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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1908)
t TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER , 190$. Tim Omaha Daily Bee. FOUNDED BT EDWAFD ROSEJWATK1V VICTOR RO80WATER, EDITOR. Fitred at Omaha peatofftcs second class matter. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. rt1y Tf (without Sunday), on year. at 00 Pally Bee and Sunday, one year 100 DELIVERED BT CARRIER. rally Baa (Including Sunday), per week..1o Ially Bea (without Sunday). per wek..lOe Evening Be. (without Sunday), par we o Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week-V Sunday ona yar .....WW Saturday Bee, ona yrar l.M Address all oomplalnt of lrr(rularltl In delivery to City Circulation department OFFICES. Omaha The' Baa Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council PluffB-lS Scott Streat. Lincoln 61 Little Building. Chicago IMS Marquette Building. New York-Room UQM102 No. U Wet Thirty-third Rlmt. Washington 726 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and edi torial matter should h addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to Tha Bea Publishing Company. Only 2-cont stamps received In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss.t George B. Tsachuck. treasurer of Tha Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, ay that the actual number of full and complete rople of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday pw printed during the month of November, 1908, waa as follow: 1 44,000 1 37,180 I 88,100 IT 87,190 t 48.8BO II 80,870 4 B4,50 i 8030 1 48,880 SO 87,310 88,880 31 87,000 7 88,880 22 87080 1 87,400 21 87,010 87.840 . 24 87,090 10 37,810 15... 87,070 11 87,780 2( 38,940 12 37,80 27 37,140 IT 37,890 21 38,890 14 37,890 29... 38,700 II 88,800 10 37,810 Total ; 1,181,870 Less unsold and returned copies. 11,187 Net total 1,180,103 Daily average 38,338 GEORGE & TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. fluLscrlhed in my presence and worn to before me this 1st day f December, 1908. (Seal) M. P. WALKER, Notary Publlo WHEJf OCT OP TOWlf, Sabaerlbera leaving tke ally tea 9orarlly saoald ' have Tka Baa malle4 to then. Aadrea. will ba changed aa ( m rea.aeate. Japan makes it plain that It has only pacific intentions on the Pacific. John D. Archbold's letters are much plainer than his talk on the witness stand. Maude Adams admits that she is 33 and she Is getting further away from 23 every day. "How do you pronounce Haytl?" asks the Washington Herald. In the profane way. Mr. Root will probably not don Sen ator Piatt's toga until it has been prop erly fumigated. Ever notice how few members of these all-America athletic teams have American names? The express combine will be an or phan when Senator Piatt leaves the public service next March. Senator Bourne has been visiting Mr. Taft. Wonder it he wants Mr. Taft to stand for a third term? Remembering the Brownsville In cident, the United States halts at get ting tangled up In a race problem in Haytl. An Omaha minister has fixed the re. ceptlve age for religious purposes at 16. This ought to be valuable to the evangelists. Nine native generals are sheltered in one consulate in Haytl. The Hal tien private Is apparently taking care of himself. It is doubtful if even Chancellor von Buelow could make the 3-year-old emperor of China adopt a policy of silence. An old Chinese rug has been bought by J. Plerpont Morgan for 376,000. Probably he felt he could not afford to buy a new one. "What is the difference," asks Prof. Starr of the Chicago university, "be tween eating swine and dog?" Can't say, never having knowingly eaten dog. South Dakota's mica output for the year Is valued at $86,000. The mica industry is not as profitable as the di vorce industry used to be in that state. Percy Vivian Murdock, "an English Journalist," has arrived In this coun try seeking employment. He ought to get a Job on the woman's page with that name. Battling Kelson Is trying to be elected as a member of the Chicago city council. There is apparently no way of stopping a pugilist who starts on a downward career. Utah has the smallest divorce rec ord of any state. It also has the rec ord for the number ot cases begun by men In which aonsupport was as signed for the cause of action. TJm Woodruff says he is making no plana for his political future. It Is a safe wager, however, that he will be "mentioned" as a candidate for the vice presidential nomination in 1113. Uncle Adlal Stevenson la going to make a contest of the election of Deneen as governor, of Illinois. .He will not get far unless he makes a much better showing in the courts than be did at the polls. A TWO-CENT FARE DKCISfON. The decision of, the United Stales supreme court In a case involving the validity of the Virginia laV fixing a l-cent passenger fare on the roads of that state, will be of great Interest to other states In which passenger fare laws have been enacted, although It Is to be regretted that the decision did not cover more of the points that were In controversy In the Virginia case and which have figured promi nently In the proceedings before the courts In other states. The one point made clear by the decision In the Vir ginia case was that appeal Bhould not be made to the federal courts until every local authority has been ex hausted. The Virginia Railway commission established a 2-cent passenger rate. The railroads appealed to the federal district court, where Judge Prltchard granted an order restraining the en forcement of the commission's ruling. The supreme court has decided tnat the method of procedure waB wrong and that the case should not have been taken to the federal courts until the constitutionality of the law had been passed upon by the state courts. The decision leaves unsettled the point of real interest in the proceeding whe'ther the 2-cent rate was confisca tory but It will come as pleasing news to those who have thought that the states were gradually losing all their powers In the great maw of the federal union. There Is one other significant and important feature of the supreme court's order in remanding the case to the Virginia state courts. The su preme court held that the action of the Virginia Railway commission In fixing the rates was legislative and not Judicial and therefore could not escape review by the federal courts. The commission, the court held, might have Judicial functions, but the fixing of rates was not one of them. This will doubtless cause the lawmakers in the different states to Investigate the measures creating and bestowing power upon railway commlssstons, but the real point of interest, which will be welcomed in all the states, Is the court's ruling that the state court's must first pass upon the validity of state enactments before appeals can be made to the federal authorities. THE BELIQ10V8 CONGRESS. Much interest among church people will doubtless be attracted to the pro ceedings of the "Federal Counr-'l of the Churches of Christ in America," the convention of which is now in ses sion at Philadelphia, representing the membership of thirty of the Protestant church organizations of the country. The purpose of the church congress is to bring these churches into closer re lationship, to the end that at some future time denominations may be less exclusive than now and that many of the non-essentials on which churches are divided Into sects may be elimi nated. Considerable progress has been made In the last decade toward the consolidation of churches of the same denomination or of denominations thaj have been kept apart by some Inconsequential creed or claim that had no bearing on the real relig ious belief of the adherents. The vital differences between the sects are less than ever before and the rivalries and Jealousies among them are rapidly disappearing. All of this tends nat urally to the ultimate gathering of the churches into a limited few large de nominations and while that result will not be accomplished for a good many years, meetings like that now in pro gress will do much toward the gather ing of all Christians into closer har mony. THE WORLD'S 8VPPLT OF OWUD. Although apparently determined ef forts have been made by the men of all nations to wipe out the forests of the world, there is still considerable timber area left. A table furnished by the forestry bureau at Washington places the forest areas of the world as follows: Country. Acre. SS.OOO.flOO 4O,0t,0 0 lOA,t0j,OOO fc0.0"0,OW 40.a0,ujQ . a5,ooo,uo 34.UUO.OMI 23.6(10.1 00 23,(O0.0lK ZO.OOO.OuO 12.0U0.li00 Russia (European and Asiatic). Canada and India Vn.ted Staitea Japan Hweuen 1'hlllDDlne (American) Germany Austria Franco , Hungary Norway Spain ... Total ..... 1,818.500.000 It will be noticed that the table makes no reference to the timber areas of China. South America, Cen tral America, Mexico and Australia. This is probably due to the fact that the forest lands of those nations have not been charted sufficiently to en able the department to furnish re liable and accurate data concerning them. It is known that the forest areas in South America and Australia are vast and it may be concluded that the total timber area ot the world is not far from 3, OQO, 000,000 acres, or nearly double that listed by the Wash ington authorities. The table Is interesting as indicat ing the change that has been wrought In government treatment of forests. In most ot the countries where the forest area is limited, the effort is now being directed toward forest preservation, whereas the entire trend. In the earlier days, was to use the forest as a source of profit. France, Germany and England have made the greatest strides in the work of refor estation, the rule or the law in each of those countries being that for every tree cut there must be one planted. The United . States is com lag .more slowly to this policy, but progress is being made as the necessity for pre serving the wood supply of the nation becomes more apparent With care ful reservatle l of tlit fgistlng public forests and the adoption of a policy of Intelligent reforestation, the nation may long have a good deal of timber for all purposes. THE WAR AO A IS ST OPTJtf. The one surprising feature ot an or der just issued by Dr. Wiley, head of the chemistry bureau of the Depart ment of Agriculture, Instructing col lectors of customs at the various ports of the nation to hereafter refuse ad mission to opium for smoking pur poses, Is that it was not made a long time ago. The order provides that no opium except that prepared, for medicinal use is to be received. The traffic In opium has gone on in this country for many years without any great effort at Its suppression. Countless lives have been wrecked and countless crimes have been committed as a result of the opium habit, intro duced in this country by the Chinese and constantly practiced by them and their followers. If Dr. Wiley has the authority of law to prohibit the im portation of smokers' opium the con science of government officials should trouble them over the long neglect of such restriction on a death-dealing drug. RA1LWAT8 AND WATERWAT8. In the carefully prepared paper read at the TransmiselBsippl congress by Traffic Manager Stubbs of the Harrl man lines and now circulated in pamphlet form the occasion Is seised to say again that the railroads do not object to the Improvement of the riv ers, the harbors and the waterways of the country. Mr. Stubbs, however, offers a new explanation when he de clares, "We think they will prove to be valuable feeders to the railroads." Of course. If the waterways are to be feeders to the railroads thair im provement should be welcomed and expedited by the railroads In order to bring them more business, Just the same as the building of branch lines and expansions by the railroads them selves. But only a little over a year ago, when the railroads were con gested and unable to 'furnish equip ment to transport the tonnage offered, the chief argument for waterway im provement was that the water trans portation, instead of feeding the rail roads with more business, would re lieve them of the over-pressure of business from which they were suffer ing. As a matter of fact tho historical evolution of the railroad shows that the first railroad builders regarded the railroads as feeders to the waterways and never expected them to substitute for water transportation, or even to compete with water transportation. This only illustrates the different viewpoints. We venture to put out the suggestion that our transportation facilities must be regarded as a whole; that the high-pressure development of the country consequent upon our rapid railway construction has put all the emphasis upon land carriage and ob scured the importance of water traffic; that the pendulum is now beginning to swing back with realization of the possibilities of our waterways for use fulness, and that the readjustment is coming by which both water and rail transportation will play their full parts In our industrial activity. Nebraska democrats are anxiously endeavoring to make political capital out of the supreme court appoint ments. Governor Sheldon exercised his executive .prerogative quite within his rights under the law, and no very good reason appears why he should have made an extra effort to please the democrats In his selection. He Is certainly under no obligation to the Nebraska democrats, politically or otherwise, and Just why he should have consulted with them in regard to his choice for supreme Judge Is beyond the understanding of the ordinary mortal. Colonel Moses C. Wetmore, the fa mous trust buster, contributed (1,000 to the democratic campaign fund and then spent the campaign months at a big Chicago hotel at the committee's expense, his hotel bill amounting to 1999.86. In other words, Colonel Wetmore contributed the price of a lone drink to the democratic fund. Postmaster General Meyer recom mends that employes of the postal service be allowed thirty days' leave of absence hereafter instead of fifteen. As a thirty days' leave Is granted to other employes of the government, there Is apparently no reason why similar privileges should not be granted to the postofflce men. If China and Japap become custo mers for American wheat, as Is now predicted, the farmers need to prac tice the better methods proposed, for the present crop is scarcely more than sufficient to meet the requirements of the present wheat eaters. In this and In other similar directions the Corn show is going to be of value. Judge Howard ' la beating the gov ernment ownership tomtom with tre mendous vigor, but his fellow demo crats show little Inclination to fall in behind hLm. The Judge is still some distance in advance of his party on this topic. Maybe if he will alt down quietly for a few years democracy will catch up to him. Railroad magnates seem determined to levy an additional tax on the busi ness ot the country regardless ot con ditions other than their power. This determination will be an excellent argument in 'favor of more stringent control by the government ot the rail roads. Mr. Taft says he will not Interfere with the organisation ot the next house. It may save the next house trouble If It does not attempt to Inter. fere with Mr. Taft. "The people are not rotten,' says Colonel Watterson, who Is gradually getting to the point where he will not deem It a crime for a man to vote the republican ticket. The approaching end of his term has not in any sense weakened the epistolary ability ot the president. His latest letter makes this very apparent. The United States sends 11,600,000 worth of oranges to Canada every year. The country has also handed Canada a good many lemons. Rival Reformers. Chicago Record-Herald. The English House of Lords I striving to reform Itself. May It have better suo ces than some of our American heiresses have had with some of It members. A Sweetly Bole-ma Thongkt. Washington Hetald. On this beautiful sun-kissed morning, when all Is joy and exceeding gladness in Wonderful Washlngton-4he city of cul ture and light It Is a sweetly solemn thought that congress Is happily on Its way to abide with us once again for a short season. Held oa tke I.lmlt. Philadelphia Record. Tho deposed president of Haytl was at leaat the oldest If not the most distin guished of living rulers, for his years are estimated to be anywhere between 90 and 10O, the exact date of his birth being un known. Nord Alexis ha lived, accord ingly, nearly as long as the Haitian re public has, and at time It has seemed as If he might outlive It. Fraaklna- Privilege Spring the Leak. St. Louis Republic. The $42,800,000 which the transmission of government publication and the mall mat ter ent free under congressional frank cost, loom large beside the 116,000,000 de ficit in the postal revenue for the last fiscal year. Comparing tha figure, it is seen that the people who pay postage contributed to the postal revenues last year $26,000,000 more than the cost of the service rendered them. Dissection Postponed Indefinitely. New York Post. The tendency to treat China a a corpse waiting for dissection ha almost passed away. The disposition to recognize In the Chinese people rights other than that of buying western print good and llumlnat lng oil, la perceptibly growing. China' new Infant emperor will probably attain a ripe old age before the much-talked-of national "awakening" I complete, but the situation In the far east today Indicates that China will, at least, be given a chance. TUB PACIFIC KJtTEJfTE. Recent Understanding Rendered is the Vernaealar of tke Day. Philadelphia Record. The Identical statement of the policy of tha United States and Japan, as formu lated by Secretary Root and Baron Taka blra, la very brief. It may be still further condensed a follows: L It Is the wish of the Yankee of the east and west to do business without pull, lng hair. 1 2. They are satisfied with things as they are and with "the policy of the open door. 3. They won't seize each other's Island. 4. They stand for unbroken China and quare dealing In China by all the powers. 5. In case of necessity they will put their head together to devise how they may best make their announced Pacific policy the dominant Pacific policy. This Isn't a treaty. It Is just a placard posted up, so to speak, on the Chinese wall, to let all the world know the pacific Inten tions and friendly understanding of tha two foremost Paciflo powers. A POLITICAL REMINISCENCE. Haw the Late Senator Gorman Knifed Cleveland's Tariff Measure. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Tha popular conception of the late Sen ator Gorman fourteen year ago as tha arch enemy of democratic tariff reform la completely confirmed by Mr. Carnegie In hi Century magazine article. Mr. Car negie tell of -tils experience as a repub lican and a steel manufacturer In fight ing tha democratic Wilson bill. Mr. Oorman waa a democrat and the party leader In the senate, but ha was exactly the man whom Mr. Carnegie found most serviceable In defeating tha tarirf re former of that day. They met In Wash ington and Mr. Carnegie proceeds: "After several conference he finally aid to me: 'I can afford to oppose tl Is bill and beat the president, but I cannot afford to oppose and be beaten by htm.' " Mr. Oorman thereupon stipulated what kind of a bill ha would agree to carry through the senate as a substitute for the Wilson bill, and In Mr. Flower of New York Mr. Carnegie found another sympathizer. "These men represented a sufficient number of democratic mem ber who, combined with republican, In sured the adoption of a leas revolutionary measure." Tha final tribute that Mr. Carnegie pays to Mr. Oorman aa a be trayer of democratic reform pledges la In relating an episode that occurred after the tariff of 1894 had become a law with out President Cleveland' signature. "Meeting Senator Oorman afterward, he laughingly explained: 'I carried every one of your figures but one. I had to submit to free cotton ties to secure two senator whom I did not wish to lose.' " Mr. Oorman "beat tha president," but the party ha been paying the price of It ever since. PERSONAL NOTE. Only twenty-three . deer hunter were killed In Wisconsin this season against fifty-one last year. The sport seems to be losing Its tang. Carmen Bylva, queen of Rumania, has practically built one hospital by the sale of her stories, and has largely benefited several other. ( Many Harvard graduates uf prominence are said to have suggested Prof. Abbott Lawrence Lowell of 177 class as successor to Dr. Eliot as president. Winston Churchill, British minister of commerce, always carries a cane, .and ac tually wert to church with It when he was married. It's a pretty li ttancj of Ed ward' flattering tact tnat his wedding gift to Churchill was not th,e silver ink stand which I hi customary present to cabinet minister If they marry while in office, but a gold-mounted malacca stick. It I a very common thing for a youngster In school to vow vengenc on a teacher who ha offended him by a punishment he regards a unjust, but it Is seldom that tha threat is carried out. Opportunity does not arrive, or tha pupil, arrived at maturity, forget hi animosity, convinced perhaps that after all ha deserved tha "licking" ha got. A man in Wayne county, Indiana, carried his grudge for a quarter of a century, however, and then gratified It bv thrashing hi old teacher. COM M EN T. ON THE NEW fOVRT. MeCook Republican: The appointment of W. R. Rose to the supreme bench of Ne braska is most gratifying to all his friends, and the Republican Joins heartily In the congratulation to him. While this In part Is but a personal matter, this Is also true: He Is well qualified to fill the position, aa we believe time will show. Ho has the ex perience slong lines fitting him for the position that come to but few. He Is naturally equipped with a fine legal mind and that with the training he has had he will acquit himself honorably In that high office, and the state will bo proud of him. Geneva Gazette: in making the appo'nt- tncnts for the supremo bench, Governor Sheldon appointed three republicans and one democrat. For three-year terms he appointed two republicans, and for the one-year terms ono republican and one democrat. Judge J. J. Sullivan was the democrat who received the appointment, unci after qualifying for tho position on Tuesday and serving one day he resigned, Ills reason for resigning and tho history of the whole affair makes very good cam paign material and but adds to the depth of burial of Governor Sheldon. York Times: Judge Sullivan evidently thinks It not worth while to accept a po sition on the supreme bench for one year. The law provides that the judg-es of the supreme court shall reside in Lincoln, and when Judge and Mrs. Sullivan had put In a day trying to rent a houso that would suit them, they decided to quit the Job and go home to Columbus, where he has a lucrative practice. People who do not live In Columbus are liable to wonder that a man of good judgment should not choose to reside elsewhere, under almost any circumstances, but we must remember people get used to almost anything. In cidents ere related of men who begged to be returned to prison after serving a long sentence. The court can proceed with six Judges while the governor Is making up hi mind whom to appoint In the place of Judge Sullivan. North Platte Tribune: Governor Sheldon has brought upon himself much criticism in the appointment of the supreme court judges, selecting as ho did residents of the state living within seventy-five mile of the Missouri river, and Ignoring the ap plicants from the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth congressional district the only districts In which the republicans were successful at the late election. It seems to us that it ia about time that central and western Nebraska receive a political "square deal." It Is that part of the state that gives the republican party Us heavy vote, yet In the distribution of appointments by state officers the "dond lino" is drawn about 100 miles west of the Missouri river. If all the able and capable men lived In tha extreme east part of the state, there might be omo excuse for tho west part of the state not being recognized, but we are willing at any time to pit the representa tive men of the west half against those of the east half, and the wast half will lose nothing by tho comparison. Aurora Republican: In the appointment of four Judges of the sumpreme court, Gov ernor Sheldon did not please ell the people of the state. Such a thing would have been Impossible. However, It is only a statement of fact to say that he appointed four good men. The appointment of W. B. Rose, who wa not a candidate for the place, will be especially pleasing to the republi cans of the state. Mr. Rose stand In the very front rank of lawyer In legal attain ment. He ha a mind of the highest dis criminating power and he possesses to a marked degree the Judicial temperament so essential in the Ideal judge. He la young and vigorous. He Is a genuine progressive, not the kind that "slops over," but the kind who believe earnestly that the maxim "equality before the law" should apply today in all the departments of govern ment. As chairman of the state republi can central committee he did more than any other men in Nebraska to direct the progressive legislation of the record-breaking legislature of two years ago. And a deputy attorney general, hi ha been the hand that has been the chief power in giving force and effect to those same ex cellent statutes. His heart throb In har mony with the Interest of the people; he ha power; he ha courage. He will grace the position of judge In our highest court, and, if we are not mistaken, more than any other man on the bench, will bring strength and influence to Nebraska's high est tribunal. Crelghton Liberal: The appointment of W. B. Rose of Lincoln to the supreme bench by Governor Sheldon recall the fact that this man Rose was the bone of con tention which caused congressman Boyd so much trouble this fall. Rose and Ross Hammond were competltlvo aspirant for the appointment aa collector of interna revenue. At that time some of the Hammond men Vers declaring that Rose did not possess tho virtues necessary to cancel the stamps on a beer barrel, and now the governor makes him a member of the supreme court and give him the long term at that. If George Sheldon 1 a clean citizen personally he Is a dirty politician. After the result of an election where the amendments were carried and the state became democratic he appoints three member of the minority and one of the majority and one of those of the minor ity has nothing to commend him but twenty year service at the public feed trough. If the legislature should decide to recanvas the vote and a new set of Judges are ap pointed by the Incoming governor tha stato will be plunged into a nice legal meas, but this could have all been avoided If Sheldon had been more of a man and less ot a political fat frier. Governer-elect Shallen berger offered to appoint the same Judges if Sheldon would select two good repub licans and two democrats. Central City Republican: The appoint ment of three republicans and one demo crat aa supreme Judges by Governor Shel don last week has boen the subject of some criticism, and if the condition as stated by those who are doing the criticis ing are correct, they have some cause for their complaints. Prior to the primaries there wa some opposition on the part of the fusionlsts to the passage of the amend ment increasing the number of supreme court judges, but later they withdrew their opposition and their party leaders and the party organization endorsed the measure, and at the primaries It was endorsed by the fusionlsts and made a party measure by them as well a by the republican. With the united support of both parties the amendment was overwhelmingly car ried. It was understood then that a prom ls had been made that It tha fusionlsts T.ould endorse the measure they should have two of the Judges, and that this was the understanding upon which they gave It their support. Governor Sheldon, in tha discharge of his duties and hia support of reform measures, showed himself to be one of the best governors the state ever hud, but magnanimity after a bitter con test is harder for the vanquished than for the victor, and the governor would have shown himself great In his defeat If he had hewn to tha line and appointed two democrats It such was the understand ing. On the question of a nonpartisan Judiciary and other measures of good gov ernment, there should be no difference be tween parties, and now that the democrat have won In the state republican should not harbor resentment, but should be glad If good laws are enacted and reform meas ure put Into effect. ... in Tr fo)o)rifP Mil Perfectly pure, unquestionably whole some. A pure food factor ante-dating all pure food laws. Indispensable for raising finest cake, biscuit and pastry. " ' . - . ' No Alum. No Lime Phosphates at. Be on guard against alum in your food. Prof. Johnson of Yale College says he "regards the introduction of alum into baking powders as most dangerous to health." Read the label. Bay only where Cream of Tartar is named. ARMY GOSSIP 1W WASHINGTON'. Tarrant Eveats Gleaned from the Army and Navy Register. The work of distributing the identifica tion tags for enlisted men of the army has been undertaken by the quartermaster's department pf the army, which department by the War department orders Is charged with the duty of providing for sale to of ficer and gratuitous Issue to enlisted men aluminum Identification tags, the size of a liver half-dollar, of suitable thickness, to be suspended from the neck underneath the clothing by means of a tape. One hundred and twenty-five thousand of these tags have been procured from the ordnance de partment. Each tag Is to be stamped with the name, rank, company, regiment, or corps, off the wearer, and steel dies for stamping the tags are furnished by the ordnance department to each organization commander. It is held that a reward may be paid for the apprehension of a deserter from the army who is subsequently convicted by court-martial of being absent without leave. In a recent case at Fort 8c re van, Ga,, aa enlisted man quit his post and gave himself up to the civil authorities one month later. At his trial for desertion he claimed in his own defense that ho was applying at the police headquarters for In formation aa to how to reach his post, where he desired to report as a soldier absent without leave. He claimed that the authorities held him until they were as sured that they would receive the usual bounty paid for the apprehension of a deserter. Tha enlisted man had been, ab sent from hi post a sufficient length ot time to have been formally charged with desertion, and the fact that a subsequent court-martial doc not find him guilty of such an offense doe not relieve the gov ernment from the obligation ot paying for his apprehension. An erudite correspondent, who has ac cess to foreign literature, current and an tique, furnishes the following translation: (Translation.) Headquarter Corean Army, SEOUL. Corea. July 18, 1907. General Orders No. 2641VJ207. 1. Each and every officer, particularly each and every field officer of the line, shall continuously and continually per form all the duties and functions pertain ing to his rank and position from reveille until taps every day In the year. 1 ' At the close of each period of (24) twenty-four hour every officer ahall sub mit. In him owYi handwriting, a full and explicit report of everything he has done during that period. This report will also Include hi opinion of hi superiors. t. At the close of each month every of ficer will submit an essay upon the sub ject designated in advance from these headquarter. Subject of essay for field officer for next month: "Who and what should elimination eliminate?" For cap tain and lieutenants: "How should my senior run In the armyT" For succeeding month, for all officers: "How shall of ficers make the best use of their spare time?" 4. In their leisure hour all officer will devote much time to sports and athletics; between times, all officers will keep them selves ported on tha current military liter ature of the day. 6. At every formal Inspection officers will be required to demonstrate their mili tary efficiency as follow: Second lieutenant shall turn three for ward somersaults. First lieutenants shall turn three back somersaults. Captains shall turn three hand springs. Majors hall turn three cart wheel. Lieutenants colonel ahall stand upon their heads. Col onels shall stand upon their records. Gen erals shall stand upon their dignity. t 6. Field officers of the line shall, year'y, demonstrate, praotically, their ability to ride horseback (15) fifteen miles at in creased gaits. Field officer of the staff ahall, monthly, demonstrate their ability to ride. In a Pull man car (300) three hundred mile In one day, on a pass, and at (7) seven cent per mile, if the appropriation will endure It. 7. When an officer Is to be examined for promotion, the department commander will convene a board to consist of (S) five officer of the next grade above that one of its member nearest In size and weight to the candidate for promotion and the two shall fight, rough-and-tumble. In the presence of the bourd. If the candidate ia whipped, he shall be retired. If the mem ber Is whipped he shall be retired and the officer who stands twenty files below the candidate on the lineal list shall be pro moted to the vacancy so created. (. Tha advantage end desirability of Ini tiative are best Impressed upon all officers by depriving them of It, therefore, if any officer discover any new thing which can b done, during the ample leisure which this order ' grant to offioer, he will at once report the same to this office that It may be incorporated In orders. By order of tha war chief. (Signed.) KOFF K. Kt'LER, Captain General Staff, Corean Army. Prlll sr Example. Washington Herald. Admiral Evans refusal to accept the gift of a home from hi grateful find ad miring countrymen show that at least there la on. waa who can profit by a hor rible example. inn il P8UD POINTED REMARKS. "How Is it that girl gets an much ap ptauxe for her singing. She has such a metallic voice?" "That's tho renpon. She's tho daughter of a steel king." Baltimore American, "Do you think that oratory helps a man much?" said the beginner In politics. "That depenilH." answered Senator Sorg hum, "on whether It Is an accomplishment or a habit." Washington Star. Stranger Can you direct me to the Blank hotel? Policeman I can, orr; but I've no grudge agin ye, an' I won't. Chicago Tribune. Paul Revere carefully rubbed the saddle mark with mutton tallow. ' And yet. Just as like as not," he mur mured, "some smart Alec of the future will say I never took that ride." Philadelphia Ledger. Naturalized German (trying to excuse himself from cprvice on Jury) But I don't understand good English! Judge (looking at lawyers who are to try the case Don't worry. You won't hear any here! Judge. "You didn't tell me thl was a comic "Well, you knew It was an opera, didn t you?" "Yes. but" "And you knew It was to be given by an amateur company. How dense you are!" Cleveland Leader. "That lawyer Is very tricky," said Mr. Cumrox. "I wouldn't think of meeting him socially." ... "Neither would I," answered Mr. Dustln Stax, "but you might give me hi office address." Washington Star. "George," said Farmer Scrapple to his son, "if you hd this wart of mine on your.hand what would you-do.with It?" "O. I don't know, father," answered Georgo. "Trim It down with a razor, 1 guess." ... "And I've spent $4,000 glvln" you a medi cal education!" groaned Farmer Scrapple. Chicago Tribune. , , RAIABOWS AND PIE. ' Detroit Free Press. Yes, sir, I'm living in hope, banking on promises made, Hoping by night and by day that a plum on my plate will be laid; I went to the front like a man, I canvassed my ward, end to end. There are hundreds of men I can name I persuaded to vote for my friend. And, now he has something to give, I am haunting his otfice all day. I want a political job and 1 long for politi cal pay. Next year I'll have money to burn, at least 1 am hoping I will. In the heat of the fight I waa there, I argued while others stood still. Hi cards 1 was proud to give out, his pictures 1 nailed on the walls. And 1 stood In the rear to applaud when ever he entered our halls; It was valiant service I gave, now he ought to throw something my way, I want a political job. and I long for politi cal pay. I don't ay for sure that I'll land, but I'm hoping I will, and perhaps My name he will put on the list when dividing political snaps; I'm hoping he'll send for me soon, I 881 hoping he'll say unto me. "I want to do something for you, what Job would you like It to be?" I'm dodifing his footsteps by night and my friends have gone to him to say: I want a political Job and I long for politi cal pay. mm. GOING. SOUTH?. , That's everybody' first thought with the first cold day. ' ltut the real cure for cold j is a good (rterroaf. . good a anyone can . want here at from $20 to $30 " Ileyond this range - of price theru Is an added luxury -silk lining and all that but ' no greater -service. Aa to style? . There's nothing nearer this date. Only fifteen days more to do your Christmas shop ping. BrgwningKing i7Twi (omniiv Fifteealh and Douglas Sta. ' OMAHA It. S. WILCOX. Maaagerw