THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. DECTfBETl 13. 1J0. - POLICE FORCE DEFICIENT EeTeial Xem Short ui Some Scire Botice to Quit Kore KATI03AL GUILD KSPECTI05 Jfetltleea af RailrMi Hale the Flewr Kate from laterta Folate ta Qtt la C. fli f LieIr Offiet Om.h. Bee 518 Little BviUinJ Auto Phone 7417. Dell A 2533 C H. Porter, Mans er. fTraia a faff Corres;(jndnt) LINCOLN. Dee. U. PpeclaL Although the poik-e force ha bean running for sr era month with several m-n leas than the charter ai'ows. tbe tore prumlufi to b atiil more depleted the Jlrat of next month. wli Patrolman Joseph Haner and Patrolman F. J. Shannon bar aereed no tice npon the chief of police that they In tend ta quit. Both ntn are considered ef f icVtit officers. At present tbe day shift of the depart ment eonslata of three uniformed men. I jut night Jacob Johanati. wrestler f state-wide repute, donned the Miw uni form and nllked forth. Ha la a big fellow and bis first rwnht and tumble, R la thought, win opea tno erea of any of the "rough aeek of ba rtty. with ebon be satzea. Watlsaal Gaard I aspect lea. Tbe annual Inspection of the Nebraska national guard win befln oo January 11. If the plans now being made In the office of the adjutant general are carried out. The officer who win make this Inspection has not been decided upon. Thirty-one com pantea. will. In mJL be Inspected, three of theee being separate Infantry companies. The Inspection by a reirular army efflcer win be made a couple of months later. The officer who will make the Inspection bas also ik4 been decided upon. In the recent rare wherein Cole McKenna's cigar store was raided and one of the clerks caught In the act of selling box of fifty cigarettes to a minor. Deputy County Attorney Watson this morning stated that no further prosecution would be trrtitated against the company and In a letter t Chief Cooper, of the police, di rected him to return the immense quantity of cigarettes taken up. to the Cole McKenna company. E1 af the Claaret Cae. Tbe Railway commission has concluded the heating of the application of the Union Pacific. Burlington and Northwestern rail roads for leare to Increase rates on floor and mill feed to an amount equal to the rales on wheat and grain. If the Omaha millers ask leare to be heard on the aide of the railroads the commission tin notify the millers In the interior of the state to be present. The case was continued by the commission In order to await a decision from the Department of Agriculture ta regard to a dlscontiruanc of the use of bleaching processes In the mxnufacture of Tour. Bate Hrlriif Cewtlaaed. The millers allege that they will be almost put out of business If they are compelled te atop the bleaching of flour and at the same time pay higher freight rates on thetr product to get It to market. Tnder the na tional pure food law a ruling baa been glren sgxlnst the ose of bleaching processes. The Nebraska millers say they are com pelled to use bleachers, because the flour must be white In order to grade weU and It is Impossible ta make white flour from Nebraska wheat. There are 32 mills In this state, with aa average output of sixty barrels a day each. The owners of mla say the price of wheat will be affected by the throwing out of bleachers in the mak ing of flour. It Is difficult now to get the Nebraska flour up to the high standard of surrounding states. One miller says Ne braska flour Is excelled by that of Kansas. Dakota and Minnesota In the order named. The bleaching Is done by electricity or by chemical processes. en-led. Duru-.g the twe weeks which they hare ei working hero they hare secured eighty-two fcoaTerts. KOTT8 BLUFF" A b-ary snowstorm bee a a yesterday and by tins morning from euant to tea Inches bad fallen. T BCTTHS EH J. W. Cannon of Sterling and Moss Luln Col. ins of Tecumseh were marrVd at the home at the brides sister, i Irs. R. H. Fhilpotl. la Lincoln. Thursday afternoon at I o dock, BEATRICE Tbe plant of the Lang Can ning and PreserrtEg company baa cloeed do a a for tbe season. During tbe season trie company canned nearly P.0U can of corn, tomatoes, pumpkin. Oder, etc F E WARD Two young men are tn Jan here for pilfering around tbe stores of CUca. They were fined US and costs and are 'Oaring out" there sentences. They I had been employed aa corn buskers Bear I'tica. LOC1SVILLB While working In the Na tional Stone company's stone quarry yes terday Charles Oxiey bad the misfortune te bare both bones ta bis left leg broken Just above the ankle by a stone rowing against It. SCOTTS BLUFF The Orst meet " the Western Nebraska High School Basket BeU league will take place tomorrow, when Alliance will play Scott s Bluff. Sid ney. Alienee, Bridgeport and Scott's Bluff comprise the league. PERU The Tour.g Women's Christian association will r reception te all us members next Friday a:t-rnoon- ' - Crabtr will del'ver a lecture and special mus:e will be given as feitjres of the pro gram preceding the aoc-ai. M COOK Foreman J. D. Tocng of the M-Cook machine shop of the Bur ling-rot w.;i be succeeded to that position some time between now and the first of the hr orr Dole of uenrer. wno v m holds the position or rminocou" in Denver. CENTRAL CTTT-Manager GhtWr of the Grand opera bouse is determ.ned t9 hare electric liMs In h s pUThonf. whether a bic plant Is fit In or not. and has accordingly given orders E. A. Hay ter to wire the building and Install UO lixhta at once. HASTINOS-The Commercial club wHl bare an annual bano.uet about the mide of Janaarr. A call for a sr-dal of the club, to make plans for this event and to consider other masters of Impor tance, will be issued by Mayor Miles f hort.y after Christmas. TECUMSEH Paine Bros- cf Cock, th's county. J v. M thrk of general r. i. -n.nenv of Kansas C!ty. Mo. The geaUemen are undecided as to plans if. ruture- but will remain in Cook the present at least. HASTINGS 8. C Knee has resignea irora , the position of manager of the local office ( of the Bell Telephone company and has been succeeded by Mr. Lambert, formerly 1 of Beatrice. Mr. Knee will engage In busi- , ness In Oklahoma. Ui cea-ui was ia of bis resignation bere. COLUMBC8 Next Wednesday rs the day set by tee State Railway commission to meet here and decide whether the Union Pacific railroad station building is good eoougii for Ci Iambus or mhether there should be a new one. Tbe Columbus Com mercial club will receive them glaoiy. PLATTSMOUTH Homer, a lt-year-old son of John Dougherty, residing south of Plattsmouth. aa stricken wiva paraiys-j while in school, which affected more half of his body, and be ta la a serious condition. Tht young man la conscious, but his tong-ue Is paralysed and be cannot for ! tor .O - I. f f ' - j , i jf I -' i'i. . ; ; -' I f..e, ..-:-,.! j-vU; 1 TTic New Store Is Open Every Evening Until Christmas THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES should remember this store's greatest advantages aa a gift shop for men and boys. Useful and practical gifts are best and the only kind we sell. Everything here is this season's new est. Everything is of superior quality and carefully selected to please discriminating tastes. Our prices are "lower-than-elsewhere" and a "money-back" guarantee pro tects you. Our beautiful store, its up-to-dateness and our modern methods ap peal strongly to ladies who feel ill at ease in the average clothing store. A LIST OF USEFUL X1VIAS GIFTS HALF-MINUTE STORt, TALK Wert Jjut recelred the follow ing unso;lc;ted letter: Galva. 111. Dev. II. H King-Sanson Co.. Omar. a. Neb. llr-nred Merchant: -We are more than pleased with the suits and rercts pjrcriase4 at your store on our ay home from Edeemont. Nev.. ani in tr-.e future, when we want anything in four line, no matter re we may be. we will send a tna-'l order for our want. Tours respectfully. Gus Brage anj Brother. These two brothers bought clothes here recently. The must afford them Intense satis faction to prc-npt them to write us. Ton can have the same sat isfaction It only necessitates your coming to this store fr your cloth n Smoking Jackets. Lounging Robes. . Bath Robes Neckwear .$4.00 to $15.00 .$5.00 to $10.00 ..$2.50 to $5.00 ....50c to $3.50 Mufflers 50c to $3.50 Suspenders 50c to $3.50 Handkerchiefs 25c to $1.00 Fancy Hose 25c to $2.50 Collar Bags $1.00 to $3.00 and a splendid line of Traveling Sets, flasks, Jewelry, etc. LOOK AT WINDOWS 1. 2, 4, 12, 14 and Shirts Fancy Ve3ts . Gloves Umbrellas . . Canes Fur Caps ...75c to $3.50 ..$2.00 to $7.50 ..$1.00 to $6.50 .$1.00 to $10.00 ..$1.00 to $5.00 .$3.50 to $10.00 Silk Opera Hats $6.00 Traveling Bags $4.00 to $25.00 Cowhide Suit Cases. . .$4.50 to $27.50 Men's Slippers $1.50 to $3.00 IS OVERCOATS AND SUITS Ours appeal to men who value quality both in fabric and finish, but who don't want to pay fancy prices to get it Quality at this store costs no moro than mediocrity "at most stores thanks to our modern merchandising meth ods. Onr regular prices are the surest bargains in town. A SUGGESTION A new suit or coat for "his present" Pay us the price you decide upon well give you an order for the amount and he may select the garment that suits him best Think it over. OVERCOATS S10 to $50 SUITS S10 to $40 " ... ' a. I i Ai sVw sane- mm 'H i ii ii eg i si i dwwrt.imijijsi mii i n a in, ii n bj an arsjg aa t MmtmmMammWmwmnmmmmmWBMjmimmmm TRtmnG MA5T fATlLLT HURT Palls rrwaa Bridge and Strikes His Head am the lee. WILCOX. Neb.. Dec. It Special Tele g -a m l H- B. B'-shop. a trarelirg man for tie Pge Worert Wire Fence company, who Tves at Heatrlce. was fatally hurt here late today. He tn company with several other men ttm in cn a fre ght train, te way ar of which waa stopped a short cist-in-e from the depot. The men started to walk to the depot and Bishop fell off a srr.a'.l b.-IJge. striking bis bead oa tbe Ice. He died a half hour afterward. Harket eew tmw Daaagra. COL FAX, la.. nc. It (FpeclaD In the VsKract court at Newton, this county, yes terday was tesun the trial of the big dam age case of Michael J. Hughes cf West Poin", Neb., against the Rock Island rail road. The auit Is for Ce and la for in juries Hughes sustained some two years ago while alighting from tbe defendant corrpary'a tra'n here. Hughes was coming here from Omaha on a night train and the train atopped for water or for some other reason before It reached the depot. Hughes avers that the porter told him they were at the depot and k-t him get off. and while getting off the train started and he was thrown under in sjch a msr.ner as to hare one kg crushed. He claims It a as the company's fault that the accident occurred. lie was taken to a lx-al hospital and bis sag was ampuatated at once. TECTT4SEH WlHiara Fornefelt, the pio neer harness dealer of Tecumseh. has sold Y la haf-Dees stock and residence building to J. J. Rash of Shelblna. Mo. The trans fer will ho made earlr tn January, air. Rash, who has been ta the same busi new In gheibina, win move his family here la the near future. SEWARD Dr. Cummins bas sold bis residence property toLR Feaxy for tie., rw uirih sold his reaudeac for .) to Adam Oumoei of Bee. woe will take the yoai lion of traveling auditor with the IP- dike orajn compavny. i"'s who has resigned, to become cashier ax the jooes National bank. BEATWOE-In county court yesterday Judge gpafford rendered a decision in faror of Lie betrs or me jonn warren eini the case recently brought against them by Han countr for the inheritance tax in Missouri. Kanaaa and Canada. The court held that the county could not recover oa lands located outside of the state. PLATTSMOLTH Mrs. Alice Mills passed away at her home In thla city Thursday, after three days' iiineaa. Deceased waa born In Lexington. Ky.. February J. mnA tA tr.ic cltv from Omaha about is. in asm. Her dauarhter. Mrs. Fred Frtnk. and husband, arrived from Omaha today to attend the funeral serricea. irASTrxGS Followlne the dlscoTery of case of smallpox among the p-pi-a. aa the classes In the East ward school were j dismissed yesterday t3 permit thorough j fumigation of the school building. There been several cases of smaQpox in , Hastings this fall and active steps are be ing taken to prevent further contagion. PLATTSMOUTH Maple Leaf camp No. S3. Roval Ne-gbbors of America, bas elected these officers: Oracle. Mjh Garnet Cory: vice oracle. Mrs. Jennie Tulene: re corder. Mrs. Svb'.l Brantner; chancellor. M:ss Florence Cory: receiver, Mrs. Louise Klir.ger; inside sertinel. Mrs. Julia Bmitn; outside sent!nel. Mrs. Margaret Trlene. HASTINGNetrotiatloeis are trader way for the bu'lding of an alfalfa feed mill in j this city. Some mention was publicly made of the plana some days ago. The promotion j of two other projects of a tamttir nature ( has been started. While three sets of men stand ready to bund a mffl. only one of tbe projects is likely to be carried through. xi & if ii v q rie ftatvatlnn army Is mak ing Its first effort for several years to ! provide a Christmas dinner for the poor of Hastings. The dependent class la especially ! small here and It ia est:mated that T.5 wUI j be ample for trie preparation ot a dinner , that will f-ed everybody in Hastings who cannot afford to buy his dinner oa Christ- j Imp an ll art Z3C Mere rark Lltlgatlea. EATRICE. Neb.. Dee. lt-Spedal Tele gram. Mrs. Eunice H WUber was granted a temporary restraining order by Judas SEWARD Robert J. Frees has com menced action tn tbe county court here. In which he asks for C- from Isma Bos ker. the village clerk at Pleasant Dale, thla courty. and his bondsmen. Frsas was granted a saloon license In MPT and con tends that he sustained damages to the above amount because the clerk failed to Issue it promptly. PERU M'.ss Sherman, the aunt of FTcf. H. C. House of the music department ot the Normal, died recently at her home In Raper this morning restraining Mayor Reed ! fuVrt CnS waa beS and the c.ty council from arnronriatrr ait t tnriar Meirhera nf the Normal rr acuity 1 taking p.4uess.oa of lot 4. blork X. tor rark a1"4' r oearera. The students ani nurcoe The ea -T. , facuhy of the school passed appropriate purpoer-a. The case waa set for hearing' .options of sympathy I January . This is the second Injunction j HASTIVGi C arles C. Caldwell, aged case brought by the plaintiff, the first one years, died Wedneadsy nirct at hla home I being decided last week in favor of the ' tn Proaaer and the f uneral waa conducted sd city. The petition attacka the ar,potntmect MIL Green. H. Fiar.bach and C. C. Far low as appraisers. i n awalaaaAaassSMaaaaMaaaaaMaaaii Ma-Kgkli I ANOS e. r Chickering (EL Sons, Everett. . Ivers (EL Pond Packard Starr, Kurtzmann, Henry (EL S. G. Lindcemann, Koh ler (EL Campbell, Harvard, Sterling, Mendelssohn, Rich mond, Huntington, and The Bennett Co. Pinnne now on dlatplay. riallOSi and to be We have made special of visitors to the preparations for the large number whose intention it might be to select their Pianos for Christmas delivery. New Pianos m op 1 ORGANS New SSO up Second-Hand $5 up Cabinet Players op Second-Han d Pianos UpriQlTit S75 np Square SIO np Interior Player Pianos New SSOO up Second-Hand S3 2 5 dd The Leatest Designs ol G5 and 88 Note Player Pianos Sold Om Esisy Faiyinnieinill Pianos Selected Now May be Held for Christmas Delivery, if Desired. Srkraiaa Xeave X eles. A IX8WORTH Winter baa arrired here with six inches of snow. Toe thermometer Is Bear aero. A I NR WORTH The school bere wfil close Ttursdar aig&t and stay closed ami after tn. boUdaya FFRC The erange!lsrVr of Know! i PJdeaeur at tbe CbrtsUaa cburrb this morning (mm the family borne aader the auspe of tne Aneiettt Order of I'ntted Workmen, ilr. Caldwll was aa early settler tn this county. He V-asrs a son. L. J. CaJdwiL and a easier, Mrs. Vaa fleet, beta of Uua city. 8T ANTON The Women's LKerary dab beld Its annual berquet at tbe borne of Mrs. John Eberly Tuesday eveaing. Tbe rortms were baartf u.ijr decorated witn holly and rut flowrra. The banquet tabiea were spread tn the d'ning rwm and li brary, where the elaborate deeorations were an-1 1 tn the Chnstmaa colors, red and green, bas and tbe tables were resplendent ta boliy. Open Evenings UnUl 9P. M HFHF. rASHION RFlQNi SUPREME Special Xmas Prices on all Suits, . ; s , Dresses, and Skirts Ovut Maj Aaaaal GUaraaaa Kale eeattaaaa. Oax satire stock Is aaEia at half ee laws tbe regal- aelliac yarioeav St see tae ealaea balsw. aTPITaV yiusa CM your choice $119S PBItaafl la Empire and Princes effscta. ealaea ay ta Hi ST C Q p your coo ice J saw alKXmTa la eotlaa. panamaa as4 faacy mUtaraa. salaea ap ci - e ta . at ;.2-T.J aaVKS empire, direct ot re and tlgttt-ntUag effecta. values sp ST Q Qo ! your caoice 37.70 All bigh.r prtosat garmeats at eoaapartaoa price a .9 COMPANY Free This WeekA UTLl Largest Distributers of Hlgh-Grade . Pianos In the West. Ihu XaiovlAi aaliiinssai a Christmas cards and red candles. About twenty coupiea epent two noure at toe tables eajoying lam elaborate f:Te-courae d.neer. PERC-It U found en checking up the registratMi cf tbe normal (or tre Iat f-w years tnat the regiir txm in tbe junior ari svniur clasars is fjur timrs a hi-1 it a as ta 14 It Is also found tual ah ui one-fourtn of the normal graduazea lave been gradua'ed in toe last ti-r.n;um. This anows a rpmarkable growth of tbe school, ln.iicalu.g aa uvreaaed demand oa Ih. art of the state for trained teacbrra. TEC111SEH-P. M. liopains w:ll erert a two-atory brick buineaa building oa one f his lots oa the norm sde of ite siuare in Tecumarb. toe proooaed building to oc cupy tbe site lust east of Hardin a racket store. A force of awn will begin tearing doan the frame buiidinca that are no on the lot tomorrow momicg. The bi)d ir.g ai'l be 2Ixli fet- It is already rented, bta floors, to a Tecumaea f.rm. CENTRAL CTTT More tUl r f .eea years after tbe deata of John 1 Mania his heirs base eianed suit f r the paruiioa of bs estate, and a divlaioa either of tr.e Land or of tne proceeds of the sale of the land anxx g the srreral heira During ail these years tbe estate bas been In the probate court and tt waa not until Lately that a petition f r a fnal settlement was filed by the widow. Etmlra Martin. PUTT8MOCTHi Jones bad walked nearis acruea the burlinrtoa brVia. ai j Oreapolia ba be mnt aume snea oa a I svludjMe. H. surpiM te the arocg side t and viae kaocked from tne track and about twelve t-et lato tbe ehanael of the I 11 L to nver. Tfee turce of tne fall Uv.a . b:m urnS-r the aater. b jt be soua arose and WEARFOREVER HOSE 75c For Men. Women and Children REDUCED TO a. box, six pairs to the box 6 pairs EoaraQlsed to wear 6 months OiKer DeaJers Price JI.53 tad $103 a Box JOS. F. BILZ'S SONS 204 North 16th Street Just tht thlaf for a Koliity present. Special stock rcser?t4 for mill or.ers. IF You Decide oa an UMBRELLA You may as well hare the BEST Pickering Umbrellas are no better in price and very much higher in quality Ed. F. Pickering 105 S. 16th Street 17 years in this Location SEES amaBBBtamaamam tCoaUau.d oa Fifth Pag.) aaaaaat? 1