Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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TenezTiel Dictator Showu So Attea
' ton in Pini
atwmitra Pale F at HIM, Wail
e vera as eat Keep His luiM
Dalrk Bala Arc Ba4f
t -
. -iHlft. Dec U.-FtMtdat Castro of
-riex iela. who arrived la this cttr leal
'n,n frtna Bordeaux, bad made do of
ficial advances to tbs French government
up to noon today. H it represented ss
furiously anTT at ths manner in wfctcb
the government la receiving him In Franc.
Sine bla arrival In Paris ha baa remained
(hut up !n b;s apartment la hotel aa
closely aa though be were a prisoner and.
barring a few member of tae Venezuelan
colony, be haa seen nobody.
The ofTlcaia of the foreign office hare
received formal orders to gi no explana
tion to the government's attitude toward
President Castro. We Ignore hia pres
ence." an official said today. "The condi
tions upon which the government la willing
to open negotiations bare been communi
cated to him."
What these conditions are, beyond pro
hibiting President Castro from making any
political declaration. Is not known, but it
la believed they involve a formal apology
A reporter called to sew tbs president to
day. The only members of Castro's entour
age visible said that nothing bad been de
cided, but the party would leave for Or
many tomorrow. A black maid In the
service of Madame Castro was alt ting In a
hail outside her mistress door trying to
gst ber foot into a newly purchased pointed
French shoe.
The French newspapers generally poke
fun at the "dictator of Venezuela; never
theleee. they Insist that the gorernment
explain the reasons that Induced It to
rnr attitude toward him.
The Temps protests loudly sgainat the
equivocal position In which France has
been placed by ths presence of President
Castro In the country and Insists that the
trrernment explain 'the enigma forthwith.
1 The paper aays It is und'.gnlRed to aulow
a man who Touted Francs to remain here
without apology.
When M. Talgny (who waa French minis
ter at Caracas) was expelled, the Temps de
clares, America waa stupefied by our In
action and today Holland, with less of a
case. Is giving us a good lesson.
THE HAGUE, Dec IT -It was stated In
official quarters today that ths selaure on
the high seaa of Venssuelaa merchant ships
or . the stopping of other vessels trading
between Venezuelan porta Is not contem
plated in ths present Instructions to the
Dutch warships now on duty In Venesuelan
waters. Action Is to be taken only against
vessels connected with, ths Venesuelan
nary and ths marine police set-rlc.
' "-im. i ne cans of lard eoid in U"- I
coin by stores which will be pr-eecut-d I
were found to he short about pe c"1' J
of the supposed wieht. I
Oweaa Milk Belasv Grade.
Deputy Fxvl Coram ssk-ner Johnenn to
day ceitiried to county for prw
mtion tlie following cases wherein the
parties named- are charxe-i with selilr.g
low-grade milk or that fuels below
the legal standard as to butter fat con
tents: Carl rTerson. Ffty-f rst and Glower
streets. Anderson Bros.. Flfy-niath and
Pacific streets; W. D. M-irphy. f?lx:y-s xth
and Dortge streets; A. . Anderson. F'.f a
and Locust streets: Stiver Dr. 11 res-aurant.
1510 Capitol avenue; Omaha Crntral Quick
Lunch, 111 N. Slxt enth street; C.l.nax
restaurant. TC N rti 3 x.een:h street.
In these ast two cases citt-d the analysts
by tbs stats chemist shows the milk to
bo of very low queLty. showing that the
.milk sold is either skimmed or waters!.
A large number of cas aghast On aha
milk dealers sod restaurants have been
tiled fjr prosecution during ths last )er.
ftearlet Fever at Girls tela Ml.
Ths Industrial School fur Girls Is to
bs quarantined for scarlet fi-ver. Two
g:r!s wers brought to the Institution sev
era! days ago and today one broke out
wtth starlet fever. The girl Is 7 years old.
CTaaages la OfBeem.
Ths Board of Public Lands and Build
ings today apportioned Use stats house to
lha Tardus departments which nave to
move out on account of ths coming legis
lature. Ths departments will be located
as follows: Oil office an J state veter
inarian In the office of ths governor:
Board of Health, gams warJn and Board
of Chanties and Correction In ths o:f.ce
of the secretary of state; Pure Food com
mission Ik ths 'aboranry; irrigation board
to use one Instead of three rooms; labor
bureau to the otflce of the Stats Board
of Agriculture; traveling library to tiie
office of Superintendent McBrien.
Bean tor Callers.
Hereafter callers at ths executive office
wul have to pay some attention to the
pleasure of the governor.
From this day, on Governor Sheldon- will
receive callers between the hours of 10 and
IS each morning. After that :lme he w'.U
devote himself exclusively a tlie affairs of
state, particularly to his message and other
dut.t-s which he has to perform befi-re re
tiring to public life.
Governor Sheldoa was forced to adopt
this new rule because of the constant
stream of callers at his office fur many
man ths. Most of these callers have shown
an utter disregard fcr time and as a on.
sequenec ths governor has been forced to
devote about half and some times three
fourths of the night doing his stats work
ale Umiu
(Continued from I"! ret Page.)
(Continued from Third Page,)
Our present STOCK REDUCING SALE is unusual in every way you may look at it.. 'The reason why" of thia sale, aa stated a week ao today,
was the contract made the first of this year for 2,200 pianos. Aa a business organization with a record of living1 up to its contracts we do not intend to
break this contract in any way. The manufacturers have shipped in TEN CARLOADS of Hiirh Grade instruments during the past two weeks as a final
round up on this year's shipments of pianos. This means that every piano of the FULL TEN CARLOADS will be sold by Christmas. No rtone will be
left unturned to accomplish this result. Therefore we will sacrifice every piano in our salesrooms by offering it at a price which is
Ten to Twenty Per Cent Below Eastern Prices
thereby jrivinjr you the prospective purchaser the greatest opportunity to buy a CHRISTMA3 PRESENT which will DELIGHT EVERY MEMBER 07
THE FAMILY. Will vou take time bv the forelock will you buy now when your piano may be selected from such instruments of RENOWNED
Steger, Hardman, Emerson, Mohlin. A. B. Chase. McPhail.
Schmoller (Si Mueller
Remember it does not reqmre a large pocketbook to buy a piano from us. Tea Dollars Down then One Dollar a Week will brinjr a hiirn trrde
guaranteed piano to your home. See us this week sure. We will not deliver the piano until Christmas, if you so desire.
Schmoller . Mueller Piano Co.,
Authorized Representatives Jor the IVor id-Famed Steinvuay Grands andVertigrand Pianos.
1311-1313 Farnam Streat. . Open Every Evening Until Christmas.
! of Mrs. Fred FVary at hsr home In
' Trsrv. If inn. Mrs. Frarv was the wife i
of Fred FVary. one of the oldrst erg no-rs
"""""" 1 on ths Chicago at Horthwes'.ern railway.
EnjfiEftr aad Diver On Craiier Til- nd formerly made tbex homs A this city
kee Come la for Fniie.
Owe Xaua Jlearly Drtwaei la Watste
Flllea Haeaa Ca41a De
sreadew te Give Aid lsi
Mrs. J. X. G. Carry,
Mrs. J. M. a. Curry, wtu died at Schuy
ler Thursday, will be burled there at 2 30
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Buckingham,
ths latter a. daughter of Mrs. Curry, will
attend the funeral. Mrs. Curry lived Ih
Omaha for many years and bad a host of
friaswis and acquaintances here.
CITIES 10 hltiiAfc CALLS
(Continued from First Page.)
been chosen In the person o! R. L McM.I
lan of Crete, a graduate of Doane eol.ege
and one of the state secretaries. Mr.
Hughes has been so sucraf'ji in rus man
agement of the Toung Men a Carauan as
sociation affairs since ne came here two
years ago. and Us local association baa ben cJparM of andj. Rock, la given In
WASHINGTON. Dec." 12. Warm praise
i t v,rir nvt tSu nart of nctneer :
rrr.. --a - cvu-h-riimd!an diver badges on tbs men at the corn show.
named Mir not aboard tbs cruiser Yankee,
while an effort, wan being made to tow
tv,. veael to Xew Bedford after It hvd
President-elect PIau Trip to Isthmus
in Jaaaary.
lng for the protection of aliens tn ths
United States the subject waa threshed out
at length. Ths measure had rough sailing
and It waa passed by a slim majority after
the roll had been called twice.
West .tattler.
Diriif Afterawwa He Coafere with.
Caairsaaa Hltefceack. Secretary
Rawt. Gevei mmw Maatowa aad
SveretaaY WHgat.
Red Willow ...
Scott s Bluff ..
Washington ..
Totals MU-
Carrt W eta at aw Uavrd PsUla.
Attorney Oasral Tbompson. by bla dep
uty Grant Martin, has aivew aa opinion
4 4.8
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tha direntors were loath to let h.m go,
but he had received sucn a sp.enJid otter
from Boulder. Colo., where he is to have
charge of Lbs boys' work, that they deeded
they would not stand in the way of turn pro
motion and reluctantly let mm go. The
change will take piaoe about Uia first of
tbs yar.
CE-S'i RAX. CTTT Improvements Involv
ing an expenditure of (etwwa W UJw and
tL.vH are aaurtly to be made in tae ptal
of the Central City Gas company, witn a
view to Improving the service and Biasing
a breakdown in the future well nign im
possible. TBCUM9EH A telegram reached Tecum
seh this aAamoon from P. ti. aster4sy of
Fairbury atatusg toax Be was leavtng-at-tlaconm.
W ashing" -n. witn ihe body el
his mother. Mrs, M. V. Easterflay, for
Tecumsen. The Easterday tamily lived
here for a great many rears, but of late
had resided In Wasblngtun. .the town of
fttMlacrom being near Tacoma. Mrs.
tLasterday la survived by a husoand and
several sons. Ths funeral arrangementa
have not ret been made, but the nttw-oules
will probably be Monday. Mrs. Easierday
died Wednesday.
TECUM ff EH Orvil. the 5-year-old vn o(
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Bargcr of this crty,
suffered an accident whiie coasting. He
fell on his head and a Ksh was cut in
his fo rent-ad and his skuil sightly frac
tured. Sis stitches r required to close
ths wound. He Is getting aior.g nicely.
TE"T"4 ?E7f "He Rafter Mercantile
holding that yi't or cans of lard do not i company In dter lng will discontinue oiisi
t , ,K ntira rnoa ness In that town on January L The slock
law relating to canned goods and that such
packages must be "branded corrse as to
weight and contents. Hs says tbs question
Is not without doubt and ha knows of no
way to test lbs law except by Instituting
will be shipped to Drvenler. where ths
firm will rs-embark In business.
TAB LB ROCK The Knights of Pythias
at their meeting Just held, have elected the
following officers: C. H. CarauccavL,
chancellor cununander; B. F. N orris, vice
chancellor: F.
a report to tne itavy uwt .jrin.v "
tain Cr.aries C Marsh of ths vessel,
Ths night of Decern her 1 while ths vessel
was under tow. Captain Marsh say a
waa much the worst since grounding, the
wind blowing with such fores that bsd
the shin been stin on ths rocks It would
very likely havs been fatally damaged.
The report says:
"The ship's draught and ths heavy list
to starboard mads steering Impossible, so
that It took rank sheers, parting tha
hawser, etc During ths night ths Leb
anon cams alongside to gtrs It a line and
was swept down by ua 'Anyone -arho his
seen ths Lebanon roll will understand our
alarm at Its pr-eence, Tt has been stated
that the Lebanon or ths Hartin damaged
the air port. Of these atatemsnts nothing
can bs ssld one way or another with any
accuracy. Sufflca tt to say ths air -port
waa found open.
Air Casaprssssrs Stwa.
Some time In the early morrung, per
haps, about 1 a. m.. word ctuno np that
tha air compressors had stopped. Also the
news came of ths open air port. This lat
ter information was rtven to the engineer.
He went below and then sent for diver.
The behavior of these two men cannot go
by unnoticed. Ths open air port waa tn
ths stateroom on berth deck, starboard
aids, next to ths sir compressors. Mr.
Wltherspocn went Into this stateroom and
shut ths door. He then tried to doss the
airport, got one dog partly In place, aad
man tried to run away from them.
Grata Dealers' Dy.
Tuesday will be Grain Dealers' day at the
exposition, ana rresiaent sager ana scre- night that
tary stone or tae Chicago Board of Trade.
President Wing and Secretary Strong of I
the Illinois Oram Dealers' association, and
S-cretary Croucier of ths National Grain
Dealers association will bead a party of
IS dealers from Chicago who havs char
tered a special train on ths Northwestern,
which will leave Chicago Monday night.
This train will carry eleven sleepers, a
buffet car. an observation ear and two
diners, will be electric lighted throughout
and will be the finest train the Northwest
ern ever turned out. St. Louts. Kansas
City. St. Joseph, MUsneapolia. St. Paul, Mil
waukee and Sioux CTty will also send large
delegations to ths show on Grain Dealers'
KxBMksttlstsj Oyra Tedavy.
The exposition will be open today from
noon until 11 p. nu aad visitors may ses
the exhibits the same as on any other day.
and all branches will bs wide open just ths
same as during a weekday. Two sacred
concerts have been arranged, to which no
extra charge of admission Is made. Green's
bend will play a sacred concert at 2 p. m.
and at 4 p. m. there will be sacred music
by the Oratorio society. Ira B. Pennlman. which haa been pointed out by careful atU'
conductor, at which time selections from dents of the laws and ctsrjtitutlon is that
Messiah will be the feature of the I n.nKn tha official
Miss Mary Hensnian Is still rolte 111 at
tlii borne uf her mother in West dide.
! Phil Long returned last week from a
i montii's visit with relatives at Portland.
Mr. and Mra George Blakely were the
guests of Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Henderson
(or lunch aaturday.
Ths children of Southwest Sunday school
are preparing for an entertainment to be
given Christmas night.
Mrs. Frank Hensman and little son.
James, were guests ol ber parenta. Mr. aad
Mrs. J. H. Gams, on Thursday.
John Blsae and wife enterta-ned the cot
tage prayer meeting Wednesoar svemng of
WASHTNGTON. Dec EL President-elect
Tart contemplates a visit to Panama be
fore his inauguration. This visit is ap
proved by President Roosevelt and Secre-; tuis week at ineir home in Ecaerman.
tary Root. WMle It haa not been finally jini J. H. Ganta. accompanied by her
determined upon, Mr. Taft announced to- ; fr-end. Mrs. AJune. attended tieorge Custer
tt was his Inclination to go.' " - -"' w
.... nron.
Should this bs hia final decision he win ,
3 . " . . ... ... i Geirge Ston and family are entertaining
leave Charleston. S. C. probably the last ,hejr CU11MUU Mr8 Grace Reeeer. and Utt:e
week In January for a trip which will cover , oaughter, Margery, uf Kewaaee. iiL, uus
approximately twenty days. wet.
There are many reasons, in Mr. Taffs I Mr. Kouck s mother from near Papiillon
new. why this trip to the Isthmus would ' t the winter with her son snd
view, -ii j ... . wifs at their country boms on West Center
be of decided advantage to the advance- ; tIwt
ment of the canal project. President Room- j Thfl teachers and' pupils of Reals school,
veil's visit proved a decided stimulus to here, took advantage of tickets to the Na
ths work; the three vtasls which Mr. Taft tional Corn exposition Wednesday and went
has made as secretary of war all were of 1 in
advantage; there are constant arising and j " ff .
Presldeat-Klee-t aaiel
Are eaa af rvewtateat
WASHINGTON. Dee. IX After receiving
a large number of callers at the Board man
residence. President-elect Taft went te the
White House today as the luncheon guest
of President Roosevelt and remained there
for a considerable time In conference with
the president and Secretary Root, who also
waa a luncheon guest. National Chairman
Hitchcock cams hers from New York and
after a consultation wtth Chairman Stall
wagen of the Inaugural oommittae and a
large number of callers, bs also west to
the White House waere be-waa received
by the president- Mr. Taft'a callers today
Included Secretary Wright. Governor Ma
gonn of Cube, Senator Hemenway, Repre
sentatives Taylor of Ohio. Lowdea of Il
linois. Martin of South Dakota. Ingtey of
Kentucky and Slemp of Virginia
A Lite rr Slews gwivaxl
by that great health tonic. Or trio Bit
ters, la the enrichment of pocr. thin blood,
and strengthening the weak. Sue For sail
by Beaton Drug Co.
Bis; Crewsl Wilt Be Here far Grala,
Dewlers' Day.
W. H. Murray, a sift ant general piasen-
tendance at a meeting of tha general agents
r.r inlit ra ttom T'nloift Tsifl- hu imtiwmmA
accumulaUng many minor tangles ent. Mr snd Mrs. J. Thayer, at their homs . from ChKago. where he has been m at-
t ministration and contuct. oi muionij wmun , on yorty-eia-ui avenue.
the presence of ths president or the president-elect
might make possible of elimina
tion, with little difficulty.
Valae ef Ike Trip.
Mr. Taft has not only keen Interest In
the work, but aa Intimate knowledge of
the details of the situation and with the
personnel of those conducting the opera
tions there. The visit would put mm
daughter Miss I of North Omaha,
i nrl her son. Georxs Carlsen. and faml y.
.. . . with t V ni.i.H.n . s ow-nt-nrH ,n.1 n streets an SattlT-
Oireci. person " ! 'i
and giro him a clear idea of the method of
procedure being employed tn the work.
The only objection to the expedition
prosecutions and getting a decision from J. H. Phillips, prelate; G. H. Doop. keeper
th. court, a. aoon a- po-ib.e. He aug- , of iT. owner"
gets that the legislature bad tn mind whea
It excepted canned goods goods that are
hermetically sealed for the purpose ef
preservation. As lard will not spoil by
exposure to the aid be holds that It Is a
violation of ths law to sell lard put up in
pasls or packages aa described unless ths
weight or contents la stamped thereon.
Tha opinion waa given at ths request of
Food Commissioner Johnson, who had re
finance; Dr. R. C. Bcwie, master-at-arms;
William Glenn, Inside guard; Joaepn r.
Morse, outside guard.
YORIy L. E. Porter of York Hvdraullc
Cement company and president of the Ne
braaka State Cement association an
nounces thst arrangements havs been made
for the next state convention ts be held
at Lincoln. Neb., on February 1& U and Xi
YORK Through the efforts of Dr. O. M.
Moore of this city. George L. Cooiey. rosd
oslved a mesge front th. county
of Merrick county refusing to prosecute lo- DT th- ,overnment on a mission of better
cat .lealers who were selling cans of lard ! roads for York county. Mr.. Cot-ley mei
"rh f illed ta ..irh out as marv nounda 1 wn:x members of the York Commercial
eth failed to weigh out as many pounds ; club u ,n a thorf addrM, xpia. wnat
- the Ube4 IndirAtse. Hs held thi. wa. the government experts were doing In the
not In violation of ths law. aa the law j way of sunenntenuing and instructing how
exempted canned good Mr. Johnson he. r.v aw,ir2Si
secured evidence agaunst Lincoln dealers pse i jr maintenance. The Cnmmerc sl
and ethers snd from now on he will prose- I club ts interest -d in better mads snd will
,K- i.. i ij , w w pun the project along. There ts now n-
Pains in
tho Stomach
CaosrU by Gm mmd Fool Odor
Sprexlily BetuoveJ By HCoart'a
Cbsircoal I yaeagca
Trial - akge ay
Pyroata (Gaatrto pain), gastritis aad
many other stomach aad bowel troubles
caused by f onnaiiua ef gaa. are almost
Instantly remsvsd by a generous use of
atuart' a Charooai Liisengea.
ThAe little loaengea kiil bad breath
and stop gaa making oy oaldia-ag ths
odors and gases. Charcoal abeorbe uae
hundred tusee itself la gaa. They tura
foul f umee aad gases lata oxygsa. wbiott
sweeten ths system. They are made from
the sure wlllew aad sweet boaey aad are
a de-igatfu! aid ta the meath. stomach
aad iMweiai The . Japanese use charceei
for a taothwasti aad aa eld Japanese pro
verb, runs tnua: "Sweet is the breath ef
a Xlnnneae tJapaneseJ.
The mouth fluids are alkaline, thus
wast fued held by tooth cavities la
attacked and decays rapidly, foul
odors to arise. Charcoal renders the
saliva sweet by oxidising It and does
away wtth foul fermentation, and decay.
very gruggtst rarriee Stuart's Charcoal
Leseegee and many thousands of suffer
ers fro is gas. foul breath, etc.. use thass
little loaengea, tnus proving their pepu-
lanty ana in sir merit, uiarcoai la one
ef the best all-around cleansers ths sys
tem may partake of and toe much ef
tt cannot be taken. An entire box of
Stuarfs Charcoal Losenges may be eaten
with freedom and only good will result.
Go to your druggist Immediately, buy a
bex ef Stuart's Char res I Loseagaa and
prove these facts yourseif; tt will cost
yam bat tsreaty-ftve recta or send as
yeur earns aad address aad we will eead
ysMi a trial package free. Is this Bet fair?
Address) P. A. Stuart Ca, 1M Stuart BldgU
Marshall. Kid
H. ray lor. master oi wor; i th ,ur,r w his lantern so as to use
both hands. The light was blown out and
bs was left In total darkness. The pres
sure against ths port waa too great for
Mm aad he found himself la water up to
hia neck tn this closed stateroom. For
tunately the pressure eventually carried
away the door, and he was thrown out
and Into the berth deck.
raatadlaa Ceasee ta Best se.
"Tn ths meantime a French-Canadian
diver named Mlroot put on his dlvtng
suit and In darkness went down In a strik
ing ship ta lend his hand at closing the
air port. Tho diving pump eras tended
by M. Wltherspoon and one of the com
pany whose name at this time I do not
remember. For devotion to their work and
for courage I know nothing better than
these ecttona. Again word was brought
ta ms that not only were the air oonv
pi i sscrs stopped, but that water through
the air port had gone tnto the fire room
extinguishing the fires In wr boiler, and
hence all puirms were stopped."
Efforts srere made to g the vessel
under tow. but before long tt took water
directly down the engine and fire room
hatches aad those on boart took 'refuge
in the port fore rigging. The ehtp sank
quickly. It rests perfectly upright, on a
blue mud bottom, according to the chart,
tn forty-foar feet of water.
declaration of Mr.
Tnomas L- .-.any is t ,t the Union Pacific railroad. E. U Lota.
from his long siege of typhoid fever and . t , "
expects to be able to eat Christmas dinner I general passenger agent, who pres'ded at
with hia parents and family. ! the meeting, and W. S. Baalnger. assistant
Word has juat been received that a baby ! general passenger agent, are still la Chi
girl has been added to the home of Mr. and Mr. Murray says the com ex-post-
LVn 0tZr ofma "lo thtly advertised
r-.e.n . ,h- f her I nd tht '"T""' know of the bag show.
iivj j . uirm wui uienours ox
the grai dealers of Chicago oa grain deal
ers day. December 1C
Fra k Wallace, who waa Injured last wtek
at tne Updike Lumber cirr.pny a yards on
ffmiiii tret is improving very
rapidly and will go ta worn the last of i
this week.
Aa tgly Gask
should be ccvered with clean bandages
saturated with Bucklen's Arnica, Salve.
I Heai. bum a. wounds, sores, piles. So. For
The Christmas cantata "Magdaiene" that , sals by Beaton Drug Co.
Tift a! president-elect by th. action of the -a. to have been ven at
t-emi-l rollers and hia Inauguration after-!
-- i - n.iiiiithr is no constttu-
w. v ra wri.i. . ,, , , i tional or legal provision tor ths substttu
" leaew te Take Ialttartve i , rha nrat of nrthins
"aaiaiT" Was a Trass a
BUTTE. Jont., Pec. li Ths sudden
aeatn yesieraay at sisnnattan or Ttmmr
Thursday of Uus week haa been postponed
x . rn'v remained in the City I TirtM vmI 1 - - th..
Tiesdsv evening, the guest of her friend. ptend of being a man. Jones was a woman.
la Hebaltlag Presides t. , i,Tm i P.r,,m. This obiec- Mise Chllds. on Twenty-fifth avenue and I This dlerovery resulted when rndsrtaker
nappvuus v Lenxenworth street. logeinrr u7 ,wi :iey or rvsenuaK Tons cnarwe or the
WASHINGTON, Dec. li-The action to
tM taken by the senate In asserting Its
displeasure because of President Roose
velt's message In regard to the secret
service has not been outlined wtth any def
Inlteneas. It had been understood that a
resolution would be offered by some demo-
tion ta not regaTje mm w. '
to detain Mr. Taft from a Journey which
Is regarded aa essential to the success of
one big enterprise of bis administration.
The news) of this trip followed a confer
mm last nia-ht wtth President Roosevelt
I and today again at the White House at
1 ZS . " Ior " ,nTM,tl-I luncheon and later with Secretary Root,
" committee on appropriation. mhm Mr Tifl oaased moat of ths
of th. prudent', language, rt wa. argned ! V""- JLT'JZT ih. Tt-
that if a republican Introduced a resolut'.on I "'Z mmil known t
drilling for the cantata to oe given at u
Y wng Men a Christian assoaation at
Christmas time.
J. T. Aughe aad wife of Ashland arrived
Wednesday, and together witn tiis Drotner.
bndy. She chewed tobacco and drank etui
associated freely with men as a cook.
WtleaaM ta taws Bra wees.
Ws extend a welcome to all core ahsw
j. . Aiwne. and wife, spent Thursday and rlsitorB and cordially Invite you to visit
hentance tax to trie amount of about Co
that will be available as a starter and
after ens or two mUes is built tt is
dieted that all townships will fail In line.
Battles I Preeedes the Fleet and
Reaches Ceylaa Ahead ta
Pravtda Tmteist.
COLOMBO. Ceylon. Dec li The battle
ship Georgia, preceding the battleship fleet
under Rear AJmiral 8 perry, dus here to
morrow morning, came Into pert today
with a smallpox case on board. The patient
was at once removed to a hospital. Ths
Georg'.a separated from tha fleer at It
o'clock the night of December 9 and came
ahead at a apeed of fourteen knots. The
r.eet ttvelf ta coming at a speed of ten
knots an hour.
WASHINGTON. Dec. li No appre
hension Is felt at tha Navy department
over the appearance of smallpox on the
battleship Georgia of Admiral S perry's
battleship fleet. It was said that only one
case thus far haa been reported and every
precaution baa been takes to prevent ths
spread of tha disease.
(Continued from First Page.)
Kaaaao are lab-
iae-ted ta Taetras.
GUTHRIE. OkL. Dec 1L Allegations that
modes of punianmenl belonging to tae
dark agee sucn as ths "cnb." ths "water
bale, the "dungeon.' aad other obsolete
metnede ef enforcing discipline are ena
aioyed la the Kansas Mate Buaitenuary at
i -n-,,- siad rene m mead a t ons of Immrr
diate action upoa the convening ef tae
legislature ta memorialising eoagrtas te
permit Okiahoma pnooosrs to be seat to
the federal penitentiary at Leeveaworrh.
aad that the contract with the Kansas In
stitution for ths care of Oklahoma prisoners
be oaaosiled. are noade la tae first annua;
report ef Miss Kate Barnard, eomnus
stoner of charities and coi lettioas, sub
BsiUed M Oeveraar C M. Hasknil today.
bud Indian reasrvatlona, and that Inspector
James McLaughlin bs designated by the
department to take up with the Indians the
matter of adjustment there. Ths bill. In
troduced by Senator Gambia are to be used
as a basis for the agreement. The senator
was assured that ths matter would be
promptly looked after and that he woulj
have the co-operation of the department
In connection with these measures.
Miser Mattes at Capital.
Mr. Cooks is la Washington tn attend
ance upon the recent sessions of tbs Rivers
and Harbors congress, aad will leave for
SSoug Fails oa Monday.
Hugh Odor of Deo Maine has beea ap
pointed assistant Inspector la connection
with the bureau of animal Industry.
Nebraska post masters appointed; Cheater
field. Cherry county. Thomas Huston, vice
C J. O'Connor, deceased; Mead. Saunders
oounty. i. G. Fleming, vice at. IX Willis ma
hi the house, the selectlrn of a democrat for)
the same service in the senate would give
a non part lean flavor to ths course being
Conferences today, however, developed
that a number of the leaders believe ths
action .hould be taken by the republicans
and it was suggested that Senator Bur
rows would be the proper person to offer
the reeolutltn. Senator Burrows has net
yet consented to do so. It is likely thst
the resolution will be the same ss that of
the bouse, providing for the appointment
ff a select committee of five to consider
ths whole subject.
It Is evident that the house does not In
tend to taks any hasty action la rebuking
tne president for ths statement. In hir
m " regarding ths civil service action
of ths congress. The committee appointed
yesterday, of which Mr. Perkins of. New
York is chairman, did not meet today, but
Is expected to dme together on Monday.
. .- i iwumi is. oowever, mat no re
port will be made until the latter part of
ths week.
Ths members of ths select committee are
determined to present ths recommendations
before adjournment for the Christmas holidays.
Dewthe at Istss Psapla.
HTRON. B. D.. Dec. 11 rSoocial-V-Joha
Masnijeon. aged years, died at his bom
in this city Wednesday night, of heart
failure. Mr. Magnuses waa a trusted en-
ploy ef the Ct:l:ago ft XorUiwvatetra euan
pany and had beea a resident of this city
for many years.
Ward waa received hers of th deolb
TTegsj Be Woe
When fSr Willi am Gilbert was 77 and w
known to ths world aa a promising writer,
reiates tbs Youth's Companion, his father,
who was a retired naval surgeon, wrote a
semi-metaphysical, semi-medical book, en
titled "Shirley Hail Asylum.'' hia first book.
Not long ago Edith A. Brown who was
then preparing a biography of ths younger
man, having heard that the son was the
Incentive from without which spurred tnto
actsoa the innevent but dormaa literary
talent of ths father, asked If such was ths
"Yea.", replied the author ef the "Bab
Ballad." and th wittiest librettos ever
written. - ( think the little succis which
had attended my humble effort, certainly
influenced my father.
"To he aded. with a suspicion of a
emile. "my father had aa exalted idea ef
ay ability. Ho thought If I eouid writs
anybody oeuid, aad forthwith he began,"
Irev Ttaaeaaa t tltUtUs.
PHILADELPHIA. Vmc IT It -jran stated
here today that tha rhliade','j(i!i Aasilcan
.eagu boas baS alub haa aoviu-eU the
as nits of Ira Thenmaa, caustxer of
Detroit amors ana Th lotaU dub
ditlooally released Third Tlssf nnss Ji
CoOia aad Right Fielder aeyboid. Both
Lav oflsra ta sca 1 si is gars la
ttv statement by Mr. Taft that the
selection of hia cabinet was thoroughly dis
cussed. Tart BIU la ieaats.
jfr, Yaft said tonight ths Interview hs
had yesterday and today with Senators
Arich and Hals had lsd him to believe i
that the attitude of these two senate lead
ers respecting tariff revision was decidedly
favorable toethe kind of a tanll as nas.
I been advocating. A conlerence wuu eum-
tor Crane of Massachusetts also confirmed l
this view.
Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock, wrfo came
to Washington, today from New Yjrk. saw
Mr. Taft tonight. The Cuban situation
was discussed thoroughly at a conference
with Governor Magoon and Secretary
Wr.gnt about departmental and Philippine
Benators Bourns of Oregon and Hemen
way of Indiana were callers. Bishop O Gor
man of Sioux Falls, S. D.. talked with Mr.
Taft. Secretary Garfield had an Interview,
as did Representatives Low Jen of Illinois.
Marun of aVuth Dakota and Needham of
Mr. Taft planned to leave Waahington at
midnight for New York following the din
ner of the Gridiron dub. He will be the
guest of Sis brother, Charles W. Taft. until
Thursday, when hs will go to Augusta.
Gl, for several week.
1th tr.e letter's daug.llera. M
dames E. C. Dawaon and Jo tin Toung. at
their homes in Council Bluffs, returning
Friday evening.
Officer F. S. Aughe and wife gave a
dinner Wednesday at their home OB Sner
maa avenue to their corn exposition visit
ors. Their guests were their fatber and
mother, their uncle. J. T. Aughe, and wife,
of Ashland, their sister. Mis Anna Daniel
of omnia and Mra. Fred Diltx. huaband
aad daughter. Ileus, of Wakefield.
and inspect our modern plant. Take cars
labelled Mth and Ames or JCth aad
They land you right at our door.
A Seri Brsaliiaem
results from chronic constipation. Dr.
King' a New Life Pill, cure headache,
stomach, liver and bowel trouble. So. For
sale by Beaton Drug Ce,
E 5uisxrlajndU
set tujmtr I I
Bill Pravldlaar foe Fvwetlm f
A Item fe seed After right.
WASHINGTON. Dec. li The house of
representatives today was in its old-time
form. No particular program had been
mapped out. but under a call of commit
tees several measure in which th mem
be ra were especially Interested, and in soma
cases vitally concerned, were conaulered-
Wllh few exceptions they engendered the
liveliest sort of debate, and tt was dis
closed that tha force for or against them
were fully lined up for the fray.
Parliamentary tactics were freely resorted
to, with the result that five time the roll
waa called. Th first wrangle occurred oa
a resolution fixing tbs boundary line be
t wee th state of Colorado, Okiahoma
and New Mexico, whlcn was adopted by a
good majority, but aot without two roll
Th house then by a decisive vote refused
to further consider th bill providing for
arbitrary sett lament ef Ola puts betweea
employers aad employe.
Naxt tenusc ottextlloa ta th alii arawlaV
Exhibition of Owls
As an attraction during the last
week of the Corn Show we have
placed on exhibition in oar main
office several hundred beautiful
owls. Come in and see them. The
display will be of special interest to
Omaha people.
Economy Hut Coal, $6.50
For real genuine, steady service in th cook stove, no coal ex
cels this. None!
We spend in advertialng more than th profit on your first
order. If Economy Nat did not rlv satisfaction yoa would not
order again and we woald loe money.
The tact ttiat we bare thousands of Economy Not customers In
dicates that this coal m what we claim.
Yoa make money oat of the deal. too. How? By cooking; morej
mealg than you used to cook, (and maybe better one) with soma
other ooaL Economy Nut give more and better fuel value. That's
why It's real Economy and why ao many people are using It.
1614 Harney Street
43 Big Trft-t W.ssas
I 1
if i
a ;
3' :
! i !
t -