THE OMATTA DAILY BKF. : MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1909. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office 15 Scott Strfeet, PIMRAM FOR FRUIT SHOW Tuesday, December Fifteen, Deiig nated as Omaha Day. DEMAND FOE SPACE GROWING Imperative that Ann to Aadltorlam n Errrtrd tn Pro-ride fop Addi tional Exhibits Baltimore Asks for Some "pare. At the. weekly meeting last night of the ejicral committee of the National Horti cultural congress. President Hess an nounced the following special days for the fruit show for the week beginning Decem ber 14: Monday, opening day. Tuesduy, Omalia day. Wednesday.' Missouri 'day. Thursday. Nebraska day. ' Friday, Iowa day. Saturday. Trl-Clty and closing day. Tuesday was designated as Omaha day at the request of the management of the Na tional Corn exposition. A committee from the National Horticultural congress and the club of this city will go before the Omaha Commercial club at Ha meeting Tuesday next and extend the Invitation to th::t city to come over Here on Tuesday, December 15, enmasse to the fruit show. The erection of the annex to the audi torium lias become a necessity owing to the lnrge number of advices of exhibit be ing dally received. Yesterday morning a telcprsm was received from C. T. Close of Pnltlmore, secretary of the Maryland Hor ticultural society, asking that space be re served for an exhibit of MO plates. Later In the day this waa followed by a second telegram from Secretary Close asking for firty feet additional space. Word has boen received from Spokane that John P. Cummlngs has been selected by the Spokane Chamber of Commerce as Its delegate to the National Horticultural congress and that he will leavs for Council Bluffs this week. Spokane will make a bid for the congress of 1909, the purpose being to have It following the seventeenth Na tional Irrigation congress, which meets In SKkane September 27 to October t, and during the Alaaka-Tukon-Paclflo exposi tion at Seattle, thus giving tha delegates an opportunity to take In the throe meet ings. . . Superintendent Beveridge of tha Council Bluffs public schools has been tendered 8,000 t'.ckots for the pupils going from here to aim to tako part In tha Council Bluffs dny exorcises at the National Corn expo sition on Monday afternoon. December 14. The Commercial olub has gotten out 25,000 badges advertising the National Horticul tural congress. They are made of card and are circular in shape with a red cord so that tl.ey may be attached to a coat or lapel. In the center of the badge la the official emblem of the congress a large red apple with the face of a curly, golden haired little girl. AllXD 19 THC8TEB FOB PIERCE Bankrupt Questioned I Concernlasr 'lie! Estate Deals.! At the meeting yesterday of the creditors of Harry F. Pierce of tW city, who re cently filed a voluntary petition In bank ruptcy, held In the office of W. S. Mayne, referee In bankruptcy, William Arnd, for merly county treasurer, was unanimously elected trustee. As trustee Mr. Arnd will have charge of the settlement of the af fairs of Pierce's creditors, who number about fifty, with claims, according to the schedule of Mobilities filed by the bank rupt, aggregating close upon 1600,000. Following the election of the trustee Pierce was subjected to an examination as to various real estate deals and his affairs In genond. Statements of the bankrupt during the examination showed that he had put property valued at J25O.00O Into the Perseverance Mining and Milling company of Owyhee county, Idaho, and that he still owed IJjO.OOO on It. George W. Holdrege of Omaha was sold by Pierce to hold notes amounting to $400,000, secured by Pierce's Interest In this mining property. Tha only other secured claim Is that of W. T, Weathcrill of Merrlman, Neb., for $7,000. The further examination of the bankrupt was continued to next Wednesday morn ing. Pierce Is represented at the examina tion by Attorney A. T. Fllcklnger. while seven local attorneys and several from out of town appear for different creditors. Mr. Holdrege, it was said, was not repre sented by an attorney at yesterday's pro ceedings. - Pierce has filed a supplementary schedule of nubilities, enumerating notes aggregat ing about $CS.000. These notes were formerly given to C. . Ii Price, cashier- of the Com mercial National bank of this city. , and assigned or endorsed by Pierce. It is stated SCIENTISTS TACKLE BALDNESS Plotting to Tut Dandruff Out of Hust ings in Omaha, UK. NOTTS II A III INVESTIGATION'S ITebraekans darting the Benefit of tae Many Tsars cf Research by South era Student Whose Discoveries -Aid Hair Growth. The American Association for the Ad vancement, of Science has never taken up tho Question: "What Is the Cause of Haidnufcs?". Scarcity of hair U not a local, but a national condition. Women, as well as man, are affected by the thin ness of Nature's head-dress. Woman with her puffs and switches, can add to her hair professions, but despite the arti fices of fashion, -00 per cent, of the women whine hair Is not long and thick and luxuriant, look with Interest upon tbe result or Dr. Nott s Investigations In their behalf. The Southern scientist-physician has a formula, which has been secured by the llesslg-Kllls Drug Co., at Memphis, Tenn. Dr. Notfs Hair Tonic la what It Is called. It is the most delightful toilet preparation ever sent out on a mission of good cheer. -The rout of dandruff, the Increased growth of hair both as to length and thickness and the restoration to health of greasy scalps are some of tne good things . to the credit of Dr. Nott's ilalr Tonic. ' People who are clsaaly about all other parts of. their body are often neglectful of their balr. They rarely wash It and simply allow it to gather dirt and germs. This Dr. Nott Hair Tonic la a good thing to use to keep tha head clean. It cor rects the tendency of hair to split or crack. Omaha people can find Dr. Nott'a Hair Tonla at tha Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Oma ha, it la really worth the time of any thlo-helred soul to Investigate what its virtue have done for others. One bottle nay be secured free. Ask about lb BLUFFS. Both 'Phones 43. that these notrs were Included In the claims of George W. Holdrege In the original schedule, but are Itemized In the supple mentary filing. The supplementary schedule also Includes a list of about twenty persons with whom Pierce has had financial deal ings, who have made no claims, but who are listed as possible claimants In order that any alleged Indebtedness that m!?ht subsequently be set up may be wiped out In these bankruptcy proceedings. VISIT OF FAItM 1,1KB COMMISSION Plaas Made for Ka tertalnlaa; Mem bers While la City. Plans for the entertainment of the com mission appointed by President Roosevelt to Investigate the conditions of farm Ufa when It visits Council Bluffs. Friday of this week were outlined at at meeting held yesterday afternoon In the rooms of tha Commercial club. The members of the commission are expected to spend the afternoon and evening of Friday In this city snd It Is proposed to meet them In Omaha with a committee, which will escort them to this side of the river In automo biles. On reaching Council Bluffs the members of the commission will be taken to the auditorium to view the preparations for the big fruit show of the National Horti cultural congress and If time permits of It will be given a ride In automobiles about the city. In the evening the visitors will be guests of honor at a dinner, to be given by the Commercial club. In the Dutch room of the Grand hotel. Charles A. Beno, president of the Com mercial club named the following as mem bers of the committee to meet the com mission in Omaha and escort It to this side of the river: E. H. Doollttle. Dr. H. B. Jennings, W. H. Kimball, II. W. Binder, H. H. Van Brunt and F. R. Davis. Lodge Elect Ions. Hazel Camp No. 171, Modern Woodmen of America Consul,' Louis Bonn; adviser, K. I Pile; banker, J. J. Stewart; clerk, S. B. Snyder: esoort, Thomas Tlerney; watch man, A. Molxman; sentry, H. F. Keller; manager, J. C. Fleming. Winner Court No. 63, Tribe of Ben-Hur Chief, May Ingram; judge, Edna Hobus; scribe, Myrtle U Silkett; keeper of tribute, Alva Brobst; captain, Emll Haden; guide, Ernest Cottmlre; Inner doorkeeper, - Lena Marck; outer doorkeeper, Sylvia Silkett. Council Camp No. 17. Woodmen of the World Consul, C. A. Morgan; advisory lieutenant, Henry Frehardt; banker, A. C. leaner escort, A. R- Nleman; clerk, Dell Q. Morgan; watchman, Harold Beeman; sen try, J. A. Sprinkle; captain of degree team, C. Orlmm; secretary and editor, C. M.. Maynard; manager for long term, Charles Barry; manager for short term. W. J. Lau terwasser; musician, Charles Adolph; camp physicians. Drs. Montgomery, Bower, Gas son and Hennessey; captain degree staff, C. A. Morgan; electrician. J. O. Bradley. Encampment No. 8, Union Veteran Le gionColonel, J. H. Brooks; lieutenant colonel. Enoch Hess; major, C. M. King; quartermaster, D. A. Heisler; officer of the day, George Stlnsen; chaplain. Rev. G. W. Snyder; daughter of the encamp ment. Miss Evora'J Brooks; surgeon, Frank Stragall. " Woman's Auxiliary to Union Veteran Legion President, Mrs. Williams; senior vice president, Mrs. V. P. Gay; Junior vice president. Mrs. Dalton; chaplain, Mrs. Laura Hight Johnson; conductress. Dr. Ada Mlchell; treasurer, Mrs. Hess; secre tary, Mrs. Ada Martin; guard, Mrs. Stin son; color bearer, Mrs. Sparks; musician. Miss Elisabeth Martin. Wontaa'a Club Mmsloalo. Tbe musical department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will give tha eleventh of Its series of muslcales Monday evening In tha Hospe recital hall. The program will be under the direction of Mrs. J. Allen Barrio and Miss Marguerite Morehouse. Miss Marion Emerson and Mrs. Edith Wag oner will be the accompanists. - This la the program ; PART I. Piano a) Mystery, b) Butterfly, (e) March of the Dwarfs Grelg Jean G. Jones. Soprano (a) Sancta Maria, (b) Serenade Faure Mrs. Robert Mullis. Violin a) Legende Wlenlawskl (b) Hungarian Dance No. 6 Brahms Mr. Msx Baumelster. Baritone The Song of Hybrlas the Cretan Elliott Mr. Jo F. Barton. Paper The Personality of Qounod Mrs. Thomas Q. Harrison. PART II. Soprano (a) Cansonetta; Barcarole; Alone Rotoll Mrs. Mullis. Piano (a) Menuet Paderewskl (b) Hungarian Dance No. 7 Brahms Mr. Jones. Baritone The Wagon Molloy Mr. Barton. Violin (a Humereske Dvorak (b) Mazurka, "Obertasa" Wlenlawskl Mr. Baumelster. l.airkroa to Jadge Mary. Jufge N. W. Macy of Harlan, who will retire from the dHutrlet court bench at the beginning of the year, after a continuous service cf over twenty years, will be tho guest of honor at a luncheon to be ten dered him next Friday afternoon at the Grand hotel by the Pottawattamie County Bar association. Hon. W. A. MynsW. president of the association, will preside as toastmaster and tcasts will be responded to by Emmet ! Tlnley. W. 8. Baird and Judge J. R. Reed. I Judge W. R. Green of Audubon will also speak. Invitations will be extended to all the members of the bar. the Judges of tha fifteenth Judicial district. Won. E. B. Woodruff of Glenwood. who will succeed Judge Macy on the bench, and Judge Smith i McPherson of the United States court and the county officials.. Arrangements for the luncheon, which will be held about noon Friday, are In the l:ands of a committee consisting of W. 8. Baird, Frank Capel and T. Petersen. v X MIX OK sia-VTIOXs Ruth Letchford-Leonard's china kale Dec 4 tu Dec . 614 4th atreet. Mrs. Henrlotta Epmeter Is critically ill at her home. x Avenue C. She was stricken with paralysis a few days ira and owing to bit kge her recovery is doubted. Dave Mooney. a well known local police character, is being held at the cltv Jail while the authorities are investigating how he came to be In pokseeslon yenterday of four pairs of blankets, three lap robes ana one overcoat. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Ralph Hackiey. aged H. and Anna Hart qulst. agi-d 21, both of this city. They were married by Rev. Henry DeLong at his of fice in the county court house. Mrs. Kste Howard of Neola was granted In the district court yesterday a divorce from Fred Howard on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. Mrs. Howard un der the decree) is to receive 17 bo a month alimony. The cash register In the Blue Ribbon saloon at the corner of Scott street and Broadway waa tapped Friday night by a thief fur between (40 and 5. It t believed the thief cononaled blmsWf somewhere on the pretnisxe when the saloon was locked at 10 o'clock Friday night. The thief over, looked til which was in one of the back compartments of the drawer of the cash register MINNESOTA REVISES BOOKS State Making Inspection with View of Changing Accounting System. RAILWAY EARNINGS IN STATE et Profit from Operations la low F.labtern and ( Barter Millions Only Two Small Llaes Oper ated at a Loss. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Dec. . (Special. Expect ing to make some changes in the Minnesota method of public accounts, a number of the state officials visited the state offices In the Iowa capttol yesterday and investigated the Iowa methods, securing blanks, etc Those who were here were: Auditor of State Samuel G. Iverson, Deputy 8tate Treasurer E. S. Pettljohn, Deputy Public Examiner Francis N. Tracy and W. C. Hellbron. The Minnesota officials, In their tour of Inspection, have visited the stato capitals In Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Compulsory Eduratloa for Bllael. Bernard Murphy of Vinton, in Des Moines today, said that he expects to spend con siderable time in the city during the com ing session of the legislature and will urge the passage of severs: new laws rtuch as will effect Vinton and the State School for the Blind there. Among other things, Mr. Murphy will urge the enactment of a law providing for compulsory education of the blind In Iowa. He says there Is aa much, or more reaaon why the blind should be compelled to secure an education as chil dren with all their senses. He points out the fact that some graduates of the School for the Blind are now able to make more than a living for themselves and are Inde pendent, whereas many blind people with out an education are dependent on the state and counties. Lawyer Arrested. Overzeal on tho part of Wilbur J. Garri son, well known lawyer and politician, to assist the sheriff In getting T. L. Arnold and R. E. Herrold, under arrest after being Indicted by the grand Jury on a charge of conspiracy, resulted In his own arrest to day. , He Is alleged to have sent postal cards through the mails offering a reward of $100 for the arrest of the two men. When one of the post cards reached a friend of Mr. Arnold's he filed an Infor mation In the United States court charg ing Gar Bison with sending defamatory and libelous literature through the mails. Garrison was placed under arrest at noon today by United States Marshal Bid well, and was later released under bonds of im. Rallwar Earn logs. . Tabulations completed 1n the office of the State Railroad commission today show that the total earnings from operation of the Iowa roads for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, amount to $64,403,372.01 The grand total will probably amount to even more because of the lateness of the report of the Great Western road, which is In the hands of the receiver. The operation expenses for the yesr were t4S.12S.396.S3, and the net earnings are S18.277.976.B2 for the S.972.78 miles of road within the state. But two roads showed losses, they being the AIM Central, which lost tS.3M.19. and the Muscatine North V South, which operated at a loss of $1,753.85. Stat Fair Dates. Dates for the state and sectional fairs of the coming year were fixed at the meeting of the representatives of the dif ferent agricultural associations held at Chicago during the International Live Stock show. Iowa will have the usual dates the last four days In August and the first week In September Ohio being assigned the same dates, while a special or district fair will be 'in operation at that time In Topeka, Kan. Railroad Change 1 nape ads. IOWA FALLS. Ia., Dec. . (Special.) There Is a persistent rumor in circulation here, that cannot be confirmed, that the appointment of W. H. Stillwell as train master of the St Paul & Des Moines road Is but the beginning of the end of the present management of the road, and that within a few weeks or months, at least, a general reorganization will be effected In the official conduct of the road. This rumor Is considered by many as a fore runner of th expected In the ultimata absorption of the road by the Milwaukee system. Just what Stillwell's affiliations ore cannot be ascertained, but It Is thought by many that a new bunch of capitalists In the east, representing the Milwaukee Interests, have secured financial conrol of the Short Line and that gradually changes will be made in the operation of the line until It becomes thoroughly Mllwaukeelzed. Iowa News Metes. MARSHA LLTOWN Jacob Nelderhauser, owner of one of the largest dairies In this city, has been arrested, charged with sell ing milk from cows which have not been tested for tuberculosis. The complaint was filed by one of his customers. The case is set for hearing next Mcnday. This Is the first arrest under the city ordinance forcing dairymen to have their cows tested, whicu went Into effect a few months ago. IOWA CITY There will be no lid on Sunday vaudeville performances In Iowa City and tiiere is little nkelthood of a passage of the stringent ordinance pro posed, according to members of the city council. However, Manager Harry F. Po cock of the Bijou vaudeville house, whose performance last Sunday evening caused the stir, has announced that he will not open his theater today.. CHESTON While driving out of a brick kiln with a load of brick Friday, Harry Darby of Greenfield, waa severely Injured by being cuught across the shoulders by the urch of the kiln and quickly rolled up like a ball. His team, fortunately, stopped and was backed out by thoae who wit nessed the accident. His spinal column was badly Jammed and twisted out of shape, but phyMcians believe he will re cover as no bones were broken. LAKE CITY Horace Km!!, a farmer who recently moved to Elm Grove town ship from De KaJb, III., was more than surprised to find In the car of household goods he was unloading the family cat, which had lived In the car for over ten days without food or water. .The cat, it is it lleveil, tt-aped into the car during the procexs of loading, knowing by instinct that Its former horns was being broken up. The cat was nearly famlMheit fmm tv- long fast. CHESTON Masonic Grand Master Mar tin of W aterloo and Grand Secretary Par vin of C'euar Rapids, while en route to the anniversary celebration at Clarlnda, Masonic lodge last night, which proved to be a most Inte estlng occasion for that order. ' The annual election of officers was held In connection with the meeting and resulted In the following: Worshipful master, Fred Ide; senior warden, Carl Davenport; Junior warden, Claire Atkin son; treasurer, li. D. Jones; secietary. Charles Good. LAKE CITY William Bums, while out hunting on Coon river for ducks, saw a fine large goose floating on tha smooth water of a bayou and wading out pro cured the bird. He waa more than sur prised to find that locked in the goose's Jaws was the body of an immense bull frog. Tbe goose, ravenously hungry after Its long Journey from summer quarters up In northwest Canada, had attempted to swallow the frog, which proved to be too big a morsel of food. Tho goose evidently choked to death. MARSH ALLTOWN Detoa Arnold, a former old and well known business man of this cry. who now lives tn Pasadena, CaL. has preacuted to tha department ot geoloav of Lcland-Ptindford unlverstty bis mammoth collection of fossils coral, minerals snd ethnologic materials, valued at mor than $15 o. The collection con sists of Sn.i0 listed, labeled and CHtal'iud specimen, in addition to .TO.lxi duplicates. It Is to be known as the "lelo Arnold collection." Many of the spectniere wer-? secured at the rjunrrfc-s ot LcUrand, la., and elsewhere in this state. CRFSTON Superintendent W. 8. Kirby of Ottumwa has been selected as the new division superintendent of the Burlington st Aurora to succeed John J. Russell, who resigned to accept a position at Portland. Ore. Superintendent Klrby begun woik for the Bu. ilngtun as a brakeman on the Aurora division thirty ears ago and has been steadily advanced from on reponl blo position to another. He was conductor, then trainmaster of terminals at Chlcsgn for nearly fifteen years. He was sent to Ottumwa, April 1, 19oX, to succeed A. V. Brown, who left tho Burlington to accept the gcneial management of the M. A N. A. lines st Eureka 8prlngs, Ark. CRE8TON The first Inter-high school debate of the southwestern Iowa section will be held early In Ja' uary at Afton. Their old rival, Bedford High school, will contest with them, the question used by all the debating teams. "That All Cor porations Doing an Interstate Business Should He Under the Exclusive Control of the United States Government. Constitu tion Granted." Bedford hekt Its p.e ltmlnary last week and the negative side won unanimously. Afton hold Its pre liminary Tnursday, but no decision was made aa to the merits of the debate, the object being to determine the personnel of the team. Five contestants took part and Pearl Callahan, Arnold Sander and Wayne Hammons were selected to constitute the team, with Sidney Kelley as alternate. Gnllty ot Coaaterfeltlaa. Passing counterfeit nionee Is no worse than substituting some unknown worthless remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, tha great cough and cold remedy that cures tho most obstinate coughs and heals the lungs. Sold by all druggists. GOOD BOOKS FOR "CHILDREN Pnblle Library Collects Exhibits for the Benefit of Inaalrlas; rareats. The number of children's books published each year is steadily Increasing, some of which are good, some bad and others In different. To select books from this mass which will interest and mentally strengthen the boys and girls for whom tbey are writ ten ia a great task and one which requires large knowledge of children's literature, also a high standard of book selection. In the children's rqom of the public lbrary a collection of books has been se lected from a list of classics and other books of merit for children, prepared by librarians and teachers who have given this subject careful study. The collection Is not exhaustive, such points as moral in fluence, humor, literary value. Interest to boy or girl, paper and Illustrations of the book have been considered. The inquiries In regard to books suitable to children has suggested this collection Special regard has been paid to books of poetry for the young. Children are natural lovers of poetry. They can receive and de light in a poem through the ear long before they are able to obtain the same pleasure through the eye.. The musical rhythm pleases the ear. Its charms of expression stimulates the Imagination and the chil dren are easily - led to reach the deeper meaning and beauty.'. To quote one interested in children: "Many a child Is shut ot:t forever from the love of poetry because when he Is young and lisps in numbers with the greatest ease, no one opens the gate of real poetry to him by reading to him. and so showing blm by spoken word the musto and .flow of the measured, melodious lines." One of the most delightful books of this classes the '"Qolden Staircase," compiled by Louey Chlsholm. The "Golden Stair case has 200 steps. If a child begins to climb when he is 4 years old and climbs twenty steps each year, on his 14th birth day he will reach the top." There Is the book of famous verse compiled by Agnes Reppller for older . children, and "The Nursery Rhyme Book" edited by Andrew Lang a feast for tha little ones pictures, old tales, proverbs, riddles, lullabies, games and Jingles. Also there is "The Land of Song," compiled by Katherlne Shute, "Poems Every Child Should Know," edited by Mary Burt, and "Another Book of Verse for Children." edited by E. V. Lucas, any one of which would be a delightful book for a child's own library. This collection will be on display In tho children's room on the second floor of the public library. Nineteenth and Harney streets, from December S until Christmas. SHABBIEST EDIFICE IN BERLIN German Foreign Office (irlnt, Dirty. Look I a g Structure la Heart of Arlatorratle Section. BERLIN. Dec. 7. Undoubtedly the most unpretentious and disreputable looking building in this city is at the same time the most Important, especially so far aa people outside Germany are concerned. It is the "Wllhelmstrasse." the German For eign office, which has during the last few weeks, because of the kaiser's unfortunate Interview and the Casa Blanca Incident, been more prominently in the limelight than ever before. Just what goes on behind the grim dirty walls of the "Wllhelmstrasse" prob ably every minister of foreign affairs In Europe would give his good right hand to know. It Is doubtful If there Is any other governmental office in the world where the policy of eternal secrecy Is pushed to such an extreme. It tock a crisis such as that which arose out of the now famous Interview In the London Dally Telegraph to cause the curtain to be drawn ever so slightly aside and the Internal workings of the office revealed to the curious pub lic. " The German's worship of system Is ad mirably exemplified by the workings of the Foreign office. There unelastic. un yielding organization is n fetich and the official head of the employe who trans gresses the confines of his elaborately out lined duties is sure of decapitation. Although there Is an elaborate press bureau attached to the "Wllhelmstraaso " information Is difficult to get One enters through a low. narrow door, constantly swinging to and fro with the passing of diplomats, high and low officials, secret agents, messengers and nt r. spaper men. One must know exactly what he wants be fore he enters the building else he will come out as .empty handed as he went In No one employed within dares answer a question which has the slightest evidenco of being outside his Immediate duties. " The disgraceful shabbineas of the "Wll helmstrasse" is all the more noticeable be cause of the magnificent buildings that surround It It is In the heart of aristo cratic Berlin. On the Unter den Linden. Just off the "Wllhelmstrasse." is the mag nlfkent Hotel Adlon, the finest hotel In Berlin, and the residence of the American ambassador, and from the Unter den Lin den down past the Foreign office the atreet Is lined on both sides with the home of the princes and nobles of Ger many and tha diplomats and high officials representing other governments at tbt court of William IX Hoarse coughs and sturfy colds that may develop Into pneumonia over night are qnlckJjr cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. as It soothes Inflamed inembranea, heals the lungs and expels the cold from the system. Sold by all druggist MILES TESTIFIES ON TARUF Principal Witness Before House Wars and Means Committee. REFERS TO D0ZET TRUSTS A Stone Labeled aa Dread' la What the Farmer la Given ' by the Dingier Law. WASHINGTON, Dec. ,-Referrlng to over a dozen "trusts" In his arguments for tariff reduction, Herbert E. Mtlos of Racine, Wis., chairman of the tariff com mittee of the National Association of Manufscturers, was the principal wl'ncss before the house ways and means commit tee yesterday. He was on the stand five hours and will again appear next Tues day. He was severely questioned by re publicans and democrats alike and his remarks caused considerable discussion of the attitude of the political ptrtles In respect to the tariff revision. He compared the percentage of the prices of certain articles which represented the labor cost with the percentage of pro tection afforded those articles by the tariff. .Chairman Payne repeatedly tuH Mr. Miles that tha committee would like to have a detailed atatement of his com parative figures. He contended that the oil, steel, brass goods, car builders, loco motive, farming tool, linseed oil. augar, tobacco, glucose, chemical, meat, lubber goods, leather and lumber (so-called) "trusts" receive protection that is much too great In comparison to the labor cost on their products. Although he Is chairman of the tariff committee of the National Association of Manufacturers, Mr. Miles of Racine, Wis., a manufacturer of agricultural Im plements, wagons and carriages, made It plain that he was not appearing for the association. He claimed to address the committee "as one of the millions of con sumers, not as one of the 150,000 tn 173, 000 manufacturing consumers; as an em ployer who pays 500,000 annually in wages and as an "independent, non trustified manufacturer." "A stone labelled as bread," Is what he said the farmer ia given through the Ding ley tariff. Mr. Miles said the Standard Oil company benefited most from the duty on oil. The Standard's wage cost Is per cent of the price to the consumer and the tariff offers a proteotton of 89 per cent of the price. The tariff rates on steel and Its products, he said, are all In excess of the wago cost. He declared that 96 per cent of the sticl output Is controlled by the United 8 a cs Steel company, Jones and Laughlin, The Republic Iron and Steel company, the Colorado Fuel and Iron company and the Lackawanna and the Pennsylvania Steel company. On Dalzelia suggestion he also included the Cambria Steel company. He said that these and several others are "In a commercial sense practically one con cern." "Tht Is true as far as making of price Is concerned," suggested Mr. Cockran of Now York. Redaction on Heavy Steel. Mr. Milea recommended a maximum duty of 15 per cent of heavy steel products and as a minimum no duty. This reduction of the schedule, he explained, would result In a material reduction In the cost of agri culture Implements and wagons to tho farmer and he advocated putting nails and some machinery on the free list. He ad mitted later that the entire steel schedule tor rolling mill products should be reduced from 15 to 20 per cent. Saying he feared he might be taken for a free trader In view of his recommenda tions Mr. Miles said, "I'm against a free list." "What for?" askod Champ Clark of Missouri. "Because I want to see the government get revenue and because I want a trad ing proposition whereby we can sell goods In foreign countries." Some excitement was caused when Mr. Clark asked Mr. Miles, "What was tho difficulty you and Mr. Van Cleave, Mr. Perry and your association had with the labor unions?" Mr. Miles denied that he had had any trouble. Colonel Martin N. Mulhall of St. Louis came forward and became Involved In a heated argument with Mr. Clark. Colonel Mulhall claimed that certain labor leaders were trying to boycott Mr. Van Cleave because he waa a republican and a protectionist. "I don't want any poli tical speeches," replied Mr. Clark warmly, "I want to know what the row was about between Mr. Van Cleave and the labor unions." "The brass workers wanted 10 per rent more wages than wm being paid in St. Louis." replied Colonel Mulhall, who con tinued to defend Mr. Van Cleave, while Chairman Payne Interfered. Former Judge Samuel H. Cowan of Fort Worth. Tex., representing the American Live Stock association and tho Texas Cat tle Raisers' association, asked that the duty be retained on cattle hides, claiming that It has not been shown that free hides would cheapen the cost of manufactured leather articles to tha ultimate consumer. He claimed that the farmer was getting his share of the benefits of the 15 per cent duty obtained from hides and that it waa not going to the packers, as had been as serted. Representative Boutell read a letter from C H. Joaes of Boston, representing the shoe and leather association, replying to Mr. Bout ell's question es to what reduction would result tn the retail prices of $2. $3.50 and' $8 shoe with free hides and free leather, and with free hides, leather and shoes. Mr. Jones said there would be In each case a reduction of 25 cents with the exception of the price with free hides, leather and shoes, in which case, ho said, there would be a reduction of 60 cents. With free hides and leather, he aatd, the prices would depend on "trust" control. Champ Clark of Missouri asked Judge Cowan If he knew of the Beef "trust." "Most of the peopl believe there Is a combination of packers to fix the price of beuf," replied the witness. He told what he knew about the packers' methods of purchasing cattle and said that they did not fix the price of cattle except when there was an over-supply In the market. Bourke Cockran of New York asked Judge Cowan If the packers had any inter est in Uie tanning business. "I've heard," replied tho witness, "that the packers control the leather business." PRESCRIPTION PURIFIES BLOOD The following prescription Is very simple, but is the most effective obtain able for neutralizing acid poisons In the blood and relieving rheumatism and all its kindred ailments. Any one can pre pare this simple mixture. The ingredients can be obtained at any well stocked drug store: , "One ounce compound syrup of Sana parilla; on ounce TorU compound; half pint high grade whisky. Mix and use a tables poonful before each meal and at bed time. Tha bottls. must be well shaken each time." The good affect of this treatment Is ssld to become apparent after tha first tew doaea It U a ramarkahla system builder and will quickly restore full physical vigor I paraons of falling Strang tK Tailors Who Hedge Ah mi wmm i . s a I out satisfactory clothes. But the chances are that you have not found one of them in your town. If you have we congratulate you and pass on. If you have not we say this to you: You can be properly fitted in Stein-Bloch ready-to-wear clothes. They will give you style and personality. When you try them on you see upon yourself the best expression of the season's fashion as manifested in the acknowledged centers of style at home and abroad. 'The expense you are put to is surprisingly small when reckoned in the light of what you receive. They are ready for you at the best clothier's in your town. Writ lor "Sa:nnn," cortctlr llloatntiDf tkt iccrptt. Fall i Wider Strlw. U't has. The stein-Bloch Company Tailor Offices and Shops Rochester, N. Y. FOR SALE BY CHURCHES AND IMMIGRANTS Federal Council of Churches of Christ of America Discuss Problem. SOCIALISM MUST BE CHECKED Local Federations Are t'rged to Sarrey the Field, Stady Con ditions t Plaa. Work. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. .-In a stirring speech to the delegates of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In Amer ica Rev. Charles Stelsle of New York yes terday declared that the churches must look after the religious and moral welfare of Immigrants In order to prevent the on ward march of socialism. "While our churches are deserting th downtown fields In New York and letting the immigrants look out for themselves socialism Is stepping In," said Mr. Btelxl who is secretary of the department of church and labor of the Presbytorlan church. "Every night speeches are made from boxes on street corners and the foreigner! are accepting socialism. And it Is not. th; Christian socialism that you hear about, but It Is the socialism that preaches revolu tion and Is a real menace to the country." The council, which Is organized to brlna When you entertain at dinner or luncheon, don't ?erve a bread inferior, to what your guests are used to. Those families always watching for the best quality of foods, are rapidly finding out about Sundgren's Buttercup Bread noth ing else can satisfy them. Isn't today a good time for YOU to find out! How to Get It It'a assy to get genuine Sundgren's Buttercup Bread. You don't need to take a poor Imitation. Ask your own grocer for it and if he doesn't supply you. drop us a postal card, giving us his name. We will tell you of another atore that will be glad to deliver Buttercup Bread to you. Do it today. SUNDGREN'S BAKERY T2o south asm st. TekfhaBcs -garacy Hit; Uaeacagcat A-3617 HOTELS. MARYLAND HOTEL JAMES H. McTACUE. FWJcoL ? - - w sa tT. t ousatL U 4B. A. POPULAR PRICE EUROPEAN HOTEL asMlatalr Vlrepreaf. ktM tniMllr Lmmti. THE ADVANCE STANDARD FOR HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS CsBU bead. OsW f i.ilTW,CsrL. ' ' 1 " M . cir fmm HamsVai MARYLAND HOTEL CO. YOU arc not hard to fit. You have been told that you are, but the real trouble lay in the fact that your tailor did not know how to fit you. He was hedging so that if your clothes did fit you, he could prop erly impress you with his skill; and if they did not, he could have a soft place to fall on. We do not deny that there are scores of capable and trust worthy tailors in America who turn for Men New York i 130-132 Fifth Avenue. rll Protestant denomli ntlons Into closer in the Interests of Christianity, held tut one session todsy. . I mong the matters disposed of waa a request of the Anti-Saloon league of Amer ica to Investigate Its management, charges having been made that the league la not being properly conducted. The council de cided that it had no jurisdiction in the matter. Tc night a great public meeting was held in Weatherspoon hall In the interests of ycung people's organisations. Immigration Problem. - Among the matters considered at today's session was the organisation of local feder ations and the Immigration problem. Thesj csme before the council In the form of re ports from committees. The report on local federations contained suggestions for the organisation of local organisations. In this connection the committee presented resolutions which were adopted expressing the conviction of the federal council that In view of conditions that exist In cities, small towns and rural communities that the time has come when the churches should Join their forces in federated effort and that the aim should be to make a local federation a means through which tho evangelistic need and moral welfare of the community will be cared for most effec tively. A resolution presented by the committee on the church and the Immigrant, provid ing that the Federal Council urge local federations to survey the field, study condi tions and plan the work of looking after im migrants, was. Adopted. cep Selling Sundgren's Buttercup Bread adds to your reputation for having the best things. Our extensive advertising is adver tising for your store without cost to you If you reach out and take it. EDWARD W. DUNN. Manages.