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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
12 TIIE .OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ?3, 1003. Grand Clearance Holiday Merchandise f ... . A Veritable Carnival oi Gift Bargains Wednesday vrrm. (MM jy. TnTvmTTrairnrnir mm. i Cot Flowers, Holly. Mistletoe and Plants Specially Priced. OT LUVCBtOSSTTII AITS CMOOOZ.ATSS for Xmas Shoppers at the fountain. North Balcony.) ir -a" lr a r .af m' J 4' f - -r " f -a? .. rt m -r-rm- '"l V Af i if wW4Viw u) t) . a I MM I OK If. i Time' is short, but shopping is kept, brilliantly lighted Christmas its wide aisles, its 1.200 clerks Just 2 Days More Make the Most of Your Tin o and Make the Most of Your Money by Shopping in This Store. easy in this great, well store, with its pure air, and its immense stocks. THIS 8 TORE SPECIALIZES IX Useful Christmas Gifts for Men A man wants a present that be can use and get a lot of good from. This store is headquarters for Just such gifts and you can pick them out easily and find just the things a man wants most at prices much less than ordinary. Shirts, Neckties, Sus penders, Sweater Coats, QloveB, Slippers, Bath Robes, Knives, Brushes, Pipes, Cigars, etc. Toy The biggest assortment of new and desirable toys ever seen In the west. Toys and dolls for children of every age. Bee Beautiful Toyland. Dime and Penny Cash Register, Banks, at Great assortment Rubber Toys and Rubber Balls, at, each . . . 49c I 5c s 10c Seven pianos key toy for.25d Elephant Iron Banks, will goat each .... .10 $2.75 ball-bearing roller skates, at, pair. $1.25 Thousands of fancy celluloid boxes, . varlouB shapes and' sizes, each 5 Mechanical auto- , mobiles a great toy, each . . lOs 50c ABC Cube Blocks in boxes, for ....... 250 Xmas tree tinsel, by the yard. .20 All for at. size candles Xmas trees, box...7tf BOO. doll houses- the' new folding kind, each So Special bargains Wednesday In drums and tool chests and thou sands of other big bargains. CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS Gifts of handkerehiefs are always appreciated by everyone. Brandeis showing this season is far greater than any other display in the west. You can select from thousands of all linen handkerchiefs, hemstitched and all initial styles. Beautiful silk embroidered handkerchiefs, Shamrock lawns, Armenian lace and hand-embroidered Madeira handkerchiefs, hand embroiderod effects, convent hemstitched handkerchiefs, also all pure silks in men's and women's Bizes. Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, handker- chiefs for children, etc. Brandeis Handkerchief prices are more moderate than in any other store. ' . , Gloves for Gifts A pair of gloves makes the finest sort of 'gift for .Christmas. Purchase one of our glove bonds, which entitles the bearer to se lect her own gloves and have them properly fitted. Brandeis is sole agent in Omaha for the famous Perrins gloves for women and we are showing every style and every desirable shade in these finest gloves .made. Also Fciwne's, Northrups, Bachmo, Moses. Holiday Neckwear The neckwear is so pretty this season that it is a splendid gift to any woman or girl. We show the fancy ribbon and chiffon stocks, dainty beaded, French knotted and braided effects with inserted medallions, Venise coat sets crepe silk ruffs and col larettes, jabots, etc., etc. Latest and most fStr?:. 25c-50c-98c Wednesday, an Extraordinary Event YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF . rT rv fta Any Woman's Tailored Suit ajp uk in Our Entire Stock Except Imported models. Choose from 86 finest cloth, suits YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE Any Woman's Skirt $ in our entire stock, new ones You can choose from 90 10 YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE Any Silk Petticoat $ in our ones . . entire stock. Choose from 160 new m Black at . i WOMEN'S FUR SCARFS In a great variety of. favorite ClQtt ')a fQfl CJQS furs new shapes, up to aate t ai ' J T 1 ii juur ivm . Lr sets. $325o t0 $98 1 MB,tDk. 8eU' ..... $49 to 150 YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE Any Black Broadcloth Cloak in Our Entire Stock Choose from 120 of them HI I3 to Sensible Christmas Presents fr Bys Bo::lil Knickerbocker Suit g& nd Overcoats at $3.75 IA.V fine selection from odds and ends of ourl best boys' and v children s overcoais ana suits in blue, brown and red serge, sailor and Russian suits for smaller boys and all wool, double breasted suits for boys in ages 8 to 16. The overcoats, Q!Sl7r too. are fine aualitv and the VTilO values are positively up to $5 and $6, your choice, at A Useful Christmas Present With Every Doys' Suit at $5.75 and UP Beys' $2.50 and S3 OfercoeJ. at $1.48 Mil mmm Boys $3 and $3.50 Suits at $1.95 Ages 6 to 15 well made and strongly sewed suits in up-to-date styles and all wool materials. Good enough' for. school or dress. See that you boy looks well on Christmas, that's why we offer these suits at .' ' $J98 Boys in ages 3,to'8 cun be 'perfectly fitted in these fine little Russian Overcoats or f box reefers' with' embroidered . . '.emblems on sleeve, regular $2.50 and vajues, at, ....... , BOSTON STORE Ton don't buy Books to bent advantage unless you come to Bennett's. Books of every nature, appealing; to all classes and tastes. Kverythlng that anybody wants In Books Is here lower In price than elsewhere. The Christy book by th book for Olrt A charming sift e famous artist a I? no 8o Dorothy aha the Wlsara of Os Frank Haum'i latest and greatest book fnr children I6e Horn Araln With Ms, by Riley.. Sl.SS Aire Seeks and X.nty Books for boys. 100 titles ISO 8,000 IMctnre Books, worth 10c, 15c, 2 Do and 26c, on sale Wednesday. .Bo Waterman's Ideal Fountain Fen, fully guaranteed, 12.60 upward. BXBX.SS Ixwer In price than ever before. Closed out Jobber's stock at half. Leather Pocket Bibles. each . . Divinity Oiroolt Bibles st half . . TSO, MO, I1.4J Holiday Stationery In boxes, specially great values ISO, SSo, SSo, 490 Port Card Albums Very unusual of- fera 4So and 60 Others up to $5.76. IVoulsa M. AlootVs X.1TTI.B WOMIK, on sale Wednesday 59C at Black, smoke, Brown and . . 64.SS aad tS.SB New Spring Styles in LINGERIE WAISTS Advance display specially made for gift buyers." These sre the very daintiest of new effects rushed In for the Christmas trade. All have long sleeves, the latest vogue; exquisitely trimmed with new em broideries and delicate torchon laces. Each Waist boxed and wrapped In tissue $2.25 $2.50 to $4.50 att wmn The newest effects for winter. New tailored styles made from very soft Messaline or Dlrectoire Satins. navy Any Winter CLOAK $ IN OUR STOCK rioert broadcloth, Cheviot and oovert coats for women, posi tively troth fas.eo, ao.uu ana eio.iv. mvt -. Wednesday -m a ennntlnnal before Christmas bar- A ft V I4 P gain Just when Furs are In greatest JL V WV - 4 Si.mand. Choice of any Amerlran Mink.' Jap Mink. Black Lynx or Black 'Wolf Shawl, Scarf or Muff, rerardless of Us regular price, Wednesday .....88 l-ess 1S?J00B roaPJwesisO? 25 I 25c 5c Toys worth to 15c. The greatest stock we'vo ever lind to close. -Tho low est prices ever made to close them. Four Great Bargain Counters of Toys. 10c Toys worth to 35c. 49c Al . Toys worth to 75c. I Toys worth to $ 1.2o. Closing out all Books, except 98c and 43c Copyright Books, at Half and Less the reg ular publisher's prices. See them. Riley Books, Elsie Books, Wilcox and Al cott's works; Prayer Books and Bibles, and all complete sets at marvelous bargain prices. Popular Pi c t o r al . "Works, full line for selection, at. .,, 39c Kimonos Sl.BB, Knit Shaw Silk Petticoats nos, $i.e. ft. ers 93.50. S3.60 to f 8. Is $3.00, 3.00 to M- ats . n CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Every kind of comforUble house slipper for men and women. Most complete showing In town. If en's Boweos (like cut), tan or black, at 180 Men's Tan Kid Kverett style Slippers (like cut), II. B0 value, for fl.&S Crochet Sllpp red, blue, hit era (like cut). ack So Women's JTrtlXTB (like cut), of felt. In popular shades, fur trimmed, belting ' leather soles, at 91M ROASTERS k . Savory Rastets. . . .'. . I . .98 No. 2000 Sarory RoMt;rv$1.50 All Enanxct.Jloasters. , . . .-. .48 40 Stamps with any of above. Chafing Iih Spoons and Forks, 1.35 klnd..r 08 Safety Razors, Gem or Ever Ready $1.00 And 60 Stamps. Razor Strops, up from 50 And "40 Stamps. ICE SKATES For Boys and Girls 66c up And 30 Stamps. - - Foot Ball Suits, up from 88o IS Foot Balls reduced to SI. 68 Air Rifles 76c Sl.OO. S1.B5, 1.0 And 40 Stamps. TOYS Big redactions all through the stock to close out over supplies. Tree Ornaments, 10c kinds. . .'5 6c kinds.....' .3$ 35 TlnBel, per yard., 1 Box 12 Ornaments, now, box, 7J 76c Tree Mats for. . ... . .40 Doll Table and Comb Sets M off. Doll Beds oft. Animals, all kinds, at off. ' " 1 V r SILK PYJAMAS For Mea Light blue, .pink, tan. $10.00 kinds.'. $0.50 $7.50 kinds..... $5.00 Wednesday $1.25 Corsets 89c To be neatly dressed on Christmas day you must be cor rectly underdressed. A, perfect-fitting Corset Is essential to a good form. We put on sale hundreds of pairs of good heavily boned CorsetB, prettily trimmed q x with embroidery, good f 1.25 value,' offered for i MO this one day only at '. . A very attractive line Fancy Holiday Supporters, Individu ally boxed for glft-glvlng. (Corset Section, 2d Floor.) CHRISTMAS NUTS AND FRUITS English Walnuts, new, lb 80o Almonds, per lb SOo Soft Shell Almonds 860 Pecans, per lb 160 Filberts, per lb ISO Brazils, per lb ...180 Special Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs SSo Black Walnuts, peck ;..40o west Vavsl Oranff lSVto, 3O0, 400, 6 Oo and 6O0 dosen. Apples for cooking, peck SSo Jonathan Apples, peok SOo Cranberries, 3 quarts...' a 80 Bellevue Celery, per stalk So Bananas, dozen .....lOo and ISO Lettuce, per bunch.... So FRESH DRESSED Christmas Poultry ; Thousands of choice, fresh dressed, well fed birds, of all kinds, direct from the farm. Every one guaranteed to be ChildrenV Books worth $lrtb $1.25, all go at 59c The Pepper Books, at, choice. . . . 89c Padded Boks, worth $1.25, choice. 69c $1.50 Copyright books, on sale 98c Closing Out Fancy Leather Goods r Hand Bags, Bill Books, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Etc. in horn back alligator, seal, walrus, iri fact the biggest and best show ing ever made in Omaha, all at about half regular retail prices. Hand Bags, 49c up. Card Cases and Pocket Books, 25c up. Open Evenings Until Xmas Sweeping Reductions in loiiday Furnishings and values in wl 'Am Greatest assortment Omaha for selection. Men's fancy half hose, all colors, val- use to 50, at 25c Men's Suspenders, silk and lisle webs, plain and fancy embroidered, put up in neat box for gifts values to $3.00, at ..... $1.50 98c 50c and 25c Gentlemen's handkerchiefs, fine linen, plain and initialed values to 50c at ...... . 10c 12 V4 17VS and 25c Men's fancy bordered handkerchiefs, silk finished, 19c values 10c Or three for 25c. Ladies' Silk Hose Biggest stock and best values shown, runging in price from 98c to .$5.00 Everying in Men's1 and Ladies' Um brellas and Gloves shown. Splendid special values. , .', Xmas Slipper Sale Men's Xmas Slippers at prices within the reach of everybody's pocketbook. Men's Chenlle ' Embroidered Slippers, Men's Plush 811ppers. worth 85c fct 50 Men's 12.00 black, or tan Everetts or Operas, nice for father, brother or grandpa, at 31.25 Men's 2.50 band turn Opera, or Ev erett cut also Romeos. .... .91,75 Women's $1.60 belting sole, black, fur trimmed Juliets, at -S1.00 Men's and Women's plush and felt sllp- pers, worth 60c, at. . . .. . . . .39 Women's crochet Slippers with leather soles, a regular 1.50 seller. $1.00 Hartz Mountain Canary Birds .,V All Imported From Germany Make a most delightful Christmas present. P't t. "Just the thing to liven up the home." Special saWon these beautiful Singing Canaries, at this, price for a few days only i; r Oh sale in in our great toy department. Come in and hear them sing. ; ' . ' $1.35 CHICKENS GEESE DUCKS TURKEYS per pound per pound per pound "r Pd- up 1134C 12c 14c 14c Bonnott's Big Grocery Bennett's Oolden Coffee Teas, assorted, pound Pride of Hsnnetfa k'lour Pure Ulack Pepper, can Bennett's Capitol Extract. v lKimesttc Bwlus Cheeae. .D...... Full Cream Cheese, lb Bis line Imported German Cakes. Candled Orange Poe lb-..- Walker's Chill Con Came. 2 cans Ualilard'a Olive f41. lartie sle '. Gttillard's Olive Oil. medium alae Oaillard's Olive OH, small size Buraham's Clam Chowder, Urge Capitol Mincemeat, I for. Jersey Butterlne, 1 pounds CaDttol Baking Powder, lb.. A. W- C. Catsup, bottle Loudon Layer Ualstns. . . . TOMATO SMCIAI. "Best We Have" lo regularly, for.... t -American Boups, quart can Franco-i .8S0 And 30 Green Stamps .60O And 60 Green Kmmna 11.60 And 0 Green Stamps nu d ureen lainps ..I80 And 20 Green htampi Boo And 10 Green 8 tamps 80c And 10 Green Stamps SSo And 20 Green Stamps SOo And 10 Green Stamps 70o And TS Green Stamps 40o And SO Green Stamps SSe-r-And i Green Stamps SOo And 20 Green Stamps o And 10 Green Stamps .fltto And 10 Green Stamps S4o And SO Green Stamps SOo And SO Green Stamps iaVte,.lSo, SOo brand, sztra large can, XXC .as And 40 Greea 8tamps OAsrorn MUed CSndles. fresh and delicious, lb Candy Chala. S yards. ....;...... New Datea. pound New California Figs, pkg. . . 60 and XOe Imported Figs, lb ioo, Oo, Se im mocxAT. .....100, is Ha. iso Vlaeat Ckooolate Srppe, aaaorted flavors, pound 50C " ' "And Vo' Stamps'. "" - Mail Orders Filled if Sent at Once Candies, fiuts. Oranges, Vegetables, Fruits, Canned :'V1SGobils, Etc.i for Christmas CAJfBIS . ; OAJISIXa OAJT9IXS j 1 , -The largeit, freshest and best line In the clty.'.-.vr Jiave 10 candymakers bui-ler than bees, making ''It for Xmas trade.' Over 40 . different kinds of pure home made sandy, - per lb. i, .....100 mrrs ; ittrai , mvrn The best f reah pew mixed 'nuts, nothing finer, per, lb. "H a oaju,oaj or notxiin) statcls The High Navels far excel any other orange grw.' Vat rkhneaa of flavof. sweeter aad Jalcler than any other kind. For Xmas sale. we will sell them aa fol lows: Retrulaf ttxt slse. per dosen .... Reful'Zec else, per dosen Regular S6c slse, per doaen .... Regular 46o slse, per dosen DON'T IBS SOO aso SOO TRY HAYDEIl'S FIRST See Our Mammoth 1.1ns of IMae Cookies and Cakes for Xmas. 40 different kinds Sweet Cookies, per lb.. at 10O fresb. VegetabUe from the South for Tour Xmas DUner . . . . Fanry Wax or Green Beans, per n't. loo Fancy Green Peas, -per quart .... I8U0 Fancy large bunches freiili Beets.... 60 Fancy large hunches fresh ('arrota.. Bo Fancy large bunch en freah Turnips.. 6e Fancy ripe Tmnalves, ' per lb.. loo Fresh Splnuch. er peck , . goo 1 doaen buncbea .Bellevue Celerv per bunch ....... .... . BOo, a So, los, Bfto Fresh Green Onions, per bunch...... &o S bunches fresh Mothouae Kadlahes 60 2 heads freeh leaf Lettuce bo Fancy Cap Cod Cranberries, quart.. 16o Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per lb., e Fresh Komud Peanuts, quart... " So Iarge Cocoauts, each..-,..,. 6o-T'-o Wreathing, to decorate with, 20 yaris In roll Mo f FORGET PAVO