Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, CORN SHOW, Page 4, Image 44

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Auditorium and Annexes Wonderful
in Their Immensity.
Mammoth gtractares Are Supplied
with Every Convenience and
Comfort that Could He
Thought Desirable.
(Continued from Psge One.)
lectures and the band concerts and the
singing of the famous societies which wrlll
visit the exposition will find they had their
hearings wrong. The Auditorium will not
be used a the lecture rocm. but all It
available apace will be ud for exhibits.
The lectures and band concerts and recitals
and concerts by the numerous singing so
cieties will be given In a building, con
nected with the exposition proper, which
has been built on the vacant lot In tho
rear of the Hotel Rome. This new build
ing will be heated by numerous furnaces
and will be brilliantly lighted by thousands
of Incandescent lights. No extra charge
will be made to the concerts and other
entertainments which will be given in the
iiw auditorium room. The lectures will
mostly be held In the forenoons, while, the
concerts and musical entertainments will be
given in the afternoons and evening.
A Ma-at aa Par.
The entire space within the walls of the
mammoth exposition building will be most
brilliantly lighted and nigtit will be turned
Into day. A double system of lighting will
be used, consisting of myriads of incan
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descent and arc lamps and hundreds of
Nernst lamps. A fault found with many
similar expositions Is that the lighting of
the Interior of the buildings Is too ofen In
sufficient, will not prevail at the National
Corn exposition. The directors have had
too much experience to not provide against
any such emergency. Besides the thous
ands of lights provided by the exposition
management many electrical concerns will
have exhibits and besides many of the
larger exhibitors have provided a special
lighting scheme of their own which will
be a part of their booth decorations. Borne
of these take the form of the firm name
in a blaze of light and others have other
designs which they will carry out. In
some sections of the huge building every
girder has a row of Incandescent lights,
all of which will assist in the general
scheme of making the exposition a truly
brilliant affair.
Three Miles of Cora. -As
one enters the Auditorium proper his
eye naturally turns to the gallery where
a complete metamorphose has buen
wrought. Instead of tier after tier of high
backed opera chairs, will be seen row
after row of yellow and red corn. It Is es
timated that room has been provided for
over 90,000 ears of corn and to Judge this
wonderful assortment Is the task alloted to
the Judges of the show. The corn Is being
rapidly installed and It Is expected that
a greater portion will be In place by Mon
day morning, so the Judges may at once
begin their arduous task and soon have the
premiums attached that the visitors might
see the prize ears'Hnd know what section
of the country can raise the best corn
and also so the farmers may know what,
in the opinion of the Judges, constitutes
the most perfect and most valuable corn.
The gallery is so arranged that a high
rack for the display of corn is built where
one row of seats was formerly located and
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so the visitors may travel around the gal
lery and Inspect the corn by walking on
the shelf where the next row of seats was
located. This will give a continuous bank
of corn, alternating with people from the
foot of the gallery to the roof and will
make a pretty slglit from the arena of the
auditorium. While this arrangement by
the directors was at first criticised the
wisdom of the move is now seen since 'ha
scheme Is completed. The walk of the
long rows Is broken by the regular en
trances to the gallery over which no at
tempt has been made to building exhibit
racks, every possible comfort for the visi
tors being looked after.
Auditorium at Fall "lie.
To assist In providing sufficient space for
the exhibitors and concessionaires at the
National Corn exposition every inch of
available space was needed and to provide
this the big Auditorium is changed to Its
full exhibit rapacity. The boxes along the
side of the arena have been taken out, as
well as the tiers of seats back of the boxes,
so that the arena floor of the big building
has been enlarged by Just that much. In
this additional space thus secured will be
placed the educational exhibits from such
colleges and universities as tho universities
of Wisconsin, Illinois, Colorado, Indiana,
Kansas, Michigan and Ohio and Ames and
Cornell and other noted Institutions. The
stage of the Audftorium will be used for
the exhibits of Omaha and Council Bluffs
and these will be connected by a noiseless
railroad, which will run over the Omaha &
Council Bluffs bridge, which connects the
two. The arena of the Auditorium will
be given over almost entirely to conces
sionaires' space, where will be shown live
exhibits by the leading cereal manufactur
ing concerns of America and where also
the railroads will have their exhibits. The
railroads have been spending a lot of
money to gather new and educational ex-
liiblts with which to fill the spaces allotted
to them and have been successful in prov
ing exhibits which will Interest the thou
sands who will attend the exposition.
I'ncle Snin on Deck.
The basement of the Auditorium has not
been overlooked In the search of available
space and this enormous room, where dur
ing the horse shows are quartered the
thoroughbreds of hundreds of thousands
of dollars in value, will be used for all It
Is worth. The government has installed
a denatured alcohol plant which will be in
full operation during tho entire show,
where I'ncle Sam will show the process
rf manufacturing ajcohol for commercial
purposes. The erroneous Impression prevails
that this denatured alcohol is manufac
tured, In Just the slate In which It Is put
on the market, but this Is wrong. The still
makes the alcohol Just as pure as any
Blcohol and the denaturing procesB Is an
after consideration. The different grain
products from which denatured alcohol may
be manufactured wl'.l be used In the demon
strations and besides this Interesting fea
ture exhibits will be made by the concerns
which use the denaturod ulcohol, so this
branch of the show will be of great value,
especially to the middle west, which raises
such a long list of pioducts which may be
used In Its manufacture. A complete candy
plant will also be In operation in the base
ment, showing the latest machinery which
Is use! by an up-to-date plant in making
the toothsome morsels. Other Interesting
machinery will be shown In the lower floor
f.r tho Auditorium, which will make this
section of tho exposition one of the most
interesting of the entire, show.
Murphy Building a Find.
The press bureau will be located In the
Murphy building which was built Just
across the alley to the south of the Au
ditorium and which will be put to good use
by the exposition management. Tho struc
ture 1s an Immense affair of brick and runs
from Jackson street to the alKy and is
sixty-six feet wide. It was being built dur
ing the summer and when the exposition
was conceived by the .management and It
was decided to hold It In Omaha, arrange
ments were made with Mr. Murphy where
by the construction of the building might
be hurried In time for use for the exposi
tion. This building is what is known as the
Woman's building, and an entranoa is
effected by building a huge corridor across
from the stage of the Auditorium to the
second story. Entrance to the lower floor
Is ma do from the alley which is also en
closed. The walls of the second floor of
the Murphy building will be decorated with
the thousands of articles which have been
entered by women under the rules as laid
down by the long premium list which was
gotten out by the exposition management.
The Hat gives especial attention to womens'
work and as the prizes are numerous and
of goodly size, so will the exhibits be
large- in number.
The south end of the Murphy building
will be used as a laboratory by the domes
tio science department, which will be ona
of the features of the entire exposition. At
th south end of the Murphy building, on
the lower floor, Is stationed the dark room
where will be shown the most interesting
moving pictures of farm life, which were
taken on Nebraska farms and farms of
other states during the harvest season.
No extra charge is made to this feature,
which will attract thousands and ample
provision la made for seating large num
bers and for emptying the room when the
performance Is over, that another show
may be given and thus many thousands
may be reached during the day and even
ing. The newspaper headquarters will also
be on the lower floor of the Murphy build
ing. Alley Is Pot to Vac.
The wide alley south of the Auditorium
baa been routed over from fourteenth
street to the buildings on Fifteenth street
and is a part of the available floor space.
Here will be found the headquarters for
the different farm Journals and to show
the Interest these are taking In the show
and the Immense amount of advertising
the show and Omaha will receive through
these periodicals, which have a circula
tion far in excess of most daily papers.
It needs only to be . stated that twenty
of these, the more prominent of the coun
try, have engaged booths, where they
will have from five to twenty men each
at work during the entire exposition.
The remainder of the alley space will be
utilized by different concessionaires. It
may be all right to call that certain space
an alley for . the- edification of Omaha
people as to the location of the different
booths and buildings, but when the show
opens It will look like most anything else
but an alley. It will be decorated with bunt
ing and Illuminated until it will look
more like one of the aisles In the center
of the Auditorium building.
The Alfalfa Pajace.
Walking up the alleyway, which prob
ably will have some more elegant name
by the time tho exposition opens one
comes to an Immense covered area which
startles the visitor by Its size. Spreading
out In full view Is a stretch of covered
buildings reaching to the eastern wall of
the Rome hotel and as far south as Jack
son street. Tassing along the east side of
this Immense floor space one passes a
long line of Implement booths, where are
shown all sorts of farm machinery of the
latest design, machinery' which will lessen
the labors of tho horse and man and
which many have never before seen. Mov
ing on to the south one is soon brought
face to face with the alfalfa palace, where
is shown the forage plant which has revo
lutionized western farming. Alfalfa In Its
first, second, third, fourth and fifth crops
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Is here shown as well as the numerous
uses to which It may be put. It Is weU
said that alfalfa has been one of the
main Instruments which has been used In
changing tho farmer of the west from a
hard working man, borno down by the
weight of the mortgage on his farm, to
one of the wealthiest classes of .men on the
American continent. Alfalfa is' known as
a. rough feed, but It has those qualities
which help 'to turn hogs and cattle into
Nebraska and Iowa.
Nebraska and Iowa have entered upon a
friendly strife to try to outdo each other
at the National Corn exposition, which
opens Wednesday, but to this they have
to utilize the same amount of space. The
management has assigned to both Nebraska
and Iowa an equal amount of floor space,
8,600 square feet each, and within the con
fines of that they will each put in an ex
hibit which will astound the easterners who
will visit the show by the thousands. Ne
braska will occupy the space along the cast
side of Fifteenth street near Jackson and
Iowa will have the west side, and the oc
cupants of these enormous booths can stand
on opposite sides of the street nnd watch
the Judges at work and wonder where
the plums will fall. There seems to be no
doubt that Iowa Is one of the greatest corn
producing states on earth, but land Is also
of great value and no one, better than
those Iowa farmers, realizes the value to a
farmer of learning how to increase his yield
several bushels to the acre. The educa
tional advantages of the corn show appeal
to all and will be of Interest not only to
the grower of the grain, but also to him
engaged In the manufacture of the cereals
Into some food product and to the millions
who eat those products. Some years ago
the railroads started a crusade for better
crops by sending out seed specials on which
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they, carried experts who lectured on crop
rotations and Instructed the farmers on the
value of proper seed selections.
Plenty to Kat. .
Many of the exhibitors have arranged to
give away samples of the products which
they manufacture, but for those who de
sire a good square meal a large restaurant
concession has been fitted up. It is located
on Fifteenth, street at the Jnckson street
end of the street ami hero will be provided
meals for those who corns early and want
to stay late. Those who desire bring their
lunches can here secure a cup of hot
coffee and for those who want a hearty
meal, that will also be provided.
LIUlo- did tho promoters of tho National
Com exposition realize the enormous pro
portions the show would assume before
time for tlie opening of tho gates. Tho
directors, however, had long heads ujid
have provided ample npace for the largest
exposition of its kind which was ever held
In the west.
Mark Twain's Repntatlon.
Mark Twain was talking about the fa
mous robbery In his beautiful country
"Had I still been living In Hartford,"
he said whimsically, "some of my Hart
ford friends would certainly have accused
me of robbing myself. They had a poor
opinion of me In that town.
"Marshall Jowett, the ex-governor, used
to take up the collection in our Hartford
church. They never asked me to take it
up, I fretted a good deal over the matter.
" 'Bee hero, Jewett,' I said one day, 'they
let you take up tho collection every Sun
day, but they would never let me do It.'
" 'Oh, yes, they would,' said Jewett
thnt is, with a bdlpunch, like the lioraa
car conductors use." "Boston Herald.
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