8 OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, DKCtiMHKlt 13, lim. n Gossip About Plays, Players and Playhouses T ONE had seen Alia Vaitmovt only aa Nora, tl opinion would be that aha ta moral? a fad and not a great a tress. The character of Nora Is on of tha most nprtillar ivnlvrl by ibten, Hh runa from extreme to trerae, abnormal, perhsps, In everything, except her one desire to be accounted aa n Individual entity In the general ache me of things. It la due, perhaps, to her lack Of experience that she Buffer, from the tlunted mental and moral perception that leads her Into the peculiar poaltlon that makea tha play possible. It la not en tirely unfair to tha sex to aay that In Some measure Nora represent woman'! faculty for reasoning. But thla In talf la duo mora to the eondltlon that surrounds her life than to her lack of capacity. Madame Naslmova does not make thla very clear In her Illustration of the char acter. She li artificial almost to the ut moat, and acaroely hna a sincere moment. In the lighter passages of the play she Is delightful, lor there she allows her own personality to dominate. For example, when aha plays with her children, she la little more than a cat romping with her kittens, It la the natural Impulse of ' the mother to anjoy herself with har little ernes. In thla case, perhaps, enhanced by the reflex action of mind seeking relief from tha strain brought about by a certain Vague apprehension coming from the knowl edge of tha financial burden that haa been worrying fcar. .- Tha sudden termination of this exuberant joy by tha apparition of her crime la tha change that turns Nora from a woman to bo envied Into one to be pitied, and yet Xaglmeva with all her art falls to endow Nora with that quality which should de mand and receive the spontaneous sym pathy of tha auditor. Aa tha play pro gresses thla apparent lack or sincerity be comes Its dominant note, and the serious aspect of tha role Is entirely loat In the artificiality with which it i presented until the very closing scene. At the end Naalmova again becomes the woman, and he more logical and reasoning woman, and makes her point most effectively. The contrast between thla and tha work that has preceded It is so great that one can scarcely believe it to be the achievement of the same woman. The only reasonable basis for explanation of this wide varia tion in result Is that tha character of Nora In ita development from the happy, ore less, . loving mother to the determined, thoughtful woman does not appeal directly to tha actress, and she does not give t the car necessary for Its proper Interpre tation, ' When Naxlmova ceases to be Nora and becomes Hedda, then she takes on an en tlrely different aspect and shows a vastly more Interesting phase of her art. From the moment she enters until her final exit ahe Is alowly and carefully building up the character until U becomes a truly great creation. Probably the most noteworthy achievement in this connection la that she has succeeded in dispelling the glamor of mysticism that has been thrown around ths part by other actresses or written Into It by tha erudite critics who have dealt , with It. Many, many words have been ex- . ponded In an effort to account for the ac tion of Hedda. She has been called a neu rotic. Her moodiness has been assigned to climatic insanity, duo to her physical con dition, and much debate of a pathological nature followed. If tha Naalmova inter pretation Is accurate, those learned gentle men have all been at fault, for under tha treatment of this talented Russian, Hedda Oabler becomes merely a normal woman That fs to say, she Is a woman of flesh and blood, and of life, and with aspirations and a desire to be something more than an article of furniture In her husband's house. Bhe Is married to a man who spends his wedding tour in grubbing among the musty tomes and moth-eaten manuscripts of old libraries and who enlivens their railroad Journeys by discussions on the Industrial life of the middle ages, and reports when he finally reaches home that he had had a delightful wedding trip. Delightful for the husband, no doubt, who found ample opportunity to Indulge himself In his pwn way, but how about the bride, who sud denly found tha horison of her Imagination circumscribed to tha dull, prosaic, limita tions of a poverty stricken man, whose ut. most ambition was to obtain a professor ship en whose salary ha might support a wlfef Is It any wonder that when Hedda Gabler returned as Hedda Tesman, aftor six months of such society, that she was bored and discontented and wholly desirous of doing something that would bring about a change? When ahe did reach home ahe was greeted by another man, who almost immediately proposed to her that she for sake her marriage vows. In spirit, at least While pretending to be the closest friend of ths husband, this man makea brutally frank overtures to tha wife, and then the third man cornea in the person of one with whom she had had relations of Intimate comradeship, and ahe finds that he haa turned away from her and derives his in spiration from the presence of another woman. Every hope that she had cher lshed, even to the aaddle horse, la stripped from her on the first day aftt-'f she reaches her home, and the picture of life that la stretched out before her Is certainly not one to Inspire. Even a weaker woman than Hedda would have rebelled at th situation. The men In the piuy are equally anrtnal. each being thoroughly consume J with his own vanity, looking upon himself aa the one Individual in whom la embodied all the attributes that would make a woman happy, and frankly considering Mra. Teaman aa being extremely fortunate In having the opportun.ty to devote herself sxcluslvely to such an one as he. Neither of them for a moment seems to. think that anything Is due to the woman. It is for hr to bask luxuriously In the radiance of his benig nant presence and to. vnjoy to the fullest the bkssslng of his existence. And these three men, each Impervious In his selfish ness, rondly believes that thla woman In her incur soul holds him, enahrlned. and neither ever dreams that anything furthur is due' to her. And so sits Is bedeviled by circumstances, la d'cn.ed ths sympathy site craves and .la forbidden to expand, until her aoul bruaks its bonds and she ends a thankless Ufa, accused of being insane, but probably the sanest person concerned In th play. Of Madum Naimov's art In making sll this Blear a volume might be written. There are points in com wo apparently tn tween her on personality Bd UuU of Hedda Oabler.1 Hedda U.fters In many ej sentloal regards from the other Itwea women. She has none, of ke weakness of Nora Helmer, noua of tint ' ambitions of Jiebecca West; In fact, apparently none of the characteristics that UlsUueTUUhed any of the lad.es portrayed by tae good doctor, It is probsbly this that nsa si her up as psychological tnlgui, whan shs Is ap parently t!. siiipistl tod mist va.U of them all. (v la a warmer-bloodej woota thaa tlu. ethers, and that la why Nasluiova can so completely embody the thought. the, too, U a warm-blooded crea ture wtiose ewvUons lis (loss to the su, face, the springs of whose existence are asssUf Uitttlnsj aA fttui wvHll 9Uiukl J4U under the front of neglect. .That is why she makes Hedda at present har chief character. Bhe is complete mlstreaa of all the various artifices that ran be called in to akl her art. She understands the value of a "pioture,'' and knows exactly how to arrange hey limbs and their draperies ao aa to present this picture. The Naxlmova gown may not be classic, but It Is cer tainly a great and Important adjunct to the Naxlmova success as an actress. So, also, the preparation of hands and face and the use of them. Bhe understanda Del sarte and knowa hew to make her panto mime Impressive. In fact, perhaps, the most Intense moments of the madam's life on the stage are her silent moments. She Is not still, although not speaking. There Is a peculiar eloquence In her .movement, In her gesture, In hor posture. In her look, that conveys the thought mure distinctly then the spoken word possibly could. It has been asked If Naxlmova Is an actress or a fad. The answer cannot be given directly. She may be a fad in some of the roles she undertakes, but as Hedda Gaoler she Is a great actress, and hr work in this role leaves an unsatisfied longing to Bee her In other parts to which her nature Is adaptable. During the week M'lss Elliott has added another worthy achievement to her list. This young woman, who Is rapidly estab lishing herself aa an artist of ths first rank, set her mark well in advance of anything she has yet done by her pre sentation of, Salome, The pole presents many difficulties, both phychologloal and physical and the actress who undertakes the part cannot approach It lightly. Miss Elliott took It up as she has all her other characters. In a very serious way, and has made a moat Impressive study of a peculiar '1ert. Ealome has suffered very much from prejudice due to the fact that the doath of an important religious per sonage Is directly ascribed' to her. Bhe has also suffered very largely because of her mother's reputation. This has been a notable Instance of the sin of the parents being vial ted on the children. Oscar Wilde may have thought of this when he wrols this, his strong drama. At any rate, he left ample room for clothing Salome with attributes she has hitherto been denied. Miss Elliott apparently discerned this In tention on the part of tha author, and haa made her Salome a girl In all essential regard. Salome, as she presents her, Is the. fresh Ingenuous maldoo about to bloom Into womanhood. She Is uncontamlnated by the sensuality of the court about her. Bhe la wilful, disobedient, headstrong and Imperious, just as a princess of that time doubtless was. She has little apparent regard for the feelings of those about her, seeking chiefly to gratify bar own whims and pleasures, and yet is not altogether without heart. In demanding the death of John the Baptist she Is merely following this natural bent The death "of a slave or an inferior was a ro&tUr of small consideration to the royal personage of that time, when the taste of the entire public run to the bloody exhibitions K)f the arena, and1 death was about as light a pun ishment as was ever visited on sn offender. Bhe had been attracted by this man pos sibly a whim, possibly a physical Impulse, but she had been denied by him and there fore thwarted perhaps for the ijrst time in her life. Bo her resolve that she would have her own way with him was more the outgrowth of pique than earnest desire. It so happened that Herod was willing to promise raahly and slw took advantage of this promise. After she had danced and had been paid her fee, then came the re morse and tha regret of disappointment. She had destroyed that whloh she cared for and her own death was a matter of little momeut. The story is touTwUh great ' dramatic force In language that is beautiful in its wondrous imager and poetic periods and Miss Elliott gives to these the clearest of reading. Mr. Jngrahant's Herod Is In keeping with the other work he baa dons during the season and is an excellent bit pf acting. COMEDIAN I IN TIE Y TO -TOl'H Vauaoaa fc:elJU Actor t Ut in Sew )l Xm Jtevirtil .f Kitr Gravy." JXWDON. Deo, .-(8peolal Correspond ence.) That extremely funny comedian, O. P. Huntley, who, under the management of Charles Frohman, wrote, produced and ha been aotiiiK fii Ills one musical comedy, "Tha llnnble Fhll." at ths Hicks theater. Will put up the shutters of his present premises on Pecemtwr J3 and sail for America. Beginning in New York, he will wake a tour ot the large cities In a revival of "Kitty Grey." It was this ply ,ln wbluh Huntley Jumped Into fame out of obsourlty In London some years ago under the man agement of George Kdwardss, and his play ing of the young English peer probably re mains today the beet thing he has ever done. On your side of the Atlantic ha will be remembered, of course, for his perform ance in "Ttie Three IJttle Maids." He la tha husband of Eva Kelly, one of the Amer ican actresses who came to London with ths unfortunate "American Beauty" com pany, and who will accompany him to the United States. One of the most popular members of his "Hon'ble Phil" company has bee Julia Sanderson, who will be wan dering to other pastures upon the prema tura closmg of the attraction. a After February 1 next I expect to be able to sit In a stall of the Aldwyeh thea ter In London, close my ears to the toot of the Ototor-'bQ without and my nose to the taint of the JUondon rog whloh 1 have brought In With me, and Imagine myself back in New York In the good old days when Marie Dressier used to trip on the stage of Joe Weber's music hall. For tha' generously built comedienne has taken t lung lease of the London theater and will do her beat to break the hoodoo which has settled about the house and holds on Uki srlm death. And like her old chief, Maile is associating her name with the title of Hi house. Hereafter, for an underttrm lne.4 period, it Is to be known as "The Marie Dressier Aldwyeh theater. Bhe has not revealed many of her plans, but from what I have been able to gather from her own hints and the talk of others, she will attempt to Introduce parodies or burlesque of current London attractions along the lines of the Weber as Field's productions of the last sight or nine years, as part of her evening's entertainment. For this pur pose Edgar Smith 'and Maurice Levy of the little theater on Brodwsy, are expected here at any moment indeed, may be on deck before you read this., Msrls, of course, mads a mild hit In Lon. dun some month ago when she appeared In vaudeville at the Palace theater. Sihe la, in my opinion, much too extreme in her methods to tuke lmmedately with an Eng lish audience, especially the high class aud ience that patronlxea the Palace. Bhe may far hotter when they get used to her and whro she has a strong company to act as foils for her humor. If slit can succeed In x&klr.g the AUwye'i a success she will deserve all the shekels that find their way to her bank account. Charles Frohman some time ago announced that he would not renew the lease of the bouse he held wtuta it ran out in January, and It was thought for a oag time that tha theater would have ta be taken vver by eymonr Hicks, the owner. Ifirks has so many interests that he cannot find the time to pmperly mnnajre it. As a matter of fact, the only time the house was reason ably eurs of paying under Froh man's- man sgement was when Hicks himself, supported by his wife, Kllaline Terrlss, both of whom have aa established publlo which would fol low them to Siberia, were they Inclined to make the journey, were playing there. Of course, the trouble Is largely one of situa tlon, the bouse being placed beyond the magio boundary Hne of theatrical In London. It was her that "Paid la Full," "Fanny- and the Servant Problem," "Way Down East" and "Strongheart," to mention only a few, met their Waterloo. It Is undoubt edly dus to the fact that Charles Frohman controlled the Aldwyeh and produced there so many of his Importations from America that the drama from your side of the At' lantlc has made so poor a showing of lute In Ijondon. Joseph Coyne will soon be dancing the "Merry Widow" waits snaln at Dnly'S theater, much to the relief of the hundreds of impressionable young girls who have been Inconsolable since his departure for America. Although I am aure that Coyne built -many air castles on his first appear ance in straight comedy and will naturally regret that. "The Mollusc" was not a greater success, I am also just as surs that at the first opportunity Charles Frohman will give him another, chance to prove that he oan successfully make the change that he wishes from musical comedy to legiti mate. I know that despite what anybody else may . have thought of Coyne's per formance In the Davles play, Frohman himself was fully satisfied with it and so expressed himself before the departure of Coyne and Miss Carlisle from this slje. The comedian was nervous and uncertain of his reception, as might .have been ex- parted. ' Lena Ashwell opened her Klngsway the ater with the work of a new playwright and made a success of It So she tried an other new playwright and got another suc cess with her secopd production. The third, "The Bwayboat," was ajso by a brand new author and was an artistic success, though It didn't enrich Miss Aahwell. And now she has come out with a fourth begin ner, Herman Chilton, whose "Grit" she produced this week. The author, who Is said to be an up-country manufacturer, has been shrewd enough to keep on safe, and well-tried ground that of an aristo cratic, highly strung girl forced to marry a horny-handed young carpenter because of the provisions of an eccentric will. He proves, of course, to be a strong and noble person, In contrast to the gay youth the girl wanted to marry but was obliged to throw over. That Is trite enough, and o Is some of the dialogue, but there Is good, honest work n tho play and not a little Ingenuity. The part Pf the girl gives MJss Ashwell occasional chances to show her powers and as the carpenter, Norman, McKlnnel, strengthens the growing Impression that he Is one of the half dozen really" first rate young actors on the English stage to day. Without him the play would have been a failure. JOHN AVA CARPENTER. At ne Omaha Theaters. ' Ralph Stuart, engaged as general stage director for tho Martin and Emery players which will present "The Revelation," J,he new tour act drama by Henry .Knott. ' the Uoyd 'theater, tonight and Monday evening is an actpr of note himself and was last seen In tho title roll ot "Btrongheart." The name of Mary fflAw i one to con jure with; a name that Js known wher ever art is admired and severs need and Where powerful acting is recognised. Miss Shaw Is the leading woman in the Martin and Emory players and she will have ths great emotional role In "The Revelation." Wilfred Roger, a young romantic actor of iriuig personality and exuberant force, will b seen as the lead Ins juvenile, white Adelaide Flt-Alln, Walter Horton, George x, ana uordon Mendelssohn will have roles to which they are perfectly fitted. The production for this drama is elaborate. . and built in ths best modern style. It Is costly without being vulgar In display and is tasteful s woll as expensive. The last of theBurton Holmea Travel. ogue, which Mr. Wright Kramer has been delivering at the Ioyd the last few weeks, will be given Wednesday evening. The subject of the closing number will be 'Fos, in Morocco. After the visits to the modern cHles of Europe he will now conduct us to the city of the Mqqtb, by means of beau tiful SterCODtican Views anil nrloHnal new motion pictures show us the ways of an entirely different sort of a city. The welcome accorded these lecture here has assured Omaha pf regular visits of tns Holmes Travelogues. 1 Williams and WalwTuioee dueky fav orites, who open at the Boyd theater, for three days, commencing Thursday, with a Saturday matinee, in their new musical creation, "Bandanna Ind," are the bright shining stars of the company of colored artists that have been carefully selected from among the world's greatest colored players. Williams and Walker and their company are in a class by themselves, for they have been accepted and enthuslastic ally applauded in the most exclusive theaters on Broadway, New York City, and in London, England, where they ap peared by "Royal Command." before the king and queen. A more lntereiin. .a , amusing team than Williams and Walker -,.wvU,i iu ,,g. tur nurtfl-con, pelling tlent, where on top of the earth can you find a funnl.tr or more quaint comedian than Bert Williams? Or a better dressed , more crisp and graceful actor than George Vulker? Every play they have produced has proved a suoctea. .but "Bandanna Land atands out as their greatest triumph, i be girls sre the prettiest of their race. The scenery magnificent; the ooatumts gorgeous; and for laughabje situations. Inspiring music and xA m,i,i.. comedy, it U filled to overflowing. And at the final curtain leaves the audience with a longing for more. Henry W. Ssvag.,'8 specially selected com pany of player, will g:ve (ne only author. teed version of Frans Molnar" book "The Devil, adapted to the English by Oliver Herf.M-d. After the extensive adverllalng UUs pi., nu, , eivdd nd the product Ions which havo collU.d fronj tue ,n the omasa theatergoers are doubly anxious to S e the pluy by company sp4i'ally Pr.d to give this one piece. T1 . eagement Is for two nights only at tho Boyd theater, next Sunday and Monday ve.lnga. sleat saJe ,tarl. tomorrow at o'clock. Anyone who Inclines to the belief that he hould draw aside pharisaically from folk of the footlights and ;h . . should forthwith l) Mnuulf to U.e Boyd uuaur on Ueeeij ber H. ;j bim! U and gath.'r a few hints from Frederic Thompson a mauunoti. production, "filly ef h oir cjs." New York found fcer interest ng; Chicsgo has stamped its approval as the greatest play over given there. It haa no high-sounding dissertations on love, mar riage and divorce; no acuta analysts of emotions, just a simple hoiuwty study ef aa Ignorant girl born V tna f arlaa lUs of ths circus, thrown by aeelOert Into the home of the young villaae oleraryman, swakanlnar to love, knowledge, to hope and to God. The vain endeavors of holier-than-thou church women and deacons to separate the giri and the young minister, the glad, self sacrifice of the girl when It Is born In upon her that his earner may be Imperiled by her love and the final happy ending of the simple story after the storm combine to make a more than Interesting study. Miss Edith Taliaferro will play the leading part. Rite will b surrounded by 'a very strong cast of well known players. It has boert decided to continue at the Burwood theater for another week tha production of "8alome," which has been packing the theater to Ita utmost capaolty at evry performance during the last week. The production In Its handling, costuming and mounting Is far in excess of anything the Burwood company has vet offered, and that this work cf the brilliant Oecar Wilds should have been produced Just at this time Is but a fortunate coincidence for the thousands who will come from great dis tances to the corn exporitlon, for but once before In this country (In Ban Fran cisco has this original version of ''Salome'' been produced. So Intense Is the Interest this play haa for the crowds that are nightly flocking to see It, and so snrapt are they, that It Is the usual thing to note that the orchestra has started to play the exit rousio before any Inclination Is shown by the audience to leave the theater. Te so steadfastly hold them and to make them oblivious to the fact that the end of this weird tragedy has been reached bespeaks volumes of praise for Miss Elliott and the company which surround her. The second week of the run of this piece, will be in augurated by a matinee today. There will also bo matinee on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Following the second and final week of "Salome" at the Burwood theater, tho company will offer Its bid for patronage, the week containing Christmas, an elabo rate revival of the time honored "Camille," from the French of Alexander Dumas. It was the Intention to present this great play several weeks ago, but the plans were interfered with by the prolonged runs of "The Dcvjl" and "The Girl pf the Golden West." "Btrongheart," thecoliege plsy, Is an nounced for the Krug theater, starting with matinee today, and continuing for four days, with matinee on Wednesday. Among the strongest reasons for "Strong heart's" popularity Is the fact Uiat It is clean. It shows sturdy, manly youth, as yet uncontamlnated by sordid worldllness. A presentation . of such life attracts the best, which is to say the largest, element in any community. A man of family finds In "Btrongheart" the spirit he would In culcate In his son, and which he would have his daughter admire. The engagement" "A Told In ths Hills," a melodrama of western life, will be seen for three days at the Krug, start ing Thursday. The play has a strong plot, original and cleverly conceived, and is written with drama tlo skill and literary excellence, Charmlon will ba at the Orpheuro for the week beginning matlnue today, as the head line act of another bill of advanced vaude ville. Charmlon is a Russian woman woo wears the title of "The Perfect Woman." She Is another Venus. She has developed extraordinary strength without losing her womanly grace. She gives a trapeze act in which she gives evidence of her phys ical development. Brerett Scott, the Lilli putian comedian, will be here as the Teddy Bear in "Plx Little Girls and a Teddy Bear." Mr. Scott has made a specialty of Impersonating animal. He Is funny as a Teddy bear. Six sprightly maids make merry with songs, dances and chatter. "Winning a Queen," is the title of a funny skit offored by Frank Gardiner and Lottie Vincent, '"both well known In vaudeville. The Say tons are European contortionists, who present their act in n neat stage set ting. Lewis and Green, comedians, are ex ploiting the vagaries of engaging a cook. They come to Omaha to make people laugh during the corn exposition week. Mortis) VanBorgen and Myrtle Kresho will present George W. Crepl's story of the Plains, en titled, "Where Hearts Beat True." This piece haa ths spirit of tha west and will appeal with particular force to Nebraekans. Dane Claudius and Melody Scarlet are banjo players who play some of ths "good, old tunes," with a few of tha modern com positions. Such tunes as "Darling Nellie Gray" and "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," they render with much feeling. New ktnodrome views and dally matinees a usual. ' The Cameraphone has secured the ser vices of the noted actress, Grace Cameron, the original "Dolly Dimples" girl of the famous musical success Plff, Paff, Pouf. This clever artist will be shown upon the this week's Boyd's Theater. Krug Thsatsr Burweod Theater Orphsmat Thsatsr. palm Theater.... CamerephoB Free Concerts Tbsj Musically . Inclined Publio are cordially invited to pay ns a visit any afternoon and enjoy our Piano Flayer Concerts. No charge) is inadfl and you can well spend a hour with ut when down town on a shopping trip. SCUMOLLER & MUELLER - PUKO CO. 1311-13 Famaiu St J. L BRANDE1S & SONS HalrdreBBlag Sep- Second Ploor. Hair Dressing and Maieel Waving tOe hhsmpooing ,. SOe MasHHglng and Electric Vibrator. BOo Manicuring for ladles and gentle men , . . . BOo All kinds of hair goods at lowest prices. Appoiatiuents made by phone. Why heat up our coal rcg Just to heat waU-r, when a gas beater will give fuu enough b t Mr for both in a C-w mlnuU-s. We sell them. Omaha Gas Co. screen at the Cameraphnne theater for three daya, beginning Sunday, December IS. Miss Cameron has posed for several of her latest hits. Including her greatest character song, "Good-bye Antonio.'' "The Coming Man," the funniest farce In vaudeville will also be shown In the talking pictures. A usual the several subjects of silent films fer this bill will be the very latest and of a historical, dram at lo and comedy nature, Alma Huntley, who won so much deserved praise by her rendition of the Holy City a few weeks ago, will be heard In that very pretty Illustrated song, "As Long ss the World Goes On." NEW VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY EsplsHriagr Pre)eee Vmtrr War 4 us Boeked for Com Ins; Year. Bo fsr as the outlook for discovery In the year to come Is concerned. It Is alto. gnther hopeful and Ktlroulatlng. That Peary la to win, those who know him best have unwavering confidence. Never have conditions, to the latest word, been so favorable; the errors and defects of former equipment remedied, the outlook as th Roosevelt plunged Into the pack, bidding goodby to the world, was one of promise, and while. In the Arctic, more than In any other place n the world, tha end crown ths work, never has Intelligent optimism, rot to say enthusiasm, been more justified. thaa In the present attempt. Charcot, with a new ship, with tbo fancl. ful Frenoh "Pourquol Pas" for a name, will part at Buenos Ayrea, or maybe at J Punta Arena, tn a few day from his bride oi a few months and proceed to his former j scans of work, along the outer coast of west Antarctic, where months, maybe years, will be spent m solentiflo research. A n hi former expedition, a large and completely equipped scientific staff accom pany, and th results of his work are cer tain te be of the very first importance, and In many of the most inviting and Instruct ing fields Of sclencs. But In the meantime what the English Shackleton may do on the other side of the Antarctic continent, pushing toward the pole, we shall much sooner know, for th old Newfoundlander Nlmrod Is soon to take its departure from Littleton, New Zealand, to communicate with tha explorer and learn from him the result of his work in ths field. Bhackleton, though he had troublous times, both on board and on sea, in his approach to his base of operations, will doubtless give a good account of him self, and, coupling British bulldog tenacity 'with his experience under his former leader, Bcott, of ' five years ago, may beat the record and attain the pole. The fact, how ever, that he was the only on of the party of thrse to succumb on Scott's farthest south raise misgivings as to Rbillty to endure the greater and repeated strain. In North America, Stefansson will be this winter at work along the Canadian for rorlhern coast, east or west of the Mac kenzie, extending his researches among the Eskimos (whom he already knows battel than any other white man), and altogether the outlook for next year Is one full of Interest. Then. If ons wants to sweep the horizon a little more closely, he will not fall to notice In the southeast. In the African moor and swamps, ths features of the mighty hunter, familiar In Washing ton, and if he cares to go still further into the future he will discover In 1910 Amund sen, having sold his forty-ton Gjoa of msg nelio pole and Northwest passage fame, pushing Nansen's old Ftam Into, the Arctic pack off Siberia fer a seveR.yeurs drift, maybe across ths poje, Brooklyn Standard Union. A Waralsf. Lost summer the congregation of a little kirk In' the highlands of Scotland was greatly disturbed and mystified by the ap pearance in Its midst of an old Knglieh lady who made use of an ear trumpet during ths sermon suen an instrument being entirely unknown- in those simple parts. There was mum discussion of the maT ter, and it was finally decided that one of the elders who had great local reputation as a man of parts should be deputed to Settle the question. On the next Sabbath the unconscious of fender again made her appuarance and again produced the trumpst, whereupon the chosen elder rose from his seat and marched down the aisle to where the old lady sat, and, entreating her with an up raised finger, said sternly: "The first toot ye're out!" Harper's. It Dlda't Hln Htm. St. Peter looked the newcomer over with a doubtful eye. "You were a very prominent public man on earth, 1 understand," he said. The stranger nodded. "I believe I was so considered," ha af fably replied. "You wero the subject of several Inter views In which you gave utterance to sen timents of a decidedly atrocious character," said ths saint. "One mora,iil," cried the stranger. The saint checked him. "1 know what you want to say," he re marked. "The old excuse has become very familiar- It won't help you this rime. You ment to say that you were misquoted. This way to the furnace cellar, please Cleveland plain Dealer. Attractions "The JttvelaMon" "Bandanna Z.ad" Burton Xolsaes' aSotloa riotursa "Strongheart'' "As Told in tue BiUa" , "Salome" VsodsvtUs , Moving Pictures Talking; Piotares mr bttxb FALL HATS STOW MAST ' Stephen. & Smith SOT South letn. too Vortk 16th, The H. J. Penfold Co. wi CiBas. orsiu rouov. icnprmo optxczabi ee Oar Hew Torts leases. 1408 Farnam Bt Omaha, Neb. A WANT-AD ' IN Will Get ANYTHING FOR ANYBODY BOYD'S TO-NIGHT and MONDAY Martin and Emery Players With MARY SHAW :in REVELATION Dy MR. HENRY KNOTT PRICES tSo TO St.SO 1 A BURTON Travelogues 0Hvtra)d by COLORED VIEWS WRIGHT KRAMER Wednesday "ffT,'BT,r3r in Evening at 8:13 tT isfi MOROCCO Seata 29c to 91. OO at Uox Office Thursday, Friday and Saturday Matinee Saturday MR. r. RAY COMSTOCK Pretaeinls) Williams and Walter VVtiO Made Colored Show Folks Famous. In TJieir Greateal Suecess BANDANNA LAND Th "Society Fad" of New York City ( ,, For Over Four Months A Unique Novelty in IVI uslcal Comedy Hear Bert Williams singe his new -hit, i Hoar Geo. W. Walker Bluff his "The Right Church, but the Wrong Pew" I great success, "lion Bon Buddlo. COMINO-Hsnry W. Savsae's "THE DEVIU" rnVBSsCsJ PHONES Bell, "Most ambitions thing "Ag-oln th Burwood Tfeaa-I the Burwood folks hare I tar has a pretentious oiler-1 essayed." Qmnha Mpo. ing." Ornnlm World-HcrM NOTHINO GREATER IN OMAHA, EXCEPTING Trie CORN SHOW. paelsl "Corn Shew Mstinees" Tussdsy, Thursday, Ssturdsy. ..MATINEE TODAY.. Vest Sunday (By Special CJtllOHTOlT AXaV(HsJsllVVi,tSra ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE HATIXrSB PAXLT, 8:15. STEBT VIQHT, BUS, Week Starting Matioee Today STAB 07 VATJDBTUJ.E CHARC1ION The Perfect Woman Six Littla Girls'; A Teddy Bear Management B. A. Rolfs. Featuring iivtrett Scott, late star of Lincoln Square Theatrr, New York Production of "The Teddy Bear." rnnK lottic " GARDINER & VINCENT Presenting a Spectacular Fantasy, "Winning a Ju'en," first American Appearanoe of THE SAYTONS , "In the Realm of the Alligator." LEWIS & GREEN Comedians With gome New Ideas. Martin Yio Bergen md VSyrtle Kresha In an Ideal Htory of the Plains, Entitled. "WFhere Hearts Heat True." By Geo. W. Creel. DANK MELODY CLAUDIUS & SCARLET la "The Musical Past aud Present." KINODROME Always the newest In Motion Pictures moss loo. asc soo. HE I' THEATER lBo-05o-6Oc-7&a statins Today lOo-ase-Mo 4 S,.a, Matinee Today ROBERT OAILLARD la toe World's Speediest Dnuaatie rroduetloB Strongheart III OBBAT rOOTBAXA FLAT 3"V'laVS?TMUBS.. DEC. 17 W. T. KAJTsT rrnta Princess Wah-Ta-Waso As Told z Hills Coming-GEO. SIDNEY FvTl Chicago Film Exchange America's Foremost rila Beaters S47 to S60 Brandels Bldf-i Omaha, Bee our picture at the Cameraphone Theater, Douglas and 14th Bis., Nebras ka best picture show. Talking Animated Pictures THEATER trt: BOLSflES MOTION PICTURES oj I P DouS. I5Q6 :ind. A-ISOr "Andlenees of ths Stand. tatT Hoosr eair kind. oniHhn Nffl'H. All PREVIOUS RECORDS FOR mWl M WED M3 PHOT Eta Tbt IX Til" has kscs reheated Is the cxtrcsat rear r "UWHC" V WEIRD, TERRIBLE.VET W W WITHAL . KAwLINATINU Matiass X.orna Elliott as "CAMZX.bS" Bequest of Hundrsds pf Patrons.) The Biggest Attraction 520 Free Prizes Value, SOOO.OO Visit the Jublieo Manufacturing Co's display at the , Corn . sjbew. estimste the number of kernels of corn In the glass jar on exhibition there and the 620 nearest correct guesses will receive prises abso lutely free. The first t will receive prizes of f 5.00 value. I The next 600 will receive prises pf J1.00 value. , , j The contest is frse and open to every ene. Free guessing blanks at their booth la ths ora show. The Boyd Theater School oi Acting ' A practical training school for tha stage. Rehearsals and monthly criticism performances at Lyric Theater. Advanced students form school stock company. Professional experience while studying. fclXUAH vrrOK, XHreoto W. 3. 8PB0KSS. BXaBMSS Miss Anne. Bishop (Contralto.) Teacher of Singing Studio 172 !vcnjHrt Street. Telephone Douglas 63. Jean P. Duf field TEACHER OF PIANO StudioSuite 40-6 Uoj4 Theater iiiillfling. CAMERAPHONE IhEAUK "Oauae's Creates! flcUre Shew," rrcstatlof Grace Cameron . THE "tlClSat "HUI MMfUl' T HE COMINO MAN- The funniest farce in vaudeville, fceveral interesting subjects In SI. leu I ltd ure and Illustrated Bongs. Admission. 10c; children's Be. Where to eatJ ME f.'eal Tickets Fres at Hanson's Every psrson who takes a weal at Tolf Hanson s Luuameut reeuurant may guess the number who visit there during the day Every day th nearest guess wins a luoai book. Toll Hanson's Lcnch Room The most attractive, brightest, alrleet and moat economical. luwh room lp.Ou4la,