Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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li, 1K)3.
Thousands of Homes
Pe-ru-na Is the Family Doctor.
H ?-. ..... . .,.
7 '
. u
te2J "
Mr. and Mrs. Plamann and Children. I
A Happy Family, Kept Well and Hearty
Mrs. Alvlna Plamann, 1719 Walnut Btreet, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
"I am now able to do my housework again, anil have a gxxl appetite. I have used thirteen bottles' of rerun a
and one of Manalin. v
"My husband and children are also In good health. He always keep Peruna In the house. I thank you a
thousand times for your advice."
An Enemy to the Home.
CATARRH is the natural climatic
enemy of every home.
Over every home" hangs the inevitable
certainty of catarrhal Invasion.
No home Is entirely free from It.
Every person Is subject to It.
It would be no exaggeration to say
that two-thirds of the homes of America
have suffered more or less from this In
visible, almost omnipresent enemy, ca
tarrh. Peruna is the natural protection of.
the household.
It Is Intended to relieve catarrh and
catarrhal diseases in any and all of then
phases. l'e-ru-na the Household Remedy.
Mrs. Carrie Klnir, 730 North Cascade,
Colorado Springs, Col., writes:
"Peruna hus been my favorite and
only household ramedy for nearly five
years. I have suffered for years with
billlonsnaaa and kldnsy and liver trou
bles. If I caught a little cold, the pains
were Increased, and baokacha and lisa
achs were of frequent occurrence.
"However, Parana cured ma twelve bot
tles made me a new and healthy woman.
For three years I have enjoyed the kit
of health. I keep Peruna constantly In
my home, and If my husband or I catch
cold or feel indisposed, a few doses of
Peruna never fall to restore us."
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1909
j rowers Will Bring Fine F.xhlblt to
Omaha for Bis Corn
SIOUX FA I-I.8, S. D., Dec. 5. (Special.)
The corn growers of South Dakota are
taking great Interest In the National Corn
exposition to lie held at Omaha on Decem
ber 9 to 19. nnd will make a desperate ef
fort to capture first place In the corn con
test. .A special train recently passed through
the eastern part -of the state for the pur
pose of conveying to Omaha the exhibits
from South Dakota. W. F. West, foreman
of the experimental station at the South
Dakota Agricultural college at Brookings,
made a trip to the substation of the col
lege at Highmore, where he selected sam
ples of com raised there which will form
a part of the experiment station exhibit
at the Omaha exposition.
Samples of grain also were gathered by
him at the substation and forwarded to
Omaha wtlh the exhibits of corn. Ex
perts from the Slate Agricultural college
wtH have charge of the South Dakota ex
hibit. Mr. West states that he expects
South Dakota to be In the front rank.
I,aat year at the Chicago show South Da
kota won first place In the corn cont-st
over other northwestern states, and I". I.i
hoped to duplicate this performance rt
In addition to the exhibit made by th:
State Agricultural college there will be
exhibits by numerous Individual South Da
kota corn growers men who are expert:
la grooving corn of exceptional yield a-M'.
In the early days of settlement it w.'r
believed South Dakota was outside the
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
14th and Farnam Sts.
Make jour selection now and we will hold it for delivery the day be.
fore t'liristiuus if desired.
Lndiing Disnes
Handsome and useful. A beautiful
assortment from which to select.
Nickel plated or copper. All u-nst
reasonably priced
Sttdown 1o $3.95
Caaflnf Sua TTya,
fcpooms and rlarona.
Sfcafes Skates
The newest beat Skate on tha market.
Coma early while, wa ran fit you
$.50 down to 75c
1- fv
The Many Phases of Catarrh.
Catarrh may appear in -the household
In the form of a slight cold or 6ough, an
attack of la grippe, or even hay fever. .
Peruna- meets these invasions squarely
and repulses -the enemy before it gains,
a foothold. ' '
Therefore, Peruna is a household rem
edy. Used at the correct time It often
obviates the i necessity of continued
Perhaps in no other way can the wis
dom of economy and .foresight be so
forcibly expressed as in keeping on
hand a bottle of Peruna to protect the
various members of the family : against
the encroachments ot catarrh.
We have on file thousands of testi
monials from lieud.of families, located
north and south, east and west.
These letters praise Peruna for Its
efficient protection of the family . agalmst
catarrh. . .
Mother and Children Depend on
Mrs. J. F. O'Connor, 460 S. California
Ave., Chicago, 111.. First Soprano, Areal
Singing Society, ' writes:
"For a number of years I had suffered
from catarrh of the head, and while some
of the remedies helped me a little while
taking them, they did not cure me rerm
anently. My child was also sensitive to
the cold and every little draught gave tier
a cold in the head, and it used ta worry
me a great deal.
"corn raising belt." but experience has
demonstrated that the corn raised 1n the
Bouth half of eastern South Dakota can
not be excelled, in the country.
The corn crop raised in South Dakota
this year was one of the largest and best
ever raised in the stater-reaching the. enor
mous total of nearly 76,00o,(mo bushels
and those who. inspected some of the ex
hibits prior to their shipment to Omaha,
express confidence in the state being nbl
to make an excellent showing at Omaha,
with every chance that South Dakota will
capture first place for the excellence ot
Its exhibit of corn and gralnB.
Seven Million People In fir-:..
Britain Kndnre Hardships for
Lack, of l.nbor.
'WASHINGTON. Dec. 6.-Over 7.0O9.000 hu
man beings In Great Britain are endurins
hardship and want through unemployment
nnd tho general federation of trades unions
has advised all union men to refuse to worl.
over time, reports Consul General Wynm
of London. Tho federation points out that
for every skilled workman out of employ
ment two unskilled men are workless. II
urges the employment of surplus labor !y
national and municipal work and recom
mends tho establishment of a national de
partment of labor whose head shall holu
a cabinet portfolio.
Rika to Hold Services.
GIOl'X FALLS, S. D.. Dec. 5. (Speeial.,
Prominent members of the loeal lodge of
"5lls, who are noted for their oratorical
iblllty have been In great demand to de
liver the principal addresses at the meni
rial services which will be held by th-j
Elks throughout the country on Sunday.
Keen-edged. guHranteed steel with
Plain but beautiful handle. Regu
lar it-piece sets as low as
Bsantlfol lr and Staak Bats.
All slxea and destgni. Choice sets in
leather eases.
Pocket Knives
I. X. L. and Henckel makes. Speeial
Xmaa knives for boys 25C
. . . '. . v
v ...
sy sr. s x Aw: r
By Taking Pe-ru-na
"I one day heard what a wonderful
medicine I'eruna Is and what it has done
for others, so I bought a bottle and tried
It. 1 could hardly realise my good for
tune, when, before I had taken a whole
bottle of It I felt like a new woman. I
took It for some time longer and also
gave some to the baby and she improved
as rapidly and as permanently as I did.
"I cannot say too much for Peruna."
I'ses Pe-ru-na lu His Family
Mr. Frank V. Harris, box 23, Basle
City, Va., member of A. F. & A. M., writes:
"1 have used Parana in my family
with every satisfactory results for the
last two years. '
"Besides, I have recommended it to
all whom 1 think are in need of it.
"I urge all who are afflicted to buy a
bottle and begin its use at once.
"I have never heard of any who have
used It to be dissatisfied with the re
sults." Hay Fever, Coughs and Colds.
Mrs. Lena O'Bryne. 6-6 Madison St.,
Topeka, Kan., writes:
. "We have used Teruna In our household
for a good many years.
"I took it for a cough and a tonic. My
husband used It and thinks there Is
nothing like it for hay fever from which
he suffered for years. I also give it to
my children for coughs and colds, and
my daughter, Mary, was eared ol
catarTb of the head by Peruna."
December 8. C. P. Bates, one of the best
known members of the local lodge, has ac
cepted an Invitation to make the principal
address at the memorial services to be held
by tho Elk lodge of Deadwood. E. R.
Winans, also a well known member of the
local lodge, has accepted a similar Invita
tion from the Elks of ESthervllle, la.,
while C. II. Winsor, also of the local lodge,
will deliver the principal address at the
Elks memorial services at Huron. The
chief speaker at the memorial servloes of
the Sioux Falls lodge will be E. L. Abel
of Huron.
County Option Beaten V" Two Thon
naiid Divorce Law lias Bis;
PIERRE, S. V., Dec. 5. (Spenlal.l The
official count of the state of South Dakota
which has Just been completed shows the
ollowing totals on all officers: i
President Tnft. 67.4M; Rryan, 40.2G6; Chaf-
n, 4.(i:?t; Debs. Hisgen, SS.
Ccngressmen C. H. lUuke (K). 67.4oi; K.
V. Murtln R 67,f-'; It. K. Dowdell (D),
'.s.TaS; A. If. Olsen (D), as.Wi; E. 8. Chap
el (PI. 3.75; 1 H. Krsklne (Pi, 3.728; T.
't. Deffcbaeh (S), 2.67t; 8. H. (lodfellow
i.S, 2.'i20; L. V. Schneider (Hearsto, 55;
W. H. Uray (lfenrst), KJ. Special election
o fill vacancy: E. W. Martin (R), 65,72;
W. W. Pou (D). 3!.Hm.
Governor R. 8. Vesscv (R). 62,!Sft; An
lrew K. Iee (D), 44.KT7; G. F. Knappen
(P), 3.5M; J. C. Knnpp (3), 2.542.
Lieutenant Governor 1 1. C. Shoher (Ri,
;i..-!'2; W. T. LaFollette (D), 41, HIS; W. T.
liitfferty (P). 3,79n; Stacy Cochrane (S).
2,7"o; J. C. Honne (H. 64.
Secretary of State S. C. Polly (R. 67.R43;
William Mealy D. 1!.21: O. W. Hill (P),
4,IH; F. C. Uppert (St, 2,901.
Auditor John Hirning (R), 68 011; Roy
Witch l I'M. 1!227; II. E. Roberts P), 4.iW);
J. M-ph Hinloit IS), 2,90; Henry W. Smith
(ID. i0.
Treasurer George G. Johpsoi (R), 68 572;
A. W. Closson (D). 19,101; G. II. Brown (P),
4.077 ; M. O. Opsahl (S, 2,10; Daniel Ella
son (ID, SO.
Attorney General S. W. Clark (R), 68,605;
John It. Hanten (IX, lft.CIS; S. If. Cranmer
(Si. 2.!i; G. W. Lattln (Hi, 141.
Superintendent ' of Instruction II. A.
Cstru.l (Rl. 67,851; Ros.i Moan (D). 19.479:
Henr y Hendricksen il'), 4.06S; Alice Knowles
Anderson (Si, 3.IH2.
l.snd Commissioner O. C. Dokken (Rj,
67. 831; Warren Young'' (I, 19.311: Earl C.
Pitcher (Pi, 4.044: Thomas H. Wells (Si,
;.S:!: J. A. Gleuson (H), S2.
Railroad Commissioner F. C. Robinson
(Ri. tiT.132; S V. Arnold (D). 19.370; Ivee
Woodward (I). 3,S; T. J. Bloan (Si. 1,841;
R. M. Maloy .(H), 1-9. '
On the constitutional amendments sub
mitted the vote was:
R.-venue and Finance Yes, 34,915; no.
To Increase Attorney General's Salary
z e, f.i.i.-s; no, az.iw.
Referendum laws:
County Local Option Yes, 39.075; no, 41', 406.
Divorce IjiW-Vid, 60.211; no. 38.794.
Protection of Quail Yes, 65,340;no, 32.271
Prohibiting Sunduy Theater Yes. 48,378;
no, 4Nm..
The legislature Is republican. 39 to 6, and
the house republican. 95 to 9.
Bee want ads are business boosters.
Republican Political Campaign la
Kentucky District Kevlvea Powers
and Golden Bitterness.
LEXINGTON, Ky.. Dec. 6. -The repub
lican political campaign in the Twenty-seventh
Judicial district, composed of the
county frqm which moat of the nen alleged
to have been concerned in the Goebel
murder conspiracy came, closed with elec
tion today. Bloodshed is feared as a result
of enmity between the Caleb Powera and
Captiln Ren B. Golden factions before
night. Golden Is a candidate for common
wealth's attorney and is friendly to the
Interests of Congressman D. C. Elffarda.
The candidacy of Goiden has caused the
fight of Powera and follower against him
and the Goebel conspiracy his been revived
a..d partisan feeling stirred to fever heat
Powers and Golden on the stump have in
dulged in bitter personalities.
It Is an easy matter to do bualneas
through Tbe Be Want Ad Columns.
Outcome ,of WithneH't Refusal to
Obey Council'! Orders.
Voand Balldlna; la the for
Mot Joining Council In Viola
tlon of the City Ordl-
Through the refusal of City Building In
spector Wlthnell to abide by tho unlawful
orders of the democratic city council and
to Issue a permit for the erection of a
frame warehouse within the city limits,
E. W. Dixon, president of the Orchard A
Wlllielm company, has decided to erect a
permanent brick structure Instead. Mr.
Dixon 1s now having plans drawn for the
building and expects to sart excavation
'fhe building will be erected at Eighteenth
and Marcy streets and will cover ground
space of 60xX0 feet. It will be two stories
high and basement and will be fire proof in
every particular. The warehouse will be
used for storing and sorting paper,
. The original plans called for a frame
building S'JxlOO feet. Mr. Wlthnell refused
the permit on account of the location
being within the fire limits. Tho petitioner
then went to the council and that body
passed a resolution ordering tliu building
Inspector to issue the permit. This that
official refused to do as tho charter flatly
forbids such action.
Mr. Wlthnell has also scored In another
particular. This Is 'in the condemnation of
the Cambridge hotel at Thirteenth Btreet
and Capitol avenue. The condemnation was
strenuously contested by the owner of tho
property, the 8. D. Mercer company, and
suits for damages was filed. Upon the re
fusal of the council to entertain the pay
ment of the damages asked for, tho owners
of the building have begun razing it. Ten
men were put to work tearing down the
building Saturday.
These permits fur new buildings have
been issued:
Douglas county. Fifth and Bancroft
streets, brick hospital building, detention
home, $3,5(10; Douglas county, Fifth and
Bancroft streets, brick boiler and laundry
house, detention home, $3,0110; Douglas
county, Fifth and Bancroft streets, brick
addition and alteration to brick building,
detention home, $10,000; Be;k & Chrlslen
son. Co., 2406 Caldwell street, brick store,
$7,500; L. Landen, 2-15 Spencer Btreet, frame
dwelling, $2,6CO; Groves-Wharton Construc
tion co'mpany, Fifteenth and Emmet
Btreets, cement stone factory building,
$2,300; R. Paul, 2XA Seward street, frame
dwelling, $1,800; Payne, Bostwlck & Co.,
Twenty-ninth street and Ames avenue,
frame dwelling, $2,5u0; O. C. Redlck, 1508-10
Harney street, alteration to Brick building,
$0; Chicago, St, Paul, Minneapolis &
Omaha Hallway company. Fourteenth and
Paul streets, alterations to frame ice
house; $2,000.
(Continued from Third Page.)
preached the funeral sermon. A paralytic,
stroke over a year since was the cause of
FALLS CITY Mrs. Irving E. Baxter and
little son Willium of Lawrence, Kan., are
here this week visiting friends. Rev. Mr.
Baxter is well known and has many friends
in Omaha and the eastern part of this
state, made when he was one of the clergy
men in the diocese of Nebraska. He Is
now rector of Trinity church, Lawrence,
Kan., where' ho has been for seven or
eight years.
GRAND ISLAND Attorney Homer of
Kearney, who defended W. T. Turley four
years ago, when the latter was tried on
the charge of shooting and killing Norman
Bliss, near Shelton, was in the city yester
day in the Interest of a petition for the
pardon of Turloy, who was convicted at a
second trial and sentenced to seventeen
years in the penitentiary, the Jury having
returned a verdict of murder In the second
degiee. Turley at the time of the trial
alleged that the shooting was committed
in self defense. The first trial resulted In
a disagreement, eleven Jurors being for
conviction and one standing for acquittal.
GRAND ISLAND For some unaccount
able reason though lack of promotion
work may have something to do with It,
the farmers' Instltutse. in this city have
never been well attended and this year is
not an exception to tho rule. The boys
and girls' corn raising and domestic sci
ence associations, however, are showing
ncreased interest. In connection with the
farmers' Institute they hold an annual ex
hibit and this year the number of exhibits
has increased 2oo per cent over last the
total number being 194. Good lectures aro
provided. lor the tanners, but the attend
ance yesterday In the day time was only
twenty-rive and In the evening only Blx
1'lEltCE A banauet was served In IMeree
last night by the women of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union, which was an
Innovation in that line. This organization,
under the direction of Mrs. E. J. T. Con
nelly, as president, has set about to give
a series of ban luets to bring certain per
sons together where, over the banquet
board, they will bo shown that their efforts
are appreciated. The first banquet, held
last night, was given to the high school to
give them an Idea that , they are to be com
mended for struggling (W an education and
to give them an added impetus to forgo
forward for a higher education. Banquets
to the same classes will be given at In
tervals, and in the meantime banquets will
be served to those helping In tho reading
room and other commendable enterprises,
and in this way It is planned to bring those
citizens of the town who are disposed to
upbuild society into closer union and In
still the most friendly feeling on the part
of all Interested in the welfare of the com
munity at large.
FL'LLERTON The .dedicatory services of
the new Methodist Episcopal church at
this place will occur next Sunday. A full
chorus and orchestra will furnish the mu
sio and Bishop Robert Mclniyj-e will have
charge of the servloes. At 9:30 a. ni. there
will be a love feast in the Sunday school
room, while Mrs. F. A. Sliawkey will meet
with the children In the league room. At
10 a. m. Bishop Mclntyre will preach. At
2:30 p. m. will occur the baptismal service
for children, and In the afternoon Rev. J.
L. Vallow of Alliance will preach. The
Knworth league will be led by Kev. Ward
Morse, and Rev. Dr. W. D. Parr of Ko
komo. Ind., will preach In the evening.
Fl'LLERTON TMs afternoon occurred
the funeral services of Verna Van Pelt, o-vear-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
V Pe't nt Phi' re Center.
NEBRASKA CITY James Deering of the
Burlington was called to Atchison yestei
day to attend the funeral of his brother-
in-law, James A. Love, a Missouri I'ac tic
brakeman, who whs killed by bi lng a ru.'k
nn the head by a signal board
nights since and his remains were tukeu
to tils old home for burial.
NKTRASKA CITY The Otoe Hook and
Ladde company at a meet ng held last
evening elected A. 8. Singer and lie uh
Hadvr as delegates to the state firemen's
convention U be held at Norfolk.
NEBRASKA CITY Nebraska City Aerie
No. Vim, Fraternal Order of Eagles, has
elected the following officers for .he ensu
ing year: Charles Leigh, worthy presi
dent; R. Ricketts. wo thy vice president;
John C. Miller, secretary; J. W. Butts,
treasurer; Rev. W. W. Barnes, chapluln:
Ralph Kuwltxky, Inside guard; John
Relehter; outside guard; ' Dr. Frank 8.
Marnell, physician; trustees, John M.
Klser, Henry Katzensteln and John
NEBRASKA CITY The ladiea" Oto Hive
No. 33, Ladles' of the Macabeea elected the
following officers: Past lady coninander
Elisabeth Meegan; lady commander,
Susan Hippie; lady L. commander, Mary
Carmody. record keeper, Adeline Brai'e
holt; finance auditor, Anna Cawley; chap
lain, Mary Eiclestoit; aergeajii, Theita
Spier; most-at-arms, Jjllu Gagnohln;
xentlnel, Soph. a Place; picket, Lucie liar
comb; musician, Pauline Holsner.
NEBRASKA CITY Front le lodge No. 3,
Independint Order of Orkt Fellows elected
the following officers: F. fX Rector, noble
grand; W. Gagnolin, vice grand; R. W.
Kelley, aecretar ; R. O. Marnell. treasurer;
trustees, William Rlschof, F. J. Hotm-yvr
and C. N. Kaxatona.
NEBRASKA CITY-Jame C. White, on
of Hie oldest residents of this county, died
nt the home of Ills son, near Elmwood on
Thursday und was buried yesterday in
tho cemetery at Palmyra. The deceased
was born August 21.', 1829, In Alhermaile
county Virginia, and served during the
civil war In the confederate army Hnd in
18C8 left his Vi ginlii home and came to
this county, where he has since made his
home, lie resided In the weste n part of
the county, where most of his llfo was de
voted to farming. He was married In 15Q
and to him wns born five children. Ho
was a member of tho Masonic lodge of this
city and the funeral was under tho direc
tions of that order.
NEBRASKA CITY Degree of Honor
lodgp No. 97 elpcted the following officers
for the ensuing year: Past chief of honor,
Mrs. C. Dnnlavy; chief of honor, Mrs. Sadie
Katzensteln; lady of honor, Mrs. F. H.
Brust; C. ot C, Mrs. Peter Freese;
recorder, Mrs. D. Donavon; financier,
Mrs. Ella Mordock; receiver, Mrs. Hattio
Belsiut; usher. Miss Eva Drennan; Insido
warden, Mrs. Susan Hippie; outside warden,
(1. M. Mordock; medical examiners, Drs.
M. SI. MafVean-Edmands, C. P. Crudup
and F. M. Neville.
PONCA-Levl Kimball of the First Na
tional bank, and John D. Haskel and
Henry Collins of the Farmers and Traders
bank of Wakefield and 8. T. Nelson ar
rived In Ponea today to be present at the
trial of H. W. PraJt anil son, A. K. Trait
on a charge of bootlegging in Wakefield.
PONCA The district court considered the
case of John Coin of ponca, one of the
gamblers secured by G. L. Wood, Ponca 8
Mayor, and City Marshal Wallace Curtis,
when thy raided a gambling den recently.
Coin pleaded guilty aiid was fined SO.
Mayor Wootr declares h will enforce the
laws while he Is in the office. He has
made good his pre-election pledge, and the
rest of the gang will be prosecuted as
soon as the county attorney can do so.
BKATRICE Dudley castle No. 19, Royal
Highlanders, met last evening and elected
there officers: H. W. L. Jackson, Illustri
ous protector; George KraJ, chief counselor;
Mary Jackson, worthy evangel; Emma M.
Savage, secretary; G. H. Van Home, treas
urer; May Wlsworth, warder; Herbert Phil
lips, sentry; Dr. W. Carre and Fred Ran
Oall, board of managers.,
BEATRICE Hose company No. 4 met
Inst night and elected these officers: C. 11.
Mudge, president; Harley Hef felf inger.
Vice president; Theodore Horn, secretury;
.aaV. SMi .sLBH sOat PB1 sRBSI
A $35.00
Buy here &
Save From
33 Mo
'I ;ir- ,
Here is the biggest
Christmas value in
the city. It l. made
of solid oak, hiiily
polished; it Is iji is
slvely construe red.
IliO value, il ,4 7C
special at. 1 -
Oa a bill of 910.00, a pair
of Iaca Curtains.
Ob a blU of 938.00, a
Pretty Bag.
Ob a bill of 950.00, a Par
lor Booker.
Ob a bill of 975.00, a
Xltobaa Cablaat.
Oa a bill of 9100.00, a
Morris C&alr.
nr t w
A. ilfcl.Ta' -Tl Jr'.ylSlT?J
is mui 7T tyi isrt
Xtie Corn Sfiov
Only a block apart On, the way t0 or fr?n th com
shoxo is 1-kis stort It's external appearance will at'
tract you, it's internal appearance will not disap'
point you When you look it over you 11 probably
agree with every one else that it is th "greatest
clothing store in the middle west.
some: of the features
The most beautiful Men's and Roys' Wear store in tho coun
try three big floors. The largest and most convenient Men's
Suit sections In the west. A Hat and a Furnishing Goods de
partment that are revelations. A great Shoo department. The
largest, finest and most comfortable Uo-b' department In uie
country. An unsurpassed Wardrobe section. An Overcoat de
partment without a peer. A store service that puts tho custo
mers' Interests before the store's. An Immense new stock, priced
lower than usual, and a "money-back" guarantee on everything
Suits to Measure
At Reduced Prices
Special Attention Given to Corn Show Visitors
We are humping ourselves making thera up for people
who know that our reduced prices mean big savings to
Our stock is still large enough to make selection easy
$40.00 Suits now $30.00
$35.00 Suits now 25.00
$28.00 Suits now $20.00
219 No. 16th St. Hotel Loyal Bldsr. D. H. Beck. Mm-.
Albert Wisely, treasurer; Henry Steffen, i
steward; W. H. Kors, foreman- J. J. Phil
lips, first assistant foreman; E. C. Camp
bell, second assistant foreman. 1
BEATRICE Charles Beasely, who was'
arrested nt Crab Orchard a few days ago
ror robbing three storea at Blue Rapids,
Kan., In company of Henry Pope, was yes
terday given his preliminary heating at
Marysvllle, Kan., and bound over to the
district court. In default of Hnu bond, he
was remanded to Jail. Pope had his hear
ing several days ago and was also held
to the district court. Since being arrested
they have admitted their guilt. They are
about 20 years of age, respectively, and
they will no doubt servo a term In the
state reformatory.
BEATRICE Rawllna post N,o. 35. Grand
Army of the Republic, held Its, annual meet
ing last night and elected tliene officers:
W. S. Tilton, commander; W. N. Whltlock,
H l"SBfll MB PSR H
high grade DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINE given away
ABSOLUTELY FREE of charge to every person in Omaha and vicin
ity. The machine is given .FREE absolutely free and will be de
livered to your home with every COMPLETE HOME OUTFIT
sold for either cash or credit.
0c all wool Ingrains,
best quality, per yard. . . . ,3t'
$1.00 extra Brussels Carpets,
strong quality, per CQh
yard 3 3b
$6. B0 Reversible Rugs, can be
used on either Bide, JO QQ
special at au
$17. B0 Brussels Rugs room
Base Burners
Positively the best value ever offered
In a Base Burner. It Is fully pat
ented and hau heavy nickel trlm
iiiIiiks. A $J7.50 value we 1 R Kfl
sell for 1 '3U
3 Rooms Furnished
Complete.. $49.50
Tables ij
If youjji
log A
nothing is more appro
priate ami more appre
ciated tlinn a fine 1 lining
Room Table. Brighten
this room for Christmas
by getting one of our
tables. We have t Q5
them as low us
Price On Easy Crsdit Terms
1315-17-19 FARNAM ST.
A coui1 of WOOkft RO twn
mon came In to look at Over
coats. One bought, the other
said he'd wait until he went
east. The other day they walked
In and the other man bought a
coat. He said he had "looked"
In about "0 rlothlnp stores In
eastern rUlm, but didn't see any
Overcoats to equal ours, so he
waited until he got back to
Omaha, Ours must be right if
a man can't find any to equal
them in several hundred miles
of travel.
$10 to $40
$10 to $50
$7.50 to $25
$1.50 to $12
v w , O "
senior vice commander; W. IL Walker
Junior vice commander; Ferd Brother suil
geon; J. G. Carnahan, chaplain; J. R. Craig
quartermaster; J. W. Jackson, officer of
the day; H. R. Thomas, officer of the
guard; R. G. Gllmore, delegate to the de
partment encampment, and A. H. Fox,
Beo want ads are business boosters.
Ror tliarited with Blackmail.
MURPHYSBORO. 111., Dec. 5. Will
DaviB, son of a farmer living near here,
was arrested today charged with being tho
blackmailer who by "black hand methods"
has "caused worry to many citizens of this
vicinity for six months." Among the boys'
victims "is his own father. Davis was seen
to isist a letter here Friday. It was deliv
ered Immediately and proved to be a "black
hand" demand.
is mr r r
special value, made of sol
id oak, five large drawers,
an ti ie, special ?4.5
ibles J
thinking of mak
Christmas K'H I'jLj
On r. Hill of J5.()(
"(' iwr wtH-b.
On Hiil i,t $.-.uo
!.() !cr vok.
On a Kill of !(()
1.50 M-r week.