Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1908, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Only 12 DAYS For
Christmas Shopping
Only 12 DAYS For
Christmas Shopping
William Kelson Cromwell
jT, Hot
Beply to News and Wf- "r
Third Down and Forty-Seven Presents to Gain
I'rlriiri Drrrmlirr 11, 1008.
Acquitted on Charge of Murdering; Dr.
Irish Solon, Land Owner and AgTicul
Fred Eustin.
1903 December 1908
tn: vox 7IZ. itfa unf ffl. et
r - 1 2 3 4o5
GZ 8 9 101 12
13 14 15 16 1Z 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
turitt, at Corn Show.
i -
Mrs. Rice Is Released from Cmstody
bnt Chooses te Remain with
Matron at City Jail for
the Present.
Talks of Conditions in This Country
Distributed to Over Two Ired
Thousand Persons by Liquii ' r.
and Great Britain.
Neither He Nor Associates Ever Held
Any Canal Securities.
President-elect Tart In Philippines
When Canal Wu Bought Details
f Propntd Amerlcnnlsn
tlea Scheme.
NEW YORK. tec. 10. William Nelson
Cromwell today authorized the following
My attention has been called to a state
ment Issued by tile editor of the Indianap
olis News in which he attempts to reply to
tne chaigo made by President Roosevelt
tnut certain lUipmrnti made In the Indi
anapolis News, both betore and since the
1 1 nt election, and relating to the pui
chuse of the Panama canal oy the United
Males, were falee and untrue.
'1 he president said; "The News gives cur
rency to the charge that the Untied Slates
bought from American cllisens for tto.uuo,
0"U property that cost these citizens only
tl2.0uu,ti0. The statement Is false. The
I ruled States did not pay a cent of the
S-U'.OCO.uuO to any American cltlsen," etc.
From the statement Issued In reply by
the editor of the News 1 quote the follow
ing: The only man who paid any attention
to them (that Is the criticisms referred to,
elcj was Mr. Charles P. Taft, who did deny
mui. fie was in any way rrmiwi iu me ai
falr. We had no word from the president
or Mr. Taft. The other men, such as Crom
well and Morgan, who were believed to have
full Information In regard to the business,
aid nothing."
And he attempts to justify the publication
of tile false statements appearing In his
rsper by saying that they "were based
argely on statements of the New York
"Vvorld. Critlcltuns which were made over
and over again during the campaign were
utterly Ignored until today."
Umphntla Denial In October.
The reply of the editor of the News fur
nishes another proof of the Justice of the
presidents characterisations, for In the
very Journal under whose sheets It now
takes refuge, namely In the New York
World of v.ctoher 3. 19A appears an ex
plicit and unqualified denial by me of the
siory ret erred to and In which I used the.
following language:
We may expect during a heated political
contest all kinds of stories which are not
wo-ghy of notice, but this one I wish to
denounce in the strongest terms as a lying
fabrication without a shadow of truth in
It. Neither I nor any one allied with me,
either directly or Indirectly, at any time
or at any place In America or abroad, ever
bought, eoid, dealt In or ever made a p?nny
of profit out of any stocks, bonds or other
securities of either the old Panama Canal
company or the new Panama Canal com
pany or ever received for the same a single
dollar of the tO,0o9.000 paid by the United
States. I make this the most sweeping
statement that language can convey.
Am .tvrvh,,iiv connected with the affair
knows, I abstained from receiving the 40.
(N0. n W'JT wjj hands rt Washington or
New Yotk as the general counsel of the
company -and myself arranged for the pay
ment of the entire S40.UM.000 direct from the
treasury of the United States through the
bankers of the government Into the Bank
of Krance at Paris, to the credit of the
liquidators of the two companies. There
It remained subject to the order of the
liquidators until distributed by them to the
thousands of beneficiaries, and not one
dollar of It ever came to me or any one
In any way connected with me. Of course,
I do not refer to our regular compensation
a counsel.
Money Paid to Bank of France.
I wish to call attention to the fact that
on the first day of the hearings before the
committee on lnteroceanlc canals of trie
smaie of the United States in ebruary,
ii.j t .,ninariiv tnitdn an exDllclt and de
tailed statement showing how tne 40,0u0,OJ0
waa paid by tne cnneu oii nnw-e-.
Messrs? J. P. Morgan & Co. as their agents
to the Bank of Krance at Paris for account
of the new Panama Canal company and
also explaining the subsequent payment of
i.. ..u .nuiuni tn the liauldators ot tne
new Panama Canal company and to the
liquidators of the old Panama Canal com
t'any. who In turn distributed the same to
their respective stock and bond holders,
i .h,,..rM of nersons. I further
submitted to the senate committee, with
tho permission ot tne ranamm """'"""","
-,..,..r of tin dlsoositlon by
the Kepubllo of .Manama of the $100,00
paid by tne unuea diw
TLn oniintin for the payment of the
whole amount and showing the Investments
and disposition by the Panama government
of every oonar.
Amerlcanlsntion Scheme tails.
.h .nme nubllo Inquiry I further
stated with reference to the proposed
American tation of the Panama Canal
company In the year 189 and the pro
posed lurt of a syndicate for that
PPose in that year tfiat .PW
Elan never inutuied Into anything. It
was never consummated either by aub
siiiBtlon or by assent and It Is obsolete
and an Impracticable thing proved so to
be. It has no life or lorce of being,
did not exist and never has existed and is
n dead as a door nail.
That was a fruitless suggestion or the
company which came to naught ana un
der which l acted as their counsel solely.
The testimony taken by the senate com
mittee Is a public record and was avail
able to the editors of the News and the
World, and had either of them been as In
terested In publishing the truth as they
were to create a po luteal sensation they
doubtless would have taken the pains iw
have published the above facts which 1
I again denounce the statement, wher
ever published or by whomsoever naJe,
that there was a syndicate form by
American cltlsens to the Panama
canal and to sell It to the United riiatei
as absolutely and unqualifiedly fdlae and
untrue. The Anierleaiiiiallon plan whs an
entirely different matter. It was u iro
lect proposed by the company to the
rivers and harbors committee of the
house and to President McKlnley on FD
ruary X7. 1. and was formally author
ised by the board of director October
10 1889. subject to the necessary ap
proval of stockholders. The lnltia. steps
were taken by me In October, Nov-mbr
und December, 199. and a company
formed lor the purpose under the laws
of New Jersey for the purpose of carry
ing ir Inst ructions of my client.
While the certificate of Incorporation of
the Panama Canal Company of America
was filed In New Jersey, no capital ntock
except the nominal capital of S.00O set
for;h In the certificate of Incorporation
wss ever Issued and nothing further )
ever done by that company, as the recoid-i
In the off Ue of the secretary of slate of
New Jery will show. The project
adopted by the board of directors failed
of (approval by the stockholders In De
cember, 1!8. the board of director in
consequence resigned in a body and the
plun then and thtre rorever ended.
The period covered by this project waa
less than three months; not a dollar was
paid In under It nor a transaction con
ducted by the New Jersey company tor
the reason stated. The plan was dead
and abandoned over two years before tne
company finally yielded to the pressure
or the American government to sell at
Money Widely Distributed.
Now with regard to the distribution of
tlie l0.0nj.ouo. It has been made to appear
In newspaper comments that there waa
some mystery connected with the dispo
sition of this money. There was no mys
tery and never been. The fund In
question paid Into the Bank of France by
the United Utiles produced the net sunt
C4 M.0uO.Om) francs, U,J0,X franca belng
plaoed to the credit of the liquidator ot
(Continued ea Fourth Pag )
2Z 28 2930 31
VICINITY-Colder, Friday.
mil N KBRASK A Fair; colder Friday.
FOR IOWA Rain or snow, Friday;
colder. Friday.
nt Omaha I
The annual report of the. Union Pacific
railroad shows the earnings scarcely af
fected by the depression of a year ago.
rage 1
Higher eastbound transcontinental rates
will be In effect beginning In January.
par a
President-elect Taft has accepted Invi
tations for a stay of several days during
the holidays In Augusta, Ga. Fags 1
President Roosevelt says the reason
Wall street hates him Is because he has
done things. Pays a
Speaker Cannon gives expression to his
views on the waterways Improvement
question in an address to the conference
In session at Washington. Page 1
A brother of the late Francis IlirSvh
berg Identified the weapon with which
he was killed as one he bought many
years ago. Page a
Judge Parker and other attorneys argue
the Bucks stove Injunction labor test
case before the court ot appeals at
Washington. Page a
John D. Rockefeller gave a waiter a
S-cent tip and advised him to put it in the
savings bank. Page 1
A missing contract supplied tn the
Standard Oil Inquiry reveals the use of
dummies by the company In handling
competition. Page 1
Cracksmen blew the safe of the post
office at Nacora, and also robbed a lum
ber yard office, securing about 1500.
Fags 3
Ellsha Ball was killed by a fall in a
drunken row at Decatur. Pag 3
The ferryboat across Jhe Missouri river
sunk at Decatur yesterday with nine
teams on board. Vo one was drowned.
Page 3
President Castro debarked at Bordeaux
without , Opposition by the French offi
cials. Pare 1
Frank Dunlop, who cut quite a swath
In Omaha, In trouble in Denver on ac
count of business methods. Page 6
Joint line of the Union and Northern
Paclflo In Washington the cause of much
peculation In railroad circles. Page S
Sir Horace Plunkett . of Ireland de
livers a characteristic speech at the Corn
show on the question of Improvements In
the condition of farm life. Page 1
Oeneral Morton to be transferred to the
command of Fort Vancouver, Wash.
Page 4
Jury in the Davis case returns a ver
dict of not guilty. Page 1
Live stock markets. Page a
Oraln markets. Pare a
Stocks and bonds. Pare a
Arn ,m, aauea.
Koeolgn LulM.Xucaola.
UVKnPOOL. PaiiDonts
MARSEILLES... .t'alabrta
CILASOOW Corinthian
LONUON Phlladelpbla.
.Princeai Irena.
. . Vanetla.
8a inland.
. Nora Amarlks.
... Teutonic
. ItxraUn.
, Praaldant Lincoln Uurta.
Urnrr.rntatlvi ot Glnn A Co. Under
Indictment tor Attempted
Bribery In Mlasonrt.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Dec. 10. The case of
State of Missouri against Samuel W. Bur
nett. Illinois state agent for Olnn & Co.,
publishers of school and college text
books, who Is under indictment by the
rand Jury of Daviess county, charged
with attempt to bribe Prof. John L. Ander
son, superintendent of schools of Gallatin,
Mo., and a member of the county text
book commission, will be called for trial
December 14 and by agreement of the
county attorney and the attorneys for the
defense, will be continued until the April
term of the district court.
The offense charged in the Indictment is
that Burnett, who represented Olnn ft Co.
at the adoption of school books for Daviess
county In July, 1907. offered a bribe of ax
to Prof. Anderson to vote for the adop
tlon of Frye's geographies. Prof. Anderson
Indignantly refused the proffered bribe
and none of Gtnn A Co.'s text books were
adopted. Later an investigation was mad a
by a grand Jury, followed by the indict
ment of Burnett on the charje ot at
tempted bribery.
The prominence of the parties concerned
makes the case one of more than local
Interest. Prof. Anderson Is a graduate of
the State University of Missouri, waa for
merly superintendent of schools at Van
dalla. Mo., and Is one of the best known
educators in the state.
Olnn A Co. Is one of the largest school
book publishing houses, with representa
tives covering the United States and I
number ot foreign countries. While Bur
nett, their 'agent. 1s of some political Im
portance in his home city ot Springfield.
111. Burnett waa arrested in Kansas City
by Sheriff Hutcheson of Daviess county
and was later released on a bond signed
by J. C. Hlsey. formerly city superintend
ent ot schools ot Council Bluffs, but now
Missouri state agent for Olnn A Co.
Nobel I'eaee Prises.
CHRISTANIA. Dec. 10. The Nobel peace
prises wsre awarded to J. P. Arnoldsen ot
Sweden, and M. K. Bajer of Denmark.
Both the recipients are ax-parllaiuentar-Uos.
VLk Hour.
f. 5 a. m
V a. m
7 a. m
S a. m
a. m
10 a. m
A. 11 n. m
y 2 p. m
I I S p. m
Ws, the Jury , duly empanelled and
worn to well and truly try and true
dellTerance make, between the state ot
sTobraska and Charles B, Darts, the pris
oner at the bar, do find the defendant
not guilty. a. W. BIBBEK, Poremaa.
By returning this verdict after thirteen
hours of deliberation, the Jury In the
Charles E. Davis case freed Davis from
the charge of murdering Dr. Frederick
Rustln on the morning of September t and
left the death of Dr. Rustln Involved In as
deep a mystery as it was the morning he
was found dying on his front porch.
The verdict waa reached at 6:14 a, m.
Thursday, the Jury having worked dili
gently since S:15 Wednesday afternoon.
with only an hour out for dinner at t
Davis, who waa In his apartments at
the Chatham with Deputy Sheriff Ed Oard
Ipee, was notified to appear at 7:30 to
hear the verdict read, and Judge Sears,
Attorneys Uurley and Woodrough for
Davis, Frederick II. Da via. his brother,
and Tom L. Davis, his nephew, were sum
It was after S o'clock before all these
Interested were at the court room, and
Just 8:11 when Deputy District Clerk Asel
Steere read the document handed him by
the foreman. Davis and his attorneys
wore at once congratulated by their friends :
and Davis, who had been In charge of a
deputy sheriff since the Jury went out,
was released from custody. Judge Sears
spokn briefly to the Jury, thanking them
for their services.
"The verdict." he said, "Is no doubt the
one you deem proper, and I want to thank
you for your attendance, without reference
to the character of the verdict."
Judge Sears by mistake ordered the Jury
to report again for duty the next morning,
until his attention was called to the fact
the time of service of the panel had al
ready expired.
Dnrle In Ladles' Department.
Davis, the defendant, left In company
with his friends, and apparently he was
the least concerned of those In the court
room. Less than two hours after he had
been acquitted of a capital offense he was
at work unconcernedly at his place in the
ladles' department at the First National
Tho thirteen hours of balloting and de
bate that led up to the verdict was caused
by a single or at most two Jurors. After
the Jury went out two. ballots were taken
on murder in the first degree and the
vote stood 11 to 1. The Jury then went to
dinner at 6:15, returning in about an hour.
when the balloting was resumed. The
fourth ballot resulted In a unanimous ver
dict of not guilty on the first degree count.
iaUoUnc Was then resumed on tne chargi
ot murder in the second degree included In
the charge- Four ballots were taken, the
first one standing 10 to 2, the next two 11
to 1 and the fourth unanimous for acquittal.
The balloting on the manslaughter charge
lasted most of the night. The first two
ballots stood 10 to i, the next six 11 to 1.
the ninth or the nineteenth taken by the
Jury waa taken at :14 and all twelve ot
the Jurors voted for acquittal.
Abble Rice Not Accused.
While the verdict leaves the mistery un
solved. Jurors who dUcussed cautiously the
trend of the debate In the Jury room de
clared it v. a i.ot the opinion of the Jurors
that Abble Rice could have committed the
crime. The principal theory among the
Jurors was that Dr. Rub; In committed sui
cide. The absence of evidence that Davis
was In the neighborhood of the Rustln
home at the time the shooting was done
waa a weighty fact In the minds of some
of the Jurors. He was last seen at 11
o'clock, according to the evidence, a block
and a half from tho Rustln place, four
hours before the shooting.
Charles E. Davis spent an easy night In
spite of the fact h'.s fate was hanging In
the balance. He was In charge of Deputy
Sheriff Gardipee, with whom he stajed In
the sheriff's office waiting for the news
from the Jury room until 12:16 o'c.ock.
Then with the permission ot Sheriff Br al
ley they went to Davis' room at the Chat
ham, whero they talked until about 2 o'clock
and then went to bed. Davis slept well
until about 6:30, when they were roused by
a call from the court house that the Jury
had agreed. They were directed to be in
the court room at 7:30 to hear the verdict.
Davis ate a hearty breakfast and- showed
no signs ot nervousness or loss of appetite.
At the First National bank, where Day s
was found at work aoout 10 o clock, he
said he did not care to sey much for pub
Davie Expresses Himself.
"X waa confident of an acquittal all the
time," he said. "I knew I was not guilty
and I never thought fora minute that the
Jury would convict me. My confidence did
not leave me even when it failed to come
In for several hours. I slept well and did
not feel worried over the result. I feel It
was a case where I was unjustly suspected
and on account of the condition I was In
It was hard for me to remember clearly
Just what happened. It was Just like the
case of a man who waa intoxicated being
accused of doing something while he was
drunk. It would be hard (or him to tell
Just what be had been doing all the time.
It was practically the same thing, except
that I had been taking this dope or mor
phine. My health has been Improving all
the time and I am feeling well now."
J. W. Woodrough, attorney for Davis,
"It was a righteous verdict. No one could
talk to Davis five minutes without being
convinced he was Innocent."
County Attorney English was at his horns
(Continued on Second Page.)
wsxii to rarz ax.cow.ox. sttll.
The Tnlted States foveramant ex
hibit at the Vatlonal Oorn exposition.
Including the denatured alcohol still,
la located on the ssainsat floor of
the mala Auditorium at the right hand
Ida, looking aaat from Plfteeath
street. Tnos see slur It should go
through the main floor ef the Audi
tori axa half way the length of the
building- and, passing- Into the nail at
the rlsTht, descend two flights of
stairs. This still Is one of the great
exhibits and attractions of the exposition.
From the Cleveland Leader.
Speaker Cannon and Other on the
Interest ot Vavrlens Sections ot United
State tn Waterways Move
ment Will Be Folly
Bronght Ont.
WASHINGTON. Dec 10. Prominent
speakers, among them Joseph G. Cannon,
speaker of the house of representatives and
Joaqulm Nabuco, ambassador from Braxll,
addressed today's session of the National
Rivers and Harbors convention, now being
held In this city.
Ambassador Nabuco spoke on the rivers
and ports ot BraxlL w. C. 'Edwards, a
member ot the Canadian Parliament, told
of the waterway of Canada. The Atlantic
coast interest In the national rivers and
harbors policy was the subject of which
Anthony Hlgglna, former United States
senator from Delaware, addressed the con
vention, while James W. Van Cleve, presi
dent of the National Association of Manu
facturers, told of the manufacturers' In
terest in waterwayVrovement. Utilisa
tion of waterway ds a factor in trans
portation waa the Subject of an address by
J. A. Ockerson, a member ot the Mississippi
river commission. s
slon was Governor Charlea 8. Deneen of
Illinois, who told ot the work done by Il
linois In connection with Its waterways,
and Robert L. Owen, United States senator
from Oklahoma, whose topic was "Okla
homa's Interest In the Development of the
Nation's Waterways."
Cannon Explains -Attltnd.
Speaker Cannon said he agreed with the
rivers and harbors congress that the water
ways of the country must be Improved, but
he advised against what he termed unsafe
and unsound legislation with respect to the
waterway Improvements. He said that If
the rivers and harbors committee should
report a bill at this session providing for
the Issue of 11,000,000,000 worth of bonds
in the next ten years no would vote
against It because he said such a course
would beget that kind of a combination
that would put great quantities of ill
advised projects upon the country and
there would be a serious accounting there
for later on.
"I have no doubt," he said, "that some
of those people who a quarter of a century
ago tried to stamp out my political life
for voting for the rivers and harbors bill
In 1843 over the veto of President Arthur,
will say that I am a reactionary, a sort of
fly in the ointment, that I stand here In
the way. Talk Is cheap, but action Is an
other thing."
Notable Assemblage Organised by Sec
retary Ktraass Convenes.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. A notable as
semblage of representatives of the com
mercial Interests of the country was held
today at the Department of Commerce and
Labor. It was the first annual session of
the National Council of Commerce, which
was organised early in , the present year,
largely through the efforts of Secretary
Straus. About 100 delegates, representing
sixty-five chambers of commerce, boards of
trade and Industrial bodies throughout the
country, attended the session.
The fundamental idea of the organization
Is the promotion of the foreign commerce
of the United States. It is expected that
eventually the organisation will establish
permanent headquarters in this city which
will be 1n touch with all the great com
mercial and Industrial interests not only
In this country, but of the world. Plans
were formulated today looking to that end.
Increase In Membership of Committee
One of Them.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 10,-Three funda
mental changes In the rules of the house
will be considered at a meeting to be held
Friday night of the leaders in the move-
1 ment for the reform of the rules.
One of the proposed amendments is to
Increase the membership of the committee
on rules from five to fifteen so that all
portions of the country might be repre
sented. Another suggestion is that two days
each week will be set aside for the con
sideration of such bills as the member
1 may desire to call up.
The third proposition is to amend the
i rules by providing for a steering commit
tee, which shall be empowered to name
all the committees.
Reprieve tor Wit Mnrderer.
CH1CAOO Dec. 10. Governor Sherman,
whose reprieve saved Herman Blllek from
being hanged tomorrow, today granted a
reprieve till February It to Andrew Wil
liams, who also was to have been executed
tomorrow. - Williams wss convicted of wife
murder, and the reprieve was granted In
order to allow the presentation of his case
j to tb Illinois supreme court.
North Coast Limited Strikes Broken
Rail at McKensle, S. D., While
at Hlith Speed.
BISMARCK. N. D., Dec. 10.-The wreck
of the westbound North Coast Limited at
McKensle, twenty miles cast of here, last
right, may be considered one of the most
fortunate In the annals of railroading, ac
cording to railroad men. The fact that an
almost entire train, going at the rate of
fifty miles an hour, ccntainlng more than
t09 persons, could turn over and go down
a ten-foot embankment, without killing
anybody, is marvellous.
The train struck a broken rail. The hard
packed snow saved the train from destruc
tion. Eight babies on the train were not
even scratched. The most seriously In
jured are:
II. O. Williams. Allegheny, Pa., cut on
head, face, neck and body.
KnRfneer Aaron Remlcy, Colgate, N. D.,
shoulder dislocated.
William Pazen, Oshkosh, Wis., Injured In
ternally. C. D. Pease. Benton Harbor, Mich., in
jured Internally.
Arthur Doyle of Charlea Mills, N. Y..
face and hands cut.
Mrs. Montgomery of Carringtott, N. IX,
body cuL
Ben Schubert of Kankakee, I1L. badly
Judge N. C. Toung, Fargo, N. D., face
badly cut.
Miss Meta Hill, Des Moines, la., hip In
jured and, ankle broken.
Mrs. H.' W. Cullyfor. Beattle, Wastu,
leg Injf. ed.
Rev. Lavlllet, Aberdeen, Wash., back In
jured by being pinned by a closed berth.
Besides these, many others were cut and
A' Beattle preacher was thrown out of
his berth Into the berth of three women,
badly bruising the latter. The passengers
were calm and crawled out into the snow
in all kinds of attire, but soon returned
to the cars and finished dressing. The
passengers are quartered at local hotels
and hospitals.
Latest Evidence tn Hlrachbergr Case
Snpports Theory of Acci
dental Denth.
8T. LOUIS. Mo.. Dec. It). The funeral of
Francis D. Hlrschberg, Intimate friend of
Archbishop Glennon, was held from St.
Francis Xavler's Roman Catholic church
this morning, while the coroner's inquest
was resuming its inquiry in an effort to
decide whether the death was accidental
or suicidal. The full rites ot the Roman
church were used at the funeral aervtct
and the burial waa In Calvary cemetery.
Interest in the Inquest this morning cen
tered In the possibility that James M.
Frcst, brother-in-law of the dead man,
might be called to testify regarding the
revolver found in the Hlrschberg home.
Mr. Frost came to St. Louis ten days
ago from Bardstown, Ky., and last night
he told a reporter that the pistol was
one which Mr. Hlrschberg had purchased
twenty-three years ago during the streot
car strike of that period. The local police
proved inadequate to the situation and the
mayor called for volunteer officers. Mr.
Frost and his brother-in-law being among
those who responded. Beth bought police
While this statement practically forces
the abandonment of the theory that Mr.
Hlrschberg was killed by a burglar. It
has not shattered the belief of his relatives
that his death was an accident. They
point out In partial confirmation of their
view that the revolver was of the exact
type formerly used by the local p'llce, but
abandoned by them as too dangerous after
several patrolmen had been shot acci
Prealdrnt-Elect nnd Family Will
Spend Several Day In
Aatmta on Visit.
AUGUSTA, Ga., Dec. 10. It Is announced
today that President-elect Taft and family,
with tho exception ot Miss Helen, will ar
rive Friday of next week and wl:l be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Landon Thomas
until the following Monday.
Mis Helen will come from Bryn Mawr
tor the Christmas holidays. A letter from
Mr. Taft asks that he be allowed to spend
the first few days In complete rest, as he
Is greatly fatigued. His hosts therefore
snnoince that there will be no functions,
torn al cr informal, until he shall have oc
cupied the Terrltt cottage.
The president-elect wan overwhelmed
with callers, who cam to see him at the
Boardman residence, throughout the morn
ing. The list Included conference with
Clarence Dodge of Denver, W II lard
Straight, consul at Mukden; Senator
Lone and Curtis of Kansas; Wu Ting
Fang, the Chines minister; Mr. Rodgers.
the law officer of the Panama Canal;
Francis B. Looml, J. E. 8tellwagen,
chairman of the Inaugural commit
tee, and other. Mr. Taft called on Presi
dent Roosevelt shortly after noon.
At' S o'clock this afternoon he will meet
a committee of tho Transmlsslastppi con
gress at the reandeooa of Thomas T. Walsh
ot Colors-do.
Auditor Searle Estimates it Will Be
Paid by July of Next Tear.
State Officers Make Reports of Past
Blenalnm nnd Recommend
Legislation for the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 10. (Special.) The estl
mated receipts for the blennlum made by
Stale Auditor Searle, Including the receipts
of the temporary school fund, amount to
16, 664, miS, and the expenditures estimated
for the blennlum amount to !6.4e9,W7.9d,
leaving a surplus of H54.40o.23. The receipts
are estimated on a collection of 96 per cent
of the general fund levy and on other
funds actual collections. According to Mr.
Searle the floating debt of the state will
be wiped out by July 1, 190.
Following I the statement Mr. Bearlo
will have in. his biennial report, which Is
now in the hands of the printer:
At the close of the last blennlum. Novem-
oer , ivm, tne floating Interest-bearing
debt of the statu amounted to $1, Cl, ill. 81.
At the close ot the blennlum ending No
vember 30, 1808, the same amounted to I768.
478.72, showing- a decrease of 1,14.1M B for
the period. The special levy provided by
the Sheldon bill has retired tt36.123.o of
tne dent, and the balance of the decrease,
or f512,Oti8.64. arose from Increased valua
tions and new property listed. This has
been brought about by the operation of the
new revenue law. A large majority of the
county treasurers report that under the
firesent system over m per cent of tho tax
evled Is collected.
The total Income of the (reneral fund for
tne fiscal period commencing April 1, 19"9,
and ending March 81. 1U. Is t4.3S.9JS.iU.
This estimate Is based on 95 per cent of
the probable levies ef 1910 and 109, assum
ing that the assessments and levies for
these years will not dlfrer materially from
the total araeesments and levies for the
year 19H8. This estimate, being based so
nearly on a ICO per cent basis, necessitates
no estimate on that basis. The reports
heretofore have been based on 85 per cent
Instead of V per cent, hut we have done
away with that basis owtnir to the provis
ions made under the new revenue law for
'he collection of the total amount levied
lthoufth 85 per cent was a good average
, ,.r the old law.
The total assessed vslue of nil property
In the state for the year 1308 was H91.735.
464.05. and the lew for areneral fund pur
poses was 4'4 mills. The results of tho
worklnrs of the new revenue law are mnre
gratifying each year. We find more equit
able assessments and more property re
turned for asesment eacn year,
To the estimated Income rrom levies or
19-li10 hna been sdded a conservative eitl -
mate of the Income from back taxes and
miscellaneous siurces. Against the estl
mated general fund of M.?S9, 923.64 are pined
the estimated requirements for the
period commencing April 1, l'JOO. amounting
to t&,191,46.09, churegublo to the general
As usual the estlmnted expenses for the
next blennlum exceed the estimated re
ccipts. In this Instance by J7ll.4!i7.4S. It will
be necessary for the Ic-frixlature to carry on
the good business administration we havo
heretofore had and keep the expenditures
within the provisions of the law. The last
four years' experience has demonstrated
the wisdom of the new revenuo law and
under Its worklntca the state hus been put
on a sound financial basis. The old In
debtedness has practically been paid off
and the expenditures kept within the re
ceipts, all without excessive and burden
some levies to provide for the needs of our
growing state.
Thanks to the Sheldon act passed by the
effort of the prewnt governor when ha
was a member of the state senate, the
floating Indebtedness will be cleaned up bv
July L 1909. when out taxes may be reduced
another mill. This, with the reduction of
the lis levy, will make our state taxes
very light.
Source of Ineome,
The following tabic shows the estimated
receipts of the blennlum:
General fund levies for 1S09 and
1910 t3,M3,:S3.Mi
Uenerai tuna collections on hack
Collections on obsolete funds
iH. R. -jM, f. F. 50)
From interest on deposits
Fiom miscellaneous collections...
700,000. 0
5.9,1 49
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Iowa 1 In favor of Omaha a the
permanent bom of the national Corn
exposition, a the following- utter
how l
To the Omaha Commercial Clubi
Oestlemenl W, the Judge and su
perintendent for Iowa, want to con
gratulate you and your city for making-
It possible for n to hold the
greatest national Oorn exposition that
ha ever been held.
We have received the best of treat
ment, and assure yon that w stand
ready to boost for Omaha for tb next
We aak yon for twsnty-flv of your
Omaha key that w may wear to help
make Omaha ta 'Horn ef th Oorn
J. X. Petty, chairman W. A, Hook,
Oeorge V. All, Bay P. Bennett, Grant
Chapman, Prank Keshan, Pred htoOnl
loch. Killer S. HeUon, W. L. Bowman,
A. B. Bslaon, B. B. Beaton, M. a. J p.
on, Hsmry Short.
Pupils from Public Schools Delight in
the Exposition.
Many Prises Are Awarded to Ne
braska Kxhlbltors Country
Life Commission Holds
Its Last Meeting;.
rirst day 18,500
Bright and warm weather greeted the
second day of the National Corn exposi
tion and whon tho gates opened st S
o'clock Thursday morning the buildings
were a brilliantly illuminated with streaks
of sunlight as though tens of thousands
ot electric lights were doing their best to
make the exposition visitors cheery.
More school children came and kept up
constant scream and laugh, as though
they were having the time of their lives;
the runways In the Auditorium were con
verted Into ehute-the-chutes and bump
t he-bum is by the children, and they
poured down over the rubber mat cov
ered floors like varicolored ears of corn
pouring out ot an automatic corn huaker.
The program tor the morning opened
early, and before 10 o'clock the audience
room of the exposition waa well filled with
visitors to hear the music and the address
by Sir Horace Plunkett, parliamentarian
and owner of land in the west, who ha
made a life-long study ot the country life
problem In Rngiand, Ireland and America,
as well as in India.
In Great Britain Sir Horace Plunkett Is
a popular man. He Is the Luther Bur
bank, Henry Wallace and P. G. Holden ot
Great Britain, and the large audience which
greeted him Thursday morning and heard
his address on "Tho Country Lite Prob
lem, were not disappointed.
Other Addresses Cancelled.
Other addresses were cancelled for tho
morning. Prof. R. A. Moore of the Wis
consin Agricultural college was called
home Wednesday evening, while Samuel
H. Smith of the Chicago Board at Trade
expressed his desire to address the grain
dealers and farmers in the small lecture
room in the Industrial building. Mr. Smith
poke on the "Commercial Grading of
Grain" In this building at 4 o'clock this
It was "Agrlcultursl day" and the farm
machinery ha attracted more than usual
attention as well a the state exhibit; the
girla and young women of the dotneatio
science department " hICVr heard severs'
short addresses and been entertained bya.
prominent cereal manufacturer at lunch
eon; the students' Judging contest ha kept
many from the agricultural college busy
and the awards will probably be announced
the first thing Friday morning; the Mex
ican delegation was completed by the ar
rival of Zaferino Domlnguo with the
Mexican trophy cup and everything ha
proceeded as planned.
Country Life Problem.
Speaking In the lecture room. Sir Horace
Plunkett said ot the "Country Life Prob
lem": "I cannot conceive of two people de
pandlng upon agriculture for their pros
perity who have to deal wi h mor oppose
natural conditions than do tho people o'
Ireland and those of the farming sections
of Nebraska and the adjoining states. If
I were to presume to speak to farmer In
the corn belt, out of my Irish agricultural
experiences, I should not expect my audi
ence to remain.
"Today theie are about 4.250,"00 of people
in Ireland. The productive area ct the term
lands Is only 16,oi),000 acres, and the num
ber of separato farms Is roughly estimated
at &10.000. So If all the land were divide 1
t,,jaUy among these farmers there would
1 f , . . .
: ony be enough to give thirty acres to
every farming family. As It !s, there ara
over 23.0iiO farms, the homes, presumab y,
of about l.GOO.ooi) ef the population, varying
from one to fifteen acres tn extent, mostly
of poor lun I and in the climatically loatt
favored portion of the Island. I am con
vinced that If we In Ireland had a tenth
p.irt of your natural advantages w should
Vi-iy soon make Ireland Into a country
which would forget that It had ever been
called 'distressful.'
Plunkett' Formula.
"We have a formula which In tho fewest
words describes our entire scheme of re
formbetter farming, better business, bet
ter living.
"As regards better farming, no man can
deny that the protr-as effected In th
lust three decarles In the corn belt has ex
ceeded what could possibly have been an
ticipated by th ) wildest optimist thirty
years ago. From ' to '9 I wss engag d
In ranching In Wyoming, but I frcquuntiy
had occasion to visit firm In Nehraak,
Iowa and Illinois In Illinois and parts ot
Iowa I of ton saw good farming; I oocisljn
ally saw a good firmer In Nebraska, b-it
as tar as I could make out most of the so
c:tllej farmers In this state would mire
correctly havo be.'n described a land spec
ulators, who might Just as well have been
In the comer lot Industry In actual or
ircspictive iltUs for all the addition they
were milking to the national wealth. Tlnir
working! hud been abaorLed In the
puichaso of the greatest possible num'jer
of acres, revardless ot their means of cul
tivating the land according to any accepted
sstem of husbandry.
"It was explained to me that more money
could be made In this manner than by an
application of fcgiicultural science. The)
was no doslre for or belief In sgricultaiul
educai.on. The Dei artment of Agrlcu'.tuie,
one of the greatest governmental Institu
tions the world hus produced, was regartiej
us a mere source ct sott, tat jobs, the on
feature A its operation having any ain
cultural resemblance teing 'graft.'
Visits Nebraska Colleae.
Uaitekiu indeed, has been the change.
Two days sgo I visited the agricultural
college at the Nebraska university and yes
terday I took a look aieund this exposi
tion. Had I remained In my own country
from the das Winn I first became ac
quainted with the life, of which I have
Just given you the impression left upon my
mind, until now, I could not have believed
that in so short a time such progress could
have been mads along my three line of
advance better fanning, better business
and better living. '
I would not say s word upon further