) THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECKMBEK 0, 1908 0 it I. V -) It GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Values Continue to Work Lower and Selling- ii Quite Free. futures, toady; December, 7 lld; March. 7s k'n'i; Mny, f 8X,d. !. Hoot, -.ate ad v; American, nominal (via Galveston), bn 4: futures quiet; Jan uary, 6s 6'd; March. 6a 4"4L 'J DECXINE RAPID AND DECISIVE laeeeased Offering's, tltif to the Break t Day Before, Brlaa Kratn4 ' Llqlda4ln aad Kitck .,'. v- PHca. ' OMAHA. Tc. I. lon. i Values continued to work lower on the grain market again today. Kree selling by scattered boWen wwi further weak ness. The decline was rapid ' and decisive. Ineressed offerings, dtia, to and stlmuliited by tha braak yesterday after tha bearish government report came out. brought ' re newed liquidation today and prices suffered heavy losses. v . Wheat went readily lower after the open ing on heavy offerings, which found few takers. Liquidation was strong and value wera rapidly sold down. A recovery wk made late In the day by buying In of the short sellers, hut tha general tone wns bearish. December wheat opened at 9Ho and closed at 97ic. Com took the -decline with wheat and traders wera seltng generously. Receipt wera heavier and wera not taken readily witn tha slow cash demand. It was a dull market, throughout. December corn opened at 64c and closed at 534c. Primary wheat receipts were O44.000 bu and shipments were 178.000 bu. against re' ceipts or Inst year of 966,000 bu. and sh!p ments of 7S1.O0O bu. Com receipts were 920.000 bu. and ship menta were 264.000 bu. aeralnst receipts last year of 846,000 bu. and shipment of 277.000 bu. Clearances were 114.000 bu. of corn. 130 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to zw.uuo bu. Liverpool- closed iS36 lower on wheat ana tt'aa lower on corn. Local range oi options: Articles., Open. High. Low. Clr.se. Bafy. Wheat- Dec.... May... Corn Dec... May.. Oats Deo,. May.. WH 7 71 H 1 OS 1 03 1 02 1 02ft 1 03 6 H tf 6S MS tS 66 K 66 i T, ! 4T. 4H 43 ' 4V1 48 48 4 V Omaha Cmah Prices. WHEAT No. S hard. WHOTHc; No. hard. W&mc: No. 4 hard. 96Vfi07c; No. spring. FiSWBc: No. 4 spring;, vm-mhs. CORN No. 8, 54EfG6c; Noi S yellow, K ook,o; iso. wnue, bitQbio. OAT8 No. I mixed, 41c; No. 45pSHc; No. 1 white. 48ftc: No. 47Hi48c; sUndard. 4814c. RY.E No. 2, Tlo ; No. I. Tod. Oarlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chic earn .......... 82 623 131 Minneapolis 184 ... Oiotvhft MM mwww 2ft 79 Duluth 196 I yellow. 4 whits, V i CHICAGO GRAIX- AND PROVISIONS Favorable Oatlook (or Fall Sown WkMt Crop Weakest Market.' CHICAGO, Deo. 8. Dupllcaling yester day's sharp decline, wheat prices on the docal exoiiange broke approximately 2c per bushel today aa a result of general sell ing, but excepting- on the December dellv cry, all the loss was later regained and the market closed fairly steady. Corn closed steady, oat were strong and pro vision steady. Following a moderately firm ooenlnaT. due to covering by shorts and buying by bull leaders, tho wheat market developed decided weakness toward, the end of the first hour, owing to renewed selling based upon the bearish showing of the govern ment report. Before - the decline 'was checked prices had dropped lV'ii'c from the high point of the day. The selling was ap parently overdone ana wnen leading noia era began to buy again prices readily re bounded to almost their former Dosltlon, Prices at tha close were 141o higher to o lower, uto uecember delivery Deing rel atively the weakest month. Final quota tions on December were (1.03. and on May 1.08(&LOe. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 279,000 bushels. Primary re relpts werA44,0UU bu eompayed wUU 0i.000 du. tne ourresponainK (lay a. year aro.. Min neapolis. Duluth and VHIcago reported re celpts of '4ta vars, agblnHf 694 cark last week and SKnt cars a year aaro.. ..- Lluuidation of the Deoemberrv delivery. whk'H rarrlsd the price of that option -down more than lo atvd weakened the market In general, was the 'feature of trader-ln' the corn pit. Increased receipts and oontlnud favorable weather for. the marketing of the grain were the chief reasons for the selling pressure. All of the loss on future deliv eries was regained late In the day, but the December delivery at' the close was still 4o below the -previous close. The market closed steady, wKh December at C9(uWiie and May at ts. luteal receipts were 63 cars, with IS' of contract grade. The aevere slump In wheat caused moder ate weakness in oets early In the day,- but a substantial rally occurred during the last half of the session, the market closing strong with prices H to WVko above yes terday's final quotations. Final quotations on December were &0'4c, and on May 627c. Local receipts were 131 cars. - Provisions were quiet and steady, al though sentiment was a trifle barleh as a result of continued liberal receipts of live hogs. At the close prices were 2a higher to o lower. The loading futures ranged as follows: NEW lORK UEKERAL MARKET Qaotatlnae a Varleas No. 2 western, ,83c, nominal, Vnrk ' - ' of the. Day Com mod It lea. NEW YORK. Dec. 8.-FLOLR Receipts, .4"0 bbls.: exports. 6. bbls.: market dull and about sli-edy; Minnesota patents S.iWi.sfi; Minnewin bakers ,34.2ifl4 80; wi'iter patents. t4.7rvti5 25; winter straights, 14 Hf'(i4.lil; winter extras. 3.iM.n0; winter law grades, :t.6otf3.. Rv flour, barely steady; fair to. iftaeid, 84.1(Si4.A cholco to fancy, $4.30'&-4 5. Buckwheat flour, dull; i.3Wi2.50 per It lbs. t KI'CK V HHAT Wulct ; state. Rlc, nominal. C'ORNM KAIj fitfiLfiv: flre White and Vrl- ln. 1 1 r. '. . 1 . . . . , ej.y 1 El. 1.11. RYK-Dull o; b. New York HARUKiY 'Dull ; malting. c. I. c. Hufflo; foedlntr. 63c c. L f. New York. WH KAT hereitils. tfA.000 bu.: exports. M,40 bu.; spot market, rfteady; No. i red. 1.10V(1.12V elevator; No. I red, 8t.fcHi. r. o. n.. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. 1. fH. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard winter. M.li7t, r. o. b.. afloat. The feature- of to day's wheet market was a violent Ifreak at noon, catching stop-loss orders, after which a slow tecoverv t(xk place aided by bull support . the market closing steady and too net higher. December closed at 11.13; Ma.y cloned at I1.14H CORN Receipts, flo.200 bu.: exoorta. R2.3f nu, ; spot market, easy; No. z. two, elevator, and 61V4. f. o. b., afloat. tptlon market was without transactions, closing Hc net lower. December closed at !c; May closed at fc; July clos.;d at 69V4c; September Closed at R!i,o. OAT8 Receipts. 61.000 mi.; spot, firm; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., f44itnc; natural white. to 32 Ihs., M'.'tJt8c; clipped white, 84 to 4J lbs.. W'VnTjc. HAY Firm: shinning. 6(Kai6c: good to choice. 90c. HIDKd Steady; Hogta, 201Vff21,4c; Cen. tral America, iar. IKATHER Quiet ; acid, ZIHWZOc. WOOIj fitexdv: domestic fleets. 81(SMc. PROVISIONS Reef, steadv: family. 117.00 f17.0; mess. Il3.0-itl3.6h; beef hams, $2b.0 2K.0; packors, 81 4. 6015. 60; c,ty extra, India mess. 826.vfi27.l0; cut meats, steady; pii'kl-d Ix llles, 89.2 .'ull. 50; pickled hams. $:i.i0 tilO.U). Ird, barely steauy; western, 89. 4G 9.55; refined, steady; continent, $9.S6; Houlh Amerk.a, 810.tV); compound. 86.76';i7.00. Pork, stendy, family, tin iKKfi 19 (XI; short clear, 820.WK&2ZOO; mess. 31oyg 16.76. TAiUUjW Firm: city (82 per pkg.), 6tf 6c; country (pkirs. free), RHiij6c. RICK Quiet : domestic, fair to extra, 2 66Ho ; Japan, nominal. Bl'TTKR Steady ; western factory, firsts. CHEKPE Firm; state, full creams, spe cials, 14V(flBVic: Beptember, large and tmall. colored or while, fancy, 14c; Octo ber, large and small, best, 13',4c; October, late made, small, best, 13c; good to prime, 116'12-Sc: common to fair. H)V4lltte; skims, full to specials, IX-itillc. KOOS Easier; state, Pennsylvania and nearby brown and mixed, fancy, 42$45c; fair to choice, 88g40c; western firsts, 38c; seconds. 33ti46o. SUOAR Raw, nominal; fair refining, 3.42c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.92c; molueses sugar, 3.17c; refined, quiet: crushed, 6.6tfc; powdered, 4.90c; granulated, 4.80c. NEW MR STOCKS AND BONDS Diminishing' Volume of Trade Showi Market is in Professional Hands. MESSAGE HAS LITTLE EFFECT Wrstera In Ion Delia Off Beeaase of nernmmenda4loa for Control of ' Telephone and Telegraph Companies. leserve. shows: Available cash bnlsnce. .3143 .12S,4J; gold coin nnd bullion, 8J3,64!,it); gom certificates, foi.voa.m. WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT Warmer for the Fair and Slightly Corn Show. OMAHA. Dec. 8, 1908. The cold wave that swept over the cen tral valleys Sunday continued eastward during the last twenty-four hours and has spread over the Ohio valley, lower Lake region and the eastern and southern states. The weather Is very much warmer In the upper Lake region, the upper Mississippi and the Missouri valleys and is slightly warmer In the mountain district. Cloudy conditions prevail east of the Mississippi river and light snows are falling In the upper Liake region and extreme upper Mis sissippi valley; Generally clear Weather Frevails west of the river to the mountains, t la cloudy on the Pacific slope, with rains In western Montana, Idaho and west to the coast. The pressure Is high ' over the entire country, except along the north ern boundary, and conditions are favor able for continued fair in this vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with slightly warmer. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 19. 1907. 1906. pdS Minimum temperature 12 41 21 35 Precipitation .00 .06 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today 80 Deficiency In precipitation since March J, NEW Y'ORK, Dec. 8 The diminishing volume of business snd the narrowing range cf the price fluctuations are evidence of the growing professionalism of the stock market. Another indication of the same state of affairs is the short duration of a price movement In one direction. The professionals move prices with difficulty and are satisfied to tak small profits. This Is true of the usual mediums of ac tive speculation, stocks of a large flouting Kupply and fairly representative of gen eral financial conditions and tendencies, which, by reason of their unwieldly bulk, are difficult to make responsive to artifi cial devices except by employment of the largest resources. In a less representative class of stocks, hr.wever. of small capttall gatton and , controlling business of more restricted scope, there continue to be strik ing movements, often without any develop ment In explanation beyond the decision of poMrd holders of blocks of the' stock to establish higher quotations. The presentation of tho president's annual message to congress, being the principal event of the day, was seised upon for at tempted use as a motive force for price movement. Stocks were bid up on the assumption that the effect of the recom mendations of the mesHsite would be favor able to values. The substance of the docu ment was accurately known beforehand In many brokers' offices. Its effectiveness as a stimulant to new operations In stocks proved to have been overestimated, as shown by the decrease in activity of the dealings after Its appearnnce and the drooping tendency of prices. In view or the extent of the reiteration of views In the message, in many Instances covered by citation of the president, It was not Bur prising that lack of material for new specu lative decision should bo found.- The iaet of Its being the last annual messege of an outgoing executive also militated ugalnat Its effectiveness as nn Instrument for speculative uses. Satisfaction was caused, however, by the denunciation of the folly of the effort to prohibit all combinations contained in the anti-trust law, but this satisfaction was modified by the advic to give to some agency of tho government full power of control and supervision of such combinations as inlpht be permitted, The recommendation to place telctrraph anil telephone companies under thu Jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce commission conduced to the weakness in Western i:rlon, although loss by a fire and ex- fressed doubts over recent reports of an Mention to advance the dividend rate had an effect on that stock. Its movement was In direct contrast to oiler so-called Gould stocks, which were classed for market pur posts today with the Harrimans on tha assumption of Increased liarrlman In fluence In the group by reason of financial aid extended. Harrlman stocks were the sustaining feature of the market and Erie was Included In the group ii. the earn manner as was the Oold group. Foreign exchange rates advanced again, but there , was an advance also In the sterling rate at Paris, leaving the gold export position little changed. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. 85,3.0,000. United States 4s coupons ad-' vanced H per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were: Rilm. Hlnh. Low. Clou. 4H 10SV4 43 H . 2;H 64 23,400 0 1374 i 49 ..' -200 J01'4 Artlolea. Open. High, Lowi I Close. Yss'y. Wheat I 1 : Deo. 1044 102 1 08 1 M Mey 10HJ4-9 10H 1 m4 1 06-9 1 0K July 101V2 ,ltt 100 101 101 dJST 80V4f )4 B9 69" Wn May (BVft',4 2H 8WiQ 6a UaVi'(ii ' July 62i " t 61 62 . Sfc Oats Dec. 4JW, B0 4H 60 49fc May 62 ,63 Sli 62' 62 July 47 47 47 47T 42 Pork ' Jan. 90 15 90 16 824 15 82Vs 15 80 May , 1 12H 1 22 16 10 16 10 16 10 Lard Jan, t IS SO V IS 15 15 May 8 87 42 35 9 35 37 Ribs Jan. 8 13 8?7 8K 880 8 22 May S 45 8 62 8 45 8 45 8 47 . Sti I.onls General Market. BT. TiOIilS. Dec. 8. WHEAT Lower: track, No. 3 red. cash, 81.0Ht1.09; No. 2 hard, il.OMi l.oa ; December. 31.04;' May, J1.0K. CORN -Track. No. 2 cash. lc: No. 2 white. 64c; December, 89c; May, 61c, ' OATS Track. No. 2 cash. 6lttc: No. 2 white. 63c; December, 49o; May, 525(62c. LiUUR firm; rea winter patents, 4.oi?f 20; extra fancy and straight, l4.2bU4.tW: hard winter clear, 83.&0. SEED Timothy, 32.5u(i3.3o. CORNMKAIy-43.20. BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track, 31.020 03. HAY Steady : timothy. 88.MVfil4.50: Drairle. t-UHVa 11.00. 1HIIN COTTON T1KS 81.00. B AGO I NO 7SO. -HKMP TWINE 7o. - ' PROVISIONS Pork. steady; lobbing. 815.00. Lard ateady; prime steam, S8.OO13a.06. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed, extras shorts, 39.75: clear ribs. 89. To: short eiesrs. $10.00. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra short. 310.61'; clear ribs. 810.62; short clears, $10.87. . POULTRY Weak: chickens. 9c: snrlnrs. 10o; turkeys. 13c; ducks., 4c; geese. 6c B UTTER Steady; creamery. 2330c BOGS Higher; 29c, case count. - Receipts. ShlDments. Flour, bbls 9.000 18.000 Wheat, bu 84,000 31,000 Corn, bu 33.01X1 31,000 Oats, bu ; 74,000 72,000 'A No. t Cash Quotations were ss follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, 34.4Vffc 4.85; straights. H-4K; clears, 83.7W4.00 spring specials, W.lvni.0; patents. $5,160 6 40: straights, 83.8uffl-4.75; bakers. $X7&c4.00. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1.07jl .OS ; No. 3 sprlns, si-WOl-w: no. a red, Sl.021T1.or. CORN No. X, 0HJ0c; No. 2 yellow, ao ATS-No. 1 white-, 62C; No. t white. RYB-740. BARLEY Good feedlrg, 6ft860c; fair to cnoice mairing, omiotc. 6EKD8 Flax, No. r northwestern, $1.46. Prime timothy, Clover, contract grade, PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose $4.0on&37. Mesa pork, per bbl., JH.oCrjf 142. Lard, per 100 lbs., 83 .1:'H.15. Short clear aides tDoxeaj, w.t.it. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Ghlpments Flour, bbls... Ifii.b lti.suo Wheat, bu to, 9rt 19 9u0 Corn, bu 7140i 147, (Nits, bu 2t.o"0 33.tm0 Rye, bu 12.0H) .2u0 Hurley, bu..... 163.000 47.9U0 On the Produce exchange today the but- isr murxei waa steuay; creameries, ZXiMc dairies. 8ltrac Fogs, steady; st mark rasea . included, Z4j31c; firsts, S2c; prime v, viieeae, steaay, iuiac. Mlaaeapolu Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 8. WHEAT De remoer. l.v(l; May. 3110; No. 1 hard ei.il rtu. 1 uuruwrn, i ui; No. 8 north BRAN In bulk, 318 Owijiu.as. i- FLOUR Quiet: first patents, $o.50ft3.70 second patents, 8S.3utu 60; first clears. 84 10 Mllwaakeo Orals Hi MILWAUKEE.. Dec 8 WHEAT Easier No. 1 northern. 31.12; No,' J northern, 31. iq jday, 91 ub-vi-uw. IIHiQ. CORN Lower: May. 2c. bid. BARLEY Steady; standard, tsk-; sample 1.4 lit V-hsaM lWDW V nara.. ilia v, o. -wai a-WJ-l t TPRIA yellow. s,nroac; no, Met no grade. uaCMVw. OATS Easy; No. 8 white, 4e. No X 6o; . No. , 3, Dalatfc Cirala Market. ni'I.UTH, D 8 WHEAT No. 1 north .ajt 81.10; No- t northorn, tl-07: Decern LeV. 81.Ub; May. 31.1Q; July. 81.W. , Uvert1 Ural a Market.' " I.IVERIOOU Dec. 8. WHEAT Br teadyi N. I r4 iem luur, 8a V .88 Inches. Deficiency .01 Inches. Deficiency 29 Inches. L. A. corresponding period In ' 1907, . ..... f . corresponding period In 1906; WELSH, Local Forecaster Amslinintted Copper ia. &(0 Am. C. & r goo Am. C. A r. pfd no Am. c. a r. pta 100 American Cotton Oil i.ioo Am. H. A U. pti 1,600 AnwHcia Ire Berurltles.... 100 Amarinsn I.lnaeed oil mo Amerlcin Locomotlre ...... 1,700 tin. i.w;omoiire pit.. Am. B. A H.. Am. a. a ft. old.. Amr. Suioir Rrlftln(. . .-. . . 4l Ai Tobwo--pfd... 2,N American Woolen i0 Anci)Di MiDtng Co., J..V) A tchleon. 8,ii0 Atcnieoa prd Atieatic uout, une....!.,.. u... Reltlmore a Ohro. v.toa 1U844 Bl. A Ohio f.ii-.v....-..IT ...7. Canadian Harfq.,i,,.,...k m Central LmHwp :.:.:. . S.100 29 Central Leather pfd. Central ot ew Jeraer..,,. Cheaaneake. A Cilo....... , fi Chlcaso Ul, W .3110 111 Chlrafo a N. W.... 200 1734 c. m. a . r.. 100 en Colorado r. a I.j 4,800 4114 Colorado 'Bo.'.'.'... 7.5UO , H . Colo. A So. -let pfd:.......; 4.6"0 7J Colo. A-8o:M ptd. 70 Cooaolldated Gas ........... tr.100 14 Corn Products 1.R00 HsJ Delaware a .H,udaon. . ...... . 5o 177 Danrcr A Rio Grande liauv t D. & R. o. ptd. ........ 2,3110. Dletlllers'.. gecurltlei t.wio. 3u Erlo ". '.. 2,): Brie lot. pfd 2.700 60 trie 24. pfd .' . 8-) 4("i Ooneral Electric dot) 1MH4 ureat northern pra'. s.siio 144 ut. .northern Or etfr. Illlnola. Central ....... Interhorouch Met. .,.. Int. Met. pfd International Paper ... Int. Paper pfd International Pump ... Iowa Central Keener dry 80 K I. Bo. pfd LoulOllle A N Mlna. St. Louis.... Mieaosrl Pacific :t 4H l' 42 , ' 30, sr.H 16', 65 14 Kansas City Grala and ProTlslons. KANSAS CITY. Dec. It WHEAT-14c in JMtC hhfher; Decemher, 87V4c; Mav, $1.01; July, 96c. Cash: No. 2 hard. $1.00Wtrl.O4'4: no. s hard, Hhcf1.02; No. red. $1.05ai.0(: No. 8 red. 81.o34il.08. CORN Wc to e lower: Dpcemher. K7Ve! may. oo-c; July, onthc. oasn: No. z mixed. dwuwvc: ino. a mixed, 5it(c; No. i wnue. ewiwivw-; no. 3 wh te. KtitfirtlOc. OATS Unchanged: No. 3 white. 4S,fSOU;e No. 2 mixed. 474o4!lc. RYE 7uT7c. HAT Hrm; choice tlmothv. 19.75insn: rhok-e prairie. $S.75fa.O0: choice alfalfA. eiwuixri i.ou. BUTlbR-r Irm: creamerv. SOe: narVlna SLOCK, EOOSi Steady; fresh extras. S4c: current receipts, zsc. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 47,ouo 36, OH) Corn, bu 12.000 7.010 Oats, bu 4,000 129,000 Options at Kansas City: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Wheat- December May Corn- December May 1 02i.i ... E J 1 r 96Ti' 1 01 67Vi 87H 1 02A 67 M., K. T M.. K. T. pfd Natlonat Lead New York Central N. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk A W Korth American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Penneylvanla People's Oaa P., C C. ft Et. L, Preaeed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car. Railway Steel Bprtnc Readlna Kepubllo Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock leland Co. pfd 8t. L. A 8, y 2d pfd m. Louie S. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Bloae-Bheffleld 8. A I Southern Pacific 80. Pacific pld Southern Hallway Bo. Hallway pfd , Tenneeaee Copper Texaa A Pacific T., 8t. L. W T . St. L. W. pfd I'nlon Pacific Vnloa Paclflo pfd C. 8. Rubber I'. 8. Rubber let pfd V. 8. Hteel I' 8. Steel pfd t'tah Copper Va. -Carolina Chem Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd Weheeh Wabaah pfd Weattnghoueo Electric ... Weatern I'nlon Wheeling ft L. K Wiaconain Central Am. T. ft T. Co Total aalea for the day. 1.4iy ' soor - 4,ni . l.tuo so . Jn) 7oO B.XIO 2,100 ' 800 1) 200 , t,UM ll.ono 700 . 1,100 , 2.5iiO z.soo 3I0 1 1.IO0 . 4iU .X , 9.90J ) 74 147i 1514 3H nvi in 31 2744 123 1814 , 7t4 7 S3 ll7i 4 H 76 142'a 4l4 130 lts4 132 4 21V, . 49 7i 101 ioiii 'mh 176 28 Va 63 U14 173V, 0 40 Vi 57 714 163 V4 18 176 5V4 24 '4 24 V, 4Vt 40 1SSV4 14V, 7S 147 16 iU, sm 31 Vi 37 7 122 UlVi 65 V4 ,'7i 117Vt 46 " 84 74 14J V4 87 1284 -100 V, 100 l 18 . 17, TOO , 400 6IW H . 4,30 300 . 1. 100 . 4,lkH .' saisoo . 700 . I.koo ') . 1.100 . 1.700 . ' 10 .114.804 3t) 4.2oO l.t) 200 600 ', i!io , 14,400 " 400 , 1I0 600 , S.oni) 700 141 26 V, 86 V, 24 14 1 40 V, 234, 61 iis lKdV, 26 44 , 24 '! 183 140 26 U 24 1 4) 22 S3V mi 121 2:. .9 44 4 'i3 181 Vi Blew Yark Money Market. NEW TORK, Dec. 8 PRIME MERCAN TILE PAFKR 8ViH I"r c'nt- rrERl.INU KACHANCE nrm, with actual business In banker's bills st 84.8444 4 846 for sixty day bills, and at 84 tor demand. Commercial bills, 34.84H'tr4.M. FII.VER Har, 4nc; Mexican dollors, 46c. RON.Df4 OnYprnmrnt, flrn; railroad, firm. MONEY ON CALLj Easy, Vyi per cent; rullns; rate, 2H per cent; closing; bid, 2' per cent; offered at per cent. . TIME tAJA N3 A shade firmer; sixty days, 2it8 per cent: ninety days, 3j34 per cent: six months. 3 per cent. Closing quotations on New York bonds 'ere as follows: V. S. ref. 8a, irt ...'H Int. Met. 4 4o coupon tl. 8. la, ref.., 4o coupon ... U. f. 4a. res.. do coupon . . Am. Tobacco 4. de le Atchison t"n. do ad. 4e.... do CT. 4e do ce. fe Atlantic C. L. Dal. A Ohio 4 do te Brk. R. T. c. 4.. tientral o( tie, 6e... do let Inc do 2d Inc do d Inc Chea. ft tlhln 4Hb . V'hlcaso A A. av,e C, B. ft Q. n. 4e C, R. I. 4 do ml. 6a do rMs. 4e Cl'C. ft Bt. L. . Colo. Ind. .6e Colo. Mid. 4i Colo, ft Bo. 4s ... Pal. ft H. ct. 4e. It ft R. G. 4a.. Erie p. I. 4e do sen. 4e Hock. Val. 4 Vie. Japatl 4a do 4'i do td eerlee.... Bid. offered. ,. 7K4 14 L. ft N. unl. 4l 101 ..1W Masr e. t. 4a hl, ..li Mn. Central 4e 8.1 ..11 do let Inc 17 ..121 !. ft Bt. L. 4a. 84 .. li M.. K. ft T. 4e .AIM do 2a 88 ..10 eex. ft. r. 0f m. e 41 8t 2 N. Y. C. R. f l . :.i"2 n. J. c. a. f. inn ...l"No. Pacific 4ai loS ... no it 7J ...10O S. ft W. c. 4 ,. . M O. 8. L. H4. -4 4 ...Ml penn. c. t,a16.., 1 ...lo do con. it ,....mt ...78 Readlni sen. 4 K ... 41 Rep, ot Cnha 6e 1"3 82 St. L. ft 1. M. c 6e..lll' i Bt. l. ft b r 76 St. L. B. W. e. 4e... Beaboard A. L. 4a... P. 4... 7K So. Pacific 4e...' 8.i do let 4a. 8 Bn. Hallway 6a 87 Teia A P. la , 7S T.. Bt. U A W. 4a 7:. I'nlon Pacific 4a. do re. 4, 8 V. 8, Bteel 8d Sa.... 9S Webaeh la 89 Wfwrh Md. 4 76 w. ft L. K. e:e.... 17 Wis. Central 4e ... ef N. T. , N. H. ft , 1 ct. 6e rtr 0 Lake Shore 4a 4a. 8 76 . : . ' . .107 .1144 . ' .l'n4 .10t: .!': lit . 7' . 82 82 ' H. !ir. London Stork Market. LONDON, Dec. 8. American Securities were quiet and steady durjns; the first hour of trading; today. I'rlceS generally wcni about unchanged from ynsterdny's New York closing. The only exemption was Pennsylvania, which showed a loss of H at noon. ' ' London closing storks:. Coneola, money .... .88 7-11 M.. K. A T... do account 83 -li N, Y. Ceentral Anaconda 14 Norfolk A W. Atchlann 100 do pfd do pfd l'4 Ontario ft W.. Baltimore ft Ohio. ...Ill PenniylTanla Canadian Pacific 181 Rand Mines.. Cheaapeake ft Ohio... 64 Heading Chlca,i O. W 11 Southern Ry.. Chi., Mil. ft Bt. P. .154 de pfd.. 11 Southern Pacific. . 86 I'nlon Pacific... ..81 do pfd . 2V t S. Bteel .. 40 do pfd . 40Waheah ,. 21 do pM . . ,1M 8nani8h 4a ,.12a Amal. Copper.... quiet, at 22 5-llid per ounce. mijjN n. 1 1 to i per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills Is . 24 per cent; for three months' bills, 2V4 0 2S. per cent. De Deere. Denyer ft Rio O... do pfd Erie do let pfd do Id pfd Grand Trunk Illlnola Central..... Leu la vl lie ft N SILVER Har. .. 89 ..12n .. 86 ., 82 .. 47 .. e; .. ' .. 7! .. K .. 0 ..12: ..188 ... m .. M ,..113 .. 18 ... 4S .. 14 8Si OMADA LIVE STOCK MARKET i Cattle ot All Kinds Sell in About Monday't Notches. snaeeaaBBSMsSB) NO GREAT CHANGE IN HOG VALUES rat I. ana be ef Good Quality Attire Sellers at tiowl, Firm Prices Sheep Rather Dull, bnt Valnes Steady. SOTT1I OMAHA. lec. , 19Kt. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs- Bliecp. Offlclnl Monday 6 .245 6.362 J I. Estlmste TucsJay S.aw $.M 7,J Two days this week. ...11.25 18.183 1R,'8 8ame risys Isst week... UMTS lfc.tfil 16,417 Same d;tys Z weclts aato..lB.42 22.514 24.ft".3 8nme days 3 weeks airo.. 15.718 11,7 7.TJJ HRine days 4 weeks aaro.. 13.12 13,407 Kl.5!'5 Same days last year. .. .10.710 13.3a 1k,i3 The following; table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and shesp at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 111. 17. Inc. L Cuttle 977.078 1.1W,6!0 131,&a2 Hogs 2.ZXH.1 10 2.1 JX.4ill T?:.679 Sheep 2,O3D,0W 1,978,45)1 61.551 The following' table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several clays, with comparisons: The following table shows the average rrlte of hogs at South Omaha for tho last Beveral days, with comparisons: Date. I me. 11907. 1906. il905. 1904. 1903. 19t. Nov. 28. .1 6 57 I 6 C7I 4 72 4 4 4 24 6 02 Nov '.. 4 S 4 S3 4 4; 8 10 Nov. 30..66S 450604 " 4 42 434 Dec, 1.... 5 79 6 06 4 92 ''4 43 4 6 09 Dec. 3.... 665 4646 08 4 48 4 42 6 14 Dec. 4.... 6 69 4 S3 6 13 4 81 4 44 6 12 Dec. 6.... 5 58 4 67 6 12 4 H4 4 42 4 S8 6 1:4 Dec. 6.... 4 71 C 161 4 83 4 40 6 17 Dec. 7.... 6 41 4 63 6 Zll 4 92 4 3f 4 37 Dec. 8.... 6 31Vi 6 15 4 87 4 29 4 32 6 08 Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought 111 today by each road was: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.II'r'S. C. M. & St. P. 8 4 .. Wabash 2 13.. Missouri pacific 9 5 1.. Vnhtn PaNflc ........ 45 27 3 1 C. ft N. W.,- east: 14 3 C. ft N. W.. west.... 6 3 5 2 C, St. P., M. ft O.. 23 13 1 C.,'B. Q., east 6 3 8 1 C.,' K ft ., west.... 45 33 22 3 C, R. 1. ft P.. east.. 19 .. 3 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 1 .. Illinois Central lo 1 .. .. Chicago O. W 7 3 Total receipts 246 133 32 7 Hogs. Sheep. 108 K 112 48 44 -i 45 1 12 31 12 i77.8ua ehares. 1C7 M 112 47 43 'ik 44 1 87 11 21 128 8.; 4B lu 108 42 34 2.' 16 " llW , 1S2 31 40 101 111) 108 111 !!. 177 nn 11 212 63 11 178 8 4" 67 72 U 183 18 17 72 86 86 4 40 18 143 7J 147 ir M in s 31 31 27 8 U 131 38 71 82 117 4f Si 78 147 18 128 l'' 87 18 172 42 14u 2 88 24 0 40 '! 64 1H .UH 122 44 84 30 63 187 72 34 1U7 66 112 4 43 114 18 44 80 12 31 128 Viiible Supply of Grala. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. Bpeclal cables snd teiegrapnic communications received by Bradstreets' slvw the following changes In available supphosi. as compared with the previous account: Available supplies: Wheat, ITnited States east 01 mt'Kies increasi-.t i,So4,0n) bushels; Canada dtK-reased 1.912,000 buBhela. Total, I'nited Stales and Canada decreased 48,000 bushels. Afloat for and in Kur.me In. creased l.luu.Ottf bushels. Total Amelcan and European supply increased l.uo-.uoo bushelsi Corn, United States and Can ad. Increased 2.U21.O0O bushels. Oats, United States and Canada increased 261,000 bushels. The leading decreases and Increasss re ported tills week follow; Decreases: Manitoba, 1,078.000 bushels; Portland, Me., 275. OuO bushels; Nashville, 57,000 bushels; Minneapolis, private eleva tors. 60,000 bushels. v. Increases: Chicago, private elevators, 131, owl bushels. Philadelphia Proftnc's Tarket. . ' PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 8. BUTTER Piiiit; good demand: extra western cream ery. 23c; nearby prints, 36c. KCKJ8 ktrm: good Inquiry; Pennsyl vania and other nearby firsts, free caaes, 3tc at mark: current receipts, in return able cases, 35c at mark; western firsts, free caaea, Me at mark; -current receipts, free caaes. S-iii35o at mark. CllttiiE i'lrm; New York full c reams, choivv, ll'.ci 0r U rood, XiiUIiOv Boston Stocks aacl Boads. BOSTON, Dec. 8. Money, call loans, t n3i tier cent: time loans. 3ra4i4 p"r cenL Closing prices on stocks and bonds were as follows: Atchlaoa adj. 4s 92 Ariione Corn. ,. do 4a 89 Atlantlr . 78 Butte Coalition . 88 Cal. A Arliona. .101 tel. Hecla... .2J8 t'entennlal .131 Topper Range .131 Daly Wnt .ir.7 Franklin .ltOranbr . 81 Greene Cananea . 76 1'le Korale ... . 11 aJaaa. Mining IS MiihlRan .129 Mohawk .!-, Mont. c. A C. . 81 Nevada . 86 Old Dominion . . 1oeoia .235 Parrot ....158Qulniy .... 12 Shannon . ... 68 Tamarack .... 64 Trinity ....13 fulled Copper .... el'. S. Miuing.. .... n I'. 8. 011 .... ki run li2VItorla Winona .... 38 North Dime ... .... W Mei. Central 4a.... Atchlann R. R do pfd Boeton Albany... Boaton Elevated ... Pltrhburi pfd N. T., N. H. A H. I'nlon Pacific Am. Arse. Chem... do pfd Am Pneu. Tbe.... Amer. gujar do pfd Am. T. T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. a 8... Edieon Elw. Illll.. Oeaeral Electric tdaaa. Eleuic .. do pfd Maee. Oaa tailed Fruit .... Veiled 8. M de pfd V. 8. 8tael do pfd Adventure Allouee Amalgamated ... .... 38 .... 1M .... 17 ....118 ....74 .... 83 .... 81 1" .... 17 ....1U4 .... 11 .... ii .... 1 .... 14 .... 70 .... to .... 1 .... ....13:1 .... M IK 18 S3 13 44 24 46 ! 8 81 I Forelga Fiaanrlal.' IX1NDOV. Doc. 8. Money was in good demand on the market today and diseounts were firm. American securities showed sn Irregular and hesitating tendency early In the session until fair professional support developed at noon and this caused a steadier tone. TrcMary Brateaaeat. WASHINGTON. Dei. 8. Today's state ment ot the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, excluelv et tba tijv.OuO.uuw sold Bank CleartnSTS. OMAHA, Dec. 8. Bank clearings for to day were $1,816,777.26. and for the corre sponding date last year 21,652,148.04,. .. . Wooa market. . BOSTON, Deo. 8. WOOD The local wool market is experiencing a lull due to mills being fairly well stocked and dealers about cleaned out.. Prices remained very firm and show a still further upward tendency. The leading domestic quotations ran, as follows: Indiana .and Missouri Three eighths blood. 27ra28c; quarter blood, 3527c. Scoured values: Texas Fine, twelve months, 6Xk2c; fine, six to eight months, 60ti62c; fine, fall, 45faM7d California Northern, 5MJ53c; middle county, 43'ii"6c; southern, ST'Uanc; fall free, 40B'43c. Oregon Eastern, No. 1 staple, 62t(Mc: eastern cloth ing, 4SU50c; valley, No. 1, 45ia4c. Territory Fine staple, 62ff36c; I'lne' medium staple, 67S69c; fine clothing, 6fi69w- fine, medium clothing; 4ifc62c; half bloods 64CiWc; three eighths blood, 654c; quarter blood, 474j Jc. Pulled Extra, 68ig02c; fine A., 62056c; A., . supers, 47(o61e. . !:. - LONDON. Dec. s 8.-rWOOI There was 12,429 bale offered at the' wool .'auction sales today. ' The rjemrind' 'was ' brisk and prices were firau and csSoolally for medium fine merinos, which Biera in )ft-rge supply. Amerti-itss paid VoA fnrpt ictwrian grpiey and 10d for a fW'Ca' or'ooa Hope and Natal greastes." Cross breds were In limited supply and s4rong. oweH-ed merinos were, taken for Uermanx a 2s 2d. ST.' LOUIS, Dec. 8. WOOI Firm ; medium grades, Combing inltf clothing. Wfr 23c; light fine, lS'We; heavy fine, V)Wo 16c; tub washed. lK'tfHfjc. . ; . . ' Metal Starve. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. METAtfi The' Lon don tin market closed eaey, with spot quoted at 130 10s Id and futures at 122 10s. ' Locally the market was easy and lower also, with spot quoted at 28.62Vy 28.S7HV Copper was quiet . In London, witn spot quoted at 62 5s and futures at 63 5s. The local market was auu, witn Duyers in clined to hold off for concessions. Lake was quoted at I14.2.W14.50, electrolytic at tl4.00tcl4.26 and casting at' $13.87V4'il'14.1214. Spelter was unchanged at 21 2s 6d In Lon don and t5.10tfi6.15 in the local market. Lead was also unchanged in Dotn maraeis, rvwiu quoted at 13 6s in London and at I4.2.W 4.30 locally. Iron was unchanged In the English market, with standard rounary quoted at 47s 6d and Cleveland warrants at 48s 6d. The local market waa unchanged, with Nn 1 fnnnrtrv. northern, quoted at $17.007l7.50; No. 2 at'tl6.76fil7.2S: No. 1 south ern anu u. 1 wuiiirui, ' ' TV ., " , ST. LOUIS, Dec. d.-misialb-wo, lower at $4.15. Spelter, lower at $6.00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. fw TftTlIf Tec. . EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows a somewhat stead ier tone, with fancy . quoted at 8tyr9c. choice at 7Vttc, prime at 6Ai&7c and old crop at 44J4JC. rtocording to grade. DRIED FKII1TH riw siaiisiicai ptiniin.n In prunes Is strong, but the marRetsuows little Improvement In tone owing to a slack demand. Quotations range from 4c to ic for new crop California up to 4s to 60s, and from oVitfjTHc for Oregon 50s to 80s. Apri cots are in limited supply, with choice quoted at 91?i9ic. extra choice at. nww and rancy at. imuv. ' V . . . j slightlv better demand, with choice quoted at 7"i7'ac, extra cnoice hi nf at 8Mrflnc. Raisins are unsettled, with loose Muscatel quoted at 6V;fffilc. choice to fancv seeded at 6frtc, seedlexs at anu London layers at li.wniw- Cotton urarket. NEW ORLEANS. Ia.. Dec. 8. -COTTON Spot, dull: low ordinary, "vc. nomin.., ordinary, 6 3-nc. nominal. " "" 6c; low middling. 8c: middling. 8c; good middling, 9H.c; middling fair. 9ci fair. 10c. nominal. Receipts. 18.3o5 bales; stock. 377.200 be lee ST LOf IB, M"., uec. b. v-in ivj-. Market steady; mlddllne. 8c; sales. 3.079 bales; receipts. B044 bales; shipments, 3,4,0 bales: stock. 34,320 bales. GALVESTON. Dec. 8.-COTTON-Lower at c. Oil and Rosin. OIL CITY. Dec. 8. OILS Credit bal ances. $1.73; runs, 104.924 bbls.; average, 162,157 bbls.: shipments. 1S5.8S8 bbls.; aver age. 209.W2 bbls. T SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 8.-OILS-Tur- ROSlNrm; B. K.WIt3M; D. 2.97Viff 3 00; E. $2.969'3.0O: V. O, $3.973.00; H, $3.40t93 42V4: I. $4 10. K. $3.10: M. $5.70; N. $6.20; W. G., $6.45; W. W.. 16.55. , Coffee Market. NEW Y'ORK. Dec. 8. COFFEE Market for coffee futures opened sleadyat un changed prlcea to a decline of 6 points, and closed steady, net unchanged to five points lower. Sales were reported of 22.500 bags, Including December at 5c; March. 6.16c; Mav. 6.15c: September. 6.16iq5.2oc: spot coffee, quiet: No. 7 Rio. 6Hc; No. 4 Santos. 7Vi'ic; mild coffee, dull; Cordova. 9 lc . Kansas City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 8. CATTLE-Re-ceipts, ltl.OuO head, including 2u0 southerns; steady to 10c lower: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.75&7.fj0; fair to good. $4.604i6.76; western steers. JW'K.a; Block ers and feeders, $3.0Wf4.90; southern steers. $3&ij6.50; southern cows, tS.SS'tH.Oo: native cows. $J.0oto.5o; heifers. $3.255.75; bulls. $2.liM3.75; calves, $4.Oii.50. ' HuGS Receipts. 24.000 head : rpened ' loc lower, closed steady; top. $5.(1); Milk of hales, $6.00u6.55; heavy. $5.46Jr5.6o; packers aj.d butchers, $o.25'h6.60; light, $3.Vy:5.0; pigs, $8 6Va5.00. ' SHEEP AND LA MBS- Receipts. VOOO head: lambs, $4 50fli.5O; ewes bntl yearlitigs, $4.2S'rv4-i6; western yearlings, $4.7Ti5.05; weatern sheep, $3.80.60; stockerg and feed ers, ri.5oiS4.40. , ' v l tons City I.lvo Stock Market. " SIOUX CITY. Dec 8 Spelal Telegram.) HOGS Receipts, 6.500 head; market steady; range, $5.20&fi.50; bulk oX sales, $5.85 fl6 45. ' . .. CATTLE Receipts. 1.800 head; market steady; beeves, $4.6077 Ou; butchers stock. $3.00u4.GO; feeders. $10ou460; calves and ear Uiis, tlt&J.iSe The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing; the number of head IndlcuteH' ' Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 64 Swift and Company.... ..1.1H6 cudahy Packing CO Armour ft Co Cudahy Co.. Cm K. C... Vansant ft Co Carey ft Benton Lobman ft Rothclilld. .. Hill ft Son F. P. Evans Huston ft Co, 945 655 135 87. 99 23 19H 2X6 29 44 40 106 '124 3X3 ISO !I7 12 39 91 45 493 1,612 1.7K1 2.286 2,489 1.0 J9 1.163 1.8..9 981 1,307 1,149 J. B. Root ft, Co. J. H. Bulla L. F. Huss Cudahy Bros. Co... L. Wolf McCreary & Carey. H. F. Hamilton ... M. Hagerty ft Co... F. G. Inghram .... Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros. Smith & Co Other buyers 1; Total ' 6,796 9,624 6,181 CATTLE Cattle receipts were fair for a Tuesday, 243 cars being reported in. Trains were rather late in arriving at the yards which hindered the trade to some extent, but still the market, as a whole, wan rea sonably active and the most of the offer ings changed hands In fair season. There was & good, demand for desirable beef cattle, both natives and westerns, and the prices at which the offerings changed hanas looked about steady witn yesterday, in fact it wouldi bo a difficult matter to point out any nptewortliy change-In any direction. There Were perhaps from nlnty on 100 cars of cows and heifers on sale, and they changed hands at about steady prices. While the trade was not par tit alar ly ac tive, there was a fair demand and the cattle kept sellifig so that a reasonably early clearance was effected. No noteworthy change took place in the alockers or feeders trade. Good cattle were fil demand, the same as they have been every day for some little-time back and anything of that description sold very readily at prices entirely satisfactory to owners. On the other hand the light and trashy' kinds were slow, the same ub they hava been all the time. Uuotatlous on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, Iu.4Hj7.25; fair . to good corn-fed Steers. $5.406.4o; common to fair corn-fed steers, i4.uimj.4o; good to choice range steers, $6.25(6.00; fair to good range steers, $4.00ig4.50: good to choice corn-fed cows and hellers, $40034.06; good to choice grass cows and heifers, $3.5oU4.3S; fair to good grasa cows and heifers, $2.853.60; common to fair grass 'cows and heifers, $2.26rtL86; good to choice stockers and feeders, $4505.25; fair to good Blockers and feeders, $3.75&4.50; common to fair Blockers and feeders. $2.75&3.75; stock heif ers, $2.504t'3.40; veal calves, $2.50i((i.5; bulls, stags, etc., $2.254.26. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. Av. Pr. No. 48 1012 4 15 1 2U 1H30 4 If. 84 an iu73 t. 00 27 21...., l-l 6 70 town. Av. Pr. 1222 5 75 20 :.v.i ..1280 I , 6 U.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. it.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 10 I 1 4.. 1 1 1 I 8. ... 25 ... X . .. 833 ... 1 ...1180 ... e6 ...looi ... 77 ...1165 ...1UU7 ...1174 ... 710 ... 482 ...low ..JIM ...liw 2 85 2 85 2 7- t 85 i 25 8 26 J 25 3 46 S 60 I 80 14. 10... ... 6... 12... 11... 6... ' t... 10... 8... 11. I.... 10.... IS.... 8.... .... II.... .... II.... 27.... 4.... 210 416 280 424 STOCKERS 618 3 00 4.1S 77 ...... 838 8:il 144 884 784 782 27 HEIFERS. 126 86 2 to 6 BULLS. too 1 t 10 1 I 26 1 CALVES. 1014 1211 1045 1104 !14 1018 1024 1142 1174 U22 1061 710 768 1240 1620 1MU I 75 I 25 I 60 4 00 I IS 2 45 I 45 I 60 I (5 I 70 I 70 3 76 1... 1... 3... AND 61 1 31 21 10 6 23 C7 45..:.. 120 170 180 3 88 3 75 3 76 3 76 8 86 3 85 4 00 4 06 4 10 4 26 4 30 3 10 3 60 3 40 3 60 4 00 5 2f t 60 6 73 FEEDERS. 7B1 3 80 4 873 1U35 870 ....14 ....1142 ....U80 ....1084 3 80 4 20 4 20 4 66 4 6S 4 70 4 86 4 86 WESTERNS COLORADO. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 32 heifers... 39 3 tlo 87 calves... 374 64 heifers... 326 3 75 14 heifers... 702 13 cows 9u0 3 60 James Mlchaelson Wyo. 196 steers. ..1180 6 1-9 steers.. .1105 4 steers.. ..lion 4 Oo 182 cows....l0'4 37 cows 17 3 70 8 steers. ...WM 2 7a 10 COWS l'.J0 3 60 K. C. Bwan-wyo. 4 85 3 Steers.... 3 25 2 steers.... 3 50 6 cows 2 75 Oscar Beck Wyo. 44 sts.-hfs..l213 5 00 9 steers., 1 cow 1150 4 tl 17 cows... 6 cows 10 4 3 -5 E. D. Swan Wyo. 1180 4 80 6 cows.., 1150 4 25 4 cows... J J. Pamoroy Wyo. 1 steer 1430 6 10 29 cows 1116 14 cows 1041 3 70 7 cows J. 11. Malier Wyo. 66 heifers... 628 4 00 9 feeders t bulls lfioO 1 steur 1OO0 Mrs. 6 steers.. ..1166 1 lieiter.... 2Vo 4 heifers... 837 1 bull 1310 6 steers. 1 cow..., 433 650 9MS Pr. 3 75 3 70 4 75 4 00 3 60 3 00 3 75 3 50 8 00 ..1175 ..1064 914 852 4 S3 4 00 666 795 4 15 2 90 4 00 2 80 . . . OUR ... "Christmas Chimes Are the most popular Novelty ever lntrodaced and are made to fit on the top of Christmas trees They consist of 6 Beautiful Angels, , 3 Candlesticks, 3 Tuned Bells and a Turbine, while above all shines the Star of Bethlehem. " Our "CTirlKtmas-Chlnies" are 10 lncheg hlh and made of fine nlckle-plated metal and are bo constructed that when the oandl are lighted the Turbine goes around and the Bells begin to play. The effect la something wonderful, adding Immensely' to the solemnity of Christmas, and young and old feel a thrill ot Joy and surprise when entering into the presence of a lighted Christmas Tree beholding the Bllver-llke Angels, -while sweet music sounds through the room, heralding the birth of ChrlBt. Our "Christmas-Chimes" can alBo stand by themselves, so that parties who do not desire to go to the trouble of fixing up a Christ mas Tree can place one or more on a table and arrange presents, flowers, etc., around them with the same wonderful effect. As our "Christmas-Cliinies" are unbreakable they can be used the whole year round on many other occasions, as balls, parties, birth days and other festivities, when they always will bring Joy to the participants-. We offer these beautiful "Chritin?liimej" to our subscribers for only 60 cents. Out-of-town subscribers add 11 cents for postage and we will send them by mall. THE OMAHA BEE, 1702 Farnaro Street, Omaha, Neb. own way. Later on, however, aa It became apparent that receipts were not as large as expected and as It developed that there was a very fair outside buying; demand, ackers raised their hands until the market became lust about sleadv on the desirablu loads. Inferior stuff was a little Blow and weak and in some extreme rases possibly 5c lower, but, generally speaking-, tne market was not much different trom yesterday. The bulk sold around 45.3516.50 and on up to $5.65. While It was a littlo late in gcttinK started the market was reasonably active when once underway and most everything nanged hands In very fair season. At. ...77 ... M .,.17S ...17 ...IIS ...1K7 ...177 ...173 . . . 1 PH ...175 ...179 ...17 ...t ...313 ...187 ...I3 ...316 32 t6 No. it. .. X).. 70.. 84.. 79.. S3.. 7I.. .. 13.. 87.. 72.. 80. . I.. 48... 4B... 58... 83... 71... 58... 66... 82... 80... 4... 8l... .., 74... 65... 77.., 41... (7.. 63.., 61.. S.. 74.. 82.. 72.. 44.. 3.. 19 cows 874 3 75 4 cows. 6 calves... 2:8 4 25 L. P. Walthlll 8. D. t steers.. ..1.J 4 75 6 cows 1106 3 So 4 cows 1186 3 25 4 heif .-rs... 0 3 JO Wilson. Marsh & Watthet t. D. 27 readers.. 1146 4 30 24 covs 933 3 85 11 feeders.. 86 3 80 M. C. Eveleth S. I. 7 steers. ...1083 4 W 14 feeders.. 960 4 60 I. J. Hanson S. Ii. 85 feeders.. WO 4 60 7 cows. . ... 85S 175 83 COWS U18 8 35 NEBRASKA. 13 cows 862 3 65 11 heifers... 570 3 10 8 heifers... 817 3 70 " 10 feeders.. 8)6 3 86 31 cows U3 8 70 87 feeders.. 1061 4 60 J. W. C'a meson, Nebraska. 63 feeders. .1142 6 Oo 6 feeders. .1141 4 25 cows I1-6 3 60 2 cows....; 830 3 JO J. K. Sellers. Nebraska. 14 feeders. .1150 6 00 . I t oedors. .1150 4 25 HOOS Buyers started out this morning bidding lower prices on account of the un favorable reports received from other mar ket points aud fur some time It looked very much as If they would have things their BU. ir 213 334 24i 223 ....-217 It il K) 380 M9 2ti7 24 s. 310 284 22i 243 388 1 210 23 I'M 240 2.10 41 2.1 2T U0 140 40 'so 129 40 20 ) 80 80 300 80 uo 240 120 40" 40 160 ii 40 TT. 8 So 8 75 t 00 . I 10 ' 6 It t 18 t 20 6 30 5 23 6 25 6 25 5 27H 6 80 t 30 6 30 30 5 32'i t 24 6 35 6 35 I 35 6 28 5 35 6 81 6 85 6 W S 3A 5 35 ( 35 t 85 i S74 4 371, 6 4 t 40 n 40 8 t I 44 6 40 8 40 , i 40 t 40 40 6 4e 6 4(1 6 40 6 44 No. 7a.... .... us..-.. it..:. 62.... ft..,. 72.... 45.... 75.... 44.... 82.... 74.... 70.... 76.... n.... 4K.... m.... in... 78.... 71.... 78 ... . .... 50.... 07.... 44.... M.... 7t.... 8.... 70.... 102... 7.1.... 6.... !.... 5..,. 73.... (1.... 63.... 60.... 2.... 48.... 0..., (4.... 11.... 63.... 64..., AT. ...234 ...240 ,...V ...249 ...f4 ...230 ...243 ...29 ...'.:! ...242 . ... 2:13 ...241 ...252 ...2f3 ,...2'9 ....257 ...2.V. ,...aoo ,...2.-.a ...261 ,...2i.3 ,...2;. ,...815 ....- ,...aa) ...Sh.1 ...240 ...270 ....257 ....Ml ....!3 ...2V) ....311 ....243 ,...240 ....25 ....If a ....383 ....322 ....31 ,...324 ....3(11 ....3M0 ....3:2 ....322 8h. 80 Pr. & 4H 6 40 6 424 5 4 J 'a 6 45 C 45 5 45 6 45 5 45 fi 45 8 45 6 45 5 45 i 45 S 45 5 45 5 48 6 45 C 45 5 45 6 45 8 45 6 SO 5 M 6 50 8 50 5 50 5 50 5 62 6 62 '4j 6 52 5 f5 5 55 C 55 8 55 6 65 6 60 6 00 6 60 6 60 i 60 8 5 ( 85 5 65 6 65 SHEEP Receipts this mornlnar want lurlut and the arrivals constated InrarHlv i.f lambs, there not being any very great number of desirable killing sheep in sight. tne marxec as a wnota Old not snow any very noteworthy change In any direction. Fortunately there was a good demand for rat lamps ana anything m the way of de sirable killers sold very readily at good firm prices. As high as $6.60 was paid for good westerns. The trade waa mora active than yes Lor da v. so that the com paratively few loads on sale were soon disposed of. On the other hand, sheep were not such free sellers, the trade on that kind being a little slow, but still d sirable kinds commanded steady prices. Thus good light yearlings sold up to 15.50 which was as high aa has lx-n paid for that kind of stuff so far this season. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. SS.25di6.60: fair to rod lambs. $6. Ot ti 6.25; feeding lambs, 4.2cV5.60; good to choice light yearlings, $5.0tx'(i5.50; fair to good yearlings, $4. 7&'6. 15 ; feeding yearlings, K004.60; good to choice wethers, 4.60tf 4.85; fair to good wethors, $4.15ji4.6o; feed ing wethers, W &K'a't.OO: good to choice ewes. 84.00U)4.25; fair to good ewes, f3.254.00; feeding ewes. S2.OOU3.25: culls and bucks. $!.(& 2.00. Representative sales: No. Av. 1 western gnat 60 318 western lambs 73 1 western buck 2:t0 222 western ewes li3 26 western ewes M3 10 western ewes, culls 105 12 western lambs, culls 66 137 western wethers 120 23 western lambs 70 14 western ewes 122 7 western ewes, culls li 9 western lambs 85 17 western lambs, culls 69 20 western ewes 1)9 13 western lambs 88 387 western ewes 101 278 western lambs, foolers 67 10 western lambs, feedurs 67 165 Montana yearlings, feeders.. 85 7 Montana lambs, fdrs, culls.... 42 555 Colorado-Mexican ewes 77 390 western ewes 99 53 western ewes, culls 82 875 Montana lambs, feedurs 62 243 Montana Iambs, lambs, culls.. 47 63 Montana ewes and wethers. .lift 244 Montana ewes, fdrs, culls.... 15 45 Montana lambs, frs, culls.... 36 197 Montana ewes, fdrs, culls.... 86 313 Montana lambs, feeders 62 41 Montana lambs, fdrs. culls.. 48 123 western yearling wethers. .. .102 5u6 western lambs , 73 820 western lambs 64 313 western lambs, feedurs 56 4 western wethers 132 - 6 westrn ewes 125 15 western lanilvs Ml 67 Wf4rn ewes' .......... .114 318 western lambs 73 2-i2 western t-wes ...US 10 weatern ewes, sujlls .........105 36 western ewes ., 103 13 western lambs . 66 134 western lambs 69 10 weatern lambs, culls .......... 64 9 western ewes 127 14 western wethers and yrlgs...H6 252 yearlings . ... 40 western ewes 40 western 88 weetcrn H7 western lambs ... lam bs ... yearlings 10 western ewes, culls 45 western lnmbs ..... ... 7 ...135 ...112 ... 86 ... 03 ... il ... 72 . . .101 E 35 8 85 6 35 50 6 16 2 50 6 ' 3 76 63 western ewes CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Unas 8rnBhren and ' I. a nibs Mrfensr to lllaher. OHIOACIO. Dec. 8.-CATTLr-Rcelpts, 7,000: market weak; wtwrs. S4.60dn8.00; cows, S3.004jS.25; heifers. S2.50ft4.6o; bulls. $2.76 4.60; calves, $2,605(8.26; stockers uiid feed ers, $50('H.8B. , '" HOGS Receipts, 33,000 head; msrkel strong; choice heavy shipping, JS.Totf 5.874; butchers, S5.65n74t.so; light mixed. S5..IM5.60, packing, jri.5tWiO.75; pigs, $4.0O(rj6.15; bulk of Sllles. $n.riOi6.75. SHEKI' AND IAMBS Receipts. 23,000 head; sheep strong, with lnmbs 10c higher; sheep, SI.otya4.Ho; lambs, $5.-.5i6 80; yearling, 84. 25ft 5.75. . . St. Loafs I.lvv Stock Market. ST. IX1UIS, Dec. 8 CATTLE Receipts. 6,800 head, Including 1,200 Texe.ns; steudy to 10c lower; native shipping and export steers, 84.60iiV7.6O: dressed beef und butcher rtiHTs, $3.75i6.25: Bleers under '.000 lbs, $3.50'm.l5; Blockers tnd fredeii.SJl.25fi4.26; cows and heifers. $.'i.2;'uG.25; cm.. . rs S2.oop9 2.10; bulls, $2.75(ft.00; calves, fl.floit7.60; Texas und Indian steers, $3.oi(j6.40; cows and heifers, $2.0ortivS.rio. HOGS Receipts, 111,500 head; market 1oCu7 15c lower; pigs and lights, $:i.25'fi'5.30; pack ers. $5,204(5.40; butchers and best heavy, $G.50ffit'..70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.800 head; market steady; native muttons, 84.00 f((4.50; lambs, S6.254(.75; culls und bucks, $2.50414.00; stockers, $2.00&3.75. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 8. CATTLE Receipt s, 4,000 head; market slow and steady to lOo lower: steers, S4.6Oi'4.50; cows and heifers, 2.5Ji6.00; calves, $3.50rtj7.O0. HOGS Receipts. 9.000 head; market 5o lower; top, $5.65; bulk of sales, $5,154(6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,600 head; market active and steady: lambs, $5.6O4l'.60. Stork In Slkt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cal tie, Pouth Omaha 6,0110 Sioux City 1.8 St Joseph 4.000 Kansas City 16.KIO Ft. Louis 6.800 Chicago 7,000 Hogs, Sheep. 9.W0 7,6ng 6.6)10 9,(0 !4,000 19.500 23,000 3,5' 8,000 3,800 23,000 Total receipts... .41',6U . 100,8(10 . 45J0 27 weatern 3ti0 west urn 13 western 14 western 116 westMrn '.no westorn 346 western 121 wentern ewe . 25 wesleru lambs lambs lambs.,.. lambs, culls Withers ..... ewes lambs we hers" .... .. , 87 73 ..... 66 84 ..... 79 79 ..... 91 117 71 Pr. 3 50 6 60 8 25 4 00 3 50 2 00 4 50 4 40 6 60 4 00 2 25 6 oi 4 00 4 00 6 50 8 65 6 75 6 00 4 40 2 50 3 35 3 85 2 50 6 60 4 50 3 75 2 60 2 60 2 00 6 60 4 60 6 25 6 46 6 35 ' 6 65 6 25 8 76 60 8 60 6 60 4 00 . 2 00 8 60 4 60 6 60 6 00 8 76 6 00 6 60 35 6 00 6 25 4 35 40 4 65 8 70 6 25 Iterord Receipt of Hob. ' ST. LOUIS, Dec. 8 A record run of hogs was marked up at the National Stock yards today, llorly estimates of the receipts were, 20.500 hend, and as a consequence the mar ket broke sharply. RAILROAD CLUB IS FORMING, Committee Now lias List of Aboat Three Hundred Names of Charter Members. The railroad club of Omaha la nearlng the formation period and articles of incor poration will be filed in a short time. The committee which is to secure a list of names of charter members has about com pleted its work with 900 names on the list. Another committee is busily engaged In looking for a location. Several places are being considered. Tha plan proposed is to secure large and desirable rooms ;ln connection with some hotel or restaurant so the club members may order di rectly from the restaurant kitchen wlth wlthout the bother of maintains; a kitchen. Among other places considered is tlik rathskeller ot ths Henshaw hotel. This' Is' a large, airy room under tha large ladies' cafe and would be an ldoai place for the club because of its central location and Its connection with ths hotel. BEST DIVORCE LAW IS NONE View of a Maa froas Nrfh Carol 104 Which, lias No Sack Statat. " . "I notice by sn item In Ths Bee that the Omaha Bar association is worklpK tor cer tain amendments calculated 'to strengthen tha divorce laws,"' remarked A. W. Carey of North Carolina, who Is a guest at thai Paxton. "I am Inclined to think that my stale Is tha ideal state In respect to di vorces. The fact Is North Carolina has lux, sort ot divorce laws, Couples may separata,' but there is no way they can have the) marriage bond annulled becaikse there in no statute authorizing it, and there never has boen, and I doubt if there ever will be. Between this extreme and the easy divorce laws 1 am inclined to think out way tha best," ft