"V, . . ... ... - I,- ririi-i. -r -J---I.-. j i r -i'-r.- -. - wwiwwwwmiwinii iwxohwii w wwwit i.wmru-L i- jltltltj-.-. - .v. - - r r l j. nrinri r j--i.-i.ijiji.ki I - -"- ijiiijiih ' I 4 ... I li II 1 ....,,- i . n " '"II Stilp Live Sttoelk: To mm- if '. ' .' i' Live Stock Commission Merchants 1 1 J f King Corn on Ills Throne jiruxrijTjuTJTJ"uLrinrirri - - - - mmt SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Established 1867 1 SIOUX CITY WALTER E. WOOD, Manager PHONES BELL DOUGLAS 1157 . -s- INDEPENDENT NO. 3 CHICAGO Basis cf South Omaha's Greatness Vuin-u-j-ir. -i -rn "" a owWKW.wwwtW' - , 4 r -.. . A- J:','S , i t: tr ' t ' , . JTranw ' ! - I k. H i, - l'l j -' South Omaha NEBRASKA'S HOME MARKET THE Natural Live Stock MARKET OF TM2 WEST ' Interior of Our Now BnlMIng THE PACKERS NATIONAL BANK SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA J. P. CO AD, Prtwident; - A. -W. TBUMBLK, Vlco Prealde&t F. J. MORLUITX, Cwhler; CHAS A. DUNHAM, ' AmiU Chier J. F. ?OAD, JK., AaU Chler. , . v , : t I ' nlgl - - S 1SO.OOO Surplus'and Profits - - " 170,000 Deposits - -7 2,000,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Safety Deposit Soxes for Rent V have ernrr facility for butdUng th accoanU of firms, oorponttlona, bnVs and Individuals harlng bnalneii at the Union Stock Yard. 1nriflrUruxwu-L'L- rLTrLanj-u-i-riri.-i.-r.-r. iwiwiirwwMri4 1jru-n,TnjuijTjnjanj . . . . . II LOCATED In the heart or the union shock, xaraa, eouxn umana, witn an experience gained in twenty-two years of service, and backed by the financial means represented by its Stockholders, prominent among whom are Armour, Creighton and Kountze interests, the . .' - ' mum stock yards ijatiowal oanei THE ONLY BANK AT THE UNION STOCK YARDS South Omaha, Nobrasica Asks for an opportunity to prove to you that it can render a satisfactory service, not only in business pertaining to the live stock and packing trade, but also in all branches of legitimate banking. Organized Nationalized 1886 1893 MEMBER OMAHA CIEARIR8 HOUSE Capital Surplus $300,000 00,000 DEPOSITS NOW OVER Q3.000.000 Issues Certificates of. Deposit for Qlx Months or a Year at 4 per cent Interest F. H. DAVIS, President E. F. FOLD A, Vice-President N. F. RECKARD, Assistant Cashier jij u i.n.1 j i.n n.riririi "i" - - " " ' ' - - - "BOOST" la the watchword of the modern business man Every enterprising community boosts for Its home Institutions. Let the Omniums and Nebraska boost for the South Omaha Live Stock Market. It Is a home In sdtutlon grown to national nromlnence and now ranks third among the large live stock markets and packing centers of the United States. By merit alone li haa won 1U high place. The Increased slaughtering caoacity of Its large and mod era packing establishments; the increaslns demand from smaller Backing houses outside which have no regular markets, and the constantly Increasing feeder trade, are all lnstrumen tal In creating at South Omaha a market for almost unlimited quantities of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep. SOUTH OMAHA'S HOG MARKET Is attracting shippers from territory which la triuu tary to other markets. A com1 parlson of prices Is the explana tion. ITS CATTLE MARKET con tinues the best on the Missouri river. ITS SHEEP MARKET is con ceded to be the only close rival of Chicago. ITS HORSE AND MULE MARKET Is noted the country over. The ran ire horse . season. which will soon be over will be closely followed by the special sales of native horses and mules. Keep a lookout for the advertisements of John S. Cooper and K. W. Anspach, the ilg dealers in all classes of horses ana mules at South Omaha. The stock yards service and facilities for handling live stock are unexcelled In the west. The fine sales pavilion for pure bred stock will be In demand this winter. Those desiring to engage It should communicate with the Stock Yards Company. II. C. B0STWICK. Pres. E. A. CUDAIIY. Vice-Prcs. TRUMAN BUCK. Vic:-Pres. J. C. FRENCH. Cashier II. C. MILLER, Ass 1 Cash. J. S. KING. Ass't Cash. JAS. B. OWEN. Ass'l Cashier Capital Surplus Profits $250,000 250,000 150,000 The V itii SOUTH OMAHA, ilEB. DIRECTORS: H. C. Dostwick Guy C. B&.rtoa E. A. Cudahy J. C. French J. P. Lyman J. D. Standish Truman Buck II. C. Miller E. N. Morsman, Jr. K. C. Barton ll Watch the South Omaha Union Stock Yards Go. Limited Of OMAHA, NEB. s kslMMSjsSSSSSBSBMSsSMMMBSSl mm ra fT3 fP fr5 m fP I r ij i 1 r -2 ' T wA.'' tj.:- st 'ns1"sjsn I wfct , vr;rsaxrEJ&aag mzsaa-" V nil ' ' '--s SPECIAL FACILITIES for HANDLIHQ BUSINESS In CONNECTION with th LIVE STOCK INDUSTRY LIVE STOCIC NATIONAL BAN EC $100,000.00 650,000.00 JUNCTION 24TH AND M STREETS, SOUTH OMAHA Capital Resources - EoWoAII a SSD!T1 mM, F CD aim msu UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. .The largest stook ol horses and mules In the west always on hand. Also oarry the largast stock of railroad mules west of the Missouri River. I moke a specialty of family and city broke riding arid driving horses. Sooond-hand city horses taken In exchange. Auctions Evory Thuroday and Friday Prlvato Sales Every Day In tho Yoar pin i Opening Sale of 1909, Thursday and Friday, January 7th and 8th Will Have over 80O horse for this event, consisting of Drafters, Wagon Horses, Business Horses, Chunks, Drivers, Saddlers, Couohers and Shetland Ponies. All stock sold under a strict guarantee. ' DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THIS BIG JANUARY SALE TTTTjuuujsT. -I--- j-j-ij-iTT " -- - - mfuvrrrrw