4 0 THK OMAHA SUNDAY REE: DECEMHEK d. 1008. REAL ESTATE l CITY PRO'KHTV rpH HAI R . (Continual!.) Real Estate Going Up BUY NOW A SACRIFICE HOME. 1E13 No. Mth St., good lw-storv house, built four years ago by owner for a hum'-, four bedrooms arid bath on sec 'lid floor, food parlnr, large dining room, library or bedroom anil large kitchen on first lbmr: laundry, with hot nnd rnhl water and to let In basement; outside ccllarwny: lot .1xl:o; fine shade, fruit nnd shrubbery. Now of fered for $?.9U0; artuHlly less thn real value. About half cash, balame monthly. House vacant, keys at our office. Do not fall to sen this at one. NEW COTTAOB ON EASY TERMS'. Five rooms. In west part of rlty, all ready to occupy, modern e xcept hrat, one bint It from Farnam-Dundee car; price, t- . Small cash payment clown, balance to suit. QOOD HOMES ON EASY TERMS 42d and Harney, two-story, elght-fonm house, all modern, fifiy-ft. lot; price, $3,126. FJNB HOME FOR YOC. In HanBcom park district on 301 h Ave., strictly morlern, 7-rnnm houso, nuk flnlaii, electiU; light, b;itli, half blork to car; ouly J3.5U0. You ought to see tills at once. A NEW COTTAGE OEM. 2RM6 Ohio St., 4 rooms, modern l ath room, combination light fixtures, lot rKixlL'7. south front, half block from ear; very comfoit sble modern home, all on one floor; prica, -'.COO. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Near Crnmhton college and high school, 32t and 325 North 2tith St . two new strictly modem, up-to-date ho.isej, mi loinoi, pjv d streets, one bio. k 10 car. easy walkh g dis tance from business district; have h a;nl 7 looms and reception hull, respectively; an nual rental $sia and ulwu.s o 't uple I; price, J'.ioii. On 17th ft. neT nraalin Dally News bldg., we have two large ten-room houses, an nual rental jjnyi. I t 5x02'!; price red iced to J8.7.) for quick ale. Fine building lot t r St. 1,011. s flala. elosn In, UixjI), special taxes all pabl; price, H.OuO. RCILD1NO U)TS. Two south and cant froit 'ota at t'A Ave. nnd Iiori;o en grille, offered for a few days nt ; i n V. bluest snap In western p rt if city t' d o. First rus'o ne- m ik'ng a d' pouli on these lots Monday or Tuesday Will H'fiire cent net to purchase. l?-t and Mini y, nice building lit wl;h sewer, water, gus and permanent walk all 1 ii Id fur; price, J7'i. Payne, Bostwick &Co.. SOL.'. AGENTS. Man. Floor N. Y. 1. to llhig. Tel. Douglas 1018. (19)- I Two New Cottages Just Finished Out) of six roojus at S, W. corner 2 7th and Corby. One of four rooms, east front on 2Sth, between Maple and Uinney. We intend to sell both this woak;. Look; them over and make au offer. Payments to auit. Reed Brothers 1710 farnaru. (10) Mr" 8 For Sale A Few Bargains Left Four cottages on 2lst uiul Clark St., Kit tWxIf), koi it tenapU. ryntul $7(J utinuullv; u snup; will net you 15 per cent on your Investment $4,3oO. 9-1 00111 new iuue, with attic, hardwood flnls! liialde, ull nuulern, with hot w.iter heat; corner lot. 5xl:H). southeast coiner itolh, Hlul t'lippletoll Avf.-,lli. Three-story thrcw-apartment flat, c. o.l ten ants, walking distance to postoft'lce, lot O'xHO, yearly rental Jl.'Wo, $.,-ith und V'lmrlea 8l. $n,uuo. Tvvo-htury four-apartnient flat, nvwly pa pi red. paved street all paid, 6-rm ni eiit iW In rear, fifteen minxes to pusloffice lot wxli. rents Jt4 p.-r year, 17th und Urace fits. Trice, $7. Sue. Three-story iluublo brick house, ull 111. dern, lot toxl'.M; tills piopei'ty cost ts.u tu build, will net you 12 per cent; north part of city. Price, $n.(o0. r Two-Btofy Klore biilld.iiK. with four apart ments; flats all uewlv papered and paint ed, in No. 1 condition; near Joth and Clark Sts. I'rice. tti.tUi. Also hava a nood piece of business prop erty on Hurt St., between Kith und lGth Sts., which can be bought cheap. C. M. HACilMAXN, (36 l'axton Block. (lJ)-Mall3 8 $500,110 CASH A NO BALANCE- MONTHLY WILL BUY THE SWELL ,'EWBUN(JALOW 170 UKF ST. Its a beauty; part finished In oak with every modern convenience except fur nace, and will put In furnace if desired a beautiful south front 4o-foot lot, cement walks and brick paved street. If you are looking for a new anil well buU 6-room modern cottage on paved street, not far out and convenient to two street car lines, see us aa to price and ternis, on this property. GARVIN BROS. Xh) Farnant St. Phoria Pvug Ui2. 19( AM eastern o-nr haa two houses In Hans corn Place reaud for Tu a month; every thing modern: paved street: east front; will sell at bargain; pne block north ui Uanacom Park. THOU S BRENNAN, Rooiu, New Yerk Life Bqlldln. us 1 at FIVE well built house psar b,lgh school; lowest rental they brought In dullest ttmea f,t00; owner removed permanently from Omaha; price for Immediate sJ IH,; ceh; balance on teinia. f f. V. WBAD, XaiU FARNAM ST. (19)-M373 8 onwm uuun iu bm rwvair. cnean Tn r oaa or monthly payments. Brick cture 11U14 1 iwiii Mjwimiii. vfituuK sireei uew St. Louts flat, atrluily tiD-lu-date. axaj ateyer, us bu o)-M24 ex LIST your property With Chrta, Boyer, 224 aiiu vuiiima di cij au STRICTLY modern new bungalow; and ground euoAigh for three moro liou's, "n car live. Prtoa 6,0uu part time. Will dtviue. BUTLER BROS., 1408 Farnam St., Room ?. (1)-M433 6x REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH LA. NO FOR IALB Colorado. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Deo vet-Qi eeli y district, under Irrigation: sugar beets, alfalfa, geaeral farming ana fiuit raising: iov pile, easy payments. National In vest meat Co., W2 Brandels feW(-i (WeJut, l'eii (lotMlaa tsSI. REAL ESTATE PtllM AM) Ut l MMl ton I.K Colorado t'ontlneed. TJIK IIAUADOHN INVEST MKNT C'OAIi'ANV, H11B Tn niont St.. U.'nver. Colo. Wholesale and Uetail Dealers in NEliKAbKA AND COLOKADO LANDS Some good Investoieiits In western Ne btaska lands. We have Urge holdings of lar.dH ill tho famous dAN l.L'Irf VALLEY of Cnloradu whicli a aro nfferinK at very low ricue, Willi terinamnt water niit.i. 1 The most producllvu I md in the orid. j Wllle us for clicular and price list or lands. MAIN OFFICE, l'il'i TltKMuNT ST.. DtNVEK, COLi . FRUIT FAKM COLORADO If you are contemplating engaaliig In the fiuit business We have ;i proposition that should Interest you ten ami one-half acres In the best fruit dial rut in tliu state. I'roduci d l.isw boxes of apples this Jear; improvemeiitH consist of a t-room lioiiHc, hay sIuiIh and atahle; all In lu st of repair; twelve hlocks from Mistofflce; ull irrigated with abiiiulant water supply; 1 oats less than 1 per year to maintain water. For further information cull or writ a V. FAKNAM SMITH & CO., 13ii Farnam St. 'Phones Douglas lm!4, Independent A-IkK. (3h)- ltna, WE WILL P1CLT, one of Iowa's best rorn a?.d whi at farms of 4MI aer s. he ated m Hhelby county, about eljht mijes of Marian, thiee and one-half tulles from Klrkmnn. four miles from liefiance 8nd six miles of Irwin. 215 acres under plow, hal'incp hnv and pas ture; large ono and iie-iinlf-story house, ten rooms; barn HJxtv). room for 111 hi'ad of hors''S. .'10 tons of hav. ..Hi.) buslii la of corn; I'hickeu house, h" house, eal -s and all ether kinds of out buildings. In cm d condition. Thin farm must be sen to be appreciated. I am offering tills for a short time only al 4X1 pr r ai re. Can give iood terms if iles'red. iither lands hi (lie fame locnb'v selling fnei IKkl to SVJ5 per an... Notolng better In tin statu (or the monuy. J. it ADK1XS, hootn 4, First Natl mil Hank fUtlldinK, L'ouiieil lIlulfH, la C.11) SH'li r,x I5 PER ACRE. TEN MILFS OF COI'NCIL HLFKFS. 3 acres, nbout half in eiillivath 11. fair lioiihe, gnoil barn. H or 7 :ores of fine orchard. This is 11 bargain for some one. II. ii. McGcc, II Pcurl St., Coinu I lilulfs, la. (ai)-Mj '.x ONE r,r the best 210 ai re farm In (isceola Co., ; lose to three towns and school; must Im sold at a sacrifice. Price, $lS.noi, worth $JMio; nwnur needs the money. ft.Siin down, lialaiii n on time. No trades. Come otlli k. Uuarantee Laud Co.. Oi iieyedan, la. (Jui Mi3 7x lllssoart. LU1VA booklet and weatlai report. Sent flee. BAZEL J. MEEK, CHTLLICOTHE. MO. (20) Nebraska. Farm for Sale Sealed bids will be received up to De cenibur l.'i, lans for the Alary E. Bean farms in Douglas county. Nebraska, towit: No. I: The northeast quarter of section 1 township 16, north of range ID, east. beliiK about lti'i acres of land Just six miles norll of Elkhorn, mid about one mile Hul l IpiiiHt of Elk Cltv and on- m l- w i' of Washington. Land is fenced and cross fenced; new bouse, good bar n, cui'if i'i ,d,, etc. Black soil rich as Douglas county land . usually Is. Tenant, A. O. Fitch. Least) out March 1, 1)) 8. No. 2: The southeast quarter of l-lil-io, east, adjoining the Hlmve. described fui'm. House, barn, granary, cribs; land fenced nd cross fenced. About thirty acres of pasture, w'ah a small running creek through same; bulapce in corn; upland and rolling. Tenant, Leni Fitch. Lease out March 1, 1(M. Terms of Sale: One-fourth cash, balance In live iaiul annual payments; secured by I lot moilgime on property, with interest at 5 per cent per annum from March 1, Uicti, payable. semi-annually. Insurance policy In be deposited witli the murigagee. Owner reserves the fight to reject any und ull bids. The Byron Reed Co. KOLiil AGENTS, 212 S. 14lh St. November 27, lin. Omaha Neb. )- 040-ACRE homesteads, uiter cheap relin quishments. J. Beilina, Wltinan, Keb. (2t)) Mils Decsx ltit) ACRES. Cultivated upland,, with good buildings, about pne mile from Elk City, Douglas county, Nebraska. Six miles north of Elk horn, one mile west of Washlngiun. THE BY RON REED COMPANY, 212 S. 14th St., Omaha. (20) M260 7 Ave Vou Comioff to the CORN SHOW I Cull und let us give you prices on corn and uiiuita tarms near Omaha, the best mar ket In the west. J, U. DUMONT & 'SON. 'Phpne Doug. tiio. lGii Farnam St. 120J Jd.'isi ii CHEAP LAND. 9C0 acres westeru Nebraska, larger portion ' level plow land; will make fine stock and grain farm; only frl.TG an acre. HICKS REAL ESTATE Co., OMAHA. (20) Mtilt bx Texas, ALL Aliout Tr xa.s-The Texan Realty Journal glvm rellablo information on en tire sta,to. H tells about lands, products raised, dcvelopmt nts going on; in fa-.t gives all matters of int. -rest to those contemplating- moving to Texaa or the grent southwest. It s a high class publioation. Ihmi t buy farms or make investments until you r-ad It. Threw months subscrip tion 'Jfic. Texas ReaJty Jaurual. lloiiM..n, Texus. (20) 5ii tlx FOR 8ALFA-Textis land. I want g aul, livti men tu help mw sell -26,iW acres of Pau IihiuIU) land hna ted on the Texas & Pa cific railway, near tlilttea and Midland: from mm 10 seven miles to the railroad; pric 810 to 812.50 per acre; shallow water; U st selling proposition in Texas; want ai;eiits in every city in the north; you are dealing direct with the owner and no rl tape aliout commissions; bring me the buyer und you get your money; It Is 1111 to you whether you make $l.i0 of tfv.tM) per month. Send for contracts. If J OU have buyers, bring I hem along and .van shall he protected. What 1 nam is quick action. J. W. Topping. Midland. Tuxas, Owner. tai-3 814 TEXAS-Oood farm land. Write- Re markable crops. W. D. Wilson, IL'Ustou, Texas. cjo) WaabtDgtoo. NO PIONEER WORK HERB. We do all tbu work in Arcadia. We plant the trees, euro for tlieau four years with out c harve and alter this tune turn over 1 property to uu that should pay il.iAi) a year per aire ir you. I"ay oiu-tMith doiva, LUiu'e small monthly payweiita i;o riiirjr about winter frutits. summer iroufc-iiis. Plenty of water In Arcadia Irrigation system Installed, climate Ideal Ciuiliuu.' yopr presiiil work; your inter ests will lv , ll larvil fur. l-5 eik after four year If you are not ready to take over- your property we will continue tue csre. of same fir a nominal charge. Bet ter Investment thsn life Insurance or gov ernment bonds. Address Otuut A Dye, Inc.. 883 American Bunk Bldg . Seattle, Wash. liD- 80J x WHEN writing 10 advertisers don't fall to mention the fact thai you lit lu ad Ut Tba Bee, REAL ESTATE fAHM AM) UA( II ,KI) FOR 9 A 1,1". (Continued ) M lcellaaea. G )V HU K M F.NT farms free. Our U2pae book, "Vnciint Government Ind," de scribes 1 very sere In every county in Vnlted States. Mow secured free. IS"", diagrams and tallies. All nboiit free Ir-rlKa'-'d farms l'rlee 2ec, postpaid. Webb I'libllshlng Cimipany, l pt. ISs, Ht. I'sul, Minn. 30l REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aail Itant-h Land. 200 nrres in East Omaha; plow land, pas ture nnd timber; $-'ii a year; a good pro position for the right party. Inquire THE BY RON HEED CO., 'Phone Doug. li)7. . 14th St. (211 M C2 M REAL ESTATE LOANS LoANa of souu 10 ti.uou on Omaha residence properly. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. luul N. Y. Lite Bklg. (22)-3 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. (22J-83 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., N. Y. Life. Private money; JOuU to 15,000; low rate. (:)- Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always 011 hand and for sale in amounts from f) to .l,oiO. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Lifa BlUg. 12J) M533 7 FIVE PER CENT money to loan on Omaha Business Property, TUU.MAa BUENiNAN. Room 1, .Nsw 1 org Lite iildg. (W82i SECOND MORTUAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. Apply Room 211 First National Bunk Bldg. Bell 'Plums Douglas zm. t t ) 736 MONEY TO BCILD. ."lOO to l2uiM.no at current rates. W. II. THOMAS, 5u3 First Nat. Bank Bldg. (i2)-s; CITY AND FARM LOANS. Ed. L. Culver. 3H-315 New Yolk Life. Mercantile nieoi poiating company; will Interpol',! to yuur business correctly, 811 !!lj New York L'fe- 122) MONEY TO LOAN-fayna Investment Co. 122)-S27 PRIVATE innnuy to loan- J. H. Sherwood. Glii Hrandels Bldg. (22 82S PK1VATB MONEY NO DSLAY. GARVIN BROS., 1004 FARNAV (H)-83i LOWEST BATES Bemls. Paxton block. (22) S30 WANTED CITY loans. Teters Trust Co. (22) 829 Sino TO Jin.ooo made promptly. F. D. Weaa. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. (222 -83)1 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED rncmpluyed land ur lots. Will give my shares of stock in a reliable In dustrial corporation for same. DescrilKi what you have and slate valuo. Address Peter Mathews, Orion, ill. (Ul 113 x WANTED TO Bl'Y 80 ACRES. Douglas or Washington county farm. Must be In good condition with good im provements. Address C-830, care Bee. (23)-M6ifi g WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; give price, d cription and state when possession can be hud. Address L. Darbyshlre, Box 1910 A, Rochester, N. Y. (23) WANTKD Mood investment property by nonresident In Oiuulia for couple weeks, 2tiMi to fcltJ.OiiO. Will pay about half cash. Address ut once H bUu, care of Bee. (2i"i) .VpplH ti WANTED TO BORROW WA N'TED ii.um private loan, t; per cent; new. close-iu Omaha property. Address A B28 Bee. (24) M442 7x WANTED TO BUY IllGHEST prices f or 2d-hand furniture, car pets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 31)71. (20) 833 WANTED A small second-hand printing press, alone or with outfit. Address P. O. Bux li4, Omaha. (26) MiOD 8 OLD MAGAZINES Walkers Agency, Omaha. (2D)-M727 Decs BECONLMIAND vault door wanted Na- tional Wood Worts, Sioux Cllv, la. (26)-M3&6 7 RIGHT prices paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpels, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red 6401. 126) -84 WANTED TO Bl'Y-Paying office business or cigar and news stand, suitable for lady. Must lie first class. Give, full particulars, location, etc., in first loiter. WU1 hold same strictly confidential. Addruss F 833, cure Bee. (2ej .Mifc 8 WANTED SITUATIONS YOCNQ man desires place to work for board while attending school. Boyles College. Both 'phoncg. (37) MS43 Tfll'Vf! woman. A-l character. mm, I housework w ith elderly couple, or as com panion to invalid. Addicts J 619, Bee. (27)-M35 tix CTJCANINQ by the day. Maggie Johnson, 1 N. 21at St. (27)-414 7 JAPANESE) boy. named Kim, wants to work in privuto home and go to school. "Phone Webster 2404. (9)-M!25,ft STENOGRAPHER wants steady work at home on percentage on good Oliver type- V rller. r. Address 30, Omaha Dally Ie. 127) MnSI Sx WANTED Desk room In good location by txpvOuuuvd grneral aleuographer. v 827, Bee. 1 27u Ml 7g WASHING wanted at J224 8. 27th St. (27)-M5flf 8x WATCHMAKER, Joweler, plalu engraver. wants situation; own 10.11s. Aditress t; 833. Boa. (271 M579 6x FX PK RI ENCEO stenigrtipher; exiilent 1 .(ii 1 are. U., Omaha Bv Council Bluffs. 127) Mtiil 8 EXPERIENCED traveling salesman wants poaitluu; best rufereiu'ea. Address O. tl''2, Beu. (27)-M(5 S STOVE REPAIRS FCRNACE, steam and hot water repairs; Thermostats and other heat regulators; new (uiuacea and hut water combination healing. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12o6-12oS Douglas St. 'Phones: Ind. A-3' U. Bell. Douglu 880. 786 GOVERNMENT NOTICES SEALED PROIVISALS W I EL UK RR celved at office of treasurer. Battle Mountain Sanitarium. N. It. D. V. 8.. Hot 'l'iiii. Fall River county. South Dakota, until 12 o'clock tn , December 21, lfc. und then opened for furnlahlug all necessary labor and malertals for completing toe final lnstallaliou of the hydrutherapeutlc equipment in the basement of ward No. 2, Battle Mountain IsHnitarlum. N. if. p. V. S ,. Hot Springs, Sviutk Dakota. In accord ance with Instruction and specifications, eoples of which, with oilier Information, may be had upon apnlleallon to W. A. TL'CKklK. VtvUf ia 2kD-43 LEGAL NOTICES THE SOCTH OMAHA AND WESTERN RAILROAD OOMHANY-Special Meet ing. Omaha. Nib., ()ctober J, !. A ie clal meeting of the stockholders of the South Omaha slid Western tatlroan Com- rai.y will be held at the office cf the ompany in Omaha, Neb, on i-ildsy, rember IS. IDC', at 11 o'clock a m.. for the purpose of authorising ami piovldine for Hie sale of the railioud of The South Omaha and Western Railroad Company, with Its franchises and appurtenances, iLr real estate and pctsonal pi' p.-rty, to I nlon Pacific Railroad Company, the considera tion for such sale to be the raii"ellation of the bends and satisfaction ot tho mort gage ot said The South Omah.i and West ern Railroad Company, and the assumption ef all its other itidi btedness by the. said I'nlon Pacific Hnllrn.vl Company; and for the purpose of transacting all such other buslni-ss as may legally coin before the Meeting. For the purposes of the inetito the books for the irnnsfr of sb ck will be closed at I o'clock p. m. on Monday, December T, liUS, and will be reopened lit 10 o'clock a m. or Saturday, D -i-cmbcr 11 l8. T. M. 1 IRK Secretary. Oadt.nI kM NOTICE TO BRMKiE Bl ' I LDERS Sealed proposals for the construction of steel and wooden bridges that may tic built In York county for the year HM) will be re ceived at the office of the county clerk of said county on or before 12 o'clock noon of January 13th, Pa. All bids to he in ac cordance with plans adopted by the Board of Supervisors and accompanied by a certi fied f heck for lim ort, which check shall be H forfeit against refusal to execute contract whew award Is made. Dated at York, Ne braska, this 4th dav of Ioemlcr. 1. W. A. MILLER, County Clerk. D-lS-?0-27 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Frank J. Morlarty nnd wlfo to Anton OUveiki. lot 7, block 11, Corrlgaii Place ,..$ 300 C. M. Moiton to William O'Connor, lots 1 to S and 11 to 2, block 31, Ambler Place 10 L. C. Gibson and wife to Omaha Mer cantile, company, lot 4, block 7, 1st add. to South Omaha 1,500 County treasurer to Continental Trust company, lot 15, block , Je'ler'a add. William O. St urgt on. Place .... Thomas E. Pre and wife to John F. lot IS, block 1, Mayne too l'rlee to Sylvester Bowers, 8-1H-13 part 11 w 1 4 11,500 5,000 3O0 Sylvester Bowers to Thomas E. l'rlee, block 23, Florence Heights Frank W. Ji.dson und wife to Westley If. per ranee, lot 1, Field Club sub. WeMhy II. De France to Frank W. Juilson man 1 John W. Elmer, S'i lot 6, and all lot 8. Mors- i-k Manor and wife to Mabel E. lot 13. block 2, Sheridan I'l.'K'B Continental Trust company Allison, lot 8, block luD, to Irving Florence 1 Total $19,113 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION lOTH AND MASON Unloa Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a i.M am a 9:40 pra Colorado Express a 2:50 pra a B:o0 pm Atlantic Express al0:15 am Oregou Express a 4:10 pm a 6:no pm Los Angeles Limited. ,.al3:55 pm a 9:16 pm Fast Mall a 80 am a i:46 pm China and Japan MaU-.a 4:i lira a ii:5rt pm North I'latto Local a 7:43 am a 1:45 pm Colo.-Chicago Special.. .al2:10 am a 7:06 am Beatrice & StromBburg Local bl2:30 pm ')1;40pnt Chicago, Milwaukee 84), Paal Chi. Jfc Colo. Special. ...a 7:25 am all:50 pra Cal. & Ore. Express. .. .a 6:u0 pm a 3;2S pm uvenana iiiuuvi a v.uo ijiii a a.ju Km Perry Booul D pm to :2a am Chicago A Nertaweetera-i Chicago Daylight a 7:X am all:48 pm Twin Oily express a c;a am at(l;20 pm Chicago Local all :30 am a 3:38 pm ,M,U 1 j.,.u) . U It'JA n. all., a, DIUUA J W".-. ' " I" ' BU.1V a 1 11 oi,l..0 1 ii. I i-'Mi it,,, u Q 'lX ..... Chicago Special 8:1 pm a 8:23 am X, ta.lluL;la IT V U AAZ ,,, n Q.-u, Fast Mail a 8:36 pm Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 8:00 am 1 ,,b Aitfwtria IJmilad a 9:10 nm all'i .nm Overland Limited al0:00 pin a 8:23 am Nebraska and Wyoming Division -) Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am a 6:20 pm Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:10 am al0:3o am nd wood-Lincoln a 3:00 Din a K:iiD nm Casper-Lander a 3:00 pm a 6:20 pm Frftnoiil-Aiinon .., d o:nu pm U 1 Pm Hastings-Superior b 3:00 pra b 6:20 pm Chicago Great Western St. Prtul-Mlnneapoiis..., 8:30 pm 7:30 an, St. Paul-Minueapulis..., 7:30 am ll:3u pm Chlc&go Limited 6:0s pm 8:27 am Chicago Express 7:3o am 11:30 pm Chicago Express 3:30 pm 3:30 pm Wabush St. Louis Express a 6 bt. Eouis Local, (trom Council iiluffs) a 8 Stanberry Local (trom Council Bluffs) b t Missouri Pacific K. C. & St. L. Express K. C. fir St. L. Express .all' Illinois Central Chicago F-iprcs a 7 Chicago limited a 6 Mlnn.-St. Paul Express.b7 Minn. -St. Paul Limited a 6 Oma.-Pt podge Local.a 1 .30 pm a 9:25 am :00 am all:15 pm :00 pm bl0;l5 am 00 am a 8:45 am 18 Dm a 8:60 pm 15 am 00 pm 15 am 00 pm 15 pm a I 46 ntu a 8:30 am a 8:30 ani all .-30 am Chicago, Hock lslena EAT. raclft Chicago UtrUUd 4 3 i.,w 1 nmi a 7 00 am aJl:06 nm :00 am a 4.30 nin Hocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 3: Ues Alolneu & Easleiii .a 7: ,00 am all .06 pm a :3U pm aI2.3o pm b K.ia pm a 1:10 pm a 8.3a am :oo am Des M-lnus passeugvr..a ; Iowa Local bll; r-ideniiL, (Eastern ExJ..u 1 ;og pm ,00 am .40 pm 28 put Chicaao Flyer a 6. WEST, rtnrltu Mountain Ltd ..ail: 15 pm a 3:50 am Pa a :30 pm 4o Pin a l:U pm Colo. & Cal. Express.. a 1- gkl. A leaa a, s BIBLl.NuTQS STAIUTU 4k UASON Burlington Leave. Denver & California. .. .a 4:lo pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a i lu pm Northwest Express ....al2:15 am Nebraska points a 8:45 am Nebraska Express a 9:1a am Lincoln Fast Mail b 1.20 pm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local fcchuyler-Plattsnioulh ..b 8.10 pm Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..a 8:08 pm PUtismouib-lo 0 848 am i,.,n.,,a.PlatLamuuLh Arrive. a 3:45 pm a 3:45 pm a 8:10 pm 1 liC am a 8:10 nm a 8:10 pm al3:U pm b 8:08 am a 7:6 J pm blO:20 am a 8:50 am b 1:0s pm o 3:40 pm a 7:08 am aH:45 pnt a 3:65 pm a 8:30 am all M am ull o am a 6:30 am a 8:14 pm bellevue-Plaltsmoulb 2:3 pm Denver lumlled 4:10 pm Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago h.xpie a : piu Chicago Flyer a 8:30 pm Iowa Local a 8:15 am St Louis Express a 4:40 pm Kansas Ciiy & St. Joe..alo:4i pm Kansas City Ac St. Joe. .a .U am Kansas City ii St. Joe.. a 4.40 j,m VVEHSTEIl STA ISTH A WEBSTER CbJvac. Sti Pawl, UtnacapoH uiuam Leave Arrive. Twin City rassenger...b 8:S0 am b 9:20 pm Bioux Cltv Passenger. . .b 2:iX pin bll -55 am Sioux City Local 0 8:45 am c 6:10 pin Emerson Local b 5:cJ pm b 4 am Idlssoorl Pacific Auburn Local b 1:60 pm bll:IS am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 0 Sua day only, d Dally except Saturday. Call Us by 'Phone Whenever you want some thing, call 'Phone Douglas ;js and make It knowa. through a Bee Want Ad, D. C SCOTT, D.V.S. (Irnrmanr to Dr. H. L, RamaortotU.) sUMSTTAY TCT4VVAJtj 4 Boast). Kit Calla Promptly Awwesod at All Btn Tiionl irross suanuiy m. ISallslU ovoa, wono-ias. FORTUNE FOUND IN SIONE Chicago Jeweler Says W. Ahern Has Dug Up a $40,000 Diamond. PICKED IT OUT OF A GRAVEL PIT Came rr Throw Inn naael at a 4c In Denver, Where He Konnd It nnit Formerly l.lvrd. Carrying a diamond valued at $40,fJ loosi ly in his overcoat iiockct togetlicr with his pipe, tolu'.co, glovee and a few other things which are at to find their way Into an outside pocket, W. Ahern, formerly of Sioux City, luter of lH-nver, but now living In Omaha, has found that be is a rich mn and that the pebble which he had "oome within an uce" of throwing at a dog. Is worth a small fortune. And the bent part of the story is that Mr. Ahern stumbled onto the diamond, which Is In the rough, In a gravel pit and that his little daughter. Nellie, was tho first to cause tho suspicion that the stone hud value. Mr. Ahern, who Is now living with his wife, three daughters and one son, at 1416 William street, found the diamond In a gravel pit near Denver six weeks ago. Ho did not know at that time that It was a diamond, never even thought that It was worth the picking up, but because the stone, having the aparanee of melted glass, looked different from the other around It. he picked It up and thrust It In his pocket. He carried It there for some days and one day, shortly before leaving Denver, started to throw It at a cur which snapped at his heels. Luckily for Mr. Ahern as well as for the dog the obstrep erous nnlmnl slunk behind a building, and the diamond was again entrusted to tho finder's pocket. Sparks Come from It. When he went home that night he took the diamond out of hlB pocket and placed It among tho children's marbles. It was not as round as a marble and the little girl, Nellie, thought to break off the rough edges and make It more cylindrical. There was a flaw In the stone and a few taps with a tackhammer broke off a silver. Tho child was startled at the brilliancy of the freshly broken stone nnd when her father returned his attention win called to It. The children plnyd no more with the stone after that and In a few days the family moved to Oraahn. When they ar rived here, Mr. Ahern took tho stone to Trills A. Borshclm, diamond merchant, 50 south Sixteenth street, and asked for an opinion as to what It was and what. If anything, It was worth. Though the stone wns In the rough, the Jeweler knew the minute he saw It that It was a diamond. He has not the Instruments for cutting and testing the value of a stone as large, however, and therefore It was sent to Chi cago for examination. And from Chicago comes the Information that the stone which W. Ahern found In a gravel pit Is worth all of $40,000 If not more, and Mr. Borshelm says It may be more. Shows It to the Mayor, The valuable stone made one final trip In Mr. Ahcrn's overcoat pocket Saturday, but the owner kept bis hand firmly grip ped around It in his pocket. This final trip was to the office of Mayor Dahlruan, a former acquaintance, to whom the stone was shown. The mayor was allowed to hold the treasure a few minutes and a couplo of newspaper reporters, who hap pened In the office at tho time were also allowed to give it a few fond caresses. Then Mr. Ahern took it back again and left the city hall, saying he was going to hunt up a safety deposit vault. The large stone will be sold to some monarch of Europe for a crown Jewel, Mr. Ahern says, but the chip which his little daughter split off will be cut and set Into three rings, one for Mr. Ahern, one for the little girl and one for the mayor of Omaha. Could he find the dog which snapped at his heels In Denver a week ago and then accommodatingly scurried behind a build ing, It Is likely that Mr. Ahern wou,ld pre sent it with a fancy collar studded with diamonds. LUTHERAN JUBILEE BANQUET Over Two Hundred Representatives ot Chnrvbes Attend the Function. The Jubilee banquet In celebration of the seml-oentennlal of the Lutheran church In Nebraska was held last night at the Rome hotel and was a large and brilliant event. The tables were laid in tho ballroom of the hotel, which presented a most pleasing ap pearance from the lighting effects and the floral decorations. More than 200 repre sentatives of the various Lutheran churches of the state were present. Following the discussion of an elaborate menu there were a number of addresses. Rev. John E. Humnion presided as toast master. The first response was by Dr. Andrew Johnson, his subject being, "Our Social Life." He was followed by the Rev. Adolf Hult, whose subject was, "Our Lutheran Women." Harry Fischer replied to the sentiment, "Our Lutheran Laymen." The principal address of the evening was delivered by Rev. Oustav Andreen, D. D., president of August ana college, Rock Is land, III. Dr. Andreen spoke at gome length, his remarks having to do with the Juplleo which, has Just been celebrated and with the work of the Lutheran churches In general. He Is a most capable speaker and his address was well received. A feature of the evening wag the large number of womou who were present. OMAHA MAN FROM SPOKANE John P. Cnnmnas Elected Delegate to National t'uiu werclal Congress at Council Bluffs. SPOKANE). Wash.. Dec. e.-(8peelaj. John P. Cummings, formerly of Omulia, row an Investment broker In this rlty. has been selected by the Spokane Chamber of Commerce as its delcgatu to the annua) llieetli g of the National Couimorclal con gress at Council Bluffs, December 14 to 20. He will subm.t for consideration a resolu tion urging legislation In the interests of minlrg. manufacturing and agriculture; also present Spokane's Invitation to havo the organization meet In this city In J909. the week following tie seventeenth Na tional Irrigation congress. September 27 to October 2, thus giving the delegates, at) ep poituutty to visit the Alka-Yukon-Puclflo exposition at Seattle, and taking pari at the iirlgatlon congress. He will establish head quarters at Sixteenth and Fainam streets aid tarry on a lively vampaign. in which lie will be aaslstid by propiiiunt residents of Omaha, to secure the next meeting of the commercial nier. for this city. HYMENEAL. Uaaicaard-Herry. Miss Harriet Berry, daughter of Ur. and Mrs. Frank Berry ef Wayne, Neb., and Arthur F. Daugaard were married Friday evening at the residence of the groom's parents, 4ut Seward street. Many invited guests were present, Including a number from out of the city. Rey. Cliark-a W, Uvldge, r(oriu4 the ceroroosj BRIEF CITY NEWS Rare Boot Print It. y Bndolph F. Swoboda, Fnhllo Aoconntant. Fa Bonrke for Qualify cigars. 31 S. 1 'th Morand'a lessons In aanclsg. Tel. I. 1811 Blnehart, photographer. 13th Farnam Bowman, 117 N. 10, Douglas shoe. f: .f.o. Dr. Ewlng Browa, 603 Branaeto Bldg. Equitable lata Policies sight draft at maturity. 11. D. Neely, manager, Omaha. W. O. Russell, the Bercsahoex, Is still doing business at M South Fifteenth street. Entrance from Jackson elrecl. Miss Perry's Big Rummage lals begins Monday, December 7, at 10 a. m. at 191S Vinton street, for tho benefit of the Child Saving institute. For Xmas Gas or electric reading lamps make acceptable presents. Prices reasonable. HurKess-Granden Co., next to gas office. 1511 Howard St Yen Menay and Insursaoe Panels should be kept in a fire and burglar proof safe deposit box In the American Safe Deposit vaults In The Bee building. Boxes rent for only 14 a year. Ellsa Ashersjrt Asks ZUrosoo TAlza Ash craft has filed suit for divorce from Albert Ashcraft on the charge of abandontii -ut. B'nal B'rlth'a Anna! Dance William McKlnley lodge, B'nal B'rlth will give Its annual dancing purty Tuesday evening at the Rome bote). Burglars In Saloon Burglars entered A Peterson's saloon, Seventh and Pacific streets, Thursday night by prylug opcu the front door. They took $12 In change, a box of good cigars and a quart of whisky. "What la rrovtauaoe" Before the Omaha Philosophical society, Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m.. In Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, the secretary will road the address of the late John Edward Keyns on "What Is Providence?" Funeral of Kugh Chapman The funeral of Hugh Chapman, the 80-year-old veteran of the civil war and former tailor, grocer and base ball admirer, who died Thursday, was held at the residence of the widow and sons, George and William, Saturday aftornoon at 2 o'clock. Burial was in Pros pect Hill cemetery. Watch Stolen In Card Game While playing cards In a saloon at Thirteenth and Harney streets Friday evening. Harry Sherman of Lincoln, had a gold watch stolen from his vest pocket. He reported the matter to the police, with a description of the timepiece, but UuabU to say who had robbed him. Bergtrs Can Spend Money Aa Be tikea John Bergers can now spend his mouey as he likes. The temporary Injunction re straining him from spending his cash dur ing the pendency of the suit for divorce brought by Ins wife, airs. Maud U. Ber gers, has been dissolved, though the case lias not yet come up for trial. Fifth Ward Improvers A meeting of the Fifth Ward Viaduct and improvement club has beua called tor Monday evening, December 7 at MoKeniie's hall. Sixteenth and Locust streets. The building of a via duct over the tracks on Locust street be low Sixteenth and the Improvement of the north part of the city will be discussed. Show Case la Stolen A whole showcase filled with shears and pocket knives was stolen from la front of the Pat ton-Yates Hardware company's store, 410 North Six teenth street, early Friday evening. The case was about four feet long and it is thought the thief carted It away in a wagon. It was valued, with tho contents, at S2& Promotion for Omah Boy Frank P. Mahoney, city passenger agent for the Harrlman lines at Bt. Louis, has been pro moted to the position of contracting freight agent for the Harrlman lines at St. Louis. Mr. Mahoney Is an old Omaha boy, and Is tho son of T. P. Mahoney, clerk in the of fice of the chief quartermaster, Depart ment of the Missouri. ittle Boy Found Out in Cold John nie Herbert, Who lives with his mother at 833 South Nineteenth street, was found by M'lke Barlow, a newsboy, Friday afternoon on the Great Western tracks, badly chilled and apparently suffering from an epilep tic fit. Juvenile Officer Carver and Dr. F1tr.gibbon took care of tho lad, who was taken to the police station In the umub lance and later takeu home by his mother. Fire Damage Ceysrsa By Policy Fire caused by a defective flue did about 500 damage Saturday morning to tho house on lot 8, block 2. Alamo place, near Twenty sixth and Capitol avenue, which Is occu pied by John Peterson. K. R. Parker and C. II. Walrath own the structure, which Is a one and one-halt story frame house Practically no loss to the more valued of the contents of the house was sustained, all the furniture having been taken out doors before the flames damaged It. The damage to the building 1s fullly covered by Insurance. Suspected of Bouse Burglary The Omaha police think they have captured the man who entered the home of State Senator L. C. Gibson, 514 North Twenty third street, South Omaha, lust Tuesday afternoon and stole a valuable gaitnet necklace, a gold watch and five rings. George Gavin Is the man being held at the police station on suspicion of beiug con nected with the burglury. He was arrested Friday evening by Detectives Davis and Patullo, who found three sot rings In the man's pockets. Officers from South Omaha say that Gavin la the burglar. Works Undertakers as Specialty John Sullivan, who "swindled charity," as Po lice Judge Crawford expressed It, by falsely obtaining a 86 check from Heafey & lieu fey about November 12, on the story that he needed money to bury his daugter and care for the rest of the family, has been complained agaiiiHt by tho Cole-McKay company, also undertakers. They say that Sullivan also obtained money from tbem under false pretenses. A warrant for Sullivan's arrest when he la released from the county Jail, ha been Issued. Tuu tuau was sent to jail for thirty days in the. case brought against him by the Heafey firm. Fined for Knocking With Fists Because O. Hermanson objected to being called a "knocker," by Alfred Anderson, tho Utter punched him a couple of times. For this ready method of getting' even, Anderson was fined (10 and costs by Judge Crawford tu police court Saturday morning, after being arrested on complaint of Ht rmun son, ho alleged that the other man as saulted him. Anderson had been discharged from the pluce where he bad been woiklng, and charged Hermanson, who was em ployed ut the sumo place, with having "knocked" on him to the boss. When the men met In a saloon and Heitiianson de nied the statement, the blows resulted. WOMEN IN THE POSTOFFICE I. a rarer Prrernlniie Employed lu Ouiaha than Any illy lu the Vailed stales. Omaha ranks the hlghist comparatively in the number of women employes in the postofflce of any city in the mutiny. Of the 1' clerks iu the Omaha office thirteen are women. In New York there ure but nineteen women in the 8,4ao employes, forty eight out of 3,8eO In Philadelphia, thirty-one out of 3,o) In St. Louis, rifty-six out of 3.500 In Boston and 158 out ot 3,9uo In Vhluago. The reason given for the fewer number f women employes la go, aeoouM of the night work required, nnd the heavy labor required In assorting mull and (he cancel lation of stamps. NEW COLLIER IS LAUNCHED lulled ntr ;o crnmr-n I Bnlln'lna, lie cm IrMi l tn nrry More. MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD. Cnl.. Dec. 5 The I 'nlted States rolller Prome theus was lamirlHil this morning. Tho principal dliiMtmlons are as follows: Ft. In. Length, ovr all 4' Length, lv tweeii pertu-ndiculars. . . 4:-o n Hieiio'li. moulded if 0 Depth, moulded :' 0 Cargo rapacity. Ions B.ftoo Displacement, 12.."ioo tons on a draft of 26 feet. Siieed. 18 knots. Armament con sists of four 3-inch rapid fire guns; two on forecastle and two on main deck. Rft.' Com plennnt: Commanding officer, seven ward room offk'ers, five warrant officers, HB men. The vessel Is of the raised bridge and forecastle type, having four, steel masts, each carrying six steel booms for handling cargo and one smokestack. The hull is of steel throughout and has a double or Inner bottom, extending the full length of cargo holds and machinery spaces and up to the main deck. The doublo bottom Is divided into sixty-four water tight compartments, capable of carrying 3ooo tons of water ajid ballast when the vessel Is running light. Nino water-tight transverse bulkheads are fitted from Inner bottom to mam deck, dividing the vessel into cargo holds, engine and boiler rootius cross buukere, magaslues and storerooms. Four cargo holds, two forward and two aft, and each with two hatches In the main deck are provided for carrying coal. Six teen double drum steam winclieB, two to each hatch, together with twenty-four cargo booms, threo to each hatch, are pro vided for handling cargo when coaling war ships alongside. Special trolleys for over sea coaling aro provided for coaling at sea. A total appropriation of 11.650,000 was made by congress for the construction of the vessel complete. Of tnts tDiO.UOO was asslgued for hull and hull fittings, the re mainder for machinery, equipment and ordnance. The cost complete for hull and fittings will not exoeed (910,000, a saving of $4O.U0 to the government In this depart ment. This Includes cost of superintendence and maintenance, items not always In cluded when figuring costs. The methods pursued by the constructors were along the lines followed by successful private shipbuilders, and Insured strong, practical and rapid work without unnecessary frills. The speed with which the 3,200 tons of structural steel was erected Into the ship surprised everyone familiar with the records at other shipyards. The propelling machinery consists of two acts of engines and six water-tube boilers. The engines are of the vertical, triple ex pansion, marine type. The Indicated power of both engines la T.VK) indicated horse power, and tho revolutions, per minute, eighty-six. TAFT TALKS TO MINING MEN Sends Meaaagro to Consrreaa Telling; Them of Importance of Their Ocrnpat Ion. PITTSBURG, Dec 6. When th fourth and last day's session of the eleventh an nual convention of the American Mining congress opened here today It was appar ent all unfinished business would bo cleared tip by this afternoon and the meet ing, which is pronounced the most success ful in tho life of tho organisation would adjourn. An Interesting telogram from President elect Wlllam IL Taft was read before the convention this morning. Following la the messagel "I am glad of an opportunity to express my Interest In ths important Work which tho American Mining congress is doing In behalf of the mining Industry and my de sire to encourage and co-oporate In this work In every possible way. "Tho mining Industry of this country, which Is second only to agriculture Tn Its contribution to the national wealth, which furnishes more than 66 per cent of the total freight trafflo of the country, and which employs more than 1.000,000 men In Its difficult and dangerous tasks, deserves all of the assistance which, this govern ment can render it. "No country is so rich In those resources which make for great and permanent, wealth as Is the United States, but this condition of Itself has helped to develop a national habit, of waste 'In the caso of our forests, our soils, our minerals and other resources. Fortunately, however, the public conscience of the country la awakening to both the loss of life and waste of matorlals In all our Industries and we must see to It that the movement Is guided wisely and carried forward to suc cess." BUYING UP. WAR MACHINES Board of Ordnance and Fortification Has Airship and Wireless Telephone. WASHINGTON, Dc. 6 In reviewing Its work for the year, the board of ordnance and fortification of the War department enumerates In Its annual report to the sec retary of war, made public today, num ber of Interesting experiments with Im plements of war. The board calls attention to the Interest It manifested as early as PW8 In heavier than air flying machines by furnishing money to the late Dr. 8. P. Langley to make experiments in aero-dynamlcs. It re views tho successful flights at Fort Myer of the Wright brothers' aeroplane last summer, adding that the board has made provision from Its own funds for the pur chase of the machine. One of the inventions approved during the year wus a wireless telephone, over which satisfactory conversations were hold nt a distance of five miles. Some of these Instruments were Isjugbt. MOONSHINER KILLS OFFICER Deputy Sheriff" Then Nhoot Him After Buttle In West Iruinln. Ht'NTINOToN. W. Va., Doc. I Deputy Sheriff Lilih ral and Bill Vinson, a moon shiner, were kllh'1 In a desperate battle, cuiiy today 10 mi- Webb, on the Big Sandy tlvir, forty miles south of here, between :i dozen t'niled States deputy 111.1 lajials and the friends of Joe Vinson, a noted moons. liner. Deputy Sheriff Will Littleral of Louisiana, who was a member of the mush. it's posse, was killed by Bill Vinson who was then shut himself und killed by ihe deputies. The deputii h succeeded In arresting Joe Vinson, head of the moon shiners. Monls Bates and Willam Vinson jr., are now enroute U this city. Vinson and his men have been defying arrest for several moiilhs. CATTLE DISEASE CONTROLLED Secrets Wtsui Kays suppression Has Been Brought Ahum by arc-f'il MormurcM. WASHINGTON. I 4.-ioictary Wilson said today that the suppression of the foot and niouih disease i well In hand, all the tpf-cled cattle being killed and buried and a house-to-house canvass In the four states will bo madu to ascertain whether by any chance it has been Cairlwi InUs OI-bf Svo Uons,