Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, CORN SHOW, Page 2, Image 42

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moved. The rUclm. ' It nhotild hn said,
represent a trtumpk of Uk showman'
art ana were df-nlaned by. the exposition
mnnrment iturlf. Every vleltor to the
eiposltlon will b able tj every kernel
of every r of corn by painting p and
down alula after aisle arranged between
the racks. Exhibits ,wlll ba grouped bsrs
by states and classes, and hanging pen
nants wlU make clear at once which com
petition Is before the visitor, what section
of the country the corn was rained In and
which esrs or stoops of ears have won the
prizes. For the National Corn exposition
differs from many other show of a few
days only in this. All the judging takes
place beforehand and not days after the
visitor tms gone home. , He can see for
hlnifcelf what exhibits have won prises and
If ha does not know why he will be told.
Novel Kxpoaltloa Feat are.
The great stag of the Auditorium will
hold many exhibits ss well as the main
floor and the gallarles. On the north side
of the stage will be the exhibit of other
grain than corn, all appropriately labeled
as In the cate of the corn. Near by th
milling tests will take place. This la an
absolutely novel feature of any exposition,
having never been nrranged previously at
an "show." Wheat will be ground and
bolted and the flour will be made Into
dough and baked In a nearby electric
oven. This will be a complete reproduction
of all the steps from the field to the
table. Besides the milling tests there will
be the baking tests. In all of these there
w,!ll be shown visitors and farmers partic
ularly what wheut flour millers need to
make good flour and what f kur will make
good bread and . why. Tke farmer can
thus learn what varieties of wheat it will
pay him the best to raise.
Flour will also be made Into crackers,
here, and the soda biscuit manufacturers
are taking Just as acute an interest In this
as are the millers. In tho- milling tests.
The right wheat for sod.i wafers com
Nmfands big premium, and farmers who will
attend the baking tests can learn how they
can raise wheat which will bring them
far more than they get ordinarily.
In tho center'of the stage, Douglas and
Voftawsttimia-ounty displays will be ac
corded a placff of honor and the state ex
hibits ' of Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado
will also have a place on the stage. Under
the galleries on the main floor will be ar
ranged In booths of their own, the educa
tional state displays of New York, Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Minne
sota 'and 'SoijOl Dakota. Each of these
displays' 'Wit! be' a Dig thing In Itself. .
In the- center of the main floor, there will
be a number Of displays which will awaken
universal interest. Here wilt .be the great
showing' made4 by the tlnlon' Pacific rallT
road of agricultural possibilities along. Its
lengthy' line, and .here also the foreign
exhibits. There will be the soft corn of
old Mexico, the' flint corn of the Argentine,
South Afrfcart corn.. com raised form Cliff
Dwellers' seeds, which has remained fertile
after 4,000 years In "shuck."
Famous Encllak llallesa Oats.
Here will be' the. famous English ''hul
less", oats, and other oats from Britain,
litis exhibit will attract -much attention
nd manufacturers of breakfast foods who
cannot-begin to buy all the-high grade
oats they need in this country 'are hoping
that visiting farmers will profit by lessons
they may .obtain here. Appliances for
testing: seeds , will be located nearby and
the educational lvalue of these need not be
dwelt on. i .- '
This, la tlie.age when the agent and mini)
factarees of -pianos, automobiles and simi
lar loxsrles icearers his '.hopes upon .'trie
prosperous farmer ' and scorns poor cfty"
folk. -Xanafactorera f thess articles 'have
begged to be admitted to the Corn exposi
tion and their sample ware will also be
located In the main floor of the auditorium.
On the ground floor of the Auditorium
is. located ths United States Oevernment
eahlblt. The principal, but not the only
featura of this Is the big denatured alcohol
still, running at full blast throughout the
exposition and showing how to obtain from
refuse farm products a cheap odorless,
sootiest, smokeless fuel of great heat-energy.
This still was designed to use corn. bu
owing to the Interest In the question of
using potatoes and pot i to peelings, arrange
ments have been made to use this raw
material part of the time.
In a special building to the south Is the
Agricultural Implement section. Here vis
itors will see every kind of Implement
known to the trade and in the development
of this kind of machinery the United
Ststes Is so far ahead of the rest of the
world together that no comparison Is pos
sible. Th" wlli be In operation sll sorts
of machinery for shredding corn, for husk
ing corn the latter a new and Important
device and every sort of harvester, binder,
reaper, mower, plow, manure spreader,
cultivator, harrow, pulveriser, threshing
machine and every s other implement or
mechanism which the factories produce.
Adjoining the Implement Section is the
Alfalfa Palace. In this an enormous quan
tity of baled grasses, sheaf grasses and
seeds will be on exhibition. Elaborate dec
orative effects ar possible here and this
potentiality will be thoroughly realized.
There Is a long passageway running be
tween the Implement Section and the Mur
phy building, and this will be known as
Newspaper Row. Agricultural publications,
Including The Twentieth Century . Parmer,
will have space In this.
Mavlagr Plrtara sksn.
The ground floor of ths Murphy building
will be occupied by the Moving Picture
show, which is a feature of the exposition,
through the enterprise of two Omaha bus
iness men. the Martin brothers. They have
taken hundreds of views of Nebraska farms
and ranch scenes. , Some of these views
were .a notable feature of the St. Louis ex
position. On this floor will also be dis
played th Industrial products made from
com by ths thousands of members of the
Junior Corn associations, and many of the
Corn exposition premiums will b on dis
play : hers. .
Not ths least, interesting feature of the
exposition will bs found on the second floor
of the exposition building. This Is the
Model Kitchen, with Its laboratories. Its
lecture and study rooms, electilcal ovens
and chafing dishes. It will comprise really
a complete school of domestic science. The
' lectures, which will interest every woman
who keeps house, has kept house or hopes
to keep house, will be open to all exposi
tion visitors, but the laboratory work Is
tor those young women who have been duly
entered, They at least will be taught a
good deal during their stay In Omaha. In
the lecture room of the Model Kltchun will
be found industrial exhibits, such as needle
and fancy work, entered in competition.
Free Coaeerta and Kntertalaauesits.
The "Exposition Auditorium," which, as
stated previously. Is a different building
from the main Auditorium, Is being erected
on the Rome Miller lot. south of the Rome
hotel. This building-will te the scene of
all the public speaking and entertain
ments, here will be the three daily band
concerts, the sddresses by James J. Hill,
President Sohurman of Cornell anlverslty,
the members of the Country Ufe commis
sion, the governors of states, and other
dignitaries too numerous to mention. Here
will be the special concerts by the college
glee clubs and. out of. town bands. All
the features of the exposition which will
be listed In the program of "events" take
place on the stage of this building, which
will seat X.5O0 people.
The foregoing statements treat of the
MitoslUoa . tn onby one way-, narration
WW I ,
of the buildings and departments. The
Statements' of what these buildings will
contain Is only treated in a very general
and undetailed ' way for the general idea
la what It ,1s sought to convey.. Too many
details would confuse him or her who Is
seeking to' learn in a broad fashion what
will be there. -
This sketch of the physical' side of the
exposition 'Is a million miles from doing
its attractiveness Justice. It's novelty,, Its
plrturesqueness, its brlllant entertainment
programs, are not touched upon at all
hardly even referred to. , These can better
be seen for one'a self.
Nor does this article describe the six thou
sand exhibits of various kinds to be seen,
nor more than hint at the wonderful edu
cational value to the United States and for
that matter, the whole world of the
National Corn exposition, '.
The visitor for half an hour or the full
time of the exposition will get his money's matter jnto. what tjuldlng.. or
section he. wanders and whether he sees
this or , that. He who visits It systems-1-
cally will find there compressed Into easily
receptive form all that the agricultural
science of the leading nations of the globe
can teach him. He can. if he applles hlm-
self with purpose and intelligence, learn
nearly as much in a few days as many men
have learned in the course of a whole life.
He will be instructed. : He will also be
amused and diverted. More than theso
two together, none could ask. .
Special Days.
The special days of the exposition arc
as follows:
Wednesday, December 8 Governors' day.
Thursday, December 10 School day.
Friday. December 11 Colteife an,1 Hlirh
School day.
Saturday, December 12 Live stock inter
Sunday. December 19 (Afternoon unit
evening), lecture and sacred concert.
Monday. December 14 Council Bluffs and
South Omaha day.
1 uesday, December 15 Grain dealers and
Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. De
cember 16. 16 and 17 Implement dealers.
r rioay, iiecember lit Country Lrfe com
mission and the press.
Buturaay, December . 19 Ak-Sar-Ben day.
Some Bis? Speakers. .
A list of speakers not elsewhere an
nounced Includes:
Dr. W. M. -Hays, assistant secretary of
agriculture, Washington. D. C.
11. W. t'olllnawocd. editor of Rural New
Yorker. New York City.
uovernor r;. w. Horn, Kansas.
Governor Warren Garst, Iowa.
Governor G. L. Sheldon, Nebraska.
Governor B. B. Brooks, Wyoming.
Governor J. A. Johnson. Minnesota.
Governor Coe I. Crawford. South Da
Hon. W. J. Bryan, Nebraska.
Regent 8. M. Owen, University of Minne
Hon. E. 8. Conway, Association of Com
merce, Chicago.
Hon. Llo Luis Oorozpe, Chavarrlllo,
Hon. Zeferino Domlngucz, Puebla,
T. R. Oarton, Warrington, England.
Dr. T. H. Wagner. Corn Products com
pany. Chicago.
judge u. n;. Lwemer. km uuk, la.
S.iniuel 1L Smith, Chicago Board of
J. C. Murray, Quaker Oats company,
James J. Hill.
(Continued from Page One.)
work of experts, who have given diligent
thought to it, and they have their plans
so carefully laid as to challenge spy semb
lance of defeat. Their system of decora
tion and royal decorum Is most elaborate,
almost intricate, and so deftly done that
t will enroll with a simplicity and grace
that is sure to captivate the spectators.
Passnsis of P) roteraalcs.
In the first place, the vast Auditorium,
which forms the main structure of a series
cf buildings for the exposition, will be a
veritable panorama of pyrotechnics when
the electrical illumination is turned on at
night. Hundreds of lncandescents beam
ing their radiance down upon this kingly
court will of itself make a scene of sur
passing beauty, but It will not be left to da
the whole charming work. The throne,
the royal purple trappings, the king, queen
and courtiers and a retinue of attendunta
these will give vivacity and animation to
the palace which all the Illumination and
decorative art could not bestow. It la
determined . to make the scene gorgeous,
While corn is king and blfalfa is queen,
osts, rye, wheat, millet, clover, timothy
ell these will have thtlr placs in the Im
perial family, for every grain and grass
grown wherever corn Is grown will have
a place as an exhibit In the exposition.
-1 The tavlversily Vide.'
The university Idea will be sustained
simply in the system of instruction. States
will be divided into classes for the purpose
of exhibits and Individuals will be formed
Into classes for the purpose of education.
Actual class room work will be done daily.
The vlewlturyf fine, specimens of grain,
of Mexico
M - ' . " " ....
grass, cereal foods and farm Implements
will form but the rudimentary side of ths
exposition; the larger phase will be tn this
course of study, this system of demonstrat
ing the principles cf intensive farming. -The
tests made in this class room work
will be no mere idle trifling with theories
by sheer adventurists or experlmantlsts; It
will be the actual transfusing of life Into
theories; the putting Into practical form
and fact of the principles which these
scientists know by actual experience to be
genuine and safe'.
Facnity of Entlneat Mrs.
A faculty of men distinguished all over
the world for their scientific knowledge In
the principles will be In charge of this
great agricultural university. Here is a
list of some of the leaders: Prol P. G.
Holden of the department of agricultural
extension of the Iowa State college at
Ames, the man acknowledged to know
more about corn and Its culture than any
other. Individual In the . world; Eugene D.
Funk of Shirley, 111., whose Improved corn
methods have made him rich on his own
Illinois farms president of the National
Corn association; A. D. Shamel, corn ex
pert of the bureau of plant industry at
Washington, D. C; Kenyon L. Butterfleld,
president of the Massachusetts Agricultural
college and member of President Roose
velt's Country Life commission; E. S. Con
way, Chicago Association of Commerce,
one of the National Corn exposition lec
turers; S. W. Strong of Pontiac, III.; Prof.
G. L Christie of Purdue university, Lafay
ette, Ind.; Prof. A. M. Ten Eyck of the
Agricultural college at Manhattan, Kan.;
Prof. M. F. Miller, University of Missouri
Agricultural college; Prof. E. G. Mont
gomery of the University of Ohio; W. A.
Wheeler, South Dakota; Prof. R. A. Moore,
University of Wisconsin; E. A. Burnett,
associate dean and director of the Univer
sity of Nebraska experimental station;
Prof. J. Wilkes Jones, general manager of
the exposition and member of the Ames.
Ia., faculty, and Prof. F. D. Coburn of
Kansas, whose name Is known wherever
corn grow.
This list of names shows the institution to
be national In character, but It Is more
than that it is international In character.
Hon. Zeferino Domlnguex of Puebla, Mex
ico, philanthropist and student of advanced
com culture, will be here and so will T. R.
Gartan of Warrington, England, the great
est seed expert of the old world.
Dlstlagalshed Women, Too.
But In' addition still to this great array
of agricultural educators must be placed
the eminent women who will participate In
and do much to insure the success of this
txposltion. These women come In through
the agency of the domestic science depart
ment, which has taken Its rank us part,
and a very big part, too, of tho exposition.
They are the leading women In this Im
portant sphere of advanced learning in the
Miss Jessica E. Besack of the Ames col
lege will be In charge of the domestic sci
ence department. Miss Besack is a prac
tical and professional exponent of this art.
She is the woman who knows S01 ways of
preparing corn for table use and she will
teach the women and girls at the exposition
all of these ways, so that they may use
them Just as well as she If they devote
the proper attention to their study. Miss
Besack has had charge of the arrangements
and advertising for the months of prepara
tion for the exposition Insofar as they had
to do with her work. She has organised
her own school and will be able to direct
Its work with comparative ease and enorm
ous benefit to Its patrons.
gome of the Leetarers.
Mrs. Margaret J. Blair of the University
of Minnesota will lecture on domestic art,
home decoration, textiles and drafting;
Miss Neale 8. Knowles of the Iowa State
college will lecture on food principles; Miss
Mary F. Rausch of the University of Col
orado will have to do with setting the table,
carving, serving and personal hygiene;
Miss Edith Charlton of the Iowa college
will lecture on food principles; Mrs. Nellie
Kedzle Jones of Kumaioo, Mich., will
deal with domestic silence; Miss Harriet
Calvin of Purdue university, Miss Isebalo
Bevler of the University of Illinois. Miss
Caroline Hunt of the University of Wiscon
sin will lecture upon other phuses of the
A real domestic science kitchen will be
provided, with all the facilities for demon
strating this work. This department will
be given, a sop-irate building, so that It will
not encroach upon or be encroached upon.
In addition to this class room work Im
mense exhibits, will be made by fourteen
of tke leading- agricultural colleges In the
United States. And they will send repre
sentatives to make these exhibits. Also
these institutions will have their college
colors on hsnd to form parts In the scheme
of decoration, preserving to a high degree
tke genuine college spirit
Don't miss coming to this great store before you
buy a single thing for Christmas or for yourself
Need a Now Sowing Machine?
Tj . . Taw-
want sewing machine we will
sell it to you the kind you want
in a business way and at a legit
imate price.
We handle the celebrated ball
bearing "White," "Standard."
"Free" and several other makes.
If you want a cheap
machine we bate
them at ..$11.75
But If you don't want a cheap
one, nor one of the highest priced,
let o show you a
Nebraska at $25.00
A reliable, warranted, ball-bearing drop-front machine, that you
can't duplicate at bur special price.
Nothing Nicer for Christmas Than a
We are headquarters for
Victor Talking Machines.
Our stock ia complete with
every model and style at
all sorts of prices rang
ing from
Victor Juniors $10
Victor ViSroia $200 ;
If you already own a Victor,
come in and select your Christ
mas Records from our magni
ficent assortment. For the
Corn Show we have a special
supply of the very latest pieces.
iTlOtOrCyCleS Reading Standard
The Thor is known the country over as
the best and most practical motor ever built
Any repair shop can make you a frame, but
the motor is the vital part of a motorcycle.
Get a Thor and then you have the best.
Prices $135.00 to $300.00
Second hand motor cycle from $75.00 to $140.00
Save Money
We hav a large variety of rebuilt
machines of all makes, fully war
ranted to give satisfaction, that you
can buy now at a bargain. If you
need a machine come in and see what
we can offer you in
Keiningtons, Und erwoods,
Monarchs, Olivers, etc.
Interested in Cash Register??
We can sell you latest im-'
r 1
Cash Registers, guaranteed to
give satisfaction at wholesale
prices. Come in and let us show
you che points about these fine
Nebraska Cycle
If your wife hasn't one now, why
not buy her one for Christmas t Or
if your present one isn't satisfac
tory, why not take this chance to see
about trading it in for a new onef
We Are
Independent Dealers
We are not anxious to advance the Inter
ests of any particular factory, but If you
Don't buy any machine
until you have seen the
values we offer. Send for
our illustrated sewing ma
chine catalogue and leaf
lets. All grades from low
priced to high-priced are
illustrated, described and
priced. Send for catalogue
You remember your own merry Christmas days maybe not so
bountiful as you now can make your little ones ; but, you recall the
ecstacy you felt when something full of novelty came myster
iously into the home. When you think back to those delightful
moments, you can realize what a new Phonograph will mean to
the little one you want to please. And not only the children but
the grown folks of the family, too, will get a rich delight from
this best of gifts.
Month after month the charm of the Phonograph remains.
It never loses its novelty a new record and it is all new again.
Como and Hoar tho Now Records
Make up your mind now before you plan any other Christ
mas expenditure to come in and let us show you the Edison and
Victor. Let us demonstrate to you how much more pleasure your
Christmas money will bring to the whole family, yourself in
cluded, if it goes for a phonograph. Our store is headquarters
in the west for Victors and Edisons, and we will be delighted to
show you all the different models and attachments at prices rang- '
ing from $10.00 to $200.00! Don't put it off, but Come in now.
There is no obligation in listening to the records played.
Special Christmas Terms
If you are not prepared to pay cash now, you need only pay
for the records, and pay for the machine by week or month. The
price will be exactly the same as if you paid all cash. Accept this
special offer.
Repair Dept.
We make a specialty of expert
repair work on motorcycles, bi
cycles, sewing machines and
talking machines. Our men are
experienced and work is guar
anteed. Prices right.
There is interest here for everyone.
There are gifts here that ARE gifts
that are good not only for Christ
mas but for all the year and for
years to coma Come here and see
what you can get for your money
whether it is for Ghristmas or for
your personal wants. If you are
thinking of buying a sewing ma
chine, phonograph, bicycle, motor
cycle or typewriter, we can show
you what you want at amazingly
low prices.
Don't let tho corn show pass without hav.
ing visited and looked around this store.
Even though you are not ready to buy now,
come in and look at our lines now. Right
near the corn show, 13th nd Harney Sts.
Bicycles and Motorcycles
1909 Models
If you are thinking of a machine for next
season or if you have a boy that wants
one come in and select it now from our
brand new 1909 models just arrived. You
can save money by this. n
We Have Parts and
Repairs for all Makes
This is the only place in Nebraska, or this section of the
country, where yon can get at all times a complete line of parts
for motorcycles. Come in during the show and find anything
you want or write us whenever you break down.
Don't Fail to Visit This Store
Before you plan any other Christmas expenditures before you do any other
shopping stop in here and see the values we offer you in Phonograms, Sewing
Machines, Bicycles, Motorcycles, Tyjiewriters, Etc. Take this opportunity to buy
your phonograph records from the biggest and best stock in the West. Bring in
that boy that wants a bicycle or motorcyclo or, if you are thinking about one for
yourself, come and let us show you the new models. We are right near the Coro
15th and Harney Sts., Omaha.
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs
The Wizard has just
again improved his great
Phonograph and we are
showing his newest ma
chines. Come in and hear
the new models play. We
have every style, running
from ' ''
to $125
Don't fall to hear the new
Amberol Records. Buy a new
V. nm rK . .. r
and up buys a.
fcjjj good, f irst class
wheel here. Our
line comprises such well known
makes as Racycle, Rambler,
Gendron and the
20th Century
This is a wheel we have sold
extensively and it gives great
service $30.00.
We also have on hand at all
time.rf some fine second-hand
wheels as good as new that you
can get a bargain on. We can
offer you some extra good ones
during the Corn Show that you
can buy wonderfully cheap.
Nothing would please your
boy better than a bicycle for
Christmas bring him in.