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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1908)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 6, 1908. 9 v , .ymr Niiiiipipr 1 r TLJTTCr ii iilQ TWO Com ls Kartigj oil titno A.gjiPiOTLD.Et'o.iraiE jFIcbIcO. mitlh IPremier v tsibfle Typewriter Is King of the Typewriter Field. "A." . WINNER More Individuality in Our Visible Model than any Writing Machine the World has Ever Produced WRITE FOR CATALOGUE THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY IVI. o. PLOWMAN. Manager. lTtli and Farnam Sts. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, BRANCH OFFICES-Des Moines Oltumwa Waterloo Sioux CIty :Llncoln HI CORN NATIVE OF OLD MEXICO 1 1 V)riein and Culture Explained ty Prof. A. 3). Shamel. REPRESENTS SECRETARY WIISOU tU-ientlat from Washington Is Sent tut hr the Department of Ajtrl rnltare to Aid In the Exposition. Indiana Corn Trophy Br ii ii ik MMMuaii"W;mft111'"1 Prcretnry of Agriculture Wilson has sent d p"-onl representalve to the National C-Til expos:t!an In Prof. A. D. Shamel, ex-rioi-t n the Bureau of Plant Industy at V.'pshlnston. Prof. Shamel la the author of seven 1 hooka on corn and a specialist of International renown. His advice and crurrrl have been at tho disposal of the corn rxpnrltlcn management from the first e"d litvo been nBneies of much assist ance. The smiling of Prof. Shamel to Omaha Is t.'ifccn f clearly denote the lively Interest Secretary Wilson feels In the exposition an.l tho deep desire to promote Its welfare. Prof. Shiimel lias some most Interesting tht'iK to fay upon corn, Its origin and cul ' "Tho 6'lffei'cnen In tho qualities of sam ples to b' shuvn at tho exposition over those of list yeiir aod ten years ago, Is the difference thru exists between the razor hick hog of the old days and the Poland China h.03 of i.nlay," said Prof. Shamel. "There litis been a persistent and unvary ing Improvement In the selection of Im proved seed t!v..o. t!9S. when the corn crop how became, u ;iructtcal fact. Typical torn of Today. "The Omaha exposition will show the typical com of this modern day, and the result of ten years of experiment, Intelligent selection and cultivation. The material result of the corn exposition In that period has been to increase the yield as well as the quality. An Increased yield means an Increased quality. It does not cost any mure to raise good corn and Increase the yield than to rals.o bad corn and decrease the yield. This fict lias been abundantly demonstrated In Iowa, Indiana and Illi nois, and 1s being demonstrated In Ne braska each year. "Nor has the Increase In yield or Im provement In quality been the only accru ing benefit. An equally Important result has been to Improve tho type of corn and aa In the case of eortaln Iowa growers, of securing an early growth type that ma tures In that latitude before It can be pos sibly damaged by frost. Another beneficent feature la in the selection of corn suitable to different localities, such aa require long and short periods of maturity. Corn, while one of nature's most bountiful" products, la at the came time a most capricious one. It Is easily susceptible to drouth and frost, but by a system of Intelligent selection and breeding, types can be produced that will meet every condition of climate In the corn belt area. lalscao of Climate. "In the Omaha exposition these climato loglcal types will be shown in their per fected development. The day haa passed when the corn growers will buy seed ma tured In the south for planting In northern field or corn matured In northern f lei Is to be planted In the south. The result of such miscalculation haa had more to do with corn failure than any other cause, with Ita consequent discouragement and disaster to the grower. That day haa passed or la passing. The corn breeders t Of the different localities are getting to (ether and by constant Interchange of 0 i. s ( ff 'iff. J- -.-7-.t- w m - - mr - l i. j ... - . mm mm. ' 'I re types In the fllfferent localities. "The leading corn growing stages In pro portion to their . Importance are Illinois, Iowa, KanBns, Missouri, Nebraska and Ohio. The eastern edge of the corn belt is the Ohio river, and the western edgs to the center of Kansas and Nebraska, north to the middle of Iowa and south to Arkansas, or along the fortieth parallel. Of course much excellent corn Is grown In otirfer states outside these stated districts. Good corn Is grown In Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and some other southern states, as well as In oractlcally all of the north ern states. By the process of selection the cultivation of corn in Texas and other far-southern states Is gradually Improving and will continue to Improve. The same observation will apply to the northern states not Included In the corn belt. Corn .Native of Mexico. "Corn originated In Mexico. From there It gradually progressed northward until It found Its natural habitation In the corn belt. For centuries but little effort was made to culti vate corn In the Mexican countries. It was of the flint varieties and what we now know aa the 'squaw' type of corn. It was an early maturing va riety, the grains being of a slaty color or mottled, ears long, cobs ' small and of the typical eight-rowed ariety. The grains were large and ex tremely hard, which gave It the name of flint. The Mexicans of the early day know nothing varieties of corn, which Is product of the corn belt. are softer and more same observation will apply to oats and the other small grains. Experiments are being made in wheat culture that are bound tj result In an Improved product and an In creased yield. Inasmuch aa corn haa shown that it will respond to Intelligent care there Is every reason to believe that wheat, oats, barley and rye will do the same." HOW OMAHALANDEDTIIEEXPO (Continued from. Page One.) be held In Omaha, we believe we have dona the best thing for the University of Ne braska," said George Coupland, a member of the Board of Regents, at this meeting. "In no way could the people of the state be better shown what Is being done at the university farm than by having an exhibit and a demonstrator at the National Corn exposition. If we had more money we cer tainly would have doubled the amount ap- 0 GRAND SWEEP 6TAKE3 PRIZES. intelligent ideas based upon careful ob servation are producing that type of coin best adapted to their respective localities. "The process ,of selctlon of the fittest corn for a given locality haa revolutionised the corn growing industry. "The first meeting of the Illinois Corn Breeders' association was held In lt)9, with but five members present. Now It has a membership of seventy-five broad, brainy men who are making the study of seed and breeding their life work. Similar as sociations or groups of associations have been formed In all the corn growing states. They are all active, wide-awake men. There is a constant lntsrcaange of corn among them. They sell the seed corn on the ear only. In order to guard against posttMe or Inadvertant substitution. They have learned that It take just aa much good soil and as much soil nutrltlou to produce a worthless nubbtn as It aces a prise ear of corn and just as much work. The ear Idea of selling seed corn is that the per fected com may be seen In all its beauty and strength aa well as in Its maturity. H.uon for the Zones. "The prises in corn shows are decided according to sones. These cones are dV vlded into twenty-five or thirty subdivl slona and the awards are made In accord with the local conditions. Then from these a committee selects the bst sample to u.eet the general condition, including early maturity and productiveness. This Is dona In order to meet the demand for an uil purpose corn. . "During the exposition lectures will be given covering every phase of corn culture, seed selection, seed preservation, breeding and cultivation by practical corn growers from all parts of the country. These lec tures will be Illustrated by types of corn and the effects of cultivation upon theae "A 24-bushel crop of wheat per acre is worth for each acre as much as ten acres of a 12-bushel crop. An 80 acre farm well tilled is better than 320 acres half tilled." James J. Hill. of the 'dent' exclusively the Tho dent corns nutritious and the grains smaller. However, the dent corns are being gradually intioduced Into Mexico by the gradual process of selection and cultivation. The corn production of the year 1WS will closely approximate 2.;O.0iO.00o bualieta. On the whole It Is ot u better trade than that produced last year and will grado ucut-r in me niuraeiu man any ttier cron or corn ever harvested, and this result I wnony allrtbutablu to the lessons taught by the corn shows and exposition which have steadily Improved the grades of corn iino muir inception len or a dozen years ago. Uronn In Other Countries. 'Much corn Is grown in Kuiopean coun tries, nut It originated In America. Russia uermuny, France, Austria and Hungary raise considerable corn, but Its Quality ts greatly Inferior to the American product, being an exotic, its use aa a human food is progressing with rapid strides in the Europeun countries. There Is but little question that with the stimulus given to corn growing through the Omaha exposition that there will be a tremendously Increased demand for American corn for lmpoit. "While this exposition In Omaha Is pri marily for corn, other grain and grass will not be overlooked. The wide diversity or area In which wheat Is grown throughout the world and its universal use as human food makes It the oldest of our food grain In cultivation. The time Is not far distant when we will have wheat and oats exposl tlons. "Whether the growth and cultivation of wheat has reached the senlth of Its perfec tion la yet a mooted question. Thus far It haa not been given that attention In cul. Uvatlon from the manner of Us growth that can and baa been given to corn. The propriated, and still believed the money well spent. 'Tho experiments In horticulture and plant breding being made at the farm are little short of mervelous. These experi ments will be shown at Omaha and experts will be on hand to explain everything. It Is our opinion farmers from every county In the state will be In attendance at the corn show, and every one of them will be benefited by tho state farm exhibit." the big show, for Council Bluffs and South Omaha entered Into the game with as much interest and vigor as did, the city which Is host to the exhibit. The members of the executive committee from these two cities served faithfully and worked as hard as any Omahan, and business men in the Bluffs and the Magic City to the south, did their full share, furnishing as much money to finance the exposition as any and giv ing liberally of their wares for premiums. Through the co-operation of the three cities Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs the exposition was secured for the west, it being doubtful In the minds of the directors if Omaha could have swung it alone. The Influence of the railroads, from the presidents down, has been behind the exposition from the start and the publicity departments of these trunk lines flooded the country with literature setting forth the advantages of the show as no other organisation could or would do. Cheap rates by these com panies will also re sult in a much larger attendance, to say nothing of a much larger show. One man who has worked in season and out for the success of the ex position is Everett Buckingham, gen eral manager of the ' South Omaha Stock yards and another is F. 1. Haller. Both joined C. C. Rosewatar and Mr. Sturgess In going to other cities In the Interest of It. Mr. Buckingham factor In landing the railroads. Being mm Nebraska for first Prise. "Nbraska must cany off the first prizes at the corn show," suld Mr. Coupland, "for 1 1 will not do for this state to take a back seat for any other In the union. The Na tional Corn exposition will be the greatest advertisement Nebraska has ever had and It will do more for the great state than anyone can know." Nebraska, as a state, was naturally one of the first commonwealths to organise for the show and early 1 In the year the gov ernor appointed a stato commission to look after the state's exhibit. This commission Is composed of William Ernst of Tecumseh, E. A. Burnett of Montgomery and W. R. Mellor and R. Hogue of Crete. Hard and painstaking work was being done all the lime by the committee mem burs and others and they secured the co operation of the governors of other states, the aid of the railway companies, and sub scriptions from public enterprises of every character. Corporations, bankers, whole salers, retailers, the packing house in dustrles, all came forward with their sub scriptions and in a short time the stock subscription amounted to $50,000, on of the most substantial that haa been made to any public enterprise. Sister Cltlea Help. Omaha was not alone in securing the exposition and In the making of preliiai hary arrangement and perfecting plan tot proved a gi the support a railroad official himself for many year prior to his present engagement, he knew the modus operandi. So when he and Mr. Rosewater went to Chicago to secure the co-operation of the railroads they went, not to the subordinate officials, heads of varlou departments, but directly to the presidents of the roads. They got the high est official of each line Interested and their work was done. They began at the top and worked down, not at the bottom to work up. Buckingham knew the ropes and crawled them. "Hello, Buck, sit down; well, where in the world did you come fromT Olad to see you. What can I do for youT" That was the greeting he got at the hands of President Wtrtchell of the Rock Island. That tells the whole story. Orlctn of the Institution.. The first National Corn exposition given in the I'nited States, was that at Chicago, beginning October 9, 1M. Chicago Is not in the heart of the corn belt, as Is Omaha, and the Chicago exposition was purely a corn show, no other cereals being placed on exhibit. Omaha is the very "buckle" of the "corn belt" and the Omaha expo sition, now almost ready for the public, will be four times larger than that held in Chicago, one year ago. Corn will natur ally bo king of the show, but other oereals will be shown as well. Arid the central location of Omaha cen tral us regards the corn belt, central as regard the geographical location, cen tral aa regards the agricultural popula tlon was a big factor in getting the expo sltlon of this city. The Nation Corn exposition I the result of evolution from the corn club, township. district, county and state corn shows, and in this evolutionary prooea ha reached , th attUNuidou limit that wUl be Illus trated in the exposition now about to opea In Omaha. The first big attempt at a corn exposition was in Peoria, Illinois, in 1900 or 1901 and Us sucoess Insured their annual recurrence, being given under the auspices of the Illinois Corn Growers' association. From these state associations sprang tho National Corn association and the National Corn exposition. This corn association works in connection with the National Corn exposition association, which 'ore creations of the cities in which the expo si tlons are held. These exposition associa tions are not a part of the National Corn association, but simply work In conjunction with the latter. Exhibitors at the National Corn exposition must be members of the National Corn association. The exposition associations are compased of commercial and their bodies In the communities in which the expositions are held. Relation to Institute. The local corn show of Illinois, Iowa and Indiana and other states, where they are held, occupy an Important and extremelyv' valuable relation to the farmers' institutes, corn clubs, county and state fairs. ' The corn exhibit at the national exposi tions Is practically the survival of. the fit test, or prize exhibit shown at the corn1 clubs, institutes, county and state fairs, and state corn shows. Only , the best of these exhibits are shown at the exposition next above In Importance. This was the' rulo applied at the National Corn exposi tion at Chicago and will be applied here in Omaha. The Judges of the National Corn expo sition are selected from the members of th National Corn association and comprise the best corn breeders and corn experts of tho world. All of the corn exhibited at the National expositions become the property of tha exposition association. Tho prize corn 1 auctioned off on the last days of the expo-' sltlon and fancy prices are often bid for the most valued specimens. At Chicago last year tZSO was bid for the first prize ear of corn. Tho corn breeder are lpvarlably the bidders for these prlaes exhibit. The corn not securing prizes I returned to the breder making the exhibit. DIAZ BUST ON A SILVER MEDAL President of Mexico Will lie Honored at the National Corn Kx- position. The photographjc likeness of President Diaz of Mexico will be mounted on a silver medal and presented as a prize-mark by the delegates from that enterprising lillle republic, three of whom have been com missioned by the government to attend the exposition. Besides these, others, Includ ing Hon. Zeferlno iKimlnguei. the distin guished philanthropist and student of agri culture, will be here and take an active part. Indeed the latter has ofered a trophy valued at $1,600, himself. The Dla bust will be the official medal of Mexico. Mexico Is the place of nativity of King Corn and it Is highly gratifying to tho management of the exposition that the government there should exercise so great an Interest In the show. The distinguished Mexicans will be accorded every courtesy and honor while in Omaha and they bid fair to attract an unusual amount of Interest. Only Tuld One story. "I hope you were a good little boy while at your aunt's and didn't tell any stories, said his mother. "Only the one you put me up to, ma,' replied her young hopeful. "Why, what do you mean, child?" "When she asked me It I'd like to have a second piece of cak X Bid ifQ- thuUT Lyou fr bad anourn.' M i! i ( ! i : h