Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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    - ;
Sewer Contractor Give Their Side of
the Causes for Delay.
Treasurer Melcher ti(rila ftnme
Way to Head Off Thaw- Who Shirk
, the Pirnnl of ! pe
rial Taxes.
While murll criticism In In the air In
almost every phase of the municipal life
of South Omaha, and while many expres
sions of resentment have been heard on all
side owing to recent charges from the
grand Jury, some of the departments at
tacked are beginning 'to offer explanations
to show why conditions exist as they are.
One of these explanations comes from the
city engineer's office regtu-dlng the ex-cm-dlnly
slow progress In the construction
of the Bouth Omaha sewer system. It hap
pened at ths time of the letting of these
contracts, the Union 9tock Tards, as an
Interested party, made great efforts, In
dependent the city, to interest the big
sewer contractors of the country, request
ing them to bid on the proposition under
the estimates ot the city engineer. The big
contractors tame ty South Omaha, looked
over tee ground and every one refused to
bid, on the' ground that the appropriation
was too small. It therefore fell to local
contractors to bid on the proposition. The
Van A Wirt to Asa A. Wirt, lot IS. .
block 11. Poppleton park 1,000
Luke McGratli to Oscar Young and
wife, - lot S, block 21. Maynes' addi
tion 1.S00
Gottfried I'lrich and wife to Luclnda
t-arlisle, lot 17, Washington square.. frO
cora t,. utnnia and husband to Louis
Wolf, lots I to 6, block 11, Summit
addition . ." 2,500
George T. Morion and wife to One
onta Investment company, sublot
4 of sublot 1. lot . Capitol addition.. 10,000
jveyaton Far.': Lunl company to
Maf-tln V. KlrkendaM, lot 6, block
11. Briggft' p.afc JOOO
Patrick cavam.-js.i to Nora Cava
naugh, l'i; li. 3. Horbachs'
becond add.tiun J
eusannan fnnth and husband to
Richard A. Lite, part ne 86-15-13.. 1
Charles J. Chapman to llulda 8.
Malm berg, lot 13, block 6V4, second
addition to Bedford place S3
Mary Craig to Emily Steffen, lot 10,
block 4, Sheridan place 175
John A. Craig h ton Heal Estate &
Trust Oo.. to James L. Harrington,
lot Unlock 7, Creighton's First ad
dition 900
County treasurer to O. J. Thompson,
lot 16 block 2, Lake View
Ortn J. Thompson to Harvey 1L
Smith. wuq6. 1
Edward. W. Ifotnan to Meliora 8.
Ringwalt. lot 2. block 11S. Florence.. 1
Harry A - Tukey to Charles Pteiger.
part block , Bowery Hill 1.7O0
Same tn John Cerny. part same 850
John W..Batt!n to John N. Haskell,
lots 14 and 25, bloCK 2, Mystic park.. 1,350
Nellie A. Kx Cochran and husband
to James Swcnson. uart lots 1 and
2, block 16. Hanscom place 3,500
lngeborg Hansen -and husband to
Ferd nand haarmann. n lot 13.
block 1, -Campbells addition 1,500
(Solomon I. Firestone and wlf to
Winnie Robert, part lots tL 32, S3.
Firestone subdivision ; 185
Helen M. Womersly to Harry A.
Tukey;-part block S, Bowery Hill.. 4,000
Christ Bar he and wife to Fred E.
Latham, lot 2. Miller park 1.350
John rutrhs and wife to John Fuchs,
Jr., lot . block it. Leer park -
County treasurer to B. P. Angel),
east ft 'feet lot I block 211V4.
Omaha .....
tslsa Paeltio
Leave. Arrive.
...a i Ji am a 1:40 pm
...a S.M pm a S:00 pm
alu:15 am
...a 4:10 pm a &: pm
Overland Limited..
Colorado Express...
Atlantic Express....
Oregon Express.
Los Angeles Limited... a!3 54 pm a 1:16 pm
Fast Mull a ) am a :45 pm
Chira snd Japan Mall. .a W pm i-M pin
North Platts Local a 7:J am a 1:46 pm
Colo.-Chiraeo Special. ..al2:l am a !:( am
Beatrice A Stromaburg
Local bl2:K pm i 1 .40 pm
Chicago, A St. rani
Cbl. ft Coio. Special. .. .a 7:25 am all. 50 pm
CaL Ore. Express. ...a 6:tM pin a 3:5 pm
Overland .Limited a K.o pm a e i am
Pe.iy Locl b :) pm bliJLi au
Cauea v 2rliooer
Chicago Daylight a 7:2 am all:tt pro
Twin City Kxpieaa a i:4b am alo:A pra
Chicago Local , all.j ara a l:U pm
bioux CIl iocai : pm au:wam
Chicago AyJCuL
Chicago jpeual
Minnesota-Dakota Kx
Fast Mail
Twin CUy Limited
Los Angeles Limited..
Overland Limned
4: JO dm a a. nm
..a :. iin a S:2S am
..a t.46 pm a am
a I:jb pro
..a S:M pm a fc:uo am
..a :10 hi tU.b pm
biu.uu iiiu a am
Nebraska ana Wyoming uiv.sion
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:4u am a 5:20 pra
Lincoln-Long Hn a J:40 sro lj.i am
Lieadwood-Lincoln a In tun a t:lu Dm
Casper-Lander ...a 3:00 pm a i:M pm
fc-tmtnt-Aih4pil b 1:30 cm b 1 io Dm
Hastings-Superior b 1:00 pm b : pm
Chit treat w est era
BU Faul-M.inneapoils 130 pm 7: 0 an.
St. Ful-Minneupous.... 7:juam ll.lj pea
Cnicago Limited 4. Us pm t:27 am
Chicaso Express T:su am U.H pm
Chicago Express.. ....... 1:30 pm 3.3u psa
St. Lwu's Express a (JO pm a 1.3 aa
St- Louis jtxai. tfrom
Council fluffs) a I:U0 am all:15 pm
Etanueriy Lutal (from
Council Bluftsj b 5:00 pm bl0.15 am
MisMarl I'acitle
K. C. A bt U. Express. 1:00 am a C:4a am
tc6t. 1- tiWM jU.i4pui a tJM pm
iutsia Ccatravs
Chicago kJ-pres a 7:15 am a 1:45 pm
Cbicaso taunted t.i pm a 4:j au
aim i. -61. i'aul Expreaab 1.1s am
Mina.-M- I'aul Limned a .w pin a :Ai am
Oma.-FL Lda Lt-La 4.i p,a aOJ:3u am
.a.tct( ataeeit laiastat 4k raeltle
shicago ' Limited a l.ou am all:u pm
io i-4cal .......I l.w tn tiuiuii
Koca) xiuantaiu Ud... 4 uu put
Les Mouic at static! u. a m am a .m pm
Is Mwtavs fa4siigra mj pu axiu pai
Iowa Eocal bii.uu am b pa
Chicago ta-asiern tij..t i.fc ai.iwpm
CUci 0 r a na a
itccky Moustaln Lia ..axlO pm a IM am
Colo, at cwl. iULpicaa..a iiju pa a 4 pu,
lkX at TexaJ tiW"- pui a la w
". Arrive
California.. ..a 4 :1y pm a 1 45 pm
Northwest fcpocial
a 4 lU pm il bnm
Black stuia
Norlhweal Exprvaa ..
eora puiuLa
Noi ....
Lincoln Ir'aat Mail
Lincoln Local
Liucoin Lotal
fee a u ler-r1 la i la moutn
J'lattsmotuu-iowa ....
bel.ev ue-fiAttsraoutft
Denver Limited .;
ChicAga tpocUt
Chic Express ......
A '( a
.AlZ.U am a 1:4 am
a s.4u am a s.iu '.m
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-A 4 iu pm a l:u, ui
A i-.Jt, am aH:4i pui
.A4 Mpm tliipn
Chic' riyer
- pm a i ju uu
Iowa Local .....A V ia Am ali jh am
St, Louis Express a 4.40 p.a an am
Kansas Ctry & SL J04)..alu:la pm a ju
Kansas City 4k hs. J oo..A li am a pm
Eanss City, at u Joe.. a 4 Al pm ..7.
t hirAt . Mlnaealu
Leava Arrive.
Twla City Passenger... b 4 W am b I M pm
Sioux City l'lir.. 1 pm bll ii am
.Hioux City Lee' 44 am J pm
TKniersoii -Lcl to Dm la
Mlaooourf raellls
Auburn i LocAl h S4) fms bll Jt Am
a Daily. Dally axcopt BuDday. o
Aay iMuy- 4 Lauy ACpt tsalurdaj.
proposition looked easy, but experience has
shown that It was a most serious under
taking. The National Construction com
pany, attempted to drive A tunnel through
ths mil at Fifteenth and Monroe streets.
They have been working over a year and
1.0W feet or more yet "remains to be built.
Mistskes were made which are now ad
mitted, due to lack of deep tunnel experi
ence and the work of the company so far
has shown a steady loss. George Tarks
has often remarked that hs would give
l'.O0O In addition ii the contract pries to
any man who . would take the proposition
off his hands. Water, ssnd and block
clay nave twn a constant hindrance to
progress. It has required the purchase of
a steel shield lately and the use of a sys
tem of Jacks. With all this the progress
has not been more than three feet dally.
For many weeks not any progress was
made, accident after accident causing de
lay, several of the other sewers cannot be
constructed until they hsve -an outlet Into
the Mud Creek sewer. Such has been the
history and the outcome of the effort of
the company so far clearly demonstrate
that figures rhade from surface survey
tell next to nothing of the engineering
feats required under ground. The city en
gineer and W. 8. King likened the sewer
to a mule In difficulty when steady pro
gress was sought. The company insists
thst the contract will be carried out. One
of the biggest contractors at the time of the
letting of the contract agreed to do the
work at cost and asked the city to guaran
tee him a profit of 10 per cent on the
ity engineer's estimate; bat would sub
mit no bid. That Is he agreed to furnish
skilled men and furnish material at cost,
allowing the city to build Its own 'sewer,
as It were, under his supervision.
These difficulties and the handicaps
which some unforseen events have brought
nbout are given out the reasonable ex.
planation of the slow progress complained
Changes la- the Charter.
C. A. Melcher, from the standpoint of the
city treasurer, has expressed the opinion
that the South Omaha charter needs radi
cal reforms with respect to the special Im
provement assessment. Ho declared that
the city never could keep even and show a
consistent financial situation until It was
made Impossible for people to elude the
payment of levies for special' improve
ments. He made the assertion that , this
escape of obligations was practiced In
fully half of the assessments heretofore
levied In South Omaha. In many of these
cases the tax was escaped entirely.
As a remedy for a state cf affairs which
has kept the city In an uncertain state on
all matters of paving and street Improve
ment the treasurer' suggested that the
charter provisions defining the steps be
simplified so that grounds for suit to set
aside the levy be obviated. The laws In
this direction are cumbersome and involved.
A few precise regulations would make the
way clear. "It seems the law was mada
for lawyers," said the treasurer. "They
don't want people to understand legal
matters. And it follows that Invariably
errors have crept Into the city ordinances
which have made plenty 6f good money
for attorneys, but taxed the city at large
while the benefit has gone to A few. As
soon as a special levy Is made' attorneys
overhaul the whole history for defects
great enough to overthrow the levy. It
has often happened that part of the people
pay up promptly and the matter goes for
a number of years, when suddenly a lult
is begun and the tax Is knocked out. Then
we have to remit. In a case like this there
should be a law providing that all right
of protest or action to set Aside a special
assessment should be forfeited unless the
action began within one year after . the
levy was assessed. I understand this was
attempted at the last session of the legis
lature, but the clause . was defeated by
special Interests and the real estate men
of both cities owning property along paved
stieets. Without such A limitation many
people now neglect or refuse to pay the
assessment to see If strme time the levy
may be knocked out. It has not been a
policy to sell this properly At once for
special taxes. It usually falls to the
scavenger tax. which means a sacrifice to
the city. If there as a year limit which
msde further protest Impossible we could
sell the property at that time and realixe
on the tax sale enough to make the city
finances look comfortable. I suppose other
people don't see It like I do."
It is likely that some such suggestion as
offered by Mr. Melcher will be examined
Into and taken up by the charter revision
committee, which meets Wednesday, ;
'Athletic Clnh Orgaalsed.
The Shamrock Athletic association has
been organized in South Omaha for a few
weeks and met Friday evening to perfect
Its plans. A board of directors waa elected.
They are William Donahue. Lester Murphy,
John Marcell. William Curran, James Cun
ningham. John Fltxgerald. Patrick Gorman,
k Straight
" for
a Nose
For A very small amount of money
Any person with An ugly nose can
have It made straight.
The method of correcting odd
looking noses Is so simple no one can
tell bow it Is done.
No need to staw away from the of
fice. You can even go home directly
after the work Is done and your fam
ily cannot tell how the change was
No Cutting
No Bandage
No Lost Time
All physicians who know of this
method Indorse It.
Dr. Clement Co. says: "We have
given happiness to more people by
correcting an ugly, ill-shaped nose
than through all other efforts combined."
aaBha Ata oo4 OMXT TZU CLOU of ths COXV HOW.
Dr. Clement Co.
tat Wort ruth Street,
axlkat BaUdlAff.
M Floor, otto 10,
Lewis Casey and John Van Wle. The mem- J
hrhln now rurh.. n.srtv seventv. The
, ' I
club has secured quarters at 331 N street.
A gymnasium and reading rooms will be
fitted up. It Is the Intention to engage In
all of the sturdier snorts, base ball, foot
ball, boxing, fencing and kindred athletics.
The club met yesterday afternoon to pro
vide means of securing a bath and equip
ment for the gymnasium.
The officers elected, in addition to the
board of directors, are William Donahue,
president; Charles" Murphy, vies president;
John Marcell. treasurer, and William Cur
ran, secretary.
Report Jaalor Y. M, C. A
' J. D. Ringer, Gordon Inghram, Ralph
Smith, Edgar Kiddoo and Paul Shields had
charge of the morning services at the Pres
byterian church yesterdsy. Mr. Ringer and
ths boys were delegates to the Junior
Toung Men's Christian association conven
tion at Tork. The boys toM of their ex
periences In public for the first time yes
terday. Each boy took up a different
phase. The educational, the social, the
spiritual and the physical sides were briefly
discussed. Following this Mr. Rlngec made
a short address, telling of the work being
attempted for the good of beys. He said
he could not work with boys In this man
ner without getting a great benefit himself.
He plead for greater Interest on the part
of parents In the great business of molding
good men and citizens.
Maarle City Gosls.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. S.
Mrs. A. O. Smead of Mlnden. Neb.. Is
visiting relatives and friends In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Smith expect to
reside In Lincoln after the first of the year.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Pyle were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. H- B. Fleharty last week
COAL! Try Howland's celebrated Stiver
Creek. Office, 43S N. 24th St. Tel. South 7
Mrs. J. D. Courtney has been entertain
ing Mrs. Perine, who has lately returned to
Mrs. O. F. Copper has lately been enjoy
Ing a visit from her brother, Orrtn Reed
of Ogalalla.
Mr. and Mrs. John Riches have been
entertaining Thomas Wlsenhatn and w;fe
of Mullen, Nebr.
H. C. Richmond and wife were In South
Omaha yesterday and were greeting many
of their old friends.
Robert Da rr and Mr. and Mrs. James
Peters of Stanton, Neb., were the guests
of Andrew Barr last week.
Mrs. M. Peavey of Darlington, Wis., is
visiting friends in South Omaha. She Is
accompanied by her daughter.
It Is reported that Agnes May, A little
girl, was robbed Saturday night on the
street at Fortieth and X by two young
E. I. Cudahy subscribed $10 to the fund
assessed by Police Judge Callanan Satur
day afternoon for running his automobile
too fast in Boutn umana streets.
A fair crowd of workingmen met at Bar
ton's hall yesterday afterpoon to hear the
address or Krnmet T. t looa ior oetter or
ganiaation among the working men.
Milton 11. Copenharve, who recently
passed the examination for a government
Inspectorship, has been ordered to report
at Albert Lea. Minru and left for that
place Monday morning.
The funeral service for Edwin K. Wells
was held at the home of O. J. winegard
vesterday afternoon. Dr. R. L. Wheeler
conducted the service, assisted by a quar
let. Many friends were present. The body
was burled Saturday at Hot springs, o. u
with military honors.
The fuherai of Peter Bunderson of South
Omaha, who died Friday, was held at the
Christian church of Craig, Neb., Sunday,
Rev. G. H. Schleh, officiating. Burial was
at the Craig cemetery. The funeral was
attended by delegations of Odd fellows
from Omaha and South Omaha as well as
the lodge at Craig.
Anerieat, Roller. Beell awd Bar as
May Bo Seem Sooa.
Manager Gillan of , the Auditorium Is
planning for aome big Wrestling matches as
sooa ' as the National Corn exposition is
over. He thinks of bringing Dr. Roller of
Seattle, George Schoeniein (Americus) of
Baltimore, Fred Beell and Farmer Burns
One plan la to have a sort of competitive
tournament. Say Hums and Beell start It
and the winner wrestle Roller, and the
winner of that match wrestle Americus.
Certainly such a plan would cerate Interest,
pull oft some fine mat work and stimulate
wrestling Interest.
Dr. Roller was never thrown until Gotch
got him out at Seattle last spring. In fact,
up to that time he had never even lost a
fall. Gotch took two straight. Roller de
feated both Burns and Beell last year, and
Americus beat Beell. But Bums and Beell
both have some contention on their side in
these matters. They journeyed clear across
the continent each way to meet their men
in their home cltiea, Americus in Baltimoie,
Roller In Seattle. And beside that both
Burns and Beell were overworked each
time. In addition, Beell, when he went to
Baltimore to meet Americus, was laboring
under the extra handicap of grief over a
death in his family or serious sickness,
and waa admittedly not at his best.
Burns, the beat loser in the business, waa
willing to admit that he should not have
wrestled Rolier when he did. He traveled
from Omaha to Seattle and went onto the
mat the evening of the day he arrived. He
was so tired after he got on the mat that
he took the precaution publicly to ask men
not to bet on him. for fear that his fatigue
would prove more than he could overcome.
Roller threw him twice, but each time
Burns came within the merest fraction of
winning and the chances are that had he
Nose for $25
Dr. Clement Co. are experts, trained
and practical facial surgeons, and
they correct deformities of the face.
Ugly noses, large, ungainly ears or
unbecoming lips can be modified by
Dr. Clement Co. into a pleasing per
fection. They Also remove wrinkles,
scar a, moles or other disfiguring
Dr. Clement Co. can fill out hollow
checks, remove lines of dissipation or
build up a weak chin as easily aa a
dentist fills A tooth.
They lift up the sagging cheeks of
those "real old-looking ladles" with
out their husbands knowing how they
aa suddenly became good looking.
These operations they guarantee And
do It without bad after effects.
Dr. Clement Co, will gladly give
advice on how any face can be im
proved. Call or write.
While having this work don GET
to 3L 16th, Goraer Douglas,
KAXbach Block,
U rioor. ulte tlS,
been as freeh as Roller the old warhorsc
young aocior.
mericus snd Roller sre both much largr
men tban Burns and Beell. and Roller Is
larger than Americus. The Snttle doctor
Is as large. In fact, as lotrh. If not a mite
larger, and Is a wnnderfuliv made man.
Americus Is ambitious. He haa added ten
pounds to his weight in the last year and
wants to meet Gotch. Hs was one of Hack
ensehmldt s seconds at Chicago, April 3.
hen Gotch best Hack, and haa had It In
his head ever since to meet the champion.
If MT. Olllan can arrana-e a match he.
tween Americus and Rollr he probably
would make a ten-strike. Neither man has
ever worked In Omaha and both are top-
iimri ana comma-, rainer man going, or
course Burns and Beell. who put up the
fastest and cleanest match ever seen In
Omaha, are local favorites.
Some Dope for the Boys Wall las for
the Fifteenth of April.
It might be noted that Jack Johnson
Is the iirst negro ever to have the on-
portunity to fight for the world's cham
pionship In the heavyweight class. , And
some folks think he hasn t much cf an
opportunity. Jeffries fought Peter Jack
son, but it was before Jeff was cham
pion, and Corbett fought Jackson, but it
was when Jim was a kid. Sullivan drew
the color line.
Portland Is to have two league ball
teams next season and Walter McCredle
Is to own both. One will be In the Pa
cific Coast league and the other In the
Northwest, McCredle will manage the
latter and put Pearl Casey in charge of
the former.
lKvey of Boston says If Ebbett of
Brooklyn gets Dahlen for manager he
must give up Jordan In exchange. Some
unsophisticated boy had been telling
around that Dovey was going to give
Dahlen to Ebbetts for nothing. Rocke
feller Is going to donate the Standard Oil
company to charity, too.
Joe Corbett has revived his annual
Ponce de Leon gag. It Is a little early,
but Joe Is out with the announcement
that he will be back on the mound next
season. He Is In training now and his
wing, once the prid of the Orioles, in
working fine, the press agent says, and
Joe is deluged with offers from the ma
jors, but prefers to stick to the PaclH,'
coast, where his business interests lie.
Joe pitched for Denver last season, you
remember In bis mind or was it luux
Ah! somebody go and tell Ducky that's
only A Joke about Glfford coming back
Into the league.
Gotch haa got London with him at last.
That's remarkable In view of the fact
that London believed Hack, up to the t'me
Gotch landed, which was the first time
London ever saw the jnan who made a
monkey of the Russian Lion.
This Is a season of rejuvenation. Tom
Jenkins got back in the ring a couple of
w-eeks ago and A few days ago Dan
McLeod went to the mat again. Tom
lost and Dan won. These old men needn't
think they can keep up with Fanner
Burns and the other kids of the present.
Norrls O'Neill, while In The Bee office
the other day. said he had a letter re
cently from Billy Sullivan, the premier
catcher of the White Sox. and Billy was
still over In Cork. Ireland, gathering up
that fortune of 180,000, which he dis
covered was left to his wife. "As Billy
has close on to that much himself, the
family will be fairly well off." said the
president of the Western league.
1 Over at Chicago when the magnates got
together a few weeks age t; settle a lot
of tangled questions the didn't rettie,
Tim Murnane got busy with bis ham
mer on the 'Western league. Directly
President O'Neill got tired of listening
to It and took the floor. "I will it ply
to you by telling a story on you, Tim,"
said O'Neill. "Years ago when you were
playing with Worcester you got a repu
tation of being a fair base runner and a
scout came down to look you over. He
sat In the grandstand for several days.
One day a friend asked him, 'What's keep
ing you In town so long?' He replied, 'I
want to see Murnane run bases.' 'Well,'
said the friend, 'if that's all you Are wait
ing for and your time Is worth anything,
you had better not stay any longer, for
the chances are Murnane won't get on
baae again -this season.' Now, you sre
Just as strong, in results, with that
hammer of yours as you were then with
your bAt" ,., ,
A fairly good club could be formed
from ball players wh at one time or.
other appeared on the stage even briefly.
Billy Mailman of Kansas City; Harry
Bay, formerly of the Naps; Mueller, who
has achieved fame as an Eastern league
pitcher and sang for two or three sea
sons In comic opera, are among them,
while George Upp of Clumbus is a mem
ber of the Paul Gllmore company. Land,
the Toledo catcher, played In a farce for
a year. Then there was "Rube" Wad
dell, the star of the "Stain of Guilt"
company; Charley Dooln, the Philadelphia
catcher, and Monte Cross, manager ct the
Blues, in minstrel shows, and Dick Cooley
in vaudeville. This year's crop of uctors
Includes Mike Donlln In a sketch with
his wife. Mabel Hlte; Harry Howell do
ing a monologue stunt In vaudeville
houses In the west, and Joe Tinker, a
member of a Btock company.
Beselin's cigar makers won three games
and the match In a special matched game
from the Council Bluffs cigar markers.
While the scores were not big. there was
considerable enthusiasm. W. F. Schneider
had high total, 572, and Johnson had high
single game with 215. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Johnson n.V lis 13g i'
Smith 85 166 141 3
Cole 68 12 li)T 363
Schneider. D 150 141 125 416
Schneider, W. F l!M l? 2v7 67'J
TotAls 7o 75 T7S 2.2U
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Johnson, C IU lai 113 360
Christensen lot 184 126 J.J
Hansen l."4 129 138 4i5
Russell 12 " 1S4 140 4"V
Brock 1U1 133 136 Z7i
Totals 677 6M GaO 1,911
Scores made In the Cltv tournament Sun
day afternoon by Bengele and on
the Metropolitan alleys In their doubles:
1st. Zd. 5d. Total.
Royal Pool Toornasaeat.
Bv Wlnnlna fiunilftv afternoon's mine
Usher went into first place, forcing Harsch,
l is opponent. Into second place, tied wi'h
Reynolds. Usher has made a remarkable
up-hill record, starting lrom tl.e bottcm and
iigniing ma way to the top by winn ng
yesterday afternoon's game. 125 to 67. Tho
game belonged to Usiier from the start,
although the balls In the early part of thi rolled very bad for Harsch, which
seemed to discourage him.
i ne tournament has only three more to pluy and after each game the
Interest l more intense, as everyone i-o?ns
10 want to see the four top men tied for
first place, which Is a likely probability.
Score :
Uther-S. 12. t 1. TO. 2. . 4. ' 17. S 1
, . 1. S. 11-130. Total, 123.
Harsch 3. t, , 1, S, 6. I. 6. IS. 2, 5, 1, S, I,
-71. Total, 7.
Scratches- Usher, 5: Harsch, 4. Fouls:
Usher. 1; Harsch, 1. Hiich run: Usher. 20.
Tonight Harsch and play.
Following la the standing to date:
r'iayei. Won. Lost. Pet
Usher ....
Harsch ..
Fried n .
l ite ....
Orifner .
F'rince ...
. 1' 43
Mlralgasi Klevea Electa Captain.
ANN ART OR, Mich.. Dec. 7 -Halfback
David Alieidlce of lndianap.i-ia waa
elected captain of the University of Michi
gan foot ball eleven for next year.
P-oe Want Ads Produce Result.
Wights of Mesabers from. Province of
eaehee Are Broaght Into
MONTREAL. Qjo.. Dec. 7. The elec'Ion
campaign which ended on October 2( In
the return of the LaurUr government Is to
bo fought out Again In the courts, with the
province of Quebec as the principal storm
eentsr. Protests have been entered against
the election of thirty-five of the thirty-six
constituencies in Quebec province, twenty
four liberal and eleven conservatives seats
being protested. Personal disqualification
of Sir Wilfrid Laurler's principal lieuten
ants la the province la aougbt.
At the Theatcro
Salosae" at the Barvrod.
The Burwood Ftock company in
"Salome." a tragedy, by Oscar Wilde;
lis .second production in AmericA Th?
Herod Antlpas, Tetrarch of Judea
Mt. Ingraham
ThVoSngsSaVtarn'of- She"ur i
uard Mr. Grew i
F!ra;nom-.ero.u.nH.T".-.Mrr "7,
rirvi soiaier air. i rmin.
tecond soldier Mr. Todd
a Naxarene .Mr. ensue
rirai jew n" I
und jew air. i.ioyu
ffi'; mV
Naainan, the executioner. .
air ? ion
.7M"sM8?erus '
Fage to Herodias
A slave
llerodiaa, wife of the Tetrarch
Dow nln
Salome, daughter of Herodias
Miss Elliott
Let us waive discussion as to the pro
priety of producing a tragedy so terrible
as that Oscar Wilde evolves In his
"Salome." The dramatic force and
poetic beauty of the language, and the
sequence of the events are reason enough.
If reason must be furnished, for calling
the drama great. The elements of con
trast are there the sensuous monarch of
A sensuous court; the ascetic prophet,
elevated by his religious fremy Above
earthly considerations; the several sects
of the day, disputing as to the relative
merits of their creeds, Just as they are
today; the queen mother, sick of her In
cestuous marriage and writhing under
the prophet's denunciation; the daugh
ter, pure In body and undeflled In mind,
even amid the surroundings of A court
given over to voluptousness; And thla
daughter, suddenly stung Into the re
sentment of a woman scorned, because
the .has been denied that which she
asked, and her caprice leading her to
A terrible demand all this is wrought
Into the course of the single act that
comprises the play with a steadily ac
cumulating force until the tremendous
climax comes, and the limp and llleless
body of the once beautiful Salome lies
alone on the scene, a mute Answer to
the question born of evil passion. And
all told in language whose wondrous
imagery shows In every line the genius
of the erratic author. It Is a fascinating
drama, and Us acting possibilities are
carefully brought out by the players at
the Burwood.
Miss Elliott makes Salome much different
from the general notion of the character.
In her hands the daughter ot Herodias la
not the degenerate wanton she has been
depicted; she Is a girl. Just on the brink
of womanhood. Imperious and willful, as
becomes a princess, fond of her own way,
but to some degree considerate of others.
And, when she cannot have her own way,
she sulks Just as a spoiled child, and
only when she sees a chance to accomplish
her end does she brighten up. And then
she Is once more the willful, disobedient
girl, bent only on her own purpose. That
this purpose has for its end the destruction
of a holy man. one In whom All About her
seem interested and whom the tetrarch is
bent on saving, even though fearing him.
matters nothing to her. She is too famil
iar with the death of inferiors to be dis
turbed by the thought that her whim
muns the end of a human life. "I will
kiss thy mouth, Jokannon!" This Is the
cry she sends after him Into the cistern,
and she refuses to be tempted from her
purpose by any array of Jewels or peacocks
or other gewgaws Herod may offer her,
seeking lo touch her childish fancy. She
has ceased to be A child, and her Insistent
demand. Qiva me the head of Jokannon'.'
Is the word of a woman, bent on hAvint
her own way at any cost. She exults ove.
the dead man; hasn't she had It as tht
willed, in spite of his puny, power? AnC
then her grief comes: Her triumph Is em
bittered by her thought of him as she saw
him first, and In the poignancy of the mo
ment weeps. It is not the kiss of Uu
wanton she presses on the dead Hps o:
the murdered Jokannon, but A kiss of lovt
salted with tears, and her cry, "I have
kissed thy lips, Jokannon," is a wail of
Miss Elliott has put much care Into her
preparation for the part, and enacts It with
the same conscientious effort that she
brings to nil her undertakings. Her read
ing of the lines she has is very effective;
she brings out the poetry of the thought
splendidly, and gives to ach. phrase the
delicate turn 'that illumines its meaning.
She cajoles or commands, wheedles, en
treats, pleads, begs, and demands with a
glrllshness that Is charming. And then
ahe Is terrible, when, after her sensuous
dance, frightened herself at the thought
of the request she Is about to make, she
asks for the head of Jokannon. It Is surely
a fine conception, finely wrought out and
played with greet force. The dance of
the seven veils, while but an incident
of the drama, is done with a grace that
is not the least of the charms of the rolo.
As the sensuous monarch, who has sunk
his manhood In pleasures of the flesh,
who flatters himself while pretending to
honor the Roman ambassadors, who looks
with libidinous eyes on the daughter of
his wife, she who was his brother's wife,
and whose lust leads him to swear an
oath he fain would have broken, Mr. In
graham Is achieving an accomplishment
quite equal to that of his work In "The
Devil." This son of work is expected of
him, and he does It welL Mr. Connor has
the rola of John the Baptist, and presents
a splendid picture of the man who came
as a voice from the wilderness. ,Mlsg
Downln does well as the queen mother,
and Mr. Grew makes much of his
opportunity as the young Syrian captain,
who takes his life when he sees his love
for Salome Is "hopeless. Mr. Todd, as a
soldier, Mr. Murdock, as the first Jew,
and Miss Meyer as the page, are well lo
cated, and the others In the cast add to the
general success of the performance.
The drama is well staged and costumed,
and presents a series of well designed pic
tures. All in all, it is probably the most
ambitious thing the Burwood folks have
yet essryed, and is certainly an artistic
Preceding "Salome" a farcical sketch,
The Silent 6 stem." Is used as A curtain-
Bottled in Bond
Is the one faultless whiskey. Back
of every drop of it is 51 years of
conscientious, painstaking effort to
keep it pure and dean.
It has been the same ever
44 Since 1857
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If your dealer rant supply rota, writ us
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j4-.t ,;. it,;Q imnnr nnrl infected condition of the Hood CaUnli WlU
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breTthinp. and even stomach disorders and weakened healtlu wnnot be perma-
""'.. ....... . , .- , . , . ' 0 , ...
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particle of the catarrtial matter irorn mc
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gteacl Deing constantly unuueu sum iiimiura vy uu j.u n.a . .
tin. Then the symptoms begin to pass away and when S. S. & has entireW
punned the tilooa, catarrn is pennantnuy imtu uu mt
preatly built up. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice desired sent tree
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ljlLl'riJIWli W X Kvniuion Blank for bom. treatment.
Dr. Searlei & Searles, 119 S. 14th,
raiser, Mr. and Mrs. Bacon appearing In
the character of husband and wife. Wifey
does all the talking, while hubby does a
thlnktng part. It is very laughable, and u
well done.
Vaadcvllle at the Orparim.
Ben Welch who Is a comedian 14 hours
a day, or at least all his waking time, was
seen as such for fifteen minutes at the
Orpheum yesterday afternoon and evening.
Those who saw him when here two years
ago knew what U expect; others had a
dimmer Idea and still a third group had
heard fellow performers talk of him. Sj
unanimous is the praise which other men
and women on the circuit accord Welch
that one looked for a good deal and was
not disappointed. It is character acting of
the truest type although be is doing noth
ing but a monologue.
Comedy Is the motif of the whole Orphe
um bill tills week. There is comedy In every
act frdm "General" Lavlne who opens the
program to the Trapnell family, five Eupo
pean acrobats touring America, who are
iast except the kinodrome.
Violet Black and her company give the
headline act, playing a one-act comedy
entitled "In The Subway." Miss Black
plays the girt who had lost her carfare;
and Cameron Clemens the man who
came to rescue, but who gave her much
trouble Incidentally. Another well acted
part In the sketch, which is quita amus
ing, is that of the ticket chopper played
oy Eugene Keith. Herbert Morris and E.
A. Brown did much with small parts.
Many people do not like Juvenile per
.ormers, but. there are none who will not
rejoice ut the singing and dancing of the
.stalres, an Omaha glrf of 12 and boy of
. ', who have a singing And dancing act.
.he children are so unusually pretty, such
.ever dancers, so handsomely and taste-
jlly costumed and have so much charm of
uuth. that their number is a real delight.
Harry Foy and Florence Clark score a
big success in a sketch "The .Spring of
South." More successful than Ponce de
Leon. Mr. Foy discovers the rejuvenating
waters and also a well of generosity which
has amaxlng results. What he looks
like when rejuvenated 1000 years Is she
climax of the sketch and a laugh-making
climax It is.
"General" Edward Lavlne uses quotation
marks on his 'title himself. He also
claims to have "soldiered'4 all his life and
asserts that he la a "handy handler of
everything In the canteen." Of comic Jug
glers he Is the lieutenant-general, chief
of staff, commander In chief and secretary
of war.
Dick Lynch sings to the Accompaniment
of stereoptlcon illustrations. The act is
a satire, and a good aatire, on the
would-be emotional songs sung to colored
pictures which are as ugly as sin and
as horrible plctorlally as a chromx It
is time that a funmaker like Lynch came
along and ridiculed out of existence thece
abominations. He told some Irish siorlet
well and danced the moat intricate strps
more easily than any man or woman who
has been on the Orpheum stage this aea
aon. The Trapnell family Includes three
girls and two men or, more correctly,
boys, for all the five are young In years
They give a good deal that is new in
an Acrobatic way, and that is sayin
much. The act Is out of the ordinary a
acrobatic offerings go.
A "Want Al" in The Bee stop many
"long-felt wantsv"
ProTlag that Llrclrlclty Kills.
TRENTON, JT. J. Dec. 7 County Phy
sic. an Frank G. Seammell announced to
day that he would try to resuscitate the
next man electrocute In the New Jersey
state prison He will do this In an effort
to disprove the claim of a New York phy
sician that electricity does not kill. John
Mantasanna Is under sentence to be elec
trocuted during the week of December 21.
. More Bodies Pinal la Mlae.
PITTS'URa. Deo. 7. Repirts from the
Marianna mine of the llttsbuig-Buff slo
Coal company, where r.n exnh s on occurred
Noverrbir ifc, tonivht brin the death liat
tp to ll. Four bodl s were brought to the
surface today, while seven others were
found. The body of James Roule, H years
........ v, .1.. - . . a
i fettered
I 1 ji!
Pa. V "
... j
iiwu miu cuiiuio uiw iiuu ui
with nutritive, healthful qualities, in-
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles.
Cstabllsned in ouiaha for i year, i lm puny tnoua.
ends of caaes cured by us suaks us tne most siper
tenced Specialists in tne West, in ail diaeaaos and all
tnents of men. We know Juat what will cur you
and curs you quickly.
We Cure You, Then You Pay Us Our Fee.
We n aka no mlai ading or faise slalcuienia, or ttier
you cheap, worthless treatment. Our leputation and
tame art too lavurauiy known, every vase w tteat our
reputation is at elaxe. Vour heailh, lite and haipineaa
is too serious s mattei to (lace In the hands of a
KAAEUBt" SOClUA, Honest d -ctori of ability use
their OWl VAHK U TKSIJfc BUBLNEKS. ai vous
Debility, Blood roisia, akin a Dissasss. audnsw and aiaa.
Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha,
Omaha Doctors Score
Have Eastera Physicians Barked Oft
the Map.
Many stories of remarkable cures have '
oetn reported throughout Nebraska, bear
ing eastern date lines, but now a wonder
ful statement comes direct from an Omaha
The case Is that of Mrs. Carrie Little of
lT.'I Capitol avenue, and has to do with
nickness, suffering and doctoring, with a
iinal verdict of "operation the only hope,"
out that was before the Austro-American
doctors arrived rn -Omaha. Now tire woman
declares she does not need an operation,
and the Auetro-American doctors are the
ause of It
To a reporter she told the story as only
a woman can after suffering Intense pain
for years and after being relieved In a few
days, thereby escaping a dreadful . oper
ation. Mrs. Little Is a bright. Intelligent woman
and Is not fanatical In her beliefs. As
she herself said: "I half no faith in the
treatment to begin with, but I have plenty
now, for I am a new woman."
When asked to tell the story of ber sick- .
mbs, Mrs. Little said:
"I have been a great sufferer for years
with that miserable, dragging sensation
that so many- of us women are familiar
with; took treatmit until the local physi
cians at last admitted that they could do
no more for me. I steadily grew worse,
new complications developing, until I was
more dead than alive, and frequently
wished myself dead so that I might bo
relieved of my suffering. My stomach and
bowels seemed to have become dead, so
far as performing their natural functions
were concerned. When I came to see the
Austro-American doctors I had Just been to
see some of the most prominent doctors
in the city, and they told me my only hope
was In an operation, and they did not seem
to be very confident of success In thst. It
waa my good fortune to pick up one of the
city newspapers, in which I read of the ,
Austro-American doctors and the wonder
ful cures they were making, and as I had
been told that my heart was In such a
bad condition that I would probably not
survive an operation, I came to aee theso
Austro-American doctors. In the hope that
I might be saved to my little daughter.
They told me they believed an operation
was unnecessary; that my case was similar
to many that had yielded to the "Austro
American treatment before, and while my
hopes were raised just A trifle, I believed
it was too good to be true.
"You can see what only A few weeks'
treatment haa done for me. My friends
caa scarcely believe their eyee when they
see what a change there Is in me. AH the
Id dragging pains are gone and I Am no
onger nervous. ,
"In addition to my other troubles I had
in excruciating pain In my arm. I have
mffered with this pain fof, the last seven
.ears, having tried osteopaths, magnetic
eaters and A number of the other doctors
ithout any results whatever. My arm
vould get so bad at times that I couldn't
ven pick up a pin. I couldn't afford to
e sick, for I Am a widow And hAve A
hi Id to care for. I w as discouraged, for I
didn't know how to do anything but hard
"When I went to see the Austro-American
doctors they were mighty good to me
when they heard my story, and made the
price low enough so I could afford to take
the treatment. My arm soon began to im
prove, and while it Is not entirely well. It
keeps right on Improving, and the pain baa
almost left It. I feel that I will soon be
as well as I ever was!
"I am enthuslaf tie over this treatment, and
I have all the reason In the world to be
so. I am not the only one who has found
a cure In the Austro-American treatment,
and I am not the only one who Is rejoicing
over my own recovery."
In every word spoken and In every action
Mrs. Little showed her happiness and ap
preciation over the success of the treat
ment in her case, and as the reporter
listened to her story of speedy recovery he
could understand why the newspapers of
the central west have been full of good
things about the Austro-American doctors.
The Austro-American dnetors are perma
nently located at 43 Ramge building. Just
one blork from the big corn show, and
give free examination dally to all sufferers.
Call Us
by 'Phone
Whenever you want soma-- .
thing, call 'Phone Douglas
231 and make it knows
through a Bee' Want Ad.
D. C. SCOTT, D.V.s;
(8uceoawr to Dr H. L. B a laaoeiot tL)
Offao ABA HaarpstaJ. BTO
Calla Preen sly Aaowaroa at AH Howra,