Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1908, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Military .Ball Monday Xvening Xrom
isei to Be a Feature of Winter,"
Hotirwn Dnl(t IilmtlH
Scratching from Gifat List Woari
Mho Do Mot Acknowledge
j Their laTttntloas.
I i Dlflldence.
Site touted when he held her hand,
Frowned when he praised her charms .
But t hen he exnr1it her hps to kiss
Bho gut right up In arms,
i J , Tho Tattler.
Th Social Calendar.
MONDAY Military ball at the Home hotel
for General and Mrs. Charles Morton
nd General and Mrs. William H. Car
ter; Monday Bridge club meeting at the
hfm of Mrs. A. O. Beeson; Mr. and
Mra, C VT, I Till I. dinner; h-AHMiijld eco
nomics ' d'mrtment, Omaha. Wowian's
rlnh ton fill Mt-ft M tt rn rt 3. Ttlnlr mill
MM Nellie .Kedte Jones.
TS'KDAY Current toplrs department,
Omaha Woman's Hut rattan-ate at the
horn ot Mrs. Thomas Brown for visiting
wren speakers at the "Corn exposition;
Mr., nnd Mrs. Arthur Remington, dinner
f'-r .Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Paxton: Mrs.
Harry May, bridge party; Mr. lAlward
ClT, Qulnto club. .
(W19IJlNrIAY Mld-AVeek Bridal club
niitintr at the home of Mrs. T. I,. Davis;
I . , . t I .... fnw IWlJ..I
Schvrman of Cornell university by local
Cornell . alumni; Mrs. H i wo F.verelt
and Mrs. Leonard Kverott if Council
Bluffs, tea for Mrs. Torrey Everett; lr.
and Mrs. John I'ulver, Wednesday Night
Bridge club; Mrs. P. Retlmani K. K. K
chin, luncheon at tne tiunanaw; oiim
AJI Hwitrler, New Kensington club;
" Mra Charles Stevens, Alternate Card
dull; visiting nurse meeting; V. A. A.
dancing party,
THVrlSDAY Mrs. Samuel Burns and Mra.
Charles Koitntso, afternoon tea for Mra.
Euidman; Mihs fttbel IXikey and Mrs.
Lvrtla Morrison, b o'clock coffe; Mr. and
Mrs. A. King, Natronul Whlat elub; Mrs.
B. fT. Kjarti. matinee : part lor Vjmis
club. ., '
FRI11AY Current tuples department,
Omaha Woman's club, luncheon at Han
son a for Mrs. W: J. Bryan, Mra. Geora-e
Sheldon an. I Mra. A. 0. Wiallenbvrger,
and' the visiting woman sis-aKera of the
Coin exposition; Juulwr Bridge club meet
ing! at the home of Mra. Louis -Clarke;
Mrs D, T. Mc-Urath, H. G. U club.
SATURDAY Mrs. , Fdward Johnson, "at
homv" for Mrs. Nellie Kedile Johes of
Kalamazoo, Mich.
dckty Is making elaborate p relaxations
for the military ball, which will be given
Monday night at the Rome by .the officer
of Fort Omaha, Fort -Crook and the gen
eral taff at the headquarters tf the De-4
partraent of the Missouri. Because of the
distance of the forte frem the Rome many t
of the military people are arranging din
ner parties In Oiuaha preceding the ball,
and .many Omaha hoeta and hostesses are
planning ta entertain some af the array
folks; at dinner' before the ball. Many or
the army people will also remain in town
all night. It has been many years since
OmaHa has had a real military ball, and
the Invitations to this social function have
been !cagerly awaited Jy many of the local
society people.
The ball, will be 'ah Imposing spectacle'
and the sight 'Wilt fie beautiful and tme
long to be -remembered by those Included
In the lirvltatlon list. The Sixteenth In
fantry has paen 'Stationed at Fort Crook
for oyer a year and the officers have made
many, friends In Omaha. -
Thai committee In charge of the ball con
sists of Lieutenant W. W. Haskell, Lieu
tenant Troupe Miller. Captain Eldred War
field,! Lieutenant Mlcfaaelis and Lieutenant
In the receiving line will be General and
.Mrs. Charles' MortarC General and Mrs.
William 41. CavJ; Colonel and Mra. Cor
netlus Gardener Vt Fort Orook and Comnet
asd Mrs, William Blaaford tt Fort Omaha.
Among the out-of-town guests will be
Lieutenant W. B.' Carter, aide to General
Carter, and Mrs. Carter.. Lieutenant Carter,
wlro la aide to his father, and Lieutenant
Albert Glluiore will move to . Omaha wben
General Carter comes to succeed General
Morten, December 15.
Saturday afternoon over X0 acceptances
had been received by Lieutenant Miller, and
probably a large number more will be re
ceive before Monday evening. '
Several social affairs which had been
planned for some of the out-ef-town guests
for Monday have been postponed, and the
military ball will take precedence over all
other affairs of the dHy, bridge parties nd
luncheons being shelved for the time be
ing. Several Omaha hostesses expressed them
selves recently upon their ideas of the
thoughtluaanes vt ' some ' of -the , society
, women who do not take the time to answer
their Invitations. One hostess said that
she always remembered the bnna who came
late and also the ones Who neglected . te
answer and these names ware taken off
her' list.' Another hostess who Is plan
nlng to entertain In the near future said
she would like .to see her friend's list with
-the names' crossed off that she, too, might
omit them. So tt aeema there Is to be
a. tabooed list. At a recent 1 o'clock lunch
eon, the hostess was obliged to telephone
two guests at 11 o'clock on the day of
the party to ask them If they were going
to accept her Invitation. Ingenious ones
aro trying to suggest a remedy. One that
ounda quite feasible Is to have notes of
acceptance and notes of regrets engraved,
ao that It would only be necessary to ad
dress them, for the general excuse la "they
haven't had time.
Saturday was "Governor's Day" at tin
corn show and the courtesies commute
a Mrs, Wattle and Mrs. Arthur l.
Brandeis entertained the governor's wives
at lunch at the Omaha club, and at a txx
party at Boyd theater In the aftornoon.
Among those present were Mrs. Oarst of
Iowa, Mrs. Sheldon of Nebraska, Mrs.
Brook of-Wyoming and Mrs. Wright of
Lincoln. The courtesies committee expect
to entertain Mrs. William Jennings Bryan
In a similar manner next Saturday.
rieasares Past.
Miss Agnes "Lewis gave a fhlna shower
Saturday afternoon for Miss Ethel Lwls,
who will be one of the December brides..
A decoration cf holly was unci and games
and muoic were the amusements. Twenty
gtleats were present. "
Mrs. A. D. Brandeis, as chairman of the
courtesy committee of the Corn show, gave
a luncheon at the Omaha club Saturday,
fallowed by a matinee party- to see Madam
Nexlmova. Those present were, Mrs. Bhel
dsn and Mrs. Wright f Lincoln, Mrs.
Otirst of Iowa, Mrs. G. W. "Wattles and
Mrs. Brandeis..
The B. Lr. club met Friday afternoon
with Mrs. A. Tempany. The table was
decorated with roses and ohrysahthemums.
The members present were, Mra. F. E.
Underwood, Mra. F. A. Nelson, Mrs. "Wil
liam Faulkner, Mrs. Waheeky, Mrs. J. J.
Mullen, Mrs. Robert lohnson, Mrs. Wal
lace, Mra. Sara Faulkner, Mra. H. L. l)n
Mies Grace Barber Was pleasantly sur
prised Thursday evening by her friends In
celebration of her 18th birthday. The even
ing was pleasantly tpent with games and
music, and those present were: Misses
Cleo Elklns, Alberta Nelson, Tama 8.
The-uer, Katy Baumbach, Etbel Boone,
HalUe t'pillke, Gertrude Barber; Messrs,
Archie haner, Fred Johnson, John Dewey,
Guy Walker, John Itagllnd.
Miss Louise Lord ehtertatned at a charm
ing luncheon Saturday at her heme on
Famam afreet. The table was attractive
with pink carnations nnd srollax, and
those vresent were: Miss Mary Richard
on. Mist Catherine Grahle, Miss Marie
Zollinger, Miss Ruth Ball, Miss Bcrnlce
Edwards, Mlas May Eastman, Miss Edith
Fisher, Mlsa Margaret . Busch, Miss Louise
Kennedy, Miss Ruth Byers, Miss Dorothy
Stevens and Miss Lord.
The Sterling- "Bridge club held Its first
meeting Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. A. Stuben, Jr. Prises were wen
by Mra. Btuben, Mrs. Parmer and Mrs.
t. B. Taylor.. The members a'e Mesdames
J. .A. Stuben, Jr., T. W. Burchmore, Charles
Vorhees, Allan Parmer, J. B. Jack, J. Burr
'Taylor, J. H. Robertson, Erie T. Johnson,
D. B. Taylor, Harry U. Anderson, Charles
CUllen, Ilsrry A. Cameron, K. J. McAdams,
C. B. Liver, Oecge E. Cobb, James Alna-
cow and A. W. Hunt. .
Davis, Mra. EL W. Dixon. Mra. O. W.
Doane. Mrs. . 8. Fbote, Mrs. R. 8. 1 1 an.
Mrs. Charles Harding, Mra. Wlllard Hoe
ford, Mra. Charles Katintse, Mrs; Lhther
Kountie, Mrs. C. W. Lyman, Mrs. George
Patterson, Mrs. 3. N. II. Patrick, Mrs.
Lyman . Perley, Mrs. W. O Preston,
Mrs. J. T. Stewart 2d. Mrs. B. B. Thomas,
Mrs. C M. Wllhelm. Mrs. Henry W. Tates
and Mrs. E. U. Hart, Mrs. Joel Stewart
and Mra. Henry H. Van Brunt of Council
The members of the Current Topics de
partment of the Omaha Wdtnan'i club will
meet at Hanson's for luncheon at 1 p. m..
Friday. Mra. William Jennlngl Bryan,
Mra. George Sheldon, wife of Governor
Sheldon, and Mrs. A Mi ton C. Bhallenbcrger,
wife of the governor-elect, will be the
honor guests of the department.
The Current Trplce department of the
Omaha Woman'a club will give a muslcale
at the home of Mrs. Thomas Brown, 184
tVIrt street Tuesday evening) December it
at 8 o'clock. The women who will assist
Mrs. Ilfoar Uaadamei Edward Johnson
C W. Hayes. C. H. Chtsam, T. H. Tracy,
H. S. Rhoades, C. H. Townsend and
I. Douglas.
. Prospective Plrasttrn.
Mrs. Harry May will entertain at bridge
Tuesday for several Visiting women.
Mrs. Charles A. Btevens will be the
hostess of the Alternate Card club Wednes
day afternoon.
Mrs. Ben F. Marti will give a matinee
party Thursday afternoon for the members
of the Com Is rlub.
Miss Alice Swltzler will be the hostess
Wednesday for the meeting ef the new
kenslngton club.
Mrs. A. He;, 2114 Ttrrmey street, -will
give a . card party Tuesday oAeraeon
about )W guests will be present.
Miss Louise Lord will Issue cards this
week for a luncheon to be hren at the
Omaha club Tuesday, December 29.
Mrs. James P. Redman will entertain
the members of the K. K. K. club Wednea
day at luhchean and enrds Mt the Henshaw
One of the largest affairs of the holidays
will ba the Yale Glee club concert at the
Lyric- theater Chrletmaa night, which Is
always an enjoyable event.
Mrs. Samuel Burna and Mrs. Charles,
Kountze will be at heme Thursday after-.
noon from a to 6 tj'crock at 89 Dewey
avenue In 'honor of Mrs. Eastman. I
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Eountae will Issue
Invitations Monday for the dander party.
Which they will give Christmas night at
Chambers la honor of the Yale Glee elub.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington will give
a small dinner party Tuesday evening far
Mr. and Mrs. W.-A. Paxton. who will spend
the holidays with Mra. Paxton's mother In
the eaBt.
Miss Ethel Tukey and Mrs. Lydla Morri
son will five a 9 o'clock coffee Thursday
evening, complimentary to Mra. Bradway
of Chicago and Mra. Edwin Morrison of
Kansas City.
A dancing psrty will be given Thursday
evening at Chambers academy by th
B. T. A. Social club. The committee in
charge htcludee Messrs. S. Flrtschman,
J. T. Holland and 11. Marowlts.
Mrs. Walter T. Page win entertain at
supptr Monday evening, December 28. for
her daughter. Miss Nannie Page, who will
be home from school for the holidays.
The guests win be the debutantes and the
members oT tho school sot.
, Mr.. Robert Mackay and Mr. Lloyd
Lomax will give a dancing party New
Year's day, January 1. The guests to in
clude ' the school set. a large number of
wliom are out of the city attending dif
ferent schools and edleges and who will
return home for the holidays.'
The officers and ladies of Fort Crook
gave an enjoyable dancing party Friday
evening at the garrison when about
twenty guests from Omaha were present
The officers are planning to give a "Ball
Poudre" New. Year's eve, which will also
Include a number of guests from Omaha.
Mr. and Mra Kountae will give a dune
Ins party at Chambers' academy following
the concert In honor of the Glee club.
The patronesses for the concert are Mra.
S. X. Barkalow, Mrs. J. E. Baum, Mrs. J.
II. Butler, Mrs. Victor Caldwell, Mrs. J. C.
Cowln, Mrs. W. B. Cowln, Mrs. Frank
Crawford, Mrs. F. H. Davis. Mrs. T. I
4'mc sMid Oo (ieaals).
Miss Julia Coburn of Minneapolis Is the
guest of Miss Mabel Marr.
Mra. Y. W. Bnyles haa returned frem a
two weeks' visit In Chicago.
Mrsi W.-V. Sawyer of Rocktord, 111.,
la spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Bllah. . '
Miss Fannls Ehrman of St. Joseph Is ex
pected today to be the gunst of Miss Lena
Rehfeld for a few weeks. ' ,
Brigadier General and Mrs. William ' H.
Carter arrived Saturday and have taken
apartments nt the Paxton.
Mrs. E. 8. Westbrook, who has been visit
ing Mrs. Frank Lynch In Clrtcago for a few
days. Is expected home this Week.
Mr. Lloyd Lomax, who Is attending St.
Paul's school. Concord, N. H., Is expected
home Tharsday for the holidays.
Mr. Frederic Thomas left Saturday for
Lincoln to attend a week-end party at the
Phi Gamrrta Delta fraternity house.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Wood and Mrs.
Dnbney Miller of Wood, 8. D., spent last
week In Omaha at the Madison hotel.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Ellison and small
daughter of Klrksvllle, Mo., will Spend
the holidays with Judge and Mrs. D. M.
Mrs. Joseph Page of Victor, Colo., who
Was the guest for several weeks of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter T. Pago, left Thursday for
Kansas City.
Mr. Jo Barker will arrive Monday from
Montreal, Canada, to spend the Christmas
holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
George Barker. ,
Mr. J. C. Colt has returned from Florida
after seeing his family comfortably settled
for the winter at ' 46S Fourth avenue, St.
Petersburg, Kla. .
Miss Annette Lady, who has been attend
ing Potter college at Bowling Green, Ky.t
will arrive home on the 18th for a two
weeks' vacation.
Miss Grace Gibson ot Waverly, la., who
has been the guest of Mrs. J. P. Fowler
and also 1 Mrs. George Clarke ot Lincoln,
haa returned to her home.
Miss Mary Rlngwalt will be home from
the college of the Sisters of Bethany at
Topcka, Kan., to spend the holidays with
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ring
Walt. '
Miss Peggy Polleys of . Minneapolis and
MiSB May O'Roufke of Los Angeles, Cal.
who are guests of Miss Amy Gilmore, will
remain until, after the military ball, Mon
day evening.
' MV. Kenneth H, Peterson, who Is at
tending , Philip's academy at Andover,
Mass., wfll arrive Friday and spend the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pater
son. 181 North Fortieth street.
Mr.'ahd Mrs. Jan Janson of Christlanla
Notway, were guests of, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Crawford last Week. Mrs. Janson,
formerly Mlsa Marcla Hargls of Louisville,
Ky., Is a oollegs friend of Mrs. Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Diets will leave
Wednesday for California, accompanied
by Mrs. G. P. Diet, who will spend the
winter here. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Diets
will return - shortly to leave for a trip
around the world.
Mrs. Frank Smith and small daughter,
Befnlce, who have been spending a few
mohths as the guest of Mrs. Smith's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards, will
leave after tho holidays for their home
In the City ot Mexico.
Mrs. E. L. Lomax will leave the latter
part of January or the first of February
for New York, where she will sail for
Germany to spend some time, with her
daughter. Miss Mildred Lomax, who Is
studying vocal music In Berlin.
Mtus Margaret Whitney, who Is a senior
at "Wellesley" college, this year and the
leader of the Wellesley Glee club la ex
pected Friday to spend the holidays with
het mother, Mrs. C. W, Morton. Miss
Whitney Is studying voice culture at the
Whitney School of Music In Boston.
Mrs. Edward Wallace Lee of New York
City, formerly Miss May Dundy of Omaha
Is expected Just before Christmas to Join
her mother, Mrs. Mary H. Dundy, who
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dundy. About January 1 Mrs. Lee will
bo the guest of Mrs. William A. Redlck.
Mr. Richard Ooad, who haa been spend
ing several months on a ranch in Montana,
recently took trip to Salt Lake City,
iienver ana also points in California, re
turning home Saturday to visit his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Coad. While In Den
ver Mr. Coad was the guest of Mr. Roy
W rood.
Captain William B. Cowln, Eighth
United States cavalry, to which position
he has been recently appointed from first
lisutenant In the Third cavalry, is In
Omaha on leave, visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John C. Cowln. After the holi
days they will visit In New York.
A REAL Foreign Shop in Omaha
, Fine European Brass, Leather and Porcelain Goods.
t - !
Artistic and Dainty Novelties, to suit any taste.
Inexpensive Oddities, in Italian and Venetian Brie
abrac that show European tone and individuality.
"We bought these goods abroad, hence you can buy ex
clusive foreign novelties at very reasonable prices.
Don't forget we have
Th3 Largest and Best Selected Book Stock in the West
Whether you wish late fiction ,on illustrated volume, or
a treasured classic of the long ago, we have it.
ALL $1.50 LATE FICTION $1.08!
Book and Paper Shop
122 Sooth 15tl) Street
Social hit-Chat.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempster have
moved to their winter home. Twenty-fifth
and Dodge streets.
Mr. and Mrs A. C. Shallenberger and
Miss Shallenberger will be the guests of
Lieutenant Shallenberger for the military
Mr. Harry O'Neill, who owns larg?
ranch on the Loup river. Is planning on
moving out there .about next April. There
la 'splendid hunting and fishing and Mr
O'Neill will build som new additions. This
will be on of the few hunting lodges In the
west and the friends of Mr. O'Neill are
anticipating some pleasant house parties.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McGllton are plan
nlng a reunion of Mr. McGllton's family tor
the holidays the guests all to arrive the
day before Christmas. Those present will
be Mr. McOlltoH's slaters, Mrs. C. H.
Smith of Chicago, Mrs. John.F. Stevens
and Mr. Stevens of Freaqua Isle, Me., and
two brothers from Menorolnes, Wis., Mr. T
W. McGUtoa and Mrs. McGllton, and Mr.
John N. MoGilton and Mra. McGllton and
their father, Mr. John H. McGllton and
Mrs. McGllton, of Cedar Falls, Wis. A
busy holiday week has been planned, but
all of the affairs will bo Informal and In
clude only the members of the family.
Weddlase Kagagemeats.
The marriage ot Miss Ollvx Watbiwortit,
daughter of Mrs. Eiuina Wadsworta of
Omaha to Mr. Michael J. Kelly took place
Wednesday at the church of the Immaculau
Conception at Graottinger, la Father
Kelly officiating. After a short trip Mr.
and Mrs. Kelly will be at homo at lv
North eighteenth street.
Mis Gale Yeoman Only High School
Pupil Excelling in Needlework.
Long; List Awards la VarlOM De
partments Announced aad Grand
flwvesatakea Will B An
lotices loiter.
When the National Cotn exposition
Judges announced the list of Winners in
11 departments of the division Saturday
Miss Gals Teoman, an Omaha High school
girl, was the only Omaha girl winning in
the needle work exhibits; Mrs. Adam
Jamison won a prisa for bread mdj cl
vheat flour, and Miss Bessie Newman, W4I
Eouth Fifteenth.
Miss Yeoman's pillow is a beauty and
the Judges had a hard time to decide be
tween It and the ono exhibited by Miss
Selma Freeman of Aurora. Finally, how-
ever, Mine Freeman ' was given first aad
Miss Yeoman second. Miss Freeman wofT
a number of prlies.
The Junior sweepstakes will bo an
nounced later the following being the list
of awards announced Saturday In the Junior
City School Kxfcltrlt. ';
First, District 12, Tork, Neb., $ HV
ODen to teacher wto brinas the best ex
hibit to the National Corn expesltlon from
low a: f irst, Kiiia W aufrn. snenannoan,
Open to teacher who brings the best ex
hibit tV the National Corn exposition from
Nebraska:- First. A. E. Illldebrnnd.
Oretna, $60; second, Cora Conway, Tork,
County collective exhibit: First, York
couhty, Nebraska, ITS; second, 8rrj
couhty, Nebraska, 163; third, Hamilton
county, Nebraska, ; fourth, Flllmpro
county, Nebraska,, $26; fifth. Pawnee
county, Nebraska, tS); sixth, Jefferson
county, Nebraska: $14; seventh. Fountain
county, Indiana, $10.
Orgnnlsea Clab Exhibit.
First. School Imnrovrment club. Gretna.
$4(i0; second, Boys' and Girls Improvement
club, $140- third, York County Boys' and
i,iriH ciuo, zorK,
Shirtwaists, wash goods: First, Sem
Freedem, Aurora, $30; second, Tesstn WellSi
Gering, $a; third, Josephine Roblnsorl
M.iistare. $12 60; fourth, Koxa Howard.
Scott's Bluffs, $10.
Hand made trimmed apron: First, Vera
Rows, Scribner, $:; second, Katie Pllmack,
Uretrut, $1160; third, Anna Theservltx,
Alda, $10.
V erk anron: First. Bertha Hess. In-
dlanola, $14; second, Gertrude BrownlnR,
Gretna, $10; third, Madeline McDonald.
fieaver City. 13: fourth. Ray Harriott,
Geneva, $3; fifth, Miss Ina Atkinson, Sum
ner, 3.
Bofa- pillow cover,- wh goods! First,
Lydla Sutznass. Marlon. 111.. 150: second
Hazel Smith, Armour, $12.80; third, Helen
Hviton, York, District 34, $10.
Sofa pillow, other than wash goods; First,
Selma Fredeem, Aurora. $10; second, Gale
Yeoman, Omaha, $5.
Jumper Suit: First, Georgia Fox, Gretna,
$.ri; second, Gertrude Browning, Gretna,
$15; third, Verda Sanborn, Gretna, $12.60.
rourth, Lizzie Schnack. Gretna, $10; fifth,
Katie Wlchman, Gretna, $5.
Beat Exhibit Patching; on Plain Wool
Floored Silk and Wash Goods.
First, Selma Fredeem. Aurora. $40; sec
ond, Lizzie Schnack. Gretna. $."i0; third.
Louise Jungiobann. Gretna. IL2.W.
Best exhibit cotton darning on two ar
ticles: First," Gertrude Browning. Gretna,
$40; second, Edna G. Wolff, Mansfield, O..
$16; third, Lucille -Miller, Lincoln, $10;
fourth, Marie Stelk, Grand Island. $10.
Home made or woven rug: First, Mist
Emma Fredeem. Aurora. $M; second, Mrs.
John Woods, Minatare, $20; . third, Mrs. H.
G. Sandy, Gretna, $15..
Hand made white anron trimmed: First
Mrs. Edna J. Wolff. Mansfield. O., 14;
intra, Mrs. tt. u. nanay. trir..- sis. - r-F-est
loaf of hrd from wheat ftmir
First, Mrs. W. K. Hokten. Edlnbur. 11).,
id; seconu, Mrs. Adam Jamison, Omaha
JJ6: third. Mrs.- W. S. Kllintt. nienwnnri
la., $5; fourth, Mamie B. Woods, Florence,
' ' , '
Cora Food Products. i '
First, Bernlce Holcomb, Clay Center, til;
reeonu, urace iteming. ruirmont, 110
third, Emerson Graunkee, West Point. $S
Best Corn Bread by Girl latter 21
Years of Age.
First, Miss Ella Braentlcam, Belleville,
III., $75; second, Elaie Hans, Jefferson,
Wis.. $10; third, Ethel Bunnlll, Wlndgate,
Ind., $6; fourth, Oxark Palin, MelloV., ind.,
Best Corn Bread by Girl L'nder 21
Years of Age.
First, Agnes IMckroll, York, $76; second,
Marie Keur. Lincoln. $10: third. Anna fin-
bal, Gretna, $u; fourth, Margaret Hefftey,
uretnu. a.
Seat Corn Bread by Girl Under 21
Years at Age.
First, Bessie Newman, Omaha, 8441 South
Fifteenth, $w.
Letters to Chicago Ministers Demand
ing Money Sent by Grocer's
Clerk for Joke.
CHICAGO, Dec. 12. The mystery of the
"Knights of the White Death" letters
which were recently sent to various
clergymen and prominent citizens In this
olty, with tho threat that unless they
left large sums of money at designated
spots they, would be put to death, was
oleared up tonight, when William Pollard,
12 years old, driver of a grocer's wagon,
was arrested and confessed . to having
sent tho missives as a Joko.
Pollard blamed Conan Doyle's stories of
crime for his exploit. Fascinated by the
novelist's lurid pictures. Pollard declared
he had determined to see how they would
work out In the hands ot the Chicago
police. So he organised the "Knights of
the White Death," and with a Sherlock
Holmes' fancy wrote out a, bundle, of let
ters decorated with skull and crossbones.
The demands for money, he said, were
simply added to enliven the mystery, as
he never went to see whether the money
was left or not.
A few days ago one of the letters
reached the Rev. W. O. Waters of Grace
Episcopal church. It was accompanied by
a small box, also sent through the mall,
containing bones apparently human and
the rusty handlea of a coffin. Ten thou
sand dollars was demanded In this In
stance, the money to be left at night by
the clergyman at a lonely spot. De
tectives were posted at the place Indicated
In this letter and also at places Indicated
In similar letters sent to Rev. R. F. Rob
erta of Qulnn chapel and A. C. Dixon of
Moody Institute.
"I got the bones and coffin handles out
of a graveyard," said Pollard, according
to tho confession obtained by the post
office authorities.
"I had Intended to let the police keep
on worrying until New Year's day, when
I was going to make a confession.
"How did I get the human bones nnd
the coiflne trliumlngsT That was ay.
When they dig a new grave in Calvary
cemetery, the graves are so crowded to
gether that the side of an old grave often
caves In and portions of the interment
fall into tlia new excavation, which U then
thrown out with the new sand. At night
I went into the cemetery and gathered
these tilings. .
"After I had sent that coffin handle to
Rev. Mr. Waters I was afraid they would
trace It to Calvary cemetery because of
the cross on it. Besides those to the
clergymen I sent letters to Dr. Adxlph
Gehrman and to Assistant Chief of Police
Scheuttler, telling the latter to leave $700
In tho confessional box of St. Charlotte's
"I waa delighted when I read Dr. Dixon,
with the detectives, stood waiting klmost
all night tor the 'White Knights' to ap
pear for tho money."
Women's Suits and Cloaks at Less Than Cost
Beginning tomorrow morning as a
Special Holiday Offering we make decided
reductions of 1-3 and more from
the regular prices on our fine grades of
Cloaks and Suits. A little recklessly per'
hapwbut we'll sell themlike this?
$19.50 Values Wnw
$25.00 Values !An
$35.00 Values
$40.00 Values
$45.00 Values
$50.00 Values
' Va!ue Mm SI7.50
Now S27.50
Now S30.00
Now S35.00
$75.00 Values .Mftw;Sflnnn
We charge for alterations on these garments.
loy Furs for .GUIs
We have an immense stock of fine
furs on sale at Special Prices and can save
you 25 to 50 on your fur purchase.
Besides, you run no risk here of paying
for something you do not get The repu'
tation of this firm is a guarantee of the
quality of our furs in mink, ermine, lynx,
squirrels, toxes, wolves, etc
H. A. Grbhosky-0. K. Scof leld-Mrs. E. Hosiers
13th and Dodge Street
All Oats Ids Booms.
Strset Cars to AU Parts of ths
City. Located in Heart of City.
Everything JT.w. Prloes Reasonable.
Lao scarfs and centers, good presents.
Wslhhwider Smith, lit . Mth.
Ball Costumes
We clean ball costumes, party
dresses, opera robes, etc., without re
moving the trimming or Injuring the
color or fabric.
We take pride In the excellence ot
our work and guarantee satisfaction
or your money back.
The price for ball costumes and
party dresses Is. from $2 to $2.50. Opera
coats the same.
Wagons to all parts of the city.
Try us. ,
'Good Cleaners aud Dyers."
1013 Jones Street. Both 'Phones.
N. B. Out-of-town business receives
prompt attention, write for price list.
It III. Iwl yi J
Mrs. Cleaveland, 89, and David lleo
ou, 84, Are Paid the Last Trib
by Friends.
Funeral services were held in Omaha
Saturday afternoon for two residents of
this city who had lived out their four
score and mors years Mrs. Catherine W.
Cleaveland, k: and David Benson, 84.
Funeral services for David Benaon, who
died Thursday at the age" of 84, were held
at 2 p. ra., at the home of Ed J. Brown,
128 North Fortieth street. Rev. T. J.
Mackay officiated, and the pallbearers
were J. D. Weaver, Judge. Jacob Fawcett,
H. M. Waring, C. K. Black, Frank Par
mele and W. F. Negele. Burial was In
Forest Lawn cemetery.'
At the home of the daughter, Mrs. W. F.
Allen, lt California street, the funeral of
Mrs. Catherine W. Cleaveland, who died
Thursday at the age of 89, was held at
!:S0 o'clock. The services were In charge
of Arthur Wakeley and the following men
acted as pallbearers: William Paxton, Hil
ton Fonda, Charles George, Joseph Bald
rlge, Stockton Heth, Luther Kouutze, Frank'
Crawford, Thomas Crelgh and Joseph
Baum. Interment is to be at Qulncy, ill.,
where, the body will be taken.
' ' 1- -v
rffTTSXTTITTWrT'i'lii'i -1 Hi t ' 'WCTffiHHlffll'inffflTn) 'i iTfli "tf
The final clean up of all trimmed
hats starts on : '
at 10 A. M.
Never before was such radical
cutting on fine Millinery -2 prices,
$5 and $3.50 for Hats worth two to
three times the sale prices.
Thomas Kilpafrick & Co.
Gloves from Welnlander Smith are
Just the thing. $1T 8. th.
Bos Want Ads. Are Business Boosters.
Attractive Millinery at
Actual Cost
, As a special Inducement to Corn Show vlaltors and early Xm&t
shoppers we are placing our entire etock of attractive millinery on Bala
starting Monday morning, t actual cost.
Note Some of the Reductions
$6, 17, $8 and $9.50 HaU, tbia week
$4.60, 5 and $5.50 Hats, starting Monday,
5. SO
Hair Goods
wrrcxsg, wio, rvrrm and pomia.doum.
We match any shade of hair under the sun. Headquarters for natural
white hulr.
Coronets, puffa, first quality
Trau.foi'inutlun, fiiat quality
Clubtor l'uffs
Combing made Into puffs or i itches. Hair chains made to order. Mall
oraers suiicilea. j'upu uu iu imih hi. irwii v. any .unit).
:::::::::: :R58
, . .ta.eo to e.oo
F. M. Schadell & Company
itaa dououus STmaa