Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1908, WANT ADS, Page 12, Image 44

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Ia Variety of Experiences Calculated
; to Curl One's Hair.
Sample of Wsilfri Performed y
Cardrrnin Armed with Itlpe
Imtlaalloa Ht
Air Reerlr.
who were ennaged aa auch during th wmr
with Mexico will be placed upon the penaloa
roll. The government ha heretofore re
fused to grant penaton to teamsters, al
though importunately pressed to do so In
many eases connected with th civil war.
Drawing the long bow Is confined to no
Ifieoplo or class. Th army Is no exception.
1 and the yarns of aome of its raconteurs
; lone nothing; of their entertaining; qualities
! because their authenticity might reason
ably be doubted.
Years ago there waa one particular cav
I airy officer who waa endowed with quali
ties rivaling those of Munchausen. Though
I ha was not old. those who kept account
of the time he had consumed In, his various
experience could not escape that he had
been actively engaged In Iran's pursuits for
' over a century, at least. His yarns were
Unique. For Instance, at one time he was
In Scandinavia with his father, who, ac
cording to the story, was head forester for
, the king. Tart of his duty was to select
and snd to the royal shipyards especially
fine ship timber. One monarch of the
forest had long challenged his admiration.
But year after year he felt obliged re
gretfully to pans It by for want of trans
portation facilities. At last he could re.
slat no longer. The king mutt have this
pride of the forest. After carefully pre
paring a bed to prevent Its breaking In
the fall the splendid tree was fulled. As
an agent of the monarch he requisitioned
oxen to haul It. Bo heavy was the log that
when the great number of oxen required
to move It were yoked up they strung out
for miles. The long and tedious Journey
began, and. In crossing some of the val
U-ys, It frequently occurred that the lead
ing teams would be on one hill top and
the log on another, while miles of oxen
were suopended In midair, like a great
centipede with legs dangling, hundreds of
feet above the ground beneath them.
Stretching; Tall Timber.
Again, he waa 1n Cape Colony with his
father, who this time was an agent of the
British government and In charge of the
great government warehouses. . Increas
ing needs made an additional warehouse
necessary. All building materials had to
be brought from England. It took a year
to get them. At last the long delayed
material arrived and, followrng the cus
tom of the time and place, everything In
readiness., all the men In the vicinity were
Invited to the "raising." When, lo and
behold! through some blunder one of the
principal timbers had been cut eighteen
Inches too short. Unless remedied It meant
a delay of another year. "My father,"
raid he, "thought a moment and then or
dered one end of the timber chained fast;
to the other end he hitched a pair of strcng
young African oxen and began to pull and,
by the Lord Harry, before he could stop
them they stretched that timber twenty,
two Inches!"
Again; he was In glasglow, this time on
his own account and at the head of a
great shipyard. The place was infested
with rats. Bo destructive were the ro
dents that they gnawed great holes in the
hulls of new vessels and felled their masts.
How to get rid of them waa a question.
Many attempts had been made, followed
by many failures. In the midst of the
distress appeared a vagabond, who claimed
to have discovered a means of banishing
rats. But little attention was paid to his
. claims. He waa persistent and confident.
' Finally he waa permitted to make a trial.
All openings to the yard, but one were
tightly closed. The tramp entered and
sprinkled throughout tho premise a mys
terious white powder, his secret, tasteless
and odorless. Then he emerged to await
results. Long and patiently he, with the
shipyard official and the assembled and
curious crowd, waited and watched until
ready to proclaim another failure. Walt
a moment! O squeel! Another Instant a
great rodent hoary with age came out No
one molested him. Off he moved, followed
by another and another faster and faster.
For four days and nights Incessantly the
rats poured out and marched away in sin
gle file. Whither they went no one knew.
At last the long . procession ceaaed. A
moment more, a little scratching then
emergeSd two young rats with a atraw In
their mouths leading an old blind rat be
tween them. Never again was a rat seen
in the yard. The tramp vanished and with
him his secret.
But back to the tall timber; it seemed
. to Inspire him:
Standing In the midst of aome magnifi
cent pines In the Wind River country
reminded him of being In Southern Russia
with his father, who had become a trusted
and highly esteemed forester In the em
ploy of the ' Caar. There bad Juat been
felled a superb walnut. From it a log
over 100 feet in length, without a knot or.
twig, had been cut'. 80 perfect aa the tree
that the log waa the aame diameter at the
top that It waa at the bottom. But hta
father was deeply chagrined that In felling
It a allver waa sprung out at the base of
the trunk. He mougni 10 . uW
. but S3 straight was the grain that the
sliver ran on and on clear to the top, and
there It lay. perfectly square nd exactly
four Inches on each Bide through Its entire
' He was a nlmrod. too. Shortly after
lolnlns th army, he was hunting In In-
' dlaa Territory; his army carbine was his
weapon; wild turkey wer the game. But
none could he sight. Discouraged and dls
. ' i.im1. ha mounted his horse, fired all his
J ammunition away to amuse himself by
.shooting larks on the wing as h rode
' along toward camp. .Just aa the sun was
' sinking a rustling caused him to look back,
; and following, not fifty yards in th rear,
was a bu gobbler, followed by a dosen
i or more hens, all apparently mocking him
in hi helplessness. Oh, for a cartrldgel
1 A hasty search of belt, box and pockatal
nnlv a single blank cartridge. But an
idea: "I'll try ahootlng my hamrod!" In
stantly the act followed the thought and
aald he: "Quickly, but carefully I aimed
. at the gobbler's throat, and will you be
' Ueve it. I strung eleven birds on that
ramrod and took them In camp.
At one time b waa stationed at a small
i.nited cost In Wyoming. Bald he: There
1 A M as little to do and I was in command and
' Blent late. I never car for early break-
ast. My quarters stood alone. My bed
- room was on the ground floor In an 'V
Just out th window on on side ran a
I beautiful brook, clear and cold. Quit as
I near on th other aid was on of nature's
I curiosities a boiling spring. How th two
' existed so cluae on to another will ever
' be a mystery to me. But I took advantage
of th situation. I kopt In my room by
fish rods and flies. For my breakfast it
waa my custom to oast out into th brook
and pull in a trout; without removing It
1 from th book, to it out th other win-
dow, boil It in th spring and then sprinkle
'it with salt and pepper, which I kept on
j my dressing table, and cat it. Ah! (smack-
. Ing Ilia Hps) that was living. Jinny ana
Navy Ufa "
rssstsM gov Teamster.
WAJnirNOTON. Deo. la It a bill which
tfts uUa Amxandsr of Missouri has
Vagmrle f Weather Cnadltloaa rt
Facia State fa Trep
teal Zeae,
An unusually hot day In summer or
mild on In winter In the United States
Is due not to an Increased amount of heat
received directly from the sun, but to the
transportation of heated air from a warmer
region. The same is true of the so-called
"cold wave." This Is brought out clearly
In a recent Investigation by Prof. Blgelow
of the United States naval observatory.
An increase in solar radiation will add
to the heat of the tropics, but owing to
the fact that It causes an inflow of
cold air from the poles It decreases the
temperature in middle latitude. All this
Is specially true of countries spreading
over wide continental areas, as the United
States doea
In an investigation of the weather rec
ords of th whole country Prof. Blgelow
finds that the Pacific states form really a
part of the tropical system. In which the
atmosphere is generally quiet, being free
from the great circular storms character
istic of the rest of the continent. Thus
the eternal summer of southern California
la due to the fact that Just here th tropics
thrust up a calm area Into the more tur
bulent region miscalled tho "temperate
one. New York Herald.
To Die on th Scaffold
Is painless, compared with tho weak, lame
back kidney trouble causes. Electric Bit
ters Is the remedy. 60c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
hoBAsj law the aautr
Nothing can be more sensi
ble than a pair of Shoes or
Slippers, whether for the
baby or for grandma for in
stance .
A Felt Romeo, genuine
wool felt, for housewear,
warm and comfortable.
A Beaded Slipper, in all
the popular colors, castor,
patent leather or kid .
A Leather low-cut or Faust
style Slipper that the men
really enjoy .
A Teddy-Bear Boot for
children the very newest
for the little ones.
Women's Slippers
$1.00 to $6.00
Men's Slippers
$1.00 to $5.00
Children's Slippers
75c to $1.50
Give the useful gifts and
your present will be doubly
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam Street
Boy Vould Have Been Run
Over by Train.
While crossing the railroad track
on aa erand to the store for his
mother. Eddie Havllcek, 1241 8. 14th
St., fell In an epileptic fit on the rail
road track. A train waa approaching
and Eddie would have been ground to
pieces beneath the wheels If the pa
trol wagon driver who was passing
that way had not spied and rescued
him before the train could run over
him. This is a striking instance of
the constant danger to which an epi
leptic Is subject. This happened some
weeks ago and Eddie Is now on the
high road to complete recovery. His
mother heard of the wonderful1 suc
cess the Austro-Amerlcan Doctors,
428 Ramge building, are having with
such cases, and immediately took him
to them. After a thorough examlna
tlon (the AuBtro .American Doctors do
not accept cases which they cannot
cure), they commenced giving htm
treatment, and since starting he has
not been troubled at all by his epi
lepsy, although his fits used to occur
almoBt daily. Eddie's mother came to
the office with him at first but ha is
practically cured now and fully able to
come by himself.
This is only one of the many cases
In which the scientific Austro-Amen-can
treatment has proven superior to
any other known methods. In order
that all who are suffering with epl
lepsy, catarrh, stomach and bowl
troubles .nervous diseases, rheuma
tism, bladder disease, kidney trouble
or any of the many chronic disorders,
may know more of this successful
treatment, the Austro-Amerlcan Doo
tors are making a generous offer of
treatment entirely free to all who
come before January 1st.
It would seem that It Is criminal
for anyone suffering with any of the
above diseases to delay and dally with
their present and future health when
they may be cured by calling on the
Austro-Amerlcan Doctors, at 438
Ramge Building.
The Time is Closing In
But there ip Btill time to participate in that wonderful
distribution of bargains we are making this holiday season.
All visitors at our stores are surprised and delighted to
learn the low prices at which it is possible to obtain strictly
high grade, first class, modern and up-to-date goods. Our
great sale has been a tremendous success. We are satisfied
and we know our customers are the same.
Four Days More oi the Great Hall Price Sale
Links for Gentlemen
Nifty patterns, die work with real diamonds in links 112.00 now fO.OO
Elaborate die work real Diamonds In Links, colored
4 gold 118.00 now $0.00
Rose finish with genuine Chip Diamonds 6.50 now $3.25
Brooches or Pendants
Beautiful enameled effects, real Diamonds $28.00 now $14.00
Pearl Cluster and real Diamonds $15.00 now $ 7.50
Large, massive effects, real Diamonds $40.00 now $20.00
Enamel Brooch, Pearls and Diamond $30.00 now $15.00
Solid Gold Jewelry CUT IN TWO
Solid Gold Signet Rings
Gentlemen's extra heavy $8.00 now $4.00
Gentlemen's perfectly plain or Roman finish $7.00 now $3.50
Gentlemen's flower design $7.50 now $3.75
1,000 patterns of ladles' Seal Rings at half price.
Babies' Seal Rings, regular $1,10 value, now .55c
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons and Links .
One pair, with diamonds.... $5.00 now $2.50
One pair, Roman finish, assorted designs... $3.50 now $1.75
One pair, Roman finish, plain, for monogram $4.50 now $2.25
We have other stylish and nifty patterns at half price.
Solid Gold Scarf Pins
Roman finish, plain, if or monogram........' $2.00 now $1.00
Genuine opal, swell mounting $3.75 now $1.87
Selection very large, at our usual CUT price.
Solid Gold Lockets
Lockets, all solid gold, Roman finish $6.00 now $3.00
Hand-Engraved, solid gold, English finish. $10.00 now $5.00
Very elaborate, extra heavy, suitable for diamond. .$16.00 now $8.00
14-Karat Gold Tilled Jewelry
Gold Filled Lockets, regular price $3, sale price $1.50
Gold Filled Brooches, regular price $2.25, sale price $1.13
Gold Filled Cuff Buttons, regular price $2, sale price $1.00
Gold Filled Scarf Pins, regular price $1.35, sale price 68c
Sterling Silver Flat Ware
Cream' Ladles, regular price $2.60, sale price.. $1.25
Sugar Shells, regular price $2, sale price 81. OO
Pickle Forks, regular $2.25, sale price. . : $1.13
Half Dozen Teaspoons, regular price $6.60, sale price $3.20
Rich Cut Glass
One-half dozen Tumblers, regular price $8.50, salt price $4.25
Two gallon Punch Bowls with 12 glasses, regular price $64.50,
sale price $32.25
Whiskey Decanter and 6 glasses, regular price $25, sale price. .$12.00
1 Gold Plated Jewel Cases Silver Plated
Jewel Boxes, gold plated, regular $3.00 how $1.50
Jewel Box. silver plated, regular $2.50 bow $1.25
Cuff Boxes, silver top, regular....; $3.00 now $1.50
Dresser and Shaving Mirrors, gold plated', regular.. $4.00 -now $2.00
Other articles in this stock ell at half price.
Silver Hollow Ware
Tea Set, 5 pieces, regular ......$32.00 now $16.00
Bake Dish, regular : $5.00 now $2.50
Entire stock of this Silverware, half price.
You will find no prices like these quoted from our GREAT HALF
PRICE SALE elsewhere In the city or surrounding states. It was our
great good fortune to be on the spot with the cash when this IMMENSE
WHOLESALE JEWELRY STOCK was thrown on the market. But time
Is getting short; you cannot put off the purchase of that ChiiBtmas
present any longer. Courteous treatment and always plenty of time to
wait on customers In our stores.
Two stores
115 South Sixteenth St.
109 North Sixteenth St.
JDon't Forget Your
Christmas Liquors
with every purchase amounting to one dollar or more, until Christmas.
1800 Farnam St. Thone Douglas 1241.
See Our Great Bargain Offerings in Boys' Ov-
. A. a m
ercoais, ana nmcKerboc&er Suits, $3.50 to $6.00
values, in this sale, at . . . .$1.98 and $2.98
There are no vacant offk s, but:
If you have been looking for uch rooms, no doubt
you have found desirable space is a rare thing. From
time to time changes are made by tenants which would
make available just the kind of office rooms which you
Is occupied from top to bottom, but for reasons above stated
we keep a watting list and would be pleased to have you call
.. and look through the building. By giving as an Idea of your
requirements would place ns la a position . to fulfill your wants
along this line at some future time. Leave your name and
address with
It, W. BAKER, 5upt,Room 501
Hart, Schaifner & Marx gggg Suits 5 Overcoats $15
A Clearance Bargain Opportunity Never Before Equalled
Yes, we've sold them before at these prices.'
but never before January 1st to 15th and .
never before has clearance offered such magnifi
cent assortments for selection.
You have the choicest of the season's clothes crop
to pick from. Only a few suits of a pattern, it's
true, as these are broken lines, but you'll find
your fit in several patterns, and they're guar
anteed just as if sold at regular prices. Actual
$20.00 to $35.00 values, all at one price, Be -eral
hundred new ones added for Mon- C "f C
day selling, choice $ I D
$12 to $18 Suits 3 Overcoats', '9Jf
Don't judge from the price, just examine the qual
ity. You'll find pure worsteds and all wool fab
rics, finely tailored, perfect fitting, in all the
nobby new styles and colorings. All odd lots
from our regular stock, CQ IlQ
choice, at . . . plrHO
'-'life?-- t V.
Wilt . Vtd
a EJ CmvritM toe t
Hn ick.ian t Mars
A Fine Line of Smoking Jackets, all sorts of
. beautiful colorings, all sizes and styles, $2.95,
$3.95, $4.95, special bargains $5.95 to $8.50
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
Try Hayden's IFIrstt
Always Pay
b.Z.RRdnRIIRY liFNTICT 16 tasram stbsbt
,.m. 0. -,-.1
Palnlesa Extracting 60o
Crowns, up from.'. fs.M
Partial Plata, up
from 92.00
filling, up from SOo
oroelain FUllnss,
up from ........ $1.60
17 yoara
Bridge .Work, per
tooth, up from (2.60
Nerves removed with
out pain.
Work guaranteed tea
Nothing. Nicer
For a Christmas gift than a piece of
hand-painted China. We are showing
some beautiful pieces, painted by the
best Omaha artists. Every lady ap
preciates fine China. Spend a few
minutes in our store.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler
1518 Douglas Street.
"Christmas Chimes"
Are the most popular Novelty ever Introduced
and are made to fit on the top of Christmas trees
, Walk-Over
Waterproof Soles
They consist f .....
Beautiful Angels,' , 1 -J I
S Candlesticks, '
8 Tuned Bells and a Turbine,
while above all shines the Btar of Bethlehem.
Stylish shoes that are com
fortable and durable. You
will be satisfied when you
wear a pair from the
Walk -Over Shoe Store
314 South lStb ftt Omaha.
(Tour doors Be. 3on Drug Co.)
an. av. tioktiov, ku.
I Gift
Our "Chrlstuas-Chlmes" are 10 Inches high and made of fine
nlckle-plated metal and are so constructed that when the candles are
lighted the Turbine goes around and the Bells begin to play.
The effect is something wonderful, adding Immensely to the
solemnity of Christmas, snd young and old feel a thrill of Joy and
surprise when entering Into the presence of a lighted Christmas Tree
beholding the silver-like Angels, while sweet music sounds through
the room, heralding the birth of ChiiBt.
Our "Clirtktruas-Chinies" can also stand by themselves, so that
parties who do not desire to go to the trouble of fixing up a Christ
mas Tree can place one or more on a table and arrange presents,
flowers, etc., around them with the same wonderful effect.
As our "CTirUunaa-Chlmes" are unbreakable they can be used
the whole year round on many other occasions, as balls, parties, birth
days and other festivities, when they always will bring Joy to the par
ticipants. We offer these beautiful ,"Chrttm-Chim9s" to our subscribers
for only 60 cents. Out-of-town subscribers add 11 cents for postage
and we wlU send them by mall.
1701 Farnan Btraet. Omaha, Neb.
will rent that vacant House,
fill those vacant rooms, or
cecure boarders on short notice,
at a very small cost to you
A Christmas present of a pair
of high grade Slippers Is a very
jcorrect and appropriate gift.
There is pleasure and comfort in
the warm and pretty fur trimmed .
Romeoa and slippers for ladles,
misses and children.
$1.00 (o $2.00
Every man and boy needs the
comfort of a pair of the hand
some slippers we show, at
I $1.00 to $3.00
A very handsome gift is a pair
of stylish dress or street shoes
$3.50 to $5.00
The price, style and quality of
our goods will help you decide.
16th and Douglas Streets.
A snappy, crisp deli
cacy for dinner or
luncheon every chip
perfect and daintily
Sold only In brown, wax-paper
sacks always clean and fresh, if
your grocer dooan't have them Its
worth while telephoning an order
to us we see to delivery.
Brodsky's Saratoga Chip Co.
H Farnam St. 'Phone Doug, tsst
sj 14T Sleek aie.