THE OMAHA SUNDAY V5KTC : DECEMBER f. 1008. ; TOPICS FOR THE DAY OF REST i Br! Emil 0. Eirtch Will Lecture nt Temple Israel. ' ASA TURNER SPEAKS AT Y. M. C. A. I ' " (nllea Stadeat at Aire of e.1 , torn Breeder of Iowa Will Make Sunday Ad-dresa. Lt ! L".L MJLIL'L 'JI ! tl H M ! i l(r. Emll O. Hlrch.-who will lecture nc Jtt Tuesday evenlnr t Temple lrael. Is declared to be one of the greatest pulpit onalori In the country. He la the rabbi of 'Slnal temple at Chicago and also pro. feasor In the Chicago university. Ills mib ic( Tuesday night will be "Jew and American." i ' The Initial dance and card party given Thursday evening by the All Saints' Social club at the Wattles Memorial Parish house was a success. This was the opening en tertainment of the series to be given this winter and about 100 members and friends participated. The club I composed of the 1 young men of the church. i The friends of Miss Irene Klrscjistcln, daughter of Rev. 11. J. Klrschsteln, will be pleased to know of her return to Omaha, after a four months' stay .In Colorado, I wnere ine went ivr m- uvimjiiw not health. ' Rev. H. J. Klrschsteln and family are now occupying their new bungalow cottage home, Illllcrest," at 3901 Grand avenue, where they will be at home to their friends. Music at the North Side Christian church Sunday as follows: MORNING. ! Processional I'm but a Stranger Here.. Invocation Response I-ord's Prayer (chanted)....... Anthem Lift Up Your Heads Oadsby EVENING. Prncelonl Cross of Jesus (from "The Crucifixion") Invocation Prayer Response Now the Day is Over Offertory Sentence Anthem Hoar Me When I Call K. Hall .lames Knight and chorus. ' Recessional Saviour. Again to Thy Pear Name We Raise Mrs. If. J. Klrschsteln, organist and ' choirmaster. Mrs. J. 8. McCleary of Beatrice, state president of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions of Nebraska, will oceupy the pulpit of the North Side Christian church Sunday evening, December 13. Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Frank L. Love land, at the First Methodist church, will discuss the subject, "The Witch of Endor; . or. The Study of a Haunted Soul." This Is In reply to numerous requests for an ex pression of Christianity's attitude toward . the unseen world. 'Asa Turner will address Omaha men at the . Young Men's Christian association Sunday at 4 p. m. , "Uncle" Asa as his friends call him Is proprietor of Maple Brook farm, Fairar, la.. Is ex-presldent of the Iowa Corn Oro weirs' association; a col lege student at Ames at the age of 65, and a member of Governor Cummlngs' dedica tory party of the battle fields of the south. Attorney William Balrd Is conducting a very successful Bible Discussion club Sun day afternoons at 3 o'clock at the Young Men's Christian association. The club Is growing In Interest and attendance. The class sessions are held In the general board room just off the lobby. i, Rev. E. R. Curry, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, begins the fifth year of his ministry at that church by preaching a sermon on. "A Message to the Church." New members will bo received at the close of the sermon and the Lord's supper ob served. The men of the North Presbyterian church will give their fifth annual dinner at the church Tuesday at 6:30 o'clock. It Is expected that 125 men will sit down to the bountifully laden tables. A men's brotherhood will be organized. The pro gram will bo rich In wit oratory and ongs. Music at First Baptist church: MORNING 10:30. Prelude Lemalgre Ar.tliem O, Saviour of the World Sir John Qoss Response Handol Organ Offertory Flagler filo Holy Redeemer Marchettl Mrs. Sunderland. Miss Gates, Mrs. Harter. Postlude Calkin EVENING-7:30. Prelude Batiste Anthem bend Out Thy Light Gounod Response , Mendelssohn Organ Offertory Batiste Duet Day la Dying In the West George Novin . Miss Gates, Mr. Edgerly. Postlude Duncan Margaret Boulter, organist and director. The regular monthly meeting of the Sis terhood of Temple Israel will be held Monday at 2:30 p. m. Charles Elgutter will deliver the third of the series of lectures being given at Vnlty church Monday evening at 8 o'clock. I it! M IMHUU fit rwisyyh 11 , .S f ,yi .T V. I! ip Hi t i0 11 ft X (! U!) till M ll'LJ' 1 !' J. Mo of ma 11 Hocooi THIS MORRIS CHAIR Is marie with a frame of quartered oak. It Is handsomely carved. The upholster ing is of a most dependable character, the covering being guaranteed Nantucket learner. The seat is set with best oil tempered steel spring the edge Is finished with deep plaltlnKH. It's a world beater and Women Who Want to Help their Husbands Save. We realize that for every man of wealth there's a thousand sons of toil for every millionaire's "brown stone front" there are thousands of humble abodes of salaried men. That's why we lend every energy to the service of salaried people to those who delight in saving money. We want your trade if you are a man of ordinary means and want to get the most for your hard-earned dollars. We want to save you money save you every dollar TT 4 11' .1 .1 II 7 1 - vr r-nn w f rf in enrnper in rnic rnnrniurn v Qinrorp vrv r p nim in I- undersell, and WE'RE MAKING GOOD. SIN ROCKER SPECIAL This Rocker value will serve to Illustrate 1 :3 2 Li! :3 Ft Pedestal Extension Tables Quarter-sawed oak, large base with carved head and claw feet, m-iuiantiy poiisnen top, 45 Inches in di ameter. Specially re duced for this sale.. j Brass Bed Specials Brass Beds, with two inch posts, a most dosirahlo design, heavily lacquered, and ffiiaranteed for 10 years. Special . . . . McDoug&ll Kitchen Cabinets Made of best materials, satin wal nut. Guaranteed for durability. An unexcelled cabinet. Try ono e7 C() for 30 days at our risk. M Complete as shown above. Special thin h1 I 18L3 1' I Be a wise & Santa it) Hot Blast Heaters They luirn coal. wood. Klack conl. coal slftltiRS. cok or rubhlsh. Hums Its own khs and smoke, is of handsome propor tions nnu orna- fC tuenteil with fine nickel trlni mlngs, at Massive Dressers Most substantial In con struction, extra we'll fin ished and have neatly carved mirror set with extra larRe Krench beveled mirrors. Sale price f riiniew. We Will Give fou This Magnificent MISSION CLOCK Absolutely free with every purchase of $2.r 00 or over. Clock Is 13-in. JiiKh, and 10-ln. wide. Solid oak. Weuth- ereU nnMi I i the wonderful swcrlflee ut pi'ic will be made. There are Just r, In this lot. The rocker Is made of solid oak, handsomely carved exactly like illustration Special this sale that rockers 48? (Cm 1 II 13 Iron Bed Special This bed is of handsome design Just ns Illustrated here, and may lie had In any or tne popular colors desired, is made of larje tubing; and has steel side rails LIBRARY TABLE Made of quarter-snwed oak or ma hogany veneer, very hanflwomc In deslun. made of selected fl kC liiiiterlnls noil beautiful- ly pollsluil Specially l leei, I'M I'll f.llf 8 lVENP. RT SOFA BED Made with frame of American quar tered oak, expertly upholstered In Im ported velours. Hack and seat are deeply tufted over oil tempered steel springs. It's a thoroughly well made Davenport and pre-eminently the blKtrest bargain of the kind ever offered in Omaha. Vrlce old 285 Claus Hid you ever stop to think how silly old Santa Claus must be to tflve so many gifts that are utterly useless to the person rei cetvlnR them. "I'sef illness" should be of first consideration always. An article of furniture makes the best kind of a gift in the world for It gives the greatest nmount of comfort and service is prac tical is valuable. bet us show you through our splendid line of holiday gift furniture. .THAN Handsome Bise Burner 'Elegantly trimmed in nickel, large coal mag' Azine, return flues, nickel trlnimlnps . , Massive Over-Tufted Turkish Recker Here Is a rocker of mas sive proportions and thoroughly well made. It Is broad, spacious and comfortable. Upholstered In guaranteed Nantucket leather. The best oil tem pered steel springs. The back Is deeply tufted. The rocker rests upon a substantial platform and Is firmly secured by steel springs. It Is a value that cannot be duplicated In Omaha at anywhere near the price. Special. j jj 9S 4SS5 r 12 SILVERWARE SET FREeS i Do Tour Xmas Sl"""li"!' How LARGE STEEL RANGES They are complete with high shelf, as shown above, have large square ovens, elaborate nickel trimmings, and extra heavy castings. Kqual to any SS5 range that, wns ever oirerea you. At.. IA 261! I Consists of 26 pieces as follows: 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 laoiespoons, o teaspoons, i outter knife, 1 sugar shell. It Is the New Grape pattern. The entire set is put up in a satin nneu leamereue case una given ABSOLUTELY FREE with every purchase of $100.00 or over. Or It will be SOLD outright for $7.50, on terms of $1.00 cash, 75 cents monthly. JTOTE In case you order the set on the above terms and should, within one year, buy goods to the amount of $100.00, we will refund all you have paid on the set or creau your account witn me amount. Only 16 More Shopping Days Before Xmas The selections are far more numerous and the crowds less pressing. More court eous and better treatment Is assured. Goods purchased during this sale deliv ered when desired. AO CHAlUiK FOR STORING. Si -.met Bb " f n .0 LET, j ' BHPgWPSB ill' ' ' A immc 10 nnnni ao ot A . W B B W I II" B II I BB BB llll B. m B VELOUR COUCH All steel spring construction, upholstered In Imported ve lours, solid oak frames, guar anteed durability. Special at.... mWTi i. i- nu s 72 11 UKCSSEU RUGS Size 9x12 ft. Again we offer this high grade Ilrussels rug at the amazingly low price of $1 1.S9. There hasn't bean a rug of equal quality offered in Omaha In years at snvwhere near the price. These rugs are made with- f Bl out miter seams full woven mirs K They're made of best all worsted materials price EEATHERYDUR NEST 111 A Square Deal It assured you when you buy Dr. Pierce's family medicines for all the inpredl. nu entering :ou them are printed on the bottle-wrappers and their formulas ,are attested under oath as being complete and correct. You know Just what yo" are paying ft and that the Ingredients are i gathered from Nature's laboratory, being elected from the most valuable native ediclnal roots found 'growing In out American forests and while potent to cure are perfectly harmless even to the moxt ' delicate women and children. Not a drop of alcohol enter into their composition. A much better agent Is used both for ex tracting and preserving the medicinal principles used in them, viz. pure trlpln reflnod glycerine. This agent Intrinsic medicinal properties of its own, being a most valuable antiseptic and antw ferment, nutritive and soothing demul cent. Glycerine plays an Important part la Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery la the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings. hearV-buru, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling In tom ach, biliousness and kindred derange, menu of the stomach, liver and bowels. Besides curing all the above distressing; ailments the'tiolden Medical Discovery Is a tpeclht. for all diseases of the mucous membranes, as catarrh, whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels or pelvic organs. Even In Its ulcerative stage. It will yield to this sovereign rem dy If It use be persevered In. InChronia Catarrh of the Nasal -pasages. It 1 well, while taking the "Golden Medical Dis covery " for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passage freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hvmedy. This thorough course of treatment generally cure toe worst cases. In couch and botrteness caused by bren ehltl. thrust sod lune affection except con In lis sdrsncrd siacea. the 'uoldeoi Mxiical DiwoTcry U a Biot ethcleoi rem edy, etpeotlly In those obstinate, hinc-on ousbs caused by Irritation and amiMtiun of ( Uronciiiel nucuu membranes. The Du roverr " 1 not to txxrfl fur acute couhs aiis !( front sudden colds, nor mast it be ei gtrtted lo cure consumption In its advsnced tae oo nteJIclne will do Ibst but for all tae obetleste. chronic cuue-he. -hlrh. If ne lectetf. ur bedly trssicd. lt,&o up to ennsuma tSuu. U Im Lm beet soilti lae tat caa be tekasw Vinajijrwv4rtni4oniinnriintiiiniwriiM-t4Aenir SEtMLESS WILTON VfiLVBT KUCS Size HX12 ft. Made of the best selected worsteds firmly woven and recommended fur exceptional durability. The pattern Is Hn exceedingly beau tiful one and the colorings are muni depend able. Heineniber this Is a seamless Q?C riiir fliirl th iiunlltv Is iruar:inteefl. I mA s' It's a most extraordinary value at J our Haie price n M His subject will United States." be, "A Citiien of the Rev. F. J. Collar, who will take charge of the Church of the Ckvod Shepherd after the departure of Kev. R. B. II. Hell for Dcs Moines, will conduct the services and preach his first sermon Sunday morning. The choir of the Klrst Congregational church, under the direction of Fred O. Kills, will give r musical service Sunday evening. YV. C. A. Notes. Miss Jontz. the new general secretary of the Associated Charities, will speuk at the f;ospel meeting Sunday at 4:30. There will e special music. Social hour at b:'M. Light refreshments will be served. All women are invited. The Business Girls' club will have one of lis open nights next Monday evening. The program will begin at S o'clock. This meeting Is open to friends of the club. Part of the evening will be devoted to a special parliamentary drill In charge of Mrs. A. K. Gault. M iacellunroos Announcements. Second Church f Christ. Scientist. Nine teenth and Farnam. I.yrlr Theater Service. 11 a. m.. subject, "(iud the Only Cause and Creator." Vnlty. Seventeenth and Cnss. Rev. New ton M.inn. Minister Service at 10:30 a. 111., subject, "The Kingdom of Heaven;" Sunday school at noun. First Christian. S. I). Putcher. Pastor Pieaclilt g at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. hv the pastor. Bible school at noon. Chris tian Knileavor at 6:30 p. m. Saratoga Congregational. Twenty-fitth and Ames Avenue Sunday school. 11 a. ni. Program and welcime to new pastor. Hev. J. I.. K she . Short talk by Mr. Fisher. Evening service at 7:30. First Presl yt. ri in. Dodge ai d Seven teenth. Kev. Ixlwln Hart Jenka, D. IX, Pastor-Morning service at u::iu. Kventng service at 7::'0. Sundae school at noon. Clirlntlan Kndeavor meeting at ti:!5. Church of the Covenant, Twent v-soventh and Pratt. Rev. It. T. Hell, Pastor-Services at 10: Jtt a. m. and 7:' p. m. Sabbath school at noon. Junior Kndeavor at 3:30 p. in. Young People's society at fi:3t p. ni. Klrst Methodist Kplscopal. Twentieth and Davenport Services will le con ducted by the pasior. Kev. Frank ,nve land, D. D ; morning theme. "The Real Meaning of Chrlstl.ui Wurshlp;" evening subject. "The Witch uf Endor. or the Study of a Hauntet Soul;" Sunday s.-houl at 1- o'clock. T. F. Sturgess. superin tendent; young people's niteting at 6:30 p. in., D. B Marti, president: musical program by flie estej choir, Thomas J. Kelly, choirmaster. First Cuited Itrrthren, Nineteenth an L.otbrop Sutulav school, 10 a. m Preach ing. II a. m. and T::") p. in. Morning theme, 'Experience:" evenb.g. "Zeal. " Class nice,- Ing. U m. Pray, r se.vlce UV husiiav at 8 p. m. Walnut Hill Methodist Kplscopal. Fmty flrst and Charles. K. K. H.isinan, Pastor Tlie church will Join with the L.oe Avtnue Presbyterian church In union ervlce at luo a. in. and i .Ju p. in. Hunday Bcno .l at p. m. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational. St Mary's Avenue and Twenty-seventh, Rw Lucius O. Balrd. Pastor Morning wor ship at 10:30 o'clock, sermon by the pis tur, subbjact, "The 6uul's Awakening,' Sunduy school at 12 in.: vesper worship at 4:30 o'clock, subject. "A Trip to Mlcronerla" (illustrated); Junior Kn deavor and children's hour at 4:30 o'clock; Young People's Society of Christian Kn deavor at &:45 p. m. First Church of Christ. Scientist. Twenty flflii and Farnam, Chambers' Building Sunday school at 8:45 a. m. Sunday serv ices at 11 u. in. and S p. m. Subject of lesson-sermon, "God the Only Causa and Creator." McCabe Methodist, Farnam and Fortieth, Rev. J. Narver Gortner, Pastor Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme, "Habukkuk's Prayer for a Revival;" evening theme, "The Cry of the Perishing." North Side Christian, Twenty-second and Locust, H. J. Klrschsteln, Pastor Morning Worship at 10:3o and cvaning service at 7:S0. Bible school at noon. Christian Kndeavor at 6:15 p. m. Mid-week service Wednesday evening at IS. CasteMar Presbyterian, Ralph H. House man. Minister .Morning worship, 10:8o, "The Kingdom and the West: at 7:30, "Visions and Voices from Old New Mexico." Hole school at II. Henry Kleser. suirlnt: ndent. C'htihtlan Kndeavor at 6:30. Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal. Twenty-fourth and Larimure, Dr. Tlwinas C. Hinkle, Pastor Regular preaching serv ices Sunday at 10:45 a. ni. and 7:3o p. m. Morning theme, "(Jod;" evening theme, "The Success of Conviction." First German Congregational. Twelfth and Dorcas Public worship and sermons by Kev. F. H. W. Bruechert, pastor, at in; 30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible Sabbath school at 2:.'i p. m. Kxpository Bible- study and prayer service Wednesday evening at '8. First I'nlted Presbyterian. Twenty-first and Emmet, Rev. D. K. Turnbuli,'or Services at 10:30 a. in. and 7:3o p m. Ser mon subjects, "The Barren FN Tree" an.) "Tne Hidden Treasu e." Bib e -hnn at 12. Me, ting of young people at 6:30 p. in. Westminster P.esbyUrlan, Maai n and Twenty-ninth. Rev. W. 8. Fulton. 1. D., Pistor Communion service at 10:30 a. in. Sabbath school and Bible class s at 12. Young Peoples Society of Christian En deavor at 6:o0 p. m. Pleaching at 7:Al p. in. People's, Charles W. Sividge, Pastor Morning, "la the Old Fashioned 11-aver Meeting Gone Forever?" Evening. "The Perils of the Rich." Prof. Merles bus charge of the music. Services at the House of Hope at 4 p. in., conducted by Rev. J. 11. Brooks. Hirst Memorial Methodist Epls opal I.arlmore and Tolrty-f uurth Sermon at 10:45 a. m , subject, "Three Old Wells;" Sunduy school at 12 m; Juniors' meeting at 3 p. ni ; Epworth league at 6:30 p. in.; evening song service at 7:30; sermon sub ject. "Talents." I'ni in Gospel Mission, 13-1 Douglas Evtning service at 7:45. C. F. Kobel, su perintendent, will speak. Meetings every night during the coming week. At t le Omaha General hospital. Fourteenth and Capitol avenue, at 4 p. m., a gospel serv ice will be held lit the parlor. Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Rev. Thonm B. Gieenlee. Ph. I., Pastor Morning seiv 1 e at bi:3o, subject "Soul Winning.' Even ing service at 7.30. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Young People's Society of Chris tian Kndeavor, 6:30 p. m. Wediu slay even inn rayi-r meeting at 8 o'clock. First Baptist. Twenty-ninth Avenue and Harney, Kev. J. W. Conley, D. !.. Pastor K rvices at lo:3o a. in. and 7 JO p. m. M irn Ing sermon. "The Danger of Neglect:" evening eermon, "Christ and the. World Needs.'' Sunday school at noon. Young peouU's meeting at ti.30 p. tu. Bcthanv Branch First Baptist, 3863 Ieaven worth Sunday school at 3 p. m. Preaching by the pastor on Friday evening. Seventh Day Adventlst. Twenty-fifth, Be Iween Cuming and Indiana. L. A. Spring, Pastor Preaching Sunday at 8 n. m., sub ject. "A Science, Falsely So-Callod." Serv li cs eery Saturday. S ibbath school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. Prayer meet ing Wednesday at 8 p. m. Child. en's meet ing Sunday at 7 p. ni. Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth, the Very Rev. George A. Beecher. Dean Holy communion at 8 a. in.; Sunday school and Bible class at 9:1." a. m.; holy communion and sermon at 11 a. in.; confirmation class at 3 p. m.; evening prayer und sermon at 7:30. Central l'nlte.l Presbyterian, Twenty fourth and Dodge. Kev. K. 11. A. McHrlde. D. D.. Pastor Morning worship at 10:30 sermon subject. "The Eleventh Com mandment;" evening worship at 7:30, ser mon subject. "A Letter of Encourage ment;" Sabbath school at noon; Young People's I'lirlstian union at 6:30 p. i.i. Grace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, II. y. Fellnian. Pastor Preaching nt 10:4.", u. m.. subject. "The Communion of the Holy Spirit;" 7 p. in., young people's meeting: 7:45 p. in., subject. "Be Ye Reconciled." The siereoptlcnn will be lived at this s-crvice. Sunday scl 1 No. 1, Tenth ai:d Aibor, 12 m. Sunday school No. 2. Fourth and Cedar, 3:30 p. in. Sunday A Man May Eat Any Meal And Digest It Kiislly If Uv Will Hut Try. FREE DIGESTIVE TABLETJ. Don t be afraid of your meals. The reason you have, dyspepsia Is that some thing is lacking In your digestive ap paratus necessary lo the stomach's work. A perfect stomach loves to wmk. per fect digestion Is nut afraid of any meal and benefits by its consumption of food the whole machine of man. Stuarl's Dyspepsia Tablets make eay the work of digestion, because, they com bine active fruit and etjciublu essences which are needed by the stomach. These essences are so powerful they digest food without aid from the btom ach. They hae done this with u meal encased in a glass lube. We will send a trial package to any, one iree iur ins nauio anu uudress. Eat what you will, or when you will, then take a Stuurt Dyspepsia Tubiet and ice how you will digest that nieai. In a abort time your stomach will have a natural supply of gastric Juices ami your whole system will be able iu take care of digestion easily. Ask any druggist about Stuart's Dys pepsia Tublets. His answer will tell mure than we can say. Ask him how they a, II. If you want to buy them give him ioc. But if you want to test them, write us and you will receive a trial package by mall without cost. Address, F. A. Siuart Co.. 150 Stuart Bldg , Marshall, Mb h. school No. 3, Thirteenth and William, 3:3o p. m. Grace Lutheran, Twenty-sixth, Between Poppleton and Wool worth, Kev. M. L. Mellck, Pastor At 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. F. Kuhlman. who was the second Lutheran missionary to Nebraska, will preach. His subject will be "Jesus Will Come Again." Services at 7:30 p. m. t'unday school at 12:15 p. m. Luther league at 6:30 p. m. Lowe Avenue Preshy terlan. Fortieth and Nicholas. Rev. Nathaniel McGlffln, D. I )., Minister Morning worship at 10:30; Sabbath school at 12 in.; Christian En deavor at 6:30 p. m.; evening worship at 7:30; union services with Walnut illll Methodist church, as Rev. Mr. Hosiuan will be absent. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. Not til Preshy te. tan. Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. iilgbee. Pastor Morning worship at 10:30. Sabbiith school at 12 m. Schools at Twfiit -fourth and at 12, Thir teenth and Lake and K)ifl Omaha at 3 p. in. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:.i0. Even:ng worship at 7 oil. Praer nncting at 8 Wedn.sJay ven:ng. Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Tweir.y-tlrst and Blnnev. Dr. John A. S yki r. pastoi Sunoiiy at hoe. l m i.oon. Preaching tervt. n, io;3o a. in.; Kev. E. K. Hosman of the al i ut Mill church will pre Junior le.igue. 3 p. m. Kpw rth ague, 6 30 p. m. Pieaen ii.g 7:.o p. m. Rev. E. K. Hosman wl.l preach. Prayer meeting Wednesday at N . in. llnnscom Park Methodist Episcopal, Twi niy-ninth and Woolwoith Avenue ft. Scott Hyde. Pasior The past ir wl.l ,r ach at ii:3o a. lit. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme, "What Is Man?' Evening theme, "The Secret of Spiritual' Enlargement." Spe lal lnusl.' nt loth services. Lee G. Kratz. choirmaster. Sundiy school ut 12 m., licit I c ix, si. pi l intendent. Iminanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and Plnckney. Philetus II. McDowell, Pastor Theme, 10:3) a. in.. "Signed l'p for Serv ile." The Lord's Supper will be observed and the. right hand of fellowship will be given to all new members. Theme, 7:jo p. m.. "Heaven Mightily Moved.'' the clos ing service of the revival meeting. Bible school at noon. Baptist Young People's union at ti:3o p. m. .Mid-week servlct Wednesday evening at 8. Calvary Bui list. Twcnty-fi'tli and Ham ilton. Kev. K. It. Curry. Pastor Sei v ces at lo : it' a. hi. and 7:30 p. in. Morn ng. "A Message lo the Church;" evening. "The Master s Challenge to the Man of the World." Bible school at 12. Young p. pie's meeting at 6. to . in. Wednesd ly at p. in., nd l-week devotional tervii e. Cal vary B.ipt st branch, Tidrt . -fouttu und Seard Sunday, 3:30 p. in., Bible avliuol. Friday, 8 p. m., devotional meeting. St. Mark's English Lutheran. Twen tieth and Burdette, Rev. L. Grub, pastor Services Sunday and during Hie week: In.l.'i a. m., subject, "Second Advien Now? When?" 7:30 p. in., subject, "in spiring Outlook;" Sunday school at 12 in.; young people's meeting at 6:45 p. m Every Wednesday at 7:30 p. in mil every Friday at 4 p. in. catechlsatlon; at muiih Wednesdays, at parsonage Fridays. headquarters of the order sre now. This order, which Is of country-wide importance, was Btarted in Iowa and Vinton was Its first headquarters about seventeen years ago. THERE WILL BE NO STRIKE Brotherhood of Locomotive K.nnl leera and Pen ns I vo ll la Hall road Arbitrate Differences. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5 A successful Is sue of the conference between the Broth erhood of Locomotive Engineers of the Pennsylvania railroad lines west of Pitts burg, and the board of mediation, consist ing of Chairman Knapp of the Interstate Commerce commission and Dr. Charles p. I Nelll, commissioner of labor, was reached tonight and an agreement proposed by the boaid of mediation was accepted by Gen eral Manager G. L. Peck of the Pennsyl vania lines and by the board of assessment of Ihe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers. When the controversy was submitted to the board of mediation It contained ele ments that were very set ions. Already the engineers on the Pennsylvania lines wesi of Pittsburg had voted to utrlke unless they could obtain what they deemed to be proper redress of their grievances. After careful consideration of the statement of both the engineers and the railway officials. Chair man Knnpp and Dr. Nelll proposed a plan of adjustment which eventually proved I i he satisfactory lo both sides. Following Is the slatemi nt issued by Chairman Knapp and Dr. Nelll, which embodies the agree ment; "The facts of this conlrovery, as devel oped by repeated conferences with the re spective parties, appear to De as follow: "The general committee of adjustment of the engineers desired to present certain re quests to the general manager and to dis cuss the same with him. The general man ager declined to take up these reiiuests on the ground that It is the settled rule of t lir lines that the general manager will not take up requests of employes unless they huvn been previously presented to and refusej by the proper division superintendent and by the general superintendent In turn, and that the request In question had not been presented to these subordinate officials. "Tin" representatives of the engineers claim tbHt most of the matters they desired to present to the general manager have already been submitted to the division and general superintendents. "Cpon examination of these request It appiars that some were presented to the division superintendents in December, Hi1?, In accordance with the rule; that an appi al was taken to the penerat superintendent, and that arrangements were mado for a further appeal to Ihe general manager, bill that it wus later decided not to prosecuta the same at that time. It also appeals tl.t some of the requests had not been pievi ously presented to the siihoro'lnate officers. "It seems to us, und we recommend, that the general manager should waive any qii'-stion as to whether the appeal has been pending and should promptly meet with the committee mid take up fm settlement thos? matters that have In f.u I and siishstanee been passed upon by the subordinate offi cers." Kccommenilut ion Is made that more defi nite rules be adopt' 'I govern future negotiations. fc&slO o feo Railroad TelesrM.iiera Dissolve. M A RSHALLTO WN, la.. Dec. 5. iSpi clul.i The coiporatiun of the Order of Kail road Telegraphers, through an uct.uii brought by the state In the Benton count district court at Vinton, has been dissolved The action was a friendly one and it wa not contested, as the order desired that the Incorporation In Iowa be wound up so tht it could Incorporate in Missouri, whtie L.i FOR RHEUMATISM Rheumatism ia nnvr.t 1.. avu rJ ,ei ... it., .i .i.. i. -.M.V . J Oil .AVV.TJ - ' OV 1 111 U1C I , 1 f ,1 ,( I , VV UK II gradually gets into the circulation because of iiidi";estion, constipation, weal: kidney action, and other irregularities of the system which are sometime. considered of no importance. This uric acid causes an inflamed and irritated condition of the Llood, and the circulation instead of nourishing the different ortions of the body, continually deposits into the nerves, nitisrles, tissues and joints, the irritating, pain-producing acid with which it is filled. .Rheu matism can only be cured by a thorough cleansing of the lluod, and thia is just what S. S. S. does. It goes down into the circulation, nnd by neutral, uing the uric acid and driving it from the blood, tructuully und surely removes the cause. S. S. S. strengthens and invigorates the blood so that instead of a weak, sour stream, causing pain and agony thoughout the sys tem, it becomes an invigorating, nourishing fluid, furnishing health and viror to every part of the body and relieving the suffering caused by this disease. S. S. vS. being a purely vegetable blood purifier, is the surest and safest cure for Rheumatism in any of its forms. Hook on Rheumatism and any medical advice desired sent free to all w ho write, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. I,