Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
0-i!j 7 DAYS Fcr
Christmas Shopping
Oslj 7 DAYS Fcr
Christmas Shopping
vol. xxxvn
). lis.
Projo-a to Pay Them "vTliat Vu
Agreed Tpoa for Their Lax.-.
Toor-Aey, Drbrr IT, !.
City ICty Htre XitieiLiJ Cora riposi
tioa Lcrf u it Wiihci.
Senate Zefer Secret Be nice St
to Ajprcpriitioxi Cosunittte.
: Mi- n. zj 27i"
Zesolztioa ii TiuHy Iatroduced fcy
Seratrr frca Xiode liluii.
Presiiext'i lArrrxgt is Deninuired toy
Eetrnl Speaker.
rzoYisicars cp tsl usolutios
raalttM e i -t ew !
tTi t ftrrtn, 6tTls( Noeaea of
AU EalrH tm Work a wo
lifirat eeAe icttM.
"WASHiKGrrcrr. Dec Tb o-nate to
day Oficiaa flntiT.e:y ta Dter njvro aa lr
TrtirUfii rU.iJv is th portlna ol th
niuaJ mrc 7 the i undent m hlrh
rrrtJrt lb artion of ctrntm tn j,ro
h.ibftiT.c tb dt-taiJ ot nerrrt wmne am To
t w j ta mhtr &-p.mmmtm.
Tb renolutjOB dirtln th JiMjuiry bad
b-B ta PCTcrten plaUoii rver since the mi e
an was lp fJ cm Tuaaflmy of laat wk,
tout Uif r bad hern vamc Aiftrulty to ar
riving at t tarina Is a-btrta It bad brn
cnarbfd aoa to afifeUig upon tba prttjwr
pain to tiitmdtica tL. It traa at lat tie
udnd ft Scntor Aldricb ahould aland
Fpcinnor for Uie mearara. and tuday afirr
fwnLtor Laudfe bad oonplrted bla apovch oa
th KrtrwsjrriTlc aJTtair tba Khode Island
araaior toc.k tbc floor and rra"n;.a a rev
olution tba bnirj. SrsaLar
CnlbfTana tranwdlatty aent up a trabatlttrtf
which was aonirirbat mart mpwi'ie. Eoih
measure were promptly referred to the on cosrmjtent czpensea and fci
Bitist irr.mefiitely afterward Sf na'or Kcu
inn that oootmiue reported back tbe JLi
drira resolution wits a reootnrnend&iion
that it pasa. fccnator Culberson made
jron-pt object lea and it looked for a tune
a if the consideration of Lb subpart would
be postponed until tomorrow. Whiie, ho -ever,
Lha aenaia waa nf kfred la tbe traas
articm of some ether buatnesa same of tbe
le.uJrs ef the two kda of tbe chamber j
found as opporuin rty for conference, with
tbe result that tbe democrats made tt
LtHiwa that tbey would laterptiee mo objec
tion te tbe Immediate esctsideratieai of toe
Aldnck rraeiutuia If tbe porticx of tbe Cul
bersaa subeUtute Otrecsnnc tbe canmitte
a appropriations te advise the eons is ape
tdflcaily as t tbe course of aotiaa tt abcm.4
take wttb reference te tbe mimi eouid
We mcorporated ai R. Tbe resolutiua waa
then reSerres! ts tbe committee ea eontiB)
etetit expenses, and Chainnaa Keaa of that
essrnearnae eras prompt a reaemme A reC
omsneo(UitkB ter tae doeClaB of the Al
. 4xc:a aoorutiaa w tlJi tbe dAtclua mt tbe
CnThereom iisinnlmi Afgy a jseryar 1nisricl
discusina tbe resolutiua aae adonied wuh
wut raon and ebus was tbe inquiry ee
u3o -Bans.
Teat A ass mm stlaOem.
Tbe reeoiutifia a ameaded and autopted
is as Itfloira:
-lieeolmd, Tbat that partira ef tbe aa
anal messiLae f tbe president relating; te
the secret service Is hereby referred to
the committee en appropriations which Is
insu-ucteu1 te Inquire whether the legisla
tion referred to In tbe message ban im
paired Uie efficieecy or sufficiency of tbe
rorur en.Ji loved in tbe secret servloe and
such committee is furtber directed to as
ceruun wliat portions ether than tbuee
included la tbe secret serrtoe were paid
from the public treasury far tbe fiscal
year ended June St. 1008, for services In
connection with tbe enforcement ef Lbs
laws or far work ir the detectioa ur in-
eeucatlua of poasible crimes or criminal
acta or violations of tbe law, rod u ding
ail special aner-neya, special agenta. ls
spectors or ether employes of any depart
ment of tbe government or any braacb
ef tbe public service and also some Infor
mation as to all persons whose employ
ment was authorised by indefinite or
general apprepriatier-.s; tbe information
ts contain tbe names of all persons sn
employed or paid, their previous occur-
Una. the nature tif tbe work in which
tbey were ehgagred. and by whom they
vers appointed, and upon whose suggea
tiiia er recommendation: tbe inquiry, bow
ever, not te tseiude officers appointed by
tbe president and confirmed by the sen
effinera spocifica.'ly provided for.
7,' k., -
"For tbe purpose of carrying out tite
msLrucuou. 01 xne senaie, tne nrnimiu-
en apprcyirtatlons as hereby, ry subccimmt-
tee or otherwise, sutbortaea te Bit durmg
the eeeslons or recess of tbe senate, te
ud for persons and papers and t. sub
pre-s wttneosea. Bminister oatba. to ex-
amine w.'tiw-aee under iaih and te em-
ploy ouch eierical aod other assistance as
shall enable th. committee te report fuEy
ana prompuy uptii etie saaxters comamea :
la this Inquiry, tbe expenses ts
paid frost tbe eoatmg-ent fund
tbe senate, upoa vouchers appnoved
roe Brnrif rniii is ii v ib ftuiamrrtef ox '
apprnpriauono and sajd oommtttee is fur-
Ticable, from tuna to tlnse. tbe reoutt of I
tl uxruiry aad to rnaks uch da-
turns as tbey may one fit with reference
turns as tbey may see fit with reference
therein, and further ts report wbat action.
If any tat the ya rment of that commiitee.
tbe senate should take with refereaoe te
tbat portioB of tbe ai mrt
SAaep I aatom TTooeV
"Wtiiie the naeoaage was ultimately
oAopted a fthcuu divisioB, tbe result was
sot rM-ned without iscms eios, and the
bee of siime sharp laxruaore.
Mr. Peiiey eijectod te tbe rueol often Be
cause u did not direct tlie cnounitiee to
"meuire tnte tbe very rrose and wanton
words" ut tbe presidenr s mrsearn
far as I aza oonornod.'" be aajd. Tio
actios o o id be tak-ea oa tbat rioiilurirm
tmtil tbat point is covered Eitber cua-
Crn to tbe aoust mfaaaau. body that ever
sssesnbied ta any ooumry f uie world, ur
k wis take auoae BMiuoe of tnia antes.
Bad grnas tnauil rver given any body is
the woriA."
Mr. Aidrtca ios sled that tbe resolution
provioVd for just Wbat Mr. BaiVy ad
vocaiad, but the e sarnr frosa Texas re
aortod that If that was included ln tue
seaulutU-m it waa ta aaild lanaa
"The pree.dasit.' ba Baid. ia kut as oaro-
" M ousiercaoa, oaa i
ey' taioerotaued why oiirtgTioa Is so eare-
ful aboot What It says about bias. I regard -ustillisos tao-a UJa-4. j -WASmXOTOX. tasc lt-The bouse oe-
uuo oo tue snoot ua suiting message ever ; MAJtaUlALLTOWN. la, IVt 3A letpecial : feaied by at ts KB the Garrett amendment
oaot to OJU body. I aooet if a aaayur ever ' Telegram. ) Praak 1 a ycung mas of te the penal oode bill, peiiyg the trane
Oea: oaaih a Bi-aaaate to a corrupt oouucAl this city, was serieuoly, portiaps fxl Uj , j aiioaiua by Ekail of any averoaemeiit or
J loaUeve ta tailing juairi y to penpal was 1 mjjrod wbea bo lei bodar a Great Wool- infarsaauuB having rale ranee ts rtiw nigs la
iera tretgbt trajat erblia arimptlux a boaj fiuvtres whose tbe eWUvery if tho article
A last tUio-e- t lea-giit catatr. bo o
V 1 2 3 4.5
6r Z S 9 10 Jl 12
J3 U 15 16 1Z IS 19 ;
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
nr Ofi 90 Stn Stf
1 4 w- W ZJJ. - I
io i,U f'tf AD ,
V1C1N7TT Riun or mis and comer Ti er
irrvr vrro , er , fc- ? . iTerl-e
FTR 'low A-f.a".n "or sm w and' colder I
: -rv . . .. .1 .-
! " - q,
st "msta yesterday:
i a. in..
i a. m..
" a. m. .
f a. m
r a. ttu ..
V a. m. .
1J a. m..
12 m
J p. tn. .
1 p. m..
2 p. tn . .
4 Ti in.,
t p. ic . .
p. tn.
7 n. m..
I p. ..
;i. m. .
Tbe iMnai. yeFtea-day tmik action to In
vwtitate the message of President Rcxe
veit aitb rejt-ct to tie emjik j-nject of
the aeiret rrii Pffioera. 1
Count Ei 'ni reUngiiicted tic monrj de
mand In the aoit to secure posEtrn (if
Lis children. Faf 1
TLe city marshal of Greenwicn, O..
hat a tig-hut iniaii and was faxaily
wounded in prerentics a carefuJy
piacDod rnttery. rara 1
"Bath House" John Courhlln ban been
arrested In Chicago on a tharee fcf as
aaulttn a press thotor-anhtr t)n tie
n-tt of the bis ball of the under world.
ex-er which be presided. Pre ! land is worth at the present time from XT
The Harpla trial In Kentucky presents ; to tis per acre, tt wiTOld stb the snvmi
tbe spectacie of a brother firntine: aptmst ' mem should pay at least Kl.' an acre for
bis brother and mother to secure hie 1 It."
conviction for murder. Pare Misn- Matters et r4tal.
Proposed amendment to land opening A TaThnt c Linco'.n. Neb.. hea3 of
bill te pay Indians in South Dakota the ! t ;.j,,aprn -Woodmen of Am-rira. is ir
amount agreed upon for their lands. Wa-hinrtrm ana was pernHltr cc.TS-jrtd
throuph the c-ejMtol todar by fr-nator
The prosecution of tbe Hains rtnc is ' t..v.. v,
rrooeeaicg- on the theory that T. J
Halna was the leader in tbe conspiracy
with bis brother te kill "William E. Annia.
rare I
Tbe Isthmian Canal commission has le
aned a statement that the G&tundarc s.te
la not aetUina; more than waa expected.
Pare I
Tbe Indianapolis Xews bas written a
reply ts tbe measaae of President Rooee-s-elt
Is retard te tbe canal matter. Pare 1
A defaicatioa ef tMl.dOy baa reet-itfa In
tbe cioeinr of tbe First Xational Bank of
ortfc, X. H.
yrteoda of President. Castre ouff-red
aaoo weaienoe dBiisr a riot tbaX I aUsd
news ef tbe capture of tbe coast boa. a
Pars S
Earte may be chosen as captata of
Cornhuaker foot ball eleven as a com
promise of tbe deadlock between Frum
and Colllna. Psr 11
Iowa and Nebraska coal dealers Bay
they do not receive fair treatment f i win
the railroads. Pare i
It. Bcburman cf Cornell university and
Ren or Domlnrnes of Mexico deliver ad
dresses at tbe Corn show. Para 1
National Corn association annual ttieet
tng develops that the Com show Is te
remain in Omaha as tbe result ef the
splendid ahowing made ty this city with
tbe present shew. pars 1
Lh stock marketa.
G-raia marketa
Stocks and bonda. Pare
KOTXKZm OP OCXAJI arra: a sra w Tya
rnrt a sah-a.
wrw y PRC ts tmifn.
rw tosa
uiwiiC'M riwim
ii t CveTOaTl- Luasnia
' F0LS0M
Beiotlve st In. Ct-veUus Wit tMeo
la C teaw IKnei
am Tkia City.
i Beriamln F. Folsom. a grandson of Johx
j. r0i j aud in Cbicaxo. where an
ffr appendicitia proved uxauo-
The deceaaed was a part awn ef con-
. siderable Omaha real estate., including two
Uua at Bxxteenth and Iwurlas Btreeta. on
i -falrn the Brand-is store stands. In past,
I He , t firBt couslB of M- GrCTTr
! Cleveland, who was M as Fols ,ta befors
! l-B. Tn-.Ulfrc to the Hue pr-sir.t. John
R TulMam e Lls brtrt.hor. Benoamia
Omaha pioneers who acquired large
j i.olcling. m th city, ircludmg besides th.
! 1TOIj n-med. several lots oa rugiaa.
north of Seventeenth, oa Cuming street, be-
j f-w 1. 1 Frleerrrh i,nt "T. .n4 m
tweont Fifle
! Be eonteenth
and iKmgiaa. The ootate.
; erl icb is manaared bv i p.. Ri R- eom.
I any. baa remained largely undivided
amcug tbe beira. of whom there are sev
W lie ef Pi oto ot-Ee t e tmwmm Be-
eeal Ike r a ot aUnle Te a of
op ay, A. C,
SEW TOE, Ewe 1 Mrs. WCam H.
" m -e ijri ri
days, durmg which she attended tbe see-
aioiis of tae annual meeting of the National
LTvu: iwieranun. win. leave this afternoon
fur ftpray. N. C, and will remain at
&l-ry a Inula cttn .anuf atturmg town,
otar Iianvi'.ie, as the ruest of Mr. and
Mrs. Nebane. until the end of this week,
wbea ou o l Join the president-okect at
Aua-usta. Go.
rb Icari Porkusr WIU Ttott O
A tlesd toe -s'1oel tU
BIOTTX CTTT. ls laac. If. (Special Tele -
grajw r Louie Swift of Otioago apont tn
ia Eloux City and left at scon
fur Cetial a
Mr. eWtft is mak lt.g tour ef
of bis western pianos and win take la tue
cm stw dorttg bis stay la Omaha.
ww .e4 te Br Mlttc for Sev
eral Tlasee tbe im 4 tar-
Betel B,eys A psw-aprtatlvo Is
iBftlr Pair t Tkra.
(Fro "taff Ci I -a .t'e"t-
AfHTN-ITN. ree. W ("""pec-tal T-l-r-sm.
v ecretery CsrfTelcl vas rerom-
T-rfla to cr,t ess the unrnniTt of s
tl'n.s T dnd t rf tbe set Kt . lO. :irti
authorise the eml and disposition ef a
r"""! "t the sn-pin s-o urx!lnna IsnSs
tn The CrirfW and trnd5ne Knrk Ifl;Ti
i to ponrrm t ' c idd Jnr t he tmrinent
1 rf nrtini W and 3S. rantea to North ar-d
Rntrt! rfc.kTtB at CBS Ter srre and
another srtirm of the biU srrp-rtata j
$41F, . te ps-e tbe- Inflii r.s for the land"
far.-ea to The rw r'pkntas. A rifle- I
bfwever. was ttrhed- to the btH passed
wh'iel'' tl.3 an erre shrnid be paid the
Indians Jnst"a of CiO as orlrlnr!T aTeed
rprtn and CI.! rnsteaS of Oi.' was
appwp-lated to pay frr the lands eo
fHrtsT 5arfeia seys that at an ir
formal roTt-Tererv-e between rerreii"i!tat-''"
members of the Sandma- Jlnck and Chey
enne tribes and "neclaJ Insnertsr MrLautrh
Iln it was TruTua'rr arred the rnctians were
to reeetve C iM i- arre- for tb lands thus
frarled the PTat.
"While tt is trt." Serrrtary Gr?!rtd
states. rrat no frmtl urwmert to thlt
effert was f"rered rrto between the f-v-fniaiwit
End the trf!es rrmn tinned, yet an
mformaf dierussion and understanatr.f of
this matter was swh as to . pa-lake
stronly of the nature of a fntrart which,
tn the opinion of this d"pttTtm-nt should
at lemst be blnfl:n: nn the rwemnnf as
the a-tia'diar cf its Indian wards. If th:s
satlon. Mr. Talbot Is tn his way to
Issdore Zierier cf Omaha Is In the ciry
to secure a cabinet officer ( '.f '
lerf'strr for the M-Kir.ley club banquet
to his bome city. Kr. ZiCler was rn
troaucea by Senators Brcwn and Burkett
tn leadir.g orators !n the npper branch of
cor.presa. '
On the reeorr.Tnen.dation of Cor rrsm et
Hubbarfl, Tr. H. 3. Blackney ba been ap
pointed pension examtrung enrpeon at
eiieldiin. Ia Tire Xr. F. Crane, re
Arthur 3. Nelson bas been appointed
portmaster ot Ctiance. Butte county. Foulb
rwwers-: Tw 3d. A. Teal. r-lgTed.
Ferffinard "W. IVreessen bas been sp
potmed reeTilar and Ptadalph rre-esen rub
stitute rural carrier for route S at Cor
rectlonvaie, la.
TOTJET0. O.. rt IS An trridentifled ,
man was mstartiy kfleJ ana Marshal F.
C. "Wivids of Greenwlr.h. Huron county, i
waa aeverey wourided early this Twrntot I
to an encounter with fee men in tbe rail- i
road yards of that vinsge..
Marshal "Wands accosted a man standing i
near tbe pnstofftce and acting in a bus- ;
melons manner. In reply to questions tbe :
5 1 ur known man said that be was a stranger 1
m the town, but desired to leave on a
freight train. Tbe marshal escorted htm
te the railroad yards and Just as they
reached the tracks, four other men sud
denly Jumped fi oin behind a car an 3 or
dered tbe officer to threw up bis hands.
He did. but In one band he bad an auto
matic revolver, which he fired. One bullet
pierced the heart of one of the quartet,
who fen dead.
The firing was returned by the other
four, and one of tbe balls struck the mar-
shal tn the back. As be fen the men beat
I bun mto mseneibiMy. then escaped.
The firing ar used the town and the
wounded marshal and tbe body ef the un-
' known men were found in the railroad
yards. A nosee is today searcfclnr the sur-
rounding territory for trace of the men.
i The dead man was about SB years of age
City Honaal ot Gmsslia, tarn
Bis; Lmo st rpahaMe Coot
of Life. I
ana well dressed j C. C. EowtattT, general manager of The
A bold and cleverly planned scheme to ! Bee and chairman -of the -executive com
rob the twe hanks of the town and the m of the National Corn expoaita:in.
postoffioe is believed te have been foiled
by the marshal at w hat ria probably be troduced President S hurmn. Afterward , adojited and that congress should make a
the cost of bis life. Tbe maranal waa the Corce.1; almni ert.ertamed Ir. Bchur- i searching lnveeugation of aJ the facts, clr
ruished to a hospital at Callion. His condi- 1 nian at Kannun'i cafe. 1 ctimoitnces and rumors connected wtb ttie
a on is critical. j of lUr j,kru, . entered the au- Pannma activrtiea of the governmenu
I As ore to Cow ft How Merely oa
Oeloaoot for Hte TTareo
Ck I Id rem.
PAHTB. re.. 1C Tbe bearroe; of the
eutt brtiurht by Crmnt Bowl Fm CasTellane
against tbe Friar aso Isa Sa ran. tn which
be petitions that tbe ruotody ef bis three
rhdr be glv- t. hi. mother, tb.
, . i, .
i niiyiun a.7 v. mmi ri iiim, vuLiaifea in
' this city today.
j M. Bonnet was heard ta rejomder for tbe
count. He read a letter from tbe oouat
j renouncing tbe petition for Mi.MWi annually j
' ""
, melating more emphaticaTly than ever thai
I the children bo confided to tbe care of
his mtither. Ttie relinquishment of tbe
financial demand came as a surprise in
j spits of the fact thai such a course was
indicated at the close of tbe first bearing
j of tbe caoa.
', Tbe proceedings were filled with a.iega-
I tiona from both aid-a Th, tii-i..i.i,
will present bis conclusions next week
nd t" court wtU thea render its deci-
; ion. It wiU either tUsmias the count's
plea or grant him the custody of the
i children, or ii uoubt exists w:
i the taking of testimony.
' Tt" Prtncoes de Kagan oonttnuea to be
i aangu'-ios of a favorable decisioa.
' i
Ef I
Ps oeHss Aovorvisrssiot
&z&&4&s&ss:i! l i i, mill 'ii i
7et-J' -tSZJ X - Ce'x"-- L-r'-Xj' -"tS 7' j,
!mmz:-i - -: f-- ' ' 1 i 111
C;rTTie-.t, 2nS, ry the Jw Tork Ma 11
Dr. Sdmmsji tii Senor Dor.TBgxei
Cora. Shew Orators. -
Preaioewt of Cenell IVeaJs ertaisi Geeat
Wealth aa4 tterlBoteo, Propao
xoar oeldai CjaU Csalewstt
for laoerttaotfw' raoo. -
Za, Aealisr with the problem of the
distribution of grsat wealth Pres
(dont tchcrmai pointed out that
iX mmlttasillionalrea, themselves, XaSed
te yooormae Their obligatioa ts sbars
their fortunes with the eom-iumn-'ty,
wfelca tbey have eceu2iiate with the
ce operation of tbe oommuxiry, then
It la in tbe power of tha rorersmest
s enforce this ofchfation by a system
of taxation en the transfer and inhrr
ttaaoe of Ceaedsat's slate. Its ex
pressed the opinion tbat there was as
ejnaser tax, ae tax whose Inddeaoe Is
more lirhtly felt," Be oarrto tbat
"tn eessoctlon with this Xatioxal Corn
exposinns the gcrvsrJior of Xehroaka
call a ooxfopeaos of gtrvemers er other
i e ui esextate wee mt the oeweral states
i policy ox lxbenxaaos
P.ailroaa men were In evidence at the
National Com exposilion Wednesday, the
day being known as ' RaJrcitd day," and
when the audience gathered in concert
i --U at 10 J4. to hear Preaid.m Jacob ould
Bchurma ef Cornell university, presii?ns
and ijgh officials of the railways were,
am mg those who swelled the i n of the
audience and it was prtihalily the largest
of the week. In the afternoon they re
turned to hear Zeferino Inimmguex. tie
Mtxican planter and educator, who p.-e-
' senied to- rrojihy te tbe student judge.
' preeidea at the mtmir.g mettag and in-
Tice Presided H. B. MsCuIlouxh and
Frank W altera, general mnager of the
lines tcA of the Miasuuri riwr.
Address by sk-Boi sua.
Pre sidect Schurman arrived Just on the
hour with Mr. Patsea ater. Just after the ;
band had cjhclnoed its prugram cf mus c
Far ever ac bnur the dftincais.-.ed educator ;
fiiscuaaed "our Na.oia Oztiok." aayuigt !
Ttie gTet majunry of problems which f
tooay interest American vte:s ire econo-
, . ." . . , M
wriich are tri.nrTi.rm.r.g. re' a...r ana re-
creating our political pur-i-c Ahd herein
our history ia lut foUooii the course of
Eurtijiean history
ln t!i stales the xnuation ia ia-
x-BUf.'ifi by tiu: eaiatei ce of gruat and
mcre.asmg inec. untitle c.r ecrcnomic conai
tluua. It is this phe.nimenoc e ioin fosters
sct-aliam amongst ua. and toe socialist,:
j apirit ia t ' ni.ire widely
d ff i. sed than tht
j number of rulers for tb s-cv llatlc ticket
would mfiaitie. Many minoa are rendered
' UKlitiii to Uie aUureimt-nis ot Binialiaui
i resentment at
exisung contrasts be-
I Tw-D OUT verT ricri iJ"5 k'
wtl" " '
ur ver? ikhs.
tii loundamia
ot the ouciaiistic state has sctmeuiing in it
akin to tt.e sense if Jusuce and lair treat
ment. ei.K-B u tt.e dnebeot eiament in the
i m.a-al nature of man.
While 1 s3'n.patnise with tlie socialistic
deaire to lmjrt t t tr conditiuc of our un-
propertied tiasae. i navt no taitn in the
- " -
Nei erLhe-u-a, 1 am prufuunaly cosrvtoced
thai a nr m aJid serious pruiMtun is axioit
lu us In txaeguftice oX tbe incxeaa.tia
it (j i of omatKimic cif " tKais. Aad 1
etappcaM, ne oxie coiufl dniy tt at the ooo-
Lraac. L-ut weou tbe rich 4ne the poor wi
Cincn-ahty rear-s a puuua.
a as oe aii-rnaOioej but sratauiiuti. Thai ja
lu say. ue auinber of pui s aa Lno cwu-
iry ertiiuuA protMirty
large aa w-eaith oa tymneiiTna oS ifiat A j
CuL 'it oa PiaunA PaarW
and Express Com;iany.
Driaraa milk's PatUeatlea Devotee
roetre to Aoewer to Preeidcot
a elt.
INDIANAPOLIS, icd., Iwc. 16.-The In
dii.hh;iuiis Neva, menuoiicid in the aiecia,
lucabMEe on Uie Panama canal avui sect tc
cu:icTtsaa jefiterciay hy Premacht t.:,
UKiay issued a rt;jj to tbe c: w-f executive.
it iaji:
It ia difficult to characteriae fully the
iair-st oui.tirtihx. ui Uie preaidfiit wit.houi
res1rta.g te t.ns he t . lkcf as nndtfi-
siied and t!anew4rtcy as d wr.ica outs
tii tularin a urtcraiM: in a ciiiH ty n
seif in tue official litiatuit rf the iiieh
office he bolQa. 'U haie'w uroviM-arum iir
Kione'tslt juay t.aee leit pru-JLitig his svut,
Bellas couu ui.ify. cir xiiunti niure exi-eii-ustt.
ii.t torrent cf lrvectivt- and viriuent-e
tach he poured out m a state pajer utor.
uie tiettus ol private ciLisena. No oiie in his
s.'lMr Kuit-B can lau to regb.rd tot- ;-t-ioimance
aa a gTr- oeroFalmn to the dig
of Uie prt.sidfijtial siatum. a pr,iate
exi.Untion of LOKering rte on the iart of
Uie c-i.K:X miti'itrai- kliC i-iie aource oi t. u
nulmuiin alia c-ria$rrin t the entire '. ituntry
it is cuite lrr.piiSHitiie tc th-.tik of arv (.f
i Mr Lonseveli a lotig line- of a, ft me jishcd
liTvdn-enwi-i could piHHiiiy iiave f j
j furg..t ;en Lie dp-nitifS and oecencies of
I cxfci'.fd postion as tv transuiTt to eopg shs
! a irit'tisaare in ary way compara.Die aitij
j uia; cif Fterc .
J r ear atiartoc and no anrwer. Aaeun-ij ttoa
: t.'.at the New Tork "World and its pro
'' pnt.or w-rp ir.fiuenced iv tits- or i.n
j vor'hy nvt!vs in the puhllration of ttie
i -eorts roucifig tite Panama affptr can
i n it be 3uRt fio. no matter who '. ay he
j the person UJit make it
I Tlie News states that tte "World utidoubi
I ed!y bas what it honestly suf
I f cient g-ounds for het- ir.g that every -'
tiling had not been as it should have been
in the ao-uisition by this country of the
Panama ranal Interests f-om the'r former
owners, although a paper mav be deceived.
The News states that whether Mr. Roose
velt knows it or not, rumors and reports
touc hing the Panama transaction have been
numerous and persistent, and that is spite
of all his asservatjons. people are stfU not
convinced that everything was as it should
he. this without in tbe least impugning tbc
pood faith cf the president or bis agents in
the negotiationa Tbe News said many
points have not been cleared up and tbey
car.not be cleared up by threa'-e of libel
autta and pen lasiunga of editors that bold
the gnod is me and the interests of the
country quite as dear as does the president.
The paper, m concluding its statement,
says the Rainey resolution should be
IsthsaUuB CsuaaJ Cos asaseelooi Keys
ttaktag of Boelustov Boo Bea
WASHINGTON. rec. It Tbe various re
ports of tbe sinking of the recktoe at tbe
Oatuo dam site, ef the existence of a lake
bekrw tbe site and of the slides of earth
on the relocated Panama railroad have
brought forth an official statement from
tha Isthmian Canal commission, which
i says the s, hking of the rocirtoe was antlo-
j lpated and the more it settled tbe firmer
I wtU be the foundations. There is no lake
under Gatun, the statement conrinuea, tbe
water there being m pocketa The dam, it
says, is being built on a very firm founda
tion of in.jerrioua clay, the earn being
true of tbe foundation of the lucaa.
LIM03E1S. Franue, loc- 16 A culUsum
between a freight and a passenger train
near bere tocay resulted m the death of
fifteen persuns and tbe injury of thirty
others. Ft-w broke out after the coHiaiun,
and moot of the vvttima. including the en
gineer of th paaengr tram, were pined
i beneath the wreckage and burned to death.
The coTltsuia occurred in the pouc h tunnel,
between bere and Brtre.
uf BMt v bas
j NaOiaia. BaoA tit tnlsnt. X. H. the
i roHflfV bas bare, orreastea and tA tta-arurv
hove a -and
1 La M-rti.w-.a
! Frelsbt aatt Pees re per Tralao CoOlldo
j mod t ac-ti-u Arc tarart ta
t ratkai.
Bi solos tap. Peeod ta Be eh. I
lax 3& A Oefaauanoe
, ,
5Ct Otly Irted tO Oil 0ce, j
tut tile Statu IriAltlirft. i
I mm Tlba-ee, Fssalw I
Tloite LJoeedm, wot Pails to Ptatd
iarea u Ha1 to eve
cTrota a Ftaff Correspondent.)
LIN OOLN. ree. 1 8. c Special. Arte ur
Mullen, Deliverer of the goods (to Mul
len ) Is some pumpkins is thia new ctmj
crauc aoministrauoxi, which takes toid
January 7. The O'Neill man baa not otiy
na-jed dewn a t-,l(U a year job fur nim
seif, hut now tbe rejiort codes m be
has Q,'iie a stunt fur his eister. Ms
Phoet Mullen. Ke exj-ects to land the
your.g woman as recording clera in ttie
office of the gcixernor anout the time
the ieg.j-lature adjouma. This place
pays tiff a month.
Miss Mullen is now rtenorrapher in the
office cf ber brother, v. ho recently filed
ber application with Governor-elect Shal
lenherger. They do say. Hhe Is to le ap
pointed, or at leant that Mullen thinks she
will be arpr.n ted
But that Ifb t all tfc is young and rising
politician intends to do. Not a bit cf it.
He bas begun to dip ia oa the organiza
tion ttt the legislature or rather th
bouse end of it. And yet. even that isn't
all He Is preparing to tell ttie legis.ature
what to do about some of the pledges ef
the democratic party.
Thia young man from O'Neill, the mac
who refused to permit C. ft
Jones, aa
oid war borae democrat, to paes Into the
presence of ttie governor-elect, baa de-
cided ia his own mind tbat the lefiaia-
tcre must appoint a commlsMii.a to as-
termine the physical value of railroads !
If be is rucceHsfui ia this effort lie may
be Induced te take a place on the com
mission, providing it is a better Job than
having his deputies tent oil. or be may
try to bold both Jobs, being an energetic
Tlie deliverer ef tlie roods (to MuUeni
is out working tooth and toenail for
. , " , ,
Henry of Holt, for speaker of the bouse,
tnougt he is not an artiie part
in the selection ef a chief clerk. It is re-
ported, oa good authority, be has sent
the word dewn the line that Mr. Henry
is tbe man and must be selected.
Ooly Oat lllrraartlr.
It is eve.a said that unless Mr. Henry
is elected speaker that Mr. Mullen in
tends to see to It that the leriaiatiir
passes a county option bin and thus that
much mooted cues' ion will get up t
Gwernor-eJert Shall en be -rer and be will
have ta snow his hand finally and forever.
Thea Muliea is much Interested m the
coming legislature because be wants an
other agricultural farm or experimental
staoun located at O'NeUi. That would
help out his borne toon siroe.
vi Pes Governor-elect Ehaiienherger was
typnotisod tote appointing Muliea oil ih-
STctor as he lay a helpless cripple to the
Lincoln btibel be did not realise. It is said,
that be was getting ouch an energetic
youth into bis kitchen cabinet. He bn-
; seined
that the O'NelH man would be
content te take his Ii..lww a year and
read law or Burnetii eg to take up bis time,
never once euspeeung that he would de
velop lute tb ruier of the kingdom. It
is now said the new governor believes be
bas got a bear by the tail and dvm't know
what to de. Mullen bas already alienated
C. E. Junes, raffled up Judge Tlbbeta. hu
miliated Tbomea Tibbies and no one knuws
btw many leoser lights
Oh, yea. and Mulien also wants one ef
bis aunts appointed 19 a Job ia a state
AM of o rach is causing Mr. KliaJW-nherger ! Ua. 'kT ,-u turtl ed.catl ij tnatituuans of
no end of embarrassment and worry. I1'1 1 uled o-ateei ran s rv as eaajiipie
, -..a. .. . . i u. an. to ar rp. rati at, te a-iy
" . jiou'try. becue hal ne naa Oooe h .
Hun, Tiiomae Tibliiea, the gray-haired t-vr bees c on. hi s 'd i y ary mas an
veteran of a tl.cmaaad political bar lea, tb I "".re ai,n 1 ke f -1 rio i'la Ou noi Oe-
. . 'hug is Mm a but Im tung to me worU .
fatber of relirm, lb defender ( utm op- j - - va - - - - - -
pra-aet and di wnirialjee, tbe'onemy trf V. J!TLr .T": .
. , ,,. . . Tboorii wirrS ef f a man bas here
pre calory cwrpta ai-ma. the gra&d ud pw- -j -,r f a C .). tnougt ti. has o. -B.-JOI
tin infl noi can party that b couid me e -io 1 r. ii ever and hia it
er em rr to-u-rest of wnait I
..a t-
ax and,-. t. KiallBuaw-far, waa
OM4tis cue fjrsc of tbe ohvA
is Lo-tiaaa
a tSofmrid paya.j
Et-Eecti Iti 0riali asd Sisei &U
CcauLendi Kexicta Ptilaitirtpiit
for En Put is ExpotiticiL.
Cee-o Aeaoelatlo. lodee
H"hiee Aowoeeee Espoottsoei te
Betoat CoodorteA, Holoe Its
iuul Seetla.
TTret day 1A.SOS
Beooad day 1X077
Tblra day IbJLH
ronrta, day T.7M
iPlfto day (luaar) Ataf
I esbrth day Va-Vt
ereath day Mf
"Xncladee free aftwiieeieaa ef scbool okO-
Purne r. Funk, president. Ehtrley. in
P. d. H"toen. tct presioent. Antea, la.
Fl G Munomery, vice president. Lin
coln, Nh.
J W.iKes Jones, secrrtary-treasurer.
Omaha, Neh.
The Natkuia, Cora asooctstloB unani
mously re-ei-ried the Bid offleers at Its
antiual meeting at the Rome "'eanesdiy
moming. Important as this action ia, it
does not oversr.adow tha anion of tbe as
sociation in declaring that It ls the wish
of the orginixation tbat Omaha abail
have the National Corn exposition so long
as Omaha desires "
j The Nations! Corn association bas the
I say-so in this matter, and tbe articn of
the morning is therefore conclusive,
i Th re-eiction of Mewsra. Futk, Holden.
Mnntpomery and Jonea is highly grate
, thuig for tboio who know anythtng
! ahout tha history and devilopmtnt ftf the
expcMUtion. trow or the extent ana OTiainy
f their work and next to Important work
well done, tite next most pieaaast thing
01 " tb' "cornlt"m
The National Com assocuitlon did an-
other tbmg ai hg this lino It voiced
formally and ertr usiastically hs endoree-
of the r't and gtiod work whktb
S.Xi:ir Zefermo Iominruea Is doing la an
agricultural wav lor tbe people ef his
country. Rvnor iKimlnroex, at tbe request
f Pr-sident Funk, spoke briefly te the
convention. He made his address shert
because be was to talk at greaier lescth
in tbe nfttrnwu.
Tbe r-T"l JranrTtrsj jA tho tore aseedts-
ion was noteworthy aiae tor ease pssasnvs-
tion ui the Indiana Cora aas'iciatioe's XLftto
trophy which is awarded by tbe aatkmai
aaeociauim to L E wlore, as already an
nounced. The address of presentation was
made Vy G. L C"lristie for Iiifliana and ac
cepted hy President Funk.
In accepting a re-tiectioa President Punk
spc ke fechngly.
"1 am deeply moved by tbe honor oat I
wish that I could express my appreciation
of the honor in better terms than I am cow
d; :ng. 1 must say ts you that I accept
ttie honor, however, solely from a sense rf
duty, knpwir.g full well tbe bnpnrtancs of
our wort. It seems to me a call which an
man couid reject, even tt, as ia Bay ease.
Uiness ln my family and tbe pressure of
priva-e business make lengthy demands no
my time. For the honor, I thank yoe from
the bottom of nrj heart."
Tlie executive committee of the associa
tion will be selected by the state associa
tions later as provided by the conatttutien.
Mrilrma Tells of Crest Work of DtsuB
sod troy He Aiwa Trophy.
It was a brilliant scene to concert ball
1 st ! o'clock when 7feriTio onnnroes pre-
, nled the solid silver bust of President
rUl t8 y,. nuoeot Judres of the Iowa
. J.mriralTvrml MUeev.. who won over an
ottier tams tn tlie contest.
The team was cnached by Prof. ML L.
B.wman and consisted ef Messrs. Jensen,
Beaton, Wood, Summers and McArthur.
After aa el io,uent oddreoa by Senor
Iomitigux. gven to Frntiish. with such
force that he was easUy understood, the
trophy oaa presented by him to Its beauti-
' eiil , uue unA m-iTf, th. Uf 1
i ... T- . e - e.
I the t nited Elates. Senor Xximlnruex said t
T , . . . , . .
1 If I choose the Engiiah language te sd-
; dress you. ,t is for u.e courtesy to use
otficial language cf this eountry. but I
I P"efer te use my own ianruage. be-
i cause m ejia niah I can say whai I wish.
; j,d m r,il.h enly wbat 1 ean. therefor..;
j 1 oeg y,.ur pardon for my pour Eaxilsu, la
I " 1 am a bee-inner.
1 nie a e lee mi'nii: Amrairoiv Ol
Hie Foundution of Manufacture and Cciro-
merre, and I hava tj add tiia.1 atrk-ultara
ia the T.urae of mankind, ln fact, wbea
we so to take our dinner what is there
on tte tao- that is not s product of agri
cult uref Whai part of our clothes bas not
beee manuf actured with as agricultural
iroeuctT What is there ta our buma sup
P'ying for th neeas of comforts and luxury
thai l.aa not been built with a prime Euot
ler coming from amculture,
Astrteoltoral Cowotraeo Moppr.
Agriculture la an occupatlua that really
produces new thitirs ttjit never existed
U'friee. wt: le manufacture onlv rbanxes
tie form of tha matter teat al-oady eaauts
e-'th tlie help cf a force that ia trier
jrratK, so it chan'es the wood Into fur-
riiriie ir.a mtxiA tmr. mum , n ti,. ip.n
jnpiestient . Tiiat is why countries tnat
protect agricuiiure are prusueruus aiAd
Ttie nroductttio of earn ln trite great
r lun'rv means the prortu'-'.ti n ef Several
oboleenme a -ane the prnductinB of meat.
ci.i v starch, celluloid, n.area powder.
' li ohoi. pai-rr, etc. !i means f'V yes swore a hi.n in and a half tnat ya add year
a'ter year to 3'our immense wealth.
Senor iKin-ingues trea brief :jr traced the
history of Mexico up tc the time President
I tax' si began a-nd w ent oa to snow the
onui r'-l pn.gress Mexk o bas male Bince.
Tlmt ) wtav 1 notght to (iffer te tie Na-tu-uai
(Urn xirfia.ti.ui of CCmaiia tue hsi
cf a g'Mid aa a tinpr y la s unulate lii
( vie vjtuek. the high and oibie tuai last
ttft you tiy to enofuraae iii yimr aouiig
"l.t lie,-j u e he great man reiiresenied
i 1 a. ier .iure tu at I nave ,n li tanir
j eepu ) ffoia.o a u wvejnpitmet aed
to ti or a-v J in -oui.try n-e wnra h
.,,,..-. Ijw, a a,ie.uur4 )io-
j iii .. tre i w a ting for tu'n.
V arwm a LLaa ta - t they as Beat 1
1 Urf a. ta raet Ln benof of
jo-j-m, -J uf ti gr t yon Bi.t-
i ami a la. a;