TTIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEirBEK 27. ?0. C01STERFE1TS DOVT PAY Dnra ia tit lpublis of Colombia, SorJ. America. VHOi fiat xcsrr nxmsHzs aae the lik etee There Art rfk Only A Wat Owe (hwnn dreta ( Taetr Fawe Tel we la tirkMI. - Drva in the republic f Colambta to South Ai rtca there Is sort af ewmte cpern paper All trad theee Is t eirc-uiatloa about a billion dollars wort ef H, whirs i pretty good for a country bm population la S.W,"A, sepecUvriy When n )a 7Sinbri that raaay of these folkc eerer w a cents rli ef the jpoaey. A sign t U itmu rads: K g Vutit." Tbe hesitating tourist rends j U 1 : "Beer. t a slaae." Thei be wonders what fwrt erf fiKTmoMly wealthy eouatry j he haa struck for his misfortunes and be- ne to betters that tns trid tales f tta. Fpsaiea days dldnt exaggerate te the least. rniess the little word "oro." aneanmg tpML follows any statesnent sut money, the tourist should dlTtrte by Free eol lara wit this aunlirtretioa means Ee cents. Caba II W f r awer a"" civilised of from SI to Ia the billiard parlor paying an boar Im't aa estraeagunt aa It mm when tt ia divided by W. Also, reducing tla ran total of paper Tnee-y to lea enlon la o4 it cems ta tl wfl.ons. rather mora la keep ing with the sine of the country. It all began a"m years ago when Co lombia waa solvent. Thee tbe money waa won a hat tfce rare ralaa declared It o .4. Bui when the first of a lom series of revaJutione of recent times cams an tha rorernment raa any of money ia tha treas ury. Beeiaty ef PriaHae Meeey A report to that effect by tha treasurer set the reaiy. Prtnt aoma aoara. it IJm the aharea of a taaa rid mining con- rara.. There ara bound to ba plasty aa lonC aa the arlnttn prtaaaa bold aat. Thay kent an urtouea; tha money bU1 araataaiUr tbera waa ao jnuch that tha ralua fell ta aboat y.m to 1. That la If a aaaa bad a baak BHKa of aa) peaoa It waa worth Juat f canta la real Booey or fd- Een now the " urn fatal tadllty ta prtnung money exlat. bat tha preaent gv eramrst haa eet t work to maia tha anoaay worth mora aeariy what it ealla tor. aoma day it aaay retura t ile faoa TaJna. Tha ColuBibiaaa hara aa conGdanoa la their awa paper. They aead taktac It la eaxhanaa tor gold. If poaalbia. A draft oa Enland ar the United Sta-tea. payaoia w cold, ciTC-nlatea praccaI!T aa It cfcaea from oaa hand ta aaothar with endoraenenta moitply'na. until naaay u. m aoceaaary t add an extra allp af apT carry tha aarplua af namaa. Tha owaar doeaa t want to caah tt In for tha paper raooey. beraoaa the ejtchana Tartae aa tram day to day that ha may laaa moaay by chaartns- . Ia Colombia the mornlhl graetlnB' mercfaanta n't -How ara yoaT bat. "How U aehare?" Stoma daya a o dollar la worth V peaoa. other 4aT It mar ba ap ta 3. Then. aa;a. nr f3 under Mi. H baaa doaa that renently. Buk ta a Ttat Waaa Aa Eiicllah mmlnc ooanpaay raoantly wantad to get a draft for eaahad. That mean. , ar IMW.M aasar aaoney. Tha draft waa preaaatad at tha Banco Central. Xba bask, bad ta da aoma tall acratebjac to ret toarthef thla ua. Tha attain- "" but cat a reaueat aot kmf after that ta ba rood anaurh thereafter ta gtv about a esoBth a Botloa when tt wantad aay aoch aum at moaey. Ona of tha xzsea m tha oompany aaid be had aa Idea that aaothar ancb raquaat would meaa that tha gvrrrra meat would hava to eabla ta Borland, whera the moaay la printed bow. ta haTa the prtntere ran eff a lot of tha atuft The com pur had to bare the natree money to pay aff ita bejpera. otherwlae It would have beea rery loath ta let aa aooch raid ra it la a oeaatry whera eountarfetaar would aaturaUy be avppaaad ta ba ana of tha loet arta. 'Vrhea tha pwrnwat made ru owa money teataady of aaetar U arlatad ahread whatever eouaterfalta there were were ao mack better made tbaa the r" erament money that thay aaeeed carreat very readily. Every one recorataed thaaa aa eeunterfelta. bat few aaraana eared: they were much better enrraTel tbaa the aremnkent money. a la a atory told about a aealeue cuatoia ffVr wha one day detected a lara uaatity e-f counterfeat mooey betrir brourit ka by a man wha rarae fmra Gernuy. !! eelaed the lo ajd wired to IWerta to the cectrvl aw em meet to know what ba ahould do. He waa rather aui ui laed ta aet back a rash anewer that ba ahauld let the money coma m. Tha rovernment rather weloomed frettirtr la a lot of wa made mooey without paytnr for it. aafe traaa riekaerketa. It takea a lot of money to make a real aum. TrareJera hara to carry a bir pocketful, r Inrtaaca. a maa roinr hy ateamer from Poena Colombia to Santa Marta waa etand'.or at the ran oa a windy day wbea fcla'coat tSa blew uMa, Ia a h'.p pocket waa aeen wtat ia caDed a mil Wr enouirh to choke a cow. lie bad a lot cC twenty-Ore peao Wila laid out flat and tVed with a cord ahnat tha middle. tJea. what a cinch for a plckjwketr" aaid a Kew Torker who aaw tha exhibition of wealth. If a man bothered to ateavl that track he'd ba prosecuted for tnaanlty. aaid a not toe loyal Cdembiano. It makea aa amuatnc aWtht ta aee ona of the email Colonvbtaa children, without a atrlch of dot hi n a on. amiylmr oat of a houaa to a ator with a bill of eome hura danonilaatloa, poeelbly 10 peaoa clutched ta a chocolate colored haaA "It doean't look aafe to Dd a chad out wtth ao much money.' aaid a klnffiy die poeed Amertcaa woman, catchlnr eight of the "MKr oa the note. Then aha rot aoroe InformaUon and added: "Well, eren 1 a dollar ia a lot of mooey to let a child haya." Ia aa office ona day a maa pointed to hi raliae ataadlnr open oa the table. t "Look there." he aaid. "See what truat I hara la my aarraiita It tan't every maa who would dare ro away and leare t2.X lylnr ta a oar that's open. The listener raapod and went to look m the bar. Sure enourh there waa the oulTalent f rs worth of real money, aa the fore.ia.ucr Boon rata to call any thing that lan't paper. a the matter of amaH coina tha Colombianoa keep ap tha deception. Tbera la a piece made of lead chiefly, what la called "cocobola' money down there. Thla k marked "Five Peaoa. p m." Tha p m means "papej moneda" and la to IndlcaXa that tha euppoeed fS la really worth five ceata. If they marked tha coin to read five cents rold it would ba the rirht value. CaCfornla with the "no coin smaller than a Bicker boast is Quite out dona down ta Colombia, whera tha peao at tha am ail est. Irmamaf Plat oa at Dwrtea. The enure South Amerfcaa continent la accustomed to accent ridUee in the m aremeat of Jta frnanrlai eonoerna. For in- atanca ft la told ef TTruruay that thay have a very Beat little device ba diacountlnr- As almoat every one kaowa, the trld dollar of the faited Stataa is not W8 per cent rold. It eouida't very well be and eUU ba a etroulatinr medium. The Repub lic of rruruay proCted by that fact, which aeo ia the case ta an eocatrfea where taera la a raid atatasard. ine rata aouar or irruruay Is a euppo- aaauou com at such flncaeas that it ia actually M per cent rold. It does Bat circulate, except la the mind of the treas urer of the country. ConaequenCy every rold coin of every eouaty Is discounted la Crura ay arminat that wonderful Imaginary piece of money. Para Bad some af the others have from time ta time repudiated parts of their currency. Perhapa that ia what Colombia ye may do. "As esatiers etand." one reatdeBt aaid. "the dkoney iam't pretty anaurh for wall paper aad tt lan't of much use tor aay thing elaa." There is some ramarkabie gold ta circulation In Celombia. aoins of Bpaalah Klnaa daiina- hk the aeventeenth eaatury. TaeSa ara deub loona. which paaa current at tha value of fat. French and other arld aJam tn ba found ta Colombia. Theiw t . ail amount of rold money of tha re public In circulation. That la gen ulna and is worth what it purports to be. Idoat of the persona who geia a ehaace at ona of these coina is apt ts bury it. ALL IvfiDS AMQ5C YODELS Ambitioa that Grra ia a Kaiae Loj-Camp. EEHUTD SCX3Z3 13 ETUTJIDS Ftaer-e Wet af Athletes the the Ba Craatdaaeamev, the aad Hie Creatteev. money FORSALE Ct&ssj, Shsev Bxts, FaTtnhisg Cs&ix, U&sv Basils. Suck far Salt Ti Tit E;httt Eiiirr. Rxinm for Salt llsst Uirt Willaa Tea Cjjj. BURGLARS HAVE BUSY NIGHT Vlatted, bet Xa We are not atuck oa paying double ret fcr the r rtr.Uga to remain la theae build ings afti r the 1st ef Jaaaary. Every prcp- a ra i ka ia b. ing made for ear removal to )-raTJBe. Sew York. The entire atock of tr.a Ooha Clothing Co.. located at Uia-ISU Faiaaa street. aHl be cloaed out la part or ia bulk r ia small lota to auit the pur cheaera. ATTSNTIOS DEALER. lier ia the apportunity yu deal.-ra IB the amnll tewns throughout lorn a. Nabraaka and in Dakaiaa have been wait Bg for. Here la'ta vpportually ta buy gjoda bought by enr rtpiwerntaiiva buyers in, Maw Te:k at Imi (Haa B centa ofl the dollar. Our lerata are aalcUy eavaa. aa Uma, So dating, only the cold hard cash. We will give you aa epBertaalty Ba any aay let you wtak. Fat uat. nret aereed. Wa know It w U lay you to onrne a kmr wars ta buy ima Vl cheap. FIXTTTtEB fur ele. 1 M-Ioot hat eaaea. Kd feet ahi rv Ing. I'D caah reg-.ater. 1 ateol iea. rat machae, X d.apiay case a, t-lS-toot rurnmHuig caaea. I dealt a. aachas diapiay ! lit urea for tha wiadewa ail L a. a. Qaaaha at the atare. Nethiar wUl ba picked aalaea la bar la charged far. RETAIL. TRACK. We are gowr ta get cut f tia buildtnr w;thia the Beat arvaa ta tea days. Ia tae aneanusaa at yea aard anyUuag call at etaee and buy gooda cheeper than we can car a. na. Toa w U era the greauat valuta yoa ever saw ia your life- Aeaarmber. what wa cannot aen here wa ahaJl pack if aad at-ad away. W'a must get out m aevea as tea daya. If yea ara galH buy a wintar owrc at. cravenere ar suit a( cluthxa or aaiiim aaar do aa while tha caaaee is here. Wa will take care ef the r ail raatomer while we ara bare Juat tha aaaaa aa aver. Ka aaie at toe sanaiL Every M tie bit he:pa. OMAHA CLOTHIXQ COw IKa tZt Faraam atxaet. A ward aa tha wise Is sufartect. r a Burglars were busy tha nlgt befara Chrtataaaa. vtaitirg a number of bousee and ptaoaa of basmeaa in hops of getting something to provide a holiday eelebra taea. A ladder burglar stole a watch, keys aad money to the total af tat from tb room of Mrs. Isabella Clow, who lives on the second floor of the ITopia boardinr houaa. Seventeenth and Davenport otreeta He dim bed through window. Wednesday and Thuraday night burglars entered the cammiaatoa houaa of Copelaad j Fly an. Twelfth aad Howard streets, aad ' stole ouanatiea of dreaaed duck a aad, ehickeaa. Over pounda of fowla were carried away oa Thuraday night alone. The Kan nerd Glaao a Paint company. Fifteenth aad Davenport streets, had about HI worth ef supplies takea from Ita store Thursday night, aionr with several hun dred postage etampa. Tha home of George W. Loom is was riaited aad ranaacked. but the occupants found Bothlcg auasiar Chrlsanaa morning, la spite of the upaet coadlrloa of things. - A aultoaae contaisinr several dollars at paper money and a a umber of Chrtatmae presenia last had umt beea purchaaed. waa atolea from a buggy m front ef tha Brandies building Chrcetaaaa ava. It be longed to Mrs- J. E Vaavy of Beaaoa. 5EW TORK. Dc X The mod -la who haunt the doors of the studios and art arhoele of the city are ef any and every nationality, and some of them have tried pretty much every other ceiling. They may coma from Oregcn. from France, from Sicily, from tha Bowery or from Sixth avenue, but If they earn a living by peeing tber have always ace conapc-uoua trait in common a high opinion of their persona This is only the natural pride ef every merchant ta his goods, for the face or figure of the model ia her stock in- trade One rir! of about 22 was brought up In Maine twenty miles from a railroad. She Bred in a logging camp, whera her father worked and whera occasional old papers and msfirtnns reached them. Onoa She read eetaethtng about a model aad after that shs used to' cut out the pictures, sot of actresses, but of modela, and pasta them ever the cracks ef the pine board In their Utile room. She dreamed for years af being a real model and poslnr for a ptature at the Madonna. Whoa her father died she worked her way ta Mew Tork. eervmg as waitreaa la summer hotels. For a while she wandered around ta the streets hers and lived about aa the sparrows do. but finally found her way lata aa artiet's studio and got work and waa passed on to other painters as a useful little, being. She haa aot tha traditional beauty of the tnoceL Juat a email white face, brown eyes and a certain' New England primness, but aha lovea her work and can stand half day without stopping ta rest. "It's a business. she says, "same aa aay other, but I like it, and the arUata always treat me Just lovely. " There la an old. eld lady well known In Sew Tork studios who has a few conven tional rrandmother poses head bent ever her knitting, doslnr la her chair, which la eften literally true, and reading her Blbla She has been a model for sixty years and is very proud of it. even claiming the dla tlnctKm of being the first original pretee- aionai model in the city. She once posed for an adyertlsment ef a patent medicine which has coveted fences. stations and spaces ia street cars the coun try ever. Tou recognise her at once aa be longinr ts this remedy. She never gives yoa time to mention it but tells you in two sec onds, "My face is known from Maine to California " Some evening at dusk in a quiet part of the city, you may chance on a taU. thin maa having a yellowish face and a busby mass of blue black hair. He weare a hat of such wide and romantic proportions that it lacks nothing but the traditional plume to transform him Into a Dumas here. Ha Is a model who has had much experience aad baa posed m most of ths larger cities the world over. He haa am an beadlike eyee. high cheek bonce, a narrow forehead and looka like an exquisitely studied drawing af an old master. Hs is graceful and so pot a enough ts do aarthlnr with his body, hs can speak a dosett languagea, all very brokenly, aad sever fails ta go straight s tha bottom of your box of cigarettes d wring a rooming a alttmr- He travels wtth a trunk of piuatitva like an actor and haa many beautiful cos tumes of various periods, besides foils aad dagrers. which ba sometimes looks quite capable of using. Ia a brocade oasA aad ailk tlghte with a maedollu alung over hia aboolder be ia the French troubadour, or wrapped in tha red robs of a cardinal with a mass book ta ana hand, looking slyly up from under his sharp eyes hs seems to belong to soma hot-blooded aouthera tale of leva and bate. He has figured ta tha pictures sf ilrua tratora and painters, beea used by deoo ratora, and ba lovea nothing so much aa to tell you how he posed for the Princess Loulae aad aaother royal lady and bow many times hs baa hang oa the Uae ia the caaveeea of famous artists. Hs Is fantastic and uaraal, tremendously impreaaad with hia ewa tmportaaoe and must be handled delicately whea dismissed If aa arnst grows weary of his methods let him have a care how be espressea this, for the model, half in French, half In Italian, with an Eagliah word or two. will aay wtth sxiook of scorn: "Monsieur doean't wish me aay more, not wish ate. beta? Hs wishes some other model? Hera? I go away. Monsieur will never succeed.' And he departa leaving the palmer with aomewhat the aenaailoa that aa evil eye has been cast upon him. There la aaother Italian, a wistful eyed lad who ground a hurdygurdy. aold baaa naa and puahed a cart about the atracrta before he became a modeL He goea about with hia coat collar turned up even oa mild daya and ia always complaining ef the cold aad Baying. "I ro back to my country :" but be never roea. for be apaaaa all hia earning aad sever works until be werkiar ftw a wfl arsowa srslrator ha used ber for aa Andromache. After mating T day saodel be started to rut the statue frost the marble. Tader hat ekined band the glrTa farare flowered out of the rough strae. WTsea tt waa partly rnlrhed a charwoman cam Into the rrudie to sweep. Fhe stopped and stared wth fier eoep in her hand at th marble with the pgwre growing out of it tbea she turned rowod ta the artist and said alowry: "How did yoa knew abe was tn there- Whan the woman was gone the red hatred girl said to the sculptor: "Foe is very ignorant, lan't she? To Which be responded enlgmaticurv--Child, could either you or I have aa aaeied her it would have beea to reveal the Buret af ereatiua. FIGHTING THE WHITE PLAGUE ra Swefety TEeta. llBaes rue aaaatwrtaaa far At the December jneetlng of the etecu- t!ve council of tie Modem Woodmen so ciety, held st the headquartera ef the aociety In Back laland. XU-, It waa decided to conduct that society's ssnstorlum. lo cated at Colorado fprma. Cd1o for the treatment af members af llcte4 wtth ruher rulosts. free of an charge to laembtrs. The Modem Waodmsa several months straw aoa-alred Ufa acres of band wttha seven cnDes ef Colorado Springs and bas estabiiahed therens aa u4o-date aaxia tortum. the tent colony plan heing ero pkrred. The first ootocy plan win be ready for the raceptlon of patmta en Jar nary 1 190s. acd ia equipped to ears for sixty psrieuta. to which a umber admisaiona must ba limited for tha present. ' The tents are ectagnal at rue area, wfch ahtnrle roofs, canvas sadea, hardwood floors oa solid cement feuaaattona. aeatad by a central plant, equipped with all noam cnnveuteitoa, each aa te"ephr.Hea, etc. and each teat wfll accommodate baa patient Aa admlnirtratioa building for phyaictnoa aurera. dicing hall, baths of an kmda. etc, stands tn the eeater of the colour. Dr. J. E- White, formerly af the ?rrdrata ranch aaaatartum. the medical director Ui charge, states that only thaaa consumptive members whe are curable, or a hose Hves may be prolonged for B considerable length of time, win be admitted aa pail rata. The wisdom of tli la rule Is apparent. Rigid medical examination as a condition prece dent ts s amission will be tntdsted upon ta every ease, and special blank Torras bsrs beea prepared for this purpose. It is expected that a nether colony of sixty tents wfll be ready by July. 1. aad that acceptable patients will ba ready -to occupy it In full by that time. A move ment la already under way ta equip ths aeoond colony plant. Each tent, completely equipped, represents an expense of K5 sad a a umber af local cam pa. or lodgee of the society have derided to donate tents. As there are over lAM local cam pa of Modern Woodmen and over HXW.Sfl mem ber, tt ia anticipated that several colonies will aoon be equipped ta this way. Ths members and local camps of the so ciety bare voluntarily contributed to the sanatorium fond over, and at the last national eon rem ion a permanent tag cf a cent per memoef waa voted to the support of this' wrrk. The last official Woodmen reports show that during the years 1HH-1S07, Inclusive. lw per cant af the total mortality, or a.l6S deaiha. were charged to tubrrulotla, and that 11J per cent of the total insur ance losat s ia these year, or t OK."", resulted from this cause. Each life aaved to tha Woodmen society, by means of this aera-tcrrum. win. It is stated, wisrsstut a raving of G.7(V-tho average amount of the Woodmen policies ia forte at an expense for treatnaeat cf approximately one-twentieth of that sum. Ia tha broader sense, each life saved means the preservation to the family of Its bead and bread winner, and ta the stats of a useful, self-austalnlnr dtlsea. Pending Settlement With Insurance Companies It will be necessary to hold at our salesroom all Pianos, Piano Players and Organs, ordered from us for future delivery. As soon as our Loss by Fire and Smoke on the Evening ot Dec. 24th has been adjusted, delivery- will be made. Our entire stock of Piancs, Piano Players and Organs will be offered to the public at prices never before given east or west. Our loss through fire and smoke will be Ycur Distinct Gain. Don't buy a piano until we announce this sale. Watch the papers. SCHOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-1313 hum St., Osalia, Re..' ttaaximc&zmfzmrjtt.ittA&ZKa .--Jr:yJroJC: r jr-3CsK33t:jCaKtaVicaa; 17th & Douglu St. ORDER BY PHONE Douglas 647, Private Exchange, Connects All Departments OnULba't Most Pleasant and Most Convenient Restaurant Is Located on Our Second Floor. Tbe Pure Feod Store To Reduce Stock Before January 1st Courtney Offers These Very Unusu&l PRICE REDUCTIONS "We irish to mince certain lines of oar- stock to an absolute minimum before invoicing. To hrirur thi rwsnlt ouicklv ure cut prices far below the regular on the fiDest and most desirable' goods in our stock. This is a chance that is offered very rarely and it will mean dollars of saving to buy at Courtney's this week. r HERE ARE SPECIALS FOR THIS ENTIRE WEEK Zoc 1-lb. jars Eberly Figs 18c j 00' "c off on all Candle Shades. 10c Toilet Soap 5c 35c Tomato Soup. . . .- 20c 50c Princess Fruit Cake 25c 25c Bottles Assorted Pickles. 15c 1-lb. Plum Puddings, can 15c 15c Home-made Jelly, jar 10c loo Sardints. Diamond C Soap, box German Mottled Soap, box 1-quart jars Manzanella Olives. 1 -quart jars Queen Olives 35c jars Prerven, assorted, at . . .lOe S2.75 g $2.50 y ..50c H Oat of Town Cvstomen Will Find It a Bit Saving to Order bj Mail Send for our monthly catalogue and price list- Everything you order means a saving of money. m--. PHONE DOUGLAS 647 Private Exchange Connects All Departments lTta DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Ill VCra. Ann Olmstaad Friday at tier boroa. STtV Browns atrest. aced SB rsara Shs had aea a reaodeat at Omaha for thirty rars and was tbs aidow of Boraca Otastead. Bb is sunirfd by two Brothers, who lira la Omaha, and tares aiatrra liv- ln Bear Bbsoo aad PapUIjaa. Tha fuasral wlil as bald Sunday afternoon from the late residenos ta FVirsst Lawn. Hra. XaawUa U. Pstaiasa. lira UabrUs D. Peteraon. a yaara of aa aad wtfa sf A- T. Petaraoa. died Friday nijrht at tha aoma. SS Saratoga etreet. Tha hoar wis ba takea to Rromstmrx, Ka.. Maaday for VuriaL tir B.araU. Tha Lady I harsn't murh la ths houaa to siva yea. my poor man but would yoa like a pkooa of pie? Tha Hobo No. lady. Bat bars jro fat sji aid aiarK ooatt Tha Lrfady Why do you waat a Mack on. Tha Hobo Zm fellsr yar a-ava a ptaaae s pi da odder day was a paj a' mintj Oavaiaad Laadar. OLD JAIL PROFIT TO C0U5TT Peter Prepocio Will Pay for "Wreck ing PriTilegr. ' 07HZ2 BIDSZILS ASK TO EE PAID Caaaty oard EiaKW las Oat af Way ay Whea Cradlaar Have BaiM- 1. YOUNG MAN REPORTED MISSING Frteaaa aala ta Paaiae ta Help la taa aeatera far lllka Ha ye. Acquaint a nora of at he Nays, a yauca maa waa haa beea la tha city ealy a sasrt um, harm baooma warrted srer hia haaana ataas last Moaday tram the Plaos whera hs rooana, aad hara aaked tha poUea ta aeia iocata hisa. at Aa Ttlahi. wha Beea at 313 Hickory atreet. aear where Nay. StajTd. taattaated ths search fur Um aad has seea tha police a dtacrtptioa ef tlx yaoas; aaaa. waa Is oaly it ar yeara aOd. Wane U is aot thought That be has met with foul piay. sa he had as mooey or sorsuea that were kawwa ta hia eequaint aacaa the latter weaid Uae to aUaeever what aas become af haa. It is beUeeed that be has merely laft the city ta work elarwbere aad haa forarKtea to tell ba was BoiBS. HYMENEAL htiaa daa Pearl Cammlnaa. tha daurbier af Ida Cissisnlrts aad One J. ftchults wars aisrrisd Oiristaaas eeeataa at ths reaideaoe ef tha bride s parents. Mi Burst street. A- W. Bouauet aad htiea Dorthea Brhuitz. the aaaer af the groom, were the attree- Charlea W. aavidee perforsaed the rera- Uey-alaawela. aUas Dara Barreld aad Fred Betapey were man lad Tharaday eeealBC by An. Caariea W. Sendfe at hia raautleaoa. Thea there is a fair haired mite ef a child who is always beiaa snatched away by the Soricty for the Preeeatloa of Craelty to CbOdrea or a labor law ofTV-lai. but he aaaaasra to fiad hia way back ta the studies- aad poaea witL aa m jch pride and laterest hi the picture aa tha okleat model ia the prrfeaaaoa. Tbera la a yoong athlete who whea bs caa't rt ao encaaamrat ta aay ef tha studios gives exhibiUuaa of strenrta at the rarlety ehowa. Last year there was a aeDes;s bey Wha aas hard tap aad got a chaste te peea. There b) a weatherbeataa aid kMicsboremaa. wha haa found eneltea fram the wtnda of the waterfront ef New Tork nader tha earliest af the ata Boa Oeer oa tbe East Bide ta a teaemeat house there is a whole family ef medeis hsadad by a stout, whits haired aid maa aad tacludina; several reneratlaas sf trown skinned men aad womea. youtha. rir la, calldrea. rrawiiad' satsaa ar-d eeea a eat and dor that each in torn poae. They ( oos be oae sad brina" aetae their earalors ta keep the home, for they are tremend ously clannish. They also da a thrtetac buaiaeas m the aaie of braasns. eorais. ahella and aetiqas Jewelry. Aaother weil kaowa model is a taU ateader girl wtth a eoiorteaa fare aad maaa ef fair hair, was has the listlssa (rare ef a Wnaserd or Boras Jones cm. tloo. la street clothes aha wears a pray ulster sad a bat wtth a bedraeTgled plame. but take her tnts your stadia aad let her red herself ef theae aad wrap aerself la aay bit af aid caaaa ar drapery aad i becomes as beaut-inl as a rreer ayvph doa by a saaster. There is another ctrL noted for her won derful red hair, wtnra shines like barcushed sopper la certaia Brhta. Bhe baa the reaanst tatareat ta the ran easts which shs puses fur sad ia always begeinr snatches of hererlf. Once aoe went ta art arhoel tor a week. She keeps watch af the warfc af all the artists, aha pa ts tha aarhiba. teuas, aha speaks wttk tha phrase ef the studies, she crturtees and taiks art ta ay a E. Mfllrr. reaeral freirht and naa senser aent of tbe Northwesters, learae aioadey aicat for Chlcaa. Jnahua Lwa, jetieral arrat of tJis Tnion Pnofic at St- Leuut. was in Omaha Satur day, eiaitlnc with eld frlenda. Dave I. Trail. traeeTina: naaaenser arnt of the rnioa Pacific at Cincinnati, apect Christmas ia Omaha with hia mother. C. E. Bpesa seaerai frelrtit aaeat of the BurllneTtoa. who spent Chrteimas in Chl-oaa-a. returned to Canha Saluraay anera inc Daa Pareena. chief clerlr to E. O. IfrCor mictu aeeunaat trafHc director ef the Har nmae line a. was is Omaha Saturday. Mr Paraona has beea promoted to be peneral Hwrrr asmnt ef the aoutneni Pmif c 9Utnera imee wilm w . a nrw Orkoaaa. air. Parsons is weil known to all the Cttau raiiroaa an. aa no larmeriy lived here. FREE PILE CURE Bids fear the moirinf cf ths reHs from th old jail ta the aew add'Ucm to tha city Jail and fnr the wreckinc of the old build mg were opened by the county board Sat urday mernina; and diacloaed that the county will be sMe to realise a small rum oner the npense of reroovtne tha old Jail buildlnc. Pater Pracopia. X sVrulh Twentieth street, offered ta wreck ths tufldluc aad remove it and pay tha county fit, he to keep the meUrteL Be waa the only contractor who offered to pay ths county anything- Other bidders demanded from CS0 to $772 In addition to tbe ma terial. The lowest bidder tor removinc the cells and iron work from the mid building aad ire! ailing It tn the new' addition to the city Jail waa aubmiUed by the Omaha Steel Construction company, which aaked t.a. Other bade raa aa hl-h aa The county beard expects to hare the old building eat of the way by February 1 ta order that tha alte can be graded down for the aew court house. W riant WIU Feed Piteaaaia. Tbe feeding of county priaonera by Siia Wright will be dune at the eame fig-urea aa last year. Mr. Wright being the only bidder. He bid cents a meal for ordi rary priaoaera and or-ma for Juveuil and tnaane priaoaera. Tbe People a Ice and Coal cempany sub mitted tha lowest bid for filling -ha Ice hcueo at the County hoapiLaX They aaked C.S a ton. parked in the ice beoea. C D Woodward dt Co. offered ta deliver Ice from their lake at Meadow for TS centa a ton. but the county would have to pay the freight and pack it- Sherman A McConneil aubmitted a bid ta fill all county prestTtptiaos for 17 cents fach. B.da on drugs, meal a. groceriea biiiklir.g aappuee aad lumber were alas re ceived and referred for tabulation. purpc ae of presenting to the public a good. strong, subtlest:! car whii h alii S'.twer Uia popular demand at a mrdium price. Tha a ample car Juat reeelred fev the J ha Deere Piuw Ox is fuiiy up ta espetta anas, and It la doubtful a hndaxmer machine ran te found ar.rwbete rtgarlJesa of pr ce. Tbe car la fl:t d with a 3ft horae power ecg-ne, equipped e ith a m?w. aad ail s unary appliances. The wbeel baae U long, glnng a roomy and comfortable body and tue tnienlicn of the manuf j turera la that this car ahall be aa perf -t-t aa any car ile-ing twk aa much. The John Deere P!: w Co-, a ill be tlie western distribators for the taach:n ant intend te plus aawacine throushotit thla lei i Itory for local ciotr.but! ; n. They have Juat mceed into thear new leiaforced con crete wareuouae oa XinUi etreel between Harnt-y and Howard, the largeet Implement distributing Wkrehtnsse In tr:e wor.d. A oompkete stock of tha Veiia machinea wul be kejt oa hand at all t-mea ia tiiia built, ing and aa act ire campaign lor the aaie of the machine wi 1 be started itr.mecUaitly. J. J. Per.ght dt Co.. 18U Faraarn strsLJ are tha local rpn aentatiees for Omaha and Council Blufta. together with tbe mayor, ts weicame the New Tear tn thla manner. ROBBERS ASSAULT VICTIM Car at Flfteeata aae Oeewpied by Greek Lav. WELCOME ARCH KEPT BUSY LleTkts Still Sail Taeat Will I area Peewl le Aai fee fU ie. ta and Thotirh ChrhHmaa ia past, the weUvwne anh wfll shine forth a welcome t Santa again tonight- aa it did laet night and on Chriatmas ere. Monday lettera will be placed on the arch ta welcome the delegates to the meet ing cf the Interstate Literary A:h-:i: ion of Kansas and the West, a colored or ganisation which will ho4d a three days seaatun ia the Zlon baptist cnurch on Twenty-third &bd Grar.t atreeta. The lettera which will be placed on the arch will be "L-B. L A. of K. t W. The colored peotle a Jaaeetir.g will doee on Wednesday night and the following night the figures l win be placed In the panel ahoee the word "Welcome." it being the eense cf the majority of the council Cater A report reached the ponce at J.U a etock thia morning that robtaers had entered a car at Fifteenth and Grace streets on the M-aaoun Pacific tracks and aad robbed the iamaMa and killed one man. It aer doped laier the man waa not killed, but danger ously hurt- The robbern aecured Utile booty. They earaped. The oocu pasts cf the car are foreigners employed by ths railroad company. tViectires were at once eent to the scene of the crime to aeareb for some trace of the men whe did the work. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Fi T. Rilry of Tate Falla Idaho. B. Whrte el Blair and H- C Bjraa af ctrtn ara at tae lire Oread. lieutenant Colonel L. P. Hunt ef tha Ber-ond cavalry. Foct Les Moinee. haa beea granted two snontha leare of absence. F. B. Cornelius ef Markra. E. P. Moore of IaureL L. D Remington of CTeerwaier aad Ray Noel of PapUlHm are at the Marraj. Captain I l. W 11 dm an. aignal eerpa. L'nited ataua army, trram Fort Learen worth, waa a riertor st army headquartera sLoiday morning. r K. Carae-e. chief clerk ef fhe Merekaata hotel, wne haa beea seriously ill wtth aa attack of pneumonia, baa now paaaed Uia dmnger stage and ia etradily imprwrmg. O. A. rt iiy of Kanaaa City. O. B. Carter of LanrniB. W B. IeMar cf nVaneton, Wto ; R.ILt Martyr ef Fremoet aad P. J. Merlea ui blue Hill are at Lbe Millard. Edward Srort ef William 15. rhn-a-irge ef Maywood. Will Laaetng, Paul Ianio. Geerge W. Onldreea ef Lieeela ind Mra A. C TUtea and soa pf aUtpartor ire at tbe Rome. R G E3Iiott ef Uncotn. W. Forreet ef Cironrtlle. Cai.. J. C Sewrtst. L. J. Rejrtat. E. C. Coihapp. A. J Barotella of Hurn bwld! and ". K Paul ef Hotyoke, Ceia, ire at Ui. Schlits. Mr. and Mra L M. Talmage ef G-and Inand. H 8. Mrfonnell ef j unman City, Kan.: Mr. and Mra. Frd Butler and H. Mr VI once ef L.eena and F. A. Patterson ef lobx City are at tha Hotel Level. Beat to IiiauaaaTraXa Uae Merita Prramid FUe Care, Waa n mas a Tee Otasea. a Oaa NEW AUTOMOBILE IN CITY Telle Car. lait ta Mellae, 111. Jena Deere Flew feapaar ta Be Weeaei a Deatrlfcetere. J. i. Derigbt A Co.. Omaha Agecta. The most important announnement of the la at wetk in the automobile indua'ry ia that of the VeJie Motor Vehicle company cf Mo line, III-, which haa placed a ire marlurt a thoroughly up-to-date machine ax CSu, re markahiy complete in equipment, built by workmen wta far yera hare beea rngaged rw Tea. j la making vehicles, designed by an expert We hava taatlmoalala by the k undreds whase work aae Decome recogniaea in ah awing all stages, klads aad degrees ef ;rtor rcls aad marketed by men whose plies which hare beea eared by Pyramid PUs Cure. If yea could read theae unsolicited let tars you would as aeust ge ta tha aeareet drag store aad buy a box ef Prrsjnid file Cure at aaoa. price fifty eenta Wa aa net aak yea ta aa sale. yeas' aaaaa aad aaareaa aad we will send you a trial package by maa free. Ws anew what the trial package will ae. Ia many eases tt haa eared (Ilea without further treatmeat. If tt prsras ita value as yea erser mare freta ywur draggle. Thla is fair, la It net T gtmpiy writs as a letter gl1ng your aaaaa aad uliiaaa aad we wlU aead yea the trial by aaaa. la Peta wsapaer free ry i Hi Cra Ca, led Fyraaald dc, Mai as a 1. IbQcX waslBi the tmpieeaeat aad vehicle world. ' Tbe personnel sf the company Is naaJe up of tae lailuwzng weil-kn-wa act: W. 1 V tji. preaadent of tha Telle Carriage Ca.. Moriae, IU.; C D. ' Velw. ascretary and treaaurer of the Deere A Webber Co.. Mia see pelts; C C Wabber. preaitlrnt ef the Deere A Weaker Cj . Mlnneapelia; S. H. Veile, secretary of the Xoha Deere Plow Ca-. Kansas City; George N. Peek, eerre lery rnd treaaurer cf Ue John Drere Piuw Ca. Omaha: Major I M. Fu.ler. aauuger af the Vtli Motor Vehicle Co.. M.ilae. m The dneigner ef the car. Mr. C B. Ba.- ef Datrait. as a aVstaaer whesa aerk woa a j name Car aiai aaaa be waa eanaected with the Tha anil tereata Mr. Baas has werkad ta aaoaths aa tag aew ear wuh tha aecwed The Closing- Out Sale of the l&te A. B. HTJ BEEMANN STOCK of fine Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Cat Glass, etc, will posi tively close ; .aV January IFIpstt Every article will be sold at any price, regard less of cost or value. Don't miss the greatest oppor tunity of a lifetime. Money for every pnrchaa er. Jewelers, traders, dealers and the public in general are invited. REMEMBER 4 DAYS ONLY. 1609i Farnam Street Between ICtr. and lTtli Sts.