Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Jointed Cntitac of HxecntiTe't Atti
tnde Tmrl Jadiciiry j Jurist.
At the Thcatcro
Cwejae at tbe Boyd.
Kaalaaii i s, and ooenpany la
aaawaa Oma le," a ulssii ay la tbra
ana trr H nt ta Braoos; translated y
Ltraa M. Cyra and Orae laaaet Coisraa;
Ainrms ft jttdge iotchzll
illwi f Geaeial iirt, la
pe-nrfc em Aatt-Trwet Iaw, tar
A BrrtnM Ar "Jadge
NTvT TORK. Dec. JA Indirect bot
I - lrid crttV-lsra of fri mm ut nooart-K'
a-Uod toward the Judiciary was ir-ada
by Chief Justice Mitchell of Pennsylvania
in aa address tonight at tbe banquet of
1 be PenaayWanta society of New Tork.
The chsef ytistkos dd not mention the
exer-stl by asm, but left no doubt
tbrwag his quotation and hi allusions
la various matter of public knowledge
a to the object of hla criticism.
The muni tbe bar and the lw of
later and nation were discussed from
carton vtrwpolnt by the speakers, who.
besides Justice Mitchell, were Attorn T
Oencral Bonaparte, Jame VI- Beck and
' Hampton L Carson.
Mr. Beaaaarte lieakt.
Rpytng to the toast "The Bar of tbe
Country and the Cauae of Fvd-ral Jus
tice." Attorney General Bonaparte, rpeak
ins at tbe banquet of the Pennsylvania
nncarTy of New Tork tonight, analyse! the
ao-railed anti-trust law and made sugges
tjora far fta betterment. After declaring
that Americans are a "Judge ruled" people
! the attorney general reviewed tbe condi
tions making necessary the anti-trust lava
Us then said:
TTe answer of our congress ha been
X em In the "er.ti-truKt" laws. The origin
if these lawa 1a reflected In their spirit
and purpose. They voice no outburst of
wrath and envy from the bare-nots
rcnt tbe haves, but embody a plea of
t,i nave-nots or the have-little that the
1 ar-a-lot let them, ton. become ha
1 it a if '.try ran. Their aim ta not to make
a-y pwrw. bat to give ail a chance to
get rich: rn t destroy or divide anew
existing wealth, but to help everybody who
can be a creator of wealth and himself
Xrfrt by fJ creation.
Their prohibition and penalties are not
csuist the manufacturer a "r the trader a
o!Tg ttkw business himself, bmt against
t' making others da leee; they forbid
"-hemes In restraint of trad" not scrmea
In furtherance of trade. They condemn
monopol. but the mere fact that one
mm or ore corporation doe all the busi-r-es
which la done dne not create a mo
nopnle unless he or ft ahall shut out oth
. era froni that bus'ness. other who oould
1 would otherwise engare In It.
The attorney reneral belle-red tbe anti
trust law might be Improved by ectruat
1"T admtr.lstrstJve officer with dutie
r'm'lar t tboae ee rclaed by tbe aecretary
cf war In matter of obatraction to
(navigable watera Cnder nrorwr aafe-
' gruarda. theee officer would b given
paer to act In matter of ctttrruftlon to
c mmerif and could ttke ateri to prererit
tn-.b'nationa In restraint of trade or tend-
Irg 13 crte rroiopolie.
Jadge Crttlrlae rrralirat
Chief Jurtice Mitchell fifinn d iegn
that an eflort waa maktrig to
the Urea of dtctlnction, ao admirably
fmed tn the federal ronetttutlon.
"Tor tbe cure of erlla temsorarCr proaa
r ut It 1 imiatiently adrtvated that Qt
ronbtned powera of the gweernsocnt be
centralised bi tbe ezecutlra." be a
The only safety lor all Is obedieao to law
aa it la a-rttten: not to a strained and
distorted coual ruction ta maka It
what It doea not. and ncrer was Intended
to mean, but boaeatly and fearVnly to
taiTy out tbe real cntarlng of xts makers.
The only Juat crtUclam of a nda-es law
nuet come froan a court wbici karw the ,
law and ha Jurtadlctwn to eoclare lt
Xlaaect from hi view based on fekftrrt&aal
cptnioa of what tn law ought to M, '
t hether It chum from aa execotlTe or
l.oodlum k-aAa directly and by Short step
ta anarchy, ii aaanMluu of todtridTial wul
trtliut the actUed law. Tbe very phrases
to prominently put forward of "Jrirtges wbo
1 ave lagged behind the time.' aad Tadges
a hb bold to a twentieth ccntary eonnocne
XiMlcnpb . betray not only Ignorance, but
a d. iiumliie Incapacity to c&mnrehend tbe
3 undanental principles of tbe American
"if the law as derlarad by the eoastSta
1 ion tribunal la not what the paupla want It
to W, then If It In changed, bot let tt
iimr be lust sight of that the autlkortty
to chahge 1t aa legialstlve, not juduriaj;
Hill leea la It eaecuthre."
Mr. Beck quoted from what be said were
epomhee of Attorney General Bonaparte In
Chicago. In which Mr. Bonaparte waa re
prrrtd an aaylngr: Tbe tendency toward
cfTrittnatlon eiiat In every cdvllisad ooua
try and aactly tn proportion to its civilisa
tion." Mr. Bonaparte Interrupted w th a protest
that be was misquoted.
A a Mr. Beck proceeded he again Quoted
t e aturtey getwral as living said em
phatically: "N kgivlattoa In reeiraint of comblna
t la dvslrabe."
Mr. Boaapane then said he had some
Dim aj sanmeitMH ideaa. but it s'aoe barn ooBrlnced. he Bald, that It
vti a tbuecie between tart legiaiatkai and
revolution, and he heheved Qat the Ameri
can pecpi would choose wlaaly In legr-ai'
tun to reg"Blai the great oomblnatloris bf
Mr. Bark eoM Hded tbe IndSent by saying
triat the atUa-ney general, baring Tolun-
tar'.'y takes ta stand, be would reoeiv the
iusioniry "Immunity bath.
A Vla la tave btaaaarb
is ryspepsta. ocmu-lK aid with ltver and
kidney troublea t3tric titteira belp ail
such ca mm or no pay. V . For sule by
tsuklou larug Co.
A Trtai. Amy way.
A 6ootchaaa stood braode the bed of bis
dytrg wife, and la tearful accents asked
waa there anything he could do for bar.
Tea. gandie abe said, "I am boytng
ywull bury tne in Creabura kirkyard.'
-But. my iaaa." be cried, nly think of
ttie awful expense! Would ye no be eom-
'iiRable bare In Aberdeen r
".S'j Handle: I'd no rest la my grave
unless I were buried s Oraeourn.
"It e toe much you're askin-." aald ti
lertng buabaad. "and X cannot promise ya
ocy suck thing.
Tnea Baadia. Ill ta gtre you any peace
; until my bone are at rest ta my native
i pertsb.'
Ah. werl. Maggie.- said he, Til Just
I gi y a thna raiaith trtvl ta Aberdeen aa
I see bow y get along." FTbaadelphia
j ledger.
Maeaaaelt aad Draaia.
Raoarettt bas a fine sense of ksmor
said aa old timer la New Tork. "When
S t was police cocnmissiocer. be used ts go
e-T-uTid and ksrp tabs oa tba pulica n!m
a " He came nnoa on standing at a
1 ar (ce clgbt before a large, full grows
i It as of wniaky which be waa aboat to
' c-juuna Kousevelt toucbed him ob the
What ta your earner be asked.
' "W hat bttalneas Is that of youraT the
cop demanded. "What's your namcr
- Hy rial is RooarvelC answered the
Tba cop au-aak tbe liquor set down the
glass, wiped his bp wUh the back of bia
(.and and tbaa tamed aa tbe enaimlaeinae r.
- If ywur aasae is RMeevalt, said be.
My aasaa is Iwnrij.'
"if rcateavaer. Koeeveil let nia oil
Mr. Brandmi Trnaa
Otoe Klcudl af r. iKxlarrn Mitcueii
Mr. Mobnrt Coleman
""TT Mr. Cyril Tract
. M raranoe 7aher
Kaaa 1 laaanai Mine Kaaoara
at tbe Boyd last night
thnomaarhty la ayxapatkjr with both the
aptrat of tba oocaady praseoaad by Madame
Waaliams, aeat tba buoyant interpretation
of at gli aa by tba eocnpany. U would be
atranga tf this vera not tro. K tba law of
maotloai ggearna tba theater gaer. (or
"Oombjiaia Ooquotta" is tbe tar swing of
tba pwlaJata from Zbsan. Far from being
at any potnU the play ends with
T aanbaranoa that ajipeoacbea
hilarity. Tba spirit with which the oom
pary entered tnt the gvodnotioa of the
oomedy might b taken aa aa Indication
that tba law of reaction was at work there
aa well as In the audience.
After witness4 rig "Comlesae Coquette" one
Is Inclined to wonder If the Madame Nad
mora temperamentally bas not more of the
oomteaae In her than of Nora He roer or
Hedda Oabler. She enters so thoroughly
Into the spirit of tbe coquettish Klna that
one could hardly think of her aa be watcbta
ttie whirl of her fan. tbe suggestire shrug
of her shoulder or tbe roguish twinkle of
her eye, as existing in any other atmos
phere than that of Comtease Xlna'a salon.
The curtains were draws last night when
the a tales were crowded with late comers,
ao eras tba foreaigbted ooea are forced ts
conjecture upon what tbe eomtease and bar
jealous husband are conreraing about dur
ing the first naf of tbe first act. Lackey
there is considerable stage bostness that
una be seen and need not be beard to make
tt nnderstandabla.
The play has rather a brief plot.
Cctnteaee Nina dl Loreaso. known as a
nuqaette, bat who fortunately for ber
reputation carries her flirtations ta open
placa. aenepts tbe cbaUerm of Sno
Klcardl. Who has a bad Npatatka as re
gards his relation with woenea to ria
him tn ms own bacbeaor apartaneaNa. Bs
taunts ber Into aoucptlnaj tbe caaBence by
telling ber she Is natty weak and there
fore ie afraid of asy bet opea fnrtationa
After a arene with ber prXolanCy eaious
husband abe roes to BioardTs apartmesrts
Jcat after ber husband, wb rosperts the
c ertlnc leares Bar wit d las 1 1 1 1
Rieardl and ab keeps biia a. br ueiij
by -- f ham and be kweiiiaktriaj rktlc-v
lona fniorrpTistriy ber brsahand i etui as
and sends tn tbe au iant to amawmr he
win watt at the gate. Bicardi Oder the
rnriTt a key by which sbe caa eacapa
by set j 1 1 passage, but aa tbe prk of
the key be demands one kiss. Stung by the
basalt tba emu iti calls ber bustjaad tn
and a misuikderstanding tcaOvas laartng
two montba. A in i is nbiraai wrth her
bwabaad foJWwa. and aba avarpoaaly lo
wltes Blcardl ta ber IwimVai on the same
evening ber liiaaaaTid rtsaxa bar. Kicardl
arrrrmg fmm. la time ta est hssaaeS Into
rtdaculoaa Ugh, ana- the ,yrra-irna"-lrin has
Xma. Saskmswa baa aa tbe tesiperman-
tal Qualities aa wU as the stryaacal ale-
meots required ta uMiim TVniiii ass Co
quette" with a 9ditrx tn asrji
In the first art aba at tba aBngxnd wlfa ci
an unafipreciatrre hiasband, something of
a f.trt bat not rary asriooaly ensrulfed
by bar fUrteOone. The Scat set afloraa
ber ppportufltfty far aflmt tntansnfarkin.
acaroely a word naaatng list a mis ber and
bar sulky spiwja. while aha crowds column
into ber attempts as draw him from the
paper be only seisiiiT1iig to read to
grva his s f I laifiiai to bee In tbe second
act she rlana to ea hrigrit by ther-
oughly swl 1 1 ii iTtasr'm th roajua, Klcardl.
by bar at -art of rtt and ausOe rldlcaia.
Tbe sisfcjas undasi aiiant tn lbs comls
ah devaiopa w3 in tba latter part cf
the swwid act and tn tba Ciird. wber she
leads bar husbaad to announce his
plets oonfidein in ber.
Mr. Mltrtiea at times to true to the
aaractrr of Tiioardl, bat be 1 Inclined
to become stagey at critical potnta. Mr
Tynan as tba oomts bas a rusei a tlMl well
fits the part, and be la at ail times la
com-pleto control of fcknaelf.
Tlx Boyd waa crowded at Che perfarm-
aoe last night, and the frequent and -repeated
rartaln cans tndloated the play and
Madam Najabnora found a responsive
chord in the hearts of th patrons.
Arrana-eaaeata Are
rvwtieai af C
plete far Re
Cbtef mi fa.
Arracgeeneitrts have been practically com
peted for the reception to National Com-manaMn-Chief
H- M. Neruia of the
Grand Army of the RfpoMic and Ma offi
cial ataff with their wrree. and the na
ticsial preeadetits of the Woroens Relief
Ladiea f -f the Grand Army of ttie
KtuIJit and I t-crhter of Teterana.
Tle barly will reach Canaba. on lis re
turn fratn Bait Lake City, at 10 a. m .
Saturday and will reaain over until ?.S
the nxtrnh.g tf Jcemer 30. "While here
ta jn.y ail! 1 entertained at tte H-tel
ard will participate in U eaer
cu of Gmnd Army day at the Com e
ptwiiiion. bk.:urCj- afternoon. Baturday
errmlng a new cajTijjfire will be held In
the buiquM roarn at Ui Maaonic temple
In honwr of tle vtartnra to a t V-fa ail Grand
Army veu-rena and aff!!lating ors;
are liilted Practicaily ail f the
Iej.r-.ment of -tiff -Irfiudirtf
I1rinif nt CommanCt-T Ell Bamea, will
be jtreetu
Commander Barrx-a h just laaued an of
ficial circular m reference to the visit of
the naiK'r.fel commander la Omaha
Cueter !. .St.. 7. t.aa elected the fol
io in o?ct fur trie e-rmtuuc' year:
Fraiili r. i-JLbt.)u. (commander; JVrnr A
Barr. iwiHir vk; T. R. r'rrv.
JikriKW v-e cv.mnuirider; In. H. P. J-ni n.
irre-eon; HiT.n Khode. rliaprain; K. W.
Jciiwea. ofkr 4 t iie day; A H. eVott,
on"-r of T,e guarfl. Auguatue Lo kier.
Charles I- Tbfrim.s. lr. Cuecaden. trueteee;
H K- Bridlemnn. delegate to department
encaBYptnent. and Ijoui lucker, alternate.
ayal Arlaatea.
OtralA lodge. No. 1. RyaJ Achate met
Monday T-srtit Several mueicai BunDl-era
-re rendered by Hur yuartet
club, after wine n an oveter surfer was
served. Thia ia tt he-irn)ng of the so
cial entertainments ini-ii aill t.e given
dur-ng t Vv s inter '. rttnha-S ymour
canif. oodmen of tte World. etendd
an lnv1tatkn t the memlv-re te mM with
thm tn a olnt scxlal meeting Monday
risit rx-caiher 1. at Kanghta society
hail. Ntneteemth and Farnam. ahich waa
Ladle at the Graad Araay.
Oarfkld Circle. No. 1 elected officer
Friday evenltig f-jr the ensuing year aa
follows: Fresodert. Nellie Wolf: setik
ti-ioe president. Mrs. lrtM-k: Junior vice
predrit. Mra Kiia FMiier: chapialn. Mra
Lfig.' conductor. Mra. Saran J'lhnwn;
guard. Misa Sadie rieraw: treasurer Mrs.
Julia Prv-e; oixgate-ai-tarye, Mrs Maude
Kr-ae-tkdaU. T1e new ffnj-s will be In
stalled at the first meeting .f
tue drcle tn January.
Cnurt Vint wi. No. Baa. at tts meeting
held Tuesday night ele.cted the following
officers foe the year: p. Ixrui. rt lef
ranger: C. Ptafford. rice ehW miter; C.
H. fVtioeeaieT. finaacial am i iury : C.
Bmrtk. rncurauas secretary: R. Wiiikeimaai.
treasurer; K Hansen orainr: H. Herring,
eeti t woviard: P. Aic. J'.'iiVw wnodard:
C. Haneoa. senior beadle; J. Othan. yutw
ioe tdir: W. TrosnieT. orsranlst: P M
HeeWleraoa, I-r S. H. Ha-'V trustee: P. W.
Hijfmna C. R Snell. finance rtnworrtee:
It H S Hart. Ir. Hall, curt pr.) siriane:
P Heei1n.a. rrt VrJly.
I-puiy t .yicu Ci.M-r l-i ger W. A
cs Sfc'
dm " 1 MJi&mffi F- A. MILLER,
lP,t - General Passenger Agent,
R E3- Axs tkaS vV. v
Crouch of Toronto. Canada, was peeaetrt.
aa a ere aiao Chief Tlanger F. N Her.otj--sob
and High tecrtuiry . W. Ht-ftmaiin.
Ail delivered anon txlka on the good and
welfare of the order. Kelrcahmeitits r
served at tt clre of the me-ur.r. The
h Court of Nebraska is arrarrmg to
hoid a public i: r-Utiik-Ucn of c !f.-r of
all tie courta tn Cinuim and Soutn ctaaiia.
to be held aeic time in the neat month.
Court Vinton is planning te continue its
aeries of s:KJai entertajnmezita and dances
during the amter montha t he first of
(Mil, a -ill be held on Tuesday evening,
January :X. IX. at hall. &eveitaecui
and 'inton streets.
The jiromotion csomimittie of the Roval
Nfughbor of America will give ue first
entertainment of tbe season, a progressive
high-five larty Tuesday evening at Myrtle
bail, fifteenth and Jj'Uglaa streets
Golden Rod loage No. 1 cf the Western
Bee alii meet neat Thursday ev-tjig
at Bang tit hall.
Omaha division No. lit. Order Railway
Conductors, will entertain its memviera
and friends at its twent y-f ourth auuai
(all at the Rome hotei M ednesaay tim
ing Mondamln lodre Ne. 111. Fraternal
Vnion of A me run. held its reguisr busi
aeii meetir.g iact Wednesday eveninr.
a l.ich vaa sell attendrd. Mra Anna M.
Thomaa. deputy, has consented to pro
long the campaign for new members until
the firt of the year. The next aiai
event a ill t- lield Iecenilr Id.
Golden Rod (ULf No IS. Kuril Neigh
bors of America, elected the folios ing
officer lor the year Jn at Us last
meeting: Juka Montgomery. oracle:
Rosalie Caw ley. rice orscie; Esther Hty-'
man. oast oracle: Eliab.heth Peterson. I
chancellor; lra E. fin rum, recorder: Ber
tha Goidgrat-er. receiver. Lola f'etkham.
Inner sentinel: Li da Tike, outer sentinel,
Eether brow n. n.anage4-, 1st. L. a. Mer
riam. pavsu-ian. ,
ia omtiii lent iv. aiugnii or tne
Maces boea. held s well attended meeting
oa Tnuraday evening, at a Lien a numi-er
ef tandidatea were formally initialed by
the degree team beverai new names
a ere .resented for rnemoeraLip. Tnere
will t no review oa I eoeml-r It. prep
arations are Is progress for an enter
tainment ob New Tears eve. Ljeoember
11. fur a r.icti euiborate preparations are
being n-aaa.
Monday night. December It. Tak-Nus-rb-Mi
trit-e No. 2. Improved Oroer of
Red Men. ill entertain its srobera and
fneaa at aa opra meeting and smoaer.
Presarstitoaxs for a large atttsndaaoe are
being auaoe. IMi boing tr. first at a
srrtee ef ertertaicruenu nor t the r.asa
iii 1 1 n .f lis paittatca oa li. a tugnl
bf February a.
President-elect Jfeulj Thirty TLon
MJid Aiead of Hoofcevelt Tote.
Deaaarratle Tate Over Mil Ilea Mar
Tbaa la l4d Prahlbltiealete
aad Sarlallsts Beta bow
NEW TORK. Dec U According to fig
ures compiled by the New Tork Timea. the
vote for Taft in the recent election was
7.u.6Kb, as compared with 7.6J2.tet far
Rooaevelt in 1". Tbe demccraxic vote la
given at i.oU.!tt. as against i.fTT.fCl f jur
years ago.
According t the table, the socialist rote
waa leas than in the respective fig a res
being 01.r.4 and C.?4- Fewer votes were
cast fr the prohiblti;n candidates, th
count standing rs 014 last fall, as compared
with v.23g In the last presidential year.
In a few Instances, aa) tbe Times, these
figure are not final. But in every Instance.
It Is declared, they are the best that can
be obtained prior to the publication of the
official canvass, and wiil d.ffe; from Ibe
official figures very sl.rnt-iy. If at all
Money Hat abjee-t ta aelsar.
That real money used as a decoy In play
ing the "green goods" game Is not subjei-t
ta confiscation by the government was de
cided by Judg Ward of the Vnited Blates
circuit court, handed Sob a today, la ar
resting George Cbeevera and Dennis Gay
ney for operating a "green goods" swindle,
detectives seised their "flash roll" of tl.sSi
la genuine, together with some counterfeit
bill, ail of whicA was used as aa exhibit
la a recent trial. Tbe mea were convicted
and are aow la 3tng Bing
Gayney bad ordered that half tbe money
be tamd over to his alia and Lalf to his
Every day during the Corn Exposition, except
Sundays, there will be open to the public, at 13th
and Jones Streets, an" interesting exhibit car 'from
The orrrtxmties offered along the new line in the Pakotas, Montana, Idaho
and Washington, are in every good field of activity. In farmine. in fruit grow
ing, in dairying and in small and larpe mercantile investments the OTening are
nnmeron1? and the outlook bright. The new line is now open to Butte, Mon
tana, and in another year will be open to Seattle and Tacoma.
attorney. United Elates District Attorney
SUmnn argued Uiat f.r its recovery the
prisoner should 1 compelled to bring suit
against the government. Judge Ward, how
ever, ruled that the cltrk the court
should pay over the money in accordance
aith the orders of the prisoner.
Maay Freight tars Retted.
Charged aith having in their poesesaion
stolen goods, the property of the West
Ehore railroad, two men. who said they
were Charles Cohen and Jacob Barney,
both of Buffalo, were arrested litre today.
For months the West Chore road l.aa
been a heavy sufferer from band of train
robbera Cars enroute from Buffalo to New
Tork were opened and thousands of do'.lara
worth of merchandise taken. Although
some of the cleverest of the railroad detec
tives were aa-nased to the case, they could
not ascertain just where the car were
broken open. A short time ago. while the
Investigation waa going en. a car waf
broken open and Ut. worth of merchan
diae removed. According to the police the
thieves hid their loot for a while, then
packed It in fresh cases and hipped It on
to this city or elsewhere, consigned to con
federal tea. who disposed of It In various
wajs. It is said by the authorities that
there waa tlM worth of the stolen freight
In tt rooms in which Cohen and
Barney were found
Patters Field far Hers.
No one has claimed the b'-dy of William
Harrahan, a hero of the Boxer outtireakt,
a lio died In a Newark hospital and tt la
txpected he will be buried tn Potter's field.
Hanrahan waa one of four men who
volunteered at Tien Tain to go under the
walls of tbe city during a heavy fire and
remove the dead and wounded.
Among bis effects were found letters
from John D. Long. secretary of the navy
la the McKinley cUrine. and from Major
James Regan, of the board of swards of
the United Slates army, both of which
conunended htm for bravery ta action. It
is said that Us father Is a retired sea cap
tain te Boston, but efforts to locate him
nave been fntile.
Biaboa William Ford Kichfcls of th
Protestir.t Eriscopal diocese cf California
before leaving this city for CsMomia to
ciay a&nour.:ed tnat J. Bierpont Morgan
hiul contributed Si&.mii f.r the rebuilding
of the Episcopal churches of Sua Francacc
destroyed by the earthquake and fire three
yeara ago.
B-ahop Nit-hola. who ha len in New
Tork. It-Ladelphia. Cincinnati and other
cities. a;;Ji!.g for funds with which to
rebuild the rtined churches, has met with
generous responses.
Wealthy Sawaitard Killed.
Duia RiJvia. the wealthy rVpantard. who
came here from Havana three weeks ago
to learn English, without a knowledge of
which, he had ea-d. he found It d:fic-ult
ta do his business In Cutis was killed acci
dental by gaa asphyxiat'ion tn his rooma
today. A rubber tube upplybig a gaa
healer In l is roora became dtsconnex-ted
from the gas pipe and the room was filled
with gas while he elept.
A woman's leg waa found in tbe Bronx
A Real Delicacy
Snndpren's Buttercup Bread is 'LVif'-'TM
GOOD bread, that it is reallv ,Uv -. V". . ::.'--
delicacy instead of the n?nal liufeN.JV
lace of a meal. It is , -, --
baked to a turn to the very center, it is light
and fnoTy, its cmst is crisp and brown as
a nut.
How lo Get It
Ifa easy to get genuine Sundgren's P-uttereup
Bread. Teu don't need lo take a poor imitation ask
your own grocer for it and if ba duesn t auot.'v vi.u
drop us a porta! card, gn mg vi his name. We wi, f,it DOW HV ttt it r
tell you of another stor that will h giad ta deljvtr 1 JH! 11 Ot
buttercup Bread l you. De it today.
T20 South 2 8 llrt St.
Ttlryinri -laTTSTj Uaai IssVseaacM A-4IJ1
General Western Agent,
1524 Farnam St, Omaha.
Ust night ten blacks from a mutilated
body which was picked up near a bridge
t-S"c! by trolley cara The woman was ap
parectly about S years old and wore a
rt-S sweater. C")utche3 In one hand were
two tickle, fmur pennies and a JS gold
piece. She also wore a wedding rmg.
sirs, aetuaera BsrtrsMsw.
Mrs M. licRgtiey. frentisa. al-sa- writ:
"1 waa confined to my bed for thro
months with kidney and bladder troubl
and was treated by two pcyeiclaiuL bwt
failed to get relief No human tongue caa
tell hew I Buffered and I had glrea up
hoi of ever getting well until I began
taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. After tak
Ins two bot Uta I felt , like a new parsoa
ana rei it my duty to ten aurrerlng wi
what Fbiey's Kidney Remedy did fur .
Bold by all drugglata.
AU the world loves a bargain, yew ti
find bargains by watchliig the "Want Ad
Pkgea" of Ths Bee.
If you wll SundgTen't
Buttercup Bread this
ad is your ad. Cut it
--, 1.-, , I , ,.
you bread case
your dxr. It