Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Only 2 DAYS For
Christmas Shopping
Only 2 DAYS Fcr
Christmas Shopping
Conspiracy to Assassinate Venezuelan
Executive Hacteni Crisis.
A. P. Taliaferro Sayi Eoadt Pay Host
to Secure It
Six Ken in Public Safety ,
Said to Rave left i
DrcEMsnt 1903
STX W 7SC wZ& 22"
Haaalra la lmm EiseaclTf Maaaer
la Every Iepartsseat state's
Ei Id eare la Mlsaoarl
Rate Caaa.
People Surprised by the Sudt
and Extent of Derelopmen
-r- 2 3 4o5
QrZ 8 9 10 11 12
3 U 15 16 1Z 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 23 26
Failure of Coup d'Etat Complete!
Downfall of Absent President.
They Include Seven Members of the
Council and Two Bankers.
Prealdeat l Cashier of
SMIam Krtlr frH !
tlgatioa. Heavy Ball Fwr
ibkrl hy
FTTTB BURG . Dec. 22. Late thin after
noon report arc tn circulation that owing
to an alleged "ipak hi the public safety 6e
nartment of rtttshurr a number of men, i
an id to bp b!x. have left the city a a re
sult of The disclosures In connection with
the Kraft scandal
Edwin T. McQougU. captain of dete-tlves.
whose resignation was demanded, -when
asked for a statement regarding hi dis
missal aaid:
"There la nothing criminal against me."
Late today the government off.ciala de
nied that at a conference earlier In the
afternoon the craft scandal had been con
sidered In any form.
Following the sensational arrests here
lent night of aeven councilmen and two
banker on charge of alleged corruption
In conducting tiie public affain of this city
It Is Intimated today that even more start
ling developments will transpire soon.
The people are surprised almost beyond
description at the suddeness of the arrest
of the nine men. Durtni the night and
early today there vu apparently no sleep
for those interested In the alleged scandal.
The nine defendents and their atorneys and
friends beld as many conferences for the
purpose of discussing the matter, while
the officials of the Toters' league, who
worked p the charges, together with prom
inent attorneys and high municipal officials
of the city, also held a meeting at which,
it la said, plans were perfected for the
arrest of other men alleged to be Impli
cated in the bribery soandal.
According to the beet Information obtain
able today it is possible the municipal
scandal of San Francisco will te Insignifi
cant when compared to the alleged grafting
This Kesdr BesrimBlas.
Attorney A, . Lee . "Well, president of the
Toter's league stated today:
"This la ths beginning. The end is not
yet." ....
Following are the men Accused: Councll
sbo William Brandt. John F. Khan. J. C.
wm, T. O. Atkinson. Jacob skatel. W.
H. Uelaney-ated Hugh- rVtisn. - Former
President W. W. Ramsey and former
Oaabler A. A. Tllsack of the German Na
tional bank, are also accused.
The information against each of the
seven members of the two councils charges
conspiracy, corrupt solicitation and per
jury. An additional Information against Brand
was begun and Klein charges him with
bribery and corrupt solicitation.
From Brandt, Wasson and Klein ball in
the sum of 00.000 each was demanded. The
ball of the other four members of the
councils was fixed at flfi.OUO each.
The imformatlon against Ramsey and
Vllsack charges them with giving Klein
117.600 as a bribe. Bail demanded from
each is S14.00O.
While all ths defendants were taken by
surprise when arrested last evening, each
secured the necessary ball, which In the
aggregate amounted to UTf.OUO.
All the informations were sworn to by
Leneard I Wolf, secretary of the Voters"
league, and formerly a political writer on a
local paper.
This afternoon rumors are heard that
prominent men interested In traction com
panies in this city and Philadelphia are
implicated in the bribery scandal. It is
also said that a number of well known
local business men are to be arrested, while
It seems certain from intimations made by
attorneys affiliated with the Voters' leagus
that several more councilmen will be taken
into custody.
Baak Of fleers Bar arts.
Concerning the case against Ramsey and
Vllsack of ttis German Rational bank. At
torney Charles A. Fag an, vice president of
the bank, issued the following statement:
On last Saturday, after banking hours,
the attention of tiie board of directors was
directed by the national bank examiner lo
tli fact 11 at r charge had been made of the
lniptuier use ot mei.ey to secure tlie selec
tion of th German National bank as une
ul the city depositories. Tais information
same as a great surprise to the members
of the board. It was deemed advisable,
however, pending a proper investigation, to
secure iti retlfrnation of Mr. Kanisey,
the president, and Mr. VUsark. the cashier,
they being the officials affected by the
charge. Tills was dune.
The aeven councilmen. It Is formally al
leged, .conspired with each other and with
divers persons unknown, to secure the
passage, by corrupt and unlawful means
and by bribery of the members of the se
lect and common councils of ordinances
and resolutions designating the depositaries
of the city; bridge ordinances, bond ordi
nances for freeing bridges between Pitts
burg and Allegheny, recently consolidated;
uo ordinance for additional filter beds for
the new Alteration plant; Heberton s'reet
railway ordinance; a resolution to pave a
portion of Fourth avenue with wood block,
others pending before counella
Are All I p tar Ke-Ele-rtioa.
All the councilmen are candidates or
re-election at the next election tn February.
William Brand la president of the common
council; Ferguson, formerly a reform coun
cilman; Wasson, chairman of the finance
committee; Soffell, chairman of public
work committee, and Klein, who is serv
ing his first term, is a well known river
Among the lawyers who approved the
prosecutions are Thomas Patterson. J. Ross
Sierrett. M. W. Aches on. Jr.. and David T.
Watson, aa attorney of International fame.
All these have signified their willingness
to prosecute ths defendants without com
pensation. Ths ouuncllmen and bankers will be given
a preliminary hoaxing before Magistrate
Brady at 16 o'clock tniuorrcsw monung. ln
the meantime the greatest Sk-crecy Is being
maintained by the Voters'' lkgue regarding
the ease. Mr. Wilson decli V to diacluae
anything additional to tliat s
last Bight, merely saying 1
ch developed
at something
(Continued oa Second
2Z 28 29 30 31
VICINITY Fair Wednesday, not much
ensnsre tn temporal ure
FOR N FT! KAFKA-Fair Wednesday.
FPU IOWA Fair Wednesday.
TwiwrtitiiM- r Omaha vemerdaT:
.... 2
.... 2.
... 2
. . !
.... 82
.... 3
.... 42
.... 47
.... 48
.... 4
.... M
.... 43
.... 38
poxiRie. -
Sensational developments in the Pitts
burg bribery scandal have resulted in
the departure of a number of persons
suspected of complicity in the bribery.
Fags 1
The cost of throuch traffic, was de
clared to be more than of local traffic,
yesterday In the Missouri rate bearing
by A. P. Tallferro. Fags 1
President Schurman in r speech at Salt
Lake City said Mr. Bryan and President
Roosevelt have done much to raise the
ideals of the public. Fags 1
The Lincoln . Traction company suc
ceeded in saving its property at Havelock,
which was threatened by a mob. Fage l
Work on the Panama canal Is progress
ing as calculated according to a state
ment of the secretary of the canal com
mission. Fags 1
W. H. Newman, president of the New
York Central system has resigned his
place. Fags 1
The trial of the night riders In Union
City has been devoted to the task of
proving the reign of terror that existed
there. Fag
President Castro may be impeached, ac
cording to a statement from Caracas. He
is charged with complicity in the plot
to assassinate Acting President Gomez.
Far X
. miAizi.
Archbishop Ireland was received by
Pope Pius in audience yesterduy. Fags 1
Two men whom Lincoln police sought
to extradite from Sioux City on a charge
of larceny are resisting the order. Far S
H. A. Silver, a retired farmer of Ta
mora, hung himself while despondent.
Fags t
Millers of Lincoln made a formal pro
sst atsasnst the r1er eT Secretary Wil
son that bleached flour may not be sold.
Fag S
Tb state board of educational land
and funds has made a formal bid for the
Douglas county court house bonds, offer
ing par. Fags a
Federal court restrains Wster board
from invading company office and telling
consumers of the proposed new rates for
water. . .. Fage 8
Omaha business men not Inclined to bite
on appeal of pertain Interests to help the
railroads. Fags T
Winter gossip of ths ball players and
other amateur sports. Fags 11
Live stork markets. Fags
Stocks and bonds. Fags
Grain markets. . aage
acomxvTs of oczajt ktxakkbtzfs.
Port. Am-m. stM4.
K'EVt YORK Mlomasoli
ST JOHN'S Pmsrla.
HK1FT1A.H8A.KD. Helllt Ola...
.p. r. wuiMun.
. Vrw Tork.
( HthBOl'RO..
. RmnsnHi
. HMparias
. BsmlsnS
, Utanatoasa.
maaewta Mn Allege Orsat art h era
DlaerlBBlaates la Charge East
WASHINGTON. Dec. S. A oomplalnt of
enormous importance to northwestern mill
ers, particularly those located in Minne
apolis and vicinity, was filed today with
the Interstate Commerce commission. It Is
Joined lu by forty -two flour mUilng ron-
cerns against the Great Northern Railway
company and twenty-seven other Interstate
carriers doing a transportation business be-
tween Minneapolis and the Atlantic sea-
b"rd' .
The complainants all are engaged tn the
manufacture of flour from spring wheat,
A 1V iii.ini'n " ti lis iiiiiisl saivriiv jrui css,ui
investment of In.Oon.OCO. They have a grind
ing cap ait y of KIO.OIT.WO bushels of wheat
per annum. They allege that the rates
all rail, and rail and water from Minne
apolis to the Atlantic seaboard on flour
are excessive, unreasonable and discrim
inatory, and that it costs them more to
ship their flour from Minnesota points to
the Atlantic seaboard than it costs Buffalo
millers to ship spring wheat from Duluth
points to Buffalo and the ground flour
from Buffalo to Atlantic seaboard points,
It is alleged that the cheap transporta
tion of a heat enables eastern millers to
sell flour in Atlantic seaboard ports at
prices a-hich are destructive to complain
ants' business.
Leo Mrf ele Goes to
Dakota Trast (assar as
a en fry.
(From a Staff .Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 22 (Special Tele
gram.) Lee M Ne ley cf Dubuque, la,, sec
retary to the laie Senator Al ison and David
B. Henderson when the latter was speaker.
haa accepted a position as secretary of the
pioneer Trust company of Dallas, B. D.
Mr. MrNeeley leaves for South Dakota to
night. Ralph K. Gamble, sun of Senator Gamble,
who is a student at Princeton, arrlvod tn
Washington today to spend hi Christmas
holiday with bis parenta
Carl C. Rupert of Dubuque has been ap
pointed nueasrnger In the weather bureau
service ln that city.
M. H. Copenhsver of South Omaha lias
been appointed aaaistant inspector ln con
nection with the bureau of animal Industry.
Adolph H. Anderson lias been appointed
postmaster at Miller, Hancock county, la.,
vine K O. Berger, resigned.
I . t i Hour.
1 a. m.
1 "Zftfp. a m.
? Av- 'JK ' a tn.
J"Tj$i Z 1 a m.
jiS J 11 ' m"
XZrrr-f ' i P rn!
r2 4 5P;S:
tft 'I?, m.
- 7 p. m.
n I. m.
p. m.
KANSAS CTTT, Mo., Pec. E. -The state
today began the introduction of evidence
to support its side in the Missouri rate case,
which has ben dragging along here in the
t'nlted States district court before Judge
Bmlth McPhenson. When the court ad
journed Saturday last the sighteen roads
had concluded the presentation of their
evidence In an endeavor to prove their
claim, namely, that the two cent and max
imum freight laws of Missouri were con
fiscatory. The first witness called by the state
was A. P. Talln-ferro. who Is connected
with a New Tork firm of expert account
ant, and who has been in charge of the
state's mrpstigstlon Into the earnings and
expenses of various railroads.
Mr. Taliaferro. In direct opposition to the
long array of witnesses Introduced by the
defendants, declared the relative cost to the
railroad rompanles per passenger mile was
less for state than for Interstate traffic The
witnesses who had preceded the state's wit
ness were unanimous In their statements
that the state traffic was relatively ' the
more expensive.
Mr. Taliaferro based his conclusion In the
fact that most of the Interstate traffic was
handled In sleeping cars, which do not
carry as large a number of passengers as
the ordinary coaches. The state passen
gers rode In day coaches, which accommo
dated a larger number of patrons, and that,
the witness said, made the cost of handling
them relatively smaller. It was further
stated that the time of almost everybody
connected with the road was largely
given to eacpldltlng and securing the com
petitive, or long haul business, and that
practically all of the advertising expenses
and most of the traffic expenses should
be charged to the cost of obtaining and
carrying interstate passengers.
Hat of lavltatloas Poar la rses
Prestdeat-elrc-t Wntcn He
fp.aaot Aecept.
AFGrSTA. Ga.. Iec. S. President-elect
Taft's many evidences of unusual Interest
in the south, such as his campaign trip
through southern states, his several
speeches on the subject of the south s
right to participate in the affairs of the
government, climaxed by his address be
fore the North Carolina society at its re
cent New Tork dinner, has awakened
what seems to be a universal desire on
the part of southern states and cities to
play host to the president-elect. '
Thirty cities and towns tn Texas have
Just laid before him an elaborate invita
tion engrossed on parchment and couched
in the most cordial phrases asking his pres
ence in that state. The language of the
invitation is followed in Its earnestness by
many other cities ot the south, and the in
vitation features of the mall of the rresi-
dent-elect is growing heavier each day.
The Chattanooga, Tenn., Chamber of
Commerce ask for the presence of Taft,
as does Jacksonville, Mobile, Savannah
and other cities.
Realizing that It will be Impossible for
him to meet all of these demands and still
more difficult to discriminate among them,
Mr. Taft's present plan will Include a day
spent In Atlanta where he promised to -isit
some time ago. a brief stop at Charleston
on his way to Panama and a visit to New
Orleans on his return from the isthmua
Robert Taft, the eldest son, will go to
Savannah today, there to be the guest of
the Baldwin where Miss Helen Taft was
a guest last summer.
SerreUry of CoaBsnlBalaa Tells Waat
Aaaaaat of Dirt Has Bees
BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. E. The Panama
canal will be opened January 1. 1916. ac
cording to an official communication re
ceived yesterday by the California promo
tion committee from Joseph Buckllne
Bishop, secretary of the canal commission.
The statement, in part, is u follows:
"There has been excavated from the line
of the canal since the Americans took con
trol about K.0UU.O0O cubic yard. This, as
near as can be calculated at the present
time, is about one-third of the entire ex
cavation necessary to complete the work.
( ln aowll to November 1, nearly 21.-
m cuWr yaro, were removed and the
: totfLl for thlB wlll f from
r (llfi a0 cublc ya.. thi. w1U bring the
j tota, of Amer1can excavation to
! about SO. 000,600 ruble yards. As practically
of w, b4ve accomplIghed
j wUhlc yar., averajfe b,,
3d. 000.000 and 42.000.000 cubic yards a year.'
Realaeats of Alaska Xatlfea T Tele
graph of Eawet Masseat taa
Started Karth,
WASHINGTON, Dee. Si To give prompt
notice to Alaaksns of the beginning of
their long and cold winter, the naval ob-
j anrvatory sent out a special series of tele-
graphic time signals, beginning at
o'clock this (Tuesday) morning and ending
at 12:33:34 the exact instant when the sun
starts north In declination. The flashing
of the"slgnals was by request of the chief
signal officer of the army, with the volun
tary co-operation of the Western t'nion
and Postal Telegraph c.ompaniea Tha final
signal that started on its lung but almost
instantaneous Journey at 12:33:14 a m. on
Tuesday was due at Sitka at i:3:34 p. m,
the previous day owing to the difference
of longitude, at 7:33:34 p. m. at V aides and
at CJ3J4 at Noma
The entire series of signals probably will
be sent over every telegraphic wire In
Alaska, as well as by wireless, to the most
remote posts and camps.
Jaage Wrlstl Will Deliver Oplatoa
la Ft ' alaaa ACeeClagT ftoasera,
aad Mitchell.
WASHINGTON, Dec C-Justii Wright
of the supreme court of the District of
Columbia will deliver his decision ta the
contempt proceedings brought by the Buck
Stove and Range company against Samuel
Gompera, Frank Morrison and John Mitch
ell, offioers of the American Federation of
Labor, tomorrow morning.
From The New Tork World.
President of Hew Tork Central Ends
Railroad Career of Forty Yean.
Directors Aepept His Jtealgwatlaa
with Regret ul Try te Get Rlsa
ta Ressala la aa A d viaory
NEW TORK. Dec. S After forty years
of railroad service, eight of which was
spent as head of the great New Tork
Central system, WHllam H. Newman today
tendered his resignation as president of
the New Tork Central and Hudson River
Railroad company. The fltreotors accepted
the resignation ta take effect February 1
next. Wiille It -was the x,-irh of Kr. .New-,
man te make his reUraueat srom railroad
We complete. It is diaid that ' posBiWrr he
may be Induced to remain a member of
the directing board. HI successor as presi
dent of the road has not been chosen.
In accepting the resignation the directors
adopted a resolution "appreciating the ser
vices he has rendered, the harmony which
prevails throughout the management and
the co-operation which the board has al
ways had from him."
The resolution declares that 1t was with
regret that they consented to Mr. New
man's relinquishment of the office, "which
he beld so long and filled so well."
Tha formal official statement accepting
the resignation concludes as follows:
"The retirement of Mr. Newman from
sen-Ice on the New Tork Central lines
will be keenly regretted by every one con
nected with the service, from the board
of directors to the trackmen by whom he
Is loved and admired without exception.
He is conceded by connections, as well as
competitors, to be the greatest all round
railroad manager of the present day, hav
ing intimate knowledge of the details of
every department, and his loss to the active
railroad world will undoubtedly be great."
Toseka Voaag Maa tosvletea af
Mirdrr af His Father ta Be
Release Christ snas Day.
TOPEKA. Kan., Dec. 22. Governor Hoch
late tills afternoon pardoned John Collins,
now serving a life sentence in the Kansas
state penitentiary for the murder of hi
faihur. J. S. Collins, a well-to-do real es
tate and insurance man of this city, in
May, 18S6. Collins will be free Christmas
The Collins case wss one of the most re
markable criminal cases ln this part of
the west. Toung Collins was a student at
Kansas university at the time of his fath
er's d-ath. He was convicted upon the tes
timony of three negroes, all of it being clr-
cumrtantial ln character. At the trial the
state set up the plea that Collins was in
love with Mis Francis Babcock, a wealthy
young society woman of Lawrence, Kan.,
and that Collins planned the killing of his
father that he might gain an Immense sum
of the life insurance which the senior Col
lins carried upon his life.
One of the negroes upon whose testimony
Collins was convicted has written a book,
asserting that the testimony of the nergoes
at the trial was a part of a plan by enemies
of young Collins to ruin turn by fixing the
responsibility for his father's death upon
him. The elder Collins was found dead in
bed one morning after a visit to his son at
tate shows EBeet af Sight Riders
Ioob Cosasnaatty Farts
A boat Cwaaatrary.
VNION CITT. Tenn., Dec. 22. -Judge
Shaw was the first witness ln the trial
of the night riders He was the proprietor
of a store near Reel foot Lake. The riders
forced him to give them oil to pour on
the fish docks when they were burned
and later whipped him when he tried to go
before the grand Jury.
Rhaw said ths night riders wore mother
Hubbard's and black masks and tried to
disguise their voloes by talking ln a
falsetto tone.
Witness after witness told of visitations
by tha riders, but there was no identifi
cation and no effort made to connect tha
riders with the murder of Captain Rankin
or his murderers.
The purpose of the state Is te show the
reign of terror m the Reelfoot district, in
augurated by the riders and to prove that
ths murder of Captain Ranken was only
an Instance uf a gigantic conaptracy.
5- -
Prwit aessloa of Caaa-reas ta De
vote Attention Probably ta Baak.
Eaasalaatlva Oaly.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2 Senators Al
drich . and Teller and Representative
Vreeland of New Tork will meet at the
Plasa hotel, New Tork, on December 28
as a subcommittee of the national monetary
commission. They will consult with finan
cial authorities who have found It incon
venient to come to Washington during the
regular sessions of the commission. Among
the men who will appear before the sub
committee are a number of well known
writers -on currency topics.
The bill, which will be introduced in
both houses of congress after the holidays,
to correct defects in the laws governing
the administrative features of banking is
being drawn by Lawrence O. Murray,
comptroller of the currency. It will follow
the lines of his testimony which was given
to the oaaBmieston In the presence of the
tegtalatlve--mmrttee of the American
Bankers' association and other prominent
national ' bankers. It Is not Intended that
It shall embrace any proposed changes of
the law tc engender controversy, but that
the amendments shall be confined to de
fects which all interested persons believe
should be corrected.
The changes ln the law to be made at
the present session probably will not go
further than the subject of bank examina
Partial List of Thooe Waa Will Meet
at ladlaaapolia la Feb
ruary. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. 22. A partial
list of those who will speak at the Na
tional Tariff conference in this city Feb
ruary 9, 10 and 11 was given out today.
Definite promises have been received from
6enator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana,
Senator Albert B. Cummins of Iowa,
Charles P. Nelll, United States commis
sioner of labor, and James W. Van Cleave,
president of the National Manufacturers'
A formal Invitation will be extended to
the mayors of all cities with a population
of 10,000 or more, the governors uf all
states, members of congress, all commer
cial clubs, board of trade and other
municipal organizations.
The mayors of all cities will be asked
to select a representative for each 10,000
inhabitants. the governors will be asked
to name a delegate for each congresional
district and the presidents of all national
associations will be asked to name a dele
gate from each state.
Testimony la Trial at Flashing, K. J.,
Haias Gave This as Reaaoa
for Bis Art.
FLUSHING, N. T., Dec. 22. "When you
know all the tacts you will think differ
ently. I came down to protect brother
and would have shot anybody who inter
fered." John C. Stephen, a Bayslde Tacht club
member, swore today ln the trial of Thorn
ton J. Hams that this statement came
from the defendant's lips immediately
after the shooting of William E. Annla by
Captain Peter C. Hains, Jr. Efforts to
shake the testimony of Mr. Stephens, who
further declared that Thornton Hains
swung his revolver around and threatened
death to any one on the float that sought
to Interfere, were not successful.
Under cross-examination Mr. Stephen
said that whl.e he had watched the def-n-dant
and his brother during and subsequent
to the shooting, be did not see Thornton
Hains place his revolver at the back of
Mrs. Annla.
Cordial Bteorptlee Gives Arehhlahost
f lit. Pa el hy the
Pea Us?.
ROME, Dec. 22. The pope has fully re
covered from his recent Illness. He re
ceived Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul in
private audience today, speaking cordially
of the archbishop's last visit ln Mud. Mon
slgnor Ireland talked with his holiness
about bis diocese building a new cathedral
lo St. Paul and a procatbedral in Minne
apolis. Tbe pontiff ' was greatly pleased
with this twsi and expressed a desire to
see the archbishop again before be leaves.
Monsignor Ireland presented to tlir pepe
his sister, who 1 a nun. The arclibisnup
refused categorically to give out anything
Icunoernina bis audience Willi ths pontiff.
7 j
Omaha Kan Behind the Candidacy of
Clark of Eichardson.
w Law Casaaels All tick to Get
lata the List sii File a State
sneat of Expenses Darlag
the essioa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 22. (Special.)
R. E. Lee Herdman of Omaha, former
clerk of the supreme court, is Bpending a
good portion of his time these days ln
Lincoln, and a good portion of Ills time
spent here is devoted to members of the
legislature, who show up every few days
looking for rooms or. seats or whq Just
come In. Bo far as the surface Indications
go Mr. R. E. Lee Herdman Is supporting
Ralph Clark of Richardson county for
speaker of the house. Surface Indications
are that Mr. Herdman is representing
some corporation that will have special
favors to ask at the hands of the coming
legislature. In other words, the brewers,
so it appears, and the railroads, Intend to
organize this legislature If they can. At
thiB stage of the game there is every
reason to believe these allied interests
are favorable to the candidacy of Mr.
Th developments of the last few days
show that at this time Clark of Richard
son and Henry of Holt are the high men
for speaker. Friends of Clark are urging
the defeat of Henry, because he 1b favor
able to county option, while they are
not indicating how Clark stands on this
In the meantime, the call down of
Arthur Mullen by Governor-elect Ehallen
berger for his activity ln behalf of
Mr. Henry has had little effect. Mr. Mul
lin, so it has been intimated, will lie ln
Lincoln several days before the legislative
caucus and he expects to work for the
election of Henry for speaker. This is the
information that has been circulated in
Lincoln during the last day or two. Mr,
Mullen, so it is reported. Intend to
assume the management of the Henry
campaign in Lincoln.
So the managers to date are R. E. Lee
Herdman for Clark and ArthuY Mullen for
Henry. And Mr. Shnllenberger, so It is also
a part of the dope, is not big enough to
draw off the O'Neill man. This places
the new governor in the attitude of throw
ing down his Omaha allies.
Dona-las for Clark,
Another section of the dope is that the
Douglas delegation of nine members, one
fourth of enough to control the demo
cratic caucas. Is to be voted like sheep
tor Clark of Richardson. With nine votes
Btoecker of Douglas county could make a
brave snowing for the place with so many
candidates ln the field, but It has been
given out cold that the Douglas delegation
will make no fight for one of Its own
men, preferring to keep In good with the
powers that be.
Henry Richmond is trying to snare the
country press and has asked the country
editors to help him out. He invites a boost
in the Issue of the coming week. To the
country editors he has sent out a letter
ln which he suy: "The democratic news
paper are able to dictate this position"
j (Chief Clerk of the House.) Richmond to'd
; the country editors that he is an old news-
paper man and the only one asking f r a
Job, therefore stand up for the profession.
He also Invites the country editors to be
in Lincoln Jan. 4 and aasist him in lining
up the members.
Trenmure Cone flits in and out of Lin
coln practSfaliy every di;y. He will open
headquarters shortly at the Lindell hotel,
J wiiere lie has leased room 9.
j Reaar for Ibbs tats,
j Deputy Secretary of State Addison Wall
! is preparing a docket for tiie registration
of lobbyist who cxpi-ct to be here this
winter to influence legislation. This is in
accordance a-tth the enti-lobby law enacted
by the last republican legislature.
Under the provisions of this law every
person who is interested and takes a hand
in the passage or the indefinite postpone
ment of any measure pending in the legis
lature must register his name with the
secretary of s'.ste, saying what bills he u
interested In. To influence legislation he
may use the public press, printed briet
or tn argument before committees and that
way only. It. Is unlawful tor the lobbyist
to buttonhole the memler or give him u
talk in a dark comer.
Within two months after the close of the
(CucUnued on Second PageJ
He Personally Arresta Two Men
Appointed to Kill Him,
Sporlal Diplomatic Agents to Be eot
to Earope ta Negotiate Kettle
sneat af All International
CARACAS. Monday, Dec. Sl.-Vla Wll
lemstad. Curacao, Dec. 22 The downfall
of PieSKlent Castro In Venezuela wns com
pleted Saturday last with the frustration of
a desperate piot to assassinate Juan Vicente
Gomes, the acting president.
Secret cablegrams have passed between
President Castro ln Berlin and his agents
here since the popular sntl-Csstra demon
stration of iectnber 13 and 14.
A prominent lawyer has filed scrusatlons
ln court charging President Csstro with
complicity ln the attempted assassination
and proposing hi Impeachment.
The Bank of Venezuela has cabed Its
correspondents at Berlin and Parts can
celling the unlimited letter of credit gtvpn
to President Castro when he left Venezuela
for Europe.
Plot to Kill Gomes.
There was a meeting Frtdsy night of ths
plotters at the reBidonce in Caracas of
Garbieras Guzman, secretary general tn the
last Castro cabinet and a ho was placed in
charge of President Castro's personal busi
ness in Venezuela when the pres dent left
for Germany. The conspirators decided
upon s coup d'etat. They determine! to
assassinate acting President Qomex. Jose
de Jesus Paul, the foreign minister; Gen
eral Leopold Buptista and other prominent
men, seize the administration of the coun
try and with the army terrorize and over
awe the population.
Torres Cardenas, who was at one time
minister cf the interior under President
Castro and later his personal secretary,
was the active leader of the conspiracy.
He was entrusted with the carrying out of
the plot. He had as lieutenants the com
mander of three battalions. In spite of
the precautions taken an Intimat.on of what
was on loot reached the ears of acting
President Gomez. As soon as he had satis
fied himself of the truth of the repo ts
he took Immediate steps to frustrate the
Conspiracy ftalrkly FrwstrateeU
Early Saturday morning be went alone
on foot to tbe barracks in Caracas, where
a mutinouB regiment under- the twnsaiid
of President Castro's brother was quar
tered. With cool courage he entered the
building and placed the brother af the
president under arrest. The nerve of Gomel
made it possible for him to carry out this
dungerou maneuver successfully. He then
went to the Yellow house, the egocutive
maiiBion, where he had a brief interview
with Torres Cardenas. The chief of the
conspirators denied the existence of any
plot. Gomez would not be deceived by sucn
assurances. He seized Torres Cardenas by
the nhoul.h r and shaking him roughly sid;
"I have discovered your plot to assassin
ate me. You are my prisoner."
Torre Cardenas tried to use his revolver
on the acting president, but Gomez was
too quick for him. He pinioned tiie man's
arms and called the guard. Torres Carde
nas was seized and disarmed and hurried
away to Jail.
These, two arrests, made single-handed
by Gomez, broke the plot. Gomez s friends
came forward quickly to his support.
Orders were at once Issued and carried out
rapidly for the arrest of Garbieras Guzman,
Lopez Barult, minister of the Interior ln
the cabinet that was forced to resign De
cember 17, Benor Burmudes, director of the
national telegraph system; Commander
Casanova, Comandcr Aiigulo and other ad
herents of Castro suspected of complicity.
As soon as the news of the sensational
occurrences became known throughout the
city an immense crowd gathered in the
Plaza Bolivar and gave unmistakable
evidence of its satisfaction with the tura
affairs had taken.
People Greatly Pleased.
There is to be a general reorganisation
of the government. The fall of President
Castro leaves no obstacle In the way of
settling the various International questions
confronting the republic.
Jose de Jesus Paul, tiie former minister
of foreign affairs, who played a prominent
part ln ail Venezuela's foreign relations
for the last six months, haa been commis
sioned to go to Europe to eetle all out
standing dispute with foreign powers. Ha
will leave here December 24- Benor Paul
has advised tbe diplomatic representatives
here that measures to preserve order and
protect the interests of foreigners will be
The new governor of Caracas Is Aguuea
Prorlasaatloa of Srw Proeldeat.
Acting President Gomes issued a procla
mation yesterday as follow:
"Fellow patriots: I assume charge of the
presidency of Veuezuela under ths terms
of the constitution. I undertook these
duties without personal ambition. From the
first 1 endeavored to conciliate til aspir
atlons of the people wtb my high obliga
tions, and to thi end I established, in ac
cordance with our national institutions, an
administration that resugnlsed all per
sonal and public guarantees.
"Unfortunately, my gaod Intentions met
with incomprehensible hindrance on the
part of a few persons who called them
selves Intimate friemis of Gen. Castro. Not
only did these person block tbe carrying
out by me of my legal duties, but they
stoojied to conspiracy and elaborated a
diabolical plot against my lifs.
"This conspiracy was crushed yesterdsy
when 1 personally faced the plotters and
imprisoned them. By so doing I savud
more ihn my personal existence; I main
tained the manly prestige of the chief
magistracy of the republic, which it Is my
ambition to convert Into a fountain of
good for all Venesueleua
"I have constituted a cabinet represent
ing the public opinion of Venesuela and
a-ith the collaboration of my ministers I
intend to enforce the constitutional guar
antees; to respect the autonomy of the
various slates of tits Venezuelan repub
lic; to protect Industries against odious
manipulation; to fiud 4 douuroisa aad pa-