) 11 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEK 9. 190?. I .1 rr BOLTERS MAKE DEMANDS C Eaitera League and American Ana- t dttion Tell Whit They VTant SATIQUAL C0KXXS5I0X HXAE3 IT Se itlirT rwrrelt et SuiMtl A swrlatlww. Is blvea tell Wedaew war to ! Rewlr. 1'GRK, Dec Although ihe chill cf winter hang orer all and throughout Hi rrwat- rn of the day a rold rain felly 1 M hall wss pin red TeeterdBV with s much aridity as though June sunshine Jeamad from an unclouded sky. It was not, hWTT, that kind or base bell that brings thrills to the spectators, but the chamber sessions that work for tbe good cf the game that formulate new ruiea and disentangle the anarla In the esein of managetseBt that threatens discord In the? smooth running of affairs. The chief events were meeting of the National Bane Bell commissi, and cf the representa 11 rea of the. eastern league and American association, whkh bolted the recent Chi cago meeting and J he presentation by the latter to tfae national commission cf de msnds, w-hfrh. If granted, they declare y ax make for the betterment of the game -Via has keen aatVJpeted all along Uiat th awwmmii of the Chicago meeting would demand higher classification and a enodlftoaUwa of the rulea covering the drafting of playera and these thlnga thty did dfcmaod. But they also requested that they be permitted to conduct their af "fs.!rs aa a separate organisation, though under "such restrictions. Tilrs and regu lations a tha national commission shall from lroe. U time adopt." Harry PeUlam. president of the National league; h Johnson.' president of the American league, and Garry Herrmann, ebalrmsnv constituting the national com mission, heard tha demaoda. They were r.renenled T Henry J. KiUUea of Mil- wsuaee, ana In attendance at the meeting also w ere-IrelJent P. T. Powera of the Kastern league President John D. O'Brien cf the Anir.rlr.an anac-clation and r. 1L Aim nan. 4. Ji. O'Kourke. M. H. Sexton, b M. PhKelly and Secretary J. H. Far- re'j! of tfie National association. Pef ore reading the paper Mr. KlUllea aid that lb wishes cf tha Easter-American .OB-ibiaatta wera not In any way In tended to make for disorganisation r.f tba f-resent arrangement of baae balL Secre tary Farre.Il of the National aeaoclaUon then eased that he be given until Weanesday to reply aind thia waa granted. Teat ! the Drataaia. iir. Kiiiilea-'a psier followa: Wi.eu AmmcM aaeoclation became a A.Mr.v in wis isauonni association of jri.ivafcjonal hr tan leagues U waa agreed iuat tlie a4Cinai o'ra ui aiwuu" cmisisi qI tie anenroera, tnree ot wnom ahouid be mrttibrra ot .jeajruea known aa 4J.aa A- aVnvruy afterwaida, under pra lr the constitution aa amendiMl lncroaa- iag Uie buard of Arbltialmn to seven, the im additional metribtra being immeaiaieiy taken Irani fe&guae tielow Ibe American n.ikMiiHi ir.n and ii.a EjuHvra lacue, whoUy aim ennrrly placing tba management of the two iaigt baa ball leaguea in the United 6titsa eacfptlng tha two major leaauea. inlu the hanaa of a body ot men I rum It-ague far below tba American aa aociatton. aid Kaatern Ix&g-ue In attenaance. In taventnientB and Importance.. Kather tbka have cunstant friction in tha organs aatlon tha Eaatern Uagae and American aaBitclation have concluded to withdraw and now reapertfully aak at your handa the followlna tirivlleiee and conceaatona : ' 1. Authority to conduct U.eir aXfalra aa a separate organisation unaer wjhuwi base ball and under auch reatrtctlona, rulea and regulal(ina a the national oommlaalon ahalf from tine ta time adopt. X. That tte preamt national agreement h ao amended or modified aa to authorise i tmii i h American asaoclation and Eutvm league to draft players from all oilier leaguea. except the National and American leagues, provided, however, that aid It-ague can draft but one man from Class A clubs of the National association. 1 TV t the draft and purchase rule of the mUor.ul agreement I ao amended that the playera purchased and drafted from leagues Uriow the American association and East ern league a first offered to the Ameri can, aseoruu ion -ad Eastern leagua at the irrlgiaal diaft prtce before being returned la the kagv from which tha player waa drafted or purchased. 4- That rf national agreement or rules f the cosnmiasion b so amended as to limit the number of playera any club of either mijtir league shall hare imder con tract for reservation at any time to twenty five and to limit the number under contract er reservation to.tweaty, after May IS. of each year. 6. That tha Eastern league and Amer r lcan--aasoclatlon be permitted to draft (Uffrt from either minor leajrue for a arid of i fifteen daya beginning at the expiration tf the .time fixed for draft ing of .playera by major learaea, for the following consideration: Claaa A, $760; B. !'.: C. tl(H, and P. 1500. .(.-That the period during which the Tna tor learoee ia eterroitted to draft from the American asaoclation and East ern 4e-ue be limited to a period from fcpt-r-rTiber Is t October 1 ot each year. I. -That the- natiuaal agreement be ao amended aa to permit the Eastern league and the American arw.lation to draft ter f ritory from .other uilnor ieaguea under . terms and oonaiuona to oe prescnoea. I, That the natisnal oommlsrlon rule tt v. nr. 'led to American association and FtrTi Inruf clubs in the aame manner as said rule now arpllea to major lesgue fc elube. with the further provision that no Individual plsrer can do sura more uian owe onder a a optional agreement. Respectfnllr submitted, f ' - AMFRlCAN ABBOriATION. ' EASTERN LEAGUE. "Jsecretary Bruce for the commlaaion an nounced that the commission had con cluded to ilmlt the drafting periods for major leagues from September I ta It of each year. If it met with the approval of the club owners cf those two lewruas. It wss given out after the meeting that the Chicako ticket matter la still tinder Investigation. There was talk of sjumerews dee's today. but the most Important, whlcto reached the contract-signing stage was that be tween Garry Herr-men and Clark Grif fith hy which Griffith next season Bill manage the Cincinnati National league team. . " . 0 ETKfTS THE rwI0 TRACK "Be Taaaklal," a Lm shot. Viae Fewrtk (tare at Ksse-rre-Ule. OAKLAND. Cel.. Dec k "Be' Thaakf uC upset calculations at Emeryriale today by winning the fourth race at odde of 10 te 1. Summary : First race, six furlonga ae.lllng-: Argo naut (IOC, Buuer. 14 to I) won, Apto de Oro flMi. Miller. to Ei SM-cma. Guy Flslier fl. Bcorille. im li third. Time: .'.. rigent, Altai or. Harry Btanhope. Egotlau K'ho. and Euiola finished as iramed. fvnd race, six furlongs, selling: Billy Bowlegs (hh. Buxton, IK to won. fieri e-n loc Cotlaa, 7 to 11 second. 61. aovb "7. Kw.gh. t to 41 third. Time: 1 :1 V Mike Ashetm. Bophomore. Bilberschwana Hal, Uncle 6am and Baiolee flmahed aa named. Third race, mile and a quarter, selling: Elevation (1C. Upton, 1 to II won, Beli mence 1(T7, Walsh, i to 1 second. Prince of Orange (102. Sullivan, 16 to 1) third. Time: 2:1"V Carroelita. U C. Ackerly, My Pal, Cioverland. MUshora and Tala mund finished aa named. Fourth race, ope mile. selling: "Be Thankful" OCT. Keoxh. to 11 won, Mabel Hollander (it,. Pullivan. to 1 second. Forerunner ml, Miiler. 7 to It tliitd. Time: 1MV Emma G.. Sempronlum, Herodotus. Miss Highland and Aftermath finished ss n med. Fifth race, one mile, selling: The Cap lain (in. Gilbert, 11 to El won. Ak-Bar-Ben 'A. Upton. to ti second, lady Renssa Wr (!. Burton, 11 to 1) third. Time: 1:45. Katie Powers. Melar. Kamsack. Mabel Fountain and Harry Rogera fmiahed aa named. Sixth race, fire, furlonrs. sl!inr: Haxlet (W. Kuxton. II to 2oi won. Bill Eaton (K. I'pton. 7 to 1) aecond. Bpeaker Fount (lit Miller. to li third. Time: 1KL4. Buster Jones. Golden Wave. Cesa. Blanc ne C. snd Bonrils finished as named. lfs ANGF.ET3R, CaL, lec Santa Anita Bummur) : First race. 2-year-olda, five furlonga. selling: Balerian U10. J. Reid. 10 to 1 won. Nebraaka EasB (11. Page, an to X) second. Maid of Gotham (Ilk, E Martin, 11 to ll third. Time: 1 "V GaUnda. Lulu G . Banrose. Eady Quality. Btileek, Btll Throne, Dot Binrham and Pert also ran. Second race, one mile, selling: Bt- Elm wood (112. G. BurtiB, to 1) won. Bun Trovato 10H. Page, 10 td 1) second, Ar court (10f,. Powers. SO to 1 1 third. Time; 1:V Earl Rogera. Jack "Will. King of the West. Joe Coyne. Timothy Wen, Ed Ball and Pretension also ran. Third race, five and a half furlongs, puree: Rose Gsl (HC. BchllUng, to E) won. Onter Bbot (107. Harrla. k to 1) eoc ond. Hasty Ague 1B. Martin. 25 to 1) third. Time: 16V Colonel Bob. Gold Heart. Gene Wood. Maltbie. geymowr, Caar and Port Babone also ran. Fourth race, - seven furlonga, selling: RTj-al Ben (lli Powers, It to lj won. As tronomer (112. Treubel. 1 to El oeoond. Haroourt (1(. BhllUng. t to Jl lhlrd. Time; 1:2V Miss Eida and Gauntlet also ran. Fifth race, mile and en eighth, selling-: Animus GOB. Powers, 7 to El won. Proper (111 G. Burns. to 11 second. Varieties (H. Forehead, to 1) third. Time: 1 :&?. Ouardl alao ran. Sixth race, one nrile, selling-: Norbltt (Vifi. Powers, even! won. Round and Round (1(8. Dennison. I (o ll second. Mllpltaa (lift, Archibald. to 1) third. Time: 1:3ft. Dia mond Nose, Skylark, and Gannett also ran. WITH TUB BOWIEBS. 3SS A Cigar You'll 3e "Proud to Smoke I Next time you smoke, smoke the new 10c, Havana filled, Sumatra wrapped CIGAR You'll be proud to smoke it. YouH smoke - it slowly to prolong the joy of it. You'll be sorry when it's finished. You'll buy more. Ask four cigar man. Obaa. Stami C1g-ar Oe. Omaha, Itk Dutriboten RIOTING IN KANSAS CITY Eeligious Fanatic Attack Probation Officer Woo Aski Questions. BATTLE KAR TEE CUT HALL Mew (sew Fire eei ratrelaeai mm Tkey Leave (Matlee Owe Killed, Fewr ratally awd Two Berl owaly Hart. flrrt place. Can you beat that for a finish. The acore; Bwanaon a. 1, 7, 22, 1, S, I. t. It, 2, 2. 12131. Total. 125. Harach 1. 14. I, . 7, 2, 1, 7. 23, 15. 11, 4. i. 1, 1. k W4. Total, 102. Scratches: Bwsnson. : Harach, 2. High run: gwanson. 26. Following la the standing to date: flayed, won. lxst. The Met Bros, won all three games from tre Jetter Gold Tops lest night on the Association alleys. 1he first guroe by Just two lonely pins. That made Dad and his men go their best the next two games, and they certainly did go after the wood as If the trip to Pittsburg depended on It, To night the Falstaffs and Triumph a will hare a battle royal Boore: METZ BROS. 1st. Id. Jd. Total Neale .. ITS 3 1S2 fl Cochrane 1K1 1 S4 fT Denman - 11 li 1 ' Ml Biakener 1H 1C2 . 1W 651 Huntington 168 IM T3 ET2 Totala K2 W9 tSS . 2.K4 JA.TTi.RB GOLX TOJPB. 1st. id, M. Total. FnceTl r4 H IM l Oreenleaf 1SB ! 1K7 8f Mahoner 1S1 17 127 VThlttemore 1T ITS 141 4X1 Reynolde . 1 17 112 kK Totals 880 9U But - 164 The signal corps team took a brace last night and won two out of three raraes from the Cudahys on the Aaeoclation al leys. Rudlger of the Cndahya tried to pull the whole team, but couldn't quite do it Tonight the Union Pacifies and Weat Side will play. Score: SIGNAL CORPS, .1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Booth 142 162 ISO 464 Perkins 1 1B 171 ki'l Binder IM ' lit 17g fc-7 Total.. . 40 CUDAHT8. 1st. id. II lStr V,l IF lw 123 &( 1.4K2 d, Totsl. 17k SU 134 446 IM 477 H w) There are ome alluring temptations here now for those who appreciate Qual ity, Style and Value. Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats, sold np to $30.00 sjcoo Beasons : Small lots and stocks we wish to close. VOHIllEirS mat cuniss tihim 107 South leth St Rudlger ....... Powell Baker Totala Ul il 1 asi The Cole-McKennaa took two games from the Kelley at Heyden team, last night on the Metropolitan alleys, ths last (&im by a few plna. Captain Collin took honor for hi team with a total of 3 and M single. Captain Jack and Starr tied for a total of EMi and Johnson had high single of 23. Tonight the postoffloe will play the Luxua Socre: KF.T.IJTT HATDEN. 1st. - td. d. Total. Collins IK IM, 4 3 Bowman 1W IIS ?' Rasmuesen Ill 11 145 871 Kaines 1H1 1W 361 Mil Jonnlnga 1 145 ITS t'sber .... Reynolda Pwanson Harsch .. FYleden . White ... Greener . Prince ... Pet. .RS3 .(Ml .714 .4 .142 .141 Rikbard l Elegibllltr. IOWA C7TT. la. rec. " . (Special.) One vote on Hubbard's eligibility haa been received by Prof. L. M. By-rs. chairman of the Misosurl Valley eligibility commit tee but Its effect will not be announced until the tMrd member of the committee Is heard from. Hubbard is the Ames ath lete whose runs defeated Drake, the school thst protested him. However, the protest came too late for a decision bt fore Thanks giving and the star played under the pro test. Prof. Brer refused to make any state ment until the final vote la received and made public. Cine of the main conaidera tkvns Is deciding the question Is whether Drake approached Amea in the manner rrescribed by the Missouri Valley rules, f not, Hubbard's eligibility has technically never been questioned, aa Drake would hare no rlpht to protest an athlete of an other Institution unless It had directly questioned the standing by communication with the authorities of that Institution. Pool Tsarai seat. Rlerllag Shields plsved good, fast game and de feated 3. Meeka last night In the Sterling pool tournament, lug to 44. Tonight liinea and Bradehew will play. Score: ghields-7, t, 4, t, 4, , t, . 11, . . i, 8. 7, 14, U. 1 10k. 3. Meeks-1. t. 7, U UXUiU 144. Scratches: Shields. I; 3. Mefcks, 1. lndlxldual atandlrg: flajec won. ixst. Pet. Ittner 6 l-htelda k 4 EL Meeka 7 t Morley k Z BradKhaw 1 T 3. Meeka 4 1 Hlrea 2 0 Arnold 0 .( ,7a(i .400 .fit .3SU .turn .K ToUla 7V1 75 COLE-ll'KENNAS. 1st. id. Solomon . Johnson .. Straw f-tarr Trironr .. lot .. 17( 1 .. 214 .. 177 ITS V 111 IKS 174 7U 2.231 2d. Total. 14S 474 23 E2 I I2 1J. 17 SSO 7k e Gaaae with MlBaewotav. a IOWA CTTT. la. Dec 8. Special.) No game will be played by Iowa with Min nesota next fail and negotiation have bern practically ended as the Oopbera insist that the same be played at Minneapolia Man ager Mark Catltn In returning from hie father" ranch in Wisconsin had an inter view with Dr. Wllliama. which led to the opening of correspondence on a game for next fall. However, tlie Minnesota au thorities noon declared that the game should be played at Minneapolis and the Iowa athletic board immediately ended the negotiatione as Iowa will have several games away from Iowa City next rear. rewt-Beaaoa Gaaae. DE8 MOIKB. la, Dec. 1 Special.) Will the playing of a poet season game by the University of Nebraska against the Car lisle Indians result in a new ruling by the Missouri Valley Athletic aaaoctati n to prevent long schedulea, the question which being raised by athJetic authorities through the slate interested In the Mis souri Valley association. The action of the Cornhuskera is con trary to the spirit of the association and tt is probable a riM ruling will be p ssed at the next tnee-ing limiting the ached le In a manner similar to the Chicago conference. Total all 7S 776 l.tU What the Hotel Lyal Jewelers did to toe Burgalowa last night on the basement al leys didn't aound good to Captain Gwynna. The jewelere look all three games. lof being btr total with 66 and 216 tor atngle. Attweod was high for the Bungalows with et7 total and lfe airigie. Score: 1st. 2a. Id. Total. Jerpe 17 1W 17 M Ijr 1 216 BO 174 U Gustaiaon 14 li4 li 4u Totals k44 517 462 1 BVNGA1XIW8. leu 2d. d. Total. Gwvnne 16i iil 16 eiJ All wood . 16 U4 17a 4i.i Ward Ul lli 147 4A Total 4o 407 lit l',t THREETIHIOS BILLIARD MATCH Do Ore 4 laa First Blwra (roan Hire toa. I te 44. ST. LoLIS, Dec. S In a fast game to night Alfredo De Oro of Cuba won tbe first of three matchee that w.ll determine tnt t hrt-e-cuahlun btlllaid ct.anipltniahlp of tbe world, o-f eating Xhot aa A. Huesaon of fit. Louie by ue acore of 6" te 44. The enampionahlp contest ta for ISO paint and the remaining luu pou t will be played on Tueedky and Wedneeday nights. 1 be match tonight Luu-d It-m than twe hours and botn piayers wrs at U.r bust I itoi average waa .6 aid llueston's .. Le ('ro hlgn lun waa tour and Hueeton a ten. This remarkable run advsnced Hv ton frura twelve 10 twesttwo, aJv,u turn a lead of four over his rival, utati. how ever, which be was bHatiMv v--maintain. liu.Blttn now holds the oiiamfiidbauip. ' Rerai !)! Twwraey. Swanaon plaed his last game la tba Royal pool tournament last nigat. w liming from Harach in a dose and ciciuiag game, 12 tv HO. It eertaicly was a bvt game, which waa witaeased by a large crowd, each c (veering for hia ta-wrtte, nrylag; to eaooui aga hua, w henever a dif fuuil shot or big run waa made. Both plaed good pool, reallsiiiav this game anight put them la or out of the muuey, but Harwell could wot overcome Bwanaon'a ataxy tiigb runa. although he beat gwaaaoa 40 the aaVatiark. 2ew for the flmso, with only twe more games to play, steynolda and Harach to night and law ea4 Keyaokla tucuurrew bis It. and eiMuid hr-nolda luee te Harsch and Vrlier te Kevaoioa. Uieai I'aber. Hey. luiUU, ivuava aad llarco are tied tot Bar as Tairews ( low. SCMCTUTR. Neb., Dec . (Special.) Parmer Burns threw Georre Gion here last night three times In an hour. The first fall was In 16 minutes, the second in 12 minutes 1 seconds and the third In 14 mlnutee SO seconds. Aa preliminaries. Sam Scott and Evan Noble went eight minute to a draw. Rudolph Visak threw James Visak in 7 mlnutea, 10 seconds. Hayxler threw Murray In 7 minutes 40 seconds. Alt bouse and McNally went eight mlnutee to a draw. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Ex. k.-ln the ahadow of the city hall in thl city and lee than a half mile from the business center, a riot. In which rrngloua fanatic and police were tbe participant, and In which hundreds of shot were fired, thl afternoon resulted In tbe death of one po liceman, fatal injuries to four, and alight Injuries to two other persons. The dead: ALBERT O. DALBOW, a patrolman. Fatally Injured: John Sharp, known a Adam God. a street preacher. Michael Mullane. patrolman. Patrick Clark, a police sergeant. Lola Pratt, aged 12 rare. Seriously injured: Harry E. Stege. policeman. George M. Holt, probation officer. The trouble occurred at 4 o'clock In the afternoon, when the streets were crowded with person who daily frequent the buy market and city hall dletrlct. While the battle waa In progress participant trav ersed an entire block, the fatal stages of tbe fight being enacted directly acroe the street from an entrance to the police sta tion. tart wf the Trewble George M. Holt, probation officer of the Juvenile court and a pioneer In the work of saving boya from the street in thl city, went to Fifth and Main street to In mtigate a caae of alleged abduction which had been reported to him. Near the street corner he came upon Sharp, who. sur rounded by hie companions, was exhorting a crowd of street loafers. With Sharp were A. J. Selser, a woman and five children The children ranged In age from 2 to 14 year. The officer' suspicion were arouaed by the manner in which the woman attempted to secure money contri butions from the crowd, snd he decided that she and her male companions were not proper persons to have the custody of young children. The woman announced , Utat she and "Adam God" would conduct service at Creighton' or Poor-man' mission, one block north, tonight, whercuxion she and her companions started In the direction of the mission. Officer Holt then accosted the woman and Inquired a to the identity of the children. Tie woman replied aharply that the officer "had better attend to his own business. " "Adam God." whose long1 flowing white beard and hair gave him the appearance of a patriarch, threat ened the officer with physical violence. Officer Holt never goea armed and he found himself at ,a decided disadvantage when the preacher and his companion dis played revolvers. He stood his ground, however, and "Adam God" struck him a heavy blow behind the ear, making an ugly wound with his revolver. Holt then started for the police station for assistance, and a he moved away the preacher tried to shoot , him, but Sharp waa ao excited he dropped his revolver a be attempted to draw it " and when he picked it up and snapped it at the officer tba cartridge failed to explode. Three Of f leers the. Officer Holt rushed Into -the polios sta tion and warned tbe ffjctfs So prepare for trouble. The police sergeant in charge ordered Patrolmen Charlee ' Dalbow and Harry F. Stege to go out and arrest Sharp and his followers, Tbe religionist were wtthlng fifty yard of the police station when tbe officers stepped into the street. They served notice on all who chanced to hear that they would preach right "under the eaves of the police station and tbe police cannot prevent ne." The officers were not prepared for the vol ley of bullets which met them almost im mediately after they appeared on the scene. Dalbow was killed Instantly and a bullet passed through Stege' arm. Other officer rushed Into tbe street and a general battle ensued. But the officers were unable to ahoot without endangering the lives of in nocent persons. Lieutenant Clark, who had come Into the street unarmed, was ahot in the eye and Patrolman Mullane wa shot in the back aa be hurried Into the polio station for reinforcement.. . In the meantime a riot call had been Bounded and policemen were appearing from all direct lone. The officers crowded In on Sharp and hta followera, firing aa they went, but taking great care not to Injure any of the chil dren, and when the firing ceased "Adam God" lay fatally wounded, ahot through tha bead. During the firing there wa a great Beat- torment of spectator and when the ba.tle was over the police and their antagonists had the block entirely to themselves. The children, who In the ea-ly part of the fiht GREATEST BARGAINS TO BE HAD, OFFERED HOW PRICES SUSKED TO TKE CORE Cntahi Clothing Co.. 13161318 Firnirn St. Most Quit Dec. Zm Cet In tbe Gime and Get Tour Share f the Bargains All g-od things bare an end aa well a a brlnnlrg. We have closed out a tremen dous amount of merchandise, but a good deal of the high grade gwde still remain. We have advertised and given the rublic Just what w said we would. Satisfied purchasers In turn sent m their friends. Our trade waa simply enormous, and how could It be otherwise. We have marked good down ao low that you will 1 amased at the tremendous bargain to be had at thl store. CORN SHOW VISITORS. Our offer to pay your round trip tr ncportatlon to Omaha Btlll hold rood. Here 1 a grand opportunity to vieit the corn ahow, which will be the greatest event since the TranBrnissiBsippi exposi tion. Come to Omaha at our expense Below we publish a scale of purchases you should make In order t get thi free transport Uon to Omaha and return: If 211 milea. purchase S10.O9 worth, j If SO milea. purchase tlS.W worth. If 4Xi miles, purchase IJT-00 worth. If 60 milea, purcbaa 1X.0 worth. If 75 miles, purchaa 240.00 worth. If 1(10 miles, purchaa kali.ls) worth. Jl-BT A FEW PRICES. Our whole establishment is so teeming with bargains, we will enly mention a few price here, OVEI COATS. Men' all wool, fine black and blue ker sey overcoat. Venetian lined throughout. 46 inches long, beautifully tailored, regular price kJE.liO "Forcied Out of BulneB" price $8.. Our regular flS.OQ overcoats, 60 incbea long, made of all-wool cheviot cloth, and keraey. black and brown, self retaining fronts, vel vet collar, sale price, 14. M, and ao the value run all through the store. 6VITS SACRIFICED. We are ahowing about fifty different pat terna in neat brown and elephant shade. These suits cost wholesale from 210.00 to tlE.00. They go all at one price, tR.ft. St rouse A Bros', hand-tailored garments, guaranteed by the maker to replace any suit free that doea not come up to the standard of high grade workmanship. Not one of these suits sold less than 22-00 and all the way up to 135.00. Sale price 1124. Bargains like theae all over the store. FEW PRICES AT RANDOM. Boy' long pant, three piece ult. age eleven to nineteen, double and single breasted, values 17.50 to 112.50. on sale at kXM and 4.8. 27-50 strictly all-wool worsted hand tailored trousers on sal for less than the price of the g-oode alone, CM. 11.50 cotton ribbed union suits, form fitting, only c. 11.00 real kid mittens, lined, btoc. 75c fancy knit gloves, made of real Saxony yarn, 3c 25e men' tie. 17c 50c tie. 2c. 13. Ml all-wool union suits, II 49. Ike fancy bose, 10c. kOc mercerised men hose, Zc. 23.00 Martin-Cott special hats on sale, II 49. nobby shape. 23.50 sheep lined duck coat. 2C-KS. S22.50 fur coata, 2JC; biggest bargain known; they are worth 2:2.50. Men's silk plush lined ker sey coata, made with large muskrst collar, regular value (45.00, now 2U.7&. kl.OO all wool lambadown underwear now &9c. XI. Ki Lion brand ahtrta, Ric, soft or stiff fronts. kOc silk handkerchiefs, lwr. S1.50 and $2.00 silk mufflers, 2bc. 22.00 sweater coata, tkc. 11.75 and 12 00 boys' shoes, $1.25. Full-dress vests, worth up to $10.00. $1.&. $2.50 men' shoes, $2.60. $6.00 Sell shoes, $2.90. $2.50 Suit cases, $1.25. $k00 Cowhide suit cases, $4.25. John B. Stetson's hats. $2.K. MAIL ORDERS. Mail orders will be filled at tbe above prices providing you send enough money to cover expressage for both ways. "FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS." The Omaha Clothing Co., 1216-1211 Farnam street, haa been doing buainea bare for nearly fifteen years. We lost our lease on this property. We cannot stay here after December 24, unless we pay double tha rent. We are going to ship this stock out of the city, beginning aa aoon after De cember 4 as possible. Call and get tbe greatest bargains you have ever had In your Ufa. Now when you come to the Corn ahow. call at our store on Farnam street, 1216-121&. Look for tbe sign 'Forced Out of Business." Live Wire" Land Agent Wanted By one of largest and oldegt Canadian land companies. Own ir,oo acre. much ot it purchane-d last neaaon. Cloaert to central gtate ot any Canadian land proposition. Four rallwaya, and a fifth under con tructlon. Bert aettlrd land In Weftern Canada within twenty milea. Will run fortnightly excumions all next summer. We can Hill ass'.pn aome exclusive territory In Nebraska and lonra to real live men. Must have active, bustling- gnb-agenta or be In posi tion to orfaniie gtaff of such. We oHer commission that will attract the right men. People are thinking; Canada are taJking Canada and next spring they are going to Canada. For a man of energy thl Is one of llle'a great opportunities. Get buiy. Write at once to John Ridington Paxton Hotel. State Mgr. Omaha If I .jl4 f I ' v' I V i R Of Compotont Advice. Get the Right Treat ment at the Beginning. OiUImm Sells Kst. IOWA CTTT, La.. Dec k.-STcial. Maurice Kent, on of the best athlete who ever played on an Iowa team and the present coach of the Haskell Indiana has be-n purchased by the Waterloo club from Cwkalooaa. But It is possible that Kent may not play professional ball this year as the knee be injured last summer t still weak and If reMiJureJ may keep him out of profaaelonal company permanently. lark Beats David City. YORK. Neb.. Dec I (Special V At David Cltv last evening, the York Hlgn school Flasket Ball team easily defeated the David Cltv Hifrh sc-hooi. Score. 62 to 23. and the g-lria of York High them defeated the Iavid Pity Otrla High school team by a score of 12 to . If vou delay too long, or experiment with uncertain and Improper treat ment or allow vourself to be deceived by Tree offers, misleading statements or incompetent doctors or specialists, then you will be one of the many un fortunates who have long rtjrretted that they held their first little ailment too cheaplv. who, after years of suffering and dosing with cheap preparations, free treatments and quic-U cure fallacies, came to the specialists of the e-tate Medical Institute to lie cured. They fully realise the great mistake that tliey made In not consulting the bet sj.ecialists firt-t. W ill you make the same mistake or will you get the best first? Censult ua and you will be I rested honentlv and skillfully and be restored to health. Wat 'oiTat TOT Til XEBT TIUTaTIT TM1T CA HABAsTT WHERE. WE MAKE SO MISX.EAD1MO 6T1TIME WTB O IJ MDUJI S X.IM FEOPOEITIOSR. WI X0 MOT QUOTE WIIIIDIIO 1 oma a bt jrouwcx: stents, we scucts it rata. xeaioo ad mow- ET X.ETEODB. WKICX. TOOETH.EE WITH OV WI8 IIPI1I1ICJ, SlEIX.r AH ABH.ITT. AXE THE OUT QO AUFlCATIOsW all) COIW TIOK THAT CAE XEAX.X.T OUAHAHTEE A -UXE. M , We treat asea only, and cure promptly, safely and tnoroagTily BHOW- cwit s. c " iaLi i r a v o u s xjEBiilrTT, xror poisoh. a bum ia- XaBE, KXOEET AXB XX.ASOEX DUBklEk, aad all Xpeolal SisawM u4 their oomplioaUo&s la ths shortest poaaibls time and at tba lowest cost lor skillful ssrvice and snooessful treatment. Office Hour: a ra. to :60 p. ss. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. If you o nut caU. write. Consultation and Examination. UnderPresent Control When so desired, accounts may be opened in tbe children's names, yet subject to the control of the parents or guardian. The turned at the garments of tbe of-Ue.a and ! child quickly instills a know ledge of the earning value of money, and yet continues to be guided by some older person. Our facilities are arranged to assist those who try to accumu late savings. HYMENEAL Beraira-ll ersaa a. Miss Annie Herman, daughter of Fl Orion Herman, and Charles Beemer were married Monday evening by Rer. Charles W. Bav Idge at bis residence. A Ferwaaal Awwesil If we could talk to vou personally about the great merit of Foley' Honey and Tar, for cougha. colds and lung- trouble, yo never could be Induced to experiment with unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drugs. Foley' Honey and Tar costs you no more and baa a record of forty yeara of rurea. For Bale at all dnurgta. ar TOnis Fit!? w. an nervosa men www w NERVES ho f lad their Power ta werk and youthful vurvr ! aa a result of over. work or mental eat-rUnn snould laks GlUTi NEJtVB FOOU FIUA Tbev mbl snaas you eat aad sleep and be a ntaa again t asami I aaes a M y , aBoaaTau. Blue oa leu em a IX4xi ovl jtaua ooaLrAarw tried to hamper their efforts, ran Into the Ptiorman'a miaan, where they were later taken in charge by the of floe ra. T. a wo man, who waa arrested, would not dtocJuse her relationship to "AJam Ood,N but alio aid she belonged to a band of traveling evangelist and that they bad a houseboat on the river. Tbe seriously Injured were takea to hos pltala. It is said the trouble today mark the end of religious exhortation on the tree of Kansas City. It Is not known what sect "Adam God" represents except that be la against all other creed except hi own. Girl efcwt by Palle. It was later learned that Sharp male companion wa Lwul Pratt, fatber of the five children. He waa uninjured and wa taken In charge by tbe polloe. Tbe woman and the children eacaped and fled to a houseboat, where they lived on the Mis souri river. Hastily calling all the available reserves Into action tbe police, fifty In number, fol lowed. When the polio arrived tbe woman had barricaded berself In tbe houseboat, where aha defied the officers. tS&nding on the porch of the boat with a shotg-un which he bad procured from Inside, she shouted t9 the officer: "Com on, you fiends." Tbe boat waa but a few feet from tbe bank of th river and several of the more courageous offi cer, taking up tbe woman's challenge, dashed toward It Taken aback, tbe woman dropped the weapon, and selling two of the children, aha ran to tbe back of the boat, rut loose a row boat and began to row intc the middle ef tbe Missouri river. The officers called to her te stop, but she only piled the oars more vigorously. With out another warning tbe police fired a vol ley at the boat. One of tbe shots struck Lola Pratt, aged U years, tearing away the greater part of tha child fane. Eha cannot live more than a few boura, Th wesaaa the a surrendered. At tba police station later she said her name wa Mr. Pratt aad that ah waa ths w-tf of tba oosnpanioa of "Adam God" and tha mother of tba wounded child. A afeawttasT terms with both parties wounded, demands Buck lea' Arnica naive. Heal wounds, sores, bara or injariaa. Sc. Bsatoa Drag Co, 4 Interest Paid on Deposits Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska, City Savings Bank 16th, and Douglas Sts. The Doctor pfip -A Knows r"K TAtat he U talk- JLe- ice about ao do jTZ' we when we aay tftf2t that there never T1 iA waa and never A) will be a better rJ" amoke than the Lf Ijr 1 V ORIGINATOR Mild CI GAR 10c Price 15c Oa ta your dealer TOD AT and get thi rwalljr good cigar. ass kg L M. Kn aKTl a C, rm Torfc McCor.-Erit'y Ci., futriiutcri STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. The Old Overland Trail of '49 Is the present route of Faeaft The story of its intensely inter esting history is told in "The Overland lioute to the Road of a Thousand Wonders," containing beautiful colored engravings of the superb scenery on the direct route to ' California Sent free on receipt of 12 cents po stage. Electric Elock Signal Protection The Safe Road to Travel Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM STREET Phones Bell Doug. 1828 and Ind, A3231 ARE YOU GOING SOUTH THIS WHITER? "Winter tourist rates are in effect daily very reason able, to the Carolinas, Florida, Gulf and Cuban resorts. Excellent trains and transportation via Chicago, St Louis and Kansas City. Descriptive and illustrated booklets of steamship lines, southern railways, hotels, cities, and resorts, jaunts through Cuba, etc. Call or rrite. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Affent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. 3