Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    unday Bee
Cooie to National Corn Exposition This Week
One of the'greatest events in the history of Omaha. A corn show that is national in its scope. Over 100,000 visitors arc expected. Wonderful dis
plays the most magnificent ever attempted in a similar event have been made. The educational features alone arc worth coming hundreds of miles
The Omaha
' 1
1 '
The Big Bennett Store wants You for Its Guest
Every comfort and t-onvenience for the out-of-town visitor is at your disposal, all as free as the air you breathe. Make. this store your headquarters. Your visit to Omaha will be incomplete without a visit to Bennett's. We welcome
you. You can buy holiday goods here with greater economies than you ever knew before. A Christmas store that stands head and shoulders above all others west of Chicago. We sell everything. 56 distinct lines f( stores in one.
Slippers Make Sensible Gifts
Omaha's Greatest Book Store
2 AT ah esa
You'll need only a glance in the department to
convince you of this. Christmas Hooks were never
shiiun in greater profusion.
James Whitcomh Kilcy's famous Iove Lyrics. Farm
Rhymes. Poems of Childhood. Sonus of Cheer, and
latent poems of Summer, publisher's OS.
.25. here for
Satan Bandaraon Mont successful book In
Monday first lime at
OHft Books for Sundny school teachers, all
great hymns. Illustrate. 1
oua MAOAznrc club offekb
Pictorial Review, i'iciorial
Review Pattern, Ladles'
World. Modern
Prlscllla. worth
$2.25. for
Christmas Post Cards
for . . .
10c dozen
Work, Every-
Sample Bibles
Second lot from our
our big purchase
from A. C. Mc
Clurg & Co. Prices
.just half regular.
Leatherette a n d
genuine leather
bindings, on sale
at 49c to $1.49
T71 11 Wiwi
Skirts Made to Your Measure
by one of Omaha's best man-tailors. Select
any material in our stork, 50c a yard or over. We will have a skirt
made for you that ordinarily costs $G.OO for the making. Strictly
man-tailored and guaranteed perfect 32.00
Regular values $1
a yard, bordered
and floral designs,
silk organdies and
fine $1 taffetas
Monday Clr
at. van! .
There's no more sensible Rift to the man who spends his evenings
in his own home than a pair of comfortable Slippers. He will enjoy
the relaxation from the day's business problems If he can slip Into a
pair that are easy nd restful. It's the best time now to come In. Our
line embraces every desirable kind. For Monday 'we feature tan or
black velvet kid Slippers, with
natent leather trimming. Good.
well made kinds that
rarely bring less than
$1.25, frequently
$1.50 Special
True Christmas Economy in Holiday Shopping Bennett's
In all the west no other Christmas store like Bennett's. This great emporium from basement to roof
is aglow" with the world's choicest wares to gladden the hearts at Christmas time. Oniahans will do
well to do most of their gift buying NOW. The Com Show crowds will swoop down on us in a few days.
Start tomorrow. Bennett's Complete Stocks, Bennett's Store Service, Bennett's Low Prices are all in
centives to induce you to come to Omaha's most satisfactory store.
Myriads and myriads of playthings, simply overwhelming in scope. Everything in toys from every
where. Children dance with delight. Grown-ups wonder and marvel at the clever inventions.
Throngs line the aisles, enthusiasm runs riot. There is action at every turn. The joyful clatter of
the toys, mingled with the merry laughing voices of the children is one of the pleasures of this gladsome
season. Come. You'll enjoy it.
Poll Go-Carts, Folding Go Cart,
steel wheels. Iron frame. . f)8
Folding Go-Carts, rubber tires,
Collapsible Go-Carts with hood,
rubber tires, $3.75 value, $3-25
Fine, large Oak Desks, highly
polished, blackboard inside,
regular $1.75 values, Monday
at $1-38
Also very large $4 Desks
at $3.50
Beautiful white enameled Dress
ers and China Closets, special
Monday $1.00
Collapsible Go-Cart, usual $4.25
kind, Monday $3.50
Toy Tea Set Teapot, sugar and
cream, 2 cups and saucers, 25f
Lare fancy decorated Toy Tea Set,
regularly worth "5c. Monday.. 5bo
Taa Seta, 6 cups and saucers. 8
plates, tea pot. sugar and creamer,
$1.30 value for $1.25
Toy Coal Hod and
Shovel Wj
Racing Horse. Mtcht
to. cart 25o
Toy Fop Oini for lOo
Toy Pop Ciuns, made
like air rifle S3o
Soldlsr Outfit 9 sold
iers, 1 tent. 1 aun.
pedal 90o
Noah's Ark 26o
Coffee Mills lOo
Bud Irons 10c
Panama Dump Cart.
Iron 40c
Iron Toys
Horse and Cart. . . .100
Fire Ennlnf .... ..10o
Hook and Ladder.. 3 So
Maple Lantern Special
$1.50 -value.. .$1.00
Air Ships that flv,
EOc kind 3o
Thousands of the prettiest
faced dolls vou ever saw.
Dressed dolls, kid body dolls. Jointed dolls, bisque
, dolls, eelluoid dolls, unbreakable dolls, Bye Bye in
destructible kids, rag dolls. Every size and price.
Libby Cut Glass Bowls, 85.75
O.clla Pattern; S-lnch Size, the regular Value Is $5.00.
Llbbey'B la highest grade, rich,
deep, artistically cut glass In
America. Wo offer Monday 100
of these handsome C X 7 C
' bowls at, each
Cut Glass Water Sets Fancy fan
pattern. 1 Jug and 6 glasses, reg
ular $3.75 sets for $1.98
l.lbbey's Cut Glass Sugars and
Creams New Ozella pattern, $5
ets 'or $3.75
Holiday China Arranged on spe
cial bargain tables. Greatest va
riety of beautiful gift china ever
shown in any western Btore.
Values more than double. Tables
of one-price China
10c 25 c 40 98c $1.50
LurKc Coloiil.i. v . i-y 1'rayN, 'usu
ally Joe, for IOC
Footctl Glass lianips, complete with
burner, chimney and Wck..lO
Imported Glass Vases In green and
gold finish, to close out Mon
day 10c
Men's Furnishings
Strictly up-to-date styles In Men's wear. Specially
attractive holiday assortments priced considerably
less then exclusive haberdashers ask. Tastefully
boxed for presentation.
NECKWEAIl All the newest effects, long open
end four-in-hands and every other popular style In
a myriad of shades and patterns.. -50c 75c $1
Muffler reefer and square shapes, black, white.
. pearl, wine. navy, brown. 1 $1.50 $2 $2.50
Suspenders, fancy and solid colors In holiday boxes.
at 50c 75c $1.00 to $2.50
fillk Half Hose, all the new colorings and black.
House Cot. all wool, double faced materials.
Ht $4.00 $G.50 and $7.5()
Itath Itohcs, blanket and terrv cloth robes
al $2.50 $5.00 $7.50 and $10.00
Fancy Waist Coats, beautiful styles, plain and fancy
colorings, greens. sprays, olives, browns, etc
81 $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 and $5.00
$20 Black French Lynx Fur Sets t Half
A gift that will be highly appreciated. "We have our third shipment now. Biggest value
er 5
in Furs ever shown here. Fine black throw scarfs and animal rug muffs with head.
Beautiful rich silky furs, an actual $20.00 value at half.
Sv Jl w3kJl
u w e itl. .at
Minks, too, the genuine American minks, are just as popular as ever, al
ways fashionable, and assortments are even better than other seasons.
Newest nock-pieces and muffs, each, $20, $30, $35, $50 to $100
MORE TAILORED SUITS Fresh new arrivals and new styles, keeps
interest at highest Ditch. The best December suit business ever dnnm
here is the result. Stunning new models in all late shades, in
finest materials, all worth $40.00, Monday at
Stylish Long Coats
in novelty mixtures,, black kerseys and
plain colors, fitted and Empire models, all
64 Inches long, beauties,
Empire and Fitted Coats More exclusive
models than ever at $15.00. Superb styles
in black broadcloth and kersey tan-fitted
coverts and brown and navy Em- C C
plre and fitted 54-lnch garments. . . I3
Our new "Wooltex" Coats
Sale Silk Petticoats
New chiffon taffetas with ad
justlbie band to fit any
waist, fit smoothly over
hips; black, gray, green,
red, brown, navy; $3.95
Heatherbloom Petticoats,
genuine $2.50 quality
at $1.69
Shop the country over and you'll see none
to compare with "Wooltex." The styles
are the most effective, representing fash
Ions highest ideals. The materials are
pure wool, too. New soft cheviot, 54-lncli
coats in new greens, grays, tans,
smoke and many black models. .
Golf Plaid Shawls i waists, with Docket: abso
lutely new $5.95
Children's Furs
Eur sets of every description.
Angora, Thibet, Ermine,
Squirrel. Krlmmer, Brook
mink, Coney, Nat Opossum,
at $1.25, 1.7.1, $2.ftO, $.1
t $7.50
Handsome Scotch Tartans
heavy and lar?e. Ideal for
motoring . .$5 $10 $15
Blanket Hath Kobe
For women. Many new
folors $2.50
Women's satin tailored
Combination Clock and Sholf
Another Sale
by Request...
A tin Mtooi Aft
Clock at $2.39
many reriuetits fur minttirr Bale
people unable to get them in our
vlous sales that we simply had to
We paid more fur thin lot. but
the same old price reinalna.
I'nltalied and lariiuered liram hundj and
figures, uliclf la 3 'J Incliea long.
ros siraa boom, dev. ul, bed
u more novel and useful itifl? We announce a Male
want a real $10 Mission Clock at this
opportui Ity. (Quantity I limited be
One to a
Could oil think of
Monday so thai all who
l-rh-e may have another
lllankets and C-omfortcrs at substan
tial saving. All useful and sensible
holiday remembrances.
Fxtra fine wliite cotton blankets with
wool finish, soft and fluffy, $:i.50 val
ue. lair $1.75
43 pairs blankets, 11-4 size, tan and
gray blankets, fancy borders, $1.39
values, pair 89t
Four pound wool blankets, In gray, nice
Soft stock less than cost of wool today.
worth $4.00. special, pair $2.48
Silkoline covered comforters full 72x84
Inch, filled with pure snow white cot
ton, light and fluffy, hand-knotted
worth $3.25, Monday $1.89
Fancy Gift Linens
Attractive Monday sales of particular interest
to gift buyers.
18 ana 30-luch Battenbtrg- Lac Centers, round und
s quare scalloped lunch cloths and Mcarfs. hand em
broider 'd doilies and hand drawn squares, abso
lutely worth to 11.00. at 89c
Hemstitched and Drawn Scarfs Scalloped, round
and square centers, also Mattejihern. Teneriffe lace
ami fancy drawn renter pieces, values 69c. for 390
Boalloped Dolllss I'.ound or sipinre, also drawn and
hand embroidered doilies und Teneriffe lace effects,
worth 40c, for 85c
Table Damaik Kxtra fine heavy double satin da
mask, 'i yards wide, exquisite patterns; our !.',(
linen; Monday, a yard (1.75
A Sweeping Reduction on OA
Base Burners and Heaters J
lltKiiiniiif .Monday we offer all lluse Iturners and Heat
ers, without any restrictions, at a reduction of one-fifth or
'ZU per cnt If you wish it, make a payment and we will
deliver when wanted.
Coffee Machiues, complete with alcohol lamp, worth regu
larly $8.00, special $5.0,0
CliaflnK IHshes, worth $6.50. Monday $4.98
Safety Jiazors ' Little Gem" or "Ever Ready," Including
30 stamps for Sl.OO
Gillette Safety llazor. Including 100 stamps, for. . . .$5.00
Christmas Tree Holders 25 C And 20 Stamps
tiarliage Fails, $1.50 size 98 C
(arbaice Cans, $2.25 size for $1.50
llarrell Ash Sifters. 65c size 48c
Ice Skates Barney & Kerry line, all sizes and styles.
Air Rifles 75 $1.00 $1.25 nd $1.50
College Pennants for home and eastern colleges. &0c upward.
Bennetts Big Grocery
Bennett's Kxcelslor Flour $!.") And 75 Stamps
Bennett's Golden Coffee, lb 2c And 30 Stamps
Teas, assorted, lb :$Hc And 40 Stamps
Tea Siftlnss, pound l.V And 10 Stamps
Baked Beans, Best We Have, 3 cans. .ti.c
Batavla Gloss Starch. 3-lb. pkg 'Mr And 10 Stamps
Heinz' Dili Pickles, dozen IHc And 10 Stamps
Capitol Baking I'owder, Vi-Ib. can.... 18c And 10 Stamps
Yanky Hose Toilet Soap. 3 cakes 2.V And 10 Stamps
Shredded Codfish, 3 pkgs liSe And 10 Stamps
1KIKI (iUAFKK 2.000 lbs. new fruit, can be used for
sauce, pies, etc., regular 10c, special, lb 5
Blue Borax Starch, 2H-lb. pkg 2.V- And 10 Stamps
Castile Toilet Soap. 10 cakes li.V And 10 Stamps
Itub-No-More Powder, 6 for 2-V And 10 Stamps
Boneless Herring, 2 Jars "iioc And 10 Stamps
Franco-American Soups, qt. can Hftc And 40 Stamps
Capitol Mincemeat, 3 pkgs 25e And 10 Stamps
Capitol Pancake or Wheat 11c And 10 Stamps
Pure Honey, new, pint Jar 2.V And 20 Stamps
Solid Gold and Sterling Silver Jewelry and
Watches Magnificent Xmas Display
Diamond Brooches, Stick Fins, Cuff x,inka, Ear
Ring-, eto., g-org-eously beautiful, at much loss
than exclusive jewelers ask.
Highest grades from
America's foremost
makers, for men and
women, all styles.
Gold - filled Watclios,
4.98 to 960.
Solid Gold Watches,
917 to $180.
Finest blue white Dia
mond Kings. 960 to
Diamond duster Rings
910 to 9300.
Fine quality White
Diamond Kings, i
to 150.
m m h - J
German Sliver
Mesh Bags at
91.49 to $23.
Sterling Bilver
Tableware at
lowest prices.
Pearl Baby Al
ligator Bags.
93.98 to 9&0-
Fancy Mounted
Back Puml-s,
600 to 960.
Fancy White
Stone Hatpins
60o to 90.
Gold Clocks
handsome de
signs, 980 to
Women's Fine.
Hand Bags at
91 to 950.
Opera Glasses.
all styles, at
91.98 to 935.
Quadruple' vlate
Shaving mid
Smoking Sets,
91.98 up.
Sterling v Silver
M a nlcure
Pieces 86o up.
Sterling Sllvor
Toilet and
Manicure Sets
3.48 to 9100.
Jewel Boxes
Won d e r f u 1
variety. 600
Plated Tol lVt
Hets,91.W to.
Genuine Coral'
Cameo Rings,'
94.93 to 930.
Sterling silver and gold-filled handles,
for men and women $2 to $35
Genuine Turquoise)
Matrix .lewelry
Kings, broocheB, Stick
Pins, LaValllers, etc.,
positively less than
half regular Jewelers'
Solid ill Bracelets.
Big purchase 1,015
pieces at about the
value of the gold. Of
fered now less than
wholesale prices
$2.50 $100.
Gloves Are Acceptable Gifts
Vou can rely on the Jlovcs Bennett's sell you. It's a hobby of ours
to keep only the best. There is a satisfaction in knowlnjr that
every jtlove is absolutely certain to please. I j3?
II inaaes a neamiy, (trow ma; iium."
us and hosts of friends.
Buy a Glove Certificate if yo.u don't
know the size or color wanted. We
issue them for any amount, allowing
recipient to make own selections at
any time.
Men's Automobile
Women's 2-clasp Prime Lambskin (.iloveST all C
colors $1.0( and
Women's 1-claap Imported Cape Gloves, Knglisli
tans, at $ 1 .OO, $ 1 .2. 1 .50
Women's 2-clasp fine French Kid Gloves, all
colors, at $1.50, 1.7iJ, ii.0
Womrn'B 1 -clasp Mocha Gloves, red. brown.
gray and black
Women's 1-clasp Silk-lined Gloves. .91. U3, 9-1. no
Women's 12-button Cape Gloves, English tans,
at 91
Women's 12-button Heal Kid Gloves 9'J.0H
Women's 10-button Real Kid Gloves 9:i.4l
Men's 1-clabp Kid Gloves
91 .(o, 91 .u.i, $1 .no, 92.00, 92.2.1
Men's 1 -clasp Capo Gloves
9I.(H, $1.21,, 92.0O, 92.2.1
Misses' 1-clasp Imported Cape Gloves. .91, 91.2.1
Misses' 2-clasp Kid Gloves, tier pair 91. OO
Youths' Silk-lined Cape and Mocha
Complete lines of Women's, Children's and
Men's Wool-lined Gloves and Mittens, also finest
assortments of Mtn's and Boys' Kur Gloves and
Gloves ever shown in this section.
The Xmas Handkerchiefs
Truly, these are surprising values. We went direct to the fountain
head of supply- for our holiday lines. We got the world's best right
from first hands, saving you fall the ln-hetween profits, finest all
pure linen Handkerchiefs. On sale Monday.
Women's Pore l.lnen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs So, 100, 15o, 250, 350, 600
Women's Pure I.inen Initial liritidkerchiefs lOo, J5o, 86c, 35o
Women's Pure 1.1 lie n Kml.roldered Handkerchief. . . 15o, 85o, 33c, 60o, 76c to 91.60
Women's Fine Swiss Kml.roldered I landkercliief lOo, 15c, 25c 36o
Women's Fine Armenian' llHiiilkerclilefs 50c, 75o, 91, 91.50, 92 60
Women's Princess and DiiiIii'sh I -ace Handkerchief 91, 91.60, 93, 93 to 910
Men's Pure l.tnen Handkerchiefs. . 10c, l&c, 250, 35o, 6O0
Mt-n's Pure I.lnen Initial H.indki-rchlefs lOo, l&o, 2&o, 35o, 600
Men's Plain Silk and Initial 35o, SOo, 75o, 91.00
Coal Ben".C03' $650 Coal
WUIM 'The Best That Burns" V ton
DENNETT'S DOMESTIC ) Lump .... $5.25
A BARGAIN AT THIS PRICE f Nut ..... $5.00
Inquire for Prices on Other Coals.