Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Only 5 DAYS Fcr
Christmas Shopping
i:ev;s sectioii.
Pz;cs 1 (a 10.
Safes Blown at Xeene tad Gibbon,
Keb., Setting $5,500.
FiTe Men in Party and They Trarel
in an Automobile.
President of Gibbon Bank Held Up
by the Bobbers.
At Kftir BtVWn Twm the Trlek u
Get Away Before Cltlsema Have
u Opportunity to
The CommfrrtiJ bank of Gibbon and the
Farmers Mrrchants bank of Kmie were
robbr-d early Frtdir morning, the robbers
la each case making their escape. The
towns are thirty miles apart and It la
possible men. who fr aeen In an auto
mobile at O'bbon. have done the two
lobs, a the explosion at Keen did Dot
Jisturb any person In the vicinity, and the
exact time li not known. The bank at
Gibbon sustained a loea of SiSOO and the
bank at Keene Si .WO. The sheriffs of all
central Nebraska counties are busily en
Far 1 m a search for the men. Both bank!
are members of the Nebraska Bankers' as
sociation. Secretary T. B. Hughes baa of
fered a reward of K for the capture of
the rubbers in each case. Both carried
burg -a r insurance.
GIBBON. Neb.. Dec IS. (Special Tele
gram, -l'.f there blew the safe of the Com
mercial bank here thia morning about 2
o'clock and made away with about SXatt of
tbe bank a fuuda.
Whea the president. C C Holloway.
iieard that robbers were looting his bank.
le hurriedly dreaaed and selling a Mix
shooter started for the bank- He was met
by a fusillade of shots from fir men and
was forced to cover.
Ploodhounds from Lexington are on tbe
trail leading east and Sheriff Sammons is
with tbe hour da ' Reports bava come In
liat fh-e men In an automobile were seen
north of Gibbon about tha time of the
tottery, and another report It that five
it en in an automobile were also seen south
of Gibbon near that hoar. Gibbon is the
second station east of Kearney. Tbe bank
at Keene (a Kearney eownty was also
robbed last eight, but no clew Is found to
that robbery. One theory ta that tha aame
H t of men robbed both banks.
Tbe exact hour Jt tbe robbery at Gibbon
Is known as the robbers worked between
1: and I J oYlock. When Mr. Holloway
was called to tbe bank shortly after 2
o'clock, two men were at work on the in
side and three were standing guard on tbe
outside and If was these" thre -who opened cpr Mr. Holloway When ha appeared
r v. z s-ne. . - -
TV trail of the robbera was lost near
Sheiton. Farmer, offlcera with blood
hounds and raiVwair detectlTs JMned in
the rriiiiu Vrrton, Pacific and Burlington
detectives are working on the rase.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Dec W (fecial
Telegram.) The Lexington blood bounds
were put on tbe trail of the Gibbon rob
bers thia morning and at II o'clock were
reported by G T. HuUoway, president of
tbe bank, to have struck a trail.
Reports are confusing, however. fve
men are reported ta bare been seen sou' h
esat af GiMwaa snaking away In aa automobile-
TThSe no etiaae was gtren by
ctriaena. It Is known tbe men left In as
easterly direction.
Mr. Holloway states that all of the cash
on band was taken, but fortunately the
funds were very low. Tbe bank bad Just
prepared to get In a shipment a few days
later. A week earlier would have been
much mors unfortunate.
Tbe safe was completely wrecked. About
twenty-five citisens were kept at bay by
the robbers by firing revolvers. The does
were put oa the Job at t o clock this rr. n
lng, about eight hours after the robury.
This aa the first attempt at a chase.
Work Dooo Quietly at Kerat.
KEENE, Neb-. Dec li. Selal Tele-
gram ) The Farmers and Merchanta bank 'tions now point either to a capitulation on Thomas, sjbstltute- Wirner. route i.
of Keene was robbed this Basjrra: g of jibe pert of the National Window Glasa : Michael A. Mikaelsen, carrier; Harry H,
by men of whom there Is no trace. The Workers' aasociation or one of the biggest Pylman. substitute. Iowa Vincent, route 1.
bank ' oulldlng was entered and the safe j strike known to the window glass trade John E .eoi. carrier; John P. Kelly, substi
biown. the explosion being no muffled that ' yea-a The going into effect of the tute, Sjuth rakots-Bereford. route 4,
persons living fifty feet from tax bank J tw wage scale has betn postponed from Willis Pierce, carrier; Willis Graham, sub
bollding did not bear It. There Is no clue I December 1 to December r. At Coiumbua. otitute.
b tha robbers. Sherlrf Ransom cf Kearney ' O.. all the window glass manufacturers In; Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Roll
county was notified aa soon as the robbery i the country will meet to tak action on 1 Dundee county, E'roer S. Prather. vice
discovered and took steps t head off ' lne caie. so tai as anown omy iwo con- c. Wiley, resned. yam,r.g Crow
urpiclous characters wbo might be 1 rns have sonified their lntenUoa of pay- bt, Fremont county, Gerrge li. PritchetU
coacovered ln ti. t-
country near Kecna
This la the third bank robbery in Kearney I
county ta five years, and the second ta ,
three months, the bank of Heartwell hav. j
lea been robbed only recantlr.
Ti-e bank was Insured for S4.i against
burglary by Martin Bros, of Omaha.
BoratsLS; Vessel Seat to atottosa
Stay at Sloawooro to Pro
tect hl OS-lag.
SINGAPORE. Dee. la- The barcing oil
ship Kalaa Kaloma was bombarded by the
harbor fort hero today and finally sank
wan its hull fiddled with solid ahot. Tbe steamer, which hails from Eng
labd, arrived In Singapore from New Tork
two days ago with Its cargo of caae oil
oa flra. Ail attempts to extinguish the
blase were unsucceaaf uL and aa effort was
mads to scuttle tha vessel. This failed
also, and the danger to shipping became
serious. It waa tmpaasibts to go near tbe
craft because of the possibility of
exploaioaa. and finally tb harbor agents
appealed to the gunners of the fort, wbo
sank the Kaloma with a few well directed
solid shot from the fortifications' six-Inch
guna The distance was two miles.
Forvtarw Ssoorw Btoay and Ed lets In
laoaow Cove-rtwa; tbo SoeaJ
PEKING, Don. IL-Tbt Vreiga hoard la
again aieinc attserfton to las foreura bust
noas of the oaspijre. whirs has been practi
cally at otaadsull dorian; the twesty
evoa 4aya of aaoarning following the
deaths of tha omror and the dowager
SWvwral tmperUl edicts have been Issued
roreauly covering the details of the pro
ject to bring China to a system of eon
tuutaoasi gwortinamt to niao years.
Pat-rday, Ieeeifcer 19, 1M.
f903 -Dlcemdzk 1903
STC Ma 7IZ. KfJi 27-' 3 2r
-r 1 2 3 45
6rZ 8 9 10 11 12
13 U 15 16 1Z 18 19
2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26
2Z 23 2930 SI
VICINITY Fair Saturday.
FOR NEBRASKA Fair Puturdsy.
FOR IOWA Ka r aid warmer Saturday.
Tem-eeatur at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. rr
i a. m
t a. m
T a. m
a. m
a. m
" ff I
l(t a. m. .
11 a. m 11
V m :!
1 p. IT! -
2 p. m..
I p. xa..
4 p. m..
5 p. m..
p. m..
7 p. m..
J ji. m..
p. m..
jib ',
Robbers in an automobile held up the
Farmers arnt Urrrhir.ti hank of Ke'Be and
.v- v.- . n.n a !
(- .ii a,
they held tfif citisens at bay while they
looted the safe- i
Southerners give President-elect Taft a
hearty welcome at Augusta.
Judge Kunkel has sentenced four men
Implicated in the Pennsylvania capital gr ft
cases to two years In prison, with a V'
Passenger Traffic Manager Furtis. in the
Missouri Z-cent fare and rate case, told the
story of Nebraska's transportation charges.
A constitution hss been promised for
China In nine yearn, according to edicts
that have been issued.
Members of the former Board of Control
of Columbus have been sentenced to prison
for accepting bribes.
Glass workers may strike at any time,
as the situation in this trade la in the
The canal investigating committee of the
senate is ready to take up any line of tn
quiry congress may order.
It Is believed that George TV. Wicker
eham of New Tork will be offered the port-
tin of attorney general by President-elect
it. I
A sensational suit for damages was lnstl-
toted yesterday in Baltimore against Rector
R. a Coupland of the Episcopal church.
Congressman Hull hopes during the boll- !
oay recess to eetiie me incuon oetween ue
authorities of Des Moines and off. cert and
men ef tbe Second cavalry.
The impression is growing Pre13nt
Castro baa been running away from trouble
and does not intend to return.
Wilbur Wnht made a new wo-ld's re- ord
An r-h
for length of duration la the air with his technicalities had been reissued at SIS per
aeroplane .n Leniana. month.
&OOAXb Congreasmasi Pollard has secured an aid
Live stack day proven to be rhe biggest Iron' cannon now at the government ar
onc yet at the National Corn exposition. I nenal. San Antonio. Texas. 'for Nebraska
Local Grand Army of the Ri publio men ' City. The gun will be shipped to the park
planning -to -tender a reception to Commander-in-Chief
Eill being prepared for Introduction Into
tbe legislature for a municipal court to
supercede tbe Justices of the peace.
Recent grand Jury cctu the county over
Cornhusker foot ball squad In a deadlxk
over captain for next year's eleven.
Lice stock markets.
Grain markets.
Stocks and bonds.
Komuin or oczAJr srrzAMBaxrs.
prt. Arrtiet. - a.;d
NEW TPRIt .....Pe-ui La ft-vtacaa.
CI ERVtiTOWi...rric jLtTMM.
A PLAle R omamp
Waaro Condition) Merlons la Center of
Proiarlag District Men
Drama) larreasr.
HARTFORD CITT, Ind.. Dec li Indie-
! :r' t,!' ufW cie-
Manufaetur. rs say tbey have many or
ders on their ooka at prices now prevall-
1 . . "TV , r . v u.u m-mitit " Th.m Ti
. Mi . .1.1.
lose thousands of dollars. Apparently the
, 4. ,k, , .. r.r , ,
solution U the formation of the project to
organixe all the hand-operated lactones
acid give the workers as increase ta wages.
It Is ge:i aly agreed thai wages are vo
Jow, bet. on the other band, it is said
the selling prices will not permit an In
crease at this tune. The condiUoaa are
said to be due to the efforts of Ins co
operatives to undersell the market and the
eusnpetiuun of the machine.
Men Soed by John D
surrender nnd Art Paroled
by tbo Jaaare.
NEW TORK. Dec la-iiradford Merrill,
who is accused Jointly with S. S. Carvaibo
and Edward H, Cars, all officers of the
Star Publishing company, which publishes
William R. Hearst's nea spaper. The Ameri
can, surrendered himself at the Tombs
polaco court today to answer the charge of
criminal libel against him preferred by John
D. Rmkeleiler. Jr. He was paroled until De
cember 11. when the case against Carvaiho
is to be beard. The magistrata was told
that Clark- is ta California, but expects to
be here when the cases are called.
Stars tat Air wrltb Hla Aeroplane for
Jaoavrly Two Honrs at
LEMAXS. France. rec. 11 Wilbur
Wright, the American aeroplanist of Day
ton. O, established a new world a record
for bea vter-t han-air naachinoa today while
trying for the Mich el la cup, remaining tn
the air oos hour Cfty-thros minutes and
fifty-Bias aooonds The best previous record
is one boar ihlrty-ooa aniautea aad fifty
an seconds, which Mr. Wrtgfct made on
Septessbao sa
Hopes to Settle Clash Between Kili
tary and Civil Authorities.
AaVumler Kry Invite ta Addr-ees
MrKlalry Clob Baaooet and
Indications jar that He'
Will lenit.
(From a Staff Correspondent
gram.) Congressman Hull. c A
the military affaire commit.' .y.
house, expects to spend the h. . v week
In Dee Moines and while there -v-iU in
quire closely aa to the constant rtoriea be
la hearirg of friction between the people
of Dea Mjinet and the Second cavalry.
It has come to the attention of the War
departmnt that the officers and men of
the Second cavalry, stationed at Fort Des
Moines, feel they are being persecuted by
: the police of Iowa's capital city. That In-
'.stead of consideration being shown the
t ..- m n A
men wno go imo ufQ ei an
i imnine inn itw- f i inr uuuin jviui.
Des Moines, the police, instead of pointing
the way to the fort, which owes its crea-
Uon to the ptrUnarity of Captain Hull.
throw the offenders 3nto jau ana immf
diately there cmes a clash between the
civil slid military aulfioritiea Theae
things are most embarrassing to the rep
resentative of the Seventh district and he
proposes to go
home and try to straighten
P eiiatlng cr.ndiUons. Captain Hull bopee
to bring about a better understanamg
between the men of the Second cavalry and
the peor'e of Des Moines,
Hall After Headnartera.
All this brings up the subject of Captain
Hull's dire to remove the headauarters
of the Department of the Missouri from
OnMha to Des Moines. Of course., there is
no legitimate reason for this change, but
Hull believes that it might strengthen
him in Des Moines if the change proposed
was brought about. To the Bee rep
resentative Captain Hull said today he
believed In a general rearrangement of
the military departments. He has a scheme
to reduce two or three of the present de
partments and nrak-ng four general di
visions to be presided over by senior
brigadiers, or. if necessary, a major gen
eral, with substations at places where con
ditions demand.
Brvce May Visit Oaaabau
Senator Brown this morning accompa
nied Isadore Zteglcr to the British em
bassy, where the latter extended an lnvi
lIKPtP t , H lie-; C lir- a ----- (
... , i, T.m. Rrvea to attend the '
annulJ t, ef tne MeKinler club of
. - MM Ttt V' 4a Apt-
nu.y 6fcVlM u seemed to be
Ue imprw!on iyed by Senator Brown
uj Mr zisler that Ambassador Bryee
-uj,! ,
Later in the day Senator Brown accom
panied Mr. Zigler to tbe supreme court,
where, upon motion of the a c a tor. Mr.
Zeigler was admitted to practice.
Mir Matters at Capital.
Senator Brown today advised that the
pension of John Stem. "3T FrsnkEn street,
otnaha. recently suspended upon certain
commisaioners. who will place It In one
of the dty parka.
Representative Pollard left this after
noon for bis home at Nehawka to spend
the Chr rtmas holidays.
W. W. Woods, register of the land effice
at Alliance. Neb., lvil for home this after
noon. Postal Aanolataaenta.
Arthur J. Hughes of Montrose. R. F.
j Frederickaen of Oidham, W. R McGee of
1 We.ssinjrton Srrincs end W. G. Rurgle of
Cavour. S. D.. have been appointed railway
mail clerks.
Rural carriers appointed: X br.ka-
Ansley. routs t Joseph C Hyatt, . rr er;
TL B. Hvatt- substitute Elgin, ro-uie i.
j Jesse r. Grant, carrier; E. L. Grant, sub -
I stltute. Grand Island, route 4. Edgar M.
j Wyatt. carrier: Raymond Morrison, sub-
stltute, Hartmgton. route , tawn l-
tc.riH, carrier; Seymour N. Davis, sub-
stitute. Norfolk, route t, George M. Farley,
carrier; Curtis L. Daniels, substitute. Rey-
j nolds, route 1, William P. Wokott, carrier;
j c. N. Wolcott, nubttit ute, 3L,ptrior. rcute
j J Samuel W. Tboma. carrier; James
vice N. L Keenan, res:gned-
laasrarat Cosa salt tee.
Speaker Cannon today announced the fol-
lowing as the representatives of the house
. ,
on the Inaugural committee: Messrs, Burke
r t Tmmr Xf wh I and Galra iTmih.!.
v '
Belief in Germany Vcnswelan Presi
des t Took Time by tbo Fore
lock in Leaviag.
BERLIN. Dee. IS Both the German
Foreign office and President Castro dis
credit the report that Venexueia has de-r-m
rei mrar ar&inat the Netherianda Tha
FVriTl office takes the ground even
tr nostutties nave oeen sfciam 10a oeciara
tlon cannot become effective because Ven
ezuela Is hi no position to earry a cam
paign beyond Its own borders and Ho Land
will not exoeed the limits of Its retaliatory
course as already fixed and known to the
United States.
The feeling is also growing here thai
President Castro left South America not
because of lllntoa, but to aacapa tha polit
ical turmoil, and that hs has no Intention
of ever returning. The German govern
ment has Information stating that it Is
anoertain whether Alee President Gomes
will become president of the republic or
w bother a provuuonal government will be
organised under another head. Gomes Is
oelaeved still ta be true to Castro.
President Castro still persists in giving
out denials that any trouble occurred ln
Caracas December 14. when aa Infuriated
mob made a demonstration against tha ab
sent president and his followera.
Castro is to be transferred to ProL
Israel s private sanitarium Sunday for a
rrk of observation to determlna whether
aa operation la cectoa ary. Senora Castro
and part of her husband a suits will aiso
enter tbo hespttal with tha presidisac The
entire first Clour baa boa aagaged for
I 1
In the Tariff Berision Shop So Calls for a Close
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Statement that Kew York Lawyer
Will Be Attorney General. I
Pea a sylvan la eaater 'Will Probably
Be Beeretavry af State J ad re
Balleagrr far tbe Interior
AUGCSTA. Ga Dec 18. President-elect !
Taft tonight announced the appointment of J
United States Senator Philander C Knox
of Pennsylvania as secretary of state In
his cabinet. . The announcement followed j
tha receipt by Mr. Taft ci a telegram con
veying the Information - from Mr. Knox
that he would accept the premiership of
tbe Taft cabinet.
NEW TORK. Dec 1R.-That President-1
elect Taft has selected George W. Wicker-
sham of the New Tork law firm of Strong
A- Caldwalader to be attorney general In '
his cabinet was learned today from a j
source that la regarded as reliable. j
Mr. Wickeraham U known In this city
chiefly through his connection in a legal j
capacity with the great underground ays- '
tern of transrc rta Hon. Fer since August '.
Belmont began wr-i oa tbe subway eight
years ago, Mr. WJekersbam. as represents- ;
live of the firm of Strong & Cadawalder, i
has had general supervision over the legal
question in connection With tbe under ak- J
Irg. , j
After the com ale t ion cf the tunnel work j
be was counsel far the Icterborough Rapid
Transit compiany. which operates the sub
way and elevated lines of he city. Prior to
the reoent election he resigned that posi
tion. Mr. Wickeraham was counsel for the
receiver of the Knickerbocker Trust com
pany until Its reopenlrg. He was gradu
ated from Trinceton university with the
class of 'SO.
Wlrkerahana Well Oaallfled.
WASHINGTON. Dec. IS It has been
known here fr several days that the name
of George W. Wickersham of New Tork,
has been under consideration by Presldent
elfct Tftft for the post of attorney gen
eral. Among others consulted by Mr. Taft
concerning Mr. WicVersham's qualificationa
wes Senator Knox, former attorney general
-f .h i .,,. -v ,,' ,n
the choice of Mr. Taft for the post of sec-
j pf Senator Knox declined to
UiscUBS the question ln anv wav. but It Is
I understood he nd,.ra! Wl(k.r,h.
j fully and argued that a man of sufficient
capabilities in the legul rrafesslon for the
, attorney generalship could cot be found
i unless taken irom the list of those who
have had some experience as corporation
j lawyers.
; The imr
tant office cf sec-eta ry cf state
under the incoming administration is still
ur.flllsd. Ttie exigencies of Per.nsyivanla
politics tare led Senator Knox to enter into
earnest conference with his friends regard
ing the answer he shall make to the Invita
tion of the president-elect to become his
secretary of state. Vp to this moment the
senator r as not yet reached a decision so
far as caJi be ascertained. For some time
it has been rumored that President-elect
Taft had in mind the appointment of either
Senator Kncx or former Senator John C,
While in Washington last week Mr. Taft
told several cf hi close advisers that if
he could fill to his ertire satisfaction the
porition of secretary cf state, secretary of
the navy and attorney general be would
I ot 1 at all disturbed by the difficulty
of getting suitable appointees for the re-mstel-g
posit 1t.s. It is generally believed
here thst an Ohio man will be selected for
secretary of the treasury.
Balliaarer for Interior.
No name except that of Judge Richard
A. Esninrer cf Seattle, Wash., former
commissioner of the gener! "and effice,
is heard here ln connection -th the sucre
taryshtp cf the Interior 1rir m nt. and
it is thought that he stands an excellent
show for this place.
It was stated at the capltol that Mr. Taft
is l.xiking for a man to take the war rv.rt -
folio who has had sufficient experience to
work out the reorgnn ixatton scheme put
Into force by Mr. Root while he was at
the head of that department. It Is said
that Mr. Taft haa several snea In mind,
but Is not readjr to make a selection.
It Is known that at one time Mr. Taft
had In sr.ind the selection of Charles A.
Thompson cf New Tork to be secretary cf
the navy. Whether the appointment of
Mr. Wkkersham will Interfere with this
idea Is not known, but it Is not likely that
more than two men will be drawn fron
New Tork stste.
Tbe position of secretary t commerce
and labor has been mentioned to a great
extent and tn some quarter it Is thought
probable that Secretary Straua. wbo also
is froea New Tork. win be continued la
that post for a time at least.
Medical ftorlety Meeting.
TAXKTON. 8 D.. Dec It Special)
Ths Eighth District Medical society, a
branch cf the state association, gathered In
this city at the city hall oa Thursday aft
ernoon for the annual session, the chief
business of stick was ths election of of
ficers. Dr. B. M. Hohf cf thia city was
selected president, J. L.. Stewart cf Irene
vice prea-dent and Dr. T. L, BeaL also of
Irene, was re-elected secrstajy-treasurer.
Ak-$ar-Bea Day, Satnrway.
It a. m. Music by George Green and
lis band.
Intermeaso Rainbow (Indian. -Wenrich
Selections The Sultan of Sulu
Thec.s Danse characteristique...Losey
March The Free Lance Sousa
Selection The Sunny South Lampke
klanaano (Spanish intermeaso).. Brooks
Waits The Jolly Dutchman Bennett
It Looks Like a Big Night Tonight
Williams snd Van Alstyne
The Glow Worm sn Myli Llncke
Medley Selection ( old-fashioned t -Calvin
Patrol The Gua-d Mount Ellen berg
Grand Finale (on national airs)..Lampe
Address by Hon. William J. Bryan.
i p. tn. President G. W. Wattles will
have charge of the program. A com
mittee ot reception win atlend.
S p. m. Members of Clan Gordon No.
G Order of Scottish Cians. wttl give
an entertainment, consisting of tbe fol
lowing program. Mr. James C Lind
sav. master ot ceremonies:
Dance Highland Fling, by Mlases
Bntton, Blnkley. Hislop and Watson,
pupils of Pipe Major George W. Mc
Dusall. 8ong "BarMe ot Stirling Bridge." R.
O. Watson, chief.
Bagpipe M-"Cock of tha North,"
William H. Wallace,
Song "Here s Health, Bonnie Scot
land," Mrs. H. W. Pitt.
Dance "Sword Dance." Pipe Major
George W. McDougall and pupils.
DING. p. m. Marriage of Nab-Chah-Wee
(Chief Woman and Wak-te-GU (Kills
and Comes Back). Royal Indian cere
mony. Twenty-five Ind an courtiers m
costume. Coronation of "King Corn"
and wueen Atfalia." Solo by Ind an
maiden tn tyrloal .costume. Short taik
bv aa Indian orator. Appropriate In
dian music Address by Hem. Carl
Herring, illustrating lbs significance ot
tbe occasion.
Grand piano furnished by A. Hospe.
Ak-Sar-Ben'a Daylight Parade: Ntght
Floats; Scenes at Carnival Grouods; A
Day at W H Post's lairy Farm. Near
Benson; Panorama Sixteenth and Doug
las 8lret; London, tbe World a Metrop
olis: a. -j-ncuey Kiae on ramam
Street; fccenea. Along the Coast of Brit
tany.- - -
tM to hi 3b a. m. Laboratory.
' 2 p. m. Hakjig contest.
,, .
Bnrllag-lon'a Passenger TrafBe Man
ager Gives the History of
Transportation Char area.
KANSAS CITT. Dec IS. A long array of
"uu" ta' th aTe been told
'nd "told ln Ul "ri iate case hear-
' lTg r bein' Kiv?n "Pt"-"T rest by
r- pavie ixajric manager of,
5uruc":'n raairuaa ysn. woo re -
! ru"T,ca n'rltt tr1 morning.
j Mr' EuBti to14 til rajroai-ng days in
I -... fu -
sengtr rate was S cents per mile and thai
law makers had never dreamed cf telXig
the transportation companies what they
should charge- To induce SciUemeut of
land given them by the government, the
railroads carried homeseekers and their
goods to the country free of cost, said Mr.
Eustis, and later the roads of their own
volition reduced the passenger rate to 4
cents a mile. In 1SE2 the state legislature,
composed ln part of sjme of the early
homeseekers, demanded a further reduc-
Uon. and later, Nebraska fell in with
he ether states and now has a J-cent
paaser.ger law. Tbe witness further said
it now costs sO per cent more to handle
state than Interstate traffic
Oaaaba Milliner Identifies Coods
Taken frona Store Here Last
STOCX CTTT. la.. Dec 1L (Spe-lal Tek-- banlura to enfotte the law he endorsed
gram.) J. J. McMahon ot ths McMahon 1 Governor-elect Shallenberger s plan, and in
Millinery company cf Omaha, this morxlcg addition he wouid give each bank exam
identlf.ed C W. Silvers as a man who vis- mtr K chet over the books and
ited his store the day before a burglary ! tii'd elave the examiner fra to look after
in which some valuable plumes were taken.
The plumes found in the room of Silvers
and Phil Mauve la &oux City were identi
fied by McMahon as a part of
the stolen stock, Tbo picture of Mauve
has been identified by a weman clerk m
the Continental block. Omaha, as tnt of a
man who wltod the place on tha date of
a burglary there.
Mauve la declared to bo an Omaha man
whose real name la ' Bud' Ginsler. They
may be taken to Omaha to. stand trial
Ths robbery referred to occurred last Oc
tober and between &1Q and Sf-30 worth of
Dlumea were taken. Thurs4av Mr. tr.
i Mlhca received word from the Sioux City
police that they had a suspert and Mr
, . w iv ... vb i. . l j vu ftatiB-y t
tbe man.
. -!
Former Member of Colnmbaa Board
of Control bra traced to
Poor Tears.
COLCMBUS. O.. Dec IS Fred Ued
formerly member of the Columbus Board
of Control, waa sentenced to four years la
tha peeileatiary today by Judge Rogers
for accepting- a bribe from Nelson Cannon,
local representative of tha Trinidad Pav.
ir.g company of Cleveland, in connection
with the East Broad street paving.
Fred Enamel, another former member ef
tbo Board of Control, is serving a term ta
tbo peeillrntlary.
Legislators Confer and Candidates for
Clerk Are Busy.
Democratic Mewaber frona Clay Coanty
nya Cownty Ontlen Will Be a.
Big Factor la Oraaaisatioa
of LealaLatare.
(From a 6taff Correrpondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec, IS (Special.) With Cone
to the right of them, Richmond to the left
of them. Cone to the front of tbem. Rich
mond to the rear of them, a bunch of the
j unterrified from the Fourth Congnssional
I listrict met at the Lincoln hotel th.s aft
ernoon to discuss legislative Ways and
j means and pave the way for Vk tor Wilson
I of Stromsberg to be chairman of the oom
! mit tee on banking. '
I Cone and Richmond, or Richmond snd
(Cone, to be fair to botn, each Arsires to be
! chief clerk of tha bouse. So that Is why
Cone was to the r'g-ht of them. Richmond
to the left of tbem. Cone to the front of
them. Richmond to tbe rear of them and
the reverse. Those at the meeting, which
was called by Mr. W.lscrn for the "re
ported" purpose of submitting the draft of
a banking till, were Representatives Brod
jerkk of Clay. Lux of Butler, Murphy of
, Fillmore, Gregg cf riattc. who strolled
! over from tha Third district, and possibly
jone or two more. Mr. Clncy of the Union
i Pacific remained at the Llndell .betel djr
lng the meeting, af'er which he went to
I the state bouse on offic-al bu sir. era, wltl-
out having received a report of the cession. 'Nebraska, which my talk will lead up to.
which was executive. The fact taat Mr. 1 lv b"0 interested in the live stock in
Ciancy had been in Lincoln all night la not auBlrr since my bojhood: in fact, I have
material, so the leribi alors Indicated.
But back to the real story. Never ln
the history of Nebraska politics have two
men put in a more rtreruoua lay Can did
! Cot-e and Richmond To get legislators
awxy from each'cther end from visitors in
the hotel lobby theae two worthy patriots
thought nothing of ditlccating an arm at
the shoulder; they paid no attention when
ears stretched clear cut of all reason; not
a bit of it.
; "I thought ycu had the Job nailed dawn."
' member to Cone, afier dragged
cere as the lobby.
"I have." replied the Saunders county
soldier, "and I want to keep It that way."
Just then Richmond rtrped up one corner
of the 111 and Cme flew over to Rich
roc nd's convert. And thus was the f;xht
k. pt up until tbe members retired behind
clotvd doors.
Reason for Meeting.
The Fourth district members met. Mr.
j vrilsoo explained, simply ta l sten to him
J 4iK.nss a banking bill so that he tor.ld
Ker pointers. Then, besides, be said, the
, Urth cistnct naa no canaiaate toi
speaker or clerk or any other office so It
J was agreed that they should meet and
, form a clcoe corporation, though he did
not mention that closed corporation.
Mr. Wilson has a plan for a new banking
law of whi.h the gua-r.cty of d posits is
only an incident, he
He would V vy
i a tax on the banks to a fund, begin-
nlng the first year with a levy of one-half
of 1 ir cent and follow that with an an-
nual levy of one-tenth of 1 per cent until
the fund equaled 1 per cent of the total
deposits of the stale. He would Emit the
number of assessments which could be
' made on a bank to t per cent of the de-
posits in one year.
He would have 25 per cent of the deposits
paid out when tbe failed and then
id'piU'r" fi0Jld , Va rlv c
ttifiaates for the r rr.ji.Eder. These
! catea. he said, should iraw 7 per cent in-
re" nl run prct.ably for one- year. Any
juana. ne i.gurea, ouia casn tne cenin-
, catea In the matter of a commslon of
ths back s securirlea.
Mr. Wilson announced that be desired
to be a member of tha committee on bank
ing. MuUea la Called Down.
It Is the democratic party against Arthui
Mullen. Or, rather, tha new oil Inrpextor
to be has found opposition ln his enasawt
to manage the whole works.
It is reported on the most rt 1. a tie. au-
I thorily that Go-vtrnor-elect Eha-lenbetger
has spanked Mr. Mullen rigot good lor is
lntorfeience with things legitla u vt . and
looked at him In a very grieved way for
aoking for so many Jubs for his fanuiy.
There Is no doubt fctoul the spanking
part of 1L Mr. Mjlien was t ailed on tha
carpet after ne had Stct o-t letters la
tavor cj HLrv uf Hcilt for sr,,aVer ,.f 1U
house and iad started a ball rcliing in bis
JT f;'"'" t41 "MJ.Tn'
j, j possiUe thai i-ia ha- made Mullet,
draw tn his horns recarling tne tlccLon of
a speaker, but none of tbo other candidates
for this place believe lt-
B'-rr Mullen Las demonstrated be la a
fighter. He, so ll is told, even wei.t so far
as to say, "Eeiiber lake Henry cf H-lt or
It will be up to Mr. ..ailenberger to sign
or veto a county option bill." This, i!
course, would be embarrassing t Mr.
Bihailenberger. At the earns time it puts
Mr. Henry up at a. i. at a hard proposition
It would look. If that report about the
threat la true, that Mullen would have the
lOp-Unuod oa Fourth Pag a.)
One of the Acmes of the National
Corn Exposition.
Finale of Great Show is to Come with
Fine Diiplay.
GoTernor-elect Kahes Address at Lire
Stock Ken's Meeting.
One af tbe Men VI, Early aw Pos
sibilities af Nebraska's all
Wattles and rrwf. Maat
gessery Iseak,
rirrt oar
aocad LAf
nirt ay
. .1S.SO0
. .lLOTr
.. f,7M
.. 4,47
. .13.4
.. 97
. .10430
.. M40
Poartb day...
rifth day (waavaay) . .
Blxtb aay
Seveatb aay
i Eighth day
Xiath day
Incl-adoa free ndmisslsna ef school cku
drea. One of the biggest and most Interesting
days of the Corn show wss Live Stock
Day, Friday, which was full of vim and
vigor and brought together many of the
leaJlne live stock men of the central west
and the leaders of the great live stock in
dustry of South Omaha and Omaha. It led
op well to the great finale today, which
is expected to outstrip any day yet- Con
cert hall was crowded at the opening of
the morning meeting, those present Includ
ing not only officers of the great packing
house industries of South Omaha, members
of the Live Stock exchange, but also repre
sentatives from the great packing bouses
and exchanges from all parts of the west.
There was also a big sprinkling of live
stock raisers from tbe ranges ln Wyoming.
Nebraska, Colorado, the Dakotas, Montana
and Idaho.
Governor-elect Shallenberger was the prin
cipal speaker at the live stock men's meet
ing in concert hall ln the afternoon. In
tbe forenoon Dr. George L. Miller, a winter
wheat pioneer, bad made an Interesting ad
dress on "Winter Wheat," Prof. A. O.
Montgomery of Lincoln and Gurdon W.
Wattles spoke on ether subjects and. all
told, the day was great in speeches alone.
Skalleaberger Brains at Doss.
Governor-elect Shalleobcrger said his In
terest ln animals began in dogs and had
kept up all his life until now be is intensely
interested in live stock,
"I assure yon that I see but aa honor tn
the invitation to talk to you here upon
this subject of the live stock Interests -in
oeen an aamirer oi aomevue ar.lmals rrora
my bcyhood up. I began with dogs, and
have expennented wtb all kinds, from race
horses up,, or .down, to goats, and I want
to Inform any lodge men wbo may be
here, that' if you have any lodge goats in
Omaha, to hi ve them properly trained.
"I was interested in what Mrs, Mac
Murphy told us about the new. Invention,
the fireless cooker. Now, I have bad ex
periences with ail varieties cf rooks, and
they are dangeroua. The cooker of which
Mrs. MacMurpby speaks is not daoav-rovn
as regards fire, but the varit .:. I lave
known are roost dangerous when there Is
no fire.
"1 have lad the opportunity of locking
over your corn show, for a moment, and
1 was very much pleased with It. But I
iw, nore pleas d to knw that we wffl have
tbe honor of having It next year. In speak -j
tng with yowr mayor about It. he said, thai
sjln3id so It was ta tn 1T It would
far a.-rpaes this.
"And I was reminded cf an Irish lad of
whom the story is told that du1nsT a war
with England, he waa forced, by the advent
of some English soldiers, to hide. He waa
I n 'ove with an Trish maid, but Pat oval!
I never get courage enough ta propose, WMla
j in hiding, his sweetheart brought food for
1 him each day, and one day Pat gained
! courage, he knew not how, to propose tc
' her and to print a kiss on her lips. Then
j said she: WelL if this Is sir, Pat. pray
that therell be no peace.' So when I see
what a wonaerful show you hare, I wsjeder
j what it will be as time passes, and It grows
more an! more wonderful each year.
"My subject is a varied one. It treats.
' you will nftioe. of the packer, the commia-
sion man and the fa-mer. Soma po p'o haa
i nJe ijea that there Is a difference la their
sims. But there Is none,
' Triers is a hov ln our w.!rhimrh k.
'took a notion to have a corn show of his
0wn He had a small patch ef corn, which
h tended very caiefully. and one day when
. t,e wrrking ln It, one of these shiftless.
do-ncthlng m-n, who think that any old
corn la .d enoue-h ta riant nm. alnn.
and hitching his chin over the top re. 1 of
the fence, began to talk to the boy. "That
corn Is kinder yaller.' 'Tep.' says the biy;
1 planted yellow corn.' 'It don't look like
more than half a crop.' 'Well, that's the
way pap plants com. on halves.' 'Say, brr.
there ain't much 'tween you and a fool Is
there?" Then the boy, exasperated by the
queeiioas. snapped out, On?y the feooe-'
There Isn't even the fence between the In
terests of the packer, the commission nun
and the farmer.
state 1 Ives by the Far a.
Nebraska as a stste, occupies a peculiar
position. We are the only stste In tbo
forty-six where the fertile are almost abso
lutely dependent upon agriculture. We hare
ro mines, either gold. Iron, coal or other
valuable product a We have no forests
whera wo could get Umber: In fact, tree
are so procious with us, and esteemed so
much for thear beauty, that we n-.U not
cut them oxwil We have no manufactur
ing Interests. r at tha moat, very small
one. We are a people cf the soil, and gala
our living by tilling it, and I thiak It
snakes of us a better, stronger, sweeter
"The packer la assisting both farmer and
comnnssiun man by creating a market both
at home and abroad. Study the table of
values of Amer.c n products, both tboa
Consumed at home and those exported, and
you will find that more than half of tha
total values la due to agriculture. Of Una
total agru ultural values, two-thirds ts
due to Nebraska alone Just study Ihig over
for a few minutes, and see what opportu-mUt-s
be In your state. Cora Is grown,
primarily, to teed stock, which Id turn is
used to feed the peopla. Thus agn outturn
(Continued on fifth hfi)