The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXV11I NO. 1G4. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1908. . SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. EYES ON RAILROADS Colorado & Southei the Center of Attraction to -. ' lators. DOUBTS REGABDING ? '- TANING Some Tear it Presages Ancl strug gle Between Railroad OTHERS TAKE OPPOSITE VIEW Think it Meant Taking Oxer and Strengthening Weak Lines. FINANCIAL MARKET EASIER Flrsl of Vrnr Rn'l'"""" Mo"e l.lkely to Be Met Wlthoot Any Merlons Disturbance to Bnlnf NEW YORK. Deo. 27.-The closing of the Block exchange last week on Thuraday evening to remain closed until Monday morning made the week short one In financial affalra. the banking business on Saturday proving largely nominal with the exchange not In aeaalon. There were de velopments of Importance notwithstanding the shortness of ths period and the sud den shifts In speculative aentlmcnt In re gard to the same Identical circumstances indlcstel a rather unsettled state of opin ion. This fluctuating state of sentiment was fairly Illustrated In the chunge of views of the significance of the Colorado A Southern purchase by the Chicago, Bur lington & Qulncy. In the seml-demorallzed break In prices on Monday this Incident was made to figure as one of the impell ing causes and In the later strong re bound It was assigned equally the ground for enthusiastic speculative buying. This point of view was due to professed appre hension that this new departure In policy on the part of the Hill railroad Interests might forestall a struggle similar to that precipitated by the first control of the Burlington In the Joint Interest of the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific, which had such disastrous consequences to the speculative position In 1901. The fact of a rupture of old relations having occurred between E. Hawley, the con veyor of the control of the southwestern property, and E. H. Ifarrlman was made to seem to corroborate this. Other cir cumstances conduced to the break In prices on Monday, the formation of Influential opposition to the American Smelting and Refining company, bringing Into hostility other Important groups of flnaclal powers. Depends oa Hnrmoay. Tha substance of the testimony of An drew Carnegie before the ways and means commlUe of the house of representatives, besides Its beating on tha tariff position, was Interpreted as rather sharply critical of other Influential powers In ths steel trade and to ouUlne a divergence of views thera which might foreshadow hostile acts. A large factor In the hopeful spirit which has grown ,up over the financial prospect la the conviction that the most powerful of the great flnaclal groupa had been brought lato such a state of harmonious relations In the adjustments of the havoo wrought by lsst year's financial crisis that insurance was secured against any aesiruc tlve hostllltlea for an indefinite time to come. The sensitiveness of the market to these suggestions of renewed unfriendly alignments Is explained by the large part played In former speculation by tne as auniDtlon of universal harmony. The mis lvlncs felt In the early part of the week were shown to be largely dissipated by the subsequent rebound In prices. In this re bound the alleged extensive plans of K. II liarrlman for readjustment of railroad ro tations once more played an Important part although that gentleman's auppoaed serious illness was a cause of acute weanness 01 stocks In the early part of the week. A revised estimate of the Colorado & Southern transaction saw In it a prelude to nthar nominations along the same lines which would bring all the available south western and gulf outlet railroad systems Into combination with the different north western railroad powers. This line of con jecture opened up an extensive field for speculative activity and was the motive for striking market movements In various groups of securities. Ths assumed likeli hood of those mergers presented attractive prospects for enhancement of values, but only by Incrtane of earnings in new t tlons, but by Improvement of credit from the control l.y corporations of greater power. The Simulation in ths fixed inter est securities of these corporations was consequently as active as In the stocks and price movement us wide. Bsssi ia nesaaa4. It was this phase of the bond market which accounted for Its great volume during the week. The money market gave evidence by its tranquillity and Its rather easier tone of the renewal of confidence that the end of the year period of extra requirements would be safely bridged and the returning eaae of the period of re flu In bank re serves after the holidays reached without serious dsnger. Kncroaehments on the cash holdings of the banks continued large, but the early liquidation in the stock market and supplies attracted from outside sources relieved the requirements. SOME MORE OFFICES TO FILL Cashier Naverstlek Chosen Treasurer and Director of Nebraska Association. George E. Haverstlck of the United States National bank Is succeeding to the posi tions In different organisations made va cant by the removal of L M. Talmage to Grand Island. The latest addition to his list of offices Is that of treasurer and director of the Nrbrsika Savings and Loan association of Omaha, to which position be was unanlmoutly elected by the di rectory at its meeting Baturday evening. This is the second change in the official r tter of the Nebraska association within six months, the othrr being Bartholomew Mullen, master csr builder of the Union Pacific shops, who succeeded John R. Brandt, promoted to the secretaryship. Threat Cracksmen Arrested. BIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Dec. 27.-4 Special.) Three cracksmen Who ner S'restel by ths local police two or three wee is ago have been identified as ths parties who. on the night ef October I laat. had a band In iotv bin tha Hanlr nt rWnuh., Minn mn.i they have just been surrendered t ths locsl authorities to Sheriff J.vhn A. Vkk f Renville county. Minnesota, and taken bark to that county for trial on the serious Ihsrge against them there. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER FORECAST FOR NERR8AKA Generally fair Minr!8y n1 Tuesday. FORECAST FOR IOWA -Partly cloudy Monday and Tuesday; moderate tempera ture. Tcmicrature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Deg. ..... ii 2 23 24 H 25 , 2? , S3 , 36 37 , 3 M K7 36 35 CONGRESSMEN TO CANAL ZONE Object Lariry to Investigate System of (iaTrnmrat la Vo There. the WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. To familiarize themselves with conditions under the pres ent form of government of the Panama canal zone, twelve members cf the housa committee on foreign and Interstate com merce will leave Charleston tomorrow for Colon. It is not thought that any measura hav ing for its object change in the form of civil government fnr the sone w ll be con sidered by congress at the present session, but the committee will find the Informa tion of value later. There has been some discussion of the advisability of attaching the sone to one of the southern circuits of federal courts In order to ; overcome criticism of the prevslllng Judiciary system. The congressional party will Investigate this matter and all phases of the construc tion of the canal. It Is understood tliat the officials of the canal commission be lleve any change In the present system of government would be detrimental to the advancement which It Is desired to make in Its construction. The party will reach Colon on January 2, arriving in Washington returning on Janu ary 14. Those who will be accompanied by their wives are Representatives Hep burn of Iowa, Cushman of Washington, Kennedy of Ohio and Ryan of New York of the committee. Other members going sre Representatives Stevens of Minnesota, Esch of Wisconsin, Townsend of Michigan, Knowland of California. Hubbard of West Virginia, Adamson of Georgia, Richardson of Alabama and Bartlett of Gcorglo. Representatives Morse of Wisconsin, Humphrey of Washington, Lee of Georgia, Conner of Iowa and Loud of Michigan also will be members of the arty, as will J. F, Bryan, clerk of the committee. , TRADE DEPRESSION GENERAL All Great Commercial Countries Show Decrease for Past Year. WASHINGTON, Dec. Z7.-That the falling off of approximately $300,000,000 in Imports and perhaps 1160,000,000 in exports In the United States In 1908. is merely part of a general condition that has prevailed the world over. Is shown by the monthly state-nenr-br the B0 reaT of Statistics. Of the twenty-five principal countries of the world whose foreign commerce the bureau records month by month, all but four show a falling off In exports and Imports. The principal decrease on the Import side occurred In trade with Europe, and on the export side In the trade with North America. These marked reductions In the United States are not entirely the result of a falling off in the quantity of merchan dise moved into or out of the country, says tha statement. Imports from Europe. In the ten monfTis for which detailed figures are available, showed a decrease from (625,000,000 in ten months of 1007 to $438,000,000 In a similar period of 1908; those from North America and Asia each ahow a decrease of (45,000,000 from the totals of the corresponding period of last year, and those from South America a decrease of 126,000,000. Exports to Eu rope show a decrease of but S per cent, while those to North America show a de crease pf 21 per cent. JEWS MUSTQUIT FINLAND Thirty Kamlllee Ordered to Depart at Once oa Decree of the Senate. HEL8INGFOR8, Finland, Dec. 27. One of the periodic -expulsions of Hebrews Is now going on In Finland. Thirty families have been ordered to emigrate at once. The senate, on the basis of a narrow lnterpre tatlon of the law, maintains the right to Issue individual licenses entitling residence in Finland for six months, these being re newable only at the senate's discretion. According to the Finnish statutes. He brewa are forbidden to acquire and hold property, are denied the right of citizen ship and are permitted to reside in Finland only under close restrictions. An exception wss made in the year I860 in favor of 200 families. The late Diet declined to con alder a proposition abolishing Jewish dls abilities. A bill has been Introduced In the lcglsla ture at the inlatlve of Finnish societies for the prevention of cruelty to snlmals. This bill contains a clause forbidding the He brew method of slaughtering animals' for kosher meat. Russian Hebrews are using their Influence to defeat this measure In the ' fear similar action may be taken in Russia. BANQUET FOR THE SCIENTISTS Soath American Iteleamtee Praise Roosevelt and Secretary Taft. SANTIAGO. Chile. Dec. 27.-Five hun dred covers were laid at the official ban quet last evening given in honor of the delegates to the Psn-Amerlcsn Scientific congress. The cabinet ministers and repre sentatives of the foreign powers were among the guests. Special attention was directed by the speakers to the presence of the delegates from the United States at tn congress and emphasis wss laid on the solidarity of the American continent. The Argentine delegate proposed the health of President Roosevelt and Secre tary Root for their great services to Pan Americanism, which was heartily re s ponded to. The American deelgatea have Indicated that they have no wish to hold office In the congress and this has created a good Impreselon, Inasmuch as it permits the representatives of the smaller republics to become more prominent in the discussions. ltofcmmrra oa ocajjg gTZAJciaTxra: Arrived. 8114, . SUlie. . Mlaaaapoll. .St. Pul. Ntw YORK . N.w York. . Locuis. . . 1 k w yokk I KKW YOHK. I ply mocth mavbb. La Breucn. SOUTHAMPTON. rHl.Urtl!... GLASGOW lualu CLAIMIOW M A R E 1 1.LKS Vsla KuTUKUiH luintta .. La Tosrala. , Leau. .. cl4oaifta. J fert 9 a. iik. ' m&Vr m r"?- w p. m'.'.v;.'. 7 p. m EXILES RETURN TO CARACAS Every Ship Bring Back to Venezuela Men Who Have Been Banished. AMERICAN SHIPS NEAR POET Better Feeling Prevails la Con a try sal Poller of President Gosaea Is Proving? to Be Mast Popalar. WILLEMSTAD. Dec. 27. According to wireless dispatches received here the United States cruiser North Carolina was 100 miles from Curacoa at S o'clock Saturday afternoon, bound for La Gualra, On board Is W. I. Buchanan, special commis sioner of the United 8tates to Venesuela. Another message said the Maine was fol lowing the North Carolina at a distance of about 200 miles. Political exiles are returning to Caracas at the summons of President Gomes, who, in order to unite all parties and factions In Venesuela. has ordered the prisons to be cleared and has Invited those long since banished from the country to come back. The steamship Zulla arrived here today from Maracajlbo with eighteen political prisoners on board. General Bello, the commander of Fort San Carlos at Mara caibo, whose assassination was attempted rrccntly, was a pnseenger. The Zulla left later for La Gualra with the exiles, who represent all political par ties. They were given an enthusiastic ova tion by the people of Curacao, and before their departure were presented with paper bidding them adieu on behalf of the entire 'population. In this It was stated that only one man was the enemy of the exiles and of Curacao and he had now lost his prestige. Genersl Gregorlo Rlera Joined the exiles He Issued a statement In reply to the people of Curacao thanking them for at tentlona and declaring that they. could con sider Mm always as the best friend of Curacao. Latest advices from Curacao state that the situation under the new administration of Gomes Is excellent. The new president's policy has been directed toward repairing the injustice suffered by the people of the Interior and In establishing harmony with outside powers. This policy has been re ceived with enthusiasm by all parties In Venesuela and there is a feeling' among the people that peace Is assured. The departure of Jose de J. Paul, until recently minister of foreign affairs, on mission to Europe, Is confirmed. He Is to enter Into negotiations to settle the dif ferences between Venesuela and France and Holland. RIVER IMPROVEMENT CHANCES Qnestloa of Whether There Will Be a Hirer and Harbor Bill t Undecided. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27.-The question whether there will bo a rivers and harbors bill during this congress Is becoming a matter of much concern to members of both houses. In accordance with the usual custom of passing' such a bill, only -once every two years, no effort was made to get ono through last session, but It was then gen erally understood that no obstacles would be placed in its way at the second session. Now the committees having charge of the question find themselves confronted with a constantly growing deficit In the treas ury, with the result that they find It quite Impossible to give any satisfactory assur ances to colleagues, who, like themselves, want legislation. Knowledge of the situation Is. however. having but little if any Influence In caus ing a diminution of the pressure and the Importunate ones are urging tha prospect of improved business conditions. Senator Fro, chairman of the senate committee, and Mr. Burton, who holds a like position at the head of the house committee, are giving due consideration to these repre sentatlons, but so far they find themselves quite unprepared to say what will be done. There is a clamor for enterprises which tentatively have been promised. New and old projects would call for the Immediate appropriation of about 5,000,000. If a. bill Is undertaken there will be a strenuous effort to get authorisation for the begin ning of the much advocated deep waterway from Chicago to the gulf. This Is regarded as an essential part of the plan for the Improvement of the Inland water courses and if It should be undertaken In earnest the advocates of the new departure would find In It reason for much encouragement for a general advance. EMMANUEL MOVEMENT HERE Rev. F. T. Roaee Will Ha,ve Class to Rtady Rella-loa and Health. Has the emmanuel movement come to Omaha? At the morning service yesterday In the First Congregational church Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, the pastor, announceQ that he proposed to orgsnlxe a "health and happi ness" class. He said the class would be open to all those who desired to study along the lines of the emmanuel movement They would take up for practical study such subjects as these: The demand for health. Tho relation of mind and body. Suggestion and the sub-conscious. Tho dynamic of faith. Unused powers of man. Health through self-control. The tcnlo of cheerfulness. The health program of the Bible. Tl Is class will be in no sense a clinic. Mr. Rouse ssld he did not aspire to act as a healer, but the class would seek to get what benefit It could from an intelli gent study of the subject of religion and health. Physicians and others will be Invited to give practical suggestions along the line pf prevention of disease. The class will meet in ths church be tween 12 and 1 o'clock during the Sunday school hour at the close of the morning service, beginning Jrnuary 1 FIRE RECORD. Fertiliser Plant at St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Dec. 27.-The fertilis ing plant and tank room of the Nelson Morris Packing plant were destroyed by fire this forenoon. The . loss was about 1 25,0(0. The fire will not Interfere with the working of the plant. Taras oa Gaa by Mistake. SIOUX ClTT. Ia.. Dec 7.-8peclal Tel egram.) W. T. B. Allen, aged s7, one of the beat known Englishman in northwest Iowa, waa found dead in bed thla morn ing, having turned on the gas stove cock in turning off the gas light Back In the sixties he pulled the bow oar In the crew of Trinity college, Oxford. He waa best known aa "Uncle Billy lltaH .spis ft 4OTm W ssv . a v a ii I'll n n n n ii u 1 1 i i r . . ,a i 17.7 v .s. - r 1 iir 1 i ii 1 Agsa Duties of the president: "He the union, and recommend to their Article 11, section 3, Constitution of From the Washington Evening Star. BIG CONSERVATION PLANS President Invites Canada and Mexico to Join United States. SESSIONS HELD IN WASHINGTON Better Knowledge of Resources of Koch, and Better" -Wavy a of Protecting- Theai Kanorted to Ilesalt Therefrom. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. It wss an nounced at the White House today that a conference looking toward the conservation of the natural resources of North America would be held at the White House Feb ruary 18, next. Letters suggesting the plan have been addressed by President Roosevelt to the governor general and . to the premier of Canada and to President Dlax of Mexico. They will be delivered to the officials In person by Glfford Pinchot, chairman of the Nutlonal Conservation commission and chief forester of the United States. Mr. Pinchot will first visit Canada, leav tng tomorrow. He will then carry the In vitation to President Dlas at Mexico City. The proposed conference is the outgrowth of the two conservation conferences In which the governors of the states and ter ritories were the principal Conferees. At the second conference representatives of the Canadian government expressed their sympathy with the movement. The out growth was the Idea of North American organization for the conservation of nat ural resources and to deliberate on the practicability of preparing a general plan adapted to promote the welfare of the nations concerned. The representstives designated by the Canadian and Mexican governments will consult with representatives of the state end other departments of this government and with the conservation commission The object will bo to point out that nat ural reoources are not limited by nations boundary lines, to develop a better knowl- edge of the natural resources of each na tion on the part of the others and to In vito suggestions for concurrent action for , the protection of mutual interests relative to conservation. Letter of President. The president's letter to the governor of Canada is as follows: "In May of the present year the gover nors of the several states and territories of this union met in the White House to confer with the president and with each other concerning the amount and condition of the natural resources of this country snd to consider the most effective means for conserving them. The conference was followed by the appointment of a conser vation commission on the part of the na tion and of a majority of the states. "A second conference has recently been held in thla city. It was called to consider an inventory of.our natural resources pre pared by the National Conservation com mission. Its most important result will doubtless appear in co-operation on the part of the nation, the states and the great associations of citizens, for action upon this great question, on which tho progress of the people of the United States obvi ously depends. "It Is evident that natural resources are not limited by the boundary lines which separate nations, and that the need for conserving them upon thla continent is as wide as the area upon which they exist. In view, therefore of these considerations and of the close bonds of friendship and mutual aims which exist between Canada and the United States, I take especial pleasure inviting you to designate repre sentative of the government of Canada to meet and consult with representatives of the Btate and other departments of this government, and the national conservation commission In the city of Washington on February II, 1. The purpose of the con ference I hav the honor to propose Is to consider mutual Interests Involved in the conservation of natural resources, and in this great field (o deliberate upon the prac ticability of preparing a general plan (Continued on Second PageJ "From Time to Time T57SI . n nwnWMrt'i ft M shall from time to time rive to the congress Information of the state of consideration such measures as he shall Judge necessary and expedient." the United States. PLEA FOR INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS United States Held to Bo Far Behind Germany la This Respect. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. The preliminary report of the committee appointed by the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education to consider the re lation of industrial education to the gen eral system of education of the' country' has been made public. It recommends the establishment of industrial and trade schools and a national department, with a secretary of education In the cabinet. "All who are acquainted with education In European nations," aays the report, "know that In industrial training we arc far behind such countries aa Germany. That there are practically no facilities for the training of the youth between the ages of 14 and IS for industrial pur suits and the opportunities for those In the trades to Improve their skill by the oretlcal training is confined to isolated and occasional schools. "The vast majority of chtldcrn leave school at the end of the grammar school period. "Such schools as may articulate with the grammar school for the training of youths will most likely assume the form of training schools for particular Indus tries. The boy or girl trained in them will not be a skilled journeyman In any trade, but will have received a funda mental training In those things which will make them skilled journeymen In a short time. "It seems clear that such schools, both for youths and adults, are likely to be attempted, and. in fact, are being at tempted In the various parts of the United States. ' These schools we are seeking to solve." MILLIONAIRE IN WORKHOUSE Love for Girl Cansea II Im to Draert front tho Kavr and Convic tion Follows. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Dec. 27. Heir to half a million dollars, and entitled to a position In Baltimore society, William Jef ferson Powell has been sentenced to serve 180 days In the workhouse In this city on a vagrancy charge. Powell is handsome, refined and well educated, and says he will come into pos session of his fortune at the age of 25 years. He will reach that age three months after he Is released from the workhouse. Powell's parents are dead and he ran away from his guardian in 1903, enlisting In the Eighteenth battery field artillery and was sent to tho Philippines. Later he waa sent to Vancouver barracks, Washington. When he finally secured his discharge from the army, Powell enlisted in the navy. He waa assigned to the United States ship Philadelphia and was stationed at Ber menton navy yard. His love for a girl In San Diego caused him to desert and go there, for which he waa arrested and sen tenced to pay a fine of $100. After being arrested several times In Los Angeles, Powell waa finally tried on the vagrancy charge. SOCIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS UP Society to Dlsrass laflaeaco Modern Society oa Family Life. of ATLANTIC CITY. N. J , Dec. if -The Influence of modern society on family life will be discussed by tha American Sociological society, which holds It third annual meeting here this weej lit con junction with the twenty-first annual meeting of the American Econo:nlo asso ciation, the American Statistical associa tion and tha American Association for Labor Legislation. Tha Sociological society program Is filled with many live subjects pertaining to tha family under present-day conditions. The economic side will corns In for a large share of attention In papers that will ba read on the effect of modern In dustry on family life in the large cities and in the small mill town and the moral side will also be discussed, Includ ing the subject of marriage and divorce. IE ml GOVERNOR TO ENTERTAIN State House Employe to Be Guests of Executive Monday. OMAHA MAN SHOT IN THE LEO Troable Starts Beeaaao He Insisted ' on Sleepiest la Baaraaa-e R When Man In Chars Ob jected to Program. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. .27. (Special.) Gov ernor and Mrs. Sheldon will entertain the state house employes at the executive mansion Monday evening, and Monday aft ernoon Mrs. Sheldon will entertain the Century club. Monday Governor Klieldon will hear several pardon applications. Rock Island Makea New Move. The Rock Island railroad has announced that hereafter It will check baggage at Its uptown office and the other roads are expected to follow suit. When a per son buys a ticket at the uptown office he is given a check for his baggage und that is all there is to it. The wagon calls for trunk and the traveler l.vs no more bother except to pay the bill when he buys the ticket. Omaha Man Shot In Leg;. Joel Bert Clark of Omaha Is laid up here with a bullet wound in his left thigh, due to his being particular where he slept. W. D. O'Grady, night operator at the Rock Island depot, put it there about 2 o'clock this morning. Clark and a companion named Devorak, also Irom Omaha, came to Lincoln on the Rock Island. They pounded on the door of the baggage room until O'Grady let them in, Then they announced that they Intended to sleep In that same baggage room. O'Grady told them all beds were filled and to vamoose. Instead of following di rection, ao O'Grady told tho police, they made for him, and he came back with a gun-pumping fire at every jump. Clark was laid low with a bullet In his thigh and Police Officer Crease yanked the other man from a freight train which he was trying to board. Clark said the two of them had been drinking and Intended no harm to the operator. V Blarnell la Mexico. Edward Blgnell, superintendent of the Burlington, Is in Old Mexico, where he went several days ago. Rumor has it that Mr. Bignell is going to Interest him self In some business ventures down there, though Mr. Blgnell's friends have no definite information regarding the rea son for the trip. FAMILY FEUD PROVES FATAL Oa of Participants Dead and other One Is Serloasly Wonnded. An- RENO, 111., Dec. 27. Ruby File mas shot and killed, and his brother, Noah File, was wounded by John and George Wllleford In the kitchen of the File home near here lust night, while attempting to prevent the Wllleford brothers from Injuring Samuel File. The Wlllefords hsd Chssed Samuel File for more than two miles and when they reached the File homo they demanded ad mittance After entering the house the Wlllefords, atiLVolnti tj one story, accused Samuel FUa of wrrnglng a relative. Kuby attempted to make Gtcrce put down his pistol and aaa slxt in Ui". right temple. He died threi hours later. Noah attempted to disarm Jinin Wllleford, and was shot in tha right cheek. Ha will lecover. Noah FiIj seized a shotgun and chased tha Wlllefj-ds t orn the house. John Wllle ford and his brother, James, who was not In the house, were arrested snd lodged in the Bond county jail at Greenville. George has not been located. Ruby File was 19 years old and Noah 25. John Wllleford is 17 and George Wllleford 23. Another story as to the cause of the shooting, accord 'ng to Henry W. Wllleford. the father of the boys. Is that Samuel File refused to pay a debt of $U3 which he owed J George Wllleford CROWIKC NOW BEGINS Tranimississippi Poultry Show Opens at Omaha Auditorium. FEATHERED GUESTS ARE COMING Scope of Exposition Brings Birds from Many States. ARISTOCRATIC HENS HERE WEEK Bring Mates with Long Pedigrees with Them. PREMIUMS AMOUNT TO $3,000 Dogs and Cats Also Here and Orenoy Some Swell Apartments Arrangred by Exhibition Management for U a eats. When the cock-o'-the-walk crows some thousand times at the Omaha Auditorium this morning, the Trans-Mlss'.aslppl Poul try show will be declared officially open. IMs supposed ths first and opening crow ing will be completed by 9 o'clock. Feathered guests of the city were arriv ing all day yesterday and were assigned to their apartments by the management. many having reserved the quarters in ad vance. Some of them are so aristocratic that It was difficult to supply them with suitable living rooms. Some wanted places with a bath and an ash heap, steam heatcl. and yet with floors which would yield plenty of worms. Dogs and Cat qaarrel Some. The dogs and cats ar not so particular. The dogs were willing to have apartments close to the cats, but not for the felines. They thought the management ought to have sort of a Mills hotel arrangement for dogs only, and some such an arrange ment as a Young Women's Christian as sociation building, where the apartments would be for them only, and far removed from the Uogs, which they claim lead a riotous life when In Omaha, nsver retiring at night and barking for Ice water as early as 5 a. m. each morning. Perlously the Trans-MUislsslppl Poultry show Is going to eclipse anything of the kind ever held in Omaha. The show stsrtcd as the annual exhibition of the Trl-Clty Poultry association, organised by some en terprising fanciers and breeders of poultry In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. But the demand for a big annual exhibition in Omaha, the best located show town in the west, led to a change of name and enlargement of the scope of tho show, from one at which the fanciers of three cities could show their stock, to one which last year had entries from several atates, and which this year will be a good repre sentation of the poultry from tha Trans- Mtsslsslppl country. Aye Has. Prise Wlanera. Arrangements were made to car for the fowls immediately on their arrival aud, they have been coming In fast. Among others who will exhibit will be Ay Bros, of Blair, Neb., who only ten days ago carried away premiums for the best corn. Aye Bros, feed prize corn to prize chickens and the effect is to produce prise chickens. Those who have visited their farm say everything on It is prize winning from the lumber wagon to the well water. John Keellne of Council Bluffs will be another exhibitor who has done things be fore and this yesr comes with thirty-six coops of chickens. Georgn H. Lee of Omaha has over forty coops of birds, besides his large line of poultry supplies "made In Omaha." thickens ot Last Tear Here. At the poultry show last year George Ii. Leo had somo incubators hatching chicks. These were tho center of Interest for youngsters, especially on the day when Mr. Le-e gave the new hatched bunches of down to the children. Since the plana were made for the show which opens today, Mr, Lee has learned of a number of thoss chicks which grew up In Omaha during the year, and they will be among the en tries at the show. Out of a large number hatchod, most ot the chick died, being spoiled by the children who handled them, but they were all very much live birds when they left the Auditorium In the pockets of boys and tucked away in ths muffs of girl admirers. A cockerel valued at $i00 and for which the owner would not take a cent les. will be one of the Omaha exhibits. This is a white Leghorn belonging to Geotea H. Lee, president of tho George If. Lea company, makers of poutry supplies and incubators, and one of the foremost fan ciers of the country. This cockerel has grade 97 per cent and. though he has not yet been exhibited at a poultry show, he will. In the judgment of Mr. Lee, take first prize. He Is purest white, without a blemish and black spot on him and a most Imposing looking bird. Mr. Lee has some 2,000 White Leghorns on his farm near Florence, and will have about seventy-five chickens and a score of ducks at the ahow. The premium list amounts to over $3,000, and puts the Omaha show in the big class. The judges will be W. C. Ellison of Min neapolis, Adam Thompson of Amity, Mo., and U. D. McClasky of Papilllon, Neb. MOVING PICTURE SHOWS OPEN L'oart Injunction Proterts Them front Order of .New York's Mayor. NEW YORK. Dec 27. Protected ftoiu Interference by a supreme court Injunc tion, practically all of New York's too and more moving picture exhibitions were today in full operation despite tho re vocation of their licenses by Mayor Mc Clellsn on Christmss eve. In nearly ail of them lectures were delivered, with u view to bringing the performances within the corporation counsel's Interpretation of the tjunday law. ENFORCING THE OPIUM EDICT Riot Follows Attempt Made la DIs trlct orlh of Anor, China. AMOY, lxc. L.7.-Ordeil v.eie Issurd Satur day to a number of natives at Tungan. twenty mtls north of Atnny, to rease planting opium popples. They declined to acquiesce and a tint foil-wed. In which on officer and t-n lvllans were killed. The populace of Tur.gun is up In arms and frJU troops have been sent there lo restore order. The authorities announce their determination to ttiferoa th anti opium odicb i