Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, CORN SHOW, Image 43
TIIE OMATTA SUNDAY T1EE: DECEMBER 6, 1903. r O O O Pi I.! 4 Nebraska's Home Market, the NATUKA IVE TOCE MARKET OF THE WEST ... . . s , . ... , , , LL .- -V J-- - v ., , .-2! - - Ntw: -- ' rriJth.. L1,.;.l- 1 GENERAL VIEW OF THE UNION STOCK YARDS AT SOUTH OMATTA. BOOSTS 2A O "BOOST" is the watchword of the modern business man. Every enterprising community boosts for its home institutions. Let the Omahas and Nebraska boost for the South Omaha Live Stock market It is a home institution grown to national prominence and now ranks third among the large live stock markets and packing centers of the United States By merit alone it has won its high place The increased slaughtering capacity of its large and modern packing establishments; the increasing demand from smaller pack ing houses outside which have no regular markets, and the constantly increasing feeder trade, are all instrumental in creating at South Omaha a market for almost unlimited quantities of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep. South Omaha's Hog Market is attracting shippers from territory which is tributary to other markets A comparison of prices is the explanation ' Its Cattle Market continues the best on the Missouri river Its Sheep Matket is conceded to be the only close rival of Chicago Us Horse and Mule Market is noted the country over. The range horse season which will soon be over will be closely followed by the special sales of native horses and mules. Keep a lookout for the advertisements of John S Cooper and E W, Anspach, the big dealers in all classes of horses and mulec at South Omaha The stock yards service and facilities for handling live stock are unexcelled in the west, . The fine sales pavilion for pure bred stock will be in demand this winter Those desiring to engage it should communicate with the Stock Yards Company Watch the South Omaha Market CilfAM OIF OMAHA (UNITED).) ! n