Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, WANT ADS, Page 10, Image 40

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An immcnso variety of articles for Christmas pifts is to
be found in our up-to-date Main Floor Stationery Dept.
Faney boxes of Paper and Envelopes with holly and other
designs on box, tied with ribbon very pretty for Christmas
gifts on sale at 48c, 35c, 25c and 15c
Other boxes at prices from 50c to $2.00
Fountain Pens, at $5.00, $3.50, $2.50 and $1.50
Desk Pads with leather corners and metal ornamentR
very racial at 98c and 75c
Fancy Playing Cards with full gold edges 45c
Sealing Wax Sets containing wax, tapers and seal put in
holly boxes, at 48e and 25c
Writing Cases .$1.25 to $3.98
Library Sets containing ink well, paper cutter, letter clip
and blotter, at $2.98 and $4.98
JDInnrr cards, dozon. . lOc and 1.V1
Tally ranis, loz.2.V, 15r and lOc
Kodak Albums ! to a.V
z z Autograph Albums. ...WHr to lor
Initial Stationary In colors,
box 25c
zz Initial Stationary In gold,
ffl box 8c
UAlso a variety of fancy Inkwells,
and View Holders, etc., at low prices.
Catholic Prayer Books
and Religious Goods
We've a big assortment, of Prayer Books and Religions articles,
such as Holy Water Fonts, Crucifixes, Candle Sticks, Holy Pictures,
Lamps, Statues, Etc. Here are some special bargains.
Prayer Ilooks "Key to Heaven"
leather binding, with overtyped
pels, flexible leather binding,
gold edges a great bargain
at S5
Large assortment of Bibles,
EplBcopal Prayer Books and
SPECIAIi Teacher's Bible, full
leather binding, with overlapped
leather covers, red under gold
edges, contains 350 pages of
helps, which comprise maps. In
dex, concordance, etc, at. . 08J
Hpeclnl for Christmas Gift".
;11 Plated KosarieN, with ame
thyst, garnet, emerald, sapphire,
Sale Price
Clothing Co.
1519-1521 Douglas St.
The Store of Better Values
Ao Law to Compel Annual Publica
tion, Kayo Aaalataut City
i Attorney.
Tliouth there Is no law requiring the
publication of annual report of the variousn
department of city government. City
Comptroller Lobcck has unlit to the printer
the copy for the official report for 1907,
which the grand jury In Its report said
should have been published long ago. It
will be out In a week's time. There haa
been no appropriation for the publication
of theae reports for three years until now
ami this has accounted for the delay In
the publication, said the comptroller. The
Vew publication will contain the reports
tor three years.
The publication will not contain the re
ports of all departments, as some failed to
Quintal) the. comptroller with them even
though he asked for them several times,
said the comptroller. What departments
refused to furnish reports for the annual
publication the comptroller at first de
clined to say for the reason, as lie ex
pressed It, "I don't want to knock any
one." Inquiry was then made of nearly
. every department head as to whether re
ports had been furnished the comptroller
and when the replies were shown that of
ficial, he said that but three departments
Lad neglected to furnish their reports.
These three, he said, are the departments
of health, water and fire and police com
mission. Assistant City Attorney Punn Is authority
for the statement that there Is no law com
pelling the publication of annual reports
containing the reports of the various de
partments of the municipal government.
Test Tha-asaad of the Navel IMns He-
s reived by the Commerelal
t lob.
;Ten thousand of "The Key to the Situa
tion" pins ordered by the Omaha. Commer
cial club have arrived and will be given
to corn show visitors. Omaha people will,
In the main have to wait until a second
consignment of a similar number la turned
out by the manufacturing jewelers who
leave In contract.
The pins are, by unanimous verdict of
all who have aeasi them, the prettiest and
Ea 5.73 er"
Standard Diaries $u lo 10c
F'ancy Address Books. tNc and T8o
roker Sets $7.50 to $2.50
nrldge Whist Sets leather. 1.75
Children's Stationary with fancy
figures on box or paper
85c to l.V
Paper Weights
Letter Openers
etc., beads, put up In dainty
boxes, at $1.48
Ilosarles Pearl BeadB at 4 8c, 35c,
25c and 19
Black Beads, steel chains, 4 8c
to 12
Colored Beads 25c to ...15
Holy Water Fonts 48c to.. 15
Scapulars 48c to 5
Pictures 98c to 25t
Statues Made of bisque, 7 inches
high, at 25
Statues Made of bisque, 9 Inches
high, at 35
Crucifixes Fine black polished
cross, white figures 25
Also Brass Figures, 35c to.l)
It Won't Cost!
You a. Ceivt
to see the best display of Men's
Furnishings for good dressers
In the city.
Night Shirts
Albert Calm
The man that's making to order
3 good shirts for $7.00.
J VZ-i Farnam St.
y Do Your Christmas Shopping Early fl
n. uw ulivt " CTOKS3
1513 OODQB ST. I
The Christmas Buyers Mecca for J
EvsrTthlnl that la BTaw. lonl f
and Pleasing In .
Big Hpeolal values for Monday in
nur oc, uo ana aso Booths.
Brine th Children to SANTA
neatest advertising device of the kind yet
seen. The pi" consists of a flut key. the
broad loop at Hie head forming the letter
'0"'of the nanue "Omaha." This loop
bears the inscription "The Key to the
Situation." The other letters, "M-A-H-A,"
appear In hirgf size on the shank of the
key. The pin Is finished in oxydlred silver
and can be worn vertically as a scarf pin
or on the lapel of a coat horizontally. Worn
in this way it will be an effective nieujis
of holding a badge at conventions, effec
tive not only for actually holding- the baJge
in plaoe. but for advert Islnif Umaht.
The certain popularity of the phis will
make tne vislblu supply melt away ai
quickly as a linen collur wllta at an Indoor
dance In August.
Sotlre to IBs I-oMlr.
Alfred Donaghuo. Jr., is no linger con
nected with this society as solicitor or in
any othe- capacity.
There is no time like the present, however, to make your
Christmas purchases. The poods arc new and fresh from
the shelves, as yet unhandled. You ean pet just what you.
want and at prices that are bound to suit, .lust a glance at
the figures quoted below will convince that you can get no
better values for your money than here.
Yes, Diamonds Are Also Included in Our Large Half-Price
Diamond Ring, Tiffany sotting;, karat $U.1
Diamond Ring. Tiffany Betting, i karat
Diamond Kins, Tiffany SPttinK, xl-6A karat m.(M
Diamond Kin, Tiffany ReltlnR, !Sl-32 karat $."0.0O
Diamond Ulns, Tiffany Betting, xi-Z2 karat $13.00
Diamond Ring, Tiffany sotting, 14x1-16 karat $20.00
Diamond Brooches
One Diamond and Alovlne Lizard Brooch l)."0.00
Onn Diamond and Pearl Sunburst Brooch $l;l.KH
One Diamond and Pearl Sunburst Brooch $12.73
One Diamond and Tlain Brooch $ll.(:t
Diamond Ear Screws
One pair Diamond Karscrews $0.73
One pair Diamond Earsrrews $13.73
One pair Diamond Earscrews $13.30
We have any size Diamond wanted at cut rate price.
Solid Gold Jewelry CUT IN TWO .
Gold Brooches, beautiful French designs $3.75 mow $1.88
Genuine Cameo, swell mounting $10.00 now $3.0O
Pearl Grape design, entirely new $9.50 now $4.73
Crescent and Flower design, with diamond. . $7.75 now $:I.88
1,000 Patterns of the latest creations in Brooches.
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons and Link3
One pair, with diamonds. $5.00 now $2.30
One pair, Roman finish, assorted designs. . $3.50 now $1.73
One pair, Roman finish, plain, for monogram $4.50 now $2.23
We have other stylish and nifty patterns at half price.
Solid Gold Lockets
Lockets, all solid gold, Roman finish ...... $000 now $;J.OO
Hand engraved, solid gold, English finish $10.00 now $3.00
Very elaborate, extra heavy, suitable for diamond. .$16.00 now $8.00
Solid Gold Scarf Pins
Roman finish, plain, for monogram $2.00 now $1.00
Genuine opal, swell mounting $3.75 now $1.87
Selection very large, at our usual CUT price.
Solid Gold Baby Necks
Pearl and garnet Heart Charm $4.00 now $2.00
Diamond Heart Charm $5.00 now $2.30
The above is thcreatest value ever offered.
Solid Gold Signet Rings
Gentlemen's extra heavy $8.00 now $4.00
Gentlemen's, perfectly plain or Roman finish $7.00 now $.1.30
Gentlemen's, flower design $7.50 now $3.75
1,000 patterns of ladles' Seal Rings at half price.
Babies' Seal Rings, regular $1.10 value, now 35c
Ladies' Solid Gold Set Rings
1,000 patterns to select from, genuine opal, pearl, garnets, assorted
doublets $5.00 now $2.50
Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Austrian Imported Deco
rated Glass all go at half price or less.
The Great 50 Reduction Sale is a tremendous suc
cess. You must not miss this opportunity to stock up on
Christmas presents. Every article you buy is cheerfully put
away until wanted. Kemember, this is an entire $35,000 whole
saler's stock, modern and first class in every respect, and
bought so favorably that we can sell every article for Half
Price or Less. f
115 South Sixteenth St.
At the Sign of the Crown.
We purchased from the Molinc Plow Co., after the
insurance on their big warehouse was adjusted, all of their
Henney Buggies, and are now selling them at sacrifice
prices. Come and see them before they are all gone, and
buy a buggy for LESS THAN HALF THE WHOLE
24th and N Sts., SOUTH OMAHA
hristmas Gifts
From the Jeweler's Stock is always ac
ceptable. W'e have a handsome line
this year of Watches, Diamonds. Jew
elry, Clocks, Cut Glass. Fountain
Pens. Sterling; Silver Plaited Silver.
Spend a few minutes In our store.
S. VV. LINDSAY, Jeweler
1516 Douglas Ktrect.
Painless Extracting Me
Crowns, up from.. S3.M
Partial Plates, up
from WOO
Fillings, up from . 6O0
porcelain fillings,
up from I1M
w w m m
109 North Sixteenth St
Opposite the Postoffice
l60..i: .Vi'tiT"
Brldfte Work, per
tooth, up (rout S2.S0
Nerves removed with
out pain.
Work nuarauiaed ten
TWfO MATTER how far you look, no matter where
iN you look, you'll never find HART SCHAFFNER
& MARX hand tailored clothing: duplicated at the
' . . il fV - Si..
y r.
Coyrttht too
Mart tchirtrcr &
Great Special Sale of Men's Pants Entire sui
plus stock of the Kegal Pant (Y., secured at
less than 50c on the dollar, $.'.;"0 to f Q O
$3.00 values; choice sO
See Our Magnificent Special Values in Boys' Suits and Overcoats.
Tu-y HIaydeini9s Fiirsit paya
We can Bugprest nothing better
than slippers for Christmas.
We selected "his" Christmas slip
pers some time ago.
Drop In and see them and we'll
put them aside until CbristmasC
and say nothing.
Opera Slippers
Faust Slippers
Romeos and
$1, $1.50 to $3
ICtli and Douglas Streets.
Call Us
by 'Phone
Whenever you want
something call 'Phona
Douglas 238 and make
it known through a
Bee Want Ad.
The early Christmas shop
ping is on. We are fully pre
pared to show you the best
and bisgest line of Christmas
Slippers ever seen. Fur
1 rimmed Komeos in red,
Kreen and black, for women
and children. Prices up from
Women's Carriage Boots
$3.50 to $5.00
Men's Romeos and Opera
Slippers, black and tan
81.00 to $3.50
For the old people we have
a full line of Felt Sole Shoes
and Slippers, up from
$1.00 .
A Novel Christina Gift
Our Teddy Ikvtr Shoes, in
fants' to iniaHes' sizes. Home,
thing new.
Drexel Shoe Co.l
1419 Farnam Slreel B
--, , , p
I Christmas I
Slippers j
prices for all wool quality, lor
style, for excellence of tailoring1
and correctness of tit there's
nothing to match them.
. -
Is die Omaha home of the HART
For personal decoration for the holiday season you'll find
nothing equal to a 11., S. & M. Suit or Overcoat
at..... $18.00 to $35.00
If you're looking for gifts for men we've many things
in this department that will interest you.
"Will show vou an elegant line of Smoking Jackets at prices
from $2.95 to $10.0(1
Fancy Vests at $1.00, $1.50 to $1.0fi
Grips and Suit Cases of All Descriptions A line from which
the most frugal or most fastidious can make easily and
satisfactory selection.
rics, artistically tailored and every
garment guaranteed while they hu
by the Information Bureau of the Corn Show. We want
everyone having rooms to rent during the Corn Show to list
them with us, free of cost, that we may fill the rooms as we
have applicants for same. In order to take care of the
crowds, which will be in Omaha during the National Corn
Exposition, it is absolutely necessary for Omaha people, who
have rooms, to offer them and take care of our visitors. By
getting your rooms in early it will bo much easier to handle
them for the Corn Show opens December !th and we want
all the rooms in by that time. For further particulars call
Douglas 1251 G and ask for V. I). Dermodv.
The proper coat for these cold,
blustry days is one of our
Military Collar Ulsters
Single or Double Breasted
Dressy In Appearance
Snappy In Style
Right In Frlce--$13.00 to S2S.OO
and Heavy Weight Ulsters or Auto
Ceats for Winter Driving
$7.50 to $25.00
....Step In and See Them.,..
Omaha Rubber Co.
1608 Harney Street
M Just Around the Corner"
Old Firm
. New Goods
New Location
1,000 Hose We Offer for
Next Week:
(i e n u i n e guaranteed
Wear-l'or-Kver Hose, for
men, women and children,
6 Pairs for 75c
Other dealers' price for
six pairs for $2.00.
Headquarters for Knit
Goods as usual. Yarns and
Beads; also Paris Patterns.
Jos. F, Bilz Sons
204 No. 16th St.
Mail Orders Shipped Same
Day As Received.
. .
Men's $15.00 to $20.00 Suits and Overcoats
Handsome assortment of the best all wool fab
New Lasts
to fit your feet perfectly la
Quality and mitUcp that cannot br
equaled In popular rlcel lines.
Vour special styltt at the
Walk-Ovsr Shoe Store
314 Booth 15th It.. Omaha,
(roar doors So. Bsaton Drug Oo.)
CD. I. TIOHriOl, VraU-OTx atan.1