Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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!orn Ehvw Ootpel Will B Preached
from Pulpit.
lTllllllMt DlTllM Will A-
rm DrliTkM4 Telre Fr
brtc-rlaua "Istartltatloaal
Cherch." Tm4ar.
"Exposition serrlcee" will be held at the
Methodist Episcopal church both morning
and ermine on Sunday. The thsme of the
day will be lessons drawn from the great
exposition now In progresa In our city. The
pastor, Dr. rrank I Loveland, will preach
at 10:30 on "Modern Miracles," and In the
renin at 6:30. BtudenU from the Deaf
and Dumb Institute will tire an exposition
cf their work. At 7:30 prominent men from
the exposition will apeak. Thomas J.
Kelly's choir has prepared special roualc
for those aervlcee.
With Beventy-flve present tha Men'a
Brotherhood of tha North Preabyt"an
church waa organised at a dinner given In
tha church parlora Preceding tha organ
ization of the brotherhood a program of
toasts and music waa enjoyed. Dr. C B.
Ehepard acting as toaatmaster. The re
sponses wars by Judge Bryce Crawford,
Key. D. E. Jenkins and Rev. M. V. HIgbee.
Short talks on " Echoes from tha Recent
Official Dinner" were made by John Trench
and E. H. HoeL Edward McEachron of
fered a baritone solo and Thomas Johnson
read a poem.
Tha election of officers resulted as fol
lows: President, Dr. C. 8. Shepard; vie
president. Judge Bryce Crawford; secre
tary, Erneat H. Hoel; treasurer, A. N.
Eaton. The constitution proridee for two
nieetlngg each year, In December and April.
William M. Darldson, superintendent of
the city schools, will address the brother
hood of the Third Presbyterian church at
Its meeting Tuesday erenlng. His subject
will be "The Indtitutlonal Church."
On account of the Interest developed In
the Third church during the last few
months the session haa decided to hold a
series of evangellstio meetings, beginning
January 10.
Since Rev. William E. Todd has become
pastor of the church he has been cordially
welcomed by all of the church organisa
tions. The. church has recently been en
larged and Interest of the people Is evi
denced by tha Increasing congregations.
The church Is centrally located and It Is
hoped to make It respond fully to the needs
of the community.
Music at North Side Christian church:
"O Paradise"
Offertory All Things Come of Thee O
Anthem The Son of God Ooes Forth
to War Breeno Huhn
Processional Cross of Jesus foruclftxlon)
Response "Now the Day is Over
Solo Penitence Francis Martin
Mrs. J. S. Hill.
Address, Mrs. J. 8. McCleery, president
of the Christian Womana' Board of Mls
rlons In Nebraska.
8vio Selected
Mrs. J. S. Hill.
Recessional -Bavlor Again to Thy Dear '
Name We Raise .'
Invocation v
Organ and choir master, Mrs. H. J.
Mrs. J. S. Hill, recently returned from
Witrhta, Kan., where she was one of the
leaning soloists of that city,
Mrs. J. 8. McCleery of Beatrice, state
president of the Christian Woman's Board
of Missions in Nebraska, will speak Sun
day evening. Mrs. McCleery has been a
member of the Board of Education for her
home city for a number of years and la
regaraen as a verstlle and Interest
ing platform speaker.
Music at Ha.n scorn Park Methodist Epis
copal church:
Prelude Larghetto ...Buck
Antnem with soprano Solo Praise 1 the
, Lard, Oh, Jerusalem Maunder
Mrs. Hoener and choir.
Offertory Elevation Oullmant
postlude Rink
Mr. Charles Zndina, the blind organist.
Prelude Andantino 8alome
tjuurtet The Mellow Eve la Gliding.
Miss Woolf, Miss Westerfleld, Mr. Newell
and Mr. Lang.
Offertory Boelmann
Bolo Open the Gates of the Temple
Miss Winifred McLatn of San Francisco.
PoNllude March, Relloso Kinck
Mr. Charles Zadina, the blind organist.
. Mr. Lee O. Krats. choirmaster.
The qiiartet at St. Mary's Avenue Con
gregatlonal church, St. Mary's avenue and
of Frank J. Raster, win give a special serv
Ira of than ksaji ring music Sunday morning
at 10 JO. Many of tha solutions to be given
ara taken from West s cantata "Seed Time
and Harvest." Appropriate anthems by
Bchnecker and Maunder wJl also be siren.
The entire orvioe la planned In honor of
tha oity'a gueate at tha National Cwra ex
position. Dr. A. B. Stone, president of tha Iowa
Agricultural college at Ames, la., will oc
cupy the pulpit of Hirst Memorial Metho
dist Episcopal church Sunday morning, De
cember It. Dr. Stone la an interesting
speaker of national repute. Hirst Metho
dist Episcopal church la located at Thirty
fourth and Lartmore avenue. Services at
10:46 a. m.
The imvtto at Central United Presbyterian
church Sunday at both services will be es
pecially attractive. Tha regular quartet
choir, consisting of Miss MrBride, soprano;
Mrs. Larktns, contraJto; Addison Mould,
bass, and Hugh E. Wallace, tenor and di
rector, will be assisted by T. A. Hutton of
Lincoln, recognised as one of the bust tenor
singers of tha State university In recent
years. The male quartet "Coma Unto Ma"
(Froellch) will b aung by Messrs. Hutton,
Wallace, Cherrlngtdn and Mould. Mr. Hut
ton will also assist In the quintet "Turn
Thy Face from My Sins.'
Dr. McBrlde will preach In tha morning
from a text suitable to the Corn exposition.
his topio being "Corn as Food for tha
The Swedish Lutheran church of Flor
ence, located at Fourtn and Washington
streets, will be dedicated Sunday afternoon
at I o'clock. A general Invitation haa been
Issued to the publlo to be present.
Muslo at First Baptist church:
MORNING. 10:30.
Prelude Volchmar
Anthem Thou, O Lord, Art Praised In
Zlon Goethe
Response Blackmer
Organ Offertory Largo Handol
Quartet Lo, It Is I Faure-Shelley
Poatlude Duncan
EVENING, 7:30.
Prelude Lemalere
Anthem Prepare Ya the Way Garrett
Response Baiter
Organ Offertory Barnes
Solo Who Are These Which Are Ar
rayed Brown
Miss F&lrchlld.
Postlude Cappeln
Margaret Boulter, organist and director.
Y. W.
O. A. Notes.
has invited all
1 ne association has invited all women
who are visitors In Omaha dnrinv tha Vu.
tlonal Corn exhibition to visit the roorts
during their leisure hours and to take ad
vantage of such publio privileges as it haa
i 011 or.
The house committee will srive the last
noon musicals of the year Thursday, from
u:u 10 i:w in me assembly room. All
women are Invited to stop and enjoy a
musical hour. No chara-a will ba mads for
The library committee Is busy making
plans for conducting the library which is
to be placed In beautiful and commodious
quarters In the new building. This com
mittee will hold a special meeting Thurs
day at 10:30 o'clock to perfect Its working
The gospel meeting Sunday afternoon
at 4:30 o'clock will be conducted as a
symposium: Subject. "How to " Grow
Strong." Dr. Nora Falrchlld will speak
on "How to Grow Strong Phvslcally."
Frances M. Crittenden, educational director,
on "How to Grow Strong Mentally," and
Miss Ora E. Johnson on "How to Grow
Strong Spiritually." There will be special
music. Social hour will follow the meet
ing and light refreshments will be served
at 6:30. All women are. Invited and espe
cial Invitation Is extended to women visit
ing the city In connection with the Corn
Miscellaneous Announcements.
House of Hope, Home for Aged People,
968 North Twenty-seventh Avenue Sunduy
services at 4 p. m. John Dale will speak.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine
teenth and Farnam (Lyric Theater) Serv
ice at 11 a. m., subject, "God the Pre
server of Man."
First United Evangelical, Franklin, near
Twenty-fourth, Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor
Sunday school, 10 a. m.; K. 1 C. E., 6:30
p. m.; worship, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
People's, Charles W. Savldge, Pastor
Morning, "What Wilt Thou Do In the
Swellings of Jordan?" evening, "Secret
Prayer, the Key to All Blessing." Prof.
Mertes has charge of the music.
First Congregational, Nineteenth and
Davenport lu;30 a. m. report of the "Fed
eral Council" of all protestant churches;
7:46 p. m., "Thoughts by the Way New
York, Philadelphia and Washington."
First Presbyterian, Dodge and Seven
teenth, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D..
Pastor Morning service at 10:30; evening
service at 7.3o; Sunday school at 13 m.;
Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:16 p. m.
First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Har
ney, 8. D. Dutcher, Pastor Bible school at
U m; preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. m., by Dr. J. M. Kersey of Parsons,
Kan.; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Twenty
Fifth and Farnam (Chambers Building)
Sunday school at 9:46 a. m.; Sunday serv
ices at 11 a. m. and It p. m.; subject of les
son sermon, "God the Preserver of Man."
Saratoga Congregational, Ames Avenue
and Twenty-fifth. Kv. J. L. Fisher. Pastor
Twenty-seventh street, under the direction , i,r,ettchlng at10:iW m- 8l"dy school
I i ai.ov 111. x-rcttumiig at I ;ju p. in. cot
tage prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30.
Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New
ton Mann, Minister Hour, 10:3D, lecture,
"The Emperor Julian Decreeing Universal
Toleration 1547 Years Ago," being third In
the series of "Famous Scenes of Moral He
roism." Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal, Forty
first and Charles, E. E. llosmau, Pastor
Will Join the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian
church in union services both morning and,
evening, 10: Jo a. m. and 7; JO p. m. Sunday
school at 3 p. m.
Central lulled Presbyterian, Twenty
fourth and Undue, R. li. A. McBrlde. D. D.,
Minister Morning worship at 10. 3", sermon,
"Corn as a Food for me Soul;' evening
worship at 7:. seimon subject, "A (Ques
tion of Obedience."
Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal,-Twenty-fourth
and Larlmore, Dr. Thomas
C. liinkle. Pastor Morning tiieme, "A Na
tional Philosophy ;" evening theme, "The
Value of Decision." Morning services at
10:45, evening at 7:30.
Boils, Pimples
And Blackheads
Are Causrd Ity Illoud Impurities
... Which May lie . lUMnoved In a
Few Days lly Stuart's Cal
'. ... ciuni . Wafers.
Trial rackage Bant free.
Why suffer bolls, pimples, blackheads,
tetter, eczema, rash, scabby skin and
eruptions of all sorts, when you may by
the simple act of letter writing bring to
you proof that blood may be purlflud In
a few days or weeks at tha latest?
Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain the
most powerful blood purifier known to
aclence Calcium Sulphide. They contain
other known purifiers, each having a dis
tinct. and peculiar office to perform.
Instead of a face full of pimples, or a
body -which Is assailed with bolls or
eruptions, you may pnjoy, If you will,
a skin normally clean and clear by the
simple, use of Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
They act almost like magic, so rapid Is
their work of purity done.
You know the blood Is pumped through
the lungs every breath. Tha air purifies
Stuart's Calcium Wafers help the- lungs
do their work by segregating tha Im
purities so that the lungs may enrich the
Then they carry off the waste p Immt-
and decay through tha bowels. There Is
no need for months and years 01 treat
ment. Calcium Sulphide U so powerful,
yet so harmless, that the blood feels its
beneficial Influence Immediately.
Printed words are void prai.e. espe
cially when you praise your own product
and offer It for sale, but here la an op
portunity of proving this praise by your
own Judgment without cost Send u
your name and address, no matter how
aerloua your skin trouble may be, and vie
will aend you a trial package of Stuart'a
Calcium Wafera by mail free. It la
wholly a matter for your approval. Thou
sands of people have usea these little
wafers with auccess, and their praise U
our testimonial. Every druggist carries
them In stock. Every physician knows
what Calcium Sulphide will do. He mill
prescribe it aa a blood purifier and
charge for the prescription. Hare Is -the
best method of using Calcium Sulphide,
and you may teat It free. Go to your
druggist today and buy a pfekage of
Stuart'a Calcium Wafers, price 60c, or
write us and we will send you a trial
package free. Addresa F. A. Stuart Co.,
176 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
TT Y7 V Y7
14 I
ssmA mm iisTfc
7T UjV6?.V
! f ev vwi,. tew fo
iff '-mn
Don't give that relative or that friend some worth
less article that he or she can never use or enjoy,
give some article of furniture that will give years
of satisfaction and prove your good judgment.
We're showing hundreds of articles this week that
will make most acceptable gifts.. Only a few are
illustrated below. We'd like to show you others.
- mts
Htf' r3
MiCabe Methodist Episcopal. Farnam and
Fortieth, Rev. J. Narver Uortner, Pastor
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and at
7:30 p. m. Morning theme, "The Great Re
ligious lievival In Kamarla ', evening themu,
"The Conversion of Zaccheua."
Clifton Hill Presbyterian. Rev. Thomas Ft.
Greenlee, Ph. D.. Pastor Preaching at 10:30
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme, "Tim
.Church The Garden of the Lord." Sunday
school at noon. Young people's Society of
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio,
M. V. HIgbee, pastor Morning worship at
10:30. Sabbath school at noon. Young Peo
ple's S irlt'iy of Chrisilan Endeavor at C:30
p. m. Evening worstitp at 7.3". Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at (.
St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth
and Burdette, L. Groh, Pastor Services
I Sunday at 10:45 a. 111.. "Christ's Miracles
; i'.';rise His Divinity." and at 7:3u p. m..
"Avsutance of Our Faith." Sunday school
ut noon, young people st b:40 p. m.
First United Brethren, Nineteenth and
tithrop Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; Christ
ian Endeavor, 8:30 p. in.; class meeting,
12 m.. preaching 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. ;
morning theme. "Hope,' evening theme,
"Iove;" prayer service, Wednesday 1 p. m.
Plymouth Congregstlonal, Twentieth and
Spencer, John I'. Clyde, Minister Morning
worship at 10:30, "The Advent of Hope;
Sunduy si hool at noon. Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor at 6:30; evening
gospel service at 7:30. Special music at each
Westminster Presbyterian, Mason end
Twenty-Ninth The pastor. Rev. W. 8. Ful
ton, will preach st 10:3u a. in. and 7:30 p.
in; Babhath school and Bible classes at
noon. Itard Street mission at 1 p. m.
Young People Society of Christian Es
deavor at (:30 p. m.
Trinity Methodist, Twentv-Flrst and Bln
ney Public worship at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.; Sabbath school at noon, Junior
league at 3 p. m.. Senior league at 1:30 p.
m. Mornln subject. "Tha Profitableness
of Our Religion:" evening subject, "The
Motherllness of God."
Third Presbyterian, "Vwentleth and Leav
enworth. Rev. William E. Todd. Pastor
Sunday school at 1:30 v m.; Bible class in
the pastor's atudy at ( SO a m.; family ser
vice and sermon at 10:46: Junior Fidevor
at I p. m.; Senior Endeavor at 4:30; Popu
lar service and aermon at 7:30; th. morning
anthem will be Gabriel's "Blessed axe
Is of handsome, design, an shown above, dec
orated chills and Joints, heavy posts and
tuoings, enameled in all the popular com-
ninationn 01 colors. Mattress nas
soft top, taped edge and of extra
ordinary good quality. Spring Is
of pliable steel fabric, matiln frame..
I ... ..SM:k. ir'M.i.v
TP? IllTc?
polished golden oak finish,
extra well constructed and has
large French beveled mirror. It
absolutely and
positively the biggest
dresser Bargain on
sale in Omaha. Price
rror. 11
OHirrOirrEBS They are
of very handsome design, in
polished oak flnlBh, have
five larsre roomy drawers,
large French beveled mirror,
set In mirror frame B Cfl
of fancy shape. Of-
fered now at about if
half value. Price....
the handsome bent-ln de
sign, with carved feet
large French
beveled mirror.
priced at
sffT.,-.i..,Illw"i.l e '"
jsrx 'fr m'"
iest article of furniture that you
could have In a home. This cabi
net Is complete with draw
ers, bins and bread boards
an nhown above. On sale
ill week at special price of
vt-u 1
golden oak or bird's-eye
maple or mahogany finish.
Article of pleasing g QC
ttrnnnl-tlnn KVenrW ST"--
plate mirror, bevel-
ea cage special. .
I Big Bargain Special
solid oak or mahogany, neatly carved and
upholstered In guaranteed Nan
tucket leather. Seat Is Bet with
best oil tempered steel springs
back Is deeply turted. Price.
Noiseless ' and
easy running,
new improved
head, finest
made, guaran
teed for ten
years, com
plete with full
set of attach
ments and ac
cessories. Special price
18", 2rpi.
-si .1 n -wietm-KPi i jih ' ss
tBolid oak
Desk J
with chair
to match '
1 til
ryjvy OP Weath. 'CiJ:
BURNERS They are ex
tra large, exceedingly
handsome in design and
are ornamented with an
abundance of nickel.
They are the most power
ful double heaters we
ever sold. They are un
worth double
our sale
price of
ey are un-
Do Your Xmas
Only 10 More
Shopping Days
u m nn 1. 1 i' ati 1 i "1
II" , (iQ
H dlolden .'
A or Weath- y, -' :' ' : ' " 'amr
H ered 1''
I able re- I L ,
duction. 1
must be seen to be appreciated. You'd
never expect to get so much In value for
so little In cost. These Rockers are made
of solid oak or mahogany veneer; have
extra uruwj imirvn, ijoimmimri.T i
front posts, artistic spindles that extend
rrom arm to runner ano are
nicely polished throughout.
They are world beaters at the
Here's a wonderfully
economical heater. It
burns coal, wood, coke,
coal slftings and rubbish.
Burns Its own smoke and
Its own gas. It Is of
handsome proportions
and nicely trimmed In
nickel. Now m. tfk
this week eF .
Solid Oak Desk. With Chair to Match
Golden or weathered finish. This Is not a toy, but
a well made and substantial aes
Ished. well arranged. Desk stands
wide and 18 In. deep; Chair made
tlons. Its a remarKaoie value
duplicated In Omaha at the price.
his Is not a toy, but e O O
Jesk, excellently fin- II fl
ids 28 in. high, 22 In. II
lade In same, propor- II
ilue, and cannot be mL
Holiday .
Gifts Sold
On Our
Credit Plan.
They are fom
jilete with high
shelf, as shown
above, have large
pquare ovens,
e 1 ab 0 rate
nickel trini-
ininga and extra
heavy castings.
Equal to any
$35 Range on
sale in Omaha.
Consists of 26 pieces as follows: 6
knives, 6 forks, 6 tablespoons, 6 tea
spoons, 1 butter knife. 1 sugar shell. It
is the New drape pattern. The entire
Bet Is put up In a satin lined leatherette
case and given
with every purchase of J1U0.0O or over.
Or It will be HOW outright for 17.60,
on terms of tl.00 cash, 75 cents monthly.
NOTK In case you order the set on
the above terms and should, within one
year, buy goods to the amount of J 100. flu,
we will refund all you have paid on the
set or credit your acuuunt with the
amount. .
LEX, -fr
Mi- 1414 16 16
We Will Give This Magnificent
Absolutely free with every purchase of
$25.00 or over. Clock is 13 In. hlffh and
10 In. wide. Solid oak. Weathered finish.
as aBBBsiaj&sBBsI
They," and the evening song, "Der Shep
herd. IsOTd."
Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and
F.ighteenth, the Very Hev. George A.
Beecher, Iean Holy communion at a. m.
Sunday school and Bible class at U:4i a. 111.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m.
Confirmation class at 3 p. m. Evening
prayer and sermon at 7:30.
First United P:-.bylerlan. Twenty-first
and Emmet. Hev. D. K. Turnouts. Tastor
Services 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. the
sermons being studies or parables, "The
I'nmerclful Servant," and "The Pearl of
Great Price;'. Bible school at 11 m. ; mect
of young people at 8:3o p. m.
Kunlze Memorial Lutheran, Rev John
E. lluminon, Puator At the morning ser
vice a. chorus of young women will sing.
"Uaughter of Jairus' by Khineueggar;
pastor's theme, "Is it Important to be
True to Lutheran Kaith and Practice in
a Lutheran Church?" Evening service, sub
ject. "Persistency In Prayer."
Castellar Presbyterian, Halph H. House
man, Minister Public woisliip al 1M.3U,
"Mutual Helpfulness," and al 7:i, "ine
timall Orients ot Consequence; " Bible
school at noon, Henry kieser, superinteniT
ent; Christian Endeavor al S:30. l ark For
est chapel Sunday school at 3 p. m. ; On
tario chapel Sunday school at 3 p. m.
North Side Christian. Twenty-sechnd and
Ixu-ust. H. KlrscHsteln, Minister Morning
worship at 10:30 o'clock; evening service at
:M o'clock; Bible school at li' m.; Christ
ian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m.; mid-week ser
vice, Wednesday at 8 p. m. Mrs. J. 8. Mc
Cleery. state president of the Nebraska
C. W. B. M.,' will speak at the Sumiay
evening service.
Hanscoin park Methodist Episcopal,
Twenty-ninth and Woolworth, it. Scott
Hyde, Pastor Pleaching by the pastor al
lu:3o a. m. and 7:30 p. 111. Morning theme,
"The Faith That Overcomes"; evening
theme, "Christ and Our Common Lite.
Special music at both services. Lee O.
Krals, choirmaster. Sunday school at 12
in. Bert Wilcox, superintendent.
First Bsptlst. Twenty-Ninth and Harney,
Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., Pastor Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; morning ser
mon. "The Bright Bide of Life;" evening,
"Christ the World's Life;" Sunday school
at noon, young people's meeting at S SO
F. m. Bethany Branch First Baptist, Sm3
-ven worth: Sunday school at I p. m. ;
gospel meeting conducted by pastor Friday
at t p. m.
St Mary's Avenue Congregational, Bt
Mary's Avenue and Twenty-seventh, Rev.
Lucius O. Bttlrd, Pastor Morning worship
at 10:30 oclock: sermon by the pastor, sub
ject. "Optimism;" Sunday school at 12 m.J
vesper worship at 4:30 o'clock, subject,
"Wholesome Labor and Holy Rest." Jun
ior Endeavor and children's hour 'at 4:30
o'clock: Young Peoples' Society Christian
Endtavor at 5:40 p. m.
lminunuel Baptist. Twenty-fourth and
Pinkiiey, Phlletus H. McLtowell, Pastor
Morning service at lu:30 o'clock, sermon
subject, "The Shepherd-Heart of Jesus;"
evening service at 7 :a o'clock, sermon sub
ject, "The ChII, of the Cross of Christ;"
Itlble school al 1- to.; a special baptismal
service at 3.30; the Baptist Voung Peoples'
union at t:3u; a special mid-week service
Wednesday evening at 7:45.
Orace Bapt st, Tenth and Arbor, B. F.
FeMmsn, Pastor "The Reign of the Hoiy
Spirit," at lo:45 a. m. Young people's meet
ing at 7 p. m. Oospel service with steie-ip-ticon
views showing the tranoformatlon of
a race. Sunday echoed No. 1. Tentn and
Arbor, at noon. Su.iday school No. 2,
Fourth and Cedar, at 3:30 p. m. Sunday
school No. 3, Thirteenth and William, at
3:30 p. m.
Orace Lutheran, Twenty-sixth, Between
Poppleton and Woolworth, Rev. M. L.
Mellck, Pastor Church services at 10:46
a. m. and 7::fo p. m. Morning theme, "The
En.iance of Thy Word Glveth Light;" even
ing theme, "With His Blrlpes We Are
Healed." Sund. ly school at 12:15. Luther
league at t:i p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday night. A Christmas entertain
ment Thursday night. A scripture oratorio
cantata by Charles II. Oabiiel, and ren
dered by the choir and Sunday school.
First Methodist Episcopal, Twentieth and
Davenport. Rev. Frank L. Loveland. Pas
torServices at 10:3u a. in, and 7:30 p. m. ;
morning theme "Modern Miracles."' The
evening service will be addressed by promi
nent speakers from the Corn exposition.
Sunday school at 12 o'clock, noon; T. F.
81 urges, superintendent, at 6:30 p. m.
Students from Nebraska Desf nd Dumb
Institute will give an exposition of their
religious and musical life. Special musical
program at each service by the well-known
vested choir under the direction of Thomas
J. Kelly.
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Ham
ilton, Rev. E. li. Curry Pastor Services
at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. ; morning
theme "Lifting up Through Casting Down;"
evening theme. "Standing Alone;" Bible
school at U m.; young peoples' meeting
at ( 30 p. m.; Wednesday, i p. m., platform
home missionary meeting, addresses by
Rev. P. A. Agar, Great Falls. Mont.; Rev.
Dr. Thomas of Chicago and Dr. L. C.
Barnes of New York, general field secre
tary Calvary Baptist branch, Twenty
fourth and Seward; Sunday, 3:30 p. m.;
Bible school; Friday. 8 p. m., prayer meeting.
Mighty Hive of People and Traflle
Without an lOqual in
The largest and most wonderful building
In the world Is the terminal building of
the Hudson & Manhattan Railway company
In New York. It la twenty-two stories high,
occupies the halves of two blocks fronting
on Church street, which Is parallel wlt.
Broadway and the next street toward the
river and extends from Cortlandt to
Fulton street on both sides of Dey street,
which Is crossed by a bridge. It covers
75,000 squaro feet on the ground and In
cludes 18,150.000 square feet of floor space,
equivalent to twenty-seven acres.
The gigantic structure stands over a
cofferdam, a waterproof rlt 4!0 by 180 feet
In alxe and seventy-five fiet deep. Inclosed
In concrete walls seventy-five feet thick,
which extend down to solid rock nlnety
f)ve feet below the street level. This pit
Is a railway station and receives the rail
ways that run through the tunnels to
Jersey City end bring Into New York the
trains of the Pennsylvania, the Erie and
the Lackawanna railroads, the passengers
from the steamship landing In Hoboken
and Jersey City and the commuters who
live along 600 miles of trolley railways in
northern New Jersey.
The first floor under the surface con
tains the waiting rooms, Including a con
course of 75,000 square feet, where the
passengers buy their tickets, check their
baggage and are distributed to tha dif
ferent lines. Surrounding this enormous
room Is a department store where passen
gers and suburbanites will be able to do
their msvrkwting and hopping without
going out of doors. There ara telegraph
offices, barber shops, news stands, fruit
and flower booths, confectionery shops, a
government postofflce, restaurants and
cafes, telephone booths, a barroom, a
parcel room, cigar stores, offices where
railway and steamship tickets to all parts
of the world can be bought, and shops for
the sale of all the necessities of life.
It is the only building In the world In
which space hus been rented by the acre.
The Erie Railway company hns taken
two acres of floor space, the United
States Steel corporation has taken one
and one-half acres, the I'nlted States gov
ernment has rented art acre for a branch
postofflce, and the American Locomotive
1 ompany and the Oeneral Electric company
l.ave each tuken a half acre.
Noarly U'o miles of picture rail was
tacked on the walls of the roo.ns, 113
miles of electric wiring was laid and 30o0
electric light bulbs placed on 6,000 elec
troliers and 7,000 brackets, and even these
figures will be enlarged.
It. N estimated that 10,000 persons will
be ou:'--d under the roof when every office
la, and that over half a million peo
ple will enter It every day. The force of
employes. Including engineers, firemen,
electricians, elevator boys and Janitors,
will number 150.
Aside from the retfulir receipts from
rentals, the com; any w!ll derive an enor
mous revenue from special privileges. The
advertising space In the building and cars
was liaed for IDOO.OOO a year, the cigar
privilege for 133,600 a year, the bar privi
lege for $25,000 a year, the soda water privi
lege for 119.000 and the bootblack privilege
for $11,000. The building and land cost
$16,000,000. Popular Mechanics.
The Tweaty-Four-Hoer Clock.
A manufacturing concern In which only
one-half of the employes work In the day
time has a twenty-four-hour clock In the
timekeeper's office, by which the work
record la noted. The business day begins
at 1 o'clock In the morning, and when
other clocks Indicate midnight this factory
timepiece shows that It la 24 o'clock. The
men who go to work at the time ordinarily
known as 6 p. m. are recorded aa having
started at IS o'clock. The people In cuarg
of the work suy that this cnange in toe
time keeping method has prevented umiiy
errors, and although it took the men a liltl'i
While to become accustomed to 11, t:uy
now speak of 14 and 16 o'clock In a inait r
of fact way and without the unlie wnlcii
at first the strange figures provoked.
New York Tribune.
Interstate Coin merer Commlsaloa to
Invritlsitr Complaint Charges
Are Ineiiullable.
CHICAGO. Dec 11. The Interstate
Commerce commission, It was announced
today, has decided to renume the Investi
gation Into the reasonableness of the rates
charged by the Pullman company. Tha
complaint Is an old one, made by Geoi g :
8. Loftus of St. Puul. Commissioner Lana
will begin the hearing here next Monday.
As originally drawn, the complaint holds
that less should be charged for an upper
berth thun for a lower.
The ftlidvest Life
This is the time of year when Christ
mas and Christmas presents occupy tho
thoughts pf the mothers and children ut
least. A man could give no more useful
or appropriate gift than an Insurance
policy on his own life. Such a gift has
the Intent of being both unselfish and
A continuous tnatallment policy such as
Issued by The Midwest Life furnishes wi
Income for life. The Installments are.
payable annually or monthly as the In
sured my elect. Under this form of
policy there Is no danger Of life Insur
ance money being lost or poorly invested.
For Information concerning these in
stallment policies call or write to the
Home Office, 1007 O Street, Lincoln;
Omaha Agency, lit Board of Trade Build
ing. The Midwest Life la aa old Una
Nebraska company. :., . '