111.. for the purpose ot electing a board of directors for Ilie company u aerve during the ensuing year, and to transact such oilier buainess as may be presented al sucb meeting. Attest: W. AU Glass, sccielury; 11. J. Lee, president. DlZD3i)t NOTICK-Stoikholdirs" meeting of the I'nluii l-und company. Nolle la hereby riven that the annual meeting of tha stockholders of the l iiion I-and company for tbe slecllon of five dlre-tors and ths transaction i f such other business us may legally come before the meeting will be held at the office of Ihe general solicitor, Union Pacific lleaiuiuarUrs Building, nth and l'aiiiam Stroma. Omaha, N.biaaka, on Mondiiy, the Uth day of January, l'.ar). at lu o'clock a. ni. Tlie sUck transfer books will be ilostd ten days previous to the meeting. ALEX MILLER. Secretary. New York City . N. Y Dec. 11, lfldK. D.'odan GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OK THE CONSTRUCTING (Juartermarter, Fort Omana, Neb., De cember 12, 1. Sealed propoaals. In tripli cate, subject ot the usual conditions, will be received here u 11 1.11 11 o'clock a. 111., cen tral standard time. December 29, 1. for construction of a steam healing plant In the quartermaster's and subaistenro alore house at Fort Omaha, Neb. Full In formation furnished on application. United Statea reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Envelopes containing proposal to be marked "Proposals for Steam Heat ing." and adoreased to Captain C. DeF, I handU-r. Constructing (Juartermarter, Fort Omaha, Neb. D14-16-16-17-2S-29 RAILWAY TIME CARD l.IO ST ATION 10TII AM II JI .IIOI Union Paelfle Overland Limited . fob r.tdo Express., Atlantic Pxmess .. I a. a .a 8 5o a I .60 ve. am pm Arriv. a t Mi pm a 6 iO pm a 10 15 am a 6:i pm a 9 15 pm a 6:5 pm a 6.60 pin a 4 46 pm a 7:06 am 1111 Sun r.ipivH l.oa Anaelea Limited.. a 4:10 imi .al2 66 pm rnsi mhii China and Japan Mall V..rl I. I'l.ll. I .1 .a 9 am a 4:ou pm a 7:41 am f olf).-4blcaa'o Mnet-lal.. .all.iU am a? Beatrice 4k Btromatmr Local "blJ SO pm b 1:40 pm RAILWAY TIME CARD-r",u" (hleaao. Rock Island A rnelfle EAST. Chlrsgn Limited a 3 nm all Iowa local a 7 ) nm 4 Rocky Mountntn 1 td. . .a 3 ' em all I'es Motnes Knstern. n '' sm a 4 Dee Moines Passenger.. 4 :' pni al lown lxal Ml 01 nm b hlcaeji tKnstern V:x. a 4:iVun a 1 Chicago Fiver a pm n 1 WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...all :1S pm n 2 Colo. A Cal. Express. ..a I pm a 4 Okl. Texas Express.. 4:W pm a 1 t'blcaarn ;reat W estern :fV4 pm 80 pm :06 pin sit pm :,V) pm :N pm 10 rn .36 am M) pm 30 pm 1 pm 1 i . I'.'iui-.vir.nertpoiis .... s:.i pm 1 30 am pm :27 am ST. p n : pm I St. Paul-Minneapolis 7 .At am 1 Chicago Limited d:(V pm II" 11 3 ( hleaao Express 7:3" am Chicago Express 3 30 pm ( hleaan, Mllvcaakee A Paal- Chtcngo A Colo. Special.. 7:25 nm all Cal. Oregon Express a 6:f0 pm n 3 Overland Limited a 9:68 pm a 8 Perry local b 015 pm Ml ( bleaaro A Northwestern 50 pm 25 pm ..V) am :26 am Chicago Daylight a 7:2.1 nm 11 Twin t:ty Express a 7:45 am slO :48 pm :i0 pm :J8 Dm Chicago Local all:J0am a 3 ."mux City laical a 3:45 pin at :oo am Chicago Local a 4:.1n pin a 8 3i pm 23 am . ) am Chicago Special a 6rui pm a 8 Minnesota-Dakota Ex. ..a 6.45 pm a 9 Fa'tMal a 3 ;Ttt pm 1 win City Limited a 9:00 pm a 8 l.oa Angeles Limited.... 9:00 pm a!2 :() ain :35 pm Overland Limited alO.oo pm a 8 :23 atu :20 pm :35 am :2- pm 20 pm :66 pm ;20 pm 25 am :15 pm :13 am Nebraska and Wyoming Division Nm folk-Bonrsteel a 7:40 am a 6: Lincoln-long Pine a 7.40 urn alO Di Hilwond-Llncoln a 8:00 pm a 6 Casper-linder a 3:00 pm a i Fremont-Albion ...b 6:30 pm b 1 )lastuiKs-Suerlor b 3:00 pm b 6 W a bn ah St. Ixiuls Express a 6:30 pm 9 Bt. Louis Locsl (from Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am all Stanberry LochI (from Council Bluffs) b 8:00 pm bio Illinois Central Cldcugo Express a 7:16 am al :46 pm :30 am ( hlctigo Llnltcd a (: pm a 8 Minn. -Ml. r-u.' Express ,b 7 15 am Minn. -St. Paul Limited. .a 6:) pm 8 30 am Omaha-Ft. Dodge Local. a 4:15 pm all Missouri Pacific :) am K. C. & St. L. Express. .a 9:0 am a 8 K. C. & St. L. Express. . all :16 pm a 6 48 am :50 p. 11 Bl RLI.GTO. ST t-lOTH & MASOX Burlington Leave. Denver & California a 4:10 pm Nurthwest special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express ali 15 am Nebiaska points a 8:46 urn Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:20 pm Nebraska Express 9:16 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Bcliuyler-Plattamouth .b 1:10 pm Bellevue-Plattamouth... 8:00 pm Beilevue-Plallsmuuth Plattsmoulh-Iowa b 9:18 am Bellevue-Plattamouth ..c 2:36 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 4:20 pm Chicago Flyer a :30 pm Iowa Loral 9:15 am St. Louie Express a 4:40 pm Arrive, a 1:46 pm a 1:45 pm a 6:10 pm a 9:08 am a 6:10 pm 12:11 pm a 8:10 pm b 9: am a 7:60 pm bl0:2O am a 8:50 pm b 1:06 pm c 2:40 pm a 7:06 am all: 46 pm a 1:56 pm a 8.30 am all:.) am all:30 am a 6:30 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City r Bt. Joe..al0:46 pm Kansas City A St. Joe. Kansas City & Bt. Joe a 9:16 am .a 4:40 pm WEBSTER STAe 1BTH at WEBSTER Chicago, St. Omaaa Paali Mlanenpoll A Deave. ..b , 30 am ,.b 1:00 pm ..c 8:45 am ..b 5:66 pm Arrive, b 8:3) pm bll5 am c 6.20 pm b 1:10 am Twin City Passenger Sioux City Passenger Sioux City Local Emerson Local ...... MUaoarl Pacific- Auburn Local hl M nm h11-" am a Dally day only. h Dally exceot Sunday, c Sun- d. Dally except Saturday. OCEAN STEAMERS CANADIAN PACIFIC II V3r a-ta iarrar4. Tr-t ur iH' at in Tig lrt rata and . auuiuwu, . C S. Batjamla. A, . : cut 9a. CTaac Ciioag. XU. CCSTLY RELIC FROM ALASKA kratls ;! 1 Tal af Manry ta Indian Wn.a Kits a ed Thing. A legend handed dom In Alaskan history fl.vn ieriod far beyond the knowledge of people of our time Is that of the totem pWe. To men of the east a totem pol really mean nothing at all. because It tells no story to anyexcert the few who have become conversant with matters pertain ing to that far off country of bitter winter and golden hopes. But In the people of the west It tnsplres a feeling of respect for the Alaskan Indians, for they know It Is the sign of their religion and their beliefs. The totem pole Is a dear to the native Alaskan aa "blue blood" la to the civilised man. for It stand aa a record of tha character of his forefather, and every sign, every grotesque carving and every blended color upon It ha a sacred msan Ing. For example, th eagle carved upon a totem pole mean that a son of Alaska has descended from a traveler, a leader, or one who migrates. The raven I he who I crafty, wise and possessed of great acumen. The fror means a phlloopher, a savanL The bear means power, strength, musclo. The whale Implies plenty of food (too much, perhaps, for It suggests to them the alderman aa he ap pears to us). The duck uggeat placidity, a phlegmatic nature, an even tempera ment. The sesl. beauty, gracet charm. The salmon mean great favor, desires, ambitions. And so on, down th line of comparison with every living creature, 1 the thing recorded upon a totem pole, a characteristic of tho Alaskan Indian forefathers as he sees them In great deed and ambition.. A really Interesting Incident relatlv to this subject occurred soma year ago. and It brought to the city of Scuttla the now famoua totem pole that adorns one of the public squares there, it appear a party of Seattle enthusiasts bent upon voyage of discovery chartered a ateamer and made a trip to southess'orn Alaska. They arrived at a small Indian village, but as the population seemed to have de serted the place they decided It would be Just and Uwful to "take in-o camp" on of the totem pole that stood majestically before each Indian hut. They entered Into negotiations with two old Indian women, who were the only living beings about th place and eventually purchased, aa they Imagined they were doing, one of the most Vretentloua looking poh In the place. Intending to take It to Seattle. Thla was done, snd 11 wa presented to the city with much speechniaklng and eclat In the presence of the "city fithers" and other Important cltlK-ns. It was n enormous pole. Seattle felt so proud of It acquisition that she had It repainted, thua bringing out all It remarkable character istics ind making It appear fresh and new. There was groat surprise some week later when two of the chiefs of the In dian village arrived In the big city de manding satisfaction and threatening suit In tho United States court for the rob bery of their cherlsheJ Idol. Seattle Time. Hoars coughs and stuffy . "los that may develop Into pneumonia over night ar Quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. as It soothes Inflamed membrane, bsslg th lungs and expels the cold from th system. Bold by all druggist. Bigger. Better, Busier That' vhat ad vertising In Tb Bee doag for your business. v,