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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
rIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2.1. 1P0S. !! Pong. Only Two More Buying Days, Then Christmas There remains but two days in which to buy the Christmas gift. Come here Wednesday and buy a useful gift. If it comes from Thompson, Belden & Co's. it is sure to be appreciated. . New Evening Coats, Just Arrived. Grand stowing of evening coats Just arrived from the famous style centers of the east Each one re vealing the best workmanship, the most stunning style and the richest quality. They are made es ' peclally for women of good taBte who admire and demand good fitting garments. You will find a liberal variety, and Just remember that this la a store of one price and the lowest price. Come Wed nesday, we will be glad to show you these exquisite and most stylish garments. Wednesday Candy Special. Baldnft'i delicious Chocolate Fruit Loaf, regular price 60c a pound, Wednesday, at pound, only 30 All fancy boxes at greatly reduced prices. Visit our popular candy department. You will save money. . Down Quilts for Gifts Are Beautiful as well as useful. Appreciated because there is no article that will add so much to the comfort of a person as does a down quilt bed cover Prices $5.00, $5.00. $7.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.60, $15.00, $18.00,'$20.00 and $25.00 each. ; White Waist Patterns for Christmas. Each pattern put up in neat box, ready for gift giving, price, each $1.25 ' STORE '"; J f Si When Ured out EVEN. " X. M -r from shopping ixos I'ntil; clfc: solution of our International disputes, to live at peace and harmony at home and abroad, n! to permit the law alone to hold undisputed '-'sovereignty throughout the land." New Cabinet Represeatatlve. The composition of the new cabinet is regarded as representative and as holding good promise' for successful administration. Munox Tebar, the minister of finance. Is a noted engineer and In 188 he was a candi date for the presidency. General Regullno Ollvarea, the new minister of war. Is re garded as one of the best military men In Veneiuela today. Benor Maldorado, tha rew minister of publlo Instruction, la an 'author of considerable note. Linares Al ciinlara, the minister pf the Interior, was for many years president of the state of Aragua. Ma Is considered aa a likely candi date for the presidency. .Rafael Carabano, the new minister of de velopment (fomehto). Is a young military leader of much prestlge.'Jonialei Oulnaud, the new minister of foreign affairs, was prominent " IA affairs of state during the epoch of Quzman Blanco and he enjoys great Influence throughout the republic. The - minister of public - works,' Roberto Vargas, 1 a general of note and Is con sist red tut have a. brilliant future. It la generally admitted that the new cabinet is a strong one and especially well qualified to handle any possible contingencies. Acting President Gomes has given orders that -all the political prisoners In Venesuela ba Set at liberty. - TiMwhlprntat Deeree Revoked. WlLLjCMSTAD, Curaooa, Dec. 22. Tha new Venezuelan administration has revoked the decree prohibiting the transshipment at Wlttetastad Of 'goods' destined for Venezue lan points. This revocation la regarded by well Informed persons here as meaning practically the settlement of the dispute between the two governments. The measure la question has been the Principal difficulty In the atralned relatione between Holland and Venesuela. The .deduction from the latest news re ceived here from, Caracas the enforced resignation of the' Castro cabinet la that the reign of President Castro In Venesuela Is over. CRAFT IN PITTSBURG (Continued from First Page.) - . . might "drop" today, certainly tomorrow, of much publlo Interest. fklcf of Detective la Net. .Another sensation developed today when It beoaree known that Director of Publlo Safety Lang had demanded the resignation of Captain of Detectives Edwin T. Mo OougU. Thla action followed a conference between Mayor Guthrie and Director Lang while they were In attendance last night at tha meeting of the Voters' league, whe caused tha prosecutions against tha councilman and bankers. Director Lang said today: "My reason for asking Captain McOough for Ms resignation has nothing to do with the arrest of the councilman. There was another reason and a more serious) one. bat what It Is I will not discuss. - ' Reports axe In circulation, however, that Christmtxs Get Them at the 't ' S Gifts for LittloUFollows Velvet Salts. Russians and sail ers :.-,..; $12.50 Whit Serge Sulta. Sailors and Russians 99.00 Pur Overcoats 915.00 Indian; Suit 91.25 Loqa; Pent Sailor Suits at . i 910.00 Sweaters, at. . . . 91.00 91.50 Suspenders 25 50t Gloves and Mittens, 50c 81.25 niihcut Boots, raw hide lace. at ....... 93.50 ' Selling agent for Mark Cross celebrated English Leather Goods. m BENSON J'THCpSNE CO. ie ata rmiH SfecSj itt Pyta. lag- Important News Just One-Half Price. $1.00 Silk and Wool Crepe de Chine, yd. 50c Unexpected news for women who have not yet purchased their gifts. One of this season's most ele gant fabrics. The color line to choose from Is choice, new rose pink, tan. dark rich brown, car dinal, del blue, very handsome French gray nn.: cream. We shall not attempt detailed description, of this beautiful, high class fabric. The name of the fabric and the material from which It is manu factured (silk and wool) clearly Indicates the very unusual nature of the vevent. Your choice, Wed nesday, 60c yard. $1.19 Women's Gloves $1.19 At A Special Price. These will make a most acceptable gift A short pique kid glove of fine quality, in black, brown, tans and greens tor Wednesday's selling, per pair $1.10 Men's Shirt Opportunity in the Basement. Men's Soft Negligee Shirts (collars attached) most remarkable savings: 75c, $1.00, $1.25 $1.76, $2.00, $2.60 Baa 12-22-'0S. differ from the director's statement Cap tain McOough is well known throughout the country as a clever detective. - Five of tha accused covnctlmen, Messrs. Wesson, Ferguson, - Brand,- ' Klein and Melaney have Issued statements today which ' are to the effect that they are greatly surprised and all at sea regarding their arrest. Hoarse coughs and stuffy olds that may develop . Into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, as It soothes Inflamed membranes, heals tha lungs and expels the cold from the system. Sold by all druggists. flERDMAN MING SPEAKER (Continued from First Page.) session It is obligatory upon him to file with the secretary of state an Itemised Itatement of tha amount of money he has spent during the session. That Is if he gives a certain member $3 worth of theater tickets that Item roust appear, or If he gives a $25 dinner to members that item must appear. , Tha . law ,ls not definite whether 'he must also give the amount of his losses In a poker game with members, but It says aM expenses In connection with the legislation, so that Item probably must be Included. Now, If the lobbyist doesn't do all that he will be subject to a Jail sentence of one year or a fine of $1,000. Tha corporation Is subject to a fine of $1,000. If the expense account la not filed within two months, the corporation la subject o a penalty of $100 a day until It la filed. None of which applies to agents of coun ties, cities, towns, villages, publlo boards and publlo Institutions. Nor to lawyers who merely draft bills and tell those In terested what certain legislation will do to their business. , Canaty Clerks Lose Mener. County clerks aro finding that Under the present game lawa that portion relating to tha Issuance of licenses Is a costly proposi tion. One county clerk - sent in $53 and told the state treasurer he had collected only $30, so was out the difference. Parties from towns In the county would call up and ask to be mailed a license and the money would be ' forthcoming. Then the money would never come. Entertainment Postponed. The reception contemplated by Mrs. Sheldon and Mrs. John B. Wright to be held at the executive mansion on tha night of January 1 haa been postponed until a later date. The postponement was made necessary because of numerous home din ners at that time. Mrs. Sheldon will en tertain at tea tomorrow afternoon. Railroad A irises Cosamtealoa. A brief was filed with tha railway com mission In the case of the Craig Lumber company of Omaha and the Florence Lumber company agaleat the Chicago. St Pi.ul, Minneapolis at Omaha railroad, charging excessive rates on ' lumber and material between the two points. Tha brief was tha work of Ben T. White and C. C. Wright and touches on two points. Tha railway commission. It saya, has no au thority to order a reparation for over charge. A switching charge. It says, la alL Novelties for Boys. Days a.nd Girls' Own Store. Gifts For Larger Boys Corduroy Suiu, 8.00 to 84.50 Reoers and Overcoata.CJ3B.60. lo.oo. a.oo,, $a.5o, $5 Bath Robes. fS.75, S3.23, $2.75, nd 92.25 Athletic and Coat Sweaters, 2.50, f.2.00 and 91.50 Fancy Vests, $2.78, 2.50 and 92.25 Mufflers, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 ftnd 50 Neckwear, 80c, 36c and . ...25t High cat Boots, raw hide laces, t 94.50 Qlovea, Umbrellas, Hats. A-Hl" at and $1.60 Shirts, at. each 39J and $3.00 Shirts, at, each 79 visit the resting rooms, 3rd floor. a charge fixed regardless of distance and In thla case would be discriminatory and should not be ordered by the commission. It suggests a commodity rate between the two places and offers to help the commis sion arrive at a Just settlement of the case. Contest far Legislative Seat. A legislative contest from the Fifty-third representative district haa been filed with the secretary of state, though not through me usual channels. This afternoon he re ceived from the county Judge of 81oux county A. L. Bchnurr the papers In a con test which had been filed with him by Fred W. Johanaen, democrat, against Charlea H. Chase, republican. With the papera came a bill from the Judge for $3.60. He wrote that he dismissed tha contest because of a lack of jurisdiction, holding that It was up to the legislature to pass on such questions. And besides Johansen failed to appear on the day of the hearing. Hearing; om Freight Classification. The Railway commission haa set January 13 for the hearing of protests against the adoption of the western classification freight rates No. 46. Several protests have been made against this classification be cause it lncreasea rates on certain com modities. Aska Nevr Telephone Rate. The Nebraska Telephone comduiv has asked permission of the fitata Rallwav mm. mission to reduce its ratea on residence telephones at Norfolk to com Dot a with th Independent company. The company aska to make a reduction from $18 to $12 a year on four-party line phones. As the Inde pendent company haa a charge on file of $1.60 a month for those telephones the com mission has asked for more information before taking action. Petition to Change Rail Ratea. The Burlington haa aoDlled for from tha Railway commission to cut out certain rates which it Inherited from the Great Northern. Owing to the Aldrlr.h lw these rates cannot be changed without a hearing, so the commission set January 13 In the afternoon for the case to come up. Jadeea Ask Higher Salary. Judge John B. Barnea and Judge M. B. Reese have filed their voucher, tnr tha fourth quarter with the state auditor, for salaries, ttacn aska for $791. 6a. Thla Is at the rate of $2,500 a year for October and November and $4,500 a vear for tha month of December. The district Judges who have filed their salary vouchers for the quarter, based their claims on a salary of $2,100 ) year. However, acme of them attached a voucher for December, because of the adoption of the constltu tiponal amendment relating to the judici ary Is $12,6.70. Auditor Searle has not yet decided he will laaue the warranta The quarter for all constitutional officers cloaea on Jan uary 7. ao the warrants are In fact not due until that time, so mandamus could not He against the auditor nrevinui ta that date, which Is the . time Auditor Searle quits business. Mr. Searle may hold up the vouchera until that time and permit Auditor-elect Barton to paaa upon the question whether the warrants ahould be drawn before the legislature makes a specific appropriation for the money. Hamer Wants Another Hearing. Judge Hmer. attorney for W. T. Turlw. whoae application for clemency waa turned down by Acting Governor Hope well, Monday, haa filed an application for another hearing. The new hearing haa been aet for January It, Governor Shel don will be out of office before tha ne cessary publication could ba made of the application. Turley Is serving a tevan-teen-year aentence for murder. Commission Goes to Colambaa. The State Railway commission went to Columbus tonight to take evidence In a telephone case Involving the connection of two ayatems. While there the commls lon wl)l Investigate tha Columbus depot whlo hthe Commercial club aaya the Union Paclflo promised to replace with a new one during 108. Health Commis sioner Wilson went along to see whether the depot 1 sanitary. RETIRED FARMER ENDS 1119 LIFE M. A. Silver Ha age Himself While Despondent. SEWARD, Neb.", Dec. 22. (Special Tele gram.) H. A. Silver, a prosperous retired farmer living In Tamora, tha first station west of Seward on the Burlington road, committed suicide this morning by hanging himself In an outbuilding.- 8. Brown, a general merchant of Tamora, failed a short time ago, owing Stiver about $300. Tha loss of thla money seemed to pray on his mind, as he had been worrying about It, and It la thought that he took bis life while tem porarily deranged. Sliver made so- much noise In the out building 'hat hi wife, hearing the com motion, rushed out, but baore she eould out hint down be was dead. County Coroner Workman waa summoned from Milford and aa Inquest was held thla after aeon. Mr. -Silver and two daughters, ana a little girl and another who graduated last sp.lng from the Srward High ohooU sur vive Mm. ClIAJtOB IN Plfo E CONNECTION Liberty Compear rtlacaatlana Vac of the RrM. BEATIUCB. Neb Drc. r.-(Spclal Tel egram.) At a mnvllnir of the stockholders of the Liberty Independent Telephone com pany at Liberty today It was voted to dis pense with the services of the Nebraska Telephone company and that concern vat given thirty days to disconnect with the Liberty company. When the Liberty com pany entered Into a contract, with the Dell people iom time ago It cut out the lines of the Home company which connected nine Springs , and. Beatrice with Liberty. This action occasioned considerable strife among the' companies, which resulted In the Bell company being: ordered to dis connect Its line toddy. Several representa tives of the Bine Springs company attended the meeting; and the action" of tha Liberty company will result In service again being restored with the Blue Springs concern. TWO MEN FIGHT EXTRADITION Silvers and Maave Resist Belna; Taken to Llncola far Trial. SIOUX. CITY, la.. Dec. J2.-(Speclal Tele gram.) C. W. Silvers and Buck Mauve, who are suspected of burglary Jobs In both Drs Moines and Omaha, aro putting up a hard fight against returning to Lincoln, where they will be charged with having burglarized the Miller Pains store. De tective James Malone of Lincoln arrived thla morning from Des Moines with requisi tion papers and was on the point of putting the 'shackled prisoners In a carriage out side the county . jail to bring thpm across the river Into Nebraska when Wllber Owen, their counsel, dashed at breakneck speel Into the court house yard and demanded of Jailer McDougall that he serve habeas cor pus papers on Malone. The men were tnken baurk to Jail and tho habeas corpus hearing will be held January 4. Case of Swift Jastlce. M'COOK. Neb.. Dec, 22. (Speclal.)-Red Willow county furnishes a case of swift Justice. Joslah 8. Calvert robbed an In toxicated friend Saturday night, was ar rested on Sunday, appeared In district court today and pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one: year In the penitentiary, to which he was taken by the sheriff the same night. The amount involved was $60. Calvert la 23 years, old. Watches FRENZERljjth and Dodge. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Henrietta Jackson. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Dec. 22.-(8peclBl.) Mrs. Henrietta Jackson, who died et her apartments In the Mondamln hotel Sunday after a lingering Illness, first visited Bloux City In 1833, and It Is probable that no other lvlng person had aet feet on the pre sen' site of Sioux City at that time. She was born In New Orleans, the daughter of Charlea Bt. Aubin, an artist. Upon tho death of her father her mother married Dr. John K. Cook, who subsequently laid out the towns of Omaha and Sioux City. Dr and Mrs. Cook and Miss St. Aubin were in Council Bluffs In 1852, and In that year Miss St. Aubin married James A. Jackson. The following year Mr. and Mrs. Jackson made their first trip to the trading post which marked the spot where Dr. Cook and Mr, Jackson ' bought land and laid out the town of Sioux City. Mrs. Jackson onee owned ' the ' present site of Mornlngslde. At the time of her; death she still was a large . owner of property in that suburb. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson lived In Council Bluffa until 1863,,.wben they removed to St. Louis, . where they lived until 1887. Mr. Jackson waa, engaged in the wholesale grocery business and also operated a line of river packets. In 1887 they removed to Sioux City. Mrs. Jackson is survived by her two children, A. M. Jackson of Sioux City and Mrs. Georgia Jackson-Wilson of Galena, Kan. Row Aahton. 8SWARD. Neb., Dec. 23. (Special Tele gram.) Roy Ashton, who was Injured In a mine at Cripple Creek, Colo., a week ago, died yesterday and the body Is being brought to Seward for burial, the funeral to be held Thursday. Young Ashton waa 28 years of age and was a brother of Mrs. Burdette Boyes of this city. Mrs. Kills Thomas. BEAVER CITY, Neb., Dec. 22. (Special.) Mra. Ellis Thmoas, wife of one of the oldest and most prominent farmers of Fur nas county, died at her home near here today after an Illness of but a few hours. She leavea a husband and a son and daughter. . Bishop J, 8. Mlchaad. NEW YORK. Deo.' 12. The Right Rev. John S. Mlchaud, bishop of the Roman Catholic dloceaa of Burlington, Vt., died at St. Vincent's hospital today. Copley, jeweler, fobs. 215 S. 16th St. Defendant Wlaa Salt. BIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Dec. 22. (Special.) After being out all night, a Jury in the atate circuit court tor Lyman county re turned a verdict for tit defendant in the case of Rosendahl agalnat Mattson, which waa of a sensational character. Rosendahl accused Mattson of having alienated the affections of his wife, and sought to re cover damages In the sum of $10,000. Fear Years for Fraad. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec. 22.-Four yeare In tha penitentiary was tne sentence pro nounced today upon Thomas McGrath, con victed of fraud as a Judge of election In the Second precinct of the Third ward at the last general primary. Judge Shields ranted an SDneal to tne supreme court I ana Mcuratn was reieasea on uonns. DAME NATUREJS A CHEAT Bald-Headed Clan Think the Hair Dis tribution Unfair. O MA HANS HEAR ABOUT "Q-BAN' Tba South ra Tormula Whlck Is a Sonroa OX CtraUileauoa to Kunarees el Kesreakans Who Hare round Premises rulXUle. Whenever a bald-headed man rases on another fellow' with a wealth of Buffalo Bill locks, he feela aa if Dame Nature had cheated him In the distribution of hair. Ten per cent of people who are bald couldn't 'coax another growth of hair If they had a hundred fears to devote to experi ment. It la not to these souls that Dr. Kott'a Q-ban Hair Restorer appeals. The oilier to per cent, however, are Interested. They've food reaaon to be. Hair that Is falling- because of dandruff, la effectually aaved by the use of this preparation. In no sense of the word a dye, this Q-ban Hair Restorer will bring the natural color of youth to tray hair. Beard .that are streaked with gray are restored to their original color, through the us of this wonderful discovery of Dr. Nutt. ' Tha results are so sure that The Hesslg ElUs Drug Co, of Memphis. Tenp-. have authorised tha Myers-Dillon Drug -Co., whe represent them here, ta give one big bottle of the Q-ban Hair H caterer for nothing. If a full treatment of three bottle doea not bring results promised a reatoratlon of the color of youth -then all moaey paid will be refunded. Indies find tUls preparation highly efficient for the toilet. It atop itching of the scalp and keeps It sweet, pur and wholesome. BIG CUT This is a sample line we bought very cheap. "We will place the entire purchase on sale on Wednesday, just-before Christmas, at about half the regular price. It is a chance that win'probably never occur again in years. T Celery No such rett ever Deiore II" BBW : ever before offered in WJL Omaha. . -Cv V Jf J Omaha. YOUR Broadway bon bons and choco lates or all chocolates, Cf. per pound '. .' JC Bweetland Special In handsome floral boxes, bon bona and choc olates or all choco- "X C lates, per pound ...... aJ76 Duchess chocolates, assorted packed In handsome litho graphed boxes, C0i per pound TfUC College chocolates, packed bon bons and chocolate or all choc olates, in college 'lOl girl boxes, pound alWW Sweetlartd Brandeis East Arcade Ch ristmas Specials " AT BEATON'S Perfumes, igars and Chocolates Look Over This List Carefully and Find Year Favorlta Cigars Then note the price we Quote first cost. We have 500,000 Cigars if price will do it. loo Tom Moore, Boquat slse, box of 25, Jl 28; box of 60 W 10c Palmer House. Boquet Invincible size, box of 26. U-15; box of 60.... $2.25 10c Windsor Boquet, Invincible, box of 26. $1.26; box of 60 ....$2.40 lOo Bplendlda, clear Havana, box of 26 H-15 10c Ml Kleeclon, clear Havana Conchas slse, box of 60 $2 60 lOo Paxton A Gallagher's Plato, Tra- buco slse, box of 60 $2.26 10c Queen Elena, box of 60 $2.26 10R Continental Beals, club slse, box of 60 lOo La Kmenlncla, bof of J6 $1.18 15c Ml Elecclon Victoria, box of 60.. $4.60 For Men Gem Safety Razors ffio Antiseptic Safety Rasora 29c Gillette Bafety Rasors $5 to 124 Fountain Pens 26 per cent off list Pipes, all kinds; Shaving and Mani cure Bets, Traveling Cases, filled or empty; Military Brushes. Remember we deliver all packages Christmas eve or morning. Leave your card and we'll do the'rest. eton 15th AND TP 7" -A-W-F SSS f W sore throat m. sa avnra inrmi w I trouble than lm i nof ELL'3 - A NTT- KAWr Try a bottle. Ie and 10a sowiu vt 00, Mleale ta SUiaa. Ketal tVayaL B C SALE " GLASS West Arcade Wednesday Berry Bowls, Sugars and Creamers, Trays, Water Pitchers, Etc., Etc bargains as this was : til CHOICE at........ Orandeis "8WEETLAND" Superfine bon bens aivd' 'choco lates or all chocolates, tS Art in holly boxes, lb JVC Best quality packed bon bona and. chocolates or all - A chocolates, pound . ... .Oil C 5-lb. box imported French fruit, assorted, per CI C pound IsaaJr Hundreds of varieties of con fections, at our 10c 10 counter, at, pound . , . . . IUC Italian Bitter Sweets, lb. . .40 , Many ara less than the Jobbers' on band and Intend to move them ISo Ea Bldelo, breves slse, box of 60.14.10 loo Edward Uato, Marconi alse, box of 26, $2.80; box of 60. only $4.60 10c Principe de Galea, Pullman slse. atr-tlght tin. boxes ,...$2.30 16o Optlmos, boxa of 60 $4 70 15o Foneda, box of 26 $2.35 5c Little Joes, box of 60 i 6 60 Uncle Osoara, box of (0 $1.3 $0 Portuondo, box of (0 $1.66 6o Little Kanons, box of 100 $4.30 6c Henry George. Little Toms, Owls, Little Bobs, boxes of 60 $l.Co And all other brands at eut prices. Bent by msll or express add 12a for box of X and 22a. for box of 60. Or durs above $10 sent prepaid. For Women PERFUME8. Houblgant's, Coty's, Plver's, Roger & Gallett and fifty others. CHOCOLATES AND BON-BONS. Huyler's. Continentals, Allgrettl's, Lowney's, O'Brien's luo to lli BURNT LEATHER GOODS. A complete line. MIRRORS. ' AH shapes and atyles. Drug Co. FARNAM rnnr, TXf Wea and nervous men fUUV C vfft w,,a find ihe.r power to NFUb' work and youihlul vigor laaW a J (one as a result of over work ar mental exertion should take OKAT'8 NEKVK FOOO PILLS. They Ul make you eat and sleep and D a Plan again. t imi s wim tas y suit, SatUMAJI a) jaeCOaTBKU, SAbi 00 Oar. lUl aad leas'e Streets) OWX. s)a eoacrASTa' Oos. ISta aa aLaxaay sta Oaaak. COMFORT for WOMEN These Olft Slippers we are now selling . so briskly, mean comfort s o 1 1 d comfort -and eoee for the wires and mothers who will receive them Christ ma morn,' We .have a tremendous as sortment of For Trimmed &Up pom In all colors. riucES 91.50 $1.00 $2.00 FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOERS 10th and Doh1m. "Whenlhe Boy Comes Dome from School he will need something new In at tire, probably as a consequence, this. - . Christmas Sale comes in mighty handy, with its offer to make-to-measure $25.00 Suits for ..-S18 $36.00 Suits for $25 $50.00 Suits for 935 Terfcct Pit Guaranteed. t MacCsrhy-VVifscn Tailoring Cc 304-806 Booth 16th St. Near Southwest Corner 16th and Farnam. Open Evenings. CHRISTMAS CAUDY Our new candy depart ment puts us in a position to fill your order for Christ mas Candy. x It will be appreciated. Njera-DHIon Drug Cv !6th A Farnam St. .. v HOLIDAY TIP The solution of tha holiday problem: Treat yourself to new clothes. Dresner the Tailor Is making good clothes at immensely reduced prices now $25 and $30 atyles for. $80. AUl'lEMENTf, BOYD'S THEATER Thursday, Friday, Saturday Matinees: Xmaa and Saturday VXCIAX. CWSTaf AS ATTKACTIOaT "POLLY OF THE CIRCUS" WITS ZDITX TAXZATKBSO ' Sunday and Monday Bvealngs XOWZJT A. uixiaT'S YIDDISH COMPANY With SOUL m UPSIBT and a Ma Cast. KR.UG THEATER. TOSTXOKT XATXsTXS WSDsTZSSAY a rand Mslodramatle Masterpiece A GOOD WOMAN WILL WIN THURSDAY: LUCKY JIM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee every day 81IS1 every nljrht SilS. MKKBT CMI8TMAS WEIK BXU Pianophlends; Edna Phillips and Co.: WllHon Bros.; Tony Wilson and Mile. lleloiHe; Amoroa Sisters; The Uraaye' DisBt it and Scott; Ktnodrome. ' Prices 10c, 25c and 50o Phones: Doug. 160$; Ind . A-150. Lena Blllovt a "eAMR.&S' llatra Matinee Zata Say The whole world haa wept with sw Tsar's Week "til VmiWOal CHAV Meal Tickets Frea at H&Vs Kvery psrauu .he lakes a meal Tol Hanaon a bameiit reaiaurani may ' mZ the number 110 vUlt there duiln the 22. Every day I n. n,areat gu.M lV.siSai iosoa't Lunch Room avis uvi and most evot.omlcal luncto Viwi ii otaaha. 1 !! IBOB1L7 tttt ua a.l . ... II jaM.t I Tasa. I f There. I Sam.