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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
c. TlIE OMAHA DAILY T.EE -WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2.?, 1D0S. MAIL TOOl LIST TO tS WK WILL SEMI) the 'CIGARS IMIO.NK ORDERS PUOMITLY AT TKNDKI) TO J 9" ALL 32 LMMA1 CHI ARM SHIPPED , TO ANY ADDRESS PHOKE YOUR ORDER TO DOUGLAS 2801 ' . " i I. PS litzon (UlFs Are made of all H"ana tobacco and are known the country over. M. P -REZ & CO., manufacturers of this Cigar, are now using this year's crop of Havana tobacco, which is the finest ever raised in Cuba. . . .. Smokers Pronounce Them Incomparable PRICES AND STYLES AS FOLLOWS- No. Prlrs in Box per Box Pcrfecto-Extra 25 $4.00 Bluffs 50 5.00 Bouquet 25 2.50 Panetelas Fino 50 ' 4.50 .Celestials '. 50 4.00 Petit Ducks 50 2.00 PACKED IN CHRISTMAS BOXES If its made pf tobacco, I have it It is a well known fact that tevget the best of anything one must go to . the store that makes a specialty of that one thing. It is ill-advised to purchase cigars anywhere but at a cigar store, and then only in the best. George Roger's Cigar Store Is the Acme of Perfection It is the largest, most modern and completely equipped store in the west, and carries the greatest line of Standard Brand Cigars ever offered by , any dealer. . You can readily see the advisability of pre senting well known standard brand cigars There is nothing so good as a Good Cigar and nothing so bad as a bad one. In presenting cigars one cannot make a greater mistake than to give an unknown brand a smoker will not appreciate them. Every cigar in this store is of a make that is standard the country over, and every smoker recognizes its quality on sight. Buy your cigars here and the recipient will know you purchased the finest that money could buy Ladies will find it just as pleasant to shop here as at a regular store for ladies Only standard brands of cigars sold in this store and advertised on this page-Each Will make acceptable and pleasing presents A KEY WEST CLEAR HAVAHA CIGAR A Cigar That Wo Guarantoo to Ploaso Any Smokor Wo Havo This Cigar in Many Styles and Shapes, as Shown by tho following Names and Pricos: No. Prlc in Box. Ver Box. Conchas Extra 50 $3.50 Non Plus Ultra ... .50 4.00 Panetelas 50 4.00 Demi Tasse 25 2.00 Monopole 50 5.00 Cazadores 25 2.50 Becovets 50 5.50 Perfecto Fino ' 25 3.00 Perfecto 25 4.00 Epicures 25 2.75 fWA V. -J Mil.-. ---- The Havana Flyer Packed in a patented copper container cedar Hived Made by the House, of, :?vi;.. New Cuban Tobaccos We are pleased to. announce that we are using thy new crop of Havana tobaccos in our JoaeVlla and La Kvldentia Cigars. These tobaccos are fully cured and In prime condition and equal to the celebrated 1905 crop. You may have had cause to complain of your favorite brands. Either of these will please yon. These are the Cigars that received FIRST AWARD for General Excellence We have them at various prices in the following shapes. LA EV1DEXCIA No. Price In box per box Perfecto 25 $4.00 Carolina Perfecto 25 4.00 Victoria Grande 50 5.00 Perfecto Chlco 50 5.00 Especlales 50 6.00 Bock Panetelas 100' 10.00 Purltanos Extra 50 4.00 Sublimes 60 4.00 Metropolitan ..,50 3.75 Nanetelas Flnas 50 4.00 Regella Relna Chlco 50' '. 3.60 Sports 100 4.00 JOSE VILA 100 ........50 Relna Victoria . Victoria Grande Tampa Rothschilds . . , Londres Extras Alfonsos Conchas Extra Sports Clear Havana... 100 50 ..a ..60 100 50 ,60 No. Price In box per box $10.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 Fifty in Each Derriman Bros., Makers, Tampa, Fla. mm The Peregoy & Moore Co., Distributers, of the West. O O M ndel. o o Always Fresh and in Fine (Iter de. Meidlel' In.. a toy Itself Admitted by all manufacture ers to be without an equal among American made cigars. - Packed in Christ- $6) M P6r BOX mas Boxes, Zj - nnA m all sizes, from........ dlili lip This is -a most excellent cigar for the price. It is made of long Spanish filler with an imported Sumatra wrapper. Tlie air-tight, cedar lined, copper container in which they are packed is a new and practical idea, which continually keeps the cigar in perfect condition. The idea is copyrighted and no other cigar can he so packed. Fifty for $2. 00. The Peregoy & Moore Co. Distributers for the West. i Lawrence Barrett Mild Havana 10c and 15c Cigar Packed in Seven Attractive Sizes From $1.75 Box Up. They Always Please. MAIL ORDERS on any of these brands will receive yery prompt atten tion, and will be forwarded with the card of the pur chaser to any address desired Be Sure You are Giving Cigars That Will Please BUY THEM HERE Always Good.. TOM KEENE Largest Selling Nickel Cigar Made PUT UP IN CHRISTMAS PACKAGES. Meerschaum Pipes Imported Direct The largest line carried in the west. I Prices the lowest ever known and they are of standard make. A stock of over 2,000 high grade pipes to select from. W hav thsm In Mahogany, Oak and Brass, both Aluminum and Coppar Llnad-Holdlng from 25 to 200 Clgara Cigar and Cigarette Cases In Leather or Metal Ranging In Price from 25c to $15 Three Standard lines of London Made Pipes, Imported direct From $1.50 to SJ20.00 a- Peterson B, B, 3, Cecil Also an immense assortment of imported Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Cases of both Leather and Metal. Tho Largost Lino of Smokor'o Novoltlos In tho Woot