? 9 THE 0MA1IA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1903. DOMlaCBEZWANTS BIG TRUST Mexican Tlanter Sayi Harreiter Com bine Would Boom Hit Country. VISITS . DEERE AJTD .COMPAJTY Retura to Omaha KathaaiMlte Over Proagteet of Big Implement Hoim Locating a Brunch la. Mealeo.' After spending seversl, days at Amu, la . and ai the guest of lha John Deer I1ow cbmpnny at Molina. 111., Zepherlno L'nmlnguei. the Mexican planter, who con tributed much to the Interest of the Ns tlonul Corn exposition, returned to Omaha Sunday. and goes from here to Lincoln to Visit with Governor Hbeldon and the Ne braska tr-hool of agriculture. ' " ' Aa a h-stllt of hla visit ' to Mollne Senor iJnmlngdes believe the John Deere people will open a Urge Implement house In Mexico, where the German manufacturer control the Implement business, and with tools which he believe to be much In ferior tn' those made In the United State charge prices which make It almost Im possible for the ordinary Mexican farmer to buy the more modern Implement and as a result they cling to the old Mexican plcw, with which the ground can only be tickled." America Uoods Superior. "I want to see Americans In business In Mexico,'" tald Senor Domingurs. "I am firm believer In the Monroe doctrine of 'America for Americans, and would like to see the so-called "Harvester trust' got Jiexico by the throat We teed the Inter national Harvester company or some othoi American trust handling American made goods In my country, and 'however much peiple of the I'nlted States may believe the Harvester trust keeps up prices. It Is certain It would be a boon to Mexico. One tiling about the so-ctlled trust. It does supply first-clans Implements and at what si cms to us very reasonable prlcea. "Another Advantage which the trust would be- to Mexico would be in showing the people of that country how to uae t;- Implements after they Bold them. At piesem i oo not know of a dealer who nas K demonstrator or expert machinist I to go out Into the flolrts bi.i1 show .,.t inuiana now to run a binder or a steam plow. Even some of the most common Implements are not used In Mexico, be- cautio tho Indiana do not- know how to I use them and the Implement dealer do not show any Inclination to show them. As a result we have our old plow to full back ontp. Deere Especially Wanted. "I do hope the John "beer people will break the ice, as It were, and come to I Mexico. They would have two million customer In that country. "When I return i will know omethlng more about the implement mad In the United Slates. , I spent two days going ir rough tho great factory of Deer & Co. I have seen with my own eyes how thing are made from the plow shovel to th harvtstinu machines. It wus a great lesren to me, Anomer result of the visit of the Mexl- . .. . . . in n pianier 10 me united States, besides what he saw at the National Corn exoosl- tlon and In Mollne, III., is that he ha got- ten Into communication with at least thre I American companies which' int.nri h..vi. large tract of farming and arailna- i.nH. i t .,.. ri r Z T, tr"ln ,n(U in auxlco. D. W. Faulkner of Chicago, l-niianlln - 1 - u I g a large copmany, aaw Mr, lumlngiie in Illinois " and exnert. t r. ........ ,B , cviimany. saw Mr. Ulead with the plan of the company. J. T. Mo Xlm of Irvlngton, Ind.. heads com- I sny T'hkrh will buy at once 1.000 acres of Mvi,. i,a ., ... . . " u . "yln weDrM" "... vjininuuea wm see j. T. potter of SfcW&rtl. KVh whn h.. K.n - , , " " ".,,,,, MM7 r W ? h lle - - uwiauia m hub, with a view of buying, with his associates, a large tract of farming and grasing land. " is probable that Senor Domlngue. will return to Omaha for a few days after vis- itlng Lincoln, that he mliht hi. I rispondence all sunt hr .v.. 1 w.. ,!..,! i . I. ' , ' th wv . i ,,, mexican nome. Yes- leroay he waa the arnaat nf n..m um and went to the Miller country home In an automobile and looked over th. i.. ..... . 7. - -""- r. miner ana other Omahans are IIUUU. Bearer t'lty Uarglar Roated HEAVER CITY, Neb.. Deo. 27 -8neelal An attempt was trade to break Into the tfumngton atatlon at thla place at 11 " ciocs, laat night. The agent Uvea over th dpot and was awakened by the noise rrado by the burglar who Were frvina. i firce one of th. nrrVj. JT rne one of the offlc windows. Mr. Irwin, tre ag.mt, telephoned to the sheriff, who i r-anisea a posse and Started for th. tlon which la I . V,; , a inn. which Is f.Mly a half-mile from l-'wn. Ills spur ouch was noticed hv ih. ",rtd.er"e.:t"d.ntdh'eJ:,,!: L' ii east ana eacaped being captured, wvuiiBiua-i-aoie sum of money rn hand at the time, which i supposed to have b-en known to them. No clue to luen.uy na. been discovered. .-i. r- . . UPAVItd ,-iTv w k D,',"a' WUR IITY. Neb.. Dee. 7.-(SpecIal.) On the fit li'r.nr.i. kr.-w ... llnrtcn which extend.' t, rt-i- J" to St Francis K.n ,r.0m,11O,rlen Neb.. r St. Francis. Kan., a distance of 110 nines, mere are ntany deep cuts and delay of trains bv their mina. ,n .i.v .rnin. oy meir rilling up with snow in tne winter time. But this year a new cncuily nas been encountered. The Rus- s.an miatir Has grown to Immense Dronor. year, ana ine rolling weeds, large aa a bushel basket hav been blown ' - scross .HE FAITH BACK OF Q-BAfl Grsjr Ilslr Is No Longrr A Xrfsit ii uung ii r ma. ciuiuxi iiii pood rxorogmow Bonturs Can St Xvsry Cent of Their atomy aaok If This mtort ' So Hot a It te Old Xsur Color f Touts. Th. bustling, hu.tlln. ins., nr. starts gray ha r crop, years bef or. th.3 inn. gray nair crops years Deror. tc.y ai. really "due." Gray hair now-a-dsy. is not alw.y. a i.n of .... With a great many people, gray hair is moat unwel - come. Th woman who worries Is likely to suffer from prematurely gray hair. Gray hair i no longer a necessity for anybody young or old. Dr Nott settled that.' Hla Q-ban Hair Restorer In a tin hulr dressing. It drives out hair destroy ing dandrutf. cures scalp ills and will transform a shock of gray hair to th. actual cohr and appearance of youth. Th. y-ban Hair Restorer ' wen" t coax hair to grow on head, that ar. bald through heredity. Ninety per cent of th. cases of baldness, however, ar. amenable to treatment and Dr. Nott's succeas in many, cases considered utterly nopeiess has been reroarkabU. Marvlou Is per- haps a better word to us and tb Ileaslg- 1 Mr. Orlscom Is known to be a close par- 1 M. McCarthy Is member of th. repub Ellls Drug Co., cf Memphis, Tens., wblch I sonal friund of th. president-elect and.0f t.Uy CCmrolttre at present and has controls th. valuable formula, has so muc-h faith In It that they stsnd back of th. My.rs-DIUon Drug Co.. In their of fer to return ail money paid for th. prepare- .i,.- ir ik. tw.nl... da not restore aray hair to It natural color. On. bottle la alven absolutely free. Ask about, UiU at tli Myws-PUIon drug lor. - the prairies. When one of the deep cuts was In their course It was quickly filled full. Trains have bn stopped frequently and aa effectually aa though the blockade wss.tightly packed with snow. When this occurred the section hands and train men have cleared' th track with shovels and forks, long and tedious task... One of these blockade occurred on Christmas day. Conductor Enrlght wss Impatient to get to the end of the run where dinner was awaiting him, and Instead of waiting for the section men, he stepped ahead of the train and touched a match to the. resinous weeds, which burned like tinder. In three minutes the train sped on Its way, and now railroad men are wondering why they did not think of It before. Prairie Fir DM Damage, DICKENS. Neb.. Dec. J7. (Special.) A destructive pralrlo fire burned over hun dreds of acrea of good grass range north east of here Thursday and Friday. The ( origin of the fire la unknown at this time. but It started about fourteen mile north east of here and burned twenty-four hours before It waa under control. . Hundreds of tons of hay were, burned In the path of the fir and It la Impossible to estimate the damage. Th fire burned In a south easterly direction for about twenty mile, taking In a atrip several miles wide. 8. K. Fowler, a large ranchman, lost ninety tons of hay, and on of th neighbor lost seventy-five tons. A high northwest wind was blowing at the time the fire started. Albert Ambros, Jr., Take Life. ST. PAUL Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special.) Al bert Ambros, Jr., a young man who lived with hi parent In the vicinity of Far well, committed suicide Christmas day In the parlor of the house, by shooting him self In the breast with a gun, death result ing at once. No motive Is assigned for the act. This Is the econd tragedy in the Ambros family within the last two weeks, the eldest son having been killed In a runa way accident Rhalleaberger Maa Visitor. ALMA, Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special.) Lieu tenant Governor-elect Fltsgerald of Col orado, accompanied by hi brother, prominent attorney and mayor of Marlon, la., were guests of Governor-elect Shallen- berger yesterday. Nebraska New Notes AT Ui Thn rntHn1ln (thlirph Is ahnilt completed and will soon be ready for ded "cation, ALMA District court will re-convene Monday, when the report of the grand Jury will bo made. AINSWORTH One ofvthe barber shops here has changed bands, Fred Becker ouy- 011t Fred Richards. HASTINGS The annual bannuet of the Adams Countv Bar association will take Place next Wednesday evening, Decem ber 30. PERU The Phllomathean and Everett I.lterarv societies are arranging compare tlve programs to take place at the close of the first semester. This will take the place of the annual contest, each aoclety giving A INS WORTH Bouth of town, at th home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jackson. Miss Nora K. Jackson waa mar ried to Robnrt A. Klnkead. Rev. T. vv. Delong officiated. Alnaworlh is their fu ture home. PERU A deal waa consummated the lat ter part of last week by whiuh Rica Page, for the last three years proprietor of the Normal Avenue store, disposes of his busi ness to J. E. Forsythe. who has Just sold out his Interest In the Tneat market. AINSWORTH Married, at the residence Aim of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. U Monroe, seventeen miles aoutn or ira woLtn-Jcem.er J?" uTii MJ" ot i"" Beebe officiating. They will mak Lincoln their future home. HASTINGS Charle Wright, a railway mal1 clerk, was slightly wounded Christmas afternoon by the accidental discharge of a gun carried by a companion with whom he H i . i , K Uu.ilnM TK -i .v,ai 1 i"'"' """" T"." i " P I peneiraiea me ngni irra uiu siue. nnim recover. AINSWORTH George H. Relnert, an old newspaper man, but who for the last few veara haa been on a ranch on the Calamus, Iwenty mile, south, has been in the last few days engaged by Editor Cotton to take Lhart. nf tUm mM-hanll-ul nart nf the Star- --..--...- ";--"'1 ' m.kln SSSu u GST W fW & near xuiure. PERU-Frank Castleman haa bought from H- p- Carter the acre lot which he recently V?Z!n, "i."" i Z-l. tracts from Mr. Snyder. The west tract of thn three he then sold to M. E. Meek. These three acre plots are on the portion of his farm which Mr. Snyder recently cut up into building lots, and lie just wesi or I the old Mllatead Dlac. and are certain to Decome popular i-esiuence iu m mo nn . . - H OIUK-M B resuil OI a jnrisiirmn night brawl on "amoky row" in this city, Harrv Pearca. a nearo of thla city. Is un der bond for using a knife on Otto Hend rlck. a young white man, and Hendrlck Is can-ylng several cuts in different parts of his anatomy given him by the colored man i Docketknlfe. Fortunately non oi them are serious. Several other white men were In the melee, but escaped the colored m.,,-. Vnif. Among the buncn were aev- eral well known men In base ball circle HASTINGS Th Adam County Medical society will be entertained by Dr. W. B. Kern, retiring supetintendent of the State Hospital for Insane, next Wednesday even- '"a- 1 " anair win oe in ine imiiuo ui m farewell, aa Mr. Kern will leave the lnatl- ttlon about the last of January, when he win b. succefded bv Dr. J. W. Baxter of t&'toto TP cou'mVy" KftS making permanent plana for the future. He has been superinienuem ai ingiesiae tor e,ht J6- ?omplets program on different evenings. Llon oi fthT" 'K.Hn.." Sigh .1 Ihnllilinii a movement will aoon be started to aec-ure a bond Issue for an extension to the present structure. In the four years h.t th. hiarh .nhnnl haa cuveiinifd its iirM- ent buldlng the enrollment haa increased W p cent. Wn?n ,h. building was erected he school authorities thought It would be rl' or fifteen or twenty years. the superintendent' office and ttv Karrt iVvnm hav. been Dre-emnted 1 Already school I , . L... ... work and there Is not an unoccupied bench ,he building. PILES flHED IN TO 14 DAY! PAZO OINTMENT guaranteed to our. any eaM of ,tchlnf Wa bleeding or protruding Piles in to 14 days or money refunded. (0o. I - C. fiRISCOM MAY RETIRF Report that Ambassador to Italy Is to Leave tho Dlnlematle Service ROME, Dec. 27. Th fact that th Amer lean ambassador, Lloyd C. Orlscom. ha given up th leaae of Del Drago palace. where ho ha made hla residence since coming to Rome, has given rise to various report with regard to the ambassador's futuro Intention. Among the, report. to to th. effect that th. United State. Iv eminent haa purchased th palace for th. . t th. embassy, another is that Mr "111 seek n.w quarter, in which 1 to re,,d Inquiry at th. Foreign office and among attache, of th. court, however. Indicates that It Is the ambassador's Intention to re tire from the diplomatic service, indeed. It Is stated on good authority that he haa already forwarded his resignation. In which he decllnea to take office abroad after the retirement of President Roosevelt. It is understood that Mr. Orlscom has Informed King Victor Emmanuel and the minister of foreign affairs of his decision. Both expressed regret, but they agreed with him that It would certainly b to hi w M Splaying unwarranted activity in po advantag to return home voluntarily In .,,, ..,.. and th secretary's l.tlar is i puaio, su mat u. mism " P" in in political artair oi nis country. I mere is no aouot mat in queation ot ni retaining his diplomatic post under thl.,m.y of tnit organisation. Th salary of I new administration would be of his own I choice. Both th. king and qaeen, la their I expressions of regret, have voiced th reel- ling or, tne people among wnom wr; uns- cum was a ravorue. . . I 1 quUimrd tonuiht with regara hi reported resignation, Mr. Orlscom re fused to deny the report. He merely said he had no statement to make on the sub ject. WASHINGTON. Deo. 27. -Confirmation of the reported resignation of Ambassador Orlscom could not be obtained In official quarter tonight At the White House ft was stated that nothing hd been received there concerning the matter and Plate de partment officials declared no word Indi cating the ambassador's purpose to resign had reached the department. BIG CONSERVATION PLANS (Continued from First Page.) adapted to promote the welfare of the nations concerned. Mealeo Also lavlted. "I have thla day addreaaed a similar In vitation to the republic of Mexico, express ing my hope that representatives of that government wilt also be present and par ticipate In the proposed conference on th conservation of the natural resource of North America. "Tne conclusion of such a conference, while wholly advisory in character, could hardly fall to yield Important beneficial results, both In a better knowledge of the natural resources of each nation on the part of the others and In suggestions for concurrent action for the protection of mutual Interests related to conservation. 'As my representative to convey to you this letter and Invitation? and at your de sire to consult with you concerning the pro posed conference, I have selected an offi cer of this government, chief of the United State forest service, and chief of th con servation commission, whom I commend to your kind office. Sincerely yours. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." MILITIA GOES TO STEARNS, KY. Two Companies Seat to Scene of Battle Bttrreta Strikers ana Deputy Marshals. STEARNS. Ky., Deo. 27. Two com panles of state militia are on their way to Stearns tonight sent by Governor Wlllson on account of the unrest following the bat tle of yesterday In which a deputy United States marshal, ai.J a striking miner were killed. The strikers have threatened to destroy the big plants of the Stearns Coal and Lumber company, and the community Is alarmed. One company of th state guards left Somerset and another left Lexington at 10JO. The Somerset company la In command of Captain Henry Waddell, who is also deputy United States marshal. Some of the soldiers will be stationed In the bank, which it was feared might be made the ob Ject of attack. Deputy Marshal Ryan, miss- Ing since the fight with the miner, has not been found, and It I feared he was killed LEXINGTON. Ky., Dec. 27. Excitement In Intense today at Stearns, Whitley county, where two pitched battles occurred yesterday between deputy United States marshals and miners, connected with the strike there- The posse, which waa. ex- Pcted to go Into th mountains last night to search for the missing and wounded did not go. but will likely go during the day. Officer Ryan, who became separated from hi companion during the fight yesterday, I still wandering In the mountains, if not already captured and shot to death by the Infuriated strikers. Berry Simpson, who nwnirf Ih. Vntot In hl,h fth eivk .m.i..4 ' - . v. i,ii, waa learned today, eacaped during the battle Into the mountains and Is being protected there, Is thought, by his friends. He Is alleged to have been the leader of the strikers. It is believed that at least flv men were burned to death In the hotel, a the miner Who were In lh hullnlnr wh.n thai ht.. m. bcS.n, wer.ery Z in ting out. A search of the debria will be roade today. Both sides are resting on their arms today, but further trouble Is expected when th posse goes Into the mining sec tion to search for the men connected with the battle. The men killed yesterday were Officer Mulllns and Miner Richard Ross. Ten miners are oeuevea 10 nave Den wounuea " " "mum. FOUR INDIANS KILLED IN UTAH Officials of Bareaa la Washington Notified ot Trouble at Aneth. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Four Indian were killed and one Injured at the reser vation located at Aneth, Utah, according to advices received by the bureau of Indian affairs today from Superintendent Shelton of the Shin rock Indian agency located In the northwestern portion of New Mexico. Accompanied by a physician, Superintendent SheUon ha, left for th. scene of th. trouble th nitur. of which 1 as yet unknown to officials of the Indian affair bureau. DENVER, Dec. JT.-The Aneth, Utah Ina,an .e.j,, wherei according to a Washington dl.p.tch. four Indian, wer. killed and one Injured, la located In U.ah aUBt nortn of the Navajoe Indian reseryi- J. . . Thffl , lon nl near tb Colorado line. I no plate ! remot from telegraph center! and at th loc Unlud Bute, army headquart.,a, this lf . , . t. t Kathlnm h.. h,n city, it Is reported that nothing haa been heard there of th. killing. DURANGO, Colo., Dec. 27. On Christmas eve battl. between" members of two fami lies of Navajo Indians occurred at the lamp located at the m.uth of McElnio canon, near Aneth, Utah, and thirty-five miles southwest of Cortes, Colo., according to a dispatch from the latter place received lat. tonight Two squaws, an Indian buck n Indian boy were killed and another jncian duck was sL-riuusiy lujurra. u trouble was purely domestic ana no while r ere concernea in tne anray. J PORT SURVEYOR CALLED DOWN Federal Official at Boston Advised to Abandon Political Activity or Iteslarn. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Secretary Cor- telyou said today that he had asked Mr. ' T " - ' - " r" " - chairmanship of the republican city com- "eThe secretary explained that ther. "J ZZwZta "ill. ' M .. It was. he added, simply sn ins'anc. of two much politics, and h. had simply taken th. .am course that he ha in :nllar esse from time to time. BOSTON. Dec. 27. Jeremiah J. McCarthy, aurveyor of th. port of Boaton, today re ceived a letter from Secretary of the Treas ury Corteiyou notifying him that he must sever hla connection with the republican city commlt'e of Boston or resign th ur- vtyorKhil- It 1 understood her that rep- Utlons hsv been made to the Treas ury dtrattment .bat Surveyor McCarthy i uktn M B warning that such activity must i u.el ulkrj cf as a candidate for tbs presl- tb( ,urey,,r- o' tho port of Boston Is tS.OM s vtiri i tiigger, iat, -., . . . venuung i " - telnes BOHEMIANS FOR EDUCATION Fonr Hundred Omahans, in Meeting, Condemn Austrian Federal Policies. FUin) RAISED TO SEND ABROAD Election Laws ot Bohemia Severely Criticised aa Brlntt I'ajaat Aid Glvlna faermaas Vnfalr Advantage. Protesting against th resecratlon of the American flag and the Invoking ot mar tial law by the Austrian government by which great Injustice is done the native Inhabitant who are far In the majority In the home country, Bohemians residing in Omaha met n the Ted Jed Bokol hall Hun- day afternoon and passed strong resolu tion expressing their outraged feelings and sympathies. Over 4(10 attended the meeting and ad dresses were made by a number prior to the passage of the resolution. Afterwards collection waa taken and (ISO raised, which will be forwarded to Bohemia to help alleviate the suffering there. Th. resolutions adopted by the "Ameri can cltiiens of Bohemian birth or descent. painfully embittered by the oppression. Jersecution and Injustice perpetrated upon th. Bohemian people" of the country ot their birth, are a follows: 1. We denounce th. action of the Aus trian government, which without any other reason, but because of street disturbances instigated and caused by the German stu dents, who persisted by their parades or "bumls" to provoke th. Bohemian public, constituting nine-tenths of the Inhabitants of the city of Prague, ha put the lives and property of all the Inhabitants In Jeopardy In putting them at tho mercy of the military by martial law. I. We denounce th. injustice of a govern ment, which uses even such extraordinary methods in Bohemian towns, while in towns of mixed natlonaitt.es, where the Boh 'm ans sr. In th. minority, It allows without hindrance their persecution and leaves un punished every disturbance and trespass committed against Bohemian people, doing nothing whatsoever for their protection, as hav. taken place at Olomouc, Brno, Duch- cov, Most and numerous other places. S. W. denounc. th. Injustice of the gov ernment for withholding to the Bohemian people the opportunities for higher educa tion, refusing to establish Bohemian uni versities where needed, while the German population haa more than enough of them. 4. Wo denounce the injustice of the gov ernment for withholding the opportunity of common education to the children of Bo hemian .parents, so that sixty private schools and fifty kindergartens must be maintained In Bohemia by private sub scription and the children ot the 300, CO) Bohemian- Inhabitants of Vienna are denied the establishment of a single Bohemian public school. 6. We denounce the Injustice of the Aus trian government for curtailing the rights of th. Bohemian language and peoplo In every possible way and . for attempts to cause a division ot the country. 6. We denounc. the injustice of the elec tion law for th. election of the Bohemian Diet, In which th. minority German In habitants, with the aid of the lords, have a large majority over the majority Bo hemian population. 7. We denounce th. unjust election law by which 38 per cent of the German pop ulation in Austria. ha 46 per cent rep resentation In th "Austrian Parliament 8. W. denounce as American citizens the Insult dona to th. American flag In Prague on December 2, when the police In Ovocna street, near Vaclavske .(.unre, tore up the American flag, treaded it Into the mud and broke up the pole, and we respectfully request our representative In congress, Hon. G. M. Hitchcock, lr In quire of our Department of State at ashlngton If satisfaction was Given tor this great Insult to our flag and our country by the officers of the Austrian government. 9. . assure our brothers In the old country of our sincere and heartfelt sym pathy with them In their persecution and suffering and encourage them to con tinue to defend their rights and the rights of their nation In the conviction that their Just cause must In time obtain the sympathies of all progressive people and all enlightened nations of the whole world and that they must be victorious in the end, as w. believe that the truth, right and juatlce muat prevail. We as sure them that we shall In the future, as we did thus far, closely observe with undiminished Interest the uneven strug gle In which they must be engaged, and our sympathies will be always with thein in the time of persecution and Injus tice and we shall always rejoice at every stag, of their success. K. W. Bartos presided and delivered the principal address at th. meeting, ad dressee also being delivered by Dr. Jo seph Perclval, Rudolf Ftvlnger, Otokar Charvat Charles Sadllek and Vaclav Fuks. Th. Rudolf Ftvlnger orchestra furnished music, Miss Maria Meek played a piano solo and recitations were given by Mrs. Kalal and Stanley Sarpan. NEW GOVERNMENT FOR CUBA Plan for Evacuation of Island Formally Approved by Gov. ernor Magooa. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Plans for the evacuation of Cuba, the ending of the provisional government and other details coincident with President Oimex's In auguration January 22, arrangements for which were agreed upon about, three weeks ago at a conference between Presi dent Roosevelt, Secretary Wright and Governor Magoon and mads public at th. time, were officially set forth In a cablegram received at the War depart ment from Governor Magoon. The plans were approved by General Clarence R. Edwards ot the bureau of Insular affairs. The only new feature In th. arrangement was disclosed when the War department caned Governor Magoon authority to call the new Cuban Congress together for organization at any time prior to January 28. It Is stated that th. Congress probably will b. as sembled soon after New Year's day. Th. Congress, after receiving th. electoral college, th. credentials of senators and representative provided for by th Cuban constitution, will take a recess until January li. LAKE WHEAT FROM CANADA Larger Part of Cargoes froas Fort William and Port Arthur Co. Through United States Ports. MONTREAL, Deo. ZI. Returns prepared by Frank E. Ulbbs, government grain In spector at Fort William, show that the total grain shipments from Fort Wlljlaro and port Arthur between September 11 and De cember M were 43.,&M buahels, ss sgainst 20.ttl.000 bushels for the corresponding period of last yesr. Of this smount M.2M. SM bushels found its way through Canadian porta for transhipment and export, and 27, H8.74 buabels were shipped direct to Amer ican poru. Buffalo getting the bulk, amounting to nearly 1L.Ouo.Oo8 bushels. The showing is admitted her to be something of a disappointment tor th tit. Lawrence route, though It Is claimed that the Cana dian rail and water routes will even things up by bringing their share of the American wheat to this port In the spring, as waa the case last year. J. B. LININGER D.ES IN OMAHA Brother of !( fteoriro B. Lining rasars Rnildenly Away While VlaltlnK Danahter. J. B. Linlnger of Wymore died suddenly rarly Sunday morning, his death occurring while he and his wife were visiting at the home of his daughter. Mrs. la. la. B. Stewart, W12 Lincoln boulrvanl, In this city. Mr. Linlnger waa not well when he ram to Omaha to spend the holidays, but lis friends did not think his condition wai striius. Mr. Linlnger was a brother of the late George W. Linlnger and came to Nebraska pbout thlrty-elcht year ago from Peru, III. He had lived at both Ashland and Wymore, engaging In the mercantile busl ners at the former place nnd later retiring pnd owning considerable real estate at Wymore. A member of the Maaonlo ordjr, Mr. Linlnger before his death was one ot the oldest Masons in the state. He Joined the order forty years ago. Besides the widow, three children survive him. They are Karl Linlnger and Mr L. Ia E. Stewart of Omaha and Mrs. F. A. Arand of Marysvllle, Kan. The funeral will be held Tuesday after r.oon at 2 o'clock at the family residence at Wymore. SI G WART MARCHED IN PARADE Sera-rant Waa Member of Police Foreo When Court Heine Was Bnllt. Following the eppearanc. of the artlclo on the Douglas county court house, pub lished in The Sunday Bee, It developed that 8ergeant A. T. SlgwBrt of th. polio, force Is the only man new In the servlr. who was a member of th. department In 1882, when th. court house was dedicated. He was at that time a patrolman and marched in the parade Incident to the laying of the cornerstone of the then great building, which Is now about to be replaced by a million-dollar structure of a more com modious and modern type. Sergeant Blgwart joined the police fores In September, 1RS2, and the court hous. cornerstone laying occurred during th. month following. Since that time Sergeant Blgwart has served almost continuously In the police department, and was acting chief for somewhat more than a year dur ing th. '90s. His home is at 1254 Park Wilde avenue. NEW SERUM FOR HOG CHOLERA Missouri Agricultural College An. Bounces Discovery of Effective Antl-Toxlne. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 27.-A special to the Republic from Columbia, Mo., says that as a result of perfecting a serum that is an antltoxlne against hog cholera, the Missouri Agricultural college guarantees the state legislature that with an appro priation of $46,000 a year It will save the farmers of Missouri from 11,000,000 to IS. 000,000 annually. Th. agricultural college announces un equivocally that It now Is prepared to vanquish hog cholera. Th. serum Is drawn from what Is known as a hyper-lmmunlxed hog, the fibrin, be ing removed so as to prevent clotting, The serum Is treated with small quanti ties of carbolic acid and when kept In a cool place can be kept from six to twelve months. ' WYOMING P0ST0FF1CE ROBBED Small Sum Taken, bat Package Con. talnlng; Large Amount Over, looked. GILLETTE, Wyo.. Dec. 27. (Special Telegram.) One of th. boldest robberies known In the west was perpetrated her. last night at 11:30 when th. postofflc. was broken Into snd S69 In small chang. was taken, while a registered package contain Ing 13, W0 was overlooked. Roger Mills, I young cowboy, waa arrested on suspicion and Is In Jail waiting the arrival of th. United States marshal. Hla trial will be held here tomorrow. Entrance waa obtained by a rear window, while the postmaster was out. Tracks In the snow corresponded with the boots Mills had on and he waa caught with pennies and small change on him. Other arrests may follow. CLUB WOMEN GO TO PANAMA Mrs. Philip N. Moore and Mrs. John D. Sherman to Visit Organisa tion on Isthmus. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 27.-Mrs. Philip N. Moor. of St. Louis, president of -the National Fed eratlon ot Woman's Clubs, and Mrs. John Dickinson Sherman ot Chicago will sail from New Tork January 29 for Panama for the purpose of visiting the woman's clubs there and advancing the work. The visit of the two club women has th. endorsement of government officials, who caused tho ch ba to be formed in Panama more than a year ago. Mra. Moore aald to day she expected to visit all the nine clubs In th. canal tone during a two weeks' stay, CHARLES TAPP IS MURDERED St. Joseph Breeder of Harness Horses Killed by Edward Falrhurst, an Employe. ST. J08EPH. Mo., Dec. 27.-Chsr1es Tapp, aged 49 years, a famous breeder, driver and trainer of harness race horses, was shot and killed today at th. King Hill stock farm, near this city, by Edward Falrhurst, an employe. Tapp waa at tempting to eject Falrhurst from the ranch house, follow'ng the letter's quarrel with a fellow employe, when Falrhurat drew a revolver and fired th. fatal shot. Tapp was well known through the entire coun try. I.IKE ENTERING A NEW COUNTRY Rer. John P. Clyde Say. New Year Should Be Entered Right. The advent of a new year and the best way to take advantage of Ita blessings and withstand Its sorrows end make the best of the Ills which are in stcr. for all tr.en from time io tlm. waa taken aa the subject of the Sunday morning sermon of Hev. John P. Clyde, the new pastor of the Plymouth Congregational church. "Ther I a seriousness about entering Into a new year," said th minister, "but wc should ei ter with a spirit of conquest and ultimate victory over Its trials, ever looking to the source of all strength and wisdom for that guidance which mill en able us to appropriate all th. privileges, jty snd triumphs, and withstand all the rvils and defeat." Taking for hi text the word of Moses a fouud in Exodus 83:15. "And he sail vnto the Lord, If Thy presence go not wttlt ma, carry hie not up hence." Mr. Clyde said that thus and thus only ha n n any guarantee that thtr. is anything of good In th future, for without Christ and th Christ lov there Is naught In life for any man. "In the word of Moses, we should return to God, for w need HI presence and strength and guidance to make each day of the new year a day of gladness," said the minister. Faraphraslr, th new yeir to that of a new country or a nrw business venture Mr. Clyde said that the best New Tfear i resolution was that promising to enter tin new year with the same determination t llv. an honest, straightforward. Christian life as that determination to cenquer tin vicissitude of a new country or to sue ceed in a new business. MAN NEEDS A DIVINE Tfl ACI1EH Can Learn Moat Neeeful Thing from . None Other. Rev. J. Narver Oortner of MeCabe Methodist church, preaching on th. text "A Prayer of Moses, the M.n ot Ood." Sunday morning, said: "Man needs a divine teacher. There are many thing that men can teach ua. There re many thing that we can learn In academlea and colleges and universities. There Is much that can be learned in that larger school, the school of experience and life. But there Is much that no man, how ever learned, can teach is; there Is1 much that we must 'remain forever Ignorant of unless taught by the Great Teacher, who understands the most Intricate problems and whose competency to Instruct la not to be compared with the competency of ny mortal man. The dealre of Moses was that h and all Israel might b. taught by God to consider the brevity of human life. Moses lived for more than a century. He was 120 years old when he died In the presence of Je hovah on the mountain top. But even the life of Moaes was brief when compared with the ages of eternity. Suppose you were to live as long as Moses lived. When compared with the countless ages your life would appear like a tiny atom hi th. realm of llmltles spaee. or a lea than a drop of water plck.d up out of an ocean that has no shore and the fathomless depths of which no sounding cord has ever reached. Th longest lives, even th. live of th. antediluvian patri archs who lived for centuriea, hav. been brief. The year ar. swiftly paaslng. It will not be long until somebody els. will be doing th. work that now engages your thought and engrosses your attention. A new generation will have arisen. How Im portant It la that we should learn to pray th. prayer of Moses, th. man of God, 'So teach us to number our days that w. may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' "Many people think that wladom and knowledge are synonymous terms. They ar. not Many who have th latter are without the former, and vie. vena. It I well that the mind should be applied unto knowledge; It Is better that the heart should be applied unto wisdom. That man who Is not wis unto salvation Is not wise at all. He may have what the world calls wisdom. He may b. great as philosopher, great as a scientist, great as a legislator, or great as a financier. He may hand down to succeeding generations name that will live and be honored while the foundation of the earth remain ntact. But If he lay up no treasure In heaven he is guilty of th same criminal folly that the rich man was guilty of, the rich man to whom God said, 'Thou fool. this night shall thy soul be required of thee. "The old year will soon die. Already we have begun to loot back and count Its successes and Its failures. What numerous mistakes w. hav. made! What blunders have been ours! What opportunities we have neglected! What defeats we have sustained! What sins we have committed! The past can never be recalled. The book will soon be closed and sealed. But the future Is before us. Th new year, preg nant with possibilities and blossoming with hope, will soon begin. Let us close the old year and begin th new yesr with the prayer of Moses, the man of God, 'So teach us tq number our days that ws may apply emr Hearts unto Wisdom. " JOY OVER BIRTH OF RULER Rev, W. E. Todd Tells Again Story of Birth ( tho Savior. "Joy to th world, the Lord ha come: "Unto u a child 1 born, unto u a son la given." This beautiful passag from Isaiah waa the text of th. Christmas sermon preached by Rev. William E. Todl at the Third Presbyterian church Sunday morning. A beautiful tervlee of song and prayer was' rendered Sunday morning and the special musical program prepared by the musical director, E. H. Packard, was well rendered -by the choir. "The birth of the future ruler of th. world wa not kept a a clannish affair, but was heralded broadcast throughout th. world. The throe wis. men from th. east were led to th. place of the Savior's birth that they might carry th. glad tiding to Egypt, India, and Peraia. The new wa even known to the people living on the continent before the coming of Columbus and when the Spanlah ship landed on the shore of America th. natives thought th. white men were saviors of th. world com. to visit them. Ha came, not only to rule th. kingdom ot the- Jews, but to rule the world. "When all th. nations of th. world com. to realise this fact w. will then all b. brothers in fact. It Is being worked out more and mora each year and some day th. peace of th. nations will be realised In pursuance to His wishes and ther will no longer be need of large standing armies, The text is'ln Hebrew literature, but Christ was a gift to th whole humtn race and one of God's good gift to the world. "Christ Is a personality, sweet beyond all accounts, loving, tender, scattering it feel Ing that we all ar. His tender ones. If Is lesson to us I to lavs and car for th young, with our heart and tear and with a feeling of solicitude and tondernsaa to protect the defenseless, to pardon ths pent- tent and to heal ths wounded spirits." MINISTER TELLS OF SUPREME GIFT Rev. J. W, Conley, at Flrut Baptist Church. Speaks on Giving. "Tb. Supreme Gift" was the subject of ths sermon of Rv. J. W. Conley at the First Baptist church Sunday morning. HI text wa from GalUtiana 11:20. "Who Loved Me snd Gave Himself for Me." Dr. Conley said In part: "What Is the supreme significance of Christ's coming Into th. world? Th. fund' amental them, of th. gospel Is giving, Tet we ar. to exercise car. in giving lest w. lose th. significance of giving. A gift amounts to very littl. In value unless there la something of spirit In it as emanating from the heart. Principle Is the easential spirit of giving. Th. great object lesson of giving is In th. giving of Christ by God Th. oilghty principle of th. gospel is not to give time and money, but ourselves. The sjprem. act of the soul is giving Itself to God. "Two words, control and experience, sr. th actuating motive ot th. spirit of giv Ing. God gave Himself for man, for man redemption and salvation. We sometimes make a mistake In the Idea of the atone ment. Jesus on Mount Calvsry Is h dl vine object lesson of God giving Himself for man's redemption. Th divln giving of elf run through all etsrnlty snd is con tinuously the outpouring of God's self for man's redempton and salvation. Tne perlenc. of Ood In th. gift of Hlmaelf 1 th. essential plrlt of experience. Ood had had no experience of sorrow, suffering or pain. H c"well In supernsl height, know Ing nothing til sarth' orrow or pains. "What kind of a God 1 that which looks with indifference upon your suffering? But God' great heart went out to you with supreme sympathy snd this was th atoning sacrifice. Christ said: 'H that hath seen hath seen th Father.' What 1 ho use of our saying 'Our Father" If He does not sympathise with us? Ood hat an nfinlte reach down Into the darkn.ss as le has Into the infinite light, "tm man's side, the Riving of msn's self to Ud Is the consummation of salvation. God gave himself for our redemption and we have given ourselves as the redemption, and hrnre the redemption and salvation of man Is accomplished. You cannot give yourself without coming under the Control of God. A man la hot the less a business man because he has given htmsi-lf to Ood. We separate our business ami social lrves too much from the church nn. from God. If w give ourselves to God we will have sympathy and Interest In Uie things of God and His church." JRFFIIIRS WANTED IN At HTRAL1 1 Bis; Purse Will Be Hun I p if He Will Meet Johnson. SYDNF.T. N. . W.. Iec. 27 Almost the Sole tonic, of conversation lieri. m.w Is the Johnson-Hums flKht and thn j .reli ability of getting jMliin J. Jefferles to emerge from retirement Hmi fight the,' new champion lor the laurels tno Call fornlan once held. Whether it will be possible to arrangn a battle to take plncn at Ruchcuttcrs bav between JitliMxnn am i Jeffries Is not known, but certainly every enori to ao so win tie mane bv Hueii Mcintosh, the fight promoter, who an nounces that he will leave for the 1'nlued Stales by way of Kngliind. .In unary and offer a purse of jjO.Omi in un en deavor to entice JeffrlcB uci-oms the sus to meet Johnson. That Mcintosh can afford to offer in enormous purse for Hnother chainiiinushlp "K'" Is shown by the fact that the re ceipts from the Johnson-Hums flmit ait- KrcKHieu nao.oon. This amount, it la be lieved here. Is tho areial.-Mt rvrr tnltpn In for a single prize flsht. Of ilils sum Hums received $3,000 and Johnnon 7,tiU0, Including 1:1,50(1 fur liia traveling una training expenses. Thus far UIU" Squires. , tlm local heavyweight, who thine has been van ished by Hums, Is the only man v ho ban issued a deft to JohnHon. and tno big Texan has signified hi willingness to meet Squires for tlO.Oiin a side. It is unlikely, in view of thn impression John son has made here as a fighter, Hint tiqulres will be able to find a barker. jonnson is in perrect i-omlltton and shows no marks of the battle with Uurns. While his end of the purso for defenilng the champion was small in loinparNou with the amount received bv Uurni, Johnson now la enabled to pick' up a con siderable sum of money on the vaudeville' stage. He has been engaged by u Svdncv muslo hall for a term of five weeks lor an act conslstlnK of bag punching ami me ineiiiods cnipioyeti iiy linn in train ing. For the work hi will receive tl.7u per week. In February Johnson will sail ror London, where he expects to fini'1 Sam langford, the American colored heavyweight, on Derby day, before the National Hportlng club, Hums also is in good condition excrpt for dlscoloratlons about the eyes and a badly swollen Jaw. At first It thought that the negro's heavy swing, had broken the white man's Jaw, but It now turns out that It wan only badly bruised. Tlm French-Canadian adheres to the decision he niado ni-lor to meet ing Johnson that It would be his last fight despite the result. He nays he has made during his fighting career IJ0U, 000 and that, this U enough to Keep htm from want. when Mcintosh sails for London next week he will take with him the movlnK pictures ot the Johnson-Burns fight. Racine" nt Havana- HAVANA. Dec. 27. Racing results at Al- mendares Park: Urst race, five furlonss: Carraaua won. Bonlte second, Fresh third. Time: 1:03. second race, four and a half furlongs: Emily Allowance won, Ramble second, Juan Munroe third. Time: 0:HS. i ntra race, seven lurionpa: uoaeboro won, Ben Double second. Halifax third. Tims: 1:27. r ourtn race, six turnings: ittcnmona nuke won. Miss ragen second, Reticent third. Time: 1:15. Fifth rsce. sis furlongs; Momentum won. Rexall second, Btter Hand third. Time: 1:14,. mxtn rare, six ruriongs; Knnst won. Moher second. Merrlgo third. Time: 1:17. Two Sioux Fails Boarders. 8TURGIS, S. D.. Dec. 27. (Speelsl Tele gram.) State" Attorney - Mllke and WI1-' Ham Shugart left tonight for Sioux Falls with two prisoners. Orln Short and Ernest Wolverton. The former has been sentenced to eighteen month In th. penitentiary, and the latter to twenty-two months. Short waa sent up for criminal assault, and Wolverton for stealing a horse, sad dle ani bridle from Charle McPhereon. You'll Hate to Throw the Butt Away There's only one way to get the fullest en joyment out of a l(JNG CIGAR and that is to smoke it. A ten cent cigar with a straight Havana filler and Sumatra wrapper. Such a de lightful smoke that you'll hate to part with the butt. ASK YOUR CIGAR MAN. Chas. Donovan Cigar Co., Sistrlbntars. Omaha, Meb., Ilou City, Zak LAlUiHK MZK. 15c. Meal Tickets fres at Hanson's Every person who takes a Hisai at Toil Hanson's basement restaurant may guess In number who visit there during ths day Every day th nearest guess win a uai b ToU Hanson's Leach Room The most attractive, brightest, alrlsst and most ax-onorolcsl lunch room lo Oioaus. AMl'iF.HENTI. CJLZIQXTOM PHONE INDUU4A ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matin Svrr Bay, il! Every Wight, gat HAPPY NEW YEAR BILL Theresa Rant; "Ths Operator;" Krec Warren and Ai Blanehard; The Ttmili Trio; BtllH Hatha. ay's Hliulan ftaymale; Jupiter liruthers; Carter and liluford; KiiHidrnme. i'rlces 10c, c. ita. AUDITORIUM Roller Skgtlng Thursday Night Friday and Saturday. MlblO UV GREEN'S BAND. Admission, J0 Skates 20