A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER f,. 100. SPREE ENDS WITH SUICIDE "Guy" Harrington, Son of Millionaire, Finishes Orpy in Death. TAKES HI3 LIFE WITH MORPHINE loan Man Kills Himself at Mer chants Ilotrl and la Faaad la If la II no in hr Oh of Ike H. R. Harrington. 29 years of age, com milled sun I. Is at the Merchant' hotel laat nmht by taking almoot the ejitlre contenta of a one-eighth ounce, bottle of morphine. "Guy" Harrington, s he known among his frir nils, haJ l.een around Omaha fftr some time. Ills fiither la reputed to b a millionaire and 1a thought to be living In ( sllfornia at the .rr nt time, although his addiess could not be definitely ascer tained laat night. Young Harrington also ' haa friends In Gretna, Nob., and one. of these, M. l.o Hue, took him to the hotel Thursday night aa he had been on pro tructod spree. A he went to hla room he remarked that he, Intended to take hla life, but aa he had made this threat many times before when drinking no attention waa jiald to the threat. About 30 o'clock List night an employ of the hotel entered Ills room and found Harrington lying face downward on the bed. He was still alive and Dr. 8. N. Hoyt waa at once called. I'pon Ma arrival he found the man In the last stages of morphine poisoning and It waa impossible to rally him. He died at 10:10 o'clock. Coroner Heafey V.ia notified and took charge of the body. Nothing waa found In his ciothlng but a few centa In money and some old letters which contained no riferen.ee to any thought of auiclde. Harrington had been married and his wife lived for a time In Omaha, leaving here about two years ago when ahe applied for and secured a divorce. He waa not engaged in bjsineas and waa supported by a monthly allowance from bla father. Coroner Heafey la making an Investiga tion of the case, although the cauae of death Is apparent. Dr. Dunn, the coron er's physician, performed an autopsy on the body to discover the exact condition of the stomach. Hla report of the examina tion will be a part of tha Inquest, which will be held Monday at 2 o'clock. Harrington' father has been notified of hla son's death by relatives In Chicago, who were telegraphed Saturday morning of the occurrence. LEG BROKEN JiY A RUNAWAY Horse Collide with. Wsgoa, Throwing- Joe Waxen Jera; to the Pavement. A team of horses attached to a buggy which contained Ed Fhelan, 620 North Fortieth street, and Ed Burk of South Omaha, ran away yesterday afternoon on Douglas street and dashed Into an expresa wagon driven by Joe Waxenberg, with the result that the latter la now In the Omaha General hospital with a broken thigh, Fhelan and Burk, who ate railroad con tractors, were driving a livery team. A they approached Fourteenth and Douglas, where, the street car company haa been throwmg water on the newly constructed tracks, one of the horsea fell, breaking the neckyoke and other part of the har ness. . Burk Jumped out In an attempt to Take Advantage Of the Great Closing Out Sale of the Late A. B. Huhermann's Fine Stock of Watches, Diamonds. Solid Gold Jewelry. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass Note prices and be convinced Diamond Cluster $5.00 11.50 Ring, values $12, for V4 -karat Diamond In 14-karat Tif fany Ring, for. . . Vi -karat Diamond, In 14-karat Tif fany Ring, for. . 22.50 Di&monds, Stands, Sca.rf Pins, Brooches, Link Buttons, Brictlets, Earrings, at Less Tha.n II a. If Regular Price. Gold filled, closed or open case, 7 and 11-Jeweled Elgin org t OO Waltham movement, for JJJ Gold filled, closed or open case, IB-Jeweled Elgin or "I CC Waltham movement, for. Gold filled, closed or open ease, 17 Waltham movement, for Gold filled, closed or open case, 19-jeweled B. W. "I Q CC Raymond or Elgin movement, for. . ' LOJJ Gold filled, closed or open case, 21 -Jeweled Crescent or I Q CC Waltham movement, for lO.WW Go!d filled, closed or open case, 21-Jeweled Hamilton ifj ((") movement, for ..iO.vU Gold filled 0 size Waltham or Elgin Watches, 8 50 Gold filled 12 size, thin model, Elgin or Waltham Watches, g OO 0 nlze extra heavy 14-karat solid gold Elgin or Waltham -I ( Cf Watches, for 1D.UU Folid gold and gold filled Jewelry at less than half wholesale prices. A small deposit will Becure your holiday presents at the above prices. Store Open Every Evening 1609i FARNAM STREET Detween Gtli and lTtti Few Rich Men obtained their wealth by speculation, but by systematic saving, ami investing their savings where they would work for them and earn good interest. Stock in this Association is safe and profitable. All our funds are invested in first mortgage real estate loans as required by law. "We are ex amined by and make reports to the State Banking Hoard. Our dividends to members during the 25 years have been 6 per cent, compounded semi-annually. As good a rate as can be found on any kind of investment equally as secure. We will be pleased to explain our plan. Omaha Loan & Building Ass'n S. . Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. G. W. LOOMIS, Pres. O. M. NATTINGER, Sec'y and Treaa. W. R. ADAIR, Asst. Sec'y get the bridles, but the horses ran toward Fifteenth, where they freed themselves, from the buggy, which Just graced the large glasw rlinvrain on the corner In front of lh Iters; Clothing company. The horses continued west on Douglse until they ran Into the wagon driven by Waxcnbrrg. 11" waa thrown to the pave ment and his leg broken. He was removed to the office of Police Burgeon Harris and afterward taken to the hr.pitsl. Neither Fhelan nor Burk waa hurt. AMATEURS IN FOUR SKETCHES Mlaa Pitch' Paplls Olva an Informal Evening; of Comedy at the Lyric, An Informal avening of dramatic sketches was given by the pupils of the Boyd School of Acting at the Lyric theater last night, four one-act comedies being offered. The best of these wss "How He Lied to Her Husband," a satirical reply by George Bernard Shaw to his own play of "Can dlda." Thl waa very well done, Miss Rob- son and Mr. Forman being especially good and Mr. Buckingham showing very finely. Miss Hobson has an apparent bent for light comedy, and by her natural manner and charming poise proved her taient. The other plays were also well presented, and the young folks taking part showed consid erable capacity for acting. Miss Beverly, who waa to the first of the sketches, Is a very graceful and confident young woman, and. If all her work 1 done a well as that of last night, will be heard from. Miss Pitch and her pupils are worthy the ap plause they received last night from a gathering that filled the coey little play house. The plays and the players were: "FRANK GLYNN'S WIFE." August Mr. Kerne v Frank Glynn Mr. Martin Alice, his wife Miss Chapman Oertle, his cousin Miss Beverly Htella, his sister Miss Asher Mrs. Glynn, his mother Miss Sorenson Ed Ashury. his chum Mr. Haner Nora, the maid Mrs. Thompson HOW HE LIED TO HER HUSBAND." (By George Bernard Shaw.) Mrs. Aurora Bompas Miss Rohson Mr. Hnry Apjohn Mr. Formftn Mr. T.uld Bompas Mr. J. Buckingham FRITZ. " (By Sundermann.t Major von Drosse Mr. De Toung Mrs. von Drosse Miss Harte Agnea, their ward Miss Moore Frits von Drosse Mr. ttmltli Lieutenant von Hallerpfort, his friend.. fr. Kernev William Mr. Wortendlke Stephen Mr. Martin "THE RECTOR." (By Rachael Crolhers ) Janle Mlsa Gladys Thompson Mrs. Lemlngsworth Miss Sorenson Miss Trimble Miss Chapman Margaret Norton Miss Asher Mr. Munsey M'ss Robson Victoria Knox Miss Moore Rev. Mr. Herrisford Mr. De Toung YOUNG WOMAN TRIEs"sUICI0E Thought to Be Insane and Will Be Taken Before the Com mission. Mlsa Susan Powell, who give her home as Chanute, Kan., but who he recently been an Inmate of the Salvation Army res cue home, attempted to commit auiclde Thursday by swallowing a large quantity of Fowler' solution of arsenic. wh1(h she had been using as a medicine. Only prompt work by the attending physician. Dr. Mary Strong, assisted by Dr. Ellis, saved the girl' life.. Friday morning Dr. Strong filed charge of Insanity against the young woman and she will come before the Insanity commis sion, which will pas on her mental con dition. -karat Diamond, 35.00 in 14-karat Tif fany Ring, for. . . h -karat Diamond. In 14-karat Tif fany Ring, for. . . 45.00 1-karat Diamond, In 14-karat Tif fany Ring, for. . . 95.00 . . tew 10.00 - Jeweled Elgin or AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Police Board Heart Charge Against an Albright Saloon Keeper. SELLING TO MINORS THE CHARGE A. ' W. ftmlth, aa llllaola Central Svrltrhmaa Living In t'oaaeil Staffs, Mas Both Legs Crashed. The Board of Fir" and PolP-e commission ers met last night and held a formal trial, In which James Kracek of Albright, who runs a saloon at the corner of Railroad avenue and Polk street, was charged with selling liquor to Charles Whaley, a minor. On the conclusion of the evidence the board took the case under advisement and ordered the chief of police to close up the place pending a decision by the board. The evidence, was to the effect that the saloonkeeper had knowingly sold the liquor and had on several occasions heen warned by the mother of tha boy and forbidden . to- sell him any liquor. The proprietor made no denial of the matter; but mentioned some extenuating cl.cumstances and prom ised reform. The board expressed no Judg ment In this case, but again stated em phatically that selling to minors would not be tolerated under any circumstances and that children under age must be kept out of saloons. The board expressed a desire that thla ruling be made aa public as pos sible so that no one need plead Ignorance. Tno police will become more vigilant In the enforcement of this phase of the 81 o cumb law. Rtolea Property necoTered. The burglary caeo by which L. C. Glb ron lost nearly tXO worth of Jewelry Tues day, December 1. waa cleared up last night by the recovery of most of the property and the arrest of George Gavin of Des Moines by the Omaha police. The prop erty consisted of a garnet necklace, a woman's gold watch, a bracelet, eight rings and a coat and vest. In an Indefinite way suspicion pointed to a certain man ad dicted to the u.se of narcotic drugs and It was felt that he would pawn the prop erty when he desired money for the drug. Yesterday four of the rings were discov ered In Omaha pawnshops and finally the net closed on the prisoner. Captain J. C. Trouton went to Omaha for him last even ing, but left tho man In Omaha. Mrs. L. C. Gibson Identified her Jewelry. K. K. Wells Dead. E. K. Wells, a pioneer of Bouth Omaha, an old soldier of the First regiment of Minnesota volunteers In the civil war, died i t Hot Springs, S. D., where he was In the Soldier's home, Wednesday. The body waa burled yesterday In the National cemetery at the home with military honors. A fun eral service will be conducted Sunday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. O. J. Winegard. He has another daughter In the city. Mrs. Ralph Pearl. His son. Ed Wells, la in the employ of Holmes-Adklns company. E. K. Wella was the first city clerk of South Omaha and waa for years a justice of the peace. In the army he was wounded before Gettysburg and was cared for several months In the military hospitals. He had been for some time an inmate of the Soldier's home at Hot Springs. Admits Wife Desertion. . Philip Madden has confessed to a charge of ' deserting his young wife in Chicago. He and John Hogan were arrested after a long chase and some shooting by Chief John Biiggs Wednesday evening. The chief arrested them on suspicion, having really nothing against the men except their bungling attempts to escape notice. They were given such a searching at the station that Madden became frightened and broke down. He said he had a trifling quarrel with his wife and had pulled up and left Chicago with Hogan, persuaded by the latter'a glowing account of the money they oould make and the good times in San Francisco. He got as far as Denvesrt where he repented and sent HO back to hla wife and started on his return. He begged the chief to let him write to hla wife and In this letter he plead for forgiveness and promised any kind of penance. Before the chief he sobbed over the story of his treatment of his wife end prayed the of ficer to keep him until word came from her. The other man seemed almost as much affected, but said he waa guilty of no crime, and had asked his friend to go with him only aa a companion. Ead af Slarqaardt Episode. Cenn Fujlwara and Hope Marquardt were releaaed yesterday by the South Omaha police and no prosecutions are likely to follow In their checkered ca reers. The girl waa under the Jurisdic tion of the Juvenile court and was re leased to her mother's care, and will not be further charged unless the court sees fit. The Jap boy waa releaaed for want of prosecution. The mother would not file a complaint against him. He dis appeared at once to take care of himself. The husband, Roy Marquardt. agreed not to molest his wife, who wished to live apart from him. V. M. C. A. -Notes. The Orpheum Musical club, tha third number of the Star course, will appear in Its musical role Wednesday evening, De cember 9. This attraction was secured to please those musically Inclined. The troup consists of a male quartet and a reader. The quartet not only sing, but are accom plished Instrumentalists as well. They render selections with trombone, mello phone, baritone and cornet. The brass quartet, as they are called, is highly spoken of wherever Its has appeared. The pro gram will begin at 1:20 p. m. M. Andreesen will address the men's meeting In the gymnasium Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock. His subject Is the "Pen tecostal Wonder." Come and hear a bus! ness man's views along this Interesting line. The association orchestra will render a musical program and Mr. Williams will sing. An Indian-ball tournament evenings and the business men's hand ball tournament eacn noon are malting tne gymnasium a place of busy and Interesting appearances Bible class work for the Intermeddles was started Friday evening. General Secretary Young will have charge of the class. It will meet at 7 p. m. every Friday. The study of the Rook of John will be pursued. The board of directors, at Its last meet ing, appointed a committee to arrange for better reading room and bathing facilities. The committee Is to report at Ms earliest convenience to the executive Committee, which has the power to act. Seventy-seven men are enrolled In gym nasium class work and are attending well. The educational classes are well attended, the attendance of the two departments be ing one-half of the membership. With the beginning of the winter term of night school the enrollment will be Increased 100 per cent What to do with the claases in limited quarters is becoming a difficult problem. Swltcaamaa Haa Leas Crashed. A. W. Smith, a switchman for the Illi nois Central railroad, v thrown lrom hla train at Thirty-fifth and Vinton streets at S p. m. last night and had both legs crushed. It waa caused by a inla tep. He was a man of 35 and his home Is at 1030 Third avenue. Council Bluffs. His train was running on the Delt Line tracks at the time of his injury. The Brewer ambulance was called and the Piautio Sale Extraordinary!! (treat events cast their shadows before them this great PIANO SALE was foreshadowed a year npo when we enter ed into contracts with the manufacturers for '2:200 Pianos to be manufactured and shipped to us during the year of 100S. Although our efforts have been unceasing yet the effects of backward buying this year have reduced our sales to such an extent that we find we are overstocked and to clean up the balance of tho 2,200 Pianos contracted for, it will be nec essary between now and Christmas to sell 625 high grade Pianos at greatly reduced prices. Hence when we offer Pi&ios at Prices 10 to 20 Below the quotations made by eastern dealers for the same high grade makes, we open tho way for music lovers to buy the best Christmas present that is iossinlc to secure and to save all the way from $100.00 to $150.00 on such a purchase. Think what we offer instruments of such unquestioned makes to select from as STEGER, MEHLIN, HARDMAN, EMER SON, McPHAIL, and the favorably known SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, at prices not equaled before in Piano merchan dising. Successful Holders of Gold Bond Certificates are realizing the great saving made possible by the use of their Certificates. The buying is fast, and you as a Certificate holder surely will not permit the opportunity to go by without purchasing your Fiano and saving the full amount repre sented by your Bond before our stock is broken. Come to our salesrooms this week see our magnificent Christmas offerings note our prices. Give special attention to the unexcelled quality of our Pianos, then you'll know tho reason why Schmoller & Mueller lead in the sale of high grade Pianos. Schmoller Mueller Piano Co. 1311-1313 Far nam Street Omaha. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS. man taken to St, Joseph hospital. It I believed necessary' to amputate one, am perhaps both, of his limbs. SIskIc City Gossip. Mike Solan was arrested for lntoxlcatlor and disturbing the peace o his home Iuk night. The city treasurer reports $14,918 receipt and I22.3H0 disbursements for November, leaving a balance of 32,3;iS.-'3 in the treas ury. George Williams was arrested for ste;il!tife a hammer from the stock yards enmpan., He was permitted hy tin- tar rcpnlters t plek up some Junk, but not satisfied In a'so picked up the hammer. J. D. Rlner will have charge of tin services of the Presbyterian church hunda. morning. Dr. Wheeler will preach In evening. The death of Mlko Kelly. S2.1 Nrt. Twenty-fifth street, occurred Thursda night. The body will be taken to Spauld lng thla morning. A labor meeting is called for Sundn afternoon at Barton's hall. A number speakers will be present. Emmet T. Floo of Chicago will be the chief attraction. A sugar car waa reported bnken open li the South Omaha yards last night anil th:i a number of families would be well stocked up if the pollc did not Interfere. The. did and the famines lost the chance at tli rugar. The Bwedlsh-Norweglan Republican clu met last evening at the offices of the N braska Artificial Stone and Coal comp.m and elected tho following officers: Pres! dent. Oust Olson; vice pres de it, Ixirs J h sun; secretary-treasurer, (1. E. Lundnrei sergeant-at-arms, Ule Olesen; execullv committee. Charles C. Carlen, chairmur. Thomas Thorgesen, Swan Larson, K. 1 Gcstafson, A. L- Hcrgquest. Charles Kftr! quest and George M. Johr.Fon. Children ami Pimples Keem To Uo Together antl Vet Few Parvuts Fully Appreciate the Warning. At the age of puberty most children are afflicted with pimples aod many with serious akin eruptions. At this particular period in a child's ex istence nature Is going through a trans ition which Is of vital importance to the child and the parent. rimples on the face of a child removed by Stuart's Calcium Wafers. The organs of the child all become larger. The skin begins to grow hair, the glands and cells of the skin apparently become stronger and larger. Impurities occur In the system and poisons enter the blood and are thrown off usually from the face in the form of pimplts. Mothers should zealously guard the child against serious blood impurities at this time. Our grandmothers gave i-ar-saparllla, Bassafras root, cream of tartar and sulphur every spring. These simple remedies did a good work, but silence has discovered the most powerful ano beneficial blood purifier to be Calcium Sulphide. Stuart's Calcium Wafers are prepared after the most modern method of con veying the full strength of Calcium Sul phide to the blood. They lose none of It through evaporation and chemical chai.ge like most calcium sulphide remedies sold today. Stuart's Calcium Wafers also contain Quassia, Golden Seal and Eucalyp tus, all known purifiers of great power. Combined with these Ingredients is a pure vegetable alterative and laxative which, when the other Ingredients clear tne blood from poison and decay, throw oTf 'Jits Impure matter from the system through the bowels and in a natural, easy r. inner. Stuart's Calcium Wafers should be In every household, and used by the parent for the benefit of the child. They are harmless, promote normal appetite and di gestion, beautify the skin and enrich the blood so necessary to the rapid growth or the child. Go to your druggist. Ask his opinion of Calcium Sulphide as the Stuart process presents It to the blood. He will sell you a package for CO cents, or tend ui your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mail free. Ad dress F. A. btusrt Co., 171 aUuart Kid , Marshall. Mich. Our Letter Box Contributions on timely topics invited. Write legibly on one side of the paper only, with name and address appended. Unused contributions will not be re turned. Letters exceeding 300 words will be subject to being cut down at' the discretion of the editor. Publicstlon of views of correspondents does not com mit The he to their endorsement. "A Little Indian Trading Village." OMAHA. Dec. 4. To the Kdltor of The Ilee: The Bee said Friday morning that when Kev. H. W. Kuhns organized tho Lutheran church here in 1858, Omaha was "a little Indian trading village." This Is a mistake. Omaha at that time was quite a town. It was about four years of age. I was the nominal head of the Herndon House Hotel company, which waa being completed. It waa a fine building for that early day. The better part of It Is now the Union Pacific headquarters building. As a matter of fact, Omaha was never a ilule Indian trading village at all, except when White Cow, the famous orator of the Omahas, would come down from the Black bird hills reservation on my invitation with nis family to pay mo a visit. He did some trading then by swapping short orations .or plugs of tobacco. OEORQE L. MILLEK. -AB0R IN THE NEW CHARTER Oeleicates to Hevlslon Committee lleDOrt to Central Labor I'nlon. " The work of Us members on the charter revision committee was ratified by the Central Labor union Inst night and a reso lution was passed providing for the pay ment of the proportionate expense of a del gate to he sent to Lincoln to work for"! t'ie enactment into law of the proposed new charter. "Everything that laboring men asked for was secured," s.id Pre&ldent Guye, who was a member of the committee, and he forecasted that the Douglas county delegation will give them more than now appears In the charter revision committee's draft of the document. W. A. Chrisman, the union's delegate to the national meeting held In Denver, made a verbal report of tlio meeting, and Emmet Flood, national organizer of the American Federation of Labor, also spoke of the Den ver convention. Mr. Flood, who has been here a week,1 expects to spend a month or six weeks in 9'Uth Omaha reorganizing and injecting new life into the unions there, whlcn have not been strong since the pack ing house strike of three years ago. A mass meeting will be held In South Omaha on Sunduy and the Omaha Central body will arrange for a mass meeting here be fore Mr. Flood leaves this section. A debating society In the University of Wisconsin wrote the central body for Its views on the injunction and the executive committee waa empowered to transmit a reply. The debute will be on the Bubject: "Would It be advisable to prohibit the courts from entertaining any action against an organization of employers or employes, a member or official thereof, for boycott, blacklist, strike, lockout or peaceful picket ing?" The society wants the local union's opinion as to whether any of the changes suggested are steps In the right direction for the correction of the abuses of the In junction, and If they would be more satis factory than even the democratic demand of Jury trial In cases of direct contempt. Injured In a Fire or bruised by a fall, apply Bueklen's Ar nica Salve. Cures burns, wounds, sores, eczema, plies. Guaranteed. 2'ic. Beaton Drug Co. LITTLE GIRL SINGS WELL Child About to nreak Into Yaode Title Dhows Splendidly at Her Trial. A number unlisted on the regular pro gram was given at the Orpheum yesterday afternoon. Miss Constance Devlin, a 13-year-old girl, made her first appearance In vaudeville and sang two solos. The first number was "What the Rose said to Me," and for a vehemently demanded encore she gave "Tiie Four Leaf Clover." Miss Dev lin lias a clear soprano voice, unusually mature for her years. She sings with cor rect method and her tone placement Is quite accurate. While tho tones shv achieves are far more round thin one would expect from a singer of her age, she will undoubtedly yet go farther In this respect. Il r parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Devlin, who came to Omaha to live two months ago. Intend that she shall make vaudeville singing ber aim In life. Aside HOLEPROOF REDUCED TO 4L 510 from a promising voice the little girl may hope to succeed In this, for she has a pretty face and winsome personality, which litter Is equally as Important as the other fac tors. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT IN HEAD J. C. Jones Careless In Ilandllna; Revolver on Rook Island Trnln. J. C. Jones, colored, who lives st 612 North Fourteenth street accidentally shot himself last night while on a Rock Island passenger train. Jones was returning from a visit to Kinsman, O. As the train was nearlng Council Bluffs he was sitting In the chair car handling a ts-calibre revolver In some manner the weapon was dis charged, the bullet entering tin ride ff his face and coming out through the top ut his head. Joe Lee, the colored train portr, was passing and the bullet uru.k him in tin back of the head, imbedding itself In his scalp. When the train reached the Councl Bluffs depot Jones was taken to Mercy hospital, where he wns operate! r.n by Dr. Jennings, and It was thought last nlghi that he would recover. It is piotmtile tha he will be brought to Omaha in a few days. BELLEVUE COLLEGE BANQUET Former Members of Foot Hall Team Hosts to Those of Present Season. A typical college affair was the second annual banquet of the Bellvue club given last night at the new Hanson cafe. The club is composed largely of former members of the Bellevue college foot ball team and other "has bens," as the formet students of the college style themselves We are Showing the Finest Christmas Cutlery J EVER EXHlDiTED Henckel's Celebrated POCKET KNiVES SCISSOR CASES RAZORS CARVING SETS GAME SHEARS LIBRARY SETS MANICURE SETS TABLE KN Boy's Scroll Saws. Tool Chests and Benches Jas. CVJorton & Son Co. tBli DODGE STREET Li K A. T E S ntBsasasJassnsBBBSJ A BOX Of 6 Pairs. FOR So. 16 fh. There was also a sprinkling of the "Is's. and the college faculty was well repre sented. H W. A. Kearns of the class of '( waa toantmaster. The speakers and their re sponses were as follows: "Bellevue, Gen tlemen," Dr. James Pntton; "The Season of lW," Jesse Marvel; "First Year Im pressions," Dr. Stookey, the newly elected .resident of the school; "Wanted, Consola tion." H- H. Hamhlin; "Value of Brain anl Brawn," Rev. E. H. Jenks; "Bellevue from Afar," Guy A. Crow; "Season of 1W9," .Iarry Mortar. At the conclusion of the addresses the .'ollowlng officers were chosen for the en suing year: T. V. Moore, president; C. L Agnew, vice president; Dr. James Pattoa, lecretary nnd treasurer; Grant Benson, aa isiant u the secretary. NEW STAMPS FiRST CF YEAR Issue Will lie plaeed on "ale illng nllh International Holes. The new Issue of postage stamps will not go on sile until January 1. 1909. About $l.X).ofO worth of the stamps of the first of the new lrwign are being held In Chlcagd t.) be sold there on that date. In the mean time a change will l.e made In the design of the new 2-cent stamp. Thla change has been made necessary through the discov ery that the International postal regula tions require that Arabic numerals to de no' e the denomination of the stamp shall be used, whlli the new stamps hsve only the words 'Two Cents" on them. These stamps wil be disposed of and no more of them made. As a result there la a big demand from stamp collectors for them, and It Is possible thst a greater part of '.lose "two-cent" stamps will not go Inta use, but will be held by stamp collectors. Bee want ads are business boosters. Line of Gifts YES J.A.HENCKELS.