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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
TOT: OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 23. 190. 3 X RgHHRD & WlLHELM T Y fll4.Ib.I5 S. Ifcth Street. T.6YS! The -war keop our Tor Section fresh is br removing all soiled, fchop rorn, or sliphtly damared Rarnpl Tors to the basement. These we put on sale at extraordinary barpain prices. lfce and lir Pressed Dolls, each c iou rtexa. org 4.... 2.l Doll Sets, each .. 4 Re Drews 5 Dolls. each . 12.26 Dressed Doll, each Be Sbeep $1.91 Goats ..: .. EPc Dock, each 25 Sl.OO $100 11.48 Caoopy Bd 95 r.Oc Iron Combination Safe . S7.10 Majrie Lanterns. . . . . .. lie and 2lc Books ........ 4fc Gtmes. . c and 3 Or Games 9hc Canopy Beds 7&c Canopy Beds 2&e Beds 60c Beds Sc Bods 7 Be Tool Cbewt $1.00 Register Banks .... 35 S5.M) 10r 20t 3r 45 35c STr 50 50t Do not fall to tIfH the basement toys sertron for this season's greatest tor bargains. Special Sale Music Sabinets and Ladies Desks A delayed shipment Is responsible for this extraordin ary sale. These Music Cabinets and Desks should hsve arrived here tvo weeks ago. They must be closed out be fore Christmas. Never mind whether It's the faciory, the transportation company or ourselves that looBe. Ton get the benefit. Here la the -tray they wtll go. HTSIC CABINET (Uk Illustration) Mahetany. dull fin ish. jatter& shaped top. 21 Inches vide, 17 taebes Ugh. reg ular 17.(0. pe- S12.7S-.Sr W a MTSIC CABINETS (Like XQsstratios) Very pretty Colonial pattern In genuine mahogany, dull fin ish, one drawer at top, nicely arranged Interior for music, heavy scrolled posts design, 22 Inches wide, 4 0 Inches high, regular price $30, special r $21.50 claw feet, 81 Inches wide. 4 0 Inches high, regular aenirg prioa $26.00, special $19.00 Other Music Cabinets and Desks as follows: $7 0.0" Solid Mahogany Colonial design desks. tw.i ?;?fti Same desk In roldn. oak polish finish, regular Belling pries $26.00. special $XS.5U ovv - DESK (Like HlrttJoB) Made of quarter-. wed $1.0 Golden Oak Desk, special tolfien oak. polish finish, antique design, heavy carved $13.50 Mahogany Music Cabinet MABOGAXT DESK Lk niurtmOoTi) A rery hKidsoroe Colonial pattern, genuine mahogany, dull p-nh One large drawer nnder the writing bed. heavy scroll design, 81 Inches wide, SS Inches high. Regular Belling price $30.00 special each ... $23.75 $13.75 $9.75 Buy w Your Christmas Supply 1H6S ttqecrs. Cordials. Whiskies, Et:. Take advantage of our free offer ? 7T T V Ti wSS!ss weunesoay that satisfying, confident feeling f that yon are getting the best at cut price. Special. Offers: Fla California Port. Eherrys, Muscatels. Clarets, Blackberry, Etc. the 65c quality, per bottle. --; - 48 Delicious Old Tokay Wine, New York's Best, per bottle 7J Guckeaheiner Rye "Whiskey, full Quarts -- 85C 4 gallons fl.5 Old Cedar Brook Bourbon, full Quarts y 95 gallon 1-75. Hlller's Straight Whiskey, full Quarts CYiA H gallons -f lJw Killer's Old Stock "Beats "Em All", full Quarts - $1.00 gallon f 1..5 Old Monticeno Rye (twelve years old) full Quarts $1.25 ,. 4 gallon rinecld Apricot, Orange, Banana, Raspberry ana cherry turuuu . . $1.25 QuaHtj, fall Quart - $1.00 EJlAoanTfSeTorUaleito'aarM TRACTION WAR AT HAYELOCK Citizeai Incensed at Failure to Secure Five -Cent Fare to Lincoln. . s ATTEMPT TO BUTLK A BEJDGE ftae trkMl F..4 Make a BIS f Pr far tke M Ultra Dollar taaae f Xwslaa Catr C rt BBa. arr ha mini i t hrv. th raar ti ifw i to Clnnh. lor trial and to rprjrv lrra trtwm. Thrif art th. maTter. te b. brtor. Judrr V imffT bffor. the cw u carrioa t. trial ta th rrrular way. tate KIS. far b BraSa. The Ftnars of darrrmal lnd. and Ftind. tndar maO. a bid far In. tnugla. oountr court knai hrmda. formallr srins t. take thna rn Mock al par or tak. them la uch tmonnti a Ioua-la( county rotnmiRaionera may flMrtra. -Hh irty day' not Ire. It la th tmdprtriand ing that Xtourla county has an oftrr far the entire of honde in a Mwb iwiA the term of tbe bid today make It prwalble for the county board to well the bfntda, a It need the money. The oiler f the board will net the state per cent. Treasurer Brian made a almllar btd brf jre, but thin i the authorised and formal action of the state board. C..a. avr tm Wi. After spendlnit two weeks in Wajihlni: trm Concxessman Pollard returned to his home In Nfhswka Tuesdsy mornins. when be will spend the boHdaja. He stdpned Ui Lincoln for a few hours Monday. He Is firmly convinced that Speaker Cannon will hanp to the job and that the next election, which will come with the spertid session In March, will see the oppoettlcin line up in docile fashion for the autocratic smeaker. Before election Congressman Pollard would not state hi position publicly. He said to his friend that he "did not wish to Jeopards? hi committee position by " inr BJtalnst a sure thing or word to that effect. He said immediately after election that be fid not think his defeat was due in any measure to his attitude toward tbe Cannon matter. The congressman believed that President Roosevelt wa wrong In the stlnd he had taken that created such a turmoil regard ing the use of the secret service corjw. The First district congressman believed that the special message was, in this par ticular, founded on Ignorance of th truth tit secret service affairs. Rest Rwa twr Wtars. Wive of farmers who come to Lincoln to do their trading will shortly be accom modated with a delightful rest room fixed up In the basement of the city hall. Borne weeks ago the city fathers would not even entertain such an Idea, but last r.ight when a delegation of women swooped down on the council meeting the vote could not have been more unanimous to let the women have the room. Job Lka GM to Biskra. There has been a lot of talk about Horace Bishop turning down the appointment as teward at the Insane hospital here and holding on to the ctty council Job. At this time Bishop's refusal la about as likely as a statement from Arthur Mullen that he win stay with his lucrative law practice and turn down the oil Inspectorship! Grerae Waists X Rehearing;. R. J. Greene, the Lincoln lawyer who was convicted In tbe lower court of extorting money from a saloon keeper, but who came clear In the supreme court because the judges held the law unconstitutional, will not ask for a rehearing.. When asked if he would ask the court for a rehearing Mr. Greene replied: 'Tnless 1 am forced to do to, I gnesa 1 will not ask for a rehearing." Some of Mr. Greene's friends thought he might ask for a vindication instead of being satisfied to get off by a technicality. MUlers Fisrht for Bleox-htoaj OHrr. The South Platte Millers- association mot here this afternoon In annual convention and discussed the recent proclamation of Secretary Wilson of the repartment of Agriculture to the effect that to bleach flour was to adulterate Tt. The matter was gone Into thoroughly and It was decided that the state association appeal to the national association for 'help In fighting the order. The millers believe tt will prac tically put them out of business if tbe order Is permitted to stand. Tbe following officers were elected. D. M. Dean of Lincoln, president; B. Ol Cooper of Humboldt, vice president; H. B. Smith of TTniverslty Place, secretary; Eur- dette Boyes of Seward, treasurer. The meeting closed tonight with a ban quet at the Lin dell hotel. The Fight Is On Ever moment ef yvur Irfta when you ore at homo or abroad, awake or asleep Between tbe porno twins that are in air, Jood and water. everywhere in fact. and tbe billion of yonr invisible friends., Ute little soidier-rorpuscle in vow blood. If tbeee little soldiers are kept strong and healthy by taking Hood s barsa parilia, you need have bo fear of dis ease. Begin using it at onoe if you are at all under tbe weather, or hsve troubles of the blood, stomach, live and kidneys. Get it of your druggist. BIG BARGAIN SPECIALS For Christmas at Hartman's OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS 1SOO Faraaoi Street. "We ship four Quarts or more prepaid. "Toyland, Toyland, Little Girls' g Boys' Land" SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS The 11 ace Where the Wishes of the Little Ones Caa Be rally Satisfied. A Complete Line of Tcjs 2nd Xms Gcsds Gcisg 4 Vith:::t Reserve Regardless cf Cost A Splendid Line of Oar Own Make Knit Goods J sat Tbe Thing for Christmas Gifts- Jos. F- Bit's Sons 204-206 Wo. 16th UsTORE OREN EVENINGS O-rlJ BAILEY (EL NACH DENTISTS Best iujjpd Lsaatai o&toe La the satdale west, fl'Cbest fc-rade DeaUsuy at BeafinaMs rnsee f erofiala txitiax. Just lis the loots. tUUU f'LOOJt r AXIOM BIOCS lch am (From a Staff Owrespondent,) LINCOLN, Neb., Tec. 22. (Special.) Incensed over the action of the Lincoln Traction company In refusing to grant oncessions that were asked by the city ciuncil of Havelock a mob of more than .W men gathered along the track of tbe sompany shortly after 1 o'clock Tuesday norning and threatened to tear up the tracka A bridge of the company near the Hock Island tracks was partially burned. Manasw Humpe of the Traction company had anticipated trouble and a dark ear guarded by a number of traction company officials remained in Havelock during .the evening. When the mob had gathered near the bridge the car was run to the place and whiio the lights were out an approach was made to within a few feet tf those who were gathered there. A search light was then used and a numlter of persons were recognised. Ieputy Sheriff Dawson was called to Havelock about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning, but when he arrived all was quiet. The bridre, which was partly burned, wras reached, but the mob had dispersed. The deputy and his two assistants Inspected tne tracks of the company in and 'about Havelock. but there was no f uHher damage done. The officers returned to Lincoln early In the morning. - Miyof Hinkle of Havelock declared that he had heard of the brewing trouble In the afternoon, but that be had expected no violence and that he had retired ahortly before midnight. Drnir Cooaolttatloo Bosaor. President McXKmald of the Lincoln Trac tion company left Tuesday afternoon for New Tork. where he will spend Christmas with hl family. Mr. McDonald denied aQ street railway merger rumors. He declared that he wat not going east expressly to conduct con solidation negotiations. Dickering between the local stockholders of 'the two com- pailt has been in progress fur sume time. It Is claimed that the local men have reached an understanding. However. it Is necessary to secure an agreement among the eastern stockholders and a sat isfactory deal is declared unlikely. attororr DeLar Coae. Owing tn the fart that one of the lawyers is In Iowa trying a murder case argument on the two motions penCmg in the suit of J. M. Leyda, trustee, against Matt and Henry Gering and the First National bank of Plattsmouth were not beard before Judge T. C. Munger in t'ntted Stales court this morning. The aloent attorney was tlx first of the Acfendanta. This is the socond or third time that the case has been con tinued because of hi being detained else where la murder trials. About 6.SMS t in controversy between the plaintiffa, who represent the creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding, and the defend ants. A short time before the prooeeding la bankruptcy was started the siierchaiit whom It concerns transferred hi stock of goods to the Gering.. whu sold It and turned the money received iu payment ovjr l. the bank, as it is nov alleged. The general creditors have unsa.tisfH'd claim totaling til.1!, and the trustee asserts that there is nothing else on hand ts pay them He wants the money paid by the Geniugs refunded and applied in settlement of the merchant's obligations. Mart Gering is conducting the case for tie Aefesae as Its attorney. A )aur or two EEATTUCB Mrs. Klein, am old resident of Adams, received a broken leg by being kicked by a cow w hich she was milking. BEATRICE In a spirited bowling con test last evening the Iempster team de feated tbe clerks by the score of .2M to 2J01. FLATTEMOUTH Rev. Luther Moore of Princeton. Mo., has accepted a call to the pastorate of tbe First Chritctian church in this city. BEATRICE Mrs. A. C. Hollingsworth departed yesterday for Colorado Bprmgs, Colo., to spend the holidays with her mother and brothers. BEATRICE Revival service are being held at the United Brethren church by Rev. McNulty, a convened actor. Large crowds are in attendance each evening. BEATRICE Walter Graff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Graff, living three miles west f the city, died yesterday morning after an illnesa of two ear., aged li years. BEATRICE The body of W. B Bishop, the traveling man whs was killed last week at Wilcox, Neb., in getting off a freight train, was interred at Blue S;ring yesterday. HEBRON John Brlnegar died at his home near Belvidere Monday evening of blood poisoning. He was an eary settler in Thayer county. ieing fib years of age at the time of la. death. PERT The registration for the pre ltmnary df-uates ha closed and the ques tions hsve 1m en assigned. Tnene rifbaie determine who sha.ll represent the Normal on the interstate and intercollegiate teams. CENTRAL CTTT-N. E. Keller nnd J. W. Machamer have closed a deal by the ttrmi of which the forrrer eachanges his farm north of town, containing 5Si arri-a. for the store owned by thetter at Litch field. PLATTFMOrTH William Manning of Minneapolis, Minn., and Miss hosa wartx were married in the home of the bride s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geortre H Swart, in Limwoed, Monday. Rev. In. Woodcock. pHRtor of the Methodist Episoopal church, officiating. BEATRICE The Woman's Christian Temperance union held a largely attended meeting yesterday, which was addressed by Mrs. Mary G. Smith, president of the union at Hoopestown, in. 6ne spoke at length on the training of children from infancy to womanhood and manhood. BEATRICE The engine and tender of passenger train No. 13, due bere from Cmaha at t C p. m . left the track yester day afternoon as the tram wa leaving Raymond. Neb Traffic was blocked for five hours on account of the sncidnt and the train did not rac.h Iieatrice until li o clock last night. No one was hurt AINSWORTH Lsst Snturdsr nirht the Msson tif Silver Card indg No M. An cient Free and A-c-jited Masons, had a grand time. They Ixeued the third "gree to J. E. Ptauffer. After the work was all ever he Invited all present to the Aus t'um house, w here a banquet w as enjoyed. ri.ATTFMOT.TH Burglars got busy M nday nirrht rn Vnlon. this county, and cutting a wire screen opened the window and entered the hardware ntnre of L R. 1'pton and secured about I.'' in cash. kntvB, torks. spoons, revolver and other goods and made good their departure with out twing discovered by ary one. FLATPMOt-TH-Th- T'-l Jed Sokol so ciety elcted these officr for the ensuing year: president. Vac K"liout-k : rwordmg eMertarr. Ijol Jiran; fmanciRl secretary. F.mi! ItBk; treasurer, Jarti- Rebel: trus tees. A. Kanka, J. W. Bookm"yer and Vmr Pilny: physical director. L Jirsn: captain. Charles Hodroha; janitor, A. Kamha. sr. BKATR1 CK Captain A. H. Hollinrs worth of Compa.ry C yesterday recenefl eighteen marksmen's medals and one ex pert rifleman s medal for member -of Company C who participated In the annti ranee practice held at Ashland last Ju!. The medals were given to the mem tier entitled to them a the meeting held Tuesday evening. HEBRON In the case cf the state against William Brcr. who was tried in district court last week on a charge of assault upon a ft-yesr-old girl, the Jury brought in a verdict of acquittal. This case wa of great interest to the people cf Thayer county a the accused man i an old soldier who has been a resident of this county for twenty years. HEBRON David Bherwood. e-rmirtr commissioner of Thayer county, was found dead In a room in the Alexandria hotel Pandey forenoon. He had a-one tn the room to prepare for a trip and dropped dead of heart failure. Mr. Sherwood was one of the oldest residents of the county and was commissioner t consecutive terms dur ing the time tbe t7L,(W0 court bouse was lielng built. FERT" The Normal model school gwve a Christmas profrram in the chap- last evening. A special feature of the program was a mimher of stereoptlcon view of the initial Chriwmas tKle. Various members of the faculty, who hsve seen the orierinals of fhese rlide in their traveling abroad, gave excellent description of thTn from on the canvas. The funds derived from this entertainment will be tised to improve the model school equipment. CENTRAL CTTT Already the severer of the winter in the west and the rtenth 'f the snow there has made it necessary for sheepmen who have herd in the went to sh'n them here lor winterme. lnn Lord of Rocc. n. Colo., a former rwidort of this county, arrived a fw days airo with a shrnmTt of l.W lEmbs. which he took to hi rsnch out on th liup. The Itmhs w-re unlonded bere and driven tn the ranch. Excessive snow tn the wept made t impossible to winter the lambs there., so Mr. Lord said. CENTRAL CTTT Tf the derision recently hat ded down by the supreme court is o? the ecore the lawyer here brieve Clian mar 1 likely to be without a saloon shortly anf Merrick county will be entirely with out saloons, save for the one et Pilver Creek. The CBsr, which is thnt of citisni of Chapman acatns-t Lewis P"Well, who wt granted a license by the village board in the spring, and who has been opera tins under It ever since, raised the rjuefrion ol the insufficiency of the number of rimers, the remonstrators maintait.ine that al! the signers were not bonaficie resident free 1 olCers and that some of them hud been made property holder solely for the pur pose of sisning the petition." Th decision directs thai the license of Mr. Powell lie canceled, and so It is probable that the saloon will be compelled to close. BROKEN BOW County Attorney C. L. Gutterson, who sustained serious injuries bv tbe overturning of hi hupxT late Pnn tlsy afternoon, was reported somewhat better today. The almost severed ear ha been stitched In place by lr. Mullin and will probably knit together without much trouble. From later statements it appear that the two automobiles were not actually trying to pas Judce Gutterson at the time of the accident, but were some distance away. The horse, seeing their approach, took fright, made a quick. hort turn and upset the hurry. Mrs. Gutterson. who wa with her busliand. was also hurt, but not seriously. Judre Gutterson is one of the well known legal light of western Ne braska and the unfortunate accident will be generally deplored among members of the bar and his numerous friend. Ky a Wood Clocks 9) aw or L2 Here's an article that Is not only unique and oraa niectal. but is wonderfully practical shd usefuL These Corel rlotks are itnported direct by us. They are made way up in tbe Mart forests of Germ ee y ol that peculiar native wood, and made In that novel fashion so easily reenpnited a tbe band! work of German ckKkmskers. Tbe movements In these clocks sre made of brass. They re easily repuiated. Here's someihinp that is nice enough and novtl enouph to ornament any home and here's an opportunity now to secure such an article at less than one-third the price at w hich it la usually advertised. as . llt-T SOLTTI OAK ROCKER of very handBome denifai, high back, beau tifully carved, wide, roomjo . no and comfortable. Special! ,0 3 this sale for $5.75 8m t-i a-.. r s- ,i T4,4 T MAHOGAXV ROCKKRS v. They are very handsome in Epiearance. Made in pol iabed mahopany finish, extra broad seat and broad back. large carved head on eaoh arm, at $5.75 Payments on Holiday Goods sees set begin sntS after the fsadt art aefivered. Scire! oif. paili NO ('. Re will deliver tbra ahesrver yei wish is anietterri Haps n l JV1 f I I VV-l , - l 1 "Feather your nesf I4I4-I4IO-I4I8 DOUGLAS ST A IX Cwllty of Coaaterfelttos. Passing counterfeit money is no worse than substituting some unknown worthless remedy for Foley's Hpney and Tar, tbe great cough and cold remedy that cures tbe most obstinate coughs and heals the lung, sold by a'l Orurglsta Copley, Jeweler, diamonds. 216 B 36th Bt. Fresh Christmas Candy Sealed Packages Only Our supply of Christmas Candies is all In oriein&i Factory Sealed Boxes, 4j pound, 1 pound, 2 jtounds, S pounds and S pounds eafch leaa, freh, d Lioious. "We carry the following kinds: HIVLEKS WOOWTAED'S V. H. Maaeppa Chocolalea O'Brien's Muote CTiristo' Chooolates liaJdufTs Go)d Mtxlal" Chocolates Sorority CbxicoliUea JuIihihib'. Swiss Chocolates All fresh and in pretty boxes (Bealed) and at lowest prices. Sherman A M (-Council Inig Co Cor. 16th and Isodge. Owl Irnx Co, Cor. 16tb and Harney. Onr footwear will outwear footwear bought elsewhere!! The most acceptable and pleasing XMAS GIFTS For the male members of the family whether he be man or 1kt, is a pair of our Christmas slippvrs. Men! Have xoti ever worn ONIIVIOD OR Shoes? If not you Lave not been wearing' the beet fcboes made for man. They are put together by men who know how. Prices are $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00.' QH.LIOD SPECIAL AT $3.03 Is very popular. Regent sos XSHOE g S.I 5? ST. GOLD SEAL America's Favorite Chsmpsgse No Xmas Dinner complete without it. Equals the best Fresch wines costs but HALF. Two Kinds SPEaALIIV-EILT Sold by grocers and s'iiM tue.rcba.nia. UB kk WINE CO, Drteu, a. T, ,1 ft M special ""ti The properly served T'urkey will corns to the table sur rounded profusely with Saratoga Chips Bold only In brown, wax-paper sacks always clean and fresh. If your grocer doesn't have tbfem Its worth while telephoninic an order to us as see to delivery. Bredakr's Saratoga Chip Cs- H Farnam Bt. 'Phone Xxiug. S(t TWO MORE DAYS to select your plftE. Our store is still fuU of ChriBtmas suggeBtiona "We Lave a larte cumber of clerks so that you will be well taken care of. Spend a few minutes in our store. LOOK FOR THE SAME S. W. LKDSAY, Jeweler 1516 IXsnclas Mre-t 20 OFF V V 'v AutumoLuf Liuncti bets fur pu-i Lie. i r X.jA , tour and an, Poiaing Iriij.)ii F ! l-. Cups. Fiaaaa. Biii BtoS J-o( aet Bu .a ' i ) Ccuar and Cuff Caneu, Men's Hut 1 .': I Cigar Cases. Idomy Beits aiid MUitai S 'v ... .... ' ; ''":'! V Hi ushea 20 autuuuet will be alivwn . . ',-' j l, abie menuonod guoa. un ''" ' "ai ." J S Jan. 1. lt0. The Hue cemprises n.a unpurted artic lna, a. well as Diudwu sasa osa f f mm mm S and Is the cboieest to be bad Cnnd Ooocie at very low prices. rMsJiiE", I OMAHA TrUniCfACTORY I Moctol tWssooee TrookoSi fooljo m ao Miuwrrt tn aavaatct. ta- asatsiArtM aaa. eor aoa oa ftsctol nww ooO TosttiMotaW. sm ai.g- o Or Traveling Bags. Lodies' liaadbaga, 1-adie.' Neckwear Foioera. Music bun Attorneys' Liorumml Ho. is. Tuliet oei. i'lcnic bta. nriunf beta, atiavuug as.. AutumoLuf L.uiict bets fur pal Lie. a. C4UHM tarj Jan. 1. lbbk. The iiue rompriKi ami) loiDurted anii lna. a. weii a. comet, tic ktxxx. at rn oi-s rx-acx 1209 FARNAM STREET