Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, CORN SHOW, Page 8, Image 48

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19,585 Telephones In Our Omaha Exchange On
November 30, 1908. We Have Gained Nearly 3,000
In The Last Twelve Months.
Sealers from Many States Will Cele
brate at Cora Show.
Eirhuie Mem and Dealers Will
Flock to the Exposition and
Hold Exclusive Proa-ram
of Exercise.
Invidious comparisons may not be drawn,
but It may be safely asserted that of all
the "days of the National Corn exposition,"
one of the best and largest, possibly the
greatest of all will bo the Orain Dealers'
day, Tuesday, Dec. IS. On that occasion
the Omaha Orain exchange will entertain a
good many hundred, possible t.000, of the
"men who buy the Immense crops which
this nation raises every year.
These visitors will be the men who take
Off the hands of the farmers the 2,625,000,000
bushels of corn raised annually, the 760,
000.000 bushels of wheat and other millions
and hundreds of millions of bushels of
other grains.' To the farmer, most of all,
these grain dealers are a fairly important
lot, for It Is ono thing to raise corn or
wheat, but another to get it to the con
sumer. The Omaha Orain exchange long . ago
determined to make
Orain Dealers' day
a big event, as rep
resentative and na
tional In scope .as
Is the National
Corn exposition It
self. Accordingly
an invitation was
engraved and sent
to 1,000 grain deal
ers, apportioned as
follows: Iowa, 00;
Indiana, 700; Illin
ois, 3u0; Minnesota,
160; Kansas, 400;
Nebraska, 800, The
Nebraska distribu
tion was made
through the Ne
braska Q rain Deal
ers' association. In
addition a special
Invitation was sent
to the officers of
the Kansas. Iowa.
Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, Trl-Stata,
Minnesota and South Dakota Orain
Dealers' associations. Also to the Iowa
Farmers' Co-operative and the Nebraska
Farmers' Co-operative associations. The
Invitation read as below:
The Officers and Members of the Omaha
Grain Exchange,
Will be at Home to the
Orain Trade of the United Slates,
Tuesday, December r'.fteenlu,
"Orain Exchange Day" of the National
Corn Exposition. .
at the
Exchange rooms, Urandels Building,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Boards of Trade, Too.
A special invitation was slso sent to the
Boards of Trade or exoranges of Chicago,
Louisville. Toledo, ' Indianapolis, Dulutn,
Cleveland. Clncinnattl. Peoria. St. Louis,
Milwaukee. New Orlears. Kansas City,
Galveston, Detroit. Buffalo. Pittsburg.
Memphis, Nashville. St Joseph, Minne
apolis and Little Rock. Answers received
Indicate that all of the bodies and organ
isations will be actiyely represented, some
by whuia tralnloads, ethers by smaller
Orain Dealers' day is to be devoted to
the consideration of one of the greatest
problems In American agriculture, the
question of good oats. The betterment of
the quality and yield of the oat crop, Is
Indeed the crying need in the grain business
today and the light and poor yields of the
last two years in particular have forced
recognition of this fact and brought about
the decision to devote the formal program
of the day to this subject All aspects will
be considered, the preparation of the seed
bed, the selection of good seed, the proper
method of planting and the peculiar dif
ference In oats breeding from other grains,
it being well known that Inbreeding is the
unique character of this grain, and the
cross fertilization will not take place ef
fectively. Grata Dealers la Charge.
Tho formal program of the. day Is to be
In tho especial charge of the Western Orain
Dealers' association, of which J. A. Tlede
man of Sioux City Is president He will
preside at the exercises and will be Intro
duced by President Wattles of the expo
sition and the Omaha Orain exchange.
The first formal affair of the day will
be a general reception at the exchange
rooms In the BrandVU building. Seventeenth
and Douglas streets, at 10:30 a. m. All
visiting grain shippers and dealers will bo
welcome at this gathering. Preparations
will be made to register those in tho city
and at the reception that all may learn
who are here.
The program will be given at Creighton
institute In the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
This program is announced to be given
The National Corn Exposition
will not only show what has been
accomplished during the past ten
years by the new movement for
progressive agriculture, but will
stimulate thousands who till the
soil to use better and more suc
cessful methods.
under the auspices of the following asso
ciations: Western Grain Dealers, Illinois,
Indiana, Kansas. Ohio, Oklahoma, Trlstata
Texas and the Nebraska and Iowa Farm
ers' Co-Oporatlves.
The program will be opened by an Il
lustrated lecture by Prof. M. L. Bowman
of the department of farm crops of the
Iowa State College of Agriculture of Ames.
Ia. He will speak on "The ImprovemenT
of the Outs Crop."
Jjimes J. Hill, the railway magnate, Is
scheduled for an address.
Prof. Bowman will be followed by
J. C. Murriy, head of the grain depart
ment of the Quaker Oats company of Chl
rgyn. the largeRt purchaser of oats In the
world. Ills theme Is "The Relative Value
of Good and Poor Oats to tho Cereal
Kagll.h Seed Expert.
The third and last address will be by T.
R, Gorton of Warrington. England, the
famous English expert and the greatest
breeder of oats seed In the world.
It Is desired to amphasUs the fact that
a discussion will follow each address. Those
seeking Information upon any line with
respect to oats should get their questions
ready in mind or on paper and bring them
to the meeting. This meeting will be open
to all interested persons. To relieve the
stress of the formal papers orchestral
music will be provided.
It Is not a very liberal estimate to pre
dict that there will be 2,000 grain dealers
in Omaha on this day. Seven hundred
members of the Chicago Board of Trade
are coming by special train, which they
have arranged for jointly with the Illinois
Grain Dealers' association. The commit
tee of the Chicago board having their trip
In charge Includes F. M. Bunch, who Is
chairman; William Eckardt, Adolph Oers
tenberg, Ed Andrew, J. C. Murray, S. P.
Arndt and W. 8. Booth.
Minneapolis has appointed as delegates
J. R- Markfleld, E. S. Woodworth, A. O.
Morits, A. F. Brenner. J. L. McCoull, J. L.
McHugh and W. P. Devereux. Of these
Messrs. Morits, Brenner and McCoull are
members of the Omaha exchange also.
Bis Crowd from St. Louis.
St Louis, by reason of Its close business
relations with the Omaha Orain exchange,
will send a large number of representa
tives. President Edwurd Devoy of the
Merchants exchange will attend. M. W.
Cochrane is chairman of the delegation
and W. J. C. Lincoln, traffic manager of
the exchange, will be another representa
tive. Mr. Cochrane writes that a large
number of jobbers and manufacturers have
announced their intention of joining tho
St. Louis grain
dealers on their ex
cursion. The Louis
ville grain men are
another set enthu
siastic over the Na
tional Corn exposi
tion and the In
dianapolis men are
coming In a train
of their own. The
Indiana association
will be with them.
Aside from boost
ing good oats and
the corn exposition,
the day here will
a further signifi
cance. How im
portant grain deal
ers are to an agri
cultural nation has
been emphasised
above. This meet
ing means tho
bringing together
almost for the first
'ii mil in i i i i if
time of these men,
of such consequence.
whose work is
It means that co-
ordlnated labor on their part is likely to
result and if organically united the power
which they can wield will bo enormous.
Enthusiasm ot Grata Men.
Horf enthusiastic' some of the grain men
are over the meeting and the corn exposi
tion as a whole Is shown by the follow
ing letter to E. J. McVann, secretary of
the Omaha exchange and to whom1 much
credit will be due for the success of Grain
Dealers' day:
CHICAGO, Hoard of Trade of the City
of Chicago, Secretary's Offke. Mr. E. J
McVann. Secretary, Omaha Grain Ex
change, Omaha, Neb., Dear Sir: I am In
receipt of your entwined favor of the Utn
Inst., together with a copy of your letter of
the 1st Inst I wrote yesterday to Mr. U
W. Wattles, president of tho National Corn
exposition. I enclose herewith copy of my
letter to him. I may add that the Board of
Trade of the city of Chicago la deepiy In
terested In the National Corn exposition
to be held In your city on the 16tl ot next
month. The board will have a large and
influential representation oa that occasion.
n n
I feel confident that the . results of the
exposition will be most favorable and prac
tical to the great west. The magnificent
work done by the seed corn special trains
will be specially Interesting, and the dis
cussions of the possibility of Improving
the conditions surrounding the sowing and
growing of oats, cannot fall to be of almost
incalculable benefit to the cultivation of
this important cereal. I am glad to know
that' great progress is being made along
tne lines ot an intelligent discussion ot all
that interests the farmer or Is connected
in any way with this great Interest ot
agriculture, which really lies as the basis
ot the prosperity ot this country. rnis
interest is directly, or Indirectly, related
to every industry and every department of
trade throughout tho country, and discus
sions affecting the growing of grain In the
great valley of the Mississippi, and the In
telligent care ot lands, and the scion ti no
knowledge of the rotation of crops, and
various phases of this industry, are emi
nently desirable.
I understand that the Illinois Orain
Dealers' association Is in direct communi
cation and hearty co-operation with the
Chicago Board of Trade for tne purpose or
organising a joint party of Illinois ship
pers and Chicago dealers to visit tne ex
position. With my best wishes for the great suc
cess of the National Corn exposition, I
have the honor to remain, my dear sir.
very truly yours, - GEORGE F. STONE,
Both Devoted Same Amount of Land
Yearly to Raisins; Corn,
Seven Million Acres.
Nebraska, one of the six big corn states
of the union, devotes annually about 7,000,
000 acres to this crop, or one-seventh of Its
entire area. Argentina devotes the lanw
amount to the production of corn, 7,000,000
acres. But the Argentine Republic Is so
much larger In area than Nebraska that
comparison Is out of the question. The
total area of Argentina ia 1.190,000 square
miles, whllo that of Nebraska Is 77.610
square miles; or In acres Argentina has
7n.6OO.O0O. while Nebraska has 49,177.600.
In Nebraska corn culture Is on a scientific
basis, while In Argentina It Is on a prim
itive basis. The Nebraska ear la several
times as large as the Argentina ear and
the Nebraska kernel Is much larger than
the Argentina kernel. Also the Nebraska
yield per acre Is much greater than the
Argentina yield per acre. Nebraska In 190S
raised on an average for the entire state
3.17 bushels of corn, while In Argentina
the maximum yield Is only 15 bushels per
acre, the average being probably less than
two-thirds of thst.
But the Argentina farmer gets higher
prices for his corn than the Nehraskan gets
for his and the latter has been getting
prices that have made him rich tnd the
consumer shudder. England . buys nearly
all of the Argentina output. The Argentina
corn Is small, hard, flinty and Is said to
contain more alcohol and general nutrition
than the Nebraska com, but as to the
reperal nutrition tst Is not a fact, dem
onstrated by scientific test.
Arlfnna Ward's Rosea.
Oeorire V. KeWv. n veteran Journal'"
pf Cleveland, remembers Artemus Ward
"Ward called on me." he said the other
day, "the night before one of his pano
rama lectures. Tin-re were some three or
four large roaches scurrying about my
loom and they attracted his attention.
" 'I am very fond ot roaches.' Ward
said. 'Once, in my own home I found a
roach struggling In a howl of water. I
took a half walnut shell and put him In
It; It. made a good bo it. I gave lilm a
couple of toothpicks for oara. Next morn
ing I saw that he had fastened a hair to
one of the toothpicks and had evidently
been fishing. ' Then, overcome with ex
haustion, he had fallen asleep. The sight
moved me. I took him out. washed him,
gave him a spoonful of (tolled egg and let
him go. That roich never forgot my kind
ness, and now my home Is full of
roaches.' "New York Journal.
Here Are Two Ken Who Have a Eight
to Talk About Corn.
Keynote Sounded by General Man
avarer Funic Tells of tho Possi
bilities of Old Kins;
Prof. J. Wilkes Jones, general manager
of the National Corn exposition, who re
tired from the faculty of the Iowa State
college to devote his enure time to this
work. Is qualified to speak with authority
on the plans and character and purpose
of the Institution.
Eugene D. Funk of Shirley, 111., president
of the National Corn association, under
whose auspices this exposition is given, is
another who Is prepared to speak. Mr.
Funk belongs to the oldest and most fa
mous corn-culture family in the United
States. He has 25,000 acres of the best
farming land near Bloomlngton, 111., de
voted entirely to improved farming, es
pecially of corn.
Here is what Prof, jones has to say:
"The National Corn exposition second an
nual premium list Includes all the grains
and grasses.
"The several stats vice presidents, state!
commissions, coun
ty and township
organlsat ions,
county superinten
dents and teachers
have rendered a
splendid service aid
ing the exposition
manage ment in
making plans and
arousing Interest
"We have tried
bard to make the
exposition national
In fact as well as
In name. It would
not be possible to
build up a great
educational enter
prise of this char
acter without cap
able counsel and
active assistance,
all working tor a
common purpose
'For the Better
ment of Agriculture.'
"We are deeply grateful to the nearly 600
manufacturers, grain men, stockmen and
commercial interests generally who have
made such liberal subscriptions, making it
possible for us to offer a premium list ag
gregating more than fjO.Ouo. The advance
premium list which has carried a part of
the premium list announcements have
brought out response indicating that the
grain growers appreciate these liberal pre
miums and will bring to the contest a lib
eral showing of the choicest products -ever
brought together. The exposition has at
tempted to so frame the classification that
the exhibitor will find in this contest op
portunity for fair competition, comparison,
study and research that will aid him to
produce larger yields and better quality in
his next year's crop and In years to come.
"Special attention has been given to the
class calculated to appeal to the boys and
girls and the public schools generally. We
recognise the public school as an Important
medium In carrying this educational enter
prise into the homes throughout the
"The agricultural press has greatly aided
the movement in extending publicity to
the plans and offering editorial sugges
tions that have been gratefully received.
The agricultural colleges, experiment v sta
tions and the agricultural press must con
tinue to serve as leaders In this modern
agricultural campaign of education, for
'larger yields and better quality.'
"Several railway lines have placed rep
resentatives out on their respective lines
aiding the exposition in creating Interest
and giving publicity to the enterprise. The
railways fully appreciate the importance
of Industrial development and their co
operation has made It possible for us to
make of the National Corn exposition a
much more important event than it could
possibly have been without their aid.
"The government, state and other offi
cials have rendered exceedingly helpful
service and have lent counsel and dignity
worthy of the tremendous Interests In
volved. "The Educational congress, which will
be held during the exposition period, de
serves large audiences throughout their
"The exposition owns its moving picture
camera and projecting apparatus and will
Illustrate modern farm life views at reg
ular periods during tho exposition. Our
operator has secured man Interesting
scenes during the season.
"There will be an abundance of clean,
wholesome entertainment every day and
It Is suggested that excursion 'corn
"I regard the work, that Prof.
P. G. H olden, personally, has
done for the State of Iowa, has
increased the value of Iowa's corn
crop not less than twenty million
dollars annually."
B. F. Winckell,
President C. R. I & P. R. R. Co.
show parties' be formed and engage a tour
ist or standard Pullman and attend the
exposition for a period tf several days.
The cars may be parked and the party
will find them a comfortable home during
their stay. Come prepared to stay several
days, for there will be something of in
terest for you every hour.
"Do not fall to bring the boys and girls."
"We n.ay give credit to the exposition as
being one of the largest factors in the edu
cation of the layman as well as the profes
sional who receives that Incentive, always
for better and higher motives through
being able to exhibit his products. Corn
may be called the "billion" product of our
soil almost equal In value to any other
three crops, and it has been given but very
little attention until the last few years.
"Corn Is so common with the average
farmer that he seldom stops to think of
the possibilities that lie within tho little
germ of kernel that he annually plants In
the ground.
"To add only one kernel of corn to every
ear grown would mean an Increase of
',000,000 bushels In the United Slates. An
Increase of one bushel per acre would
amount to 90,000,000 bushels. Recent discov
eries indicate that an increase of five or
more bushels per acre on the average may
be expected. Think of all this means, not
only to the corn grower, but to eviry mer
chant, manufacturer, publisher and profes
sional man in fact, to every man, woman
and child.
"These results will be largely accom
plished through the medium of local coin
shows and expositions co-operatlnu with
the agricultural colleges and experiment
stations and the agricultural press, which
have led to a greater and mote scientific
study of the ear of corn and the corn
plant. The same may be said of
and oats and our grass crops.
"To plant one variety may mean a new
piano In the home, or to try to grow an
other variety may cause the grower to
mortgage the farm or borrow money.
"Why not then, an annual coin an 1
grain exposition to supplement, as it were,
the energy and plans of those who Hre tie
voting a life-long study to the bettermert
of our crops and to the ultimate i nd of
greater prosperity to our country and t
each Individual?"
Small Town Editors Near the Farmer
Hare Put Their Shoulder"
to the Wheel.
Whatever success the National Corn
position attains will be in a large rroa-urs
due to the asslxt
ance rendered lv
the country nc
paper men. Th's
man Is pecjl'vr'v
close to the far iu.r
and the man who
will attend the ex
position. He lias
freely given of his
space and time to
promote the Inter
ests of the rxp h!
tlon and whenever
asked for a
he has granted It
The exposition
management real
ises and appre
ciates this fact as
reflected ,
statement by C. C
Rosewater, chair
man of publicity
"We ceTtaln'y
magnify the liu-
portanco the assistance of the press havt
been to us. Big dally papers have done
herolcall. and farm journals have given
vital help, but I want to say right hero
that the country weekly editor has don;
everything In bis power, and we thanlt
him." ' ,
Rights of the Dealer.
There is a man out in Joplln, Mo., who Is
known to his familiars as Otb Bwbe Gib
Is one of the best men that ever lived, and
he takes as much Interest in politics as
any other man could possibly, because he
Is the "boss" of tho party In his home
When Olb was younger than he is now
he visited tho town of Neosho, eighteen
miles away, and while over thero hs in
dulged In a quiet game. One of his
whilom Joplln friends discovered that he
was not getting exactly a squara deal, and
tipped Olb off to the effect that his op
ponent has turned a Jack from the bot
tom, "Well." said Olb. "w'st's eatln' youT
Wusn't It his deal T" Kansas City btar.