Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1908, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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    : '
WWN & CO. I xf JZAfZJSti? A Victor Message I 9gC HaSNAMESain I IffiT
' $1.00 A WEEK WILL DO. A wise man said, "Let me make the song3 of ammu b( 111
II , , USEFUL XMAS G1FTS the people and I care not who makes the laws." are preVr" M I
I ''Headquarters for Men's Suits. ' Ladies' Suits. w7?v8T r8vrw h jHj!
: M . Xfpn'q OvPrprnt Ladies' Coats not only a lasting Impression on the mind but a tain Canary, but we eauot n.rant.. iingiti &tj&k l JTaM ill
lomnnc n n A Uvcrcoats. l,ames voais. living Impression on the soul, when the wisest -but we do furnish f4&wfi 1 Jy '
V V dUU Men's Cravenettes. Ladies lurs. council we ever listened to is forgotten or the stir- Guaranteed Singers at $2.50 ftA, &Sy"M
K:mnA imirolrir Men's Shoes. Ladies' Skirts. ring words of some brilliant orator are only a No one may hope to equal our import- fil ?j'iit-kt' A
Ynamona jewelry. Mcn,8Hatg. Ladies' waists. b,ur!;ed, r,ory,t BtrC9 ?ntT!h x&xFtt XStti m'i
. - r ru- t r :o nwWeVJ-tc, reached the heart, In the long, long ago, break in not coma within several miles of Kiviix fat- SVfcv' I
Is 1 Oft HOft irrrf-h Men'8 Shirts. Ladies Underskirts. on the mind in the most unexpected time and place i-.fae.tion. Come and see our Harts Mountain Ifl'J'YV -Jf
1UUUU WOrm Men's Furnish 'g Goods. Ladies' Shoes. converting what might have .been a gloomy hour ?cT?w 5f
f f tO Show VOU.' Boys' Suits. Girls' Coats. J & Syne reflections on the days of Satl8factlon guarateea-.r bird, ex- W .
I A Youths' Suits. Girls' Suits. Get a Victor and live in the present aa well as Slnff.r i. .old with a writt.n g-aarante.. " Ma"l" M """"V
A Y - - Youths 'and Boys' Girls Furs. m the past. MaX Geisler Bird CO. ' ' "
HztflfN Ft C( Overcoats. Girls' Furnishings. Plaver Co. 303 No. 16th St Estab. 1888
IW. Ulf J W Rinri 17V3 rUFniT CTnnF " HeadqaarUrs for AU Sonar Birds, Do, Gold riih, P.t Stock and
- ... KIDULLY & LKCU11 1 V ' Old Boston Store. p.t stock Supplies,
and TARNAM 1417 Doug. St.. Omaha. Elmer Bedd.o. Mgr.
U FiA.iMOS I for cash only I Wearforever s-fl D0N'T MISS 0
! An opportunity of a lifetime to purchase high grade fSJ EL TTT7 aV Si SSy SFFIMfi
, pianos at less than factory prices. Q Hi f g igfr IfiiiP UUIjI11I
- JlLTf For the week of December 19 to De- 1L .tt V W fiil My Line of TJiread
I STP leS' feWOfl nJ cember 26 we will clean and press any For Men. Women and Children NYY)lffl Silk Mens' Hose at
Ai Ebony f00.00 Sv11 '?g5.00 kind of Ladies' Skirts for 75c. We T I-a Y 1-a TT-Tk kk5H,RT SI 50 oer oair
IV j Walnut $350.00 Sterhng $125.00 call for and deliver and gntee REDUCED TO BUT CHIIIIU P! P
j Mahogany $400.00 Slightly Used Adam Schaff,-- the work, provided the order is accom- ' . rt N? 1322 FARMtf5J. All colors. ,
?C Walnut $350.00 at $185.00 panied by the cash Cl 3 UOX, SIX p3irS 10 thC DOX ' .
?a. lacker Bros., square- Boitwood $2i5.oo J CP C 6 pairs guaranteed to wear 6 months n p. , JC J '
ars V.M --, .$700.00 ...$50.00 75C Pajamas, Night Robes, Shirts and Su.pznd
ker NCW PlaFlOS Positively for this week only. Other Dealers' Price $1.50 and $2 a Box ef Gloves and Handkerchiefs, for Holiday
her $000, Walnut, for -S285 ,1
I irowr,rr.::::::::::v.v.v.v.:::: 70 z rrj ti jos F Bilzs Sons '
vi Xew lManoB from 135 np. Organs $3.00. 3.00. 7.00, flO.OO. gH& W "f tfll 1 iO. IH, JL J? L O
L-r-ae V V C41 141 QJUfc5 204 North 16th Street - AlfoeH CalHO
0. S ' J.S.CAMERON 2016 Famam Street Just the thing for a holiday pre.ent Special .tock 1322 farnam st. L
I 01 106-108 N. 15th St. McCague Bank Bldg. Phono Red 2841. , , , , . . . . . , . . , .
j j Open Evenings. "V Sample Rooms. Telephones: Douglt. 1729; Independent, A 1729 reserved for mail orders. ShlrHtomeasurc, 3 lor $7 during December
A fif fl CsmA. Why not a Present Moritz Meyer Cigar Co.,
ounSf. il O lUlio jO iiiO , FOR 1314 Farnam St, Established 18 B7.
i and and a
& a membership ticket makes a HabpvNewYear Yoiir SlenOOrapllCr The Most Complete Line Imported
"trV c ,DiceChj;Istmf Cf , , and Domestic Cigars in the West -
irSVr bcnlor membership, 1st year MJ To our many friends through- Let us suggest a new . . 1
'HAl " mtcrmcdiate membership ' out the Central West who have Qmiih DtomiAP . A .
f t . Ut rar$8-,? . w: bmim-Prcmicr Ohnstmas igars :
rani Junior membership, 1st v ear, 56 n.. -
Us . - . thanky- Visible Typewriter AtAIIPr,cos- ,
m MOCHA MIXTURE mwi1rVlth ThP rirrn pdmTfr Briar & Meerchaum Pipes a Specilty , -
I iirn i nu ' ness and prosperity. May each IRC hMllU-rKLllllfclC ... . Tlirllfh Tflh,Mft ,
!( dTncomte. SteeUut year tring you rich regards M TVPFWRtTER mMPflNV M Mm to MiSh T0t3CC"
J and sifted. Roasted and w. d. plowman, Manager Alamo Gas and Gasoline Engines
j Sold in Omaha by TD I ID 17TH AND FARNAM STS. Specially Adapted for Farming and Electrical Purpose.
I M. Ij. MaSterman Ck UO. Branch Olllces: yJSFT .FX10 -
: 7?E MAEr oa L hiigraving Company nc MmnAQ oitumwa h-fV' j srr
! - 313 South Eleventh Street Ues ITlomes utiumwa 3, 'Snfer-s ZuZJUrlx
ia? Branch at PUBLIC MARKET Barker bi w. Waterloo; Sioux City I -H ;:.
i . . I mnAln II I ft Ie. opera liouses, stor. church , .,
j f 1610 Harney Street Lmcoin ' W j $S - u.nwwVt.Bdi.fl"?- Kur
jlluii JuviAo ulNNbK Porosis ' "tSSl jk gy,
j r will be xnore satisfactory if everything about X iff PP3 I 3HI TfaC MaO :';
I J your table is spic and .pan. Your silverware ThC WOllian'S ShOC WlUl Character .. It Is A-de-lite I J Jijl F S3
may need attention. We replate anything In all the new shades and I This cream gives better re- . .irl -C-'vS
,f made of metal in Gold, Silver and Nickel" We all the new leathers. suits, however, afer iismg iHli
51 , , . ; Wntt. Tn l I Sepre Goivine, of which I am lSjff r-;:"-tU; I 4 west . '
k f do polishing and lacquering. If you have any Suede tops, in blue, Lon- 1 sole agent in Omaha V j? UU ' t";; i h.v. my ow factory; Va
' ... ... ... . don smoke and brown. 1 t.oie uyvui, m yuiuua. l : ' - t f1 iv my personal cncntrii
f . old family articles which you wish to present T . , r.n , I You are invited to mv apart- sb "- r?; V study to th on in n.d ot wy
I : ( . , , . , , Sorosis shoes fit like made- I J" u a ' V 1 Jr . ,Vi TvT . y, f stsuiishmeiit nd servtc. it .
f f 1 to your children we will make them good as to order ments, Hat 6, Davidge Block, l&th and l-arnam, to mUTioZS " cMu'L.t'
111, new at a small cost. Rest room, telephone and I insect my scialties, including Hair Solvent and Hait J? BSiS- ..XW001
i I n .. . p., shoe polishing-FREE. Growers. NiA't'
1 , Omaha Plating Co. 2sssr 7 A' MmJS:ay6r I , ysssa-
1, V , " " . . net, TO . J J!rfw rSS, NOTE A-de-lite is an exceptional preparation for '
, j Tels.: Dous:. 2535; Auto A-2535. 1220 Harney St. FRANK WILCOX, Mgr. gentlemen after shaving. t- - " :. : 1 Ho$
, '--v ' ' : " " ' ' ' ".' , 1 , " i , " ., ,Zm. ;Hr... '
: . 4 . .. . r
I,,n. I in Ill I . I III III .1. w ill.. I ' " "' ' " "' ' " wimiimiiM -