Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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f Ef nl Situation TTathuig-fd ttd
Lorp Stuff Remains Turn.
Tkls rt-rew
WkMfWalra ttssravea
sat Uwct MewawrfcUe
lata- Walt far Cot.
erwaseat kar1.
OMAHi, TNl. 7.
Wheat on nd f trm, hot wift lower on
lack of speculation. The general sttua
tirm w u unchanged and hmder of Ions
stuff remain firm. Speculator were to
t lined to wait -for the gove.rnmrit rejtort,
hicb s-aa to cum at it m today.
Com wa on the decline, with increasing
receipts. Eastern consumption demand
continue ery pour and lover value tare
loofcod forward to.
Wheat started out steady, but the spec
ulative element beid hack, vaian for the
goverrtnent report. The report rum bear
ish and caused a flury of selling, and the
total lack of support let value oosa ior a
euick 1-cent drop. Iteoemrvrr wheat opened
at swc and cloned at ac
. Corn opened on the oer.iitte on Increasing
reeeipt and a noticeable siscknoss In the
hipping demand. The fmerMimt report
aaa bearish, showing a larse yeld still held
w the country Leoember opened at Siisc
nl rinsed at h4c.
Primary wheat receipts were Rflf'.BrtO ttush
la and shipments were 1.034 wo buntieia.
against reoelpta taut vear of 1.2f".fW0 bushel
and shipment of l.n&Msie husbels.
Com tacelpia were .( bushel and
shipments were Jui.MnO bushels, agamnt re
oelpta last year of M(-.4ltw busuel and ship
ment trf 24ff,,0n bushel
Oearanc were l?.tt Vunhel of rorn.
rone of oat and wheat and flour equal to
a.wm buntjela.
Ueriiool r I need i lower OB weat and
45d lower on oom.
fjot a) rasr ft option:
Artlole. Ojwn. I Hi-ti. Low. Close I Rat 'jr.
"Wheat t
i "4 i (Kyi ict la ith
' irj msi s:
1 ii tn.lrai bb--, ii
t' 4s!
May.. I
Oaaka Cakah Ti
WHEAT No. I hard. Sl.mOl.flC: ?Cn. t
herd. Hvl : No. aprtnit. lVftn 0L
CORN Ni. t. t"r; K. 4. Ni.
1 yellow, Sf.VSr; No. I white. KTc; No.
E tnlared. CVbTr: JCr. I yellow, Cg
fe; No. a white, 4T-tHPr ; No. 4 wtilte,
KYE-Ne. t IJe: Ko. t, 71c.
Carla( He-ex-i a.
"Wheat. Corn. Oat.
ChJciMro . .. M rJ! 107 m, ... ...
Imluth j4T ... .
Omaha . . , 7 Si
CHICACO catiN akd raoTKios
faTemhle Oattowk far Fall Fowl
WkeH Owp U rakna Market.
OHICAOO. Iec. 7 Wheat price on the
local exrhanpte derllned 3c tu&ny for the
Ma and July deliveries, owing to gmwtj
elltna; baaed . oa a btarieh ahwlnc of the
arovernrm'nt report. The market cloned
wea at the lowe point. Corn, oata and
pro-ialona alno cloned weak.
Announoemect of the eatlniate ty aroverD
mvnt of filial it'latinc to the oonchtion of
( and acreaae a own to winter wheat In the
lutled Pialea wa made at the noon hour
and waa the oorttFior. for acrtTe aelllna; of
wheat n the local exchanpe the remauider
of the day. Aa a renult uf thla general mvli
lns prittia declined from lc to i'nc from
the hiph point rf the day, the May and
Jtrty dltrertea irhowlna; the rreateat loeeek.
Loadink rail apparentlr rave the market
no aupporl and the principal buying; waa
done by ahorta and rommiaawn houas. Ad
oorflint to tbe official ntatiatlc the condi
tion of the crop w-aa placed at W-.i. com
jiKred with a 10-ivear verare of ISt.Z. and
the total acreage wac eaumated at ID.fcM,
tMH) acrea. a much larger acreage than
generally wan expected would be aboa-n.
fh -acaarkM waa alao waakenad T a a-creaMt-
vl Z.'L.M buaheia tn tb vmitUe
euj.ply of wheat In the United Staiwa.
Trjnr te the publication of the government
report the market waa fairly aleady and
trading waa inclined ta drag. The maraat
I'looed at tlx- low point for all deliveriea.
ItecemtMT being at S104V May at Slot.
and July at ti.UlV C0uranoea of what
and flour were equal to KT.T.iKm Pualtels. The
I'-iumi en paaabge decreaaed HOb.OOU buh
ia. vi-rn waa weak all day. Receiving Bouaec
leported that offeringa of com at country
atanona In Nebraska were much more liu
ral today, whlh helped to Oeprea prkiea.
The market oloeed wnak at the bottom,
yitb prica off V&'Salc.' compared with the
prevkoua chiee. Final quotation on Deoem
Iht were tiiac arid on May at IL'ftj
iiata were dull and weak. Tlie market
Ciaaai d at the bottom, with price
below Saturday' final quotation, tecem-b-r
tieing at itM?4!'c and May at hie
Provision wera a-tak. Arrival of live
hog tier today were eahmated at Tf.&.
head. At tb clone price wcr doa-n 7VP
The leading future rangt d a follow:
a.-tlclea. Open..! tiagh, Lowi. Cloa. Yea y.
May '
Jan. May
!l 0Mt, J 05V 1 WJ
1 lVi I lt"a( 1 4Vi
1 IH1 4KVH
1 lVl
1 Vil I tl
1 tW;! VSI 1411a
Be 4yaM
l!W; 4CW! 7
IS BO 1 K O'.'V 16 HO I IB SO K. B
16 16 ZTmi 1 07W If 07H 1 Vt
r u is I ir
K": I 46 I (I'm, i
t to
fc aa
Ko. J "
C'aah quetation were a follow-
FLiC'l'Ii eirnady; winter tent. S4 Ht
stralghu. U.XiH(li: citare. 12 7(np-i
Hfiriiig cpeciala. K lii.Jf; palenta K li(fl
a 4i'; Ktraiglit. t2 uiii4 Tu: bakera ZZ hi.
HHUT-No. t epririg, tLO'fy-l )! ; No. S
aprtng. tl-tKKua. 07; No I red. tl.WVya.UtiV
fX'RN N. 2, SHrtilWc. No. J j-bllow,
ATS No. t white, ErVSKac; No. I
while. fcofjICc.
BARLEY Oood feeding. r; fair to
choice malting, 0&m4c.
PlUvT'S FikX. Ne. 1 northweatern. fl.4.
'"iroothy. prime, CSo. Clover, contract
4'roe. tS 4a.
PR O VI SiO?C3 Ehort ril. aidea (lnoiiel,
liy Sm. Meaa pork, per bi.l.. fUMU
l-.Ci L.rd. ptr 1W lba . .l. f hort clear
a ()- iboxodl, $k 7ff (it.
Following were tlie receipt and ah!p
t lent of flour and grain:
Reeelpta. Shipment
?1our. bhl. ... lZ.b . Jilt..7u6
V hunt, bo. . . 4( l,.7iw
"om, bu. .r;4.' lC 4o
4ata, bu. .. llti
Hit, bu. . Si. SMU
tiLrlrv." bu. .3W' T lx
Cm the Produce exchange tocar the boi
ler anaiket wa, creameriea. 'SUv'Mm::
itirwt, tli4'i. lKra. ateady; at mark.
aae included. St'3ii fireta. Sir; prime
1 rat, lac- Ciieeae. firm at hQLjc.
Miwaeiapataa drala Martcrt.
- M1NKEAPCL1S. Minn.. Tr 7 WHEAT (i i-; May. U.1T 1 11 ; No.
hard. CUV: N 1 nurtherm. U.loV: No.
wrtiieni, H..4W1.4I!; No. S northern
PKAN In bulk,
F'Uul'H -Ciicnangod : f imt tatent, CSSH
lm: ood pal cms. K,4atf. : first rleara,
U SKij-tae, wwil cieara t-J)"i(
- - MUaaakf fcrata karket.
MHiWAtTCWE. "Wt.. Lfc.. 7 WE EAT
a-r: N. 1 northern. C.lSn.M: No. !
MM-them, HJospiJl1; Mny. n 1 bid.
CORN Lwrr; May. -,jic.
BAKUTT Firm . atancud, ac; aampla.
aatath fimm Hatket.
PVUTU Minn, Iec- 7 WHEAT Na.
1 northern, liflfi; No. I nonbera. H.ffTW;
rw-fr-ber. ).(. May. K.HV
ratltavdwlpkAai rr4M MArkrt.
FHILAIKLJ-H1A. lutr. t. BI'TT3
frm; extra wtat'-era creamery, sac; tmaiay
rrrta. J".
i-ivi 'u-wi: aud tnMtr ; Fcnncyi
IWul and other aiaai-Ly fuata, free caaoa,
V" at m'k: ( un! wpii. in return
able cases, Xjr at mark, western first,
free mtH-K, lav at mu t . rurre v rece :pl,
free rtm, S4iTn- at mark
C'Htnf 1-1 Irm; good demRfin; New
Turk full ifrwnn. noire. ln4V; '"-lT
to geod. l.'Kjruvi.
of fair lay
NEW TORK. rec 7 FUOrP. RecelpL.
V. mr, bbla ; rxport. ' At bbia: mJ k 1
nleadr tut duii, Iwlnti-aota putfiit. Sii.i&
B.4K.; MinrKa bakr, a va . winiT
lifcient M :&;..!. inir ir:p!t. M.!
I liir iiirtL K frc4 Hi ; a-uiver loa
graden. BVitil Rre flour, meaty; lair
10 eoort. K liti4.IK': t :iice to fancy, M-e-vp
4 o. bwkwbeat flnn-, cull; It mJ-4H' l r
1 liw
PT'CKWHEAT Quiet : etalc. Klc. nnmlrii'i.
CXKr.'iH RA U Blcaoji ; fine white and vci
loa. Si.aixil.ili:. i-oariiK. tl.aitffll.5i. kiln oned,
C 7i. .
RYE tull: No S aeatem. 83c. nominal.
f o. 4i. N-w York.
I'.ARLEY P-.cbuj : malUng. (RVTRtc r 1.
PuffnK-; feiini. 45c . i. f. Nf Yoik.
-Kect 101 a. giA 'Xi bu.; txporis.
ln.K bu pjxrt, -hfv: No I red, tl rof! elevate; No. 2 red, fiJJ f. o. b- afiont.
No. 1 northern. Luiuth. : 1 1. u. b.
a;Uat; No. 2 ham winier, 1117 1 n. b.
aficwt. The rw nmmcnt report cntidltuins
figurta on winter wneat today were u
much aliv jrivate oeiimaie thai wheat
broke aharply nn6j active lio ui juiicn and
cioaed weak at tVt net low Via.bie ruwly
fiKur-a and cable acre al li'rieh. 1 1
wiiiber. l .irVol.ln; cih.iwd at H i:'. May,
U.14i,il.lV; rl(.-d at li.M1.
t W-N-Kirriii li4. hu ; cxporta. h in
bu. fr.jKH market, aae.v; No. 2 pea, 6S-ru70ci
levator to arrive and 7(ic Lo b afioat-
OpUona without trunaaciiona, c ioaing V'flic
net lower. IK-oenilwr cioeed at vtt : Hu
cioeed al I! , July cioM-d at EHu..
OATS R"te;p1. 144 IK' bu. B;o market
steady; nuxtL to 22 Jl.. fcfV-"" : natural
white.. 24. u ilw., tuVfiMK. clipiied wniui,
m 10 a 1t.. wn4jfc!c.
HAY Fteady; aiiiiijilng, GiGGac; good to
choice. Wtc.
H1L.E& Firm; Bogota, S06'2c; Central
Anterh a. 2itc.
LEATHi .R Bieafly; arid. 2:H(&:2c.
MKL Ptii : doniertic fie.e, XlMc.
FRuVl&lONS Beei. meai.'?-; lamiiy, W..(H!
"SnT.oO; meft. tiX.(''iilS.r('; ix-ef hania, l1,.l
(p2k.li0; iaJS-r. t.4.w(j lf..0; c.ty extra,
India meefi. art; . iVXfj .4' ; cut meat. Btearly;
pl kid bchies IV.k.xiH.Bli: pickled liama. tv 1K1
Kiln ID Lard. BLeaciy; weKiam. S5.nurl.V':
relln-d. eany. coriunat, mouth Amer
ica. Iiu.wt; compound. t,.87Wa7.2L. Pork.
barely eica ; iairu y. ilK.u"; Btairt
1 tear. TM t"4 .w, xhjc, I 6.n4iiiilii.7u.
TALlxv VuieL; Uty K per pkg ). 5r;
ecu: tr- (ftkg. Ireet, frp i...
RICE Hlciy; nomcnUi fir to ertra. i
; Japun. nonianal.
1- L TTLK-W u ei and steady: creamery
npeciala, KVyinaac. (official price, 3jjci;
ixiiaa, 14(V-aic; third to finrta, o"c;
held, common to eTwtal. Satjpjbc; dairy
common to special iltifMc; ir:meaa. enrol
mon to special, l-juc: western factory,
ftrbt. 21(2iu. ; weiiem lmrlktion cream
ery, first. 2tfJ3i.
CHEEfE-P.ini; state, full cream, spe
cial. 14Vfl"ir-c; Bcptemlr. large and
fcmall. colored or white, faticv. 14r: Octo-
large and small, beau lS'c; October,
late made, email. IhisI, 13c; good to prima
IlitCBUc; common to felr. lhVfl'UVc;
aklina. full to special. liwae.
EKjQS etrong ; ataie, Pennsylvania and
Pcarby fancy, seated. wMte. tiattW:
shite, fair to choice, 4i6"ic; brown and
mixed fancy. 4L'4t4mc; brown and mixed,
lair to choice. KtcMiir; western first, 3fg
ic; secoiida, "MuZa.
POULTRY lreaeed. strong; western
spring chicken. ll.'(utc; foals, Hn3rc;
apru.g turkey. 1isc
Fair Warmer la tbe rroaalse t
tbc Cwrm baw.
OMAHA. lec. 7. 1S0R.
A cold wave swept doa-n from the north
west during Sunday, and ha spread over
the central -vallef thin morning. Zero
weather extend south over eastern Ne
braHka and western Iowa, and temperature
ranging from ton To fourteen degrea below
are reported In Hie upper vallev. Light
sncwa were gejwral thoughout the uptwr
Miamsaippi and Miaaourt valley Saturday
night, and scattering flurrte occured In the
upper valley and went to the mountain
during Sunday. An area of high pressure,
with generally clear weather overliea tbe
central valley and west thi morning
with .a relative depression over tbe extreme
nortca'ent. The temperatnre i rising
rapidly. In the upper Miaaouri -alley and
northa-est and it wUl rme steadily in thl
vicinity tonight and Tuedy, with fair
weather. A dlsTurrtanne of considerable
enargy, with ruins, anow and high wmd.
ox-erlie the lower Lake -region, upper Ohio
valley and east to the coast, and 1 caus
ing generally unsettled weather throughout
the e&siern and southern portlona
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the corresponding
day of the past three year:
Ma, lmr. 15K. 1MB.
Minimum tamporature.... t Sit a js
Pretdpltation ft T 4t
Normal temperattrre for today 86
Ieririency In precipitation since March L
S.Ki inches.
I eflclncy eorrespondtng period in M07
e.MK incliea.
Ief iciency correnpona!ng period in 1906.
4JS lnclie.
L. A. WLXJEH. Local Forecaster.
St. Lrata &-arral Markrt.
T. LOUIS, ttec. 7 WHEAT Lower;
track. No. 1! red. cash,' ll.ija.l: No. t
Hard. li.tfUGU.Wr; Ieoember, $1 May
CORN Jjower; track. No. 2 cash,
tfV; No. 2 white, fa4VS4wc; .December
Clc; May, 4Hc.
OATS Lower: track. No. 2 cash, E$tBc;
K. t while. Sic iieop.mber, 4fhc; May
1TR Firm : red winter patehtn. I4.w
r.': extra fanry and straight, It.S&iH.Wi;
bard winter clear, ti.wi).
FEEI Timothy, l2.wXia.2i.
(X iRXMEAh-Cili.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, ILOSSi
1 UH
HAT Steady; tknothy, ft.5o$14.Sf; prairie,
liiuS COTTON TIES T.. 00.
RAGGING Hemp twine, 1c.
PRO-1S10NS Pork, lower: lobbing,
l" Lard, lower; prime steam. Ih.lnmiia.ui
Iry salt moats, umhanged: boxed, extra
aborts. Ill to; clear ribs. IS7T: abort cieara
Hu.mi Baotn, unchanged: boxed, extra ehort.
I )li SI'S, dear rib. HU.tEfta; short clear.
Ill' to...
POULTRY Firm; chlckenn. be: spring.
10 V: turkey. 13c; duck. Rjc; geese, fec!
f I'TTER Stnonajer; ereamery, SSiftic.
a:GG Firm al Sc. cane count.
Receipt Shipments.
F our, bbl ltm snor,
Vlieat. bu KX.SiW jri mm
Ctrn. bu , &4 (mo 17 (M'
Out, bu ffi(Kj S4.UM
bsaaaa City CtraUa aaa Prai lalma,
kaneas cttt. rec. 7-wheat rn-
rhai.ged to loa-er; Itecemhur. nfSc;
Muy. Iii: July, kf.'nc. Cash: No. 2 hard.
ll.iOol.dE; .No. t hard, H.4ij'1.(I8; No. 2 red.
H (TTw;.!; No J ,ed li.(tt(
CXJRN I nct.arged to c higher; Decem
ber, I7c; Kay, 6Hc: July. CeVe. Cash:
No. i mixeri a.''V4'c: mixed. oi"r; Nu. t
while. 0V(M,ic: No. 1 wnit. , HiioSc-
OATfe I tichangad; No. 2 white. c; No.
mixed. 4"h(c1ik
KY 1--74(0 71c
HAY Firm; choice timothy. IS 75ne nti;
choice prairie. h.iir3i.inj; choice aifalla,
Bl TTfc.ll-Firm; creamery. 39c; packing
stock. IX
LtJGB Firm; freah extras,- S4c; current
reccipia, 2!tt.
Receipt. Shipments
"Wheat, bu .US,.(liii 41 .WW
Com. bu- lfcti .ki
Oat, bu Iky4wu lk.WO
Option at K&Tiaa City:
I C'eu. I H-gh.J Low. I Close.
Wheat I i I I
Itet-toiber . .. . '.tlfr&i 1 11 fU
4-v I llfV i 4Ct, 1 41 1 a.
Corn i 1 I 4 W nuBfAaP.! ET!
M ! irf-Aj e.vik abVI s1
aaibla wpij u (Ma,
NEW TORiC. Iec. 7. Tim risible aupply
of grain in the United eiiale fcaturaay,
I HXt-ml-er B. aa complied by the New York
produce -xc-hiijige waa aa follows: Wheat.
H. 2Jo"4 bu.; increase. 24k.(m bu. Corn,
4,it bu.; lncnaat:, l.ltiAniu bu. Oata,
K74i.)ti bu ; increaae. rTCu-' bu. Rye, 1 lie -Do
bu. : incraaati. Kl bu. Barley" 4.7(T.ltl
bu.; iacraaae. 2!a.4 bn. Tbe nsibl oujaiy
ot grain In Canada Karurday, laecembor S.
aa comuiid ly the New York Produce ex
change, wu E.touOOtf bu., a decrekaa ui
I. tiUt.aa bu.
FBOtPOA. HI.. Tieo. T. CORN Lower: No.
2 yenow. Hhfnuci Na. I lilio. iMi.c;
No. E. beltc-. No. 4. E?vc: no grade, ajituirwe.
tkA.T& No. 8 while, nojraitv
Kuk MLT4aisa
OMAHA, TH-r 7 Rank rieartng tirr to
day wrs' and lor toe corre
a;uuLhg riLt iaal jeai li.ltj:.
Xaiket Kancwa Itrcfptirily is Ita
SpfcnlatiTe Scope.
oy aa Ft ma a ad , Irnraaa A di
fa 17.XBenr41 Wkea Tear-Eal Itf
mlrraarnit far Faada
arc Met.
ET YOlJv. Ier 7 The stock market
na-rowed irceptlbiy in it sjiecuialivt
scope. Tht laca of decision in am ox tht
uay r movements retim accurately the
sjmtuiaUve senumcTit itevaihng for tht
moment. The conviction if vert general
mat., whatever slight Xirmiicss inert miv
tie In the money maikel m connection Willi
the approach of tne end of tne year anU
its nuno rou regulrvmcnts, the turn of the
yeur alll nee a rtuaxauon to even greattr
The element in the speculation, ahirh
takea this view of the outlook expects the
stock market to mark time or fluctuate
narrowly until the end of t!ie year and
tlwn take up a vigorous advance again.
.m; compilations published b the Journal
of Commerce t,r average stockholding
made tip from a ranvae of a laree nuniher
or railroad and industrial corjtoratioiis give
nnme lntucation of tne redistribution of
lioidlngL. ahioh renulled from the upheaval
of tlie last year. From these It aptx-ars
that forty Industrial corporations in whIUi
i'iLv ve,'e numtier of stockholder aa
4 B40 tM'fore the panic had increased this
number to 7.4C7. id lieceniber a year ago
and to Si now. For Taectv-flre railroad
CTorprTation. the figures for the same
period were.4.!7 llore tlie panic, ft 443 in
lHoember a year ago and ld.iioi at presenu
Thl is evidence of the alertness shown
by a large ciaB of Inventors to take ad
vantage of the low values, which m!d
curing the last year. The atworption of
the floating supply of shares in Itie stock
market thu affected formed a substantial
foundation on which to start tlie extensive
rise in prices, which ha occurred elno:.
The publication of tbe government s De
cember 1. estimate of the condition of the
winter wheat prop wa an event of some
importance. Tlie reaJ Significance of tlie
8i. eonditlrm reported I somewhat ob
scured by the ectlve speculative conditions
In the wheal market. The violent break
trt the price of wheat, which followed the
apitearanee of t he report a as due to the
jirevious advance based on thes rrpert re
ports. The commencement of dividends at
the rate of 4 per cent on Wisconsin Central
preferred stock was a nuntamlng factor in
keopirnr alive speculative interest In that
class of stocks, which have furnished the
features of the market for some time past
Paris again took the available supplv of
gold in London and discount advanced
Bond were firm. Total sales, par value.
United States 2s registered afivanced U
pe- cent on call.
Number of sale and leading quotation
on slock were;
Sales. Hlrh
Lew. Closa,
Amalaamsted Copper
. 17.7'Kl
. l.SKi
(ii Ri US
S'S 46 4r.
V 4 . 4i
14, .liTfc V-,
Ei".i, ut-m
"4s !, KHi
l"l ! 1'
isi i;uv, mi
41- 4S 4W,
l F7T,
":Ts KUTs 'l
111 3ia 3ii"
Pfw J Jifts
; at m
im th,
it, n 17,
as Jt-
101 101 JOI
uS u
US 11 li
!7S 171, 171'
li"S lS r4cit
6K (!tl K
41S ai an
71 7"S ii
k U
1 kz; is.ii
1"S it IX
nn jr. . a..
' ' 7
MS, M h4
!W WS 2:'
4S 4.V
: llia
lkl loti 11."
34." US :
74 73 T.:
147S 14S 34t
In 4S 14
SS at' S
US US 11
.. IW1
siS is '
si a: 8;
an 37 117
12: liiS 3-iS
H . i'
as n7s I"
71 71 ("U
ti' ti
117S DCS llS
4TS 4i 4k
7f. 74 74
14!S MI Hi
n-S H7
l!(l 1 11
lib 1K' 3"
a as 7
4?s 'S 'S
141 13H MHS
2KS S V'
an ae ft.
i4 ms
ci fcr-,
ir fcs
b4 all !.:
7 7f 77S
us ins 3-7S
lS'S 12' EH
!.'. r. H4
nk eV s .
4; 44 44s
Sr. ' S
Iks aes '
Mi a, Ihi' 1S"S
i. r.:
1(S Hl 1(17
br M M
lir 112
lid 4 47
44 4S 4
114 114 31?.
JKS 17
4i. '- 4SS
i Wt hi
lr 12 I'
a1 'S
ll' 1 liH
C. a F.
c. r. pro..
Cotton Oil
H. I pw
lnr nm-tirltlaa
Uhm Oli
lrfmomctttva ......
. i.n
. Es.11
. "i.ii
. 1M
. 4.111"
. :ih(i
. t.4W
. .6i
LecoBiouv pfd...
Am. e
Am. B.
41 a v'i
Am. Btifrar Refining...
Am. Tubacrn pfd
American Wnolen
Ansimuda Mluinc Ce..
AtchlMm 144
Atlmir (lout tilaa...
battlmare a Otuo
hal. 4i Ohio pid
brwoklT Kaptd Tr.....
daiuuimn pmilfic ......
Central Ltnattior .......
rntTml ptd
Central of Mew Jf-raey
rhMLpwkK 4r Oblo
riiliaso CH W
ChKmso K. W
C, M Bt. T
C... C C. St. 1.
flotorado F. 41 1
Colorado r Bo
"i 41
.. Ift.tllH
.. 14. l'Xi
. . l.istrt
. . i 41m
.. lL.inii
: 4K
at. 41111
.. 1.4
.. li.SI
.. l.til"'
.. i.lMl
.. t.Hlf
.. s.fHNt
.. 1 (Ml
riolo. A be. la pfd
Cuia A So. Id piu
rnnoolldatod Oua
Com Prudurtp
lulanra a-'Hnaaini
Itaevw 4 Kio tiinBds.
PAR G ptd
Ituttllieej' Securltto
iirie lt pf
fcna M ft
Owianu AHootrlc ...........
tii-oat Northern pfd....,
Ol. Nnnhero Ora ctt .
liiimim CMntial
lniorhorwucii Met,
Int. atttt. pfd M
lnboroauntiAl Paper
Int. Paper pfd
ltilemT irtnal fump .
low Clenual
Kansas Cltr &o
K C. Ra pld
Umisrllle A K
Minn A Bt L
St., St. r. A s, E. al
Missouri Pacific
M., K. T
at.. K. A T. pfd ,
National Lstad
New York Oentral
K. T., O. A
V irrt ti Ajnorlran ..........
Northsrn pmclllc
Pacific Hail
Pnnsv)vania ...............
People's Osa .
T . C, C a St. I.
Pi issi d Stool Car
Pullsaaa Palaoe Oar
kallwsj Btoal Sprinc
Esodhic .
hptttiur Sleel
Kepoalle stsal pfd
buoa Inland Co
book Inland Tb. pfd
m l t c. r u pfd
if- LmiIi S W
Si. L S. W. pld
Hloss-fitiofTield K Ac 1
Miuthsrn Pacific
So Psrlflc ptd
Southern Hallway
Ho. fcailwvT pfd..-.. -
Tsnnoamte Copper
Texas A Pacific
T.. St. L. A W
T.. St. L A W. pfd ,
tuloa Panlfic
Pnioa Pacific pfd
r. S. KubooT
I 4m
lb am
. Z.MU
, 4.100
, I.S"C
t (OSI
ts. Kin
I1 B Kunbw 1st ptd.
r. 8. Sleal
V. S. Steal pfd.
I tan Copper
Va. -Carolina Cbamioal
Va -Oaro. Cham. pfd..
V aiiaah
Wabash pfd
.... SIS'
.... Vj fit
' l.&MI'
in, n
.... .
.... l
.... M
a MitmKtivuBS Klaotrtc .
W esLera Vruoa .
Wteltlis A L K
Wisoonsin Oentral
Am T. T Co
Total aaMB tor tha dy
71. mi' share
New lark Msmer Market.
KEW YORK. rec 7. MONEY Cm call,
easy Bt Sw"' jier cent; ruling rate, 2-
ier rent; closing bid, 2 pe4" cent; offered
at 2H jier cent. Time loans, very dull and
steady; sixty days, t per cent; ninety daye.
ip;: per cent; six monltia, iyTJs per
4H per cent.
rTKRLINQ rrXCHANGE Steady, with
actual business in bankers' bill at 14 K13n$
4.NM11 for sixty-day biii and at 4.fJav for
demand: comrr.taviul bills. 11. MV
SILVER Lar. 4.; Mexuaa dallar.
PONY'S Cm ernment, firm; railroad,
Closing eurtation on New Tork bonu
vera aa folioaa:
I raf as, r .. 103'tnt Met. 4a .... T5
4l aaisn ...I U aV K..UU1. 4a Jnr.
t;. . la. SB ..-3"V Man V. ( 41. s
s owusaa J(i;i. .'Xu.irai at. M
W. , 4a. as..... -1T "nu 1st luc 1;
iM a st u 4
. IrSM . It. a T. 4a -S
.10f aop Is k7
.1'K- R E of al. t 4s ki
" K Y. C. g Ja M
'S. J C (. as 12f
-l tiu. Pauifii 4s. His,
aa as 72
.1WK a w. c 4a
. Cl. g. U no, 4, ....
- ra peun. or. ass lair. M'w
Am lu
oo as
Atchiaoa can. 4a.
do 01. s
oo rv. 4a ....
aa or. aa
atlaatic C. L 4a.
Iial a Oil I 4a...
aa 1-wB
lira k. T r. 4a
4auitfal of Oa- as It do con. 4. 114
ao 1st Inc. su Soadin pen. s )'
a as ibe ... 4B oRop of Cuba ia ... IX
ae 14 luc fc!ai. L 41 at t. as. iai
(Ttiaa. OHIO 4a....liHt . a F I. a S
fUioaao A a ... T7 waft,. 1 a. W. . 4a T7
b - a. aa.... S Saabnar A L 4a..
C. k. 1. 4a ... 7o PaiufM a
Sa col. as - - (. Pamflr 4a
a Tld 4 kv a ia 4a
XX. A mx. 3- 4a.. rvts aauiwas aa...
.. fc
.. i
-J. 4
- .
..lie a
Colo. lad. as "7a a V la
(4UO. atid. 4a 1t . as. L at W , 4a.
( wis. S Sa 4s r In loa Pacific 4a ....
twi. k H n. as ..lli ac o. s
k . 43 4a. s r . Sisal Id as .
gris p L as ahaa Is ,...311
aa (as 4a 14aaa aid 4s TS
look Vai. 44 1'. kL X aa K.
jaaaa 4a 4C K. T.. K. H a H
ao 4 i e. 4a all OJS
i Sd aerlaa kX'SLaaa Baass aa lata... Si.
Bid. sjOrs4
Lauaataun Matavey ataj-keC.
IAVUOX, I"oc 7.-OOLX4 Bar. T7Ut,d;
Ansoruran eagiea. 7 4osd.
tr i cmvnTov r.. s...... w . . .
. -. . j . ...j r- - s sis Le
nient f the treasury balaisces ta Uis (TA-
eral fund rxc'iit cf the i.i in) Pop reserve rhuri- Available cash ha i
et.cea l);r..i 74'. gold com and i til 1011.
I-2.1HI 34. gold -it. ficates. l;.7474u
Bastaa ttarts ssl
Ri-FTON Iw-r 7 M r,Twr
ca'.l Jout.s.
tiH j'r cemt: time 1 .nt '4)4i, jwt
wtuam pni'w va siots ana bona
follow .
.tcliisTiti adl. 4s
si A-ian-lr 1H
fV bMits Cns'.cimi .... ski,
P"S l Arisnna .... 1 '
lmS(al He a ir-f.
sse rn tans ia art,
.mi r oiiew' kanse !
IKS THilv S sal 1M
lr7 rVsnHtn 1
1""H O-wtibT lm
. f(i sn (ninis . II
. lair Smmle M
- 11 a Mass ginin 7
1V icliiran 34
.:! Hlohssk 7
tf aimit c. C
. b Ksvsns 1"4
. f ctid linmininn
P' orsole 3,:1
.Sji Pa-rot 2
4sUlicy M
as pid
Pnmnn 4 nssry . . .
busion a olstiie ...
Poston kleraied ...
V , K H 41 H .
t nlnn Pacific .. .
a a. A-w. Cbem...
do pid
Am Piien Tub
Amer. Sugar
do pf4
Am T T
Amer. a note .
do pfd
Pnmlninn 1 a ..
f-dtsnn Tier Ilia...
ttmieral Electric
alsaa. Klacmt
do pTfl
Vast, (.as ...........
1rIi4 frnil . ..
rimed S. M
dp pfd
I". S. Steel
-- rtiannna I" .
.. I Tamarack Rl
1 Trinity , jfi
. TR1 -t'ntted trper j4
.. H r. S Ittmag 44-
T. K. Oil 2
... MSt'lsh 4k
.111' vcnnrla . J
. S Winona
.. I SW o'rorlne .11.(1
-'; f-ortk Putt Be
.. St.
do ptd
A4vonturw ......
Ama moisted ....
Axisuna Com. . .
XoaSusi CTUsalmg Marka.
LONTSTW, Iec. 7. Amerlcri n nruritie
wre irregular during the es-ly trailing to
day. Reacting end the Pacific stocks were
al-ove jiarlty. he! the rest of tlie list lc
cltnnd. At noon the market wss steadv,
with price ranglrig from V below to "
altove Baturflay s New York climlng.
London closlnr stocks:
Canada, nnner IK K T TK
do arcnunu tol.-UN. y Central 1st
Ana-onda - lie in-tolr 41 w as
Atchison 1' ds pfd 7
do pfd 1" Clhtarlo 4 W 47K,
Paltln'ore Ohio iit'S Pennsylvania ...... W
Canadian Pacific
. 1 Rand Mines f
rhmuipaaks Ohio.
Thioagn O. W
t'hi.. Mil. 4V Bt r
Ir Boors
3-nrar a Km O....
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 10 pfd
. S44 hositln
l?SSow.he-n r
i;- do pfd
. li Snutnarn Pslflc
s t n 1 on Paclflr.....
. J do pfd .....
. WSr. B. Stanl
. M' dn pfd. ......,
.. 7t
.. 3d
.. "
.. Sr-S
.. J7
-. 3
4"4 WahssT
(Vand Tvunfc . S o pfd
Illinois Central lrMRnamsh 4a
lioulevtMc K ..h Ami fnppsT r
fILVrH-Bar. cuiet at "TVo pejr ounce.
MoXET 3 S S i per ceni
The rale of discount tn the open mar
ket for short biiin Is per ceijtf: for
three months' bills. 2stl'4 per cent.
New York Mlalac erka
on mining stocks;
AliT Leaprill Cnn 4
S-unswtck Con t eLtlttle Chiaf k
Com. Tunnel stock... 2 slexicsn 1
torn. Tunnel bonds... 16 Ontario . SoO
Con. Osl. 4r Va 77 Ovhir 165
Horn Hili-er ...... TP Standard Jot!
Iron Oliver .....lav yUow Jacket tl
"". Market,
LONDON. Pec. 7. "WOOL Offerings at
the tvool a tuition sales today amounted to
14.5S7 ktales. A good selection of merino
sold quickly and mainly to the continent
al ytili rates Cross ttreds were in larce
supply and were taken chiefly bv the horiie
trade at full prices. Americans ttouglit
rultalile lines of merinos end cross breds
Tne withdrawals were small. Sales: New
South M'Bles, a.HW bales; scoured, liVl'a'is
dd; greasy, ftd'il'ls id. Quetaisland. 2.)Hi
litles; scfiured. Is Jwd'yils T-sjd; greaFV. su.n
ll'-d. Vic.toaia, S.K hales; scoured. ls'&
2 d; greasy, BdSjiis 3d. South Australia,
l.JWC lakles; scoured. sdOTe 7V3; grearv.
TS r.(5 Is Id. Tasmania, 311(1 bales: scoured
Ji-d; greasy. ,a. New Zealand. 2.S11U hales
grtuisy, 4(cMVd. Cape of tiond Hope and
NsuO, 21(0 bale; Boourad. Indi61 kd; grenFv,
FT. LOnS. Iec. 7. WOOL Unchanged :
muium grades, cortJilng and clothing, ih'p
Jitc; light fine. IT-Vul '; hea.vy line. l(li-ii
lie ; tub washed.. iiiifk,c.
Metal Market.
N1TW TORK, rec. 7. M ET ALS 7liere
wan a sharp break in tlie London tin mar
ket, with spot rlnaing at iiso 17c bd. and
futures at 4US2 17a 4id Locally the market
was weak at ta.Tiyat.Ou. Cifper was lower
in London, s-ith spot taunted at tG2 12s fcd.
and futures at (3 12 6d. Tht local mar
ket wa dull and - twwninally unchanged,
with lake ouoted Lj. 114.2734.60; eiectro
lytir t r4.12V&i,4jT; casting. ti4.0(Ku j
Lead dectlned to Bs in London. Tbe lo
cal market remains .thai at 8jel
ter a an unchanged -4U i21 2s fcd m the
London market, apd at to.llJJa.lB locallv.
Iron wa lower in London, with standard
fminflrr nunteel .1 -s 4 . , 5 1 j
" ' , -uu .irvciauu 1
warrant at 4n ad. Locally the market j
wa unchanged; No. 2 foundry Tionhern. 1
.i.w-we.mi, jmi. mi aru. iikaj i.u; jo. 1
southern and No. I southern " soft s.t I17JS
ST. LOUia Iec. 7 METALS Lead
steady at 14.17. Siielter, steady at K.l.
iTsperate Apple aaa Driest Fr-nlta.
APPLES-Eaaier In latne. with prime fruit
for Iiecemtter-Jaruary delivery quoted at
about (TfaeS. Fancy are quoted at fVa
l"c choice nt 7V6ac. prime at 6(i'7c and
hid crop t 4cfi:. aiicordlng to grade.
IiJUED FROTS RjtiBin are quiet at
present, but a better demand i expected
with the approach of the holidav. Loose
muscatel are quoted at 5foeV.. choic To
fancy seeded at fc'nitc, needless at 4&oc
and London layers' at Prune
seem to lie tn a stronger inisitinn at the
coast and offerings (in the spot are limited,
with quotations ranging from 4nr to Tsc
for new crop California up to 4os-50 and
from 4Uc to 7V for Oregon fio- Peactie
are quiet, with choice ciuoted at 7'fr74c,
extra choice Bt 7ftc and fancy at SVf
11c. Apricot are unchanged, with choice
Bt me extra- choice at llrwc and lancv
Bt llftllltC.
Cattoa Xarkel.
NEW TORK. Tied. 7 COTTON Futures
Oliesied steady; IteoetnljeT, It.lhc; Januarv,
k7hc; March. k.B3x; May, a.Kr; July, b.lsli';
August, k.7('a4.71c; October. fc.7c
FlllllSes clrisH ...... .3 - Tv..nn.. V.,..
. - - ......... . . . - j wi.u. , a 1 1 in inj ,
I P. 07c; January', sTlc; Februarv, . a 72c
I Mardh, k72c; April .74c; May k7kc: June.
S 72c, July, fc.72c; Aiuguat.; Oclober,
Srtot cloned quiet; middling uplands. .?5c;
minline rulf it tc. Sties 4.S's' bales.
at sc.
Spot, quiet; low ordinary. 4SiC, nominal;
ordinary, B 8-3c. nominal: good ordinary,
V-: low rrlddln.g. He; middl ng, P,c, guc'.d
middling. s)c; middling fair. )Hc; fair
101c. nominal. Reoeipta, 17 .it bait; stoca.
S3 .173 l.le.
ST. LoUIS. Ttec. 7 COTTON Quiet;
middling. vc; sale, none: receipts, fi.'4
bales; ehipnienl, t.CTR bales; stock, 22 74C
r a4 Mataaaea.
nominal: fair refining. S42c; centrifugal,
sa teal, 6.2c; molasae sugar, lire; refined
qulel ; No. 4i. 4 4IK : No. 7. 4 STic; No. ( 4.;k-;
No. 4.S-; No. 111. 4.irc; No. 11. 4.1lic: No
12. 4.Uf.p; No. 12. 4c; No. 14. E95c; confec
tllmer' A. 4 tr; mould A. E.l&c : cut loaf.
6 4fic: crushed. L.Gle ; powdered. t iKtr; gran
ulated, cutms, E.nfic.
MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 242c
Catalea Market.
NEW TORK. Tjec 7c COFFEE Market
closed steady and unchanged to 10 prr.nta
lower; tulei. ST.TfTstt bags, including Iwem
ber at (. (we: March, line: July, b.tnc;
September. 6.2&C-; aOcitober. I Stc; spot quiet!
liut. No. 7. 6c; Santos. Nu. 4, TTa'iiec;
mud dull, Coraova, lniS.
Elria Batter Market.
ELGIN. Dec. 7. BUTTER Firm ;
sale lor the week. as3i.7u(i )touno.
kwavaaaa City Live staaclv MavrkeC
Kansas city, rec. 7 cattle p.e-
oeipta. lb ts head including 1.4Mt souuierna;
market steady to lite loa-er; top. 7 s;
cl-otce export and d leased b'f steer. Ii.75
0-; fair to good. M.f.Tt: western
stee-c. K.t4r2ii; stocker an3 feeder.
tT. "iHpi.2i; aouliiern steer a. 4 (c o. 5e; south
em cows. a2Jkia 7f : nat've corn, 2 "frii ii;
native heifers. l.uliriJS,; buna, tij4':
ca've K..n"(
HOGS Ke(i;it. Y (Kt head; market Ifna
2'tc lower; top. ., E.; bulk of aalea. T,.(."1j
S.5S: heavy 17. atftr:'. 4. : jiackers and butcher
5.2 Si" : Iir't. fctt'f j'laa. 14 K (it
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. . isif
l.eao, market, steady i weak: lunln, h.i"
trkao: ea ea and vearlmgs Vi.rh. 7,: vnl!.
em yearlings. U "ra t 2f : a es'em sheep, 3 75
4;4 '; Blocker and feeder. CLatKa-t.oO.
state k. 1st Blgkt.
R.eoeiptB of live
western markets
South. Cuaab
Sioux City ..
St. Joatepb .......
Kansas City .....
stock at the aix printipal
yesterday .re a fui-
........ .7lK
. I.wt
....... Ii. Ul
Hogs Sheen
4..2"4t KA
14 lite
7c. MM
ru 1 asm
O juaats
. . sLwjw
st.! 1A.4( H"
Drtirable jvindt of Cattle Sell at
Abort Bted Priret.
Bewt beep aaa iaans Steady ta Tea
1 Fifteen lww aaaaaaa ta
Mealaaa (Uraaes Fir tee a ta
a vaster lsww-r.
SOUTH OMAH.4, Ier.. 7. lHt.
Receipts we-: Cattle. Hoc Sheep.
Estimate Mnnuay I.ikhi t.2"0 ('.fsi
Hame day last week .... 4.i 7.i:'4 .4Vr7
Same tiay 2 a eek ago. .k.a .Sd7 Id 4M
Sume day t week ago.. 7 -4 E.tS 17o
Same day 4 week ago., s 7i; fc.Kit
Same Day lajst year 4.7D1 ii.n
The following table shows the receipt
of cattlt:. hog and sheep at Soulh Ctmaha
for the year to dmt conn-ared with last
J"'r: ' jat.7. Inc. Iec.
Cs.rtle STiMKat l.r.W MR .777
Hoes I.:'7h.)4K 2.;.4:;i 34H7I7
kihW'P 2.(ES,611 l.7l.4i 4a.i4S
"The fnllowing table show the average
price of hog at South .maha for th last
several day, -ith comparison;
tste, I UK. iUW.Iiatsj.iTuot.IlKH.UVIS.iWa.
I tec.
I ec..
4 07; c on
4 a., t u,
- I 17
I 4 1.3.
I f 14
4 iM;
i 67
4 si,
4 H
4 47j
4 42.
4 43
4 4H
4 42
4 Xi
I 1U
t OB
6 lf4
t 17
4 SO
4 all.
I E S-
.1 R 7
! d e
. S hit
. lb bk
5 W,
c ivr.
t IK
6 12,
4 S4
4 ii
4 42'
4 as
4 7i
4 K
4 M;
4 K3
4 Vi
4 4
4 ti.1
4 177
4 71' f 3ti
4 a 21
Sunday. Holiday.
The officitJ number of car of stock
brought in today by each road wan
Cattle.. Hog e?!ie p.H'r'S.
C M. R: P in v
MiPKi'uri Pacific 1
I nion Pacific So V2 lr 2
C. A; N. W., east ti S 1
C. er N. "VW. west 4;, - J, pi i
C. Ft. P.. M a il ... it t 4
C, If. At Q., eRSt I', 2
t B oi Q., WCFt 67 2S 12 3
C. R 1. ar P.. east., k 2 .. 3
Illinois Centre! l .. 2
Chicago Gt. "Western. .. 4
Total receipt 1V7 o 41
The disposition of the clay's receipts was
as follow, each buret purchasing the
number of bead indicated:
Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 71S 1.221
Rwifl arirl OrtTriTisn-r- fii'V 1 Tt 1 R'7
Cudahy Packing Co. kif. 2('!4 2!:i2k
Armour a t 3i l.Tif? 1.11?
Carey at Benlon 44
Lobnian at Rotlinchlld .. 2Wi
W. 1. Pteplien 24::
Hill & Son 2 6
F. P. Lewis pr
J. R. Root A Co 21?
J. H. Bulla IM
L. F. Huns - i.i
L. Wolf la. . '.
WcCreary Carey M
Sam IVerthimer ia ....
M. Hagertv at Co ii
Sullivan Bros fir. .... ....
Lehtncr Bros..... :a
ylr:FHT iki
En.ith 4e Boslcy g
Ingram r
Otner buyers 4;rr .... 6.nTj2
Totals 6.4fa c.216 U,Co4
CATTLE Receipts of csttle thl rooming
were very large at most market point.
Chicago especially baa heavy receipts, re
porting sti.imu head early, a-ith Kansas City
repornng Hi.lsHi head. The local run. how
ever, wa not burdensome. The heavy re
ceipt naturally created a very weak feel
ing in the market and Chicago started the
downward movement by reporting the
opening there a J tup lie lower and report
from ilher selling points acre not very
much more encouraging.
Under the influence of a good local de
mand and a moderate supply of good beef
steer tlie market at tni point did not
show much change, in spite of the lear re
port from other swilling point. Strictlv
Oeahrable fcilier were generalrv quoted a
ful:ic steady with last week. Mediuni kind
mere a liuie alow, but eUU mere wa na
very greavt change.
Not far from ninety car of oow and
heilers were on sale. The better grade
and also the canner grade seemed to be
free seller at fully steady price. On tbe
4H.her hand, the in-between kind a-ere a
litiie slow and if anything a Hula lower
than last Week.
The beat feeder continue in good de
mand at steady price. Inferior grade
and all tratshy stuff were sn.w and hard
to move at unsarialacKo-y prices, the name
as was the cane practically every day last
Wuotatlon on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed steer. R4of7.2&; lair to good
corn-fed steer, ti 44t4i 40; common to lair
corn-led steers, V4 (Mtta. 40; good to choice
range teer. 7,.2i4i4i.uv; fair to good range
steer. t4.ucit-t.Bli; good to choice corn-led
cow and herlera, M.lsjtJiai.aT.; good to choice
grass cow and heifer. ti.wi(H.m; fair to
good graa cow and heller. Hk.U'
common lit tarr graaa eow and lie. J era.
tl.ama-an; good to clusoe stocker and
feeders. U.iiifi,.Z,; fair to gooa Blocker
and feeder. Ii 7iji..a(i; common to fair
Blocker and feeder. 12 .TVyA 7. ; stock heif
ers. I2.5uij 4c; veal calves. t-i(a.i.7ii; bulla,
stags, etc.. t2.2f'4i4.2i.
Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
t ...
. Mi.
4 K
4 Tf.
4 7()
4 10
2 K
t in
1 V
t n
I Tf.
1 76
1 W.
t a
l in
I kv
( 3S.
! 55
I 4K
I Ml
t W
t Hf.
t II"
4 is
4 21.
4 KU
4 an
4 at
f 1
t ltd
i. uo
I Hi
i 7i
t 7
.. TKf
.. Ml
.. 7"i.
.. m
. . i
. . 1 1 KM
.. ami
.. Wcl.
. .lUK
. . am
. . SKI
.. 437
. . 471
.. I"!
.. 4(lS
. . SHU
IS ...
is. ...
if. ...
it ...
6 ...
Sf. ...
Ik ... .
. TU
. K7S
. r,
. 4.1(1
. '
.. Wi
. Vi
. nt
.. 2'0
. Ij6
. 140
,. 110
. 3s
. ia
S 4
t 4l'
I so
t 70
S 76
4 uu
4 IW
4 W
i so
J 4f
t IS.
I '
I 4f
U .
S 23
2 a 1
ti 1
2 Ml i
i 10 i
4 "('
4 2u
. lunu
.. (Kill
. J-lso
. .13111
. 14HW
No. Av.
16 cow HTTj
2 feeder.. hGT.
13 feeOers..H42
2 cow J4J80
t 60
X w
4 Ti.
t M
t row K,3
i feeder.. H70
1 bull itai
4 cow liso
22 feeder . . fctav
1 HO
4 till
5 lif.
2 7E
4 20
f IE.
Paulsen. Wyoming
4X cow.
. . BBS
H. C.
I bull lfilS
1 bull
34 feeder
1 steer
t cow
1 feeder..
1 3"
4 40
4 41
4 Wt
i lit
1 bi 11 12ini 2 b
t (t-eder . .1H1 b lu
2 buim 14 i T. 2 So
2 l.r. ... K75 4 4"
2 mn i.i 4 ae
1 leer 12o , alt
o. J. Hanmin.
feeders . 7 4 a
. M4
. C4I
. :a
South Dakota,
7 co- 83(1
2 76
HOGS Receipt s of
bogs at thi
were lair for a M01 day, eighty-seven car
being reported in. but Chicago had bur
de.nt.ome receipt. 7k.wiu lieid being re
pined m at that point, wah the market
opetung very smw and jOaiix lower. With
advice of that kind from Chicago it wUl
tie readily understood that the market ut
tiiik is. mt opetieid lery unaatislaitorv to
the atlliiig interest. A few hog chanred
hand early al prices that looaed 1'iuiac
loaer. bu: msiead of improving in traoe
grea rapidly weree.
H gB continued aiow and dull aeller and
whhe the most of the Bale were not to
exoeed lw&liir loner there we a time
wtien some sales looked even aa. miuh aa
iMHrK- loner. A considerable pruoKntum of
toe sties aeni at fc 2i-o ao, a herea 011
the bulk
of the iiogs brought
ling lodoy a. id up to
The I M-m
li..T.. aiiic.h
un Saturday
wa The top, a against at.kv
kb. As. Eb Pr. Ka Av. ah. Pr
f w 1 .1? fc: 2.41 SO 4 41
74. Sat ... i SS CI r4 . t tu
r SMX S4M i tf 3i JUT ) i isi
K" ( i Si t :w6 s ( SO
7i r4 ta. u 71 r. 411 i
77 m 3 4 M tu Xs4 . IB
ts is l a a 2ss iiai i i
7v ...2a s I U ti ie Ml i K.
i is tt i. r c. mu lis 4 bi
7 x.i 4 w ' Is ( u
fr 2:-4 . . I 41 af ,.ui na t a
s h: w 1 as ..jail ... 4 44
' 44 sr 12 4 4 !. ......ji av 4 44
TT E . 4 4 ti .2kS ... 6
4B... M 4 St. s4 1 ... 4 4T.
j S3 ... s at) ... 4 4
ft s 4.' i r;. is: ia
I s. z.i, a it t. at ij
Increasing Assets
Capital, Surplta and Undinded Profits ihow, to
a larce extent, tbe stability of a bank.
TLi? bank has, from time to time, increas-ed thi
part of it. apfset? po that the stockholders' investment
might always te in due yrcporticn to the
Increasing Deposits
The following fipures thow how this bank has
increased its working capital:
303$ ra5.000.00 lRll.T $ G34.CK0.00
1873 $2o0,00a(K) $ 723,000.00
18S3 $3.15,000.00 lWS $1.200.tti0.O0
Is not this a gxod place for your account?
First National B ank of Omaha
United States Depository. 13 th and Farnain St.
i51 t. ... .4 71 1' 0 I
t sm ... c 4o it vi ...
Cf 44 40 47. 77 ! W t JO
s rta Me i 4s pc -ii'i tu t
M .tn 10 l 47. SS is I "
7C Mil m iC 7 I3 1 If
t HEEP-Conditions in the sheep brm
this morning were against tne selling in
terest. Chicago reported la-ge run. wl.h
price sharply lower In addition to thst
a-a the feet that both sheep and lamb
sold too r.irh at this point lust week.
compared v-iib other market. Tin morn
ing, with al) other points reporting largo
receipts and lower prices buyers here
started out with the evident dt termination
to Tcroe some corK-ession from the seller.
T4ie result as very slow and drugging
market from start to finish. Here ana
there some of tlie more desirable of the of
fering which Just uappcnd to suit an
u-iriii prder sold st prices that did Tim
look much lower. Train good light year
lings uid as high as tfi .Mi. ahich was aa
much ti they would have brought arv
time last week, fktme of the best lamb
a ibo kinked about steady. On the other
Land, there were prelty sood killers which
had to sell lower, and the general market
might lie described on good to choice eiuTf.
both sheep arid lamti. as steady to lua'iSc
lower. Medium grade felt the decline still
more severely and they Were safely lin&
'3c lower.
There were seventeen car of range sheep
snd lamlis Included among tlie receipts,
practically all of ihi m feeder Strictly
good feeders were steady, the best range
lambs seillhg To a feeder buver st T,.&0.
The medium kinds and common warmed
up stuff were slow and rather hard to
Quotation en sheep and lsmlts: Oood to
choice lambs. tfi.2i.''p F : fair to good lambs.
!d.(iii(p.J; feeding lumtin. H.2MriYii; good to
choice light yearling. K.MsViii.Mi; fair to
good yearlings, t4 feeding yearling,
ti .i7t.i)e; gnod to choice wether. 4 sii&
4. ST.; fair to good wether. 14 lii'n-4 6i'; feed
ing wethers, &i !.. ': good lo choice ewen
14 4(t4J 4.26; fair to good ew es, t3 2i & 4 nu
feeding ewe, 2.U0(pt.2.; cull end buck.
R.rtapt: 00.
Representative sales:
I4R western yearling sr. S 60
lMi western ewe jos t KB
26 a eanern culls M I wi
12 wewum ewee hr 4 (m
77 western lajnbs ....73 t 2b
21 west, ewes Jd wethers Wi 4 an
262 western yearlings tp; fc (if,
126 seetern j-earlings R8 I S,
H6 ewe and weitiers; 4 fcii
24 western lamb H7 t bi
4i wealem ewe Kd 4 isi
26 western ewe, culic m 2 75
22 western lambs (6 (mi
4fcti western ewe Ku 4 (Ki
2B wesjtern ewes, mills M 2 76
4.1 Colorado lambs 74 4i &6
74 Colorado lambs 74 f
2fi Colorado lamb, cull G2 6 ('
123 Culoritdo ewe hi ,76
4(i Cukn-ado ewaa. cull .. 74; 2 60
ns western lam It 76 f Hli
36 western lamlis . 7 S 80
1HM weniem lamlt 7 4; 4(t
16 westemn lamb ,63 4 5ti
Cattle Steady ta Lower Heara. ee
aad Lambs Lsywer.
CHICAGO. Iec. 7. CATTLE Receipt
eatimated S6.UU0 liead. Market beta
steady; other 10 fi 16r lower. Steers!
I4.4.ii(& S.Cli; cows. 18 (40$ L. 26: heifers.
12.60(0.4. fid; bulls, 12.76 (6 4.6(1; calves. H.r.ft
dl I 76; Blockers and feeder. I2.6('4 4.fcn.
HOGS Receipts estimated 7 Mi (Hi head
Market 16c to 2dc lower. Choice beavv
shijiping, fi.t0w i.tS: butchers, I6.76ifi
6 t-O, light mixed. tr. lSi6 4U, packing
16.60(7 6. Hit; jiigs, H.lbQ 4 f.d; bulk of nule
15 tf. (a 6.76.
fcHKEP AKD LAMES Receipts esti
mated 46. 0UU head Market 36c to i'6c
lower. Sneep, t4 Of & 4 l.t : lamb. I6 26SI
6.76; yearlings, 14.2616.25.
t. Laala LIs-e Stark Market.
FT. LOUIS. Mo., Uec. 7. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 6.21'ii bead, including 1 Sf.d Texans;
market ldc to 16c loser. Kative shi;t
pmg and export steers. t4ite7.(.li
dressed beef and butcher steers, HUvfp
6 26; steer tinder 1.(1(1(1 pounds. " 6'4i
.16; Blocker and feeders. t2.fc u 4.26 ;
cows- and beifera, t2.26iifi.26; canners
12. ('('(& 2 30; buUK. 12 .76 (& 4.lHi ; calves 6 ((
(pMtO; Texas and Indian steers, IS. On 141
fc.4(t; cow and heifers. t2. (Hi 1.60
HOGS Receipt. 34.3('(i head. Market
16c loaer. Pig and llgthn. tD('j6 6(i
itackera. 16 4('tu f.,60, butcher and ben
heavy. tB.5t'& h.l.
SHtEf AJVLi LAMES Receipt 60
head Market 3 nc to rf.c loser. Native
muttohs. 4 fl 4 40: lajrih. $C2! (Jj f. 7 0
culls and bucks. t2.6('4 4 00; stocker
$i ttOg 2.76.
t. Joseph Live ftsrk Market.
Receipts. h.bUU head: market teadv to ldc
lnwer; eteer. 4.l''a4; .: cows and beifera
tl.niitfiC (.'; calvea, i (i4 76.
HOGS E.eoe!i.ia. 7.ij bead; market dull
prospeeta KKplftc lower
KHEEP AM) LAMRP Receipt 600
bead; market steady; lamba.
Manx Cltr Lira Stack Market,
BJOtX CTTT. la., Dec. 7 (Ppeclal Tele
gram CATTLE Receipts. 2 7M(t head
market Hie lower; lieevea. ti.inffT.W: butchei
Block. t- frKlT; 47. : feeder. ti (HK&4.40; calve
and yearling. 12 7a(p -. Tfi.
HOGS Receipt. head; market JV
lower; ranee of price, u.2uf.a , bulk of
sale, t6.a':i,.54i
aa Hall latrasaMwie BUI
tkat Prar, idea srvrrt Peaalty
far False Kale.
"WAfHIKGTON. Lvc. 7 Patterned tfle
tlie pure food law. a bill wa introduced
in th house today by Representative Hull
of If wa. making it a misdemeanor to man
ufacture for sale or transportation Imitated
article rf commerce, unlus such article
are branded so as to show their exact in
gredients. The measure i broad la it
scope and would apply to any article of
commerce recognised a a subject of trans
portation and sale iiy the rule of th in
terstate commerce act Practically all ar
ticle In domestic use would be affected
Including clothing, furniture or any article
sold under a name now recogniaod as
designating any mineral, metallic, animal
or vegetable substance, which, occur in a
state of nature.
Conviction of a first violation of tbe ait
i made punishable by a fin not to exceed
tTfli or one yttar imprisonment or both,
S't.ile each subaeQuent offense may be
punished by s fine of not leas than C.Oi
or one years imprisonment, or both. It is
provided specifically that no retail deaier
ha!l be proBicuted under the act if he tan
establish a guaranty eigne by the whole
saler. Jobber, manufacturer or tt her per
son from winim. lie puihaied sucli arj
tle to tie etleet that tbe aruela ia not
aa Imitation or tntsbranded a-ltiiin the
sni-anmg of the tve-t, Tlie enf oruement trf
tie Jaw 1 ihargod ta tbe La-part rata, t t.f
Agriculture. lba eaamrratkns of sjiecimcn
of article of tsettiir ere to be made t j
tbe bureau of ekemlstry.
Mr. Hull Las samnciaistia. that .e tll
make every effteri ta have the measure
auaxiied tuts la
Commercial Cor.rjTf w nt "k6iuEgloa
to Ditcusi Posaibiliuet.
Prsaiaeat Mr stf SaXlaenB A44rra .
Delegate frwaa Tkis Ter-rtlary
Pr-okleaa af C'wai
MM ait ictsv.
. . .
vTARinrCGTOK, roc. 7. "What may prows
n epoch in the commercial development
of the south w as tbe opening today of Use
ftouthem Commercial ormgress, as snsrm
blage of leader in th nation's business
Bilairs, wtHine mission 1 to discuss tbe
resource and Industrial possibilities of the
The congres i one of several bodies,
all nation tl In their soope and purpose,
that aasembls here thla week, a croup of
flays in which a more thorough study will
be devoted 16 the problem if conservation,
than ever before was attempted In the
country's history.
Today's program furnished A series of
notable addresses, the varton themes hing
ing upon an lnierpretatltm of the resources
of tbe southern stalea,
Amohg the speakers today were Becretary
Straus tif th Lteptrtmenl of Conimeros
and Labor, chairman of tbe meeting; Bur
geon General "Walter Wrmui f the public
health and marine hospital servloe; Secre
tary or War Luke E. TV right, Phillip "W'er
lcin, president of tbe New Orlnan Prttgres
stve union; C. P. Goodyear a Brunswlok,
Ga. ; John A. pox of Arkansas, and Jona
r. Wallao of New Tark City.
Aside Ui om the addresses, a feature of
Interest was an exhibit of maps, charta.
dlagrama and pictures fllsplayed la a ball
adjoining the Wilsard Auditorium. Other
Important exhibit were rurnisbed by th
geological surrey, Lepartxuent of Agrr-icul-ture,
forestry servloe. etc. "The exhibits
deallh with sta-h subjects as density of
population, waterways, cotton production,
geologic resources, mineral wealth, grwwth
of public education. Increase In rural de
livery, commercial status of the gulf, state
and other pertinent -data aff eating the
south' development.
G. Grosvenor Xiewe, chairman af th
committee on arrangements, called th) in
vention to order, after which lis intro
duced Secretary fitraus of the Depart
ment uf Commerce and Labor, who pre
sided. fteftretau-y fttravsaa Cjseavka.
Secreiary Straus referred to the won
derful strides mads by the south la 4x1m
merce during tlie last forty yean, 1m
called attention, to the fact that the south
economically and commercially has com
out from the sectionalism and that it now
i an important 4tnd arrowing part of th
whule nation. The product if the latriorie
of tbe south la 1870 amounted to (,
said Mr. etraus, while In 1SH6 It had grown
lo the enormous extant of tUJU.UUb.lMU. la
tlie last five years the Increase In the man
ufactured products of other parts of the
country amounted ts 2s per cent whereas
during the same period thi production of
the ten southern states has Increased Just
double, or 66 jier cent. Tlie morning ses
sion wa concluded with addresses by Sur
geon General "Wyman of the public health
and marine hospital eervioe and the sec
retary of war, Luke E, Wright.
Cstatwltloa First ! at walk Tkree- Per
Cmt Belatw Tra-Vmr Airrag
Acreage t B Laarge.
WASHINGTON. last 7. Showing winter
wheat condition ffi.S. against U a year
sgo, kJid ten-year average of 1kg: rye con
dition, 87.6, against W..4 a year ago, and a
ten-year average of tS, with Indications of
the total area of winter wheat at 2S,
oM.non acres, and rye. 1.936,0(10 acres, the
lHIartment of Agriculture today lasued
its report on those two oereals for Se
cern ber 1.
Tlie nea-ly seeded ares of winter wheat
i estimated tu 1.6 per tent less than the
revised area Bown In the tall of 107," univa
lent to a oecreaae of 1.72(1,000 acres. The
nes-ly seeded area of rye is estimated tit
4 per nt less than tlie area sows in the
fall of 11(07. equivalent to a decrease of
BU.lMKi acre.
The percentage if acreage of winter
wheat compared with last year and aver
age condition of that crop oa Lecember
14. respectively fcy 4itat!S. follos-s;
Kanaa. HP; condition. K
rridiaiia. ; condition, tli.
nimoia. condition. 72.
Nebraska, ; tiutidition, 8D.
Miaaour;. H; condition, iNi.
Percentage of aeneage and contltloa
rye by states folios-:
Michigan, 82: condition, gi. '
Pennsylvania, ltO; titmditlon, Wi.
"W-isconsm. si.; condition, 82.
Miniieoia ; conditicm, W.
Nettraaka. hs; roadition, SB.
reaiet Itwaevelt Olrea sla-aal tad
(tsM-atag af First Xa
tlwasavl Lseat.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Uec. 7,-At 10:10 a
m., today, President Roosevelt pressed an
electric button . in Washington, flashing
across the cutJ.uieut the signal for tlie
opening of th firnt great national apple
show in this 4-1:7.
The exhibit cuvttn nearly three and one
half acre. . .
A plan h now tn rug eveiitied ts trans
port the entire apple show to Chicago and
14-xhlbit It there Jjr one week tn January
Its promote 1 11c ujple industrj' said ea-
peclally tlie InVerestB .f tlie luirthwest.
All the world ktves a ttargaln. Ton tan
find ltaj-gauis toy waxchitig the w ant s
I'Va.n" af Tial