Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Office 15 Scott Street.
MIOH Mt:T105.
JDavls, drugs.
Btockert sell carpet.
Ed Roger. Tony Faust beer.
Bxpert piano tuning, Hospe. 'Phone 644.
Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Phnne 37.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 139.
Big sheet music sale S.tttir.Wiy at Hope'.
Minn Arkw lijht's china ala Inc. & to IX
It H4 Mynster street.
Ruth Letchford-Lconard's rhlna kale
Dec. 4 to Dec. 9. 614 4tli street.
Photography supplies. New goods. New
price. Alexander's, 333 Broadway.
Mat Scanlan, the fast halfback, has be-n
elected captain of the high school foot ball
team for 1900.
A burglar wlio broke Into the residence
Of Harry M. Brown, clerk-elect of the dis
trict court, at 1014 High street, Wednesday
night, secured 5 belonging to Mr. Brown's
father. Entrance was gained through a
rear window.
The annual election of officers of the
West End Improvement club was sched
uled for Thursday evening. Only three
members of the club, however, took enough
interest In the matter to put in an appear
ance so the election wu postponed Indefi
nitely. Council Rluffs lodge No. 10, Danish
Brotherhood, has elected these officers:
President. P. J. Hansen; vice president, J.
J. Nielsen; secretary, Ole Hansen; financial
ecretary, John Jordansen; treasurer, Chris
Nielsen; guide, lArs Hansen; Inside guard,
Peter I.arsen; outside guard, LoulB Raa
mussen; trustee, Fred Petersen.
The musicals which was to have boen
flven this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
)onald Macrae on Fifth avenue, under the
auspices of the local chapter of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, has been
postponed until next Baturday. The pur-
fese of the mnsleale is to raise a fund for
he furnishing of a Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution memorial room at the
Jennie Edmundson Memorial Jrtospltal.
Ccuncll Bluffs lodge No. 270. Ancient
Order of United Workmen, elected these
officers for the enaulrg year last night:
Past master workman, Hans Band wick;
master workman, William Klnsel: foreman,
W. M. Batchelor; overseer, W. H. Foster;
recoiuer, x. a. nrewicK; nnancier, o.
Hcchman; receiver, D. L. Ross; guide, C.
C. Tipton; Inside watchman, T. A. Oreen
shaw; outside watchman, E. L. Keller;
trustee, J. N. Dalton.
Acting on the Instructions of Judge Green
f the district court, H. J. Chambers, clerk
of the court, yesterday turned over to
County Treasurer Mitchell six trust funds
that had been held In the office of the
clerk for several years awaiting claimants
for the money. The six trust funds only
aggregated $4:3.41 and are as follows:
Lucius Coats, $1; Iura B. Coats. $1;
Francis M. Stewart, $iio.24; Lee Hall. 1323.67;
T. W. Olmstead. JUj.73; 8. I. King, J1X.75.
The funeral of Cornelius Miller, aged "S
years, who died Thursday at St. Bernard's
hospital, will be held this morning at 10
o'clock from the Corrlgan undertaking par
lors. Rev. Henry DeLong will conduct the
nrvlce and burial will be In Falrviow cem
etery. Deceased la survived by two daugh
ters, Mrs. Charles Pervcy of Omaha and
Mrs. Uoldsberry of this city, and four sons,
Ralph, George and F. C. Miller, all of this
city and Charles Miller of Calhoun, Neb.
Eleven 'Union Now In and Other Are
Eleven unions were represented at the
meeting last night at which a reorgani
sation of the Council Bluffs Trades and
Labor assembly was effected. This central
labor body will start on a new lease of
life with the following officers:
President, W. Waugb. Cigar Makers'
union; first vice president, P. J. Hanson,
Plumbers' union; second vie president,
C T. Fauble, Carpenters' union; secretary,
U. Q. Cox, Typographical union; financial
secretary. E. 8. Tooker. Plumbers' union:
tryv. surer, I Rasmusson, Carpenter
uAion; sergeant-at-arms, J. Trautman,
Plumbers' union; trustees, C. Wesley, Car
penter' union, W. Miller, Plumbers' union,
W. R, Mills. Typographical union. j
The following unions are represented In
the Trade and Labor assembly as re
organised and others are expected to Join
In the near future: Cigar makers, carpenters,-
bricklayers, musicians, sheet metal
workers, plumber, tailors, street railway
employes, switchmen, typographical and
The next meeting will be at the call of
the president, who In the meantime will
appoint tho several standing committee.
The Trade and Labor assembly will hold
two meetings a month, but the days on
which such sessions will be held have yet
to be decided upon.
The meeting last night was held In the
room of the Commercial club, but It Is
proposed to rent a suitable hall for a labor
temple of sufficient size to hold smokers
and other entertainment In. Thl hall will
be used by all of the several local labor
union to hold their respective meetings In,
Dr. Lea Lecture.
"A Nation Triumphant" was the subject
chosen by Dr. Guy Carleton Lee of Balti
more for the lecture given by him last
evening In the high school auditorium,
which was the second of the series de
livered by him under the auspices of the
Woman's Christian association for the
benefit of the Jennie Edmundson Memorial
hospital. What the audience lacked In
number It made up In It evident apprecia
tion of the lecture.
Dr. Lee told of the wonderful resource
of the United States, both physical and
moral, using his ability a a word painter
to good advantage. Hi peroration was a
brilliant description of a prophetic dream
In which ho saw the map of the world
entirely changed, the "great republic" alone
remaining the same Invincible In Wealth,
In numbers, In resources and In morals.
The third and last lecture of the erle
I to be given next Friday evening at the
high school on "Victorious Womanhood."
Held for Bootlegging.
Charles E. Basslnger, a farmer living
about lx mile from Sidney, Fremont
county, wa brought before V ntted States
Commissioner N. A. Crawford in thl city
yesterday on a charge of bootlegging.
Basslnger Is the father of William Bas
alnger, a 18-year-old lad, who was recently
brought before Commissioner Crawford on
a similar charge. At the time of his arrest
young Basslnger told Commissioner Craw
ford that he had been forced to sell the
liquor by his father and In this he was
corroborated by the testimony of other
Basslnger was willing to plead guilty
yesterday and admitted having sold
whisky without going through the for
mality of securing a government license.
He wa bound over to the federal grand
Jury at the March term at Creston. He
furnished a bond in the sum of 1100 and
wa released.
Let Bperllng give you prices on gasoline
tnglnes, tH South Main.
Twenty Vears of
No connection with the firm callinc
Both 'Phones 43.
Chairman of Commission Dissents
from the Majority View.
Reasonable Safety of More Import
ance Than the Operation of the
Railroad Commission Ex
ceed It Power.
W. L. Eaton, chairman of the Iowa State
Railroad commission which recently over
ruled the demand of the city council for
a viaduct at the crossing of the Great
Western railroad on Woodbury avenue,
dissented from the decision reached by the
other two members of the commission. In
response to an Inquiry from Interested
persons here Chairman Eaton declare
that In his opinion the application for an
order for the Installation of the viaduct
should have been granted by the commis
sion. Chalrrrian Eaton declares that section 770
of the code of Iowa gives to cities the abso
lute power to require such viaducts and
says that the railroad commission has only
the right of review over the action of city
councils In cases of this character. That
the commission has no original jurisdic
tion In the matter of viaducts across rail
road tracks In ctties Is the contention of
Chairman Eaton.
After discussing the language of the
statute and explaining hi Interpretation of
It Chairman Eaton has the following to
I believe that unless it Clearly appears
that a city council has without any rea
sonable grounds determined the Jurisdic
tional questions relating to a viaduct that
It is tho duty of this board to approve
their acts. 1 could well Imagine such a
state of facts, hut they are not the facts
In this case. On the contrary, it clearly
appears that the city council of Council
Bluffs has not abused the discretionary
power given to It by statute in requiring
the construction of a viaduct.
If. however, it should be contended that
this oommisslon Is the sole judge of the
Is necessary lor tne pumic sarety and
convenience ovor Woodbury avenue, upon
the showing In this Case, It Is Impossible to
conceive of any place where there would
be a greater necessity theretor.
The mere fact that the view from on
coming trains from the east is obstructed
by a high hill, timber and trees, as It
a weens around a sham curve to this cross
ing until It reaches within 600 feet of the
same on one side, and obstructed by stand
ing car on the other, I 1n itself proof that
It Is a dangerous crossing.
Value of Life.
The fact that one person ha been killed
at this crossing is evidence or danger,
The courts at least make It necessary for
the public convenience II (or nothing else.
The fact that public travel has been driven
from this crossing on account of the danger
proves the necessity of a viaduct. I fall to
see how a much stronger case can be made
upon the subject of "necessity for publics
sarety and convenience.
Tne only evidence introduced to refute
thu tliorv of necessity for a viaduct was in
the nature of statements as to the number
of persons that crossed this viaduct on cer
tain specific days. In my Judgment this
evidence Is ail immaterial ana 1 cannot im
agine the theory from which It was Intro
uuced, unless It was that the less number
of persons that passed ' over It each day
the less number would likely be killed.
' Possibly it might be argued that ths
woman who was killed was an old woman,
and therefore she was not of consequence.
It Is claimed In the evidence that many of
those wha crossed Woodbury avenue in the
summer time were boys going in swimming.
I do - not measure the value of human
lives that are In danger by number or ago,
It Is too flippant a method. I believe one
life la worth more than the whole railroad.
Amount of Trade.
The few people who were so unfortunate
as to live wltuin this circle ana are com
pelled to use Woodbury avenue, are as
much entitled to protection as If their num
bers were multiplied by thousands. A boy
on his way to a swimming hole is as much
entitled to go with safety as the mayor of
tne city oi council jiiuiis or tne president
of the Chicago Ureat Western railway.
A brief digest of this evidence as to peo-
pie passing will, however, show that there
i considerable travel. There I such aim
llarity In numbers on each day that It leads
me to believe that . thl orosslng Is ordi
narily only used ty people who are com
pelled to use It. When the entire evidence
Is averaged It will be found that on the
days specified in the affidavits an average
of twenty-rive venicies ana twnnty-nve per
sons used this highway. Surely this is i
sufficient number of people to be worthy
of our consideration In the matter of their
safety and convenience. In my judgment
the theory or numoers nas no merit.
There has been some discussion along the
line of expense and It has heen said that
there Is not danger enough to warrant this
expense. In the first place, the laws of
this state give us no authority whatever
upon the subject of expense. In the second
ulace. If we had such authority we have
no method of measuring relative expense
and danger. Whatever powers we have all
circle about public safety and convenience,
and the highest duty of this board Is to
use Its efforts in eliminating danger to
human life so far as possible. This dtitv
Is Infinitely above any question of freight
or passenger rates.
Work of Revising; Water Works Plana
to Commence nt Once.
Mayor Maloney attached hi official slg
nature yesterday afternoon to the contiact
with Burns & McDonnell, the Kansas City
hydraulic engineers engaged by the com
mittee on waterworks to revise the plans
drawn by City Engineer Etnyre for the
proposed municipal water plant. Before
signing the contract the mayor submitted
it to Cite" Solicitor Kimball for his ap
proval. II had already been signed by R.
E. McDonnell for the firm.
City Engineer Etnyre figure that by em
ploying the Kansas City firm to assist hint
In the work of compiling specifications
covering machinery and other equipment
for the proposed new water plant, the city
Will save 7,3m) on the cost of the entire
work of revising the original plans for
the proposed municipal water system.
Chairman Jensen of the waterworks
cummlttoe, in speaking of th contract
with the Kansas City firm of hydraulic
engineers, said yesterday: "We have the
promise of Mr. McDonnell, who will sub
mit plan for the pumping station, that
the firm will begin work on them within
ten days from the signing of tho contract
We see no reason now why we should not
be able to begin work on the plant a soon
as the frost Is out of the ground. Sixty
days will be required for the completion
of the revised plans. The advertisement
fur bids and the consideration of the bids,
with the letting of the contracts, will nec
essarily occupy several weeks more, but
evuiy thing ought to be In such shape that
dirt will be flying by spring."
The contract for the consiructloa of the
new plant la to be let In sections, this be-
NncrcMfnl Businroa.
themaaluaa Tha riirk lnrirmm r
JhO. P. TIN LEY . Mgr.
Ing favored by Burn McDonnell. Rela
tive to thl Chairman Jensen said: "It :
'he opinion of Burn McDonnell that I
tter way to submit the work to bldd
II be upon several divisions, a eve.
subcontract under the principal contractor !
would be likely to cost the city more money
than If the work were let directly by th
city. The pumping plant, Including the
necessary machinery and equipment, will
be let entirely separate from the rest of
the system. This will probably result in
bringing many of the principal manufac
turer of water works machinery Into the
competition. There will also be at least
four divisions In the plans upon which sep
arate bids will be Invited."
It I understood that In revising the plans
of the distribution system City Engineer
Etnyre has cut out some of the high dis
tricts which it was previously planned to
furnish water service to. A reduction of
the distribution system, It Is said, is neces
sary In order to bring the total cost of
the plant within the money which will be
at the disposal of the city when the spe
cial water works bonds are floated. This
la likely to bring complaints from the resi
dents In these high districts, who have
been of the opinion they would get water
service when the municipal plant would be
Asaaranre There Will Be m . Great
Exhibit of Fruit.
One of the busiest places In Council
Bluffs these days Is the headquarters of
the National Horticultural congress In the
Day & Hess building where General Man
ager Freeman I Reed and a staff of as
sistants are working day and night to get
everything in readiness for tho opening
of the big fruit show on Monday, Decem
ber 14.
As the date for the opening of the big
how draw nigh advice of exhibit from
all part of the country dally reach General
Manager Reed. That the National Horti
cultural congress ha attracted attention
from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean Is
evident. Yesterday an Invoice wa re
ceived of an exhibit of apple sent by Cap
tain William Taylor of Wlscasset. Me..
while a letter was received from Thomas
Richardson, manager of the Commercial
club of Portland, Ore., and secretary of
the Portland Development league. In which
he say that his state will bo represented
at the fruit show. Mr. Richardson state
also In h!s letter that matter concerning
the congress ha been sent out from hi
office to 400 newspaper in Oregon and
Advices of other exhibits were received
yesterday from H. R. feponcer of Montrose,
Colo.; 8. M. Johnson of Argentine, Kan. ;C,
Fitch of Caldwell, Idaho, not to mention
many from nearby point.
The Council Valley Fruit Growers' asso
ciation of Council, Idaho, will send a car
load exhibit and has written for exhibit
space of 12x18 feet
New premium are arriving almost
dally. The Demlng company of Salem, O,
notified Manager Reed yesterday by letter
of It offer of three spraying outfits and
on complete demonstrating outfit. The
latter, th letter states. Is to be turned
over to the Iowa State Agricultural college
at Ames at the close of the horticultural
congress with th compliment of the firm,
At the meeting of the executive commit
tee 'yesterday it wa decided to close the
ticket selling contst owing to the lack of
interest manifested by the people of the
city In It The few who entered It will be
properly compensated by (he management
on their calling at the congress head'
quarters. It was also decided to abandon
the moving picture proposition.
The management Is in correspondence
with C. H. Williamson of Qulnry. 111.; a
noted authority on fruit, with a view to
having him address the exhibitor and
other at the congress on "The Grading
and Packing of Apples."
The- publication of the program wa yes
terday turned over to Chairman C. M.
Atherton of the publicity committee. Presi
dent Hess Is waiting on Omaha to name
which day It prefers to be assigned for
Omaha day before announcing the special
days lor the week of the fruit show.
Mother Guardian of Son.
On her application Judge Green of th
district court yesterday appointed Mrs.
Anna Mass or Treynor la., temporary
guardian of her son, Arthur Mass, who
was said to be "a person of unsound mind.
being not Insane but feeble minded and
by reason of such disability he ha become
wholly unable and Incompetent to manage
nia ariairs or take care of his property.'
was recently arrested on
complaint of Thomas Flood, cashier of the
bank of Treynor, who charged the young
man with forging the name of his mother
to a promissory note for 135 on which he
obtained the money. Mass' Drellmlnarv
hearing was continued in Justice Cooper's
i-uun in oraer mat tne case might go to
me district grand Jury, which will recon
vene next Monday.
Ren I Estate Transfer.
These tranfer were reported to The Bee
uecember 4 by the Pottawattamie County
Ausiraci company of Council Bluffs:
Ella M. McCune, widow, et af to C
M. Rope, lots 7 and , in blk. 4, High
land place add. to Counlcl Bluffs.
w. d
Benjamin Fehr Real Estate ' company
to Alex and Elisabeth McCleneghan.
, i,"V.blk- "'"' add. to Coun
ell Bluffs, w. d
A'illlam staark and wife to b.R.'joh'n-
son, lots 7 and , in blk. 21, in Wal-
ni. m w. a i wia
V.. ""u wue 10 Agnes a.
Fletcher, lots 8, 10 and 11, in blk 2,
East Omaha plateau add. to Coun
cil muiis, w, a 160
four transfers.
ales Elect Officers.
Council Bluffs aerie. Fraternal Order of
Eagles, elected the following officers last
night: Worthy president, L. L. Evans;
ve prosiaent. F. K. Deuel; chaplain. D. A.
Moore; recording serretarv i if ir..,. .
finarclal secretary, F. C. Hendricks; treas
urer, c. Konlgmacher; Inside guard. E.
Malone; outside guard. Joe Peterson; physl-
urns, ltt. Hennessey and Dr. O'Keefe
uustees. j. j. Klein. W. B. Harrison and
v. u. ureen.
Awaiiaai Apologises for HI Error
and Disappears.
VINTON. Ia.. Dec. 6.-George Ramstead.
the assistant cashier of the People Savings
bank at Vinton, was waylaid and shot
through the shoulder at an early hour this
morning by an unidentified assailant. Ram
stead had been to Cedar Rapids and wa
returning home on the night train. When
near hi residence he was stopped by his
assailant, who exclaimed, "I've got you
now." and fired on hot. Ill assailant
suddenly discovered he had shot th wrong
man and. offering an apology, disappeared.
Ramstead will recover.
Orpheasa at Sloas City.
6IOCX CITY. Ia., Dec. (.-(Special Tele
gram.) The Orpheum circuit announces
that it will erect a modern vaudeville
thenar in Sloug City before the opening of
next season. The circuit I now using an
old theater.
All the late popular muslo at Hospe's, 2
Pearl street, South Mala street. Council
Bluff. Iowa,
merchants to Renew Effort at Coming
Session of Legislature.
Man for that Position Is Sought Who
Will Name n Committee Which
Will Favorably Report
Snch a Bill.
(From a Staff Corrscondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. 6. (Special.) That
the agltatfon for a new committee on "re
tall commerce" Is to be a lively one at the
coming session of the legislature Is now
certain. It Is understood that the Iowa
Retail Merchants' association will Join in
the movement, which has been urged by
the manufacturers and Implement men. All
these association will have lobbies at the
general assembly.
The Retail Merchants' association Is
especially Interested In getting tho new
committee, as It is believed this will facili
tate the getting on the floor of the assem
bly the bill the merchants have for years
txen fighting to get through. That Is tha
bill providing an amendment to the present
exemption laws. The grocerymen want the
law changed so as to make a certain per
centage of a man's wages each week sub
ject to attachment. Vnder the present law
a marrlert man's wages for three preceding
mor.ths are exempt frcm txecution or at
tachment. Retail merchants have com
plained to numerous legislatures that be
cause of thl fact they arc unable to collect
bill, a a large proportion of credit
customers never accumulate more than,
three months' sslary. In the past the
legislators have taken the view that there
was no compulsion about the grocerymen
extending credit and that when they do
so they are aware of the law. It Is under
stood the grocerymen's association will try
again this session for the amendment. They
have experienced considerable trouble in
the past getting their bill reported out of
committee. Bom are of the opinion that
it would be much easier to get it reported
for favorable consideration should the new
committee be named.
It Is extremely likely this agltetlon may
have ome effoct on the speakership of the
house. The Interests concerned In tho
makeup of such a committee will be anxi
ous to get a speaker named who will ap
point members whom they believe to be
the "right" kind of men on it.
Railroad Commissioners Go East.
Member of the Iowa Board of Railway
commissioners will go to Chicago, Decem
ber 17, to attend the conference of com
missioner of the middle west. It Is ex
pected there will be preent commissioners
from Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North
Dakota. South Dakota, etc. '
Preparing- Crop Report.
George M. Chappel, director of the Iowa
Weather and Crop Service bureau, is
busily engaged preparing his annual re
port on the crop of Iowa during the year.
He I compiling the figures received from
various counties and expects to read his
report next week to the agriculturists who
meet here at that time.
v . Police Judge Mar Quit.
It was said today that Police Judge A. K.
Stewart might tender the city council his
resignation, because of criticisms made of
hi department. The" trouble started over
the discovery by the newspapers that for
feited bonds of professional bondsmen had
not been reported for collection by the
police department to the city auditor.
Spanish Vets Back Thrift.
Tha .contest for favor In the eyes of the
Governor B. F. Carroll to secure his ap
pointment next January us adjutant gen
eral is growing heated. Many companies
of the National guard have passed reso
lutions favoring Adjutant General Thrift,
who Is now In charge. It was announced
today that ha has the endorsement of the
Spanish-American War veterans.
Iowa News Notes.
CRESTON A. Latimer Wilson of this city
ha been selected as one of the Judges In
the horse department of the International
Stock show at Chicago.
CRESTON-Father P. H. Landers, who
has been In charge of the Red Oak parish
for some time, has been transferred to
Morris, la., and left for his new work yes
terday. CRESTON The band boys of this place
f ave a dance at Armory hall last night for
he benefit of that organisation, and It was
a most enjoyable affair and netted a neat
sum for the project.
CRESTON There is much speculation in
Burlington road circles as to Mr. Russell's
successor for the Aurora division, one of
the largest and most Important on the Bur
lington system, and It Is wondered if this
means a general shaking up over the di
vision. IOWA FALL8 Arrangements have Just
been completed for the annual debate be
tween the college here and the Leander
Clark college at Toledo. The debating
teams of the two schools have met on sev
eral occasions with varying success for both
sides. The next meeting In joint dqjate will
probably be some time In the spring, pos
sibly In April.
SIOUX CITY David Lynch of New;
castle, Neb., sued the Sioux City Tribune
for 110,(100 for alleged libel In an article
which was printed some time ago ond
which stated that Nebraska health olfl
cers were pursuing Lynch because he
had violated the quarantine law. The
Jury In the case returned a verdict in
favor of the mewspaper.
RIOUX CITY Jack Morrison of
Omaha was arrested this afternoon bv
Chief of Detectives Richard, after ho hull
secured from the American Express com
pany office a heavy grip which had been
sent from Carroll, Ia., by Fred Hmltli
to Jack Smith. Morrison's actions
aroused the suspicions of the express
company employes and they notified the
MARSHALLTOWN The belief that In
cendiarism caused many of the recent fires
In Muscatine was confirmed today when a
can of gasoline was found In the basement
of the Charles Schmelser home, which was
burned last night. A man was seen running
from the building when the flames were
first discovered. The furniture on the first
floor was saturated with the Inflammable
IOWA CITY Mrs. Mary A. Ham, one
of the best known old settlers of John
son county, died suddenly at the family
home this morning at 7 o'clock. Hho wa
taken 111 at 7:30 o'clock and died in an
hour and a half. Mrs. Ham la survived
by four children, Jared of this city. Ella,
and Will of St. Louis and Jacob of Clinton.
All the relatives huve been notified of
the death.
LAKE CITY O. E. Francisco, a hard
ware dealer of this place, but who sold
his business a few days ago, was married
In Marshalltown this week. He Is an old
soldier. Brown McCrary, a prominent
lawyer of this place, was married this
week to Mrs. Thede, living on a farm
southwest of this place. Mr. McCrary
was once mayor of this place and la
prominent in the social world.
LAKE CITY A woman living on a
farm near the town of Yetter recently
shipped seven turkeys to Chicago, for
which she received $-'5, or an average of
13.43 each. Three hundred such tur
keys would bring over S1.000 at that
price. This same woman, with the help
of her two children and what little time
her husband could spare from the farm
work, has raised over twice that number
this year, or has had an Income close to
U.0U0 from a sesson's work.
CRESTON Superintendent John J. Rus
sell of the Aurora division of the Burling
ton lines in Illinois has received and ac
cepted an offer from the Spokane, Portland
4k Seattle railroad to taka charge of the
construction wurk on tiie company's lines.
His headquarters will be at Portland, Or.
Mr. Russell has already tendered his resig
nation to Burlington officials, and as soon
as his successor has been appointed and he
has arranged the affairs of the Aurora di
vision, he will leave fur his new location.
LOGAN Th report published that the
Harrison county Board of Supervisors vottd
for, and that th Monona county board
f r
Holiday Bargains in
Holiday stocks wrre never more complete, never more attractive, never more economically priced
We have everything in the furniture line to fit the homo. Whether you intend purchasing for your
own home or for Christmas gift, remember that we are prepared to .supply your want. Our advise i.
shop as early ns possible; you will fare better and escape the Christmas rush. We have not time
An elegant and most pleasing de
sign, very large and neatly
shaped French beveled edge
Plate mirror; stylish French
legs, has five large drawers.
brass handles and 04 Ck IIP
locks Special.
The greatest bargains ever
offered In a high grade
China Closet. Thl piece
Is constructed In T the
same high grade manner
as our expensive China
Cabinets; has bent glass
in enas ana large gli
.IV glass
voted against, the creation of an additional
outlet on the Monona-Harrison ditch Is
wttlwut foundation. The truth Is the Mo
nona board cuught the Harrison county
board without full representation and
pushed the matter through against the vote
and opposition of the board. Supervisor
Chatburn of Harrison county says he voted
sgalnst the project because he believed It
would result In the filling up of the Little
Sioux river and would eventually Increase
flood heights rather than decrease them.
IDA GROVE The program was Issued
today for a home oratorical contest to be
neia nere Y rlday evening, Uecemner u,
at which, time the winners will he dele
gated to represent Ida Grove at the dis
trict contest to be held in Sheldon In
March. The winner of- the district con
test goes to the state contest, and twice
in tle last four years this honor has been
won by an Ida Grove High school stu
dent, a showing that Ida. Grove Is
famous for other scholastic attainments
than foot ball.
. IDA OROVE Two of the most promi
nent and most wealthy families in north
west Iowa were brought Into closer
union by the marriage here Wednesday
evening of Miss Mary Reed, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed, and Noah
Williams; Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Noah William. The ceremony was at
the Reed home at 7:30 o'clock, Rev. Mr.
Townnend of the Kloux City 1'nltarlan
church conducting the service. The bride
and groom go to Kurope a little later in
the winter for their wedding tour.
IDA GROVE Clayton D. Stauffer.
Whose funeral was held here veslerUay,
fled at hi farm home near ijuzey. N.
)., of a very rare disease called purpura
hemmorraglcu, a terrible affliction, In
which the blond of the victim leaves the
vein and arteries and flows out under
the skin, finally coming out of the
mouth, nose, ears and eyes and ending
In the patient bleeding to death.
Stauffer two duys before he died went
to Daxey on business and while there
called on the doctor. The doctor lmma
diately recognized the signs of t lie fatal
malady and sent him home and to bed.
He was not feeling bad at first, hut In a
few hours began bleeding and two davs
later died. Mr. Stauffer leaves a wife
and one 12-year-old daughter. Miss
Hasel. a beautiful girl. They lived In
Ida county for years and only moved to
Dakota three years ago, where he had
bought a half section of fine land.
Samuel M. Blddlaun of New York
Accused of Forging Six Hundred
Thousand Dollars of Bonds.
NEW YORK, Dec. (.Acting upon In
formation supplied by Montefiode Meyers,
who was brought here from Pittsburg,
charged with grand larceny, the district
attorney's office caused the arrest today
of Samuel M. Diddlson, a broker, on a
charge of forgery In the first degree. Bid
discn is charged with forghig 6u0 $1,0.
bonds of the Central Coal, Lumber and
Construction company, a District of Co
lumbia corporation. He Is the man who
caused the arrest of Meyers on a charge
of stealing five of these bonds.
When Blddlson's case came up In court
today, David W. Carvalho, testifying as a
handwriting expert, said that he had ex
amined three of the bonds and found that
the signatures on them had all been forged
and that. In his opinion, they were forged
by Rlddisun, whose handwriting he had ex
amined. An adjournment was granted on
Rlddlson' request. Jle wa held In HO.W)
Biddison was complainant against A. Reg
ulus Shlppey, who was tried and convicted
here for having stnlen three of the bonds
Assistant District Attorney Mindlebarger
said tonight that he would have the case
against Shlppey reopened.
Admiral Stop Movement of Loa
Angeles People to Calve Him
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Dec. 5. Rear Ad
miral Rohley D. Evans, retired, now on the
lecture platform, does not desire the people
of Los Angeles or elsewhere to make him
a present of a houae or anything else, If
such thing la contemplated. Having an
eye on the history of events of this kind,
he does not care to experience similar re
sults in his own case.
Following the admiral's tentative accept
ance of a position a chairman of the
board of director of the Los Angeles Har
bor company, to be actively occupied at the
end of his present lecture engagement, a
friend here addressed a letter to Admiral
Evan asking his views regarding tiie pos
sible presentation of a residence to him by
admiring friends n Los Angeles. In his
response the admiral declined the proposi
tion fully and finally.
nor space to enumerate but a few of
mndreus of good things that await your
oleasure. Call and see us, you are always
welcome. Read the items s
Special Monday
U 41c
This handsome folding and reclining doll
Go-Cart is without an equal for the
price; it is well constructed, nicely fin
ished and durable ; easily folded to occu
py very small space ; W g
on sale Monday. ... ., -T " V-
- 216 Bro.dway.
Council Bluff.
Chairman of manufacturers' Associa
tion Arrives in Washington.
Agrees with Van Cleave that Work
f ChanglnK Tariff Must Be Put
In Hand of a Com
mittee. WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-H. B. Miles of
Racine, Wis., chairman of the tariff com
mittee of National Association of Manu
facturers, arrived In this city Friday night
to appear on Baturday before the ways and
means commlttco of the house. He will
appear, however, as an individual and not
as a representative of the association. Mr.
Miles is one of the largest Independent
manufacturer of 'agricultural implements,
carriages and wagons in the country, i
Mr. Miles agrees with President Van
Cleave of the National Association of
Manufacturers, that In some form the
preliminary work of changing the tariff
schedules must be put Into the hands of a
board of committee, who shall go to 'the
bottom of things, as he claims the way
and means committee cannot do unless It
members forego their other duties and in
thai way become a special committee. Mr.
Mile said that this means nothing else
than the tariff commission which the
manufacturer are asking for. He de
clares that great progress ha been mad
during the past few week In demonstrat
ing the utter futility and Inadequacy of
the old method.
While the reports of consular agents to
the house committee on way and mean,
through the State department, on the cost
of production in foreign countries of
article manufactured here are not as com
plete In most Instances as Chairman Payne
desired, they all tend toward tho estab
lishment of one claim. That is, that the
present Cost of living to the . European
laborer Is woefully out of proportion to the
average wages paid.
The comment about the big committee
room concerning this feature of the re
ports Is generally to the effect that the
attitude of the European government I
largely responsible for this condition. Rep
resentatives point to the action of Ger
niany and France In particular, in shutting
out American cattle from their markets
and Increasing not only the price of meat,
but Indirectly the price of all agricultural
products, necessary for the laborer' ub
sistence, I'nable to Compete with Cheap Labor.
Another feature of the report Is the re
peated statement that home manufacture
of goods, so much complained about by
the American manufacturer, because he Is
unable to compete with this class of labor,
Is giving way to factory labor. The In
troduction of Improved machinery, fre
quently of Tankee Invention and design,
has led to the building of factories and
the growth of manufacturing centers. !
Still another frequent observation made
In tho reports of the consuls for the guid
ance of the committee Is the tendency of
tho European population to drift from the
Country to the towns and cities, A num
ber report that this Is not offset, a In
America, by the shifting toward the sub
urbs, although there has been a rapid Im
provement In tho electric railroad service
In Europe.'
The various sections of the tariff law
and miscellaneous matter were considered
today. It wa the last of the hearing orig
inally arranged for, but hearings will be
held at .various times until December 19.
An advance In the duty on sheet gelatin
from 35 per cent ad valorern to GO per cent
wa asked for by George Townsend of New
York in order that the American article
can compete with thst of Germany. Judge
M. P. Marlow of Grand Island, Neb., asked
for an increase in the duty on pumice.
Director North of the census who noti
fied Chairman Payne that he would gladly
appear before the ways and means commit-
iee to testify under oath regarding his
. connncctlon with tariff legislation, wa In
. vlted to appear before the committee today
' or tomorrow.
W. P. Wakeman, secretary of th Amer
Furniture U
This elegant Morris Chslr; li
in built of choicest quarter
sawed oak. finished golden
and polished to a nlna fin
ish, covered with good gra1
oi veiour.
A splendid Kitchen CablneV
contains two sliding Hour
bins, has two large top
drawers, one bread board
and kneedlng board, top
section has a cupboard
extending full width with
fiass door,
b ..............
ican Protective Tariff league, who was the
appraiser for the port of New York from
1897 to 1901, called the attention of the com
mittee to what he asserted were weaknesses
In the administration of t'.ia tariff laws.
Former Representative Montague Kess
ler of New York appeared before tho com
mittee in favor of having the duty of $1 a
ton on peat moss remo'ed.
John M. Peters of New York, secretary
of tho National Association of Importers,
spoke on the Bcctlnn of the administration
act of the tarlf law applying to underval
uations. Chairman Payne ased Mr. Pctera
to file a brief.
Gordon F. Morse-of Detroit, Mich., asked
that higher duty bo Imposed on gasoline
marine engines Imported Into the Phillpplna
Islands from every country, but the United
"What you want, Mr." Morse," said Mr.
Hill, republican, of Connecticut, "Is tha
same protection In the Philippines that you
are getting in the United State, Hawaii and
Porto Rico, and I think at some time soon
you will get It."
Representative William C.v Levering, re
publican of Taunton, Mass., spoke with ref
erence to the drawback provisions of the
He offered several amendments clulmlnz
that the law has been found to have cer
tain defects which tend to limit its useful
rretldf sl-rifrt Ian Assures tsovernor
Carry He Will I s Ills Inflo
ence with Congress.
HOT 8PRING8, Va.. Dec. 4 -Oovrnor
George Curry of New Mexico laid the claim
of that territory for statehood before President-elect
Taft today and received the as-',
surance that Mr. Taft Is heartily In favor
of the proposition. Governor Curry told Mr.
Taft that President Roosevelt wa to make
a strong recommendation for the passage of
statehood bills for both New Mexico and
Arliona at the coming Bhort session of.
Mr. Taft was asked to use. hi Influence
for the success of this program. This he
said he would do In any manner he could,
consistent with his present unofficial status.
It la believed he will have an opportunity
when in Washington next week to mention
the matter tp. legislative leader.
An afternoon snowfall effectually pat an
end to future golf playing here fpr Judge
Taft, who will leave Sunday night for New
rail rr
I Wmm bag W
Without IIn, Ureat font, Operatlou
or Trouble in the Kocrecy of
Your Own Home.
Trial Faokag by KalL rr.
Every druggist carries .Pyramid Plla
Cure in stock. Why? Because pile iC
ferers buy it in such quantities .that tha
druggist is compelled to supply the de
mand, or lose thl class of patronage.
These little cone perform their duties
so quickly a to be almost aw over night
relief or cure.
Testimonial unsolicited come . to us
dally of the great success Pyramid Pile
Cure Is making.
Cases of ten and fifteen year have
been cured after a short time by these
little healer.
No worry I necessary, th dread of pain
and hospital and operating table U re
moved. Don't be skeptical, buy a bog at once,
and give yourself relief. It will not take
months to prove their value. One or two
application Is all the proof you will need.
Any druggist, anywhere, will supply you.
i of If you prefer, send us fifty cent and
I we w ill send you a box by mall In p.alu
' wrapper, or send u yoyr nam and ad
'drens and we will send you a trial pack
I age by mail free. Address Pyramid Drug
Co., Ui Pyramid lildg , Marshall, Mica.
1ft t
8 3