17 TUB OMAHA DAILY BET'.: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1908. t 1 4 I 4' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET! Little Change in the Wheat Situation on Local Market. BEARISH DESPITE RECENT DROP Corn Still Heavy end Ba-a:lna; Stead ily Lower and Wheat West Down on the Long Selling;. firsts, 36o at mark; rhl',a.1(li.hl currant re- ttipLs In returnable ces. 3c at murk; iirsia, iree own. inio at ran a, western current receipts, tree case. Mjvkc .-Ma.ll.HI'i Firm: Ni York full FMlml cuuice, ltH1)C. OMAHA. Dec. 11, 1908. There was but little change in the wheat Hltuatlon. Tho pit element oonUi.'les to hold bearish regardless of the big drop In the last few days. There seems to te a better demand from millers and undoubt edly the visible supply began to decrease and should place value In a stronger Dosltlon. Corn Is still tieavy and sagging steadily lower. Kocelpta of the last few days have born apparently applied on contract sal' Wheat went down on loners selling and the weak corn . market. Minneapolis mid outside markets were off a cent, helping to weaken this market. Liverpool came higher, but did not avail the bears' attack. Ixscember wheat opened at 96ic and closed at Mc. Corn proved fearfully weak and Bold lower easily with no resistance. Heavy receipts and a lack of demand, coupled with liberal country offerings, took all the gimp out of the corn valuea and the lin.p was fast. December corn opened at b2c ana cioeea at UVM. Primary wheat recelpta were 638,000 bushels and shipments were 163.000 bushels, against recelpta last year of 8S8.O00 bushels ana shipments of 490,000 bushels. Corn reoelpts were 793,000 bushels and shipments were 224,000 bushels, ugainst re ceipts last year of 4,o bushels and ship menis ol BW.UJO bushels. Clearances were 3j9,ooO bushels of corn, 6.000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 310.000 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged to d higher on wheat and unchanged to Hd lower on corn. Seaboard reported 288,000 bushel of wheat taken for export. Local range of options: Articles.) Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat , Deo.... 8614 6Vi M 9 964 May... 1 01V 1 01 Wj 9!4, 1 01 Corn Dec... 624, 62 611 61 62 May... && 66 6i W' bbft Chits Dec... 47!, 47!, 47 47V. 47 May... 6o 60 4 60 Oaakt Caana Prleea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 98c; No. 3 bard, r&97c ; No. 4 hard, Vuu86c; No. 3 spring, CORN No. 3, 64c; No. 3 yellow, 64V4c; No. a white. 5GH&6SV40. OATS No. a mixed. 47M7c: No. 3 yel low, 47V4814c; No. 3 white, 48&4tc; No. 4 white, 47(.-i7c; standard, 4ttc. RYU No. 3, 7lc; No. 3, 7oc. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 26 403 137 Minneapolis 3o4 Omaha 40 SO 40 Duluth SO. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featnree of the Trading- and Closln Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. 11. General liquidation caused extreme weakness today In the local wheat market, prices at the close being 1V1lC below yesterday's final quo tations. Corn and oat and provisions also closed weak. The wheat market was nervous during the first part of the day and at times prices were a trifle above the previous close, but during the final hour extreme weakness developed and the market closed. at almost the lowest point. The .May ue livery ranged during the day between 11.06 and. fl.07 and July between 9Sc and 31.00. The close on May was at tl.06VrU.067, and July wo. Influential selling was in evidence during the last part of the day and the big bolders were credited with selling freely, although It was difficult to determine the starting point of much of the offering. Northwestern interests were said to have sold heavily here, but much of this selling was thought to 'have been for local Interests. The weakness of coarse grains and the continuance of favorable oondi tions for the fall sown crop of wheat in . this country were depressing factors. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 310.000 bu. Corn waa weak throughout the entire ses slon. The market closed weak at almost the lowest point, with prices off V'mlo. Final quotations on December were at 67 (uxw's.o and on May tuc. Oats were weak. The market closed weak at declines of Ho to t'lc, with December 604o and May &2,&62c. Belling by local packers caused weakness In the provisions market. The weakness of corn and 6tf'10c decline in live hogs were bearish factors. The market closed weak, wan prices ioovkg lower. The leading tutures ranged as follows: NEW YOKK . K.N Kit AL MARKET notation of the Day oa Varloaa C oramodltlri. NEW YORK. Dec. 11 FLOCR-Re- celpts, 22.Mil bbis.; exports. l.3ri bbls.; market null nml lower to seil: Minne sota bakers, 34.20V4 65; winter extras, f3.6sj 4.29; winter low grades, 4.v t.ii. Hye flour, dull: fair to good. 4. 1018 4.46; choice to fancy. 34.30IU.4.6O. Wuikwheat flour, dull, at fi.3ub ler v uvunuR. BUCKWHEAT Dull; state, 81c. nominal. COKNiM islAL Harelv sieadv: fine white and yellow. ll.Btnid.iaV rna.rau il.4u4il.50: kiln dried, 13.46. HVK Hull; Mr. 4 .il.ni Kir. nominal. f. IK b. New York. BARLEY Steady: feeding. 644, t34c. c. 1. f. New fork. . WHEAT Receipts, 107,000 bu.; exports 127,5a3 bu.; spot market weak; No. red, i.ui9i.UB4t, elevator; No. 3 red, fl.oay, f. o. b. atloat: No. 1 northern. Dulutn, 3117 f. o. b. afioat; No. 3 hard, winter, 3 l.loi. Further severe losses were sus tained by the wheat market today under heavy bear pressure, coupled with small weekly clearances. - a lack of export de mand, better western crop news and stop- ioss selling. Final prices were lH'ulTkc net lower: December, closed 31.09N: May closed 11.10; July closed fl.04i. COKN Receipts, 35,4?6 bu.; spot market easy; No. 2, tic to arrive, elevator, and 67c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, t7c; No. 2 yellow, 67c, nominal. Option market was wunout transaction, closing WU'HO nei lower. December closed at 68c; May, 68'4 68o, closed at 6814c; July closed 680; Sep tember closed Wtc.' OATS Receipts. 61.000 bu.: exports, 3,129 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats. 2i to 33 pounds. 6iVi05c: natural white, 26 to 33 pounds, tVii61c; clipped white, 34 to 42 pounds, 67(fi2c. HAY Firm; No. 8, 70-&75c; good to choice, 95c. HIDES Oulet: Bogota. 20'S21'4c; Cen tral America, 21c. LEATHER Steady: acid. 237'29f WOOL Steady ; domestic fleece, 31 34c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 317.00d17.50: mess. 318. 00& 13.60; beef hams, 326. 00& 28.00; packers, $14.60 16.50: cltv. extra India mess. t26.504) 27,00; cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, f8.509.5O; pickled hams, $0.00 10.00. Lard, steady; western, $9.4utfi9.&0; refined, easy; continent, f9.7&; South America, flo.tib; compound, f6.75tii7.00. Fork, barely steady; family, $18.0uru 19.00; short clear, $20.0022.00; mesa, $ 16.60 9 16.75. TALLOW Firm: city (U per pkg.), bc: country (pkgs. free), 6'((6c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 24j6c; Japan, nominal. li UTTLlt wulct; tancy grades firm; creamery specials, 31ri3c (official price, 31c); receipts, 2.85S pkgs. CHEEbE Firm; state, lull creams, spe- clsls, 14'yi5c; Beptember, large and small, colored or white, fancy, 14c; Octo ber, large and small, best. 13'Ac: October. late mndo, small, best, 13c; good to prime, inflate; common to . fair. lo&llc; skims, full to specluls, llijns4C. EOUS unsettled: state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, 60c; fair to choice, 44'u48c; brown and mixed, fancy, 40c; fair to choice. awSHc; western firsts, KIPAc; seconds, 80iia2c. POULTRY Alive, dull: chickens. 12Uc: fowls, lii17c; turkeys, 13c. Dressed, steady; western spring chickens, 1320c; fowls, llfl4c; spring turkeys, 16(jl9c. WEATHER IN THIS GRAIJT BELT SEWYORRSTOCRS AND BONDS Gold Engagements for France Take Edge Off Speculative Temper. FEW ISSUES SHOW STRENGTH Rally t.ate la the Session Cots Down Some of the F.x treme I.oaaea Considerably. nw.7W.W5f gnld coin snd bullion, $LI.E3,S?'. gold certificates, M.2ia,3.V). REPORT Or TUB CLEARING IIOt'SB Traasaetlona of the Associated Baskl for the Week. NEW YORK. Dec. 11 rtradstrpefs bunk clearings report for the week ending He ceinlier 10 shows an aanreaate of $3.1M,39. as ssslnst $.1,623.1.1. last week and $2.273, 471. o) In the corresponding week hist ear. The following la a list ot the cities: CITIES. Cleanings. Inc. Dec. Fair and Warmer for Saturday la the Forecaat. OMAHA. Dec. 11, 1908. The low pressure, overlying the central portion of me country Thursday moiulng, nas moved eastward to the lane region ami Ohio valley. Light precipitation attended tins depression over the upper Mississippi vulley and upper lake region during Thurs day, and It la causing light, but general, rains throughout the upper Ohio valley and lower lake region this morning. Light and scattered snow flurries occurred in the up per Missouri ana upper Mississippi valleys last night. An area ot high pressure over lies the Pacific slope and mountain plateau, nd generally fair weather prevails througnout the west. Temperatures are very much higher everywhere east ot tho Mississippi river tnis morning, iney are lower west of tho river to the mountains. An area of low pressure, with rapidly ris ing tempeiature, has appeared In the ex treme northwest, and will move down over the valleys, causing warmer In this vicinity Saturday, with piouauiy tair conignt ana Saturday. Omaha record of temperature ana pre cipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: IVK Ufill I'JUO l!f Minimum temperature .... 27 25 22 33 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 isormai temperature ior looay, a ue- grees. in precipitation csince marcn NEW YORK. - Dec. 11. The running up of the arold enanB-ements for shipment to France tomorrow to the sum of $.1.9.0"0 took the edire off the speculative temper today and a cons'rersl1 unloading of stocks resulted In the latter part of the dav. Th lesson of the gold shipment was strenethened by the preliminary estimates of the week's currency movement, from which It appeared that practically no g;iln On balance from the Interior had occurred to offset the absorption or 5.91S.OOO by tho subtreasury operations of tho week. None of the gold taken for export has figured vet In the subtreaanrv onerat otis. the it feet therefore being deferred to next week s bank statements rather than In tho showing to be published tomorrow afternoon. Tho payments 'of subscriptions to tho Panama rana.1 bonds hnve not yet commenced to figure In the auhtreasiry operations, leav ing another money requirement to be met It Is not unusual for the temporary nc- cumulatlon of funds to prepare for the year ena nsoursements to make some strain on tho money market and to involve the call ing' of loans. The expandftir tendency of th loan Item of the banks also continues. With the sur plus reserve of the honks last Flnturday standing at but little over $a),iio0,niO, there was presented, by this rapid summing up of requirements, a rate of Inroad upon that sum which suddenly appeared somewhat prodigal. The fueling of confidence that the interval to the easy money markets of January could be bridged without special care in retrenchment of outlay waa some what disturbed by this development and some hasty retirements from stock com mitments followed. Tho small effect pro duced on the exchange market by the gold engagements gave an Impression of a still unfilled requirement which Indicated a likoiihood of the continuance of the gold outgo. It Is supposed that, besides the very heavy inflow from abroad of Amerl enn securities at the high prices lately pre vailing, the conduct of the speculative cam paign has Involved some largo carryings of stocks In foreign .markets with money bor rowed In those markets. With the approach of the year-end requirements foreign lend ers are disposed, It Is believed, to reduce tho accommodations of this kind. Rills are scarce In the exchange market with which to effect remittances and the shipments ot gold are found necessary to meet the occa sion. The amount of the shipment todny was limited only by the supply of bar gold procurable at the assnv of f ce and foreign bankers assume from the sustained strength of foreign exchange that gold will be shipped next week to a considerable amount. A falling off In wheat exports this week of 2.34ii,765 bushels from Inst week and In corn of 7(16,206 bushels helps to ex plain tho scarcity of exchange bl'ls. The money market became active and firmer with these developments, the demand being most notable for the shorter period. There was also less demand for mercantile paper and some Increase in the discount on this was recorded. The call money rate was stiffer, but the act'ial lending rate was but little affected. The sporadic casta of strength In the earlier stock market hnd to do mostly with speculative rumors, such as that E. H. Harrlmnn is to Join the Wabash directorate, that Chesnpetke & Ohio Is to Issue bonds and raise Its dividend. that Reading Is to raise the dividend, that me rnew iork Traction reorganisation rady to go forward with the return of the president from abroad, etc. Stiength recurred In some of these when the market rained late in the day and cut down the extreme losses considerably. nonus were irregular. Total sales, par value, $6,4f8,0O0. t'nlted States bonds were uncnangea on call. Nuiti'wr of sales an leading quotations taWft. HUh. Low. CIom, amaiKtmtteil Capper 14,50 844 ( 8:14 "" r 7n, Am. c. p. pfd in Am. Cotton Oil l,6i)0 Am. H. A U. pfd (,oo Am. les Securities 800 Deficiency 1, 3.97 Inches. Uenciency 7.04 Inches. deficiency 4.39 Inches. corresponding period In 1907, corresponding period In 1903, L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close. Yea'y. Wheat I Dec. 1 02U 1 02 1 OCrHl 1 m, 1 0214 May 1 W 1 07W 1 0a 1 06 1 07 July 9 1 OU 83 my, 99, Corn leo. 6&368i 6814 67H67H'&i 6iH May lilV(iM 63 til bl 62 July 6202 2H 61 aHXi&ii Oats Dec. 61 61 60 604 60 May &3WU-H 53H4'4 624 62Vrt.53fcas July 47 47S 47 47 47 IS 85 16 85 15 65 15 65 15 97 May 16 26 13 26 Id 00 10 00 Itt 27 LJan7 I 22 9 22 3 16 15 9 25 May 46 45 9 35 35 9 47 Ribs Jan. 8 25 8 25 8 17 8 17 8 30 May 8 66 8 66 8.46 8 46 8 67 Flour, bblf Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu ' Rye. bu Barley, bu... Cash quotations were as follows: KLOUH Easy; winter patents, $4.40(34.85; straights, ItBvilrt.fS; clears, $3.704j4.00; spring specials, $6,104)6.20; patents, $5.16'u6.4u; straights. t3.30tijH.76; bakers, $3.75ry4.oo. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 1.0&$l.o7; No. t . spring, tl.O0J'1.06; No. 3 red, $1.00Jtfl.B1. CORN No. 2, &K-yCc; No. 3 yellow, 63 OATS-No. 2, Blc; No. S white, 601j52c. RYE No. 2. 74Ui4e BA'RLEY-M3ood feeding, 59c; fair to choice malting. l(3c. tiEh.ua r i. No. 1 northwestern, $1.45. Timothy, prime, 33.S5. Clover, contract grades, 3940. PROVISIONS 8hort ribs sides (loose), i1.87Wfii3.25. Mess pork, per bbl., $14.37'ij' 14.50. Lard, per 110 lbs., 9.1iV(i9.17. abort Clear aides (boxed). 88.ti2Vu8.7a. Receipts and shipments o( flour and grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. 20,500 23,200 32.8tO 7,700 , 533.700 K&.I'OO Iel.5i0 172.7UO , 7,000 9,t)' 86,900 35,700 ,, th Produce exchange tne ouiter mar ket was steady; creameries, 22tj3oc; dairies. 3iCMDO. r.sHS, sieuy : m main, in. eluded. 24jilc; firsts. S2c; prime firsts, 33c. Cheese, strong; 14ft l&o. Kaases fltr Ural a and Provisions. VANStAS CITY. MO.. Dec. H.-WHEAT- Vifclo lower; December. 96c; May. 9tV; July 2o. Cash: No. 2 hard. tl.OMjl.iB; No. 3 hard. 7ci1.02; No. 2 red, 31.06'ul.Ot; It 01691.04. CORN i'lc lower; December, 66c; m.v H7Ue: July. 674c. Cash: No. 2 mixed fcttobiiuc: No. 8 mixed, 58c; No. 2 white, 69c; Vrt S whlla 69c. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white. 48j61c; No. 3 mixed, 4Sa&0c. DV1T 74ffi77e. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $9.75r10.00; choice prairie. $s.7ie.00; Choice alfalfa. tit KCI. Bi'TTER 8teady; creamery, Sue; packing stock. 19c. V11C8-10 lower; fresh extras. 32c; cur- von rwilntl. 27c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 75." 66.0iiO Com, bu 2100 11.000 Oata. bu 8.O0J 8,tJ0 Options at Kansas City: St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, Doc. 11. WHEAT Futures, higher: cash, firm; track, No. 2 red, cash, $l.o7V(il.084; No. 2 hard, $1.01fgl.07; May, 11.06; July, 96c. tJOKIN lwer; traca, mo. j cunn, ow, No. 2 white, 62c; May, C0c; July, 60c. OATS Lower: tracK. no. z casn, bic; jno. 2 white, 5.c; Muy62V; July, c. FLOUR bteatiy; rea winter paieuis, 416.IO; extra fancy and straight, $4. 114.70; hard winter Clear, j.oq. SEED Timothy. .&osb3-40. CORNM EAL $3.20. R RAN Steady; sacked east track, $1.02 J 1.03. HAY Steady; timothy, t&.WU-60; prairie, $9.onCil1.00. iron furnia iica i. RAOOINU 7c. HEM H TW1NE-7C. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: jobbing, $14.87. Lard, lower; prime steam, tt).7lj 9.02. Dry sat meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $9.37; clear ribs, $9.37; short leara, $9.6J. Racon, uncnangeu; Doxeu xtra shorts, $10.25; clear ribs, $10.25; Bhort lears. $H 5o. POULTRY Dull: chlcRens, Be; springs, l(ilovc; turkes, 13c; ducks, 8c; geese, uc. HUTTER Firm: creamery, .'.mnjovc. LOGS Lower, 27c, caso count. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as follows; Receipts. Shipments lour, bbls 9,000 Wheat, bu 42.000 'orn. du M.tpw Oats, bu 83.000 Mlaneapolla GrsSs Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec ll.-WHEAT-De- cember. $1.06v: May, f.l.Oi. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.0S; No. 1 northern. 1.0'c: No. 2 northern, $1.0i; No. 3 northern, tl.010 037. FLAXSEED Closed l AV. RRAN-Ill bulk. $19.0(1)19.25. KIAll'U Extremely dull; first patents, $5.5U).7r.; second patents, ta.Sofrf.S"; first clears, $1.104.20; second clears, $2.95S3.0i. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. ll.WHEAT Ppot, dull; No. 2 red western, winter, 7s lld; futures, quiet; I'ecember, sa d; March, 7s 8d: May, is id. (MK.N-fpot, sxeaay; American mixea. new (via Oniveston), ts a; futures, quiet; January, 6a 4d; March, 6s 4d. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111., Dec. 11 CORN Lower; Articles. 1 Open. I High.) Low. t Close Wheat IVcember May Corn I lecember My .. !! I I I jai 1 1 fi W fc. 1 01 twvos 'Wtii; I I 57:S7iHI 5SVR 63 57.I57',iH rhllaaelpbla Prod are Market. PHTTJIDrLPH IA. Dec. 11 BITTTBR Fteady. fair demand; western creamery 1X1G6 1riu, oo4 demand; Philadelphia 11,000 29.IHI0 9, mo 60,000 No. 2 yellow, 67V'Uo1c; No. 3 yellow. 67 4j-'ic; No. 2, 67c; No. 3, 57jo8c; No. 4, 674i67c; no grade, 53c. OATS ivower ; no. White, otmjwc; NO. white, 494!oc. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 11 WHEAT Mar ket was steady: No. 1 northern, $1.11; No. 2 northern, $1.10; May, $l.o64srj 106. asked. CORN Ixwer: May. lc bid. BARLEY Steady; standard, S&BttKc; samples, ejtWc. lluluth Grala Market. DULUTH, Dec. 11.-WHEAT-N0. 1 hard. on train, iah; to arrive. No. 1 northern, $1.07; No. 2 northern, $1.6; on track. No. 1 northern, io: no. northern, $1.0o; De cember, $1.16; May, $1.08; July, $1.08. UATS-4'u. Am. Llnseod oil Am. Looomotlvs Am. Locomotlvs pfd Am. 8. K Am. 8. R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining- Co Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd .AMantlo Coaat Lino Baltimore A Ohio Bal. & Ohio pfd , Hrookljn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific. , Central Leather , , Central Leather pfd Central of New Jeraey... Chesapeake ac Ohio Chlcaso ut. W , C, at N. W C, M, A 8t. P c, c, c. a su l. Colorado F. & I Colorado a Bo Colo. & 80. lat pfd Colo. & 80. td pfd Consolidated Oa Corn Products Delaware & Hudson Denver at Rto flrande. ... D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities .... Krle Brie 1st pfd Krle td pfd Oeaeral Electric Ot. Northern pfd Ot. Northern Ore ctfs.... Illinois Central Interborouih Met. Int. Met. pfd International Paper ...... Int. Paper pfd International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City 80 K. O. 8c. pfd Louisville A N Minn. A St. L M , 8t. P. A 8. 8. M Missouri Parltlo M., K. T M., K. A T. pfd ,. National Lead, ex-dlr..1.. New York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A W North Americas Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall Pennsvlvsnla People's Uas P.. C, C. A St. L Pressed Bteei Car Pullman Palace Car Hallway Bteel Bplinl. ... Heading . Kepubilo 8leel Republic Stoel pfd Kuik Itilsnd Co P.ock island Co. pfd b. U A 8. F. M p(d... St. Louis 8. W B'. L. 8. W. pfd.... BIiss Bheffleld 8. & outhern Psc-lflc ..t. ...... Bo. Pacific pfd Southern Railway Bo. Hallway ptd Trnneeaee (Mpper Teiaa Pacific T . St. L. A W T., 8t. L. A W. pfd t'nloa Paclflo t nloe Paclflo pfd U. 8. Rubber lT. 8. Rubber 1st pfd IT. B. Bteel V. 8. Bteel pfd I'lsh Copper Va.-Carolina Chemical .. Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd Wabash Wabaah ptd Wesiiuiibouse Electric ... Western Vnlon Wheellns A L. K Wlstonln Central Am. T. A T. Cm... Total sale tor the day, l,2in l.tOO 4s 10H 43 11' 66 '4 46,500 2'4 4(H) SXX 6'K , 2.2'y . 1,8110 . M0 6iO , St.SOO a 14 am 1104 110k I. 1 , 8.K , 16,300 . " ioo , SO, 61 10 5i0 , I.100 , IMUO 700 , 4.5'K) , 1,m) 7t) IfiO , ,800 . 4.440 , 6.I0 . 1,700 . 8.400 . 18,1H) . !,' 100 400 , 19,300 . 1.100 . 3,000 . 33.400 . 8,TU0 200 100 . t.XK) 0 . t.K . fx0 . 1,"0 100 . 1.300 . 3. "00 . M.0 too . 1.3M0 . t.ooo . 4.7' . l.t) . ifO .. 11.400 t.'.OO .. 14,600 . l.o'O 2"0 40') " ioo ..17,2i 10 200 .. 1,!"0 .. 3.7'0 ,. I'll) 700 .. 1,700 1"0 .. TO.SOO .. l.oo .. 4.SK 70 ,. 800 .. . 400 .. I.2"0 .. 101,3110 100 ino 60) .. 44,4iO .. !.' 3"0 lot) fi 17 3oH tW 674 12 17914 ir,i 40 M4 74 8N4 18 181 394 83 38 34 6"A 40 10 1444 734 14k 17 41 11 87 n 31 H a lH3t4 51 89 73 8i 1184 4"4 8S 744 143i 87i 1;k-4 lol 87 38 43 1434 MS fcti t4 40 4"H II u6'!i) 19 I.'.UO 1,80 3i0 1,400 ! i,4f) 121 1H Hi 6! 444 S 41 14 i 34 14 r54 113 47 44 'i 4tl ko j 10S 42 - 25 16 65 '90" l'H'i 131 82 31 48 7 102 110 lo vS7 177 28 iii" 67 11 17S 140 61 39 64 72 67 14 17 178 87 s: Sfi 8S 49 40 142 73 147 14 39 II 67 3! 1 37 7 U'2 61 lil 65 3 It HO 117 46 84 73 HI 36 1S 1"0 87 39 43 141 26 86 M'4 69 4) 23 62 79 12 123 fc 69 44 33 41 45 1S 94 34 107 64 112 47 4344 12 94,A) shares. 18 46 88 S' in 45 V ll8 43 36 26 16 65 109 90 lot 11 92 II 40 98 102 110 109 82 57 1 30U z:8 58 11 175 Kill 48 39 64 72 6J 1M 17 179 8 82 36 3.1 4 89 158 143 r- 147 17 41 11 66 32 Hi 88 67 L'8 61 131 65 71 80 117 46 14 73 141 35 139 lo 87 80 1T 43 141 X 8.V4 23 69 40 .1 53 78 12'i 12.) if. 680, 44 83 41 65 182 94 84 107 64 112 47 44 114 18 45 88 68 11 31 128 New York ... UhlcBKO Roston I'hlladelphla . St. ljouis Plttshnra; San Francisco Kansas City . Hultlmore .... Cincinnati .... Minneapolis ,. N'W Orleans . OMAHA l.otiiHvlile t'leveland Ietrolt Los Angeles Milwaukee Seattle St. Taul Huffalo Ilenver Indianapolis Fort Worth Providence Portland, Ore Albany Rlchrunnrl Wanlilng-ton, D. C. Spokane, Wash.... Salt Lake City Columbus St. Joseph Atlanta Memphis Tacoma Savannah Toledo, O Nashville Rochester Hartford Pes Moines Peoria Norfolk New Haven Ornnd Rapids ..... Birmingham Syracuse , Sioux City SprlnRfleld, Mass.. Kvansvllle Portland, Me Dayton Llttlo Rock , Aufruata, Oa Oakland, Cal Worcester Mobile Knoxvllle Jacksonville, Fla.. Chattanooga C harleston, n. o.. Lincoln, Neb Wilmington, Del.. Wichita Wllkesbarre Wheeling. W. Va. Fall River Davenport Kalamazoo, Topeka ... Helena ... SprlnRfleld, Youngstown . t ort wayne . New Bedford Krle. Ta Cedar Rapids, Macon Akron 1exlngton .... Rockford. 111.. Fara-o, N. D. T-owell Rina-hamton .. Chester, Pa Slonx Falls. South Bend, Rloomlnsrton, Civnton, O Oulncv Til Snrlnirfleld. O... rieeatur. Ill Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb..., .Tsrksonvllle, 111. Oklahoma Houston Galveston Columbia. 8. C. Sacramento Jackson, Miss... $1,"'."I2'J,I81 50.o! 2.V).2Jfi 0"l 33.41 lt.11.0i 31 .H 11S.742.I"! 7.6 7ii v::i ihii 20 4 S9.ua!i8 17.3 3i.i4n.) 22.8 40.2r,iiil S.s.0 27,6Tfi.ni8i 6.1 2i.73r..noo 29.4 24,011,1X10 ...... 4.9 21 4'in.0cl. I 6.6 13,537,000 ae.oa! OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle in Light Receipt, "While Prices Are About Steady. HOGS GENERALLY TEN LOWER Fat Lambs Very Active Sellers, veltn Prices Tea to Fifteen HUher Fat heep Firm and Feeders teady. (SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 11, 1X0. Hogs. Bheep. .3ti3 11. S"S Mich... 111. Ia. S D.. Inrt 111.. &).b 16. 7 2.7 15.5 2.1 .... 23.1 .... 31.7 .... 63.4 .... M.O .... 39.4 .... 37.9 .... 4.9 .... 21.0 .... 84.11.... 116.81.... 9.01.... 30.91.... 9.5 , lR.l'29,t) IS. 469.01 l' 13.37O.0" 11.6I2.0IW J2.9fi.iol 9.4'4.Oii0 10.563.OHO 7.9;2.t .4.,oni) 8.6M.O1O 13.2?5.(l 7.9'6.0ki 6.77R.OOO 1 6.814,000! 6.451.0001 7.411. COO! 6.036,000 5,lu2.i 6.047.000 6.572,000' 4.S03.POO R.OIS.O'IO 3 117.000 3.711.0011 3,3.16.000 3,4:s.oiN)j S.Oi-.e.oO'i 3.62i,0tio 2.996.0tm 2.4S4.00O 2.187,0oo 2.058.000 1. 032,000 2.7t9.0OO 1.760.000 l,9tV4.0OO 1 72,oool l702 nool 1.7t2,oill 2,210.000 1.667.000 1,4(19.000 1.423,000 1,691.000 1,669 CO 1,607.000 1.4S5.0'I0 1,295,0"0 1.222.001 l,6S8,000j 1. 247.000 1,315,0110 1,610,000 1 1.032.0K) 1.094.0t'O 1. 127.01 10 1,053.0001 9X5,(001 723.00ol 848,000 850.0001 602. 000 1 843.000) 9H6.0OOI 602 O00 74H.OOO 601.000 840.0OO 476.0001. fiol.oool 4tii nool 73.0'OI 412 nool 450.000I 674.000! 647.00! 391 000! . . ' 479.0"OI.. 340 000!.: 412.0001 2S.6'. 287.0001 1. son oool Oool 18.R10 fno 876 0001 90 0ool 419.000 10.0 3.6 Receipts mere: Cattle, Offirisl Mondav 6.245 Tficli.l Tuesday 6.Z75 s.i ojm Official Wednemlar 6.s:.9 8.9i) B.Jvfifi Official Thursday 8.6fi 3.199 2.3U Kstlmate Friday 1,677 8,4ot) 3,. 54 Five days this week....23.D61 42.4'0 26.' Sbn.e days last week....22.9Xi 65.551 44.X Same days t weeks ago. .!!!. 40? 46.7M 29,216 6ame days 8 weeks ago.. 23.213 35,81 72.190 Same days 4 weeks itgo..26.8,3 3.1.105 bi-ns Same days last year.... 22, 151 86,308 S1.876 The followlna1 table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha 1.8 10.8 11.4 12.8 66.0 .7 10.6 5.1 7.3 '28 9.4 'ii'.i 12.7 17.8 3.6 15.3 30.2 23.8 3.9 H.4 3.7 23.7 13.2 16.5 6.6 31.1 , 13.3 43.1 30.01 9.3 13.0 iilo 10.2 9.8 11.2 6.3!.. 39.01... 21.31... 19.61... I li 19.61... .V...I 1! 2.6!... 1.01... 35.61... 21.11... 13.01... 27.4!... 4.4 6.61.. 62 !.. M.6'.. 40.61.. 31.6!.. 35.1'.. I- for the ear: Cattle logs Sheep year to date, 19. 989.394 2,314. 88 2,(U8,06l The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: compared with last 1907. Inc. Dec. 1,124.064 134.67 2.149,504 1H4.M4 2,000.629 87,433 Date. I 1908. 107.1906.1906.11904.1I03-10- Dec. 1.... 6 79 6 06 4 92 Deo. 3.... 6 65 4 64 6 08 Dec. 4.... 6 69 4 63 13 4 81 Deo. 6.... 6 58 4 67 12 4 84 Deo. 6.... 4 71 6 161 4 63 Dec. 7.... 6 41 4 63 6 2l 4 92 Dec. 8.... 6 41V4 6 16 4 87, Dec. 9 ... 6 48 4 47 4 341 Deo. 10... 6 53 4 34 6 211 I Dec. 11... 6 41 4 49 6 14 4 79 Sunday. 09 6 14 ( -u 24 6 17 08 6 06 14 3 4 4ti 12 4 431 4 361 4 481 4 42 1 14 44 4 42 4 381 4 401 4 351 4 37 i 32 4 32 1 4 34 I 4 411 08 The official number nf cars of stock brought in today by each road was as follows; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H rs. C. M. & St. : Wabash Missouri Paclflo ...... Union Pacific C. & N. W., east.... C. Ac N. W west.... C, St. P. M. & a.... C li. & O.. east C, U. & O., west C, R. I. & P., east.. C, R. I. & P., west.. Illinois Central 66 6 1 M 4 32 14 9 19 3 3 124 Keep Your Money . . . at work. Do not lot a large amount II IflK It yon think yoi do not need It for noma months, it la much better to rut It to work, earning something. A 8 Certificate of Deposit Is an Ideal investment. It la safe; it brings a good income, and is available under ordinary conditions at any time, as collateral security. If you have valuable papers, Jewels, etc., these should be kept. (in a Safe Place rather than about the house or office. $S.OO a year for a Safety Box Is certainly very low Insurance and a form that you ennot afford to neglect. First National Bank of Omaha Thirteenth and Farnam St. Entrance to Safety Deposit Tanlts Is on 13th St. ers finally Rot down to business it was on the basis of a lOo decline on the a-enoral run of good hofrs. Tho common littht and Inferior grades were extremely dull anil hard to move, rockers wanting; to take off as much as 10fiil5c In some cases on that kind. A considerable proportion of the hosts sold at 36.S54-r6.50 and from that on up to $6.75 for the best. Representative sales: 15 Total recepts.. The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle Omaha Pncklni? Co.... Swift and company... Cudahy Packing Co... Carey & Benton Lobman & Kothchlld 11111 & Son K. P. Lewis J. R. Rt & Co J. H. Bulla Lk F. IIuhz It. Woti McCreary & Carey ... bum Werthlmer ...... H. F. Hamilton M. Hugerty & Co F. O. Ingliram ........ Sullivan Bros Dehmer Bros Longman & B Kingman , Smith & II Other Buyers , 91 3S98 209 1 . 64 . 47 . 14 . 1'4 6 . 33 . 27 . 61 . 6. . 40 . 12 2 . 12 . 13 15 193 Hogs. 1.213 1.803 8,451 Sheerx 641 Z16 No. At. BU. rr. No. At. flh. Pr ri 141 ... 6 00 70 144 940 5 TH 14 151 ... t 10 M 2M 140 6 45 74 14t ... t 15 f7 24 SO 4 45 H 197 40 6 ?0 S 27 ... 6 45 100 11 ... I 90 M ... 6 46 81 174 ... 4 10 74... 210 ... 5 4.1 79 2.vH 120 6 20 0 2f.l ... 6 474 gf. 1M 40 5 25 45 274 1V0 5 41 74 ! HO (li ri 7 120 t 474 81. ...... .214 ... 6 10 64 233 80 6 M 44 218 B0 6 SO 73 f 4 240 6 50 SI Ill ... 10 lit ISO 81 ill) 80 t 0 74 2K 2l 5 6H 74 20 120 6 19 74 tkl 40 t 50 75 t ... 6 SO 63 273 ... 6 60 6 IDS) 40 6 30 61 37 80 6 60 81 230 ... 6 90 4to 272 1C0 5 50 17 8"0 120 6 30 IB 303 ... 6 60 74 2114 40 6 35 43 2",4 120 t SO 80 223 160 6 3"i 25 2S6 80 6 50 7 229 ... t 35 43 24 ... 6 60 80 -iii 40 6 35 6 i4 80 6 6214 41 2W 80 6 86 40 281 M0 4 6 85 2" m 6 35 68 824 120 6 6.1 84 2"4 ... 6 33 61 334 160 6 6i 83 220 4 0 4 8t 43 ,.SSI 210 5 65 67 231 40 6 35 10 '.355 ... 5 65 63 219 80 6 35 64 311 320 6 66 63 21! ... 6 35 43 273 80 6 55 114 217 24 3 33 64 3' 80 6 0 74 23 80 I 85 65 326 8 6 60 66 342 ... 6 85 63 316 4K 6 60 76 Sf 80 I 85 60 145 180 ( 60 M 188 40 ( 35 40 3IH ... 6 60 74 Z20 80 6 40 40 863 ... 5 60 80 224 ... 3 40 48 364 ... 6 40 6C 2" ... 6 40 61 J2H 80 6 63 74 2d0 200 6 40 64 279 280 6 63 75 237 SMI 6 40 60 .166 Uri 6 85 80 244 160 6 42 S 70 318 120 6 67tt 67 225 ... 6 42V 38 352 80 ill) 76 2.15 120 6 42',, 64 313 ... 1 724 61 274 ... 5 45 60 335 120 I H 69 257 SO t 45 618 101 '648 9,323 2,798 were small Not Included In totals because containing other items than eiearinga. IStv York Money Market.. vr.w YORK. Dec. 11. MONEY On call firmer at 2'iif?3 per cent; ruling rate, 2V, Tr .nt: elnslnir bid. 2 per cent: off ere at a txrr cent. Time loans, active and firmer; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days 3iji3H per cent; six montns, awois P"r cen HTRHLINO EXCHANGE! Strong, wit ootunl hiiKlm'aa in bankers' bills at 34.84 (M.8485 for alxty-day bills and at 34.8MO for demand; commercial bills, !4.84H'n4.84. PRIMH MERCANTILE PAPER - Viiihi per cent. . SILVER Bar, 4Sqc; Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on New York bonds were as follows: V. 8. ret. ts, r. ...103 lut. Met. 4Sjs do coupon 104 h. & N. unl. 4s U. 8. 8s, res lWIt Mao. c. f. 4 do coupon M" Mei. Central 4s C. 8. 4s. res 120', do 1st lnc do coupon 121 M. & St. h 4s Am. Tobscco 4s i8 M , K. & T. 4s do 6 Vi do 2s Atchison ten. 4s 1H N. R. R. ot M. c. 4s. . 79 .102 . 84 . 834 . 224 . 844 . 8Ts . 8X . 81 . 93M .129(4 .1 . 73V, . HTi . Wi . 84 v, .104 1110 VJ . 2'4f, Y. C. g. 3'4S .IHZS'N. J. C. I. 6s .10f,No. fscltlc 4s , .96 do 3s .100HN. & W. c. 4s... .95 O. 8. L. rt.ln. 4s... . K2-S4 Penn. cr. 34s 1916 .1 do con. 4s .' . 80 Ri.atilnn sen. 4s... . 62VHp. of Cubs Os 1"JV . 60 St. L. a I. M. c. 6s.. 11144 .10H4 St. L. A 8. F. fit. 4s. 8rs . 77 St. U S. W. c. 4s.... 76s . Seabosrd A. L. 4s.. 634, . KM Bo. Psclflc 4s 91 H 86 do 1st 4s 96 89'4o. Rallwsy 5s l"7'4j 98 Texas a P. la 114 7444 T.. St. L. A W. 4s.. 824 7v, t'nlnn Psrlflo 4 1034 'lVt I do cv. 4s IO-14 104 It. 8. Strsl 5d 6s l"2Ti SSHWsbanh la 112 89S Western Wd. 4s.... 80 , 75H "W. & L. E. 4s 83 .107 Wis. Central 4a 89V4 , 82 N. Y.. N. H. & H. . (1 rv. 6a ctra 1.16 91 Lake Shore 4a 1931... 99H do sl. 4a do cv. 4s do cv. 6s Atlantic C. U 4a Ual. ft Ohio 4s.... do 8 '-is Brk. R. T. cv. 4a... Central ot Os. 6s... do 1st lnc do 24 lnc do td lnc rhsa. Ohio 4m... rhlrago A A. 3Via... C, H. & Q. n. 4s... C, R. I. a P. 4a... do col. 6a do rfdir. 4s rev. & st. L. g. 4s. Colo. Ind. 6s. Colo. MM. 4s Colo. Bo. 4s Del. H. 0V. 4s.... II. ft R. O. 4s Erls p. 1. 4s do gen. 4s limit. Val. 4V,a Jupsn 4s do 4 '4 do 2d svrles Boston Ptooks and Bonds. BOSTON, Dec. 11. Money, call losns, i "'t'H per cent; time loans, .ivi'im1 per cent. Clusing prices on stocks and bonds wore as follows: .. m Atlsntlc IT .. MS Butts Coslltlon 27 .. 8"V4Cal. A Arlaons 1I8V4 .. SI, St HS4-IS SIS ..l"!1 Centennial 34 ,.224 Copper Range Ul ..131 rialy West 1 ..130 Frsnklln 1744 ..131 Orsnby 104 ,.1S2 Greene Csnanes 11 .. 324lHle Rnvale 23 .. 44 Mssa. Mining .. ion Michigan 14 ..131V, Mohawk 69 ..129 Mont. C. it C 60 ..128't Nevsds i)Vi .. 21 Old Dominion 5x ,. uscenia ll . . 19 Tsrrot 30 ,..168 Oulncy ... 13 Shannon 17H ... 54 Tamarack 81 ,.. 64"4 Trinity 17 ,..1S4 t'nlted Copper 13 ... 6S IT. s. Mining 445, ... 14 V. 8. Oil 28 '4 ... 54 Vtah 4i 112 Victoria 8 v winona fl , Totals 1,269 CATTLE (Receipts of cattle as umal on a Friday, only sixty-one cars being reported In. That means that there Were hartHy enough cattle here to excite very much interest or make much, of a market. There aeemed to bo somo inquiry for beef cattle, but the market was without new or Interesting features. The prices for the most part seemed to be Just about steady with yesterday and the trade was sum ciently active to clean up the desirable stuff in nrettv fair season. HeaJlv- irood cows seemed to be a little strong, if anything, but the general run of cow stuff waa no more than steady and. waa the caa with steers, the market was urnctleallv featureless. The trade in feeders was very limited, as usual so near the close of the Week. A few eood cattle sold pretty well, but the heavy snowstorm that set In about the time the maiket opened would naturally limit the demand, as buyers are not anxious to load up on cattle to be carried over to next week in tlie face of a storm. uuotatloiis on cattle: uooa to cnoice corn-fed steers, 4o.4tKu7.2G; fair to good corn-fed steers, ta.4U4U4l.40; common to fair rorn-fed steers. 44.UWiil6.40: good to choice range steers, lAZ&d. 00 ; fair to good range steers, t4.0mu4.50; good to choice rorn-fed cows and heifers', H.Owa-t.66; good to choice rass cows and hellers, j.oo0..d; lair to good grass cows and hotter. U-Uo.bo; common iu lair grass cows nu nvnoio, i2.ftita.Ho: good to chotue stockers and feeders, t4.oo(6.25; fair to good stockers nd feeders. I3.7&414.00; common ao lair tnchpri and feeders. 32.76X13.76: stock heir ers. U.0UVUS.4U; veai caires, i.owiy-'i tags, etc., t3.3bi04.lso. Representative sales: 4s Atchison adj. do 4s Mex. central 4a... Atchlaon R. R do ptd Ronton A Albany.. Iioston A Maine... Iloaton Klevated .. Fltchburg pfd .... I'nlon Pacillc Am. Args. Chem.. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube... Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion I. 4V 8... (teneral Electrlo .. Masa. Kleclrlo .... do pfd Mass. Oaa I nlled Fruit t'nlted 8. MM.... do pfd V. B. Pt-l do pfd Adventurs .... Allouea Amalgamated An aona Com. Toledo Been Market. TOLKDO. D.c. 11 6EEDS Clover, cash. 15.60; Ih-oeniber, tj.671; March tober, o.lU. Alaikn, prime, 4S 85. Ulls and Hosla. OIL CITY. Pec. 11 OIIv Credit balances, tl.7s. Runs, 84.411 bbls., average 134.617 bbls.; shipments. 10t.u.'2 bbls., avi ruge 1&.6 bbls. TOLKIx". Dec. 11. Oll-Nort h Lima. 1104; ri.mtli Lima and Indiana, !. SAVANNAH. Lxci 11 OIL Turpentine, firm. 3v. K08IN Firm. Quote: B. H. ISM; E, F t3.t'7V: O. ta.lo: H. U45; I, 1115; K, 110; M, to M); N. io.15; W. O.. ti.40; W. W., tti.jo. Bank Cleariogs. OMAHA. Dec. 11. Bank clearings for to- day vere 4l.4n4.bJu.20. ana for the Curre- sponding date lust year, ti.cJti,0.64. London Stock Market. LONDON, Pec 11. American securities were quiet and steady during the early tracing today. A few stocks showed slight lot ses. but the market generally was un changed from yesterday's New York clos ing- , . . London ciosmr siockb: Consols, money... 83 Il ia m., K. T 40 do aocoual ssis-ion. i. lenirsi Ansooodl 10 Norfolk r W kl Atchisos 10" do ptd ill , pfd 104Ontsrlo a W 6 Baltimore, at Ohio. ...H2S Pennsylvania 47 Causdlan Paclflo 1 Rand Mluea 7 Chesapeake Ohio... 69 Heading 7114 i4boutnern ny xs 1S6 do pfd 61 rhlosso O. W... CM.. Mil. St. P. l) Beers penver Rio 0... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 3d pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central,... Loutcvlllo A N rULVKR Bar, steady at ii MONEy-r2i per cent. The rate of discount In the bills is :a per 11 So. Paclfto (K-dlv.).lU4, aX vntoo I'acinc n l do pfd su bSl'. 8. Steel IKl-ulv . 6KU 61 do pfd n:. 41Wath ISA, I.S So ptq 41 It,, SpanUh 4s 94 U4 Aiusl. Copper 66 ltd per ox. open mar- cent: for 39 Wolverine ... 63 North Butts 4l ..ts .. 85 )ien York Mlalag Storks. NEW YORK, Dec. ll.-Closing quotation on mining giocgs: Alice J25 Brunswick Con 3 Com. Tunnel bonds... 29 Com. Tunnel stock... 15 Con. Csl. ec Va 70 Horn Hltver " Iron Silver 1'8 OffeieJ. Leadvill Onn. Utile Chief ., Mexican Ontario Ohplr Standard Yellow Jacket I a .. 73 ..325 ..1 ..175 .. 41 Wool Market. s i'. 1.0118, uec. li. txjij Firm; me dlum grades, combing and clothing 18fT2;ic light fine. ISViltic; heavy fine, loyltic tub washed. 2JUiluc. LONDON, Dec. 11. A miscellaneous selec tion of 12,708 bales waa offered at th wool sales today. There waa a good de mand and full rates were realised, espe tUlly for greasy crosshreds, which were taken by home buyers, and scoured merinos, taken for France. Lower grade were Irregular. No. At. Pr. No. - Av. Tt. I 720 I 76 1 1447 t 44 7 1001 i 00 COWS. 748 1 35 4 ......1000 3 00 1 o8 1 40 W16 3 U0 a 962 1 46 10..... 884 3 15 12 963 S 45 8 407 I 40 8 DUO 45 , 6 940 I 40 1 948 I 45 4...'. 1061 I 40 1 8U7 3 61) 1 4 40 12 740 i 40 6 1 40 4 842 2 65 20 7W I 45 3 90 i j 6 90 i 56 5 ltKlll 2 75 11 1010 1 70 2V, 872 'i 86 1 1W0 I 76 4 1017 I 90 16 694 3 90 17 ' 914 3 00 89 Oil I 90 976 I 00 2J 1110 4 00 4 127 00 HEIFERS. j 714 I 6ti 15 714 S 30 14 736 I 00 11 M i 60 1 (63 I 30 s 4.8 I 60 BTJLLti. 1 1160 1 60 8 1475 8 10 6 1296 I 60 1 11J 4 16 1 700 8 "5 1 ltl (ill 1 600 3 75 1 1430 I 25 1 930 3 65 3....u 1360 i 30 1 10 3 86 1 1450 3 85 13i0 t 90 1 1J70 3 40 1 7M) 3 90 1 1470 8 50 1 1350 4 00 1 4..1750 4 76 1 1300 8 110 1 1440 4 2 1 1460 4 10 CALVES. i no a w i.. iso 6 so 1 2t0 3 50 8 10 6 60 I 6 3") 3 60 a 176 6 50 1 960 3 76 . 1 180 5 60 1 175 6 26 1 140 6 76 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 6 6tt) 3 25 7 7.0 3 56 1 704 8 40 6 630 a 65 4 &os 8 60 It 8UJ a 90 a 93 a 60 8 865 4 10 14.., 7t)l 3 60 4..... 1003 4 au 4 920 4 60 86 , 920 4 U a tot 4 60 U 68 4 40 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 12 feeders.. 919 4 10 13 cows 10.2 3 13 feeders.. 635 8 20 ostler Bros Utah. 53 feeders.. iW 4 10 tt feeders.. 833 3 DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Retail Demand for Holiday Goods and Winter Apparel is Attire. COLLECTIONS ARE MORE PROMPT Ample Rain Marts Idle InI In Many Section! Machinery tin lid- Operations Continue to Rapand. NEW YORK, Dec. ll.-R. O. Dun Ac Co.'s weekly review of trada tomorrow will say: Retail trade Is active In holldav goods and winter wenring apparel, while whole sale and Jobbing departments are season ably quiet, but there Is good movement on old orders and manufacturing operations are not curtailed. Ample rain In many sections has started much ldl machinery, whil statements of building permits continue to show gratify ing gains, although operations In the north west are interrupted by severe weather Mercantile collections are more prompt. SHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning were small again today and the total for the week Is running very much behind last week's record, although not very much be hind last year. The receipts this morning inciuueu somo good amors. t ne demand. as lias been the case every day tins week was t very acuve, especially ior gooa tat lambs, and the market on that kind was safely loldc higher. In fact, good western lambs sold as high as ii.Za, wiiiuli was 2oo higher than anything brought yesterday and the highest price paid on this market since last May. Sheep were also In very fair demand and everything desirable met with ready sale at strong prices. Thus strictly good western yearlings sold up to $6.00, the highest price paid since last June. There were not enough feeders In sight to talk about, but what few there were commanded steady prices. (quotations on Bheep and iambs. uooa to choice lambs, 36.85t&7.25; fair to good lambs, J6.CKKyti.86; feeding lambs, $4.&iXy 6.Hl; good to choice light yearlings, Jo.&n'flB.OO; lair to good heavy yearlings, $4.I&ii6.1o; feeding yearlings, 34.004N.50; good to choice wethers, $4.26(?i4.tj0; fair to good wethers, 34.0oii4.25; feeding wethers, 33.504.OO; good to choice ewes, 34.004j4.25; fair to good ewes, 33.264i4.00; feeding ewes, S2.004l3.25; culls and bucks, 1.0o4j2.00. Representative sales: No. Av. 41 western ewes 107 88 western lambs 71 19 western wethers 121 6 western ewes, culls 100 217 western lambs 67 44 western y'rlgs, ewes & w'thrs S4 26 western ewes, culls 35 log. western ewes 10" 7 277 western lambs 25 western lambs, oulls... 10 western ewes 266 western lambs 87 western lambs 73 western yearlings 10 western lambs, culls... lambs lambs, culls yearlings ewes lambs feeders, culls, 79 western 15 western 273 western 204 western 47 western 126 western ewes, 23 western ewes 50 western lambs, feeders, culls 276 western lambs, shorn 123 70 76 ,.87 66 73 M 87 112 85 ..90 97 55 78 Pr. 3 75 7 00 6 25 2 50 7 00 5 50 2 50 8 75 7 00 5 25 3 65 6 05 7 25 6 00 6 75 7 00 5 00 C 75 3 75 7 25 2 75 4 25 5 35 6 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoars Steady 4o Lower Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. Dec. 11. CATTLri-itecen'ui stlmated at 3.000 hea2 : ctoera. I4.WH iov., ,.w.-. 2.h04c4.6ll: tU118, i.iDtitt.ut. 8.X: stockers and leeaers. HOtJS Rdceipts est iiu.i-u i-. . . ..... 1 1 . tn 1 1 w inwer LV.i.ln B.(8r7r6.2U: butchers, tf.0WS.H7"- light mixed, tS.2.Wi6.45; choice light 60: nacKers, nfunwi bulk of sales, w-w'is.itft. PHREP AND IjAJIHb mwipis mated at 15.000 head; maraet i.t j "-p weak and for lambs strong; heP. R00i ,.00; lambs, fb.2itfii.bu; yeannm. 6 steers.. 45 cows... 9 feeders, 16 cows... 10 cows... 6 cows, . . 3 cows... 1 steer... 56 cows... CV J. Fhelan Wyo. . Svo 3 75 17 steers.... 900 SCO F. Lewis S. li. .1256 4 70 13 cows 1118 3 73 W. J. Booth Wyo. 826 4 45 28 feeders.. 871 3 bo 18 cows 6i4 4 15 7 cows 95 2 80 1 cow 1120 2 b) 1 cow 330 11. Wilson wyo. 71 .1012 . 900 E. .1140 'I'M 4 35 50 Robinson & 17 heifers,. 77 3 35 83 cows.. I feeders.. 766 2 35 980 3 70 1 bull 8,0 C. Hara-d. D. 13 cows Sf.O 3 Do 4 cows 850 2 50 1 cow 1150 3 w) 1 bull 1.70 3 UU I fveders.. 900 4 26 (ieorge Mcr'arland-8. D. 21 feeder.. 944 4 35 1 steer 380 3 75 I alter 800 3 25 1 cow...... 80 3 75 It. Anderson S. D. 17 cows 664 3 oo 6 cows 940 3 00 4 fuuders.. 75 4 50 George R. Howard Utah. 15 feeders.. 800 3 86 4 feeders., 860 3 25 63 feeders.. 863 3 75 6 feeders.. 8i3 3 00 Charles Wilson L'tali. 20 cows 9uo 3 60 6 feeders.. 968 4 16 23 feeders.. li25 4 15 W. A. Knowln-Colo. 20 heifers... 758 3 65 7 cows...:.K67 3 13 II fet-uers.. ?J 3 35 56 feeders.. iuJ 4 0J 27 hrlfttrs... 71 3 65 HOUS Kog opened very slow and dull this inoriiliix and the forenoon was very well progressed before any business of any consequence had been tiaiiaacted. Advices from all other selling points were decidedly unfavorable and packers at tins point wen determined to force a considerable reduc tton In values or leave the hogs alone. Tin result was the market was eiy slow and luU lu opening as uou-d above. When buy 3 steers., ..1066 16 cows 930 Knatt Wyo. 2 heifers.. 590 2s leers.... 1215 4 45 3 90 4 IS 2 8) 2 80 3 10 3 15 3 00 4 50 3 10 ket for short three months' bills, 24tj2&-l per cent. Treaaarr Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec 11 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3150,0uO,O00 gold reserve, sghows: Available cash, balances. Slonx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Dec. ll.-(Speclal Tele gnim.1 CATTLE Receipts, 6G0 hend; mar ket steady; tweves, 345(u7.00; fst cows and heifers. ICMu6't; butt-liars' stock, fci.Uri? 4.00; feeders. 33.O4j4i4.50; culves and year-lins-s. t'?iV(i3.75. I IOOS Receipts. 7,6of lower; range, fo.204jo.65; 4o.4fu6.tU. head; tuik market, of sales, dhad'theet's review op trade- Best Reports Come from Southwest and 1'aclfle Northwest. . NEW YORK. Dec. ll.-Ilradstreets to morrow will my: Retail and holiday trade are more in evidence thin week, and as these h:ive ex panded, business In regular wholesale nnd panded lines has quieted down, both regular retail trade and tho usuul Christmas slopping demand have not yet folly met exectutions at many points, particularly at the south, where low priced cotton is a retarding feature. Rest reports as to trado corne fn m the southwest and the spring wheat and clflc northwest. In wholesale and Jobbing there Is a disposition to go slower, pend ing a clearer view of year end distribution and Inventories. In Industrial lines the volume of orders is rufficlent to Induce manufacturers to go ahead freely. Business failures In tho United State for the week ending December 10 number 2!)8. against 31 last week; 284 In the Ilka week of 1907 ; 220 In 1906 ; 226 In 1915. and 239 In 1904. Business failures In Canada. number 60. as against 38 lust work, snrl 50 the same week of 1907. Wheat, including flour, pxnorts from th United States and Cunadii for the week ending December 10 aggr:tte 3,759.403 bushels, against 6.1T8,2 bushels lat week, and 6,1X5,673 bushels this week last year. For the twenty-four weeks ending De cember 10 this year, the exports are 104, -185,547 bushels, against 102,8.),632 In the cor rexpondlng period last year.1 Corn exports for tho week are 1.101,061 bushels, agnlnst 1,888,290 lust week, iind 476,824 in 1U17. For the twenty-four weeks ending December 10. corn experts are 6,403,759 bushels, against 22.110,171 U-ist year. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Dec. 11. Money was In strong demand on the market toduy and discount Were ehsler. On the stock exchange the settlement waa concluded satisfactorily. The markets were favorably affected by better Huropean advices and tho gold shipments from New York to Paris. Consuls and gilt-edged securities hardened nnd became more con fident. Paris buying improved, foreigners and Rp.ffira and made the elope firm. RiiRlness, however, was not large owing to new ifsues. Die Sao Paulo coffee loan Is expected next week. Americans went over parity in the fore noon. The Harrlman Issue H 17 li i n 1 n n l I no but they reacted early in the afternoon on profit taking. The receipts of the Now York owning caused renewed firmncBS and after slight weakness ihe market closed steady. Chesapeake and Ohio was a feature. PARIS. Dec ll.-Prices on the Bourse today opened firm but closed heavy BERLIN, Dec. 11. Prices' were higher on ihe Bourse today nnd trading was more steady heifers. calves, t2.50f'i f2.504i4.S5. at 30.000 head; cholco heavy 35.50ifi 31005.13; Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. U.-COTTON-Future. opened easy; December. 8.93c; Januarv. s.uic; March, K.56c; May, 8.63c; July s6- Kansas City Mre Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Deo. 11 -CATTLrV- Recilpts, 1.600 head, tnciuuing iw biu iwi u-. market steady; choice export and pressed ieef steers. o. iwns.w; mir s-'v., fi6.75: western steers, f3.wroa.oo; biock nd feeders, uj.isrwa.w'. suumri .. fh6 40; southern cows. W.BV'H.w: nanve cows, t'Z.26a4.26: native belfors. Kl.10fH6.40; bulls. tU.flfMM.m: caives. a.i.oinci.w. HOOS Receipts, io.wisj netin. marsri w 1(V- lower; ton fo.vs; duik or oa-iesv, ao.ii 5 70- heavv. f5.6nfti6.75: packing and butch- ers. fo.3ivao.iu; ngm, .t"i.wi ys-, tr, (Vi PHErir AINU liv ivtuTOl"". head; market strong; inmns. Hf""1: ewes and yearlings, S4.orvii6.0O; western vearllnga. f4.75'i6.7i; western snerp, o.5wte 4.75; stockers and feeders, fi. wqw. St. Low Is Live Stock, Market. ST. LOnS, Dec. 11. CATTLE Recelpta, 1,300 head. Including 360 Texans; maraei steady; native snipping ana expon sieera, inir,i iin-iwil tieef and butcher steers. f4.otti6.25; steers unoer j,o poiiium, e.i.iu 4!i.l0: stockers and teeaers, sj.ioot.; omi bulls, f2.7f'a:4.50; calves, ii.iMjji.nu; orH inrtlnn steers. f3.O0iftfl.50; cowl and Y,olFara 1 OfViM 50. llfVlK- KecelOIS. , lieau; l"r" riirB nnd llsrhts. ;i..'uc utt: rmcKing, LS svio.'b5: butcher and best heavy. S5.76 . , . ..ma T. 1 .. 1 Kn SHEKP A.IN V HAMHt-n"vcii" t' i btd: market strong; native muttons, n.a i4.fio: lambs. I6.MJ'7.B0: ''tills and bucka, f2.504j4.5o; stockers, 32.26113.66. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. J08EPH. Dec. 11. CATTLEV Re. t,.i ino head: market steaoy steers, 1 . . . . i . i r , . f4 60fu7.3(; cows ana neiims, t.ovuo.o, ..t.u vj) hviii rto. HOGS Receipts, o.ww neau, tuarsm "u;j. DrosDects. 10o lower; prnuauie lop, ei.ou; v.. .11. r.r ulva lfi.2ofrt50. w " . 1 . . . . . . . (h I . . . .. Arrt head: market active, steady; lambs, $5,754 7 00. Stock In Sight. Receipts of cinal western South Omaha bioux City . St. Joseph ... Kansas City St. IakiIs .... Chicago Totals live stock at the six nvarkets yesterday: prill- Cattle 3.577 6C0 8.0 1.0 to 1 3'0 , 3.000 Hogs Bh 8,4'W 7.6" i0 f.500 10.KO s.otto 30.000 e'i. 2.754 3.010 S.Otl) l.li'iO 13.II0 3,877 71.1410 21,06 W mld- 9.35c; 11. COTTON Auguni, .vt.Mc; October, 8.4oc. njioi closed ulet, 6 points lower- V " ,T"?' luc: midd lug gulf, sales, 1,500 bales. tutures closed steady; December 8R5 anuarv. 8.49c; February. S.sTc; Mirch; fv; K ''A8B7o:.la 8fi2c: June, set)? Oc tobeV S:42c tf" ' '6"C! BePtmb". -c GALVESTON. T,r n Steady at 8'4c. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 41.-COTTON-Spot, quiet; low ordinary, 4c, nominal: ordinary. 6 3-11 c. nominal: good ordlnarv 6c; low middling. 8c: middling r.v- a middling, 9.c; middling fnlr, 8Uc; fair 10tic, nominal. Iternlnts 11 7n ki... . 300.272 bales. ' ST. IXJl'IS. Dee 11 rriTwiM middling. BVfcc; sales. S bales; receipts 4 144 baes; shipments, 3,948 bales: stock Stiia bales. Metal Market. N'fW YORK. n ii-urniTa - Ixintlon tin market wna imu .i ... close easy at 131 7a d for spot and 1M 6s for futurea Local lv th. tnrk. fi8Htv,.96 . Oonper was steady In I.ndon and a shade ha her. with anni nA ..- 63 6a and futurea t ft. Jru- i lari,';t1!W-?f.i"'uh.anBed' wltn 'i8 Quoted at fl4.2IVr.14.60; electrolytic at 314 0OiM4.75 nJ,r,a."n ll3 87t4.Mi.12t4, La(, elnwd at 13 6s In Ixwidon. The lo(aJ market waa W.e8 UjpM.'&. Spelter was- quoted at a, 12s 6a In Ixindtm. lionliv .it.. w&s Quoted at tS.litvifi is imn .... changed In London, with standard foundrv quoted at 4. a 7d and Cleveland warrants at 48s 7S4d. Th local market was un changed; No. 1 foiindry northern, flT.OOffl 17.50; No. 2. Sl.7Wr1T.2; No. 1 southern and ro. l southern soft at S17.3rr.i7.7. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 11 VtKTPAiiaT-a dull, at f412: srwlter, held at S5.06. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Deo. 11. EVAPORATPn APPLES Market Is steady to firm, with fancy quoted at Smjo, choice at 7Vi4j8c, prime at UKUlo and old crop 4$p6c, auoord Ing to grade. OKIE!) FRUITS The r la a fair tnhhlnir demand for prunes, with quotations ranging irom 40 to 740 ror new crop California up to 49s to &o. and from va to 7c for Oregon 60s to 30s. Apricots are becoming scarce and prices rule strong, with prime quoted at 8Vm9-c, extra choice at loflFlOHo and fancy at llllVsc. Peaches naturally feel the strength of apricots to some extent, with choice quoted at 7a7i4o. extra choice at 74,io and fancy at 4ftllc. Raisins are unsettled, with loose Muscatel quoted at fcVtirfVse, choirs to fancy seeded at tW,c. seedb-ss at 4VlrT4c and London layers at si.BOfi run. CotTee Market. NEW YCRK. Dec. 1I.-OOFFEE Fu turea, c lowed steady, net unchanged to 10 iiolnts lower; subs were reported of ll.Oud nags. Including December, January and February at 5.10c; March, S.lPt) c; April, 6.15c. Spot coffee market dull; Rio No. T, t'v: No. 4 Hantos, 7T1;bSi'. mild, 4ulll Cordova, 9,.8U",ic. ir :M fJ U ir- : I -4 4) 1 0 n i -w