Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1908, EDITORIAL, Page 4, Image 12

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Tiie Omaha Sunday Bee
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Omaha The Bee Building.
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Cnmmunlcatlona relating to news and edi
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S'at of Nebraska. Douglas County, am.:
Oeorre B. Tischuck. treaaurer of The
Bee Publishing companr. being duly sworn,
says that the act.ial number of full and
romplete ropi 0f The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday pee printed during the
month of November. 1908. waa as follows:
1 44.000 II 37.990
I 08,100 IT 87,190
t .48,00 ' 11 86,870
....M.SBO 1 t4.e99
(.'. 4t,no t 87.310
89,eae ai... rrjooo
1 a,W0 2i ....87.080
37,400 23 37,010
1 37.940 H 07,090
10 3710 II 37,070
... 37,780 II 36,940
II.. 37,800 IT 37,140
It. i. ...... .37.90 21 30,090
14..., 3T.M0 It 80.700
I SCV0OO 10 374110
Total 1,161370
Leaa untold and returned copies. 11,107
Net total 1,180,103
Dally average 38,330
Fubacrfbed 1n my Presence and sworn to
before nie this 1st day of December, 190B.
tSaal) M. P WALKKR.
Notary Public.
wbserlb-ra Iservlas; t eltr teea.
torrlly anovld hart Tke B-s
Mails to theaa. Aldnsa will he
eha-g4 often m aest4.
It will look bettor witb Red Cross
stamp on it
A new constitution is the latest
Turkish trophy.
It promises to be anything but a
merry Christmas for Castro.
Those who did their Christmas
shopping -early need not quit on that
Editor Pulitzer la talking very
saucily to President Roosevelt, but
that's the way of the World. .
Castro proposes to spend some time
at Cologne, It may help some, as he
Is Jn bad odor everywhere else.
"The Minks" Is the name of a new
organization of western traveling men
who object to being skinned by hotel
"Theoretically, Georgia to a prohi
bition state," says the Augusta Her
ald. Georgia, then, is like other pro
hibition states.
Eome of those congressmen ought
to bave learned by this time that it
Is dangerous to monkey with the
ftaoeevelt buzz saw.
England to astounded at the mim-
br of its women who' confesss to be
ing over 70, since the old age pension
law became operative.
The war between the telephone
companies is said to have cost 1100,
000,000 in the last twelve years. The
patrons foot the bills.
, "Railroading to a poor business,"
says Mr. Harrlman. Railroad men
who have tried conclusions with Air.
Harrlman will agree with him.
The Congressional Record to the
only publication thus far discovered
that has not advised Its readers to do
their Christmas shopping early.
Other nations are apparently too
gallant to Interfere with Queen Wil
helmlna and are allowing her to go
as tar as she likes In Venezuela.
President Roosevelt might take a
lesson from President Simon of Hayti
in methods of securing an unanimous
vote of confidence from congress.
The complete returns of the popu
lar vote ahould convince even Mr
Bryan that tf the people do not rule
It to because they are 1n the minority
The Pullman company naturally ob-
jeots to the proposition to have Its
upper bertha made lower and refuses
to admit that Its lower berths are too
Mr. Bryan Is reported as saying
that free silver would have prevented
last year's panic. The Chicago plat
form of 1896 dies hard with Mr
The new Turktoa constitution ought
to contain & clause prohibiting the Im
portation to the saltan's country of
the Turkish cigarettes made in New
, The statement that the president
has Injured the feelings of congress
will surprise those who have been led
to believe that congressmen do not
lave feelings. t
It transpires that Douglas county
republicans contributed to the na.
tlonal campaign fund just about $100
to every fl contributed by Lancaster
punty republicans. Koto the ratio.
Completed compilation of the popu
lar vote cast for president at the re
cent election shows that Taft polled
the record-breaking vote of 7,637,C78,
with a plurality over Mr. Bryan as
his chief competitor tf nearly 1,2 50 -000.
Mr. Taft's popular vote was, In
round numbers, 600,000 greater than
waa McKlnlcy's in 1896 and 400.000
greater than McKlnley s In 1900. It
Is only about 20,000 greater than
Roosevelt's in 1900 and, excluding the
vote In Oklahoma, which was then a
territory, it falls below that cast for
Roosevelt. '
On the other side, the popular vote
recorded for Mr. Bryan at the last
election is 6,893,182, which is more
than 100,000 less than he polled In
1S96 and, again excluding Oklahoma,
nearly 100,000 less than he polled in
1900, when he was 150,000 short of
his vote of 1896. Parker in 1904, as
the democratic nominee, fell far be
hind in the race. The only compari
son in which Bryan's vote shows up
creditably is with this tumbledown
vote of Parker, which is by no means
Putting the figures of the popular
vote for the last four presidential elec
tions side by side, we have the follow
ing very interesting table, the statis
tics for the last three columns being
taken from the World Almanac, which
may possibly vary slightly from other
1908. 1904. MOO. M96.
Republican ...7,637.676 7.623, 4Sfi 7,107,923 T,104,T?9
Democrat ....6.393,182 6.077,971 6,358.133 6,502,926
Socialist 448,4:3 402,283 87,814
Independence.. 83,186
Prohibition .. 24I.S52 258,836 208,914 132,007
Populist 83.871 117,183 60,371
Social labor... 1M21 31.249 89,739 86,274
Nat. Dem 138,148
The study of these statistics does
not disclose the lesser parties to be
any great factors in the results. In
1896 and again in 1900 Bryan had
both the democratic and the populist
nominations, and his vote represents
the combined vote of the two parties.
In 1904 when the populists had their
own candidate they polled 117,183
votes for Tom Watson, whereas this
year Watson received only 33,871
votes, being less even than was polled
by the mid-road populist candidate
eight years before when Wharton
Barker got 60,373. The fact is that
Bryan in 1908 again received the bulk
of the old populist vote the same as in
his two previous campaign and in Ne
braska went to the extreme .of putting
his democratic electors on the ticket
labelled as populists. This populist
element in the Bryan column should
be taken into account in connection
with his total vote this year and de
ducted In any computation designed to
arrive at the real democratic strength.
Of the other minor parties the social
ists alone have shown any growth and
they, too, have dropped short of -ex
The popular vote figures furnish
food also for thought along other
lines, particularly as to the unfair ap
portionment of representation in the
electoral college between the states
north and south, where the franchise
has been arbitrarily restricted. It
happens that all our recent presidents
have bad a majority of the popular
vote as well as of the electoral -vote,
but with the over-weighted represent
ation ,of the southern states In the
electoral college there to no assurance
that this will continue to be the case.
After all is said and done in this
furore that haa been -raised over the
president's severe criticism of con
gress for curtailing the use of the se
cret service, the fact remains promi
nent that congressmen, who feel that
their dignity bas been ruffled, are rely
ing upon a technicality to carry their
point. It Is not practicable to have a
secret service branch in every depart
ment of the government andr for mere
convenience sake, the secret service
division has been placed under the
Treasury department, the intent being
to have men assigned for work in the
different departments, Just as the De
partment of Justice makes assignment
of attorneys to ' the different depart
There has always been a suspicion
that in limiting the work of the secret
service force to the business of the
Treasury department congress was in
spired by certain interests which had
been exposed In the course of investi
gations started by President Roose
velt. The right to transfer secret
service agents to other departments
has' made possible the detection of
land thieves, timber pirates and cus
toms crooks. On this point the presi
dent says, In his message:
To these practices we owe the securing
of the evidence which enabled us to drive
treat lotteries out of business and secure a
quarter of m million of dollars hi fines from
their promoters. These practices have en
abled us to discover some of the most out,
rasreouB rrnuds In connection with the theft
of government land and government tim
ber by great corporations and by individu
These practices have enable us to get
some of the evidence Indispensable In order
to secure the conviction of the wealthiest
and .most formidable criminals with whom
the government haa to deal, both thoae op
erating n violation of the ant I-trust law
and others.
The amendment In question was of ben
efit to no one excepting to these rrlmlnls.
and It seriously hampers the government In
the detection of crime and the securing of
However congressmen may feel on
the subject, the people will recall that
It was the use of secret service men,
detailed from the Treasury depart
ment, that enabled Brlstow of Kansas
to fill a federal prison in Wemt Vir
ginia with men convicted of postofllce
frauds: that convicted Senator
Mitchell of Oregon of complicity la
land frauds; that Imprisoned Senator
Burton of Kansas for conspiracy -with
a St. Ixiuis get-rich-qulck concern;
that drove Congressman Binger ilerr-
man to a defense in the courts; that
cleaned out the land frauds on the Pa
cific coast and prcdnctd Francis
Heney, who la now prosecuting graft
ers In Pan Francisco; that brought
the Beef combine to terms; that ex
poaed.the Standard Oil manipulations
and put railroad rebating out of busi
ness, and that has brought practically
every unlawful combination and trust
in the country to a willingness to live
within the law in the future.
Whether or not the president's in
timation that the congressional re
striction on the transfer of the secret
service men was berausa "the con
gressmen did not wish themselves to
be Investigated" to unwarranted, the
supersensitlveness of the congressmen
calls attention to the attitude of them
selves and their complaining col
leagues in these other matters in
which our national honor and dignity
are -involved. The general public will
never consent to the establishment of
a spy system, such as obtains In Rus
sia, but It will resent any effort to im
pair the legitimate work of the secret
service, which has rendered such good
account to the public In the last few
The offer to and acceptance by Sen
ator Knox of the position of secretary
of state under President Taft puts the
construction of the new cabinet well
under way.
Mr. Taft believes that the work of
the secretary of state will be second
in importance in his administration
only to his own and has not hesitated
to say that for this responsible posi
tion the country afforded only two or
three available men entitled to seri
ous consideration. In this list he put
Senator Knox first and undoubtedly
regards himself as extremely for
tunate in persuading Senator Knox to
become his chief associate for the
coming presidential term. Judged by
what he has done so far In public life
as attorney general and as senator,
Mr. Knox unquestionably possesses la
a high degree the qualifications de
sired and will be the strong man of
the cabinet .even among other strong
With the' difficult position of secre
tary of state out of the way, the grad
ual completion of the new cabinet
may be expected to proeeed faster.
The men for two or three other places
are fairly well settled upon and two
or three of the present Rooeevelt cab
inet will, doubtless, be retained for
awhile " into the next administration.
Mr. Taft's idea of a cabinet, made up
of the ablest and most influential men
of his party and representative of the
best thought and ability In the coun
try, to the Tight idea and he may be
relied upon to apply It practically in
shaping his cabinet within the limita
tions presented by cabinet posslblli-
The first assistant postmaster gen
eral has recommended to congress that
free delivery be withheld, In cities,
from those business houses and resi
dences where boxes are not provided
to receive the mall. The recommen
dation to radical and congress will be
slow to adopt It, but it is made in
the interests of the patrons of the
postofllce. Its adoption would enable
the postal authorities to provide for
more frequent deliveries and gener
ally improve the mall service. One
direct and certain benefit of the plan
would be that the average business
man could see his home mall before
going to business, which is Impossible
under the present system. The car
rier leaves the postofllce "loaded to
the guards" with mail and spends the
greater portion of his time waiting at
front doors for some one to respond
to his ring and receive the letters.
This delay necessitates the spending
of two or more hours In the delivery
of mall that could "be distributed in
one hour. Saving the time wasted by
carriers In climbing to the upper
floors of apartment houses, when mail
boxes should be provided on the
ground floor, would alone be sufficient
to allow an Increase of the number
of deliveries and a general improve
ment of the carrier service.
Although Premier Asquith, leader
of the liberal party in England, has
shown a political stamina greater
than he has been credited with pos
sessing Ty refusing to accept the chal
lenge of the House of Lords to dis
solve Parliament at this time, all in
dications are that the dissolution can
not be long deferred. The liberal
party is in the embarrassing position
of having made too many unkept
promises and it has too many pre
tensions still unjustified. The union
ist are taking full advantage of the
situation and axe pressing the admin
istration to seek a vindioatlon at the
polls.i The bye-elections recently held
have resulted disastrously for the
liberals and the prevailing sentiment
is that an appeal to tho electorate
would drive the liberals from power.
AH will agree that the liberal gov
ernment has been very badly treated
by the House of Lords. The Lords
have killed a bill to regulate the
liquor traffic, which the -Commons
passed by a decisive vote, and have
forced the withdrawal of two Impor
tant educational bills to which the
liberal party was pledged. The only
Important measures to the credit of
the 11 her a In are the old-age pension
bin and the trade union bin, both ad
mitted to be economically unsound,
but paawed to placate the socialists.
The liberals have therefore practically
been reduced to a state of helpleas
nens as to all the measure on which
they have made their original appeal
for support.
To add to other complications, the
conservatives and unionists have
practically committed themselves to
an abandonment of Britain's ancient
free trade policy an havw tWlared
for "a measure of protection" as a
paramount Issue In the next cam
paign. No one can tell how the coun
try would vote on this Issue, but the
recent prolonged depression in the
trades In Englnnd and the develop
ment of the industries in the colonies
under a protective plan, have done
much to dispose the British mind to a
more favorable consideration ot the
protective policy. In any event, the
next political campaign In England,
which may come up in the spring,
promises to be one of the most ex
citing In the country's "history.
It has remained for a married man
of the District of Columbia to muster
courage sufficient to ask and secure a
legal decision on the question of a
woman's right to go through her hus
band's pockets. Tho ethics of the prop
osition has been a problem for do
mestic dispute since the Invention of
the pocket, but the practice ot this
style of pocket Investigation has gone
on uninterruptedly. The husband has
Invariably insisted that his wife had
no right to search his pockets and
she has as invariably retorted that it
would be high time for her to be up
and doing if he were carrying some
thing In his pockets she ought not to
In the Washington case, a mean,
cruel, base, selfish, but wholly cour
ageous husband had his wife arrested
for going through his clothes while
be slept and abstracting divers coins,
some strangely suspicious notes and
other sundries that he considered
wholly personal and essential to his
comfort and well being. The Justice
before whom the case was tried
promptly dismissed the woman and
remarked incidentally that any mar
ried woman at any time and under
any sort of provocation or lack ot
provocation, had a perfect legal,
moral, religious, social and personal
right to search her husband's clothes.
If the decision has any effect at all,
it will be to make the wives more ag
gressive in the exercise of their privil
eges and the husbands more careful
as to the contents of their pockets..
Former Secretary of the Treasury
Leslie M. Shaw is much perturbed over
the spread and acceptance of socialis
tic doctrines among the American
people. In an address to the alumni
of Dickinson college, Mr. Shaw as
serted that most of the teachers ot
sociology In the colleges of the coun
try are socialists, the others being
anarchists of the more or less harm
ful variety; that socialism is spread
ing among our ministers of tho gos
pel; and that "the trend of the news
papers is toward socialism.' "I re
peat," he said, "the trend to danger
ous to this country."
We suspect that Mr. Shaw to mak
ing the too common error of branding
as "socialistic every retorm move
ment, Indiscriminately, even though
the reform be radically opposed to
every cardinal principle of the social
ists. The legislation of the last few
years for the regulation of public util
ities, the correction of corporation
and transportation abuses, control of
municipal franchises, and taxation of
corporate property, haa been branded
as "socialism" by those 'moat directly
affected, when, as a matter ot fact,
these reforms are opouly antagonistic
to the real socialist teachings.
Thero is an association of socialist
clergymen, but it is few in numbers
and has received undue attention by
reason of the newness of the depar
ture. The great religious bodies of
the nation, in thelr conference in
Philadelphia recently, representing
thirty religious bodies and 16,04)0,000
communicants, passed resolutions
strongly urging measures to inform
the American masses of the fallacy
of the specious arguments of social
Nor should there be any mistake
on the part of anyone as to the part
the presB is taking in relation to so
cialism. The newspapers are, to be
sure, giving much space to the dis
cussion of socialism, but therein lies
the greatest measure ot safety against
the spread of socialism. The weak
ness and danger of tbe socialist creed
will be best and most quickly shown
by full and free discussion of it by
the college, the pulpit and the press.
Theodore Roosevelt,- Jr., has been
appointed a major on the staff of the
governor of Connecticut. The money
that he would ordinarily save out of
his salary of 15 a .week will probably
be spent for uniforms.
The magazines are to pay Mr.
Roosevelt $1 a word for his African
hunting stories. Some of the con
gressmen would doubtless be glad to
pay him that much to keep still.
A Canadian railroad to to be pun
ished for allowing Hindus and goats
to travel In the same car. Apparently
the goats have rights which even the
railroads are bound to respect.
Governor Shallenbtrger will have
to shake a few more pluuis loosd from
the political Christmas tree if he
wants to get rid of the remaining
offloeseekers on his trail.
The census bureau Is making an
Investigation ot the American birth
rate whllo the Interstate Commerce
commission to inquiring into the Pull
man berth rate.
"Austria bows to Turkey," says a
cable dispatch. That's encouraging,
as Austria and Turkey have not been
ither on bowing or speaking eruis
lor some time.
Tbi la a dwptMl.iuu upuu tiie part ul
unyuoo t try tw elect to momirarantp in
ihe AuunUa club the dosen Callturnluiia
who s.iy taut Abe Ruef is guilty.
alojitcBuade 1 0liM
BuHlinma American.
This haa ba a btinncr yoar for th
farmers vt the nation, over seven billions
representing tlie value ot their crops. It
would sevm from statistics that the farm
ers da not need a special oommUston for
uplifting purposes.
l Prtnble Sidwlla.
Bwstua Herald.
Vncle Sam's profit of $ 10,M1,871 from the
coinage, ef sliver, nickel and kronse coins,
In a single year, la, something handsome.
The raw materishi have rarely been
cheaper or the margin mt difference be
tween the metal and coin, values wider.
Pnsssel l p to the Honorable Caart.
Kansas City Tillies.
Ths United States supreme court de
rided that the Interstate Commcree cost
en 1m Ion cannot force E. II. Harrlman te
answer ' questions. Is there anything on
earth the Interatats Commerce commis
sion haa power to do besides bold ''sit
tings T"
Mere Trouble for Jiha D,
Chicago Record-Herald.
John D. Rockefeller has Just drawn his
quarterly dividend amounting to M.OnO.OOO
from the Standard Otl company. Owing to
the fact that he regarda his wealth as a
responsibility this will probably serve to
make his Christmas a little more cheerless
than any of the previous ones have been
to him.
Amnstaei Worries.
Indianapolis News.
Still. It Is a little difficult for the ordi
nary landsman to understand what evil
can result, from our rear admirals being
outranked by foreign vice admirals In tlms
of peace. When It came to delivering the
goods In time of War there would be no
difficulty about their demonMratlng that
they were really the tophotchers.
In Defense of Adam.
New York Sun.
TTe venture humbly to expostulate with
tlie distinguished feminine publicist ot
Evansten, 111., who Insists that Adam "was
a lo-afer." We don't mean to defend Adam.
As the cause of work In hts somewhat nu
merous posterity he never can be popular.
He may have been a malingerer, but surely
he is protected by the statute of limi
Onenlnsr l p the Mills.
Philadelphia Record.
Cheerful news of Increased employment
for workmen and of Increased demaad for
commodities comes every day. If the steel
business has not passed as suddenly as It
sometimes does from pauperism to prrnce-
liness, yet It Is moving In that direction,
with gratifying results to men who have
had little or no employment for & year.
The American Steel and Wire company has
Just decided to put In order two blast fur
naces and six open-hearth furnaces at the
Donora plant. This will give work te W0
men and LOOO In a week or two. The or
ders to start these furnaces afford evi
dence of an Increased demand for the
products of the company. V
Highways of happiness are never cut
through with paid and tears.
No religion haa much power over es that
does not make some great appeal to u.
The saddest sight In this world Is the man
who can sin without any sense of sorrow.
Cherishing the memory of slights and in.
juries rs Irtce filling the pillow -wtth thorns.
There la a world f difference between
willing a deed and simply being willing
to do.
Credulity as to the guilt of others Is often
due to the word ot conscience within our
selves. The man who Bits on tho fence Is food of
talking about taking high ground on all
They who wear the garments of religion
all the wek can feel pious on Sunday with
out a frock coat.
It's a good deal easier to believe that the
angels love many sinners than that they
love all the saints.
When you are able to set your religion In
a compartment of your life, life Itself comes
along and locks up the file.
If you realty want to know th world you
will do more than Investigate Its shadows
and sample Its garbage cans.
'You may know how much a man ts really
worth by seeing how much he puts In after
singing, "Here, Lord, I give myself away.
Chicago Tribune.
Baltimore American: The modesty of the
Vermont clergyman who says he has
doubled the else of his congregation by
means at dloplay advertiaing in the news
papers Is only exceeded by hut frank and
cordial appreciation of tae saving grace
of printers' ink.
The Ccngregatlonaltst : No eoestton about
It, psychotherapy has the eentT ef the stags.
There was a time when we were all hot
footed after Institutional methods. Then
the boy problem l,nrn?1 so large as to
dwarf almost TVeryOnVs Sapient-re
marks about the arinruswMt period came hi
coptoua measure from the pulftt and plat
form. Then Interest shifted to the Immi
grant and everybody wanted somebody else
to do something ti.r Mm. Nw healing by
suggestion Is the ecleslajttcal talk of the
day. Thus do the tides of Interest rise and
fall, and doubtless each crescent wave of
thought and feeling carries Its due measure
ot refreshment and Incentive to the church.
Boston Herald: There are stirrings
among American Protectants tending to
ward abolition of competition. Connecticut
Congregationalisms have appointed a com
mittee to confer with Kplscepaiians, in re
sponse to more liberal Intimations ef posi
tion defined by the recent Lamfeetli con
ference. New England Baptists, In session
la Boston this week, have fully endorsed
tho movement, for federation of churches.
Word now comes from Philadelphia that,
supplementing the Irentc Influences of the
Federal Council Just held in that city, com
mil tees representative of the Presbyterian
church north, the Reformed chnrch in the
United States and the Welsh Presbyterian
church have agreed to recommend union of
the three bodies. .
Chicago Tribune: Bishop John Lancaster
palding of Peoria has issued his farewell
letter to his co-workers. He lias made for
himself a great name in Illinois. His Influ
ence has extended far beyond the borders
of the commonwealth. As priest, educator,
and whoieiieai ted man he has wun friends
In countless numbers. It is h,rd for any
rnergetlu worker to give up a place in whicU
he luts brought honor te himself and
strength to tlw cause for whicu he baa
labored. The pang of separation is evident
In BUhop Spalding's last words to bis long
time associates. But the grUf at the clos
ing of a prosperous Incumbency of ths
bishopric may well be tempered by the
knowledge of the approbation of an army
of admirers who will not soon forget his
workffaW his words.
t Si .'W
e' As.
It '8 the coBimoii sense way to buy these gems that here
tofore have been out of your reaeh. I have opened several
hundred new accounts just this .month. May I add you to
the large list of well pleased customers! Everything is
strictly confidential. Cornel in and we'll talk it over. Only
a few days left now.
1 nitllT Fine White Diamonds Mounted AAA Prt
2-CARAT Bii;?,;.!r.! $62.50
W&tchet, Brooches, TUr&.a. R.itg, Cuff Buttons,
Ear Screws, Pins, Opera. Glasses, Stud
The weather man and the loe man seem
unable to agree oa terms.
The wine Rants Claus will wear an as
bestos beard or double the accident policy.
The lata shonn.r exhibits the grit, en
durance and lung power with which foot
ball heroes swipe the crown.
American Ideas are steadily taking root
abroad- British, peers iaslst that the House
of Lords should be revised by Its Ir.enda.
It should be noted as a matter of local
aad Lateraatioaal Interest that ths old
Dates, cleanser to getting In Its work
rowd -Venezuela.
Ths Boston Globe merrily sings of "The
hand that rocks ths furnaoe." Peopls shy
on poetic muscle use two hands, a shovel
and some vocal energy.
That asred Russian millionaire who
mimed his fortuno before death probably
thought his act would diminish the heat
units of the furl of the future.
RiniM Editor Latfan of the New York Buu
fired 'Incunabula" at the Big Stick, the
Advisory Board oX. Simplified English have
held executive sessions with Moan vveoster
"anil nthAKN."
Cniint Rnnl boldly declares he wants his
children and spurns the thought of money,
if tk antlra. Gould fortune was placed at
his feet be wouldn't touch It will le the po
lice were looking.
Maine towns have had three campaigns
thla fun state. nresMerrtial and municipal,
In September, November and December, re
spectively. Still, inquisitive people ascrirje
to other causes the failure ot Meal uowism
to eradicate the native thirst.
Tk Chiaeeei consul general at 8an Fran
cisco has served natlc on members of the
ftrhtlne' Tunas of tlutt section that unless
they stop killing each other be will send
their names tc. the home government, wmon
win take revenge oa tholr relatives in ao-
eordance wtth Chinese lawi That means
the government will wallop their fathers,
mothers, brothers and sisters until the ex
iles make good.
Nan Tour Blue new waist Is all crumpled.
Fan Well, suppose it la! Do you think
Jack to aa arnUeas wonder? Chicago Trib
une,. fh. m-le-i." erted a girt worth $18,000,000,
"do yow tWnk the- duke ia sincere.?
Sincere." was the reply. "Why. of roorse
he's sincere. He hasn't got a shilling to
his name.' Life.
Ts.-tvTVwy- sav there Is a great decrease
In th marriages.
Nell That's Just the trouble. They don t
propose at all.---ltlmori American.
Mr. Cutter What's that you Just put
under your pillow, Ethel?
Mrs. Culter-A pte- of Mrs. Thryoewed's
divorce cake, i'm going to dream on It.
"I wouldn't make a confidante of May,"
aid the conceited fellow, with a self-sutls-fied
smirk. "Bhe told me you said you
were craiy to marry me. Of course she s
m''No "'"interrupted Miss Wise, "and she's
not even a good reporter. 1 didn't say t
was.' but -would be.'" Cathollo Standard
and Times.
"Bhe got so much prals for her attrac
tiveness that her head began to swell."
Too bad. DM she gt worse T"
"Oh. yee. Her tie-d began to be turned
by It all." , AW .
"What happenrt then?"
"Then sh tost her head."-Baltlmore
"And how did your daughter's romance
'"'in the most romantic way," answered
tke sarcastic paterfamilias. "They are
Helpful Hints for
the Holiday
A man's store la the place to aeek gla for the men and boys. Our'a U
such a store.
A variety of articles suitable for holiday presents Is suggested herea '
Neckwear .50c to 3JM)
Handkerchiefs 2c to !.
Initial Handkerchiefs. . .f 1.50 per box
Hosiery 2c to $3.ftu
Suspenders 80c o f-.OO
Gloves S1.23 to $2- 50
Buy It Monday. Don't leave It
'Browning .King.
& Company
Cor. 15th and DougUs.
Assume No Risks
If 70a ' are thinking of new
g-laaaas, you will gain advtvtaa
from oonsltts ua. Ton will find
us to be master of otir profawrlon
M, educated, and experienced.
Olaesee obtained from us will fit
your eyea. You will enjoy greater
opt leal comfort than you have
ever known In the paat. Oall and
aee our new "Kryptok." Invisible,
bifocal lenses, and you will never
again wear ngly, two-pleoe bifo
cals. We Are exclusive eye-eight
specialists. Consult ue about
your eyea. ,
lluteson Optical Co.
Opposite the Peoplea Store.
boarding on me until th bridegroom finds
a job to suit his capricious fancy." Chicago
The June bride frowned.
"These tomatoes." she said, "are Jn
twice as dear as those across the street.
Why Is It?"
"Ah, ma'am, these" and the gTOcor
smiled ''these are hand picked."
Site blushed.
"Of course," she said, hastily! "I might
have known. Give me a bushel please."-
Harper's Weekly
James Whitcomb Klloy.
Chant roe a rhyme of Christmas
ing me a Jovial song
And though ft Is filled with laughter
et It be purs and strong.
8lng of the hearts brimmed ovet
With the story of the day .
Of the echo of childish voloes
That will not die away.
Of tho blare of the tasseled bugle, '
And tiraelesa clatter and beat
Of the drum Uuit throbs to muster
gtiuadroii of scampering IoU
BHt.' O, let your voice fall fainter.
Till, blent with a minor tone,
You temper your son with the beauty
Of the pity Christ hath shown.
And sing one verse for the voiceless!
And yet, ere the song be dona,
A verse for the ears that hear not.
And a vrse for the sightless one. .
FVr though It be time for singing
A merry Christmas glee.
Let a low. sweet voice of pathos
Hun through the melody.
Smoking Jaekete . ...Cft.00 to $18-00
lounging Robe S3.50 to $40.00
Fancy Waistcoats ....S2.S0 to 96.00
Sweater Coats 94.50 to 97.50
Collar Bags 91-00 to 93.50
Bags and Suit Cases. .93.00 to 935.00
Shirts . 91.00 to 95.00
until the last minute
H.S. Wilcox-
d 1