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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1908)
The Omaha Daily Bee Os!j'8 DAYS Fcr ChristmasShopping Only 8 DAYS Fcr Christmas Shopping VOL. XXXVIII NO. 15 OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. o-. MESSAGE ON CANALIsmmary of the bkiamesdisc eisuid eill CORN SHOW A .MECCA IxposiiicB Dtxtti Tarieni Cxiti ef Pecple frora Irery Ihrectoa. Writniir. DmaWr 1 4k, 1 a.. v- m' TTZ. ZTi' -2T - -- 2 3 45 r Z 8 9 10 11 12 U 15 16 1Z 18 19 1 Prcpostl to deduce the Anoaxt ef Prtsidett IUoeTclt Further . 31f to Ctrj-c ef Croctedar lirproTtitfEtj Eeuired. ALSO TO ALLOW CC2QCUTATI05 1 - FALSI 23 ZTEtT liHTLZ B0A2LD CP TEAUZ IXCJC CHICAGO DeaJtn from Hxxau City aid St, Lcsis ca the Scuth. Latter Wwald Permit ttlrs. After riHrtl Meatb' RMitrarr. f.-t Title by hrnt f Mlar aad 4tma.rt.e-r Per Am. 5?4 ) Actios cf Gmnntit ITiiiiiieik ly Axy interior JCotjTet. XOICT IISTBJBTJIE) TS TLKSCL raited Stele Had Xetlir, to Do witi tixt JCatter. ULTCA3SJS rEDOAL PXOSECTTIOl YabwtH lAs4 etf Hwkklm af b Frcowfti CwsBpaay ui ttwri Mr. rilturr aa Tlllider af Pfwpl-. WAjarXNOTOJC, !- It Repeated peel of laortttxr greeted The rSTf til tb pe-niiig paragraph cf President fwr welt's Dtwxt to rotii a on the Piraai canal charge tjday. Af the aecrctary reed the statement that the charge wc-"- "false la every partKmiar," Senator Baiiey laughed outright as lie passed alone the rear of Lb chamber to his real. Other senators on both stdsa cf the chamber Joined with tim. ant when the reader reached the frtalemasl that a statement in a nespj"er which be mentioned would not be believed, tber was general merri room trvm bota aide rf tb chamber. The rneawagw eUortwd the greatest Inter eat la the boose. The member grave close attention daring; the readme ef the docu ment end there tru a ripple of laughter iim Utc pi ualdenfs ctbArncteriaatieiB of Jceepa rulftner, publisher of the New Tork Warld. Calls (Wm rata. President Roosevelt seait to tha senate a tatemetut concerning th purchase cf the Panama canal property by the United State, denouncing la trtrr, lar.r--T chara-ee that tbera waa acrthlns Tonf la the artiutaltlcn f th ca&al projxnty. Tbaa atortea." be oostinoea. " flirt bnmctt to bj attei:WiB aa rh- Uahed la a paper tn ladianapoU. calied J the Sm, e5:ted by Mr. Iielavan fiinSth. The atorta vera acin-rloua and Utian la character and faitw la eery evaetitial jiartlmlar. Mr. Smrth abeltera htmaelf behind th ttraM that he merlx ar cepted the ratsnwtu -vhich h1 ap peared la a par pnteltebed la Kre Tort the 'Woril. a-aned br Vr. Joaepb Pclltser. It la aflia t aar tsat the knm character f Mr. PtLUtaar and his nevapaper are such that the atatanMsnta la that paper rtll be believed by awbody; afDrtanatIy. tnauaaaOa ef peraoua arc llHnf ormed la thta reapert and believe the atatemoDta tbey aaa la print, tcb tbourh they ap pear la a arvapaperr pnbUahad by Mr. Fmlitaer aaaw fii eae etatlBna ci tha part of the authors cf tb aloriaa the preiamt ewa- Tf real sffroaer la Mr. Joaepb T"u!lt aer. aCtor amfl proprietar f tha World. WbUa tb criminal offense af which Mr. PsUtaer baa bees (roilty to tn form, a lib poa lnfOvldnaJa. tb great h.Jary dona as In llackenlnc tb rood cam cf tna Aaierlcaa pespla. It should nut b left ta a prrrats citlaen to sue Mr. pulit aer far UbeX He abould ba prosecuted for Ubal by tb aTfvem mental autboritioa "It la, therefiira, a bi-b national duty to brts ta yastioa thjs vmirier of tb AjDcrloaa peefila, thia man who wan tonly and wiokadly. and without osa ahaAaw af JusUfloatloa. seeks te blacken tba caaractar af reputable private clti tna and te oonrlrt the ioTminit of bia an oouatry ta tb eyea af tb itvl laad w ortd ef wrcnr-dolnc ef th basest and fealeet kind, mhea tie baa not c-s abadow ci Jiartlfiaation of any anrt or Ascrb;tlBa far ta cbarr b baa mad. Tb attamey a-eneral baa under eonaid raxioa tii f ems la which the prooeaiinj: against Mr. Pull tsar shall b brourht- aniiTtU AataaM Aarta4y. Vha president relers te various iiapers wtilck be traaaaaita with bia mraaaa. Hx plalninc tb tnethod of ouneludlnc the pur cbase, the president takes spun himself tba raspooaifeiUty lor all that was don te arry cot tb wilJ eif oona-reaa Tb actio f tb afreraisaent. be ears, a as wholly tminfjaenetsd by any Question nf wh were or were not suckhOi.dera ettheT ta the new or the old ynrnpany. "Oar conoera," he aara. "was te ret the nanal irortr vltx-fa was swnrd by the FfKin erpaey. and te see that the ttt waa iear Out tranaartlnne were earned an penlc, and were published m detail" Tti treaident Bars that the Vnited "tales foverrmetit did net have icitbtof ta do with the distribution of a dollar of the money paid out except a followmc cut the tnsrrur of th Frenrfc eeurt. and that under 1ve tin umrtaTire there was not the al'irt need for Mr. Cromwell te frre ary !rcTatini. t-aat t tarkbA4Wa laaalttel. ) ""Nemrtiirte-ss. ' he oonunuea. "Mr. Crcmwefl. of fc-a caa accord, has eub- j mitted ta ma. togrber with a copy cf hi 1 atatement published on the nth inaiant. i and which I transmit herewith, a fU hrt af tae avorkhoidflrs of t: New Panama aral ccmpaay of Prano oa January li. j HM. tmaaibrring r t ain and a list cf all : Starkhoiars U wer present at a special t tneetirg of the ooarpacy beid February 2a 1 C Immediately after the rat.le offer cf , th company was made ta th fnltad State Uanaary S-Il. 1JMCI te' aocej.i the j appraisement of aati aria aia mad br tbe 1st mlaa Canal cwsnmiaeioa.. -ft far aa this government 1s concert ed. ron-rcae tn presndent. t iry step of b aligVtart teeorunc bae heea made I -jiJr 1" its excwtiv, and every step take ha Franc baa tber been anad public by tb proper officaala" NEW CUARAXTINE REGULATION Itrlrsllart A wins; TraasiiHal Cattle rrwsa SmtIi. WAISHINOTON ml T present fever la c-att I"e- II Amealmg tb tb srraad f stden-tlr retary cf Agricnl-ur vi 11-oa toay Iwarl aa croer. eflecrlv tm-j UX rHANCTSC a. Hat B.. Charlea Her i Tubacce company, tb America JUmff anediaury. ctwermg ctangws ta fe-ding sta-' vey. a ret'red eolHer. w be ba born post ' company, ti E. J. Reynold company, aans fr tassdnfertad tsatti rs transit. ! uarterrr ieter aergaant at Fort R.iw-crans ; Plerr LorElard and th BlackwoJJ'a Dur 3atlls frosa vstaide transtaarted tetaretat , far sen t urn, drew peaterday f-ra Co.r hasa compary a monopoly and rnrare9 m y rail tbrwurk tb uaraaitind area may ' Gaorgc R ftmlib. chief ia mas-uir ,if tiut an likgal combination. at u.l4v wttbisi cuaractm bmtta f sr ! eV-ptrirf t o tb sua erf f'JJ , I t,. oeera rwtrain tbe boldmg cxrm rust, feed and water snt cwa a p'wa-r'yib amount b bad saved fr.aa tXu ; a . Tjr, fmra engragmg an ferelgn and xo ecjuippwd noninfsctiona pens eat spirt ttir.tbraigb tn army depoel. p.n. Tt.i u itreiat rxiacineroe catfl oomnetltion be thaan at Fart Worrb, Te: Hidaw. Tex.; ti aacmd largwet - the pa rmaater tween tbera is rwstored Tb deem deaoes rjanxoaoa. Tn ; Muakoree. Oki ; Larada. of ttu deT"rtm.n: baa rv.-r paid t a a .1- " the reectwerah pa aaked be tb g vernment Ta: L Ans-eiea. Colon, C I; Sap rip. " Cjer. lwdi tiJ anjiurt liarey wtu re-! as ajpea! lKt ba been takn te th Oai, and h SciA Uftd Ci its ! iv lor th real U bja iil 4 Hi 4 taj-ia 1 r w'd Slate mvjrtm court a "CI act as 21 22 23 24 25 26 ' JS 29 30 SI " - I na.vrr- Ci n't mutt Ir. ienj- Tktp t:rr- FC K NEFTIAFKA or Tirw "W-ne dfcy. FOR IOWA J"fclr Tp''H'.iiT. T-m-niurf a: (TLjit yri-aT: Hour. Tf-f OMXTZC. Prejdit t-u In a rpedal tje- aafe ta (itifrrfa Vterdar den;ruiced Editor Joat'pn Tuiitaer cf the Turk Worid aa a vuifier ff the naiicm. rar 1 Toe firrt content ttt the revmija cf rulK In the bouae at Wai-fclnston re auited In a victory frr the pmter ci defeat cf the a hole proposition. Pafa t Tertiruony uf John X). Arrhboid tier- day in the standard Od inqmry aa. t;.at the eoir.piLiy haa Bnd atucs in be I a. m v ; iLtri v . .r-- 1 w. m iSf- i ' S ti - 4 ........ ''.' ' - jLf -A." a n -' 1 3 B ra .' . v4r - p- ( (- A?'..'.. " lr ,- 7TT 4 p m 4. rl : p. w 4: . . i jt p. n.. i rater-I1re company ainoe lfT. butlIMnr- n'"r the Pere family haa aia-aya muur the 1 , A tjuanerrflajner wrretLEt ft the army aervloe haa renrned aith ri.m't to him a aavinr. Pafa 1 i The body cf Chief cf Polir E p. who j aa. to,a reoenUy In San . . , - hay. a reocrered yeatertlay. ran X . 1 The wuretlLTT of trr.'Tu ft rlifi, I ont . x-lt, tv.. T. . "r ,hJto . . MZTZ .k "Tk! tohaooo caae declare a Bimkr cf larre : Sll,n- . ccrporatlcn. nmW. cf the combination j W,r -L and forhida tbem from ei.Ft.jr in com- I Jfba K. K.avanau:h cf Bpantmr ia in meroe until they are aain in compeLition. ' Waahh-irton on bua-.Deaa connected with tb lap I Interior department. He waa preawnted to PTopcaaJ t amend the Kir.kaid hi.tne-ithe prident yeaierdar by Juae Kir.kaid atead act reducin the amount cf Improve- and today waa Introduced to Secretary Gar nuenta required and aae to ptrmlt orm- ' field. mutation ef cntriea rafa X j E. X. Kendall, f onnerly of Bt, Paul. Neh, rOimt. inrw of St Bernardino, Cai i in 'Waab- The rutch warehipa taiptored aaotber 1 inrton. Twenty-five, yeara o Mr. Ken Veneauelan coaat fuard veaael yerterday dull waa land oommiaBioBer of Xcbraaka and war practically eiiata between tie and a "Eve wire." twa nations rap ( Tne foilcwln ptartofTicea rE be ad- OOMimnU AJn Jttimili ; vanced te the nresidentiaj claaa January 1: Uv atock narkta. rara Jie-braaka, &rtae-fHXX. Cedar BiafTa, t'ai- Grtn aaarkta. ' - rara e,. Earawoad. Hcwa Keneaaw. Lltra- Stocka and bwnfla. rafa j. Lanr Plna. lui-illa, Maao or OCXAXT T"u?t. Arriba. w TCHtati. ouic - T'.'fca MinneTimfca piTsicTi a. w '.a II (ril.K.HLTak tmii HkCITEK Otm-r EurtinC. (rCNii koputiikr W BKrooU rtMHuu - LTVEKP'Kii. kiaiaria. . . fcA.SLfcl'Itti GM-it VALUE CF COUNTRY'S CROPS ; rs ad wet i la Pmrsl Tear aad Its 1 awje.. t. Mr - WABHTNGTC-N. Tc- li. Trie produc ti m in 1M and fane valut on TJecember 1 of important farm produirj according to tb final revised estimates of the Depart ment of Arrlculture. anncunced today, are as foUcwa: Com. S.aK.a.' bnahela. and farm value. n.eCJ-.(i. arainst. bushels in lrr and tl.;jl.01.(iW on iMwasbrr 1 of trst yar. Wmter wheat. bushels and t4Hi.Sfi.MK). ataint . :. and H&i. rr. last yr: Fprtnr wlieat, r!fW.l buabels and, arainat rx.ML.rt bushels and tlK-Ia,.u(ie la IMC. CmOs, WT.lji.tit bushels and CC.n.M. art-mst j 7a 4t.4 busheU and tX4.BSa.MW. Barley. ) IW.TaS.M bushels and IKi C.W4' aa-ajnat I 152.6K.MI bushels and tiffilJfb.WW. I ' TI fnrure for other crops include: Rye. Sl.gri.wa arainat H.bK (K in and CIS.! m. aaainst TS.Ma.: flam j Mi butela. airainst H.tTU..H. and ! t'.tr7. acalnst CtTEfcif: potatoes.) J..K. bi:srla. aainst SSTJbC. bushe.a and t:K aaainst CfC.aK.dHt; ly BW tonaj ajrabiet S. ton, and rar,.4r.. against rCjOT.KHl. Tt.e arerage weigi.t per meaaured bwhel 1 shewn by repena rece.ved by the bareoo to be TT t pound for sprtn wheat. 5 f pounds for wintT wheat, and SI pounii for oata. at coer.pared with K l. Bi t and i 4 poundu r-7-f-tii e'T. last year Cnalrty cf com. H t per cent, ara'nart C I last year. PNEUMATIC TUBE EXPERIMENT raetee f. 1 mt 1 at nay It Feasible Install M k N ' TT At7TVTr'V fW IS 'It is not f-aKrr.le an t?e;rble at the preeert tone ln ff t! rr.rr.TTrt t purchase ts stafl. or te f p ate amemuattc tcbes " Thi n nr- of the xert rmportast con elusion res-i.ed be a commission ap pojntt.d bv th postmaster general ts 'n cutre Into the qimviim of the f.-a biiitT and fleeiraNlry of the g-ovc-nmeni pur- : rliarnr and oTieratina tini umfetlr tuiies in trie dUes. where ti strvicw is now in- m.n .vw-t ... , ..I 1 . i congress by Prwtmaster General Mrver. U conclusion, of wt-.W be rrr-ve Tt- commission, bowevrr. rectmmrnd ti de- sirtblty of further rrvesr.igatrng th -.b- 1 Ject of government twnershrp of th pneumatir trl sen-k-e in tn-e or six year. 1 v-- i rr-at.on at nreaent la New York P".ndeliht t ! Buston, Chicago.. St Loui and Bre .kiyn. I MAKES MONEY IN " SERVICE 1 41a i BietteetJ srtih anwa; kasa kavew r a.4 tut Pay C la r-i Tnm a Piaff OorrerprfriflPTit.l "WAFHINGTON. I--r li Special Tele- pram . Judcr W. TT. "U" :o rfter tf iiie-;ra U7.011 iun;Dt neiore tie inientir dIia.rtrrr'r;t. 3t lik bT! a-rBTied that Jnare "VVxI. taliir.r tSrartite af fcw prwste In TTiniir.r-rE. ail: befrre the bBae f.'trir on puWic Ian 4 trvmorrcw to r:vf hie viaa ricardint rertaJn pmroeed a ti ndmectt to Wf "K-irkajd art." One TTij-ntirt arrxtiflrncrt propfiad to thia act !.v- 10 a -"fl-iitiriB rT tr Trjirr--nirrt reg uirfinentB. T'tflfT the eTtFtlr.e law 1tt jTvmnti it rrurt te iiBred uicra each 'r:trr. pr:-Tr"ticriSte f K.5 per acre to tiurcrx-r pf mrret rTa Aa ametifl- rtiftit l.aa t-ti rciT.Fiarred reaartua" thia iToportion to rt;t p-T arre. IfT-aB-aihe Kirk.fcid a-tuid favnT the tiure rerorwaJ of tbe lTrprrrermTt c.laua. l ut aa a rtunrrrniBe "ill arrpe to accept the '-rent jr arre pw-pnartlni, - ITiie oriplral tlaa! in t K'niiaid art haa ben found to be ftrintrp and eaid to ne r.uf!it:r roiiatatmbie r.arfiah!p and la iJto f ethT rnnefeaiiaJT. A i-r-ona pr itffiitioa a"htrti la under rfnaiaraiiau tnerrr tetitatrre, hon, rflEt to tbe rnirirfarirm -iane nf the Kinkaid act. Ti 1 it that an entrj-man may be ellfaed to "prove up" after f ur teen mrmtha' residence tiprm bia bvime- I mad t'j pkjTnent in full at the rtte nf " " V&Z ,,"rMlt v" -Tn 1. ::uru .u t-n a 0WJ piraHon rf rn fe rlsrple tistfl the ei five yram. Thia rrrpcad -ntmcji a" ho fraccfwfally a-orked ti Ilrm " " T . " frtw" 0"t.U,a "Llv TbTt " tf w "Jtna who availed tliemeflvea cf the provision . ,. . pf the Kmkaid art are now In a position . . take advanf of the propoa: to aecure a patent wthln fourteen montna. PrUrar -Ucln, , eh deal with Vncle iCJty; JSortb Ixiap. Orctoard. . Overtoa, ! Bchk.ley. Iowa. Elanchard. Goldfieid. Hite ! man. Kellerton, Icaaa. Lchwood, Pres I PMt SK'tii Onier. Btantxm. Wesley Wt ' Point- North Xakota- Croaby. Finier JJattu McXTKitky. BxileUe, Cheenne. BDU-h I'a- kota, Afcbtot.. Ixilund. Gary. Hudson. Ka Aoka, Lake Andea. Lfrr.mon, Letbex, Mid land. Summit, Wtftte. nnT Olmattad baa been appointed car- and Joevph E. Claor substitute to fill vacancies on route No. 2 at Nelh, Neb. CHIEF , B!6GYS BODY FOUND Dwrlaar Day rtaarlaar ta tat FrmsHrs Bay Water Ha SAN WP-ANCISCO. Cal, Twe. The body of Chief of Palloe Bicrr, wbe was drowned from the police launch -'Patrol." has been found floating in the bay. It la now betnr bmuirr.t to this city. I EAN P-RANCIBCO, T-c. li. The body of ! Chief of Police BiSCT. who waa drowned ' from the police launch Patrol opposite j Alratrai island in San rranevisco bay on Vbr nifht cf Neve.mner SH. was f ootid this ) mominc by the crew of tlie treifrht boat Transit. It waa floating off Goat ialanfl. face Ttrward with the arms outstretched. ITie harbor police were at once notified, and. procurine" a launch Sera-aant rxmovan recvered the ltdv. The face is very much di!f irured. but the body haa been i fully identified as that of the dead chief I TTnen the corpse was taken from the I water it had on the long coal and ricve ! worn l.y Ei:fy on the tirht of his 4 : appearance. SHACKLES INSTEAD OF GIRL Tatted etatea Par t Jt Wsssaa Re Met a( ) j SAX rRANCISCO. Cal rec II Paw- Tm"rt"r WI:lainvMt rf T batt.ehp Missouri, wbe arrived from the orient on the transr ort Thomas, was ar retted yesterdeT f T desertion and taken In Irons te the prison ship Manila, stationed at Mare Island. At Amey Mtlmnough left bis written j leeig-nation a the dek and llea ft home wtlhout ask'iig for the formalities 1 attendant or f.a aoceptabnrty from thr , Navy department. "nen bis departure ' waa dlscor ered his accounts were mm trie a and fuund to be atra-ght. On tn- st-urtions from VTaatington he waa ar 't rested on his arrival here and wJi be tried 1 It is said tlt McDonougb's art Km 1 ...ll V. V ,s Aul. H. tnV . .1.1 fm ' . ' . ' " ; . 'm J " "rLrhmeEt "hIle th - j Atlantic fleet was here. i TflDIPffl .... j DLCr.Lt. Ill lUDAUCO CASE al Eiatry Pi ilim Bts; fi la Maaaly aad UraJ Cnb4i XEW TORK. riec U.-Tb decre of th ' fnlted State circiut court te th govero- rnc-rti suit agaaat tb American Tobacoa I 1 cccpaiiy and other. wbvb. was filed late , th is . afternoon, declared th American i a tjcjuraJT a"-ar t tl doura tLA uj.t. Ftooi the "Waahlnjrtoii Herald. GRAIN m D1SCCSS OATS Popular Cereal Occcpiet Jtcrt of Tnet dty S-Btdoa at ExpotitioiL OTGIIEH EXTTET C3T EEXZLETG Tells af aletkas by Wbte 41 wall ty mm was ttt y w Tared la Ia- -41 Milker rVraaa fwr lssprwresaeata. Oats had their day Tuesday When the , grain dealers from the la-reat grain ex char. of the ITnited States artmdefl the Na-jal Cora cxportti-t l.And 4Vevoted , almetrt the ewtrre wcaaicW Tuesday aJte--oooa te a fllscuastoti aff the tie gran the grain which Is worrying them most, the i oat. j T. P- Gart 1 cf Warrington, England, spoke on "'Oat Breeding." whDe Prof. M.. I Bowman tf the loaa Agctiltrnl college spoke cf "Ircprovemert of the Oat Crop." J- C. Murry. mnager of the ' grain department cf the Quaker Oat co pany. spoke cf The Realttve Value cf j Good and Poor Oats to the Cereal Miller." 1 J, A Tiedfonan of Sirux City presided and : short addresses were aiso made by G. W. 1 Wattles and Prof. P. G. Hoiden. j Probably no meeting ha been aa largeiy 1 attended as the grain dealers' conference . Tuesday afternoon, and long after the light were turned cm the audience re mained to bear Prof. Hoiden. wbe made j the closing address. Just before a com ' auction started. I Chairman Tledeman nrred that th agrl- cultural colleges and other devote more ( time to the study of the oat and Its im- ' prove en t and told what bad been ac- j or .pliahed In corn impr -emrt He then ; introduced Mr. Garton. whs was on the) morning program, but was changed to j rpcak in the afternoon. Grata Brrr41mi LIVe AalaaaL. j Mr. Garton aaid. 1 Cm carefui exaniinaticn we find that j there are niarv pottits of similarity tan tT wwn i4 1f tle m tirnrfim-Ttl (f ljfiTh ' plant and the animal and we find ' t.'iat IT we loJow trie principals tnat liar improved cur Ire e! nek we can Irnif aoout g -at improvement in f'T tarn crjja. if t say. by ,1if ferent varieCiea cf oerei. or cti..-r plaM for tf purj,(e 'f pr-iu'"t.g iriatui! U."- it r-mratu for uf tu -i--t tti new tvpt!S which seem lest to fuEfU m i be-aa. I There is much eti'vurtritiftit for the he- , . bef that vast char.g-s "-e poesiiile in t'i ! imtr'tvemetil cf our farm p.anta. Plaftt ' j tweed-jg 1 not a mailer cf royete-r. i.-t ' : niere!y a ques-ion of careful 1:1 eotigatf a j rijile that govern l.fe The plirit , Is more piiile than the an lal in the ' l.antis .f t:e br"ed ra. The uiderlrt?ig jrmcp.e cf impro' --nieni are rr j-n ttie same The success t 1 attained will t .. s i xi . . ur in j a' viir - inur at u in'.erest w.ih wr.icr the prtncrr.iea are ap pl'ed. The Amerit an iarm bas l.kenea 10 a trom wr-ich vcu lak Uie fertility of tlie soil The wonderful Jrcdu-uveiieB of y ur laran has made the use cf improved stmt and Improved farm crops thus far a matter of ee'-ondary oon- I swerat.K n If vi.e i.istOT of American agnculTure can be Lxeried te the l.iatcirr cl omer countries rt wi.; be neceesarv to ovtaiis in tne future Tbe farm must be- come a mcMiem f a;n .rr . where is evolved it highest tvpe and tlie luujiiLm nf !i Rr lire oroceo of reaent-rarirm we . r brourt.l t:nc in ir,e last few ve- varieties Rr maimg an Amencart Sadish sei't oat w-r n a esediati s-iert oat grown raa-r a nWe fvo-at..e euiiror.! nm. such a New Zealand or ti ciontmen; erf Europe., we ur. brougnl tr.t. 1-. 7ZJZ:taZrZZX VT t, wxtstl rn'tie i exir.plif led by tt. fat- that ia public trials u have iuiykeioed k.l ti.m nri.a, varieties. For instance. Canadiai. goi-enmeni retort snows a ! 2 per cert increase in tavor ol regenerated ' V?"e m ,UJ? ',1 a-kii k'T la lrisn Bureau of Agriculture., itj regetr- ate" breed of Ir.e l al Irish ('. out- ' y.eid-d to or-inai i at i-ty t ST- rx cet t lie B.miiar tru.i m Scx.ilar.d ry tt HigL- -..I rr .rL7'i.:"Tr" yield was ii per cut. and in li.r.anrt at ttie Torksi.rre eoije tne increaae vieid .vi ru. t.j Lnc lus tz. oats a a 47 per cent. Tn itrd st-p .rjiuivfj m plant taprote nrci iia tei. simtii rris:ng or trie mat- anir variety For insta nc ti 'maTiVig ' i4Jon about the Chcm vauae.U i-es-cf SaecbB. seiect oat a im the aTheraon. ' P" buy ing in New Grand theater, bat tne mj being to bj"l to deairat.. 1 Manager BeelJer tf tlie Orpheum thsrttj u of Tw d-fferent vanetie into ; . one p.axt. tnervby enabling us ia-ier a-lect trios i .iT. 1 v I ill snow te a mtB: marked cWrt des'ratu etiaractenaia Sm cmsaitig has tiees re ad tb means of creating macr nea aneae ef eaia as wei. as other p. ant To go on step fnrtee In the nrady of plant Improvement must stieak of com '"e crossmg or cresr'ng of macy 4"M a-Vtie ii'i ttie I'lexSiTig rf tr Aes-rahie ctarac-iistir of all luti varieie mis m p'ari F,vr irtan'-e. tif m W eirM eisT.nrt varieties c eaia or rSer piaars ert of wt ir.fc may have on dwr'ngruiaiung ttwt 'It 1 14 ak Puurcb PagaJ a. ftraa. P20GiA3L Taday fwr tae W a Ursa da. IN CC'VCEriT HALO If). a. m Tte iircigram wi3 ! in charge of Mr. Charies C R sewater, g-iKiral manager cf Trie Bee. Address in- ZT. Jacob Gouid Scliur- maa. giresident OwrneU university; aub.wt, "uut NttK.nal Cutiook." Xr. 1 H. Svnit.ti. ansctciate professor n plant or eecung. I niicrarty of 11- "- wiD deliver an address oa "Plant Ufe.- .uKic liv George Oreeu and bis and March and Twe Siep Swert Vio lets Powell Selection Tne She Gun . L-urteri Irterme 10 Hlowat 1 . Pox IS BANwt'ET HA11. ROME HOTEl One of the tooet important r nts of the erpositioa wiU be iieid Wedoenc lay nrmirig. Ioetnter It at 16 e titxk in the banquet ball of the 3one hotel, etitrano Vo which is through tae e fmtntum 4 awarda. At tltia tut ttt ast ai meeting of the National Oct rr 1 aa-vw-tatK will tie held, wrtri Preidrit Kugrr ns Ti. fttlii ra to crbatt. lohs -ins this will am te pr aetitation of tne Indiana trt.;, tr, wtiic.ta is gv n an nual r fnrtugti the Nart nal Con 1 a sciatkn for tlie best lea ears of com ruhituted. It is cf large design, made of solid sliver, h.gtily oruali;, valued at n.ffi. It may kte seen at the ln duu.a exhibit trnoth. At the same tune an -n her trophy will be presented by Mr. Zefenno iKrmiz-uett of Mexico. Tt.iii ia a solid silver trt"tiiy of exquisite deeiam and is valued at f.b. It is to be for mally g-:ren tc the students' cirn ,'udirir.r teara getting the higiiest num ber of pomta. Aflfiaasw. IN CONCERT HA Li. 5 n. m. Pioneei a of the west liar arranged an ioteresring is ogi am. Hon. A. X. Tust. presiflent of the Nebraska Pioneers' ajmociation, will have charge of the jfogra Hume ty George Green and bia hand. Short address cf welcome. Hem. Mar tin Ingdum. chairman of committee ResTKUise, Hon. A. N. Tost, p mi dent State Pioneers as c:atvm. Address, Gteral J. H. Culwr of Miiford. Artdress, Pr. Georre I Miller. Aridress by ex-Governor luretis3 Crounse. A.ll pi-rr are e pectad to wear their i d a. t Ereslag. CONCERT OT GFT1V V-AMTTFJCAN MVSIClA.VS. E p. ... Cimalia. VI aer. ner cb or. Prof. Charles Peei .en fl:wior. Schaefer's Sontitatslied Pr(tir.n Marsrh n. Neumann Bass Solo Ke-r Peter lux Juanita Neapolitan Folastrt SeM'tiT tv 1 t.e AnuOi y uft.r-et, "i-her club. Kr. Henry Srl.aker. J:r--toT. r or BleUfTi Iw.nau Walaer . Realise A tpTidgeh-s KtruHT H'Uie S'-tiei'l' irh . R. lsreimi Moving Pirtu-e T.'ftTer P-r -11m On Lane Cut-rff Oi'erlnnfl I,imitei: -ise section tif HHrCmwt sye'ent. 1". P. R. R. iwkt Kearney. Vet..: Rj i.r.roafi:r.g rn Tlrirlanfl. fm the Indon NnniTHiipr" R R-: Frontier Tmv rr. Chejotine. C'wty ts: Rai.'a-y Trip ir the Tyr-0 ; Over the Austr.o Alt': Fall of the .fe aw .iniiv , . ; JH EATER WAR AT SIOUX CITY Willi r Haa the Baotriasrs Others ewm tb neater. ana FTTX VI'! 1 . Ia.. Tec. !. CFpecial T"le gTam.V O. D. Wood ward o Kansa City an3 Omaha met wtth an imp aa . nt sur- 1 w"u rr 'to negotiate for a renewal of r C"y today s lease on ' .. x'w n-m,.A iK-t-r T t P-urgws. Nfcsbua, St. H. informed 1 1m that th house had been 'sold te W. I M on rtmwrjr. . n . rr,t 'f""8-1 "a cashier of the anoiher pan y, , unnamed. Ml. VnMrr .e-m.J r.f. . . . n w. tj ,k. - to Mm for n.Hk, a y-ar Inasmuch as thia was at. '" a year more j n, fc pajmr for the Us: Ow ! ... B rrerusea u orrer. This deal seems te give prfnise of a itheau war tn Kifux City. Mr. ii- ; t . ; bt agroenieai wtth K;aw A Eriaj-r for bcK kitiga. He said : "They bar the w...... v.. w.n m. ibc.use; I hav t sncas happctia. Mr. Woods ara said enough to ; tr.fHeite thai he intends te remain In toe ,mt:li. . Rjo,-, City and that 111 eutrier nui.a or nave someone 10 hujc ! f rr bim. Ttier hat horn mme speck. a- ti"" "-""" ' OKLAHOMA ROBBERS ACTIVE 1 Handrwd trwaa rtrat A art el aVwak. t EataJta. M ALSTL OAL. Lh. IA ,., U. Klitilitn Cm ami led tb safe of tn First NatKw.aa at Eulaifa, Cl twenty mijs norti. of bar, early today and escaped auua aald ta k aOawut XXTSu. - .NO JUDGE DHL JANUARY Sheldon ia Xo Ecrry to 5ame Kaa for Supreme Bench. 3TZI1EASEA KOETGAGE STATTSIICS I ata kaa rd Esspla i A 4 dittos J Help ta twt fta te Hsaar la Ces4itls far tb CWaataa; esiaa af lesriala t a re. ' T Tom a Staff Corre iondent. j LINCOLN. rec. IS. Special. V-"3 shall : not appnmt a supreme od before 1 JaTmary. t This waa the stav cgit mad by 3trr emor Sheldon this mf-rnlng in answer to ; an trrtr rr If be bad named the new )uAge ! is tasie the -rJaor mace -acant by the ' rel lation of Judge John J. Sullivan. At this time there are a pile of appli- -sTior.s on file in the rffioe of the governor and more are expected. , WTifTi Judge Sul2van resirned It waa taken to mean that the democrata would not ask for the off'ce and in fact any democrat eppt'inted would resirn, but that HDfrpumrm was cerxainry erroneoua. n looks like moot cf the democratic lawyers in the state want the one-year Job while turn it down. In the meantime there la a movement on foot 1 get the cottrt to continue the . supreme court commission until April, the end of the two-year term for which the ' appropriation requesting the court to con- tinne the commission to assist in getting 1 ride of the present docket. The court bas ; taken no scion in the matter. I atsxiottes a McMtcaares, j In bulletin No. 14. which be bas Just re ! cer-ed from tb printers Ieiuty Labor j Ciommissiotier Ryder bas a table ahowmg th of la.m and city mortgage ; flied and released during 1SKJ7 and I and 1 the amount of money lnvoived and the rat of interest paou. tu trier were 11..6.K mortgages ea filed icrolviiig te the of limt.rajC. tier were rfcleaaed amount i'jm invulvit In the same year there acre filed city mortgages to the number of 11.436, "iiYvorrtng a capital of .:JT..K' FT; there were released H.K4 nvc.l-ng a capital of .WTat:.36. The rttt tl reocpti-ja given by th Camaba ex ..n the city min-igage was from lo It-, mange first registered and wer then .cr -ent and on farm mortgages from i , given the Omaha keys 'of tb CommorrJal to Hi per cent I dub. Then they passed out note tb fluor In W there wer filed farm mortgages cf the pit and perhaps an or tare trT 10 the number of JT.431. mvuivir.g I a furtrce glanoe at tb Dotations wbicb MKTlt. There were r. k-aed in CC involving ; were being marked up CB the great black tC.Cll.Ei C There wer filed city mon- ; i ard. Offi;-era and members of th Omaha rag-. te tbe number of 11.7SL, involving 1 Grain exchange chatted with them and 1,1 M.rT JP and the- were released IIMX. j led them to Uj furth'sr corner af the room, involving tr 4tC.'C: K. a here a punch bowl sat ts a bewer of r.I his inlroductory remarks Mr. Ryder loses and carnationa said: There was no prrigTam aurtag tbe msm I In round number IK ,fio acres of th I iii.ttie.fKa" cri tn Srb uiu comprise tbe I liffl land, efc'-iumw i.f n.a'n loia. Tt,u .e Umt-m a iia.ijili..iiac-j farm, ts !' p-a.--! 1 itin 1 purposn t!ime tt total rulfvat d are for luk I rt ;mrtea hi the fl p. It k r i i.lla...! acre tt fretjnt as , see' i arts uf tins tiupmu tlt W r hvr o.Jy . tou" i.e t e edges if i.ur jee.iii.'h I,- e a prr.a.cir:g stai ar full, ton cut mn:- i!,- tTia, a e? "a'se 1 an ..ur 10 al :eai I a ii. a. ways be fJeeoied t stock rfcin;e and , another larg. tv jiasiurojie ame from. 1 ranre. si.l) tt fuel remains that x-irrii I'lOTis tririre of our aeatue areu r-u o -rrv ' iMr OTCIUBTI U'.Oe' I'Ul I1MU X.. land of pro uue ein j.iy swjis 1 a. . ui 111,' IvaUH- liHUtl"'I I 'OU CHS toe hcutvit ,l'w l'?. n."" ' 1 ! For 1S ebraaaa stascta t.'.ird it. toe list .t 'r-u proau' il.g elate. S'V irtilug 10 b- ''it crop eh urikte Trie f .ntl i.u.- ; tHtrr -t on tui cro. ior .r a ate waa ' n.tai pi ueo tins realised murt B'a-.d a a fitrt.H ecnvincinr j.rcK.f. rf eu h w ere T-Or..l. sf tt lir.ine" se pfMis.tillt , N-ina-aa farm la nil Tnrwunn lribumtion 1 ur pvoiu'ie-a iji. u.n to a must cun-ol:i.g rm xiuili Ttiey i.av nmeged en r. 1 . fr "th ii sifctge iiig in cr C!ii.m aj.. 01 i.h ite-n vi tHM Ari thai if ..ti yiiig ti.uc-r twn r:.e farjiri'a adicT 1 Tt..-r,t ol that d.naalro.s 3 ear is iu mind i Neira'Va toast is iniW-tf rnrr-nr irto , nt 1 ' l as arenec ;o stay wir.i:i yesterday tin 11. -s aid tMir a Tarrt..iifc t ! tut i"cipu.i.t on a i' tiia its: k..rr.-ra -ai. i.ur .' 1 n-J 1 hi et i; aeit.ii, 1 i.pfj.i t. rrojHi tne hi stt a 1 f i-iied ar ef ii.r Lord will tu ai i. 4' .t ii, a.a tfaau.g for tbems-Hes wnim effect vety j U.U I iiiijraiftu HI U'J.-U WIBTI 100,3 iiu the figures in iris bu. eta Kd no " int " la st"!' of th late planting sun mer I.i.lKia waoaBtMiaiiie cry eoraaaa a. 'o;: haa again -a ide.v ia pwnie-.u measure ' j Tway i!r w i. .rt. -T"-ict-;l iu. in M.- . Irani tt.t l .a- n ua ii.vereet M t'xe j ii vest meirt ieir-ei.ted Pul n.e it. aij ; pieot ' mw-pr eo lane ai.a i.a-.ei i " . , . , .... . , !, terw. Any mar tin, a Ira' ,un- 1 one c-liais. or -. t.iy "-l - , ; caa locate axvaiiagM.uiy ano eiart on tie I tCfi-.lnned oa PvarUi Paa-i STTSLTTS IXOM TEEXE VTATS Soiti DaxoU oa Sorth, Arte Lait. LluccIzi SoitL T. . GAETC5 CF L3GLA5D ETUI Larr Delea-arla af iarlawwn ra a-fl Oaaakta Rallrwaa OMelala raae oauka ta At trad fcreat Eapaalta. KXUCA5 TEOFHT IS TTTRT. Mazloa-a tlJbM aaiid all ear arepar. Xtoaaiaraaa by d laaHraa cuflimi wffl oiit at Xarafto, Tax. baa arrread la O&aaa. Zt waa flajOiy aajaitaad daty Thia trapfej waa waa ky taa claaa e ataaaaai utw rreC X M a Ajaas nrTlay aad wQ a f mnaXly piaaanaad ta Caavt tflaaa by rirat day xajoa XLjM , xtvjao T,r 4wAS7 XUta t ecketd cba- day Taird day raartt day irifta day (wanaay) tbxtb Zay XadaAaa frea GraJn dealera. railroad men. studemts at Ames. lncoln and Ureoklnga, S. D ; th high ofTicer cf the I'tree of Honor lodges of I'iaf.sroouth and mora pe lc from out over the state than usual, saw Uie National Com exposrtioa Tuesday, w trlle tb d sectors and executive commit tee., together with others from tba Cats -mercltl club, visited the National Harti culiural congress al Council Bluffa. Forecast of attendance generally fe overabnot the mark, but thia did not tiap pen with respect to Grain Dealers" day of the National Corn exposition. Perhaps fewer came from tie or twe larg ciUea than had been looked for, but this was more than made up try the responses ra person to the irritation af th Omaha Grain exchange on tb part ef btrndreda ef (rain dealers from scores of urn ail tows throughout the middle west. Tb official register bad In fact almost aa many namtt aa a portal directory. On hundred and fifty strong, tb Cbl caga Board of Trade and lOtoaai fSsala Ikeajers associatioa ririan rived at l JP Tueaday moraing, and a SCO later fifty men fraxn, tba Merchant- ex change of St. Lcuta came In. K ansae Ctli Bent fully as many, and tber were nearlj. a aoore from Milwaukee and Mitmeapolia with scattering dnWtnUons fram Columbus Cincinnati. Lruirriile and InAanapobs, A4 the head of the Chioagoan w re K. M Bunch, cliairtr.aa of tin delegation ami I Second Vice President of tb Board Janvu 1 jjj The Illinois Grain Dealers' as sociation furnished a large part of tli rroad on the special, and at th bead ol lets aeetion wr B.eeLArv A XC atrrma M. Wayne. Wayne and W. G. Wattles, president of the Omaha Orals exchange. wre hunting for each other and met prrmpUy. Tbey used te pisr booker tfigetber from tb public echools of Crroll. Ia. Kansas C tty DeW-a-arisua. W. C. Goffe ia ctialrman if tb f f City delegation. Aormmpanymg bha wer F. G. Crtrwen. first W president of tb board, and Secretary EL D. BitTelvw. Pres ident Eda-ard Devcy SBUsbaled tb St. Louis b'St. with able eoneagnea ta the person c f Manning W. Cochrane, chairman of th delegation, and Secretary George H. T. : - . w, . n . . I Mkvifmu. cinjurm j leoemaa l auoaa tTty and 6--re-jry George A Well of Dee , M i.h e led the sw-ann of r .v.. Western Grain Iiealera' aaaociatioa present G. H Kami was cine of tb CUumbua men I present, and among the MJwaukseana at ! 1 and were A. K Taylor, P. P. Isonobn ; anct M J. Hankon. ! A fair proportion of arraln am artandtna ing. Pleaaant or veraatlan was prabably found more agreeable than set apaecbas by tli Visiters, who. bowever, listened ta som serious addreasas in tbe afternoon after xuai.y of tbem had lunched at tb Commercial !uh or bad been talusa te cat in one or m.her of tb handsome eafoa af I 11 city Tt prograra v tb aJternaoa was gtven in th concert er spoaitiosi audiiorium of ti National Car show aad dealt with the exoaedingiy vital auesxioa of oata Ttiaee apaking were X XV. Oar ten, th famous English breeder-, J. C. Mun ay, n-rt of the Quaker Oaia c ma pai:. and Prof. I. M. Bowman trf Amea, a ho is ta oats what HolAea la te nam. '1 tie N on : eaten, and Omaha railroads rriaor Tursciai their day ais and aoaas ! "' - getiier w 11 gctieral tget.ta. diria.on stijier tr lender 's of ic a and Nebraska Itnes, b. side i i:aJ offi' la beaded the delegauaa, The Nifttaes-.ern officials arrived aarty and .11 i-iy utiii lata, a min hrrs ia t!ie 1 ar ' a ttich visited th ehew were: N on 1 western H ti. McOuUougb, rto pr esi eni V". R- V .! mr 1 asenngtr traffic man ager. Marvm Kraitt, Jr . frt it t , traffic man-ac.-. J. L. Fu-guefv., aaaistant passenger aert. R H Astton. gencn.'. manager. I ... A i-.arr.a general paabenger agent. ; E. L. Pr:j.rn. general fxelgtit agent. r,,m I ,j.4H V t f ...rf. -. OW at. xearoa. Z.eigXA traf- fie Gootge 11 Mi-Rat, assistant general WUM UrI ; ' " ' n T Pji'I 111 cm AfHt W. A Gtrdr-r. i.tesiient , Tlt. .:tr ...., r v.. I , . j led tti t iii.ut ruanagemont la sonpl j sotrc giit. wbe A. ktrirura; ts riaiw