Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, CORN SHOW, Page 6, Image 46

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u laws
Domestic Science Department Formi
Bi Factor in Expo.
Women Famed for Their elenre In
Thla Field Will Ulrr Lectures
and l.abora
tory Work.
That thla exposition Is given on much
broader Unea than waa the ona at Chicago
last year finds ample emphasla. not only
In tha fart that It admit to Ita jyemlum
lint a every kind of grain and grata and
fara Implementa and cereal foods, but
that It embraces a domestlo science de
partment, the chief function of which will
be a model kitchen. Thla department, un
der tha direction of Miss Jessica Besack
of the Iowa 8tate college at Ames, 1a to be
one of the moat powerful Influences of this
great campaign of education. It will be
come a permanent part of the National
Corn exposition.-
Down at Lincoln at the state farm next
fall they are going to dedicate a new do
mestic science building. Hero In Omaha,
when the new Young 'Women's Christian
association building la occupied, It will be
one of the national centers of the domestic
sclenco work. Thesn institutions are ex
pected to. derive a wonderful stimulus 1n
the way of aroused Interest from the In
fluences ol this Corn exposition domestic
aclenco department.
And why not? Thla department will call
together the best and most notable women
of thla sphere In tha country and will as
semble glrla and young women and old
ones, too, If they desire tt for Instruction.
Mrs. Nellie Kedile-Jones of Michigan, really
tha pioneer in domestic science In the west,
the woman who ha achieved International
fame In this splendid work, will bp the
chief lecturer. And there will be other
women, many from state college and uni
versities, equally as auccessful In the vari
ous branches of their work as Mrs. Jones,
to give Instruction, and Miss Besack and
her corps of assistants, will do the most
practical work of all In their model kitchen.
A separate building has been erected for
this department and it has been fitted and
equipped with an aye, single to supeilorlty
and facility and no thought of expense or
pains. That shows what tha National Corn
association an1 the National Corn expedi
tion think of the domestic science depart
ment. Lectures and Laboratory.
A course of lectures and laboratory work
will be offered in this division, Including
many social features not commonly avail
able. Among these well be:
Milling and chemical analyses of grain.
Grading and baktng tests of flours.
Comparison of nutritive value of cereal.
Meat demonstrations. Including anatomy
of animal, location and value of cuts of
meat. Special attention will bo given to
cheap cuts.
Lecture on the following and other sub
jects will be given:
Food Principles."
"Physics of Bread Making.
"Chemistry in tha Kitchen."
"Bacteriology." 4
"Setting tha Table and Serving."
"Personal Hygiene."
"Drafting." 1
"Home Decoration.
"Domestlo Art."
"Labor Saving Device."
"Principle of Homo Sanitation."
These lectures will be illustrated by pic
tures, chart and demonstrations.
The following well known lecturer will
bo present:
Mr. Nellie Kedurie-Jones, Michigan; Mr.
Margaret J. Blair, University of Minnesota;
Mrs. Harriett J. Calvin, Purdue university;
Miss Isabel Bevler, University of Illinois;
Miss Carolina Hunt, University of Wiscon
sin; Mix Edith Charlton, extension de
partment Iowa Btate college; Miss Noale
8. Knowlea, extension ' department Iowa
State college.
It may be of Interest right her to note
the manner la which the glrla admitted to
the laboratory ara selected. A clear dis
tinction should be made between the lee
ture course and the laboratory work. Any
woman of any ago may attend the lecture
for the season fee of $150, but only girl be
tween the age of IT and U ma attend the
laboratory work. And these girls shall be
elected by the various farmer institutes
or tha woman auxiliaries ot such institute,
or by the county superintendents ot schools.
That la the rule applying to girl or young
women from abroad; In Omaha girl of the
, same agea are admitted for the same fee,
12.50 (the lecture and laboratory tee are
of the same Amount), by making applies
.. tlon to Mis Jessica B.' Besack. She passes
oo all local application
Poaatktlltioo Unlimited.
The possibilities of the domestic science
work are unlimited. A fine Illustration of
this fact Is to bo found in the accomplish
ment ot Mies Besack. To say nothing ot
her other attainments she knows 301 ways
ot making, tood out t cora; that is,-she
undei stands the science of corn am) cooking
ao thoroughly that she can make 3d dif
ferent table dlshe from thla king of all
cereal. And what Miss Beaack knows she
can teach to others. She Is a born teacher,
Mlas Besack says It 1 all very simple and
anybody who give proper attention and
sufficient time can acquire the art.
The old prejudice of the women of yes
terday against what they termed "these
newfangled ways of cooking" is gone It
waa swallowed up In the ravenous, capacious
maw ot twentieth century progress, and
now that woman la an oddity who heel
tatea to let her daughter study the art of
cooking Just the same aa aho would atudy
the art of painting or music or anything
else. And domestic science has dune It.
Two Women Wko Start It.
To Harriet Beecher Stowe and Catherine
Ueechdr domestic science la really beholden
for Its very Inception, They first b. oke
ground, sowed the seed and through long
and soul-wearying years cultivated the ten
der shoots which have at length developed
Into sturdy tree holding heads as hUih
and a proudly aa older growth in the
grove of acienee. Mra. Stowe, famous as
the aa trior ot "Uncle Tom' Cabin," and
her slater. If they could return In the flesh,
would be most gratified that the first na
tional exposition to recognise domestlo sci
' ence a this exposition ha done should be
held In the west.
For It waa In the west that they met with
their first success In this work and, be-
sides thla, it waa lu the west, where ycara
later the work, given greater encourage
ment, flowered, until domestic science
schools, or at least domestic science cur
riculum!, are established In thirty-three
universities and colleges, while of lecture
course at farmers' Institutes and ot prl
vale schools there Is no end.
It was in Cincinnati. In the year 1840, that
Harriet and Catherine Beecher first broKe
ground. In the seminary tor young women
young "ladies" waa still the popular term
at that date In thla school founded by them
the first syatemallo instruction, the first
Instruction. In fact, la a school, in domes
tic science waa given. Thla fact is gener
ally known. What 1 not ot such common
knowledge, however, la that Catherine
Beech a. dc4 laUr, fauattal another
seminary In Dubuque. Ia., and there, aluo,
young women were taught a few practical
things. This seminary Jld not flourish be
cause a boom met the usual end of booms
and residents could neither send their
daughters nor ex-en meet plciges of finan
cln! assistance with h they had made.
Bonn aft.-r t.'i's date Catherine Pe.-cher
published a volume widely known aa a
"cook bonk." It did Include recipes, but
It wns a much more ambitious attempt
that the popular nam Indicate. Its for
mal title vas "A Treatise on Domestic
The table of contents of this book Is most
Interesting. It begin with a chapter on.
"The Peculiar Responsibilities of American
Women;" tills is followed by chapters on
"healthful food, clothing, cleanliness, do
mestic manners, care of Infants and con
struction of houses." A. fitting climax Is
reached In the final chapters, named "Mis
rellaneous Directions," In which the carr
of a cow. the comfort of guests, smoky
chimneys, flower baskets and waterproof
shoes are considered.
lows Is the Leader.
Aimougn tlio Dubuque school wss Ill-
starred, yet to tho state of Iowa helene
the honor of the first large and successful
Instruction In domestic science. The Iowa
State College of Agriculture opened Its
door at Ames March 7, 1S9. From the
first Instruction of young women In house
hold branches was established as an In
tears! part of the curriculum. The matron
of the girl s dormitory vai also stewardess
and she worked her disciples two hours
every day In kitchen, pintry or dinlns
room. The presence, of young women In
the college at Ames Is also of moment
when tho history of education of women
Is considered with reference to co-education,
but this Is another theme.
In 1875 the trustees of the college ar
ranged to havo courses begin In cooking
and household arts, but these were given
to Junior girls only. Tn 1880 a kitchen for
in spite of the fact thet in an a priori way
one would have supposed that these dis
ciples of the "Klrche-Kuchen-Klnder" the
ory would have favored teaching possible
wives and mothers how to prepare food
stuffs Intelligently. Possibly there Is no
cooking nowadays of the kind "mother
usefl to make." The Joke Is worn thread
bare, but let It he Incidentally remembered
that "mother" did not have to deal with
the hundred and one adulterations which
menace coks'ln this day and age. Cath
erine Heecher end her Bister would be the
first to admit that In the course of time
problems undreamed of in their halcyon
time have since arisen.
Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and other
mid-western states wire later than Iowa
and 'Kansas in entering the fit Id, but they
hav made up for lost time and Nebraska
at least now has unexcelled facilities for
teaching domestic science. Tha building for
the purpose Is In tact one of the campus
structutes io which tho undergraduate
points with pride when he Is towing a
burdensome relative.
If visitors to the National Corn exposition
gain an adequate Idea of the extent and
purpose of domestlo science Instruction
and those of ordinary intelligence cannot
fall to chief credit for this will be due
to Miss Jessica R"snck, who has been In
charge of the Model Kitchen. Miss Besack
Is an Ames woman and her case has
proven the exception to tho rule that "a
prophet Is not without honor save In his
own country," for In the current issue of
tho Iowa Agriculturist, published at the"
college, occurs the following passage:
"We are honored to announce that the
Model Kitchen department at the National
Corn exposition which is to be held In
Omaha December 9 to 19 Is to be conducted
by our domestic science editor, Miss Jes
sica Besack. It is .claimed that Hhe knows
how to prepare corn for human consump
tion In 301 ways. Bn this o or not, wo
know you will find her ready to tell you
BUM, .a J tiWW' "
100 Jackson automobiles on one display floor
fez "i
class room work was established aa an
entirely separate Institution from the
kitchen where regular meals for student
were prepared. In 18S4 courses In sew
ing and laundry work wore addod and prev
ious branchea elaborated. Today domestic
science Instruction hta grown to propor
tion unwieldy with facilities considered
and to meet the demand new building are
Kansas followed Iowa's lead in 1873 at
the Agricultural college at Manhattan. It
la worthy of passing note that It is in
the agricultural colleges that the roots of
this tree of knowledge have sunk the
deepest to a 'depth, in fact, which makes
uprooting Impossible, a consummation, how
ever, devoutly not desired by anyone.
Activity at the Kansas college did not
become atrenuous until the winter ot 1875-4,
when Prof. Kedsle, an eminent chemist,
was retained to give a course of lecture
on foods. The next year a kitchen labora
tory waa fitted up and In 1S82 Mis Nellie
Kedzle, now Mrs. Kedzie-Jones, took gen
eral charge of Uie department of domestic
science. Mrs. Jones has since retired, but
till retain an active interest in the work
and w(Jl be one of the speakers at the Na
tional Corn exposition. On account ot her
long-held eminence her address will be
heard with more(than ordinary interest.
rtonoor Work In Two State.
The pioneer work was really done In
these two states. Like all Innovations, do
mestic science had to struggle against the
prejudices ot the Ignorant, the Jokes and
sneers of the flippant and the active hos
tility of those benighted persons opposed
to the education ot women at all, and thla
all she knows about the preparation of
corn and Its by-products for the table."
Importance of footing;.
A word as to the importance of cooking.
Is It necessary Is It necessary that a
single word be uttered on the subject of
the Importance ot cooking? Every girl and
woman should know how to cook. Cooking,
good cooking, is one of the bulwarks of
national safety. In sickness, in health, in
prosperity. In depression, it forms an es
sential factor In the trend of human af
fairs. Athletes, dyspeptics, fat people and
lean, old and young, rich and poor, high
and low, everybody is concerned with this
subject. The old adage that "The hand
that rock the cradle rule the nation,"
ia true and so is it true that hand that
cooka the bread moulds the nation.
To cook for and care for a sick person
is something few people know anything
about and utter consternation seizes them
when it becomes necessary for them to
do something. This is something every
one should know. Those good old doctors
with simple homely remedlea for chills
and fever, cholera Infantum, etc., are fvw
and they are passing with the good old mam
mies of the ante-bellum days. No one see
any more great bunches of smart weed,
mullen, sage, mints, hops, etc., hanging up
to dry In the fall. Yet with all the latter
day science, mental suggestions, etc., It
as true as life that there will be sick and
they must be taken care of. It is something
that touches everyone sooner or later, and
a little knowledge of such things will often
save much suffering and perhaps a life.
Some Gems ot Knowledge.
To plan a meal with the proper balance
Call and inspect these 100 Autos; one of them is sure to be Just the type you are
looking for. 1909 Models now ready.
Pioneer Implement Co. Council Bluffs, Ia. J
of food, to make it attractive and nourish
ing Is the business of tho domestic science
She Is going to know the difference in
the demands of the system of an Infant, a
sturdy rollicking small boy and frail
grown-up nersnn. She will know whether
to give a lobster salad to a sick child or
a mint Julep to a baby.
A combination ot acleuce and art Is what
makes An ld?al home, and neither is suc
cessful without the other.
In these day, life ' Is too full for tho
young housekeepor to wait to "learn by
experience" along the long road her mother
and grandmother travelled how to make
h housekeeper.
Another thing, the men of today are not
at all minded to wait patiently by, saying
nothing, while his wife experiments on him
with breads of iter own making, steaks,
etc. He'd often rather take some canned
stuff pr stop at a chop' house on the way.
Training must begin early In order to do
the experimenting at father's expense, so
that the housekeeper is finished and ready
to run a house fore she ha one of her
Domestlo science girls will put boarding
houses, hotels and cafes out of commission
with their taste for home mukltig.
What It Doe and Teaches.
Domestlo science advocates a life simple
and wholesome In nil things simple clothes,
simple food, simple furnishings of the
One need not, have special "knack" to
make a table look Inviting. A neat table
should b the aim of e'very housekeeper.
The setting ot a table neatly, from the
laying of the cloth or covers to the removal
Of the last crumb at the close of the meal,
can be easily and quickly learned. A place
for everything and everything In Its place
on the table.
Table Etlquet No more accidents to cloth
like you read In the Ladles' Home Journal.
How to serve yourself and others. How
to place guests.
Carving How roast should be placed,
where to begin to carve and how will be
considered. The haunting fear of the knife
going one- way and the plate the other,
with the roast In your lap. Carving is not
bard and Is fascinating when you learn
how to strike a Joint. A child 10 year old
can carve and serve If he only be shown
Microbes everywhere. What do you up
pose muBt have been the astonishment of
that old lenBe grinder when he allowed
the glass to slip a little from the stone
on whioh h waa grinding it and discovered
for the first time the myriads of bacteria
moving over the material with which he
was working. Do you suppose he was see
ing things?
Bacteria are useful or harmful, a the
case may be. Useful because of their
ability to break up matter. This ha led
to a splendid system of sewerage; has led
One or two row shovels and
Disc Attachment
See exhibit at Corn
Ground Floor
Section D
Opposite Gov't. Display
Manufactured by
UJ r O O W A nr 1 GHHVPI S
Beatrice, Neb.
Adjunct of the Agricultural Depart
ment Has Proved Valuable.
Xot Only Corn aad Other Grata, hat
Farm Products la General Are
Aided by Tats Instita.
The weather bureau and farmer
good friends. The former has been a
valuable agency tn corn and other grain
development. For some year It ha
been an adjunct of the Department of
Agriculture and aa. such ha been brought
very close to the farmer.
Its apeclal service la known . a the
"Corn and Wheat Region Service," and
is maintained during the growing sea
sons for these grains. That branch of
the service pertaining to the corn grow
ing season begins with April 1 and ends
with September 30. The service duals
particularly with pfeclpttations and tem
peratures and these are reported from
nine different stations or districts In the
corn belt.
They are: Omaha, which covers Ne-
"The timber will be gone in
ten or fifteen years. Our mineral
wealth will be gone in forty to
sixty years. All our wealth of the
future must come out of the soil."
James J. HilL
to many manufacturing Industries. They
are everywhere, In the air, In the ground,
on our bodies.
Bacteria cause disease and the spread of
disease. This knowledge Is very useful In
taking measures to prevent It. Bubonic
plague stamped out of an Francisco. Thla
is the principle on which fumigation rests.
Necessary to know how to fumigate and
quaantlne. Drinking cups, even com
munion cups. Sanctity don't kill microbe.
Result of Careful Corn Culture
1 Ltfw
u- I
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f mi itmm IV l.( Tm """'c.'KV" ' ".trw I "
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pROnrcr OF TWO ROWS of corn grown bide by sidk onb
braska and western Iowa; Kansas City,
covering Kansas and western Missouri;
Minneapolis, which covers Minnesota and
the Dakota; Des Moines, which covers
eastern Iowa and western Illinois; Chi
cago, which cover the lake regions; St.
Louis, which covers eastern Missouri and
southern Illinois; Louisville, Ky., and
southern points, and Indianapolis and
Columbus, which cover the Ohio valley.
This corn and wheat region service of
the weather bureau is annually becoming
more popular with the public and is Im
plicitly relied upon. Thla is particularly
true In 'the farming distrlcta among the
actual grower and la of Infinite value
to th general commercial and trade In
terests. It has kept pace with the In
telligent cultivation of all crops.
The service is not confined alone to the
corn and wheat growing sections but to the
cotton and sugar growing region aa well,
L.. A. Welsh in charge of the Weather
bureau In Omaha says:
"It is extremely gratifying to the weather
bureau to observe dally during the growing
season the Interest which the public takes
In these report. They are gathered from
every quarter of the corn and wheat belt
remote and near, and these observations
are In process of continual exchange with
the various districts. These great state
and territorial districts are subdivided into
an Infinite number of smaller districts and
the exchange of Information extends to all
ot these. It 1 the sincere wish of the
Weather bureau to be of every possible
service to the public and particularly to the
great agricultural communities where a
speedy Information of weather conditions
and probabilities are of the most vital Im
portance. During the growing season we
are constantly besieged with inquiries for
Information relative to crop and ciimatlo
conditions in all parts of the country and
are consequently enabled to .come Into
daily contact with that tremendous inter
est that non agricultural world has with
tho agricultural condition. It la a pleas
ure to give whatever Information we have
at hand and It 1 still mora gratifying to
realise that the great public haa so deep
appreciation of the work doing and Bought
to be done by the Weather bureau."
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